w- fie Candidates Compt
23 SL Posts
C mpaign Views
Aired byStudents
Answers To Questionnaire Show
Stands on Major Legislature Issues
With just one more hectic day left before the big Election Day ar-
rives on campus, 35 candidates, racing for 23 Student Legislature
seats, have begun to bring their speech-making campaigns to a close.
Twenty-one of the vacancies are full-year terms, two for one-
semester positions. The last two candidates coming in during Thurs-
day's ballot count in the Union will fill the two half-term seats.
time set, recognition of the group would be withheld by the Uni-
5. Do you want SL to establish a non-profit bookstore for students
even if the store could not be located in a University building such
as an activities center?
4. Would you be in favor of attempting to secure later hours
for women in University-approved housing, on a system that would
enable women to have later hours after each additional year on
5. Do you think SL is so concerned with service functions that it
is neglecting its job as the main campus parliamentary body andI
voice of the students on campus?
6. Do you think the Students For America group constitutes
a major threat to NSA?
Mort Cox, '56 Carol Gcaeb, '54A David H ubly, '57 Leah Marks, '55L
1. No: 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; 1. No; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No; 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. Yes;
5. No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. Yes. 5. No; 6. No; 7. No; 8. Yes. 5. No; 6. No; 7. Yes; 8. Yes. 5. Yes; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. Yes.
I believe SL should initiate pro- I would like to see SL work to- I think a non-profit book store Specific projects I think SL
jects which would promote more ward better integration of campus would be a good project for SL. I should wdrk on in the future are:
student interest in SL, and activities through a revision of the also feel that students need a a) fighting dual eligibility boards
should work toward firmer finan- Student Affairs Committee. Es- strong central organization to re- (there is a separate one for ath-
cial standing, by having a student tablishment of a non-profit stu- present us in decisions made by: letes); b) establishing regular in-
tax. My desire to run for SL dent bookstore and better liaison the University. Another goal I be- formal meetings with the Regents;
springs from a firm belief that a between the student body and Ad- lieve in is success on the academic c) fighting for a voting student
strong student government on ministration through a new Uni- freedom issue. majority on the Student Affairs
campus is a valuable and neces- versity Vice-Presidency in charge * * * Committee; d) establish student
sary organization. However, the of student affairs should also be: S i '55 representation on the Ann Arbor
present system fails, in many cas- sought. kJE.a__ _.L.University Relations Committee;
7. Do you think SL elections s
tion bases rather than the presen
8. Do you think SL would
political parties on campus to+
views on election issues?
Individual candidates' names
* ~ ments appear below.
IN ORDER TO crystallize the candidates' positions on major
campaign issues and to help educate the potential 16,000 voters who LeA brain
may decide to cast ballots tomorrow or Thursday. The Daily has
once again sent to all candidates a list of questions requiring them to 1. No; 2. No; 3.1
answer with a simple yes or no wherever possible, due to space limi- 5. Yes; 6. No Comr
tations. 8. No.
The questions are: I would like to see
1. Do you think Student Legislature should appoint all the mem- ies of its minutes an
bers to the Student Affairs Committee? all housing groups on
2. Do you believe SL should again attempt to pass a motion also post them arou:
wlfich would put a time limit on how long fraternities have in a definite effort to V
hich to remove bias clauses in their constitutions, with the pro- tivities to the stude
vision that if such restrictive clauses were not removed by the needs student suppo
Yes; 4. Yes;
went; 7. No;
SL send cop-
nd agendas to
n campus and
id campus in
bring SL's ac-
ent body. SL
rt to be effec-
hould be run by district representa- es to turn student opinion into 1. Yes 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. Yes;
t campus-wide system? concrete legislation. As a legisla- 5. Yes; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. No. 1
profit if there were two or more waneI would do my best o see this A non-profit supplies and book-'
organize and point up divergent 1. No; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes store for students and a compre-t
closer contact realized between SL 5. No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. No. hensive international understand-
questionnaire answers and state- and the University faculty and If elected, I shall work for great- ing program are two projects I
Administration. er student representation on joint believe SL should work on. if
4--faculty - Administration commit- elected I would hope to continue
. George Denison, '57 tees. I think that SL can get my work toward three goals: full
through the Human Relations, closer to the student body through University recognition of the
ommittee. SL should also work 1. No; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; adequate publicity on issues, the rights and responsibilities of the
for better representation of Stu- 5. Yes; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. No. Dorm Chairman Plan and the -'student body as a participating
dents on University committees I believe SL should work to es- Newsletter. equal in the tripartite academic
affecting both students and the tablish a record library for the * * * community of students, faculty
Administration and for continua- use of students. SL has become 5and Administration; full recog-
tion and expansion of Cinema a mere sounding board for some D nition by students of the enormous
1Guild. . * left-wing members, who do not 1. No; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; potentialities of democratic stu-
represent campus opinion. SL 5. No; 6. No; 7. No; 8. No. dent government at Michigan; and;
Jackie Boggani, should be an active student gov- Projects which I believe SLincreased financial stability, for
ernment, not a debating society. should initiate are expansion of *SL.*
55Ed . I will work to establish a more the student book exchange to in-
1 T responsible SL which will give dd 2
1. No; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No; s bhekind of gove elude sale of school supplies, bet- S i Klame, '55
5. No; 6. No; 7. No; 8. No. they want. A seating plan for t auditorium facilities for Cine- 1
maGuild, greater cooperation be- 1.1C,2No 3. Yes; 4. No
I would like to see SL initiate football games should be deter- mawGniLd otermorampus Op5.No. Yes; 7. No
a program of compulsory service mined enabling all students to get tween SL and other major campus Opinion; . ; . es; . No; 8.
on the Executive Wing before al- better seats, the restrictions on organizations and student repre- o.
iowng tudnt torunforelcte woens hurssholdbe essnesentation. on faculty-Administra- I believe SL should work for
lowing students to run for elected women's hours should be lessened tion committees. The program of recognition in the Regents' By-
office. I am interested in seeing and action should be resumed to integration of international stu-, Laws and that it should draw more
SL initiate new projects which put needed modifications of the megtinofcntenso ld-awsadershumdtdr orn
would directly benefit the students driving ban into effect. dents into the capus scene should: campus laders from other orgtan
and to enlarge and improve those * * * SL could work with such people
already begun such as the Book Paul
Exchange. Dormont, 5 W illie H c t '56 when formulating plans of meet-
1Y 2.Yes; 3. Yes;4 Yes; ing some student needs. SL should
5. Yes . 4; 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; work to put good responsible stu-
Bob Chigrinsky, 5m Yes; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. Yes. r Yes; 6. No; 7. No; 8. No. dents on faculty and Administra-
for establishing a non-profit I would like to see SL take a tion committees which have stu-
1. No comment; 2. No; 3. Yes; bookstore, extension of women's stronger stand on academic free- dent seats, so that we may gain
1 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. No comment; hours, studying of working condi- com. I would like to revive at- more respect and responsibility
7. Yes; 8. No. tions and pay of working students, tempts to get SL to sponsor "Fair from the Administration and
- I nn o..Play" anti-discrimination stickers., should constantly strive to ex-'
By Eugene O'Neill
2091/2 East Washington Phone 7301
Bob Marshall's Book Store Wahr's Book Store
Music Center Arts Theater
tive and if the students are t0ld
what is going on they will more
readily support the organization.
This support could increase SL's
authority in speaking to the Uni-
versity Administration.
Barb Backlar, '56
1. No.; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes;
5. No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. No.
I would like -SL to initiate a
junior year abroad plan accredited
by the University, to thoroughly
investigate and reorganize the
present faculty-student evaluation
system and to broaden the aca-
demic counseling service to all
students so that it provides more
efficient and effective advising. I
also would like to have greater
student representation on joint
faculty - administration commit-
Depart ent of Speech Production.
6Aza tetL the\Queen
Regular Rate $1.20, 90c, 60c All Seats Reserved
I believe the most vital task of
SL at present is to reorganize, and
consequently give the students a'
greater voice in initiating projects.
The voting record of the Legis-
and ies nreng iening oz acaaem-
ic freecom on campus. It should
expand the function of the Human,
Relations Committee, especially
in the field of local discrimination.
lature should be published in The
Tom Bleha, 56 Daily every week. My primary
1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Later purpose as a representative on SL
hours, but not this system; 5 wou e to make a sincere at-
No.; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. No. tempt to ensure the student bodyI
of representative representation
I believe SL should start an edu- in futuressemesters. I would favor
cational campaign to reduce stu- a system in which each housing
dent apathy, a campus book and group (or social and political,
supply store and a well-founded groups) elects its own representa-'
anti -discrimination p r o g r a m tives to SL.
SL should also see that foreign
students are made more a part of
campus life and that all semblan-
ces of discrimination in Ann Arbor
are ended.
- * * *
In the field of Human Relations
I will support all attempts to
make it easier for students to ad-
just to college life and all at-
tempts to improve race relations.
Bob Henderson, '56
1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes;
5. No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. Yes.
In the future I would like SL to;
pand the number of University
committees which have student
seats. SL shodlu also provide more
services that directly affect the
students and the campus.
Bob Leacock, 57
1. No; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes;
5. No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. Yes.
I would like to work in increas-
e) establish a student tax so SL's
time may be spent on developing
a student government rather than
on money-raising projects to as-
sure continued existence and f)
establish a student activities cen-
ter under the auspices of SL.
George Muellich,
1. No; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes;
5. No; 6. No; 7. No; 8. No.
I think SL should revise the pre-
sent final examination schedule'
and should work to secure for SL
a more powerful votce as repre-
sentatives of students to the Ad-
ministration. I would like to help
carry on with the fine beginning
that SL has made in the last few
years and help it gain more recog-
nition, prestige and power so that
it will be an even better means
of student representation and also
command a great deal more res-
pect from the Administration.
* * *
Donna Netzer, '56
1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No;
5. No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. No.
I would like SL to work for more
emphasis on international affairs
and better integration of foreign
students into the American col-
lege community; better publicity
for the National Student Associa-
tion to inform and educate the
student body about its programs
and a more effective public rela-
tions and educational program to
help overcome student apathy to-
ward activities.
Cnis Reifel, '55
1. Yes, if only the student
members; 2. No; 3. No; 4. Yes;
5. No; 6. No; 7. No; 8. No.
SL should, in my opinion, work
for recognition of outstanding fa-
culty members each year and en-
deavor to reduce prices for stu-
dents to attend concerts and plays
on campus. I would like to con-
tinue to work toward the goal of
SL's being recognized by Univer-
sity governing bodies as the organ
of student opinion.
* * *
John Shepherd, '56
1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No,
a more equitable plan is need-
ed; 5. No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. No.
Projects I would like SL to ini-
tiate are: polling of affiliated and
independent residences on highly
controversial issues before a vote
dn the SL floor; SL suggestion
boxes and greater attempts to in-
tegrate international students in-
to campus social and cultural ae-
* * *
Allen Shuster, '55
1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No;
5. No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. No.
I think SL should work for more
student representation on faculty
committees, other than Scholar-
ship and Loans, which are direct2-
ly concerned with the student
body. It should also sponsor more
money-making projects so that it
can, in time, become independent
from the Administration. A more
effective way of furthering rela-
tions between SL, the Administra-
tion and students should also be
* * *
Frank Spencer,
1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes;
_ -
We've waited
until now . .
so we cwuld give
you the best!
The latest develop-
ment to enhance
the art of
i. ri c' e gL1--Lr"- 0 attempt to secure later hours for ing student interest in SL. How-
Questionnaire not returned. women according to classifica- ever, my main interest is in SL's
I believe that student govern- tion, to intensify efforts to secure relation to NSA. I want SL to work
ment can be a great benefit to the the Administration's recognition with NSA in answering the char-
student body and to the University of SL as a powerful representative ges of Communist infiltration by
community. I would like to see it voice of student opinion. One im- Students For America. I would al-
gain the respect of the students portant means of doing so would so like to promote more student
and of the faculty that it must be to give SL the power to ap- interest and participation in SL.
have in order to function properly. point members to SAC. I would Due to a lack of interest I feel
It would be a pleasure to work for also like to see an investigation students are not getting adequate
a program which would place stu- of the possibilities of having the Irepresentation in SL.
dent representatives on faculty Main Library " open Sunday eve- * * *
committees, a key step towards nings. * * * Paula Levin,'t
greater understanding and com- * l- ?
munication between the student Babs Hillmnan, '5 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. Yes;
body and its faculty and admin- 5. Yes; 6. Yes; 7. Yes; 8. Yes.
istration. 1. Yes, if only student mem- Four projects I would like SL to
* bers; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Later initiate are an international stu-
Fred Furth, '6 ors, bt not ths system; dent exchange; a permanent pro-
No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. No. gram to stimulate national acti-
1. No; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; Pre - registration and an' all- vity for an educational program
5. No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. Yes. campus center for student acti- on academic freedom similar to
Three projects that I believe SL vities are the two projects I think the one planned for this campus;
This is it!
A new achievement
in -motion picture
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should work for are a campaign SL should work on establishing in
to better inform the general stu- the near future. SL, as the only
dent body of what SL is doing, a campus group representative of
student book store and revision of the entire student body, occupies
the driving ban. These problems a unique position in the Univer-
are of immediate concern to all sity. It therefore has a deep obli-I
students and I feel it is the privi- gation to the students for whom it
lege and duty of SL to see what speaks and legislates, an obliga-
can be done about them. tion which I feel it is imperative
Ito meet.
S* r
' Gil Hitchcock, '56E
1. No; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. Yes;
5. No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. No.
TODAY and WEDNESDAY Further work on the driving banC
With the magc is one project I think is essential
his ~for Sb to start. I am also in favor
weapon in hisof a sort of "Hoover Report" to
grasp... he faced help stabilize finances and to pro-
the fury of mote more efficient handling of
problems. Over-all, SL should
Bagdad's hordes! strive for fuller Administration'
confidence and recognition.
a committee to study plans for
constant evaluations for additions
or improvement in the college
curriculum; and the carrying out
{ of SL-approved plans for elimi-
nating discrimination in private
*. * *
David Levine, '56
1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No;
5. No; 6. Yes; 7. No; 8. No.
I feel SL must work toward se-
curing prestige from the student4
body which will eventually lead to
its being established as a legisla-
tive group that is representative
of student opinion in the eyes of
the Administration. Only after it
has reached a point of high regard
by students can SL successfully
delve into abstractions, for only
then will its policy statements car-
ry weight for the students, facul-
ty and Administration. -
* * ,'5
Larry Levine, '56
1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; 5" No; 61No Opinion; 7 No; 8.
5. No; 6. Yes; 7. Yes; 8. Yes. Yes.
I think the bias clause present SL should refresh its attempts
in many fraternity constitutions to modify the driving ban. It
should be removed, but there should actually make an attempt
should not be any time limit set to find out what students desire
by the University on the matter, in the way of legislation. SL claims
to represent student opinion, yet
a review of its recent weekly agen-
Chicago College of da tends to tell a different story.
(Continued on Page 3)
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