See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXIV, No. 43
ReportBi Three
Meeting Planned
Bermuda Probable Conference Site;
Hopes for Big Four Talk Weakening
WASHINGTON-(A3)-A government official said yesterday that
President Eisenhower, Prime Minister Churchill of Great Britain and
Premier Laniel of France are planning to meet soon to discuss the
world situation, probably in Bermuda.
This official, who asked not to be named, said no date has been
fixed for the Big Three conference. He indicated, however, that the
session probably will be held very soon.
U. S., BRITISH and French differences with Societ Russia un-
Vote Factor
Today's elections in the Philip-
pines could be a turning point in
that nation's politics, Prof. N.
Marbury Efimenco of the political
science department said last night.
With government corruption the
major issue, the political science
professor explained, a victory for
Ramon Magsaysay might spell the
end of this tradition.
Magsaysay, the Nationalist and
Democratic presidential candi-
date, stands a "very strong
chance" of winning he said, if
the balloting is conducted fairly.
Prof. Efimenco observed that the
support of Carlos Romulo, who
bolted the Liberal Party, has im-
proved Magsaysay's position.
But whether any government in
Manila can clean up corruption,
ds unknown, he said. "Modern
government officials in Asia are a
new elite which tends to exploit
its position because it can't afford
to be honest. The concept of so-
cial welfare is still lacking in
these governments."
He noted that a victory for
President Elpidio Quirino, the
Liberal candidate, could prompt
a "violent disturbance" intended
to contest the election on the
ground of Administration inter-
ference with the balloting.
Prof. Roy S. Swinton of the en-
gineering mechanics department,
a former exchange professor at
the University of the Philippines,
also saw a victory for Magsaysay
if the elections are honest.
The university's status is unlike-
ly to be affected by the election,
he said, because both parties favor
doubtedly would be one topic ofI
discussion at such a meeting.
That topic, as well as differ-
ences which have arisen among
the Big Three powers, was high
on the agenda for an Eisenhow-
er-Churchill-Laniel conference
scheduled for Bermuda last
That meeting was postponed be-
cause of Churchill's illness. The
Prime Minister now has returned
to the job.
* * *
has emphasized that the July
meeting was postponed and not
cancelled. Detailed agenda plans
which were drawn up by the three
nations for the Bermuda session
are still ready to be used.
Eisenhower will travel to Ot-
tawa, Oanada, the latter part of
this week for A Friday and Satur-
day state visit there.
The President plans to leave
Washington by train late Thurs-
day for Ottawa, and return here
late Sunday.
The projected Big Three con-
ference seems to indicate that the
United States, Britain and France
may have given up hope of a Big
Four foreign ministers conference
with Russia.
Ransom Bills
Found In State
PETOSKEY, Mich.-(M-A po-
lice chief said yesterday FBI"
agents have found in Petoskey and
Detroit two single bills from the
$600,000 Greenlease ransom mon-
ey, and are searching in Michi-
gan for other clues to the miss-
ing $308,000.
The report created speculation
that the "hot" money came into
Michigan from Chicago or St.
Louis hoodlums trying to pass it
through professional "fences" at
30 to 50 cents on the dollar.
The FBI made no immediateI
comment on the report by police
officers of Petoskey.
Heads WU,
DETROIT - (P) - Repre-
sentatives of more than 300
colleges and universities watch-
ed yesterday as Dr. Clarence
Beverly Hilberry was installed
as Wayne University's fourth
Representatives of the oldest
European universities headed
the procession.
Dr. Hilberry was named to
the post last July 1. He was act-
ing president and dean of ad-
ministration at the time.
Gov. Byrnes
Drop White
Byrnes, former secretary of state,
said last night he had urged Presi-
dent Truman to withdraw the
nomination of Harry Dexter White
to an International-Monetary Fund
post after learning from an FBI
report of White's "affiliation with
the Communists."
Byrnes' comment came a few
hours after Atty. Gen. Brownell
said FBI Director J. Edgar Hoov-
er gave "full and adequate notice"
of White's "spying activities" to
the White House, four Cabinet
officers and four other high offi-
cials of the Trun. tn administra-
BROWNELL thus broadened the
sweep of his charge that Truman
promoted the late Treasury offi-
cial to represent this country in
the monetary fund in the face of
two FBI reports that White was a
Soviet spy. Truman has denied
the charge and accused Brownell
of playing politics.
Byrnes, now governor of South
Carolina, was one of the four
Cabinet officers Brownell said
got the FBI reports.
The governor said he visited
Truman the day of the confirma-
tion and "told him, in view of the
charges contained in Hoover's re-
port, I thought he should imme-
diately ask the Senate to withhold
action and then withdraw the
Byrnes said however the Sen-
ate had already acted, so he sug-
gested to Truman that "the only
other thing he could do would be
refuse to issue a commission to
GOP Charge
May Tip Vote
1n California
LOS ANGELES-()-Atty. Gen.
Brownell's charge that former
President Truman promoted a
man the FBI said was a Russian
spy became campaign ammuni-
tion yesterday, on the eve of the
nation's final 1953 congressional
Voters in California's 24th Dis-
trict today will elect a successor
to Norris Poulson, Republican who
resigned from the U. S. House
of Representatives when elected
mayor of Los Angeles.
The GOP majority in the House
is slim-218 Republicans to 215
Democrats-and both parties have
campaigned hard here, the Demo-
crats spurred by victories in Wis-
consin and New Jersey..
Running with the backing of
the GOP organizations is Glenard
P. Lipscomb, a state assembly-
man and Eisenhower supporter.
The officially endorsed Democrat
is George Arnold, an attorney. Al-
so, in the race are Republican John
L. E. Collier, an assemblyman,
and Democrat Irving Markheim,
veterans service officer.
Honors Talk'
To Be Given
Paul G. Hoffman, former head
of the Economic Cooperation Ad-
ministration, has been named
speaker for the Honors Convoca-
tion, Assistant t& the President
Erich A. Walter announced yes-
Hoffman, now chairman of the
board of Studebaker Corporation,
was appointed by President Tru-
man as administrator of the ECA
in April, 1948. His announced
policy was that the United States
could not save the 16 nations of
western Europe that were benefi-
MSC Buses
Reservations for the Wolver-
ine Club sponsored special bus
trip to East Lansing for Satur-
day's Michigan-Michigan State
football game are still avail-
able according to Dean Dixon,
'54, special trips chairman.
Tickets costing $4 for the
round trip ride can be obtained
from 10 a.m. to noon and from
1 to 4 p.m. daily at window
seven in the Administration
World News
.g. convocation speaker
ciaries of this plan, but that he
would seek to administer U.S. re-
covery funds in such a way as to
stimulate nations to bring about
their own economic rehabilitation.
In January, 1951, Hoffman be-
came president and director of the
Ford Foundation and femained in
that capacity until last March.
The convocation, to be held May
14, 1954, annually honors those
students who have achieved scho-
lastic records worthy of recogni-
tion by the University.,.
,. r
'Baseball UWins
Big Victory
In High Court
WASHINGTON -(P)-Baseball
won a major victory yesterday
when the Supreme Court ruled
for the second time that, in the
eyes of federal law, the game is a
sport and not an interstate busi-
This means that baseball cannot
be challenged in the courts as an
illegal monopoly and that the
game's controversial reserve clause
will stay on the books unless Con-
gress does something about it.
Rep. Kenneth Keating (R-N.Y.),
chairman of the monopoly sub-
committee of the House Judiciary
Committee, said in the wake of
the decision that he knows of no
legislation in the works to put
baseball under the antitrust laws
or to exempt it specifically.
Chief Justice Earl Warren read
Monday's brief opinion, to which
two justices dissented. It was a
"per curiam"' decision, that is, one
issued by the court rather than
over the signature of an individual
justice. Apparently the court split
7-2 on the question.
Justice Harold Burton got out
a vigorous dissent, in which Jus-
tice Stanley Reed concurred.
The majority decision held that
there is no reason to overturn the
Supreme Court ruling of 1922,
written by the late Justice Holmes,
in which it was decided unani-
mously that baseball is not sub-
ject to the nation's antitrust laws.
Drama Behind Scenes
In Quet Red trial Told
Special To The Daily
DETROIT-In a grey courtroom in the grey city of Detroit a
drama is being quietly enacted.
Six Michigan Communist Party leaders are on trial under the
Smith Act on a charge of conspiring to teach or advocate the over-
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON _ Secretary of
Agriculture Benson announced yes-
terday he will hold six special con-
ferences this week and next with
farm leaders and food and farm
industry spokesmen on proposals
for a new administration farm aid
* * *
CAMBRIDGE-Sen. Joseph Mc-
Carthy (R-Wis) and the president
of Harvard University, yesterday
politely but firmly crossed verbal
swords as to whether the univer-
sity is harboring a Communist
Yes, said McCarthy. Harvard's
new president, 46-year-old Nathan
M. Pusey, in an unprecedented
news conference, flatly denied
there are Communists on Har-
yard's faculty.
BAHREIN - King Ibn Saud of
Saudi Arabia, who won a desert
kingdom with his sword and huge
revenues by shrewd oil leases, died
yesterday after a long illness.
PANMUNJOM - The Indian
chairman of the Nations Repartri-
ation Commission declared today
after a five-hour conference with
the Communists that the future
of the deadlocked prisoner of war
explanations program was now
squarely up to the Reds.
Lie To Speak
On Challenge
Of Our Times
The first Secretary-General of
the United Nations will spotlight
the third presentation of the Lec-
ture Series at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Hill Auditorium speaking on the
subject, "How to Meet the Chal-
lenge of Our Times."
The Hon. Trygve Lie, in his sev-
en years in the UN post, helped
shape events that effected the
world's two-and-a-half billion
people. The UN Charter provides
that the Secretary-General may
bring to the attention of the Se-
curity Council "any matter which
in his opinionymay threaten
the maintenance of international
peace and security."
Following the invasion of South
Korea, Lie called on all UN mem-
bers to join in resisting the aggres-
sion. This action led to Russia's
antagonism toward Lie whom they
had previously favored.
lie has just returned to the
United States from his native Nor-
way to tell his beliefs for the fu-
ture on the basis of what he
learned in his UN position, and is
currently working on a book re-
lating his experiences during the
first years of the UN.
Tickets priced at $1.25, $1.00,
and 50 cents are still available- at
the Hill Auditorium Box Office,
open from 10 to 5 p.m. today an
from 10 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Union Opera
Calls for Ikse
-Daily-Don Campbell
MSC-MICHIGAN MEETING-Discussing Saturday's game -at a
special meeting here yesterday were (Ift. to rt.) Gene Knutson,
Wayne Lawrie, University acting Dean of Students Walter B. Rea
and MSC assistant to the dean Elwood A. Voller.
'U' MSC Leaders Confer
To Head Off Game 'Trouble
Student leaders and administra-
tive officials from Michigan State
College got together with their op-;
posite number from the University
yesterday to discuss means of
heading off any student disturb-'
ances which would mar the game
at East Lansing Saturday.
Meeting at a luncheon in the
Union, 23 representatives of the
two schools decided to cooperate
in promoting a healthy school ri-
valry and to meet again in a few
months to discuss other common
* s
A WIDE variety of pre-game
and post-game activities have
been planned by MSC students
who will act as host to the thou-
sands of University students at-
tending the game.
An invitation was extended
yesterday for all University stu-
dents to attend the free variety
show slated at 9:30 p.m. Fri-
day in East Lansing.
The Spartan leaders' also added
an invitation to the "Beat Michi-
gan" pep rally Friday.
A special coffee hour with the
YD's To Hold
Meeting Today
Young Democrats will hold a
meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the
The main business to be dis-
cussed will be the club's stand on
academic freedom which is to be'
submitted to the Student Legis-
lature's pamphlet.
State Varsity Club and the "M"
Club is also being scheduled.
* * *-
FIRST get together of its type
in recent years, the meeting
brought together leaders of the
major organizations of both
Jim Smith, '54L, Joint Judici-
ary Council vice-chairman; C. A.
Mitts, '54, Interfraternity Coun-
cil president; Jay Strickler, '54,
Union president; Roger Kidston,
,56L, Inter-House Council pres-
ident; Bob Neary, '54BAd, Stu-
dent Legislature presijient; Gene
Knutson, '54E, "M" Club presi-
dent, and Harry Lunn, '54, Dai-
ly managing editor represented
University students.
Dave Hyman, student govern-
ment president; Ray Hill, IFC
president; John Winklejohn,
Union president, Phil Gunby,
State News manager; Bill Reed,
Men's Council president; Emer-
son Breth, Interdorm Council
president; Wayne Lawrie, Varsity
Club president, and Gene German,
Spartan Spirit Committee presi-
dent, attended from State.
Also present were Walter B.
Rea, acting University Dean of
Students; William S. Zerman, as-
sistant to the Dean of Students;
Cleland B. Wylie, News Service
Editor; and from State Elwood A.
Voller and Robb Gardner, assist-
ants to the MSC Dean of Students.
Lt. Leon Fagan of the MSC cam-
pus police, and Chief Casper M.
Enkemann and Capt. Rolland J.
Gainsley of the Ann Arbor Police
Department also attended the
Move Hinged
To Changes
In Red Plans
Defense Poliies
Left Unchanged
of State Dules hinted yesterday
the United States might consider
recognizing Communist China if
its Red rulers changed their anti-
Western policies and stopped sup-
porting aggression in Indochina
and elsewhere.
He assailed Russia's leadersfor
demanding that the free world
"unconditionally surrender their
protective principles and prac
tices of security" as a precondi-
tion to any East-West cold war
* * *
THESE Russian demands, laid
down in a note last Tuesday, Dl-
les said, are "not acceptable as
far as the United States is con-
"The demands made on the
United States," he added, "par-
ticularly those which are stated
as preconditions to any meeting
are couched in language that
bears little resemblance to that
normally employed as between
nations which are at peace."
Dulles spoke out at a news con-
ference about the Russian and
Communist China problens. ills
remarks about possible eventual
diplomatic recognition of the Pei.
ping regime constituted the first
time any Eisenhower adminisra-
tion spokesman has even hinted
that such a move might be con-
IN ANSWERING questions,
Dulles said specifically the Eisen-
hower administration has never
said it would be forever opposed
to recognizing a Communist gov-
ernment in China.
The secretary said the ad-
ministration has emphasized
any consideration of recognition
would be out of order as long as
the Chinese Reds are proclaim-
ed'aggressors in Korea, are sup-
Porting aggression in Indochina,
and in general are defying obli-
gations that any nation must
observe under the United Na-
tions charter.
Dulles did not elaborate on this
point except to say in answering
further questions it would be the-
oretically possible for Red China
to be allowed into the United Na-
tions Assembly, since no veto ex-
ists there, while Nationalist China
continues to sit in the 11-nation
Security Council where a veto
could block Communist China's
However, Dulles did not say dip-
lomatic recognition of the Peiping
regime would follow if the United
States became convinced that Red
China had dropped all aggressive
Discussing Russia's note, Dulles
said the Western nations will have
to adopt some decisions shortly
about the future of Germany and
Korea, since Moscow has stated it
will not join in conference on
these two problems unless its de-
mands are met first.
String Quartet
To Perform
String quartets of Beethoven,
Bartok and Mozart will be per-
formed on the first concert of the
season by the Stanley Quartet, at
8:30 ,p.m. today in RaclTham Lec-
ture Hall.
The quartet will play Beethov-
en's Quartet in A major, Op. 18
throw of the government.
ALTHOUGH yesterday's1
ceedings began the second wee
the trial the day's activity stil
sembled a rather dull acade
discussion more than theexcil
happenings that are tradition
associated with a federal co
Already some 1,100 pages of t
mony have been introduced
yesterday the prosecution attor
Fred W. Kraess, introduced
more Communist documents as
1 hibits 3-17.
The purpose of the gove:
ment in reading into the rece
excerpts from the works of Mai
Engels, Lenin and Stalin .s
build up the background
the Communist Party teachix
which it will later attempt to
in with the activities of thed
Judge Frank A. Picard remin
the jury again yesterday tha
the evidence so far is "backgrou
none of it is binding."
k of .
1 re- Fraternity Heads
tg To Hear Matt Mann
urt. A talk by swimming coach Matt
esti- Mann will highlight the fall se-
and mester Fraternity Presidents' Din-
'ney, ner, scheduled for 6:15 p.m. today
five at the Psi Upsilon hourse, 1000
ex- Hill.
Date Marks Rise of Hitler
Students To Give Ideas,
On Fnal xamPeriod
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of three interpretative
articles on the final examination referendum to be submitted to student
voters tomorrow and Thursday.)
One of the alternatives available on the final examination refer-
endum to be submitted to campus voters tomorrow and Thursday,
calls for a continuation of the much-criticized program begun last
Under that system, there. is no 'dead' period between the end of
classes and the beginning of final examinations, and seniors are
able to be officially graduated.
* * * *
FAVORING the proposal are those who believe it is unfair to
leave seniors in doubt as to whether they actually graduated until
after the day of Commencement exercises.
Many parents, especially those who live far from Ann Arbor
have strongly urged adoption of last year's plan because under
the previous system they had to travel long distances just to see
MUNICH, Germany - (W) - A
strange little politician with a
hypnotic voice started it.
Shouting hoarsely in a beer
cellar, he called on his impover-
icn ~fanO nafintorw
JOHN LAUTNER, the govern- I iInU Uae~e U JI natin Uto.rvon.
ment's' first witness, who was Relatively few men heeded his
former chief of the Hungarian Na- words-then.
tional Bureau of the Party andGd
Communist from 1921-50, added STRIDING OUT, he led a mob
some more testimony yesterday t through the streets. Police open-
the store of "background" mater-I ed fire, killing 18.
Nazi danger, says Soviet Russia.
No, the only proper safeguard is
to admit Germany to equal part-
nership in free Europe, replies the
What do Germans say? Twen-
ty-eight million voted all Nazis
and Communists out of the fed-
eral parliament in September.
Two million rioted against Red
totalitarianism and Soviet tanks
in the East zone June 17.
French troops had seized the
Rhineland, including Ruhr steel
and coal, for defaulted prepara-
The iron cult of militarism
grew ever stronger. It fed on the
myth that a stab in the back
on the home front had lost the
1914-18 war.
The Bonn republic numbers
only 48 million of Germany's 68
million people. Its territory is oc-