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November 08, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-08

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Daily Managing Editor
UNTIL President Hatcher's decision to in-
clude former student members of the
Student Affairs Committee was announced
this week, we were pessimistic that the in-
tense area of friction and misunderstanding
between the administration and student
leaders would be materially easea this year.
Remembering the final exam schedule
fiasco of last spring which destroyed
whatever harmony there had been be-
tween the student an administration
sectors as had the anti-bias bill veto by
President Hatcher the year before, we
were hardly encouraged by the action of
the Regents in changing the Judiciary
Constitution over the summer to exclude
one Student Legislature member from the
interviewing committee or by the Presi-
dent's original decision to include only
faculty members on the SAC study group.
Then this week, in a rather unprecedent-
ed turnabout, President Hatcher appoint-
ed three student members to the imprtant
committee on the informal recommendation
of SAC which recognized the logical proposi-
tion that students should be included in a
group studying a student-faculty committee.
The move was unprecedented, and in a way
difficult for the President to make, because
it tacitly acknowledged that a mistake had
been made in excluding students in the first
place. In this respect the decision differed
from the final exam controversy where the
impression was created originally that a
drastic change in scheduling was of no con-
cern to students. (Inclusion of student rep-
resentatives on the new final exam study
group this fall was hardly a great student
victory-the furor and protest caused by last
spring's action left no alternative.)
At the risk of assuming too much from one
administrative decision, we believe the Pres-
.dent's action represents animportant
change in administrative attitude. Togeth-
er with grants of student representation
through SL on various faculty liaison groups,
the recent inclusion of two students on the
Development Council Board and the expect-
ed addition of students to the International
Center Board of Governors, the Presidential
decision recognizes the concept of responsi-
ble student participation in affairs of the
University affecting student life an extreme-
ly important gain.

Bartok's Fourth Quartet-
Absence of Indoctrination

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a se-
ries of articles by members of the University
Stanley Quartet. Bela Bartok's Fourth Quartet,
discussed today by of. Oliver Edel of the mu-
sic school, will be included in the program of
the Quartet's first fall concert Tuesday night.)
Professor of Chamber Music and Violoncello;
Cellist of the Stanley Quartet
the preparation for performance of
the Fourth Quartet of Bela Bartok is, in
a certain sense, similar to that, accorded any
serious work by a professional quartet. It is
true that each concertizing organization de-
velops its own individual pattern of proce-
dure. Today, however, such differences of
procedure are superficial rather than funda-
mental. The 'directed' quartet of the 19th
and early 20th centuries, made up of a great
man and his three lesser assistats, isha thing
of the' past. Presentday concepts, reflected
in contemporary composition's more equal
distribution of musical importance and de-
mand within the quartet, have decreed a pro-
cedure based on the democratic association
of its members. The Stanley Quartet, no ex-
ception to this rule, exercises a strict de-
mocracy in its affairs, equality of initiative
and voting power being accrded to each
member of the group.
A basis of organization established, the
approach to a work's interpretation will
then mirror the personal composite and
accomplishment of the particular group
concerned. In the case of the quartets of
Bartok, however, certain problems arise
that are common to all performance
groups, and that demand solution as pre-
requisites to the more customary habits of
interpretative procedure. These problems
spring directly from the clash between 19th
century indoctrinations and vital, new
thought, from the necessary preoccupation
of professional quartets with the liter-
ature of the 19th century, which, of course,
forms the bulk of their repertories, and
from Bartok's profound originality and in-
cisive rejection of outworn convention.
Referring to his Fourth Quartet, the pre-
liminary problems are three, and have to
do with his concepts of rhythm, harmony,
and instrumental technique.
Considering the rhythmic problem first, we
find, at first glance a comforting adherence
to established convention. There are few
tempo changes within movements. Com-
plete metric consistency, too, is outwardly
apparent, the first movement being in 4/4,
the fourth is 3/4, and the last in 2/4. Only
In the second movement do we observe a
most venerable kind of excursion, an oc-
casional alternation of 2/4 with a basic 6/8.
Great moderation too, at least for our time,
is present n ythe arithmetical division of
each measure. Simple quarter, eighth and
sixteenth notes are the rule.
But here ends abruptly, at least for the
greater part of the work, any further simi-
larityto the rhythmic habits of the nine-
teenth century. Rather is the measure used
primarily to plot out in orderly fashion for
all four instruments the simple passage of
time. Actually, Bartok may invoke the heavy
pulse of a rhythm on any beat or subdivision
of beat within the measure, and his meters
may be varied and in any succession he
wishes. 4/4 may be followed by 7/8, and that
in turn by 2/4, 5/8, or 11/8. One might say
that this presents enough of a rhythmic
problem. But Bartok does not stop there. He
extends his free rhythmic concept to include
a non-coincidence of meter between two,
three, or all four instruments. Resultant dif-
ficulties for the performer are even height-
ened by the great speed with which these
complexities often develop.
Such textures of rhythms as Bartok here

creates, often revealed under conditions of
extreme technical demand, require of any
performer an initial period of study and
familiarization. These rhythms must be
lived with, played and heard again and
again, before one may be sufficiently at
home in them to proceed to the work's
more subtle and polished preparation, to
the more usual work-pattern of the par-
ticular organization concerned.
Bartok's harmonic concepts and the sonor-
ties he creates present a second problem.
Here again we find an originality, ruthlessly
alien in its product to our 19th century in-
doctrinations. His concept of sound, often
harsh and strident to our more gently con-
ditioned musical hearing, must also be lived
with and heard at length, before subtle
distinctions and compulsions may be noted
and evaluated.
The third problem posed by Bartok in his
Fourth Quartet is one ofinstrumental tech-
nique, and arises from his refusing, like
Beethoven, to limit himself in his writing to
contemporary concepts. Once more, he is
unaffected by tradition and in this case, de-
mands a companion originality on the part
of the performer. New technical ways and
means must be found to fulfill his musical
Preliminary problems of rhythm, harmony,
and technique having been met, the musical
re-creation of the Fourth Quartet proceeds
much as would that of any other great work
of like medium. The design of each move-
ment in sonata allegro form is succeeded by
a second movement ischerzo, amazingly swift
and irridescent of texture. The third move-
ment, the slow one of the quartet, treats the
cello most generously, but provides for the
other instruments as well extended- solos of
expressive and improvisational nature. The
fourth movement, employing only the piz-
zicato use of the four instruments, beguiles
one pleasantly and somewhat whimsically,
and sets the stage most subtly for a finale,
almost demoniacal in its wild rhythms and
outbursts of melody.
A final problem to the performer is
the audience frame of mind, once again
a by product of the conflict between Bar-
tok's originality and 19th century indoc-
trinations. For although Bartok's audience
has increased greatly in the last ten
years, there are still many more listeners
who reject him, who are content with
Bach, Beethoven, or other old favorites.
The failure to accept Bartok on his own
terms, the perhaps unconscious insistence
on evaluations rooted in old familiar
sounds, may well be the same failure and
insistence that have in the past condemned
our most treasured quartet of Beethoven
to decades of oblivion, and that caused a
near riot when our old friend Le Sacre De
Printemps was first perfomed; the same
failure and insistence that have unreason-
ably withheld from our enjoyment so many
great works in all the arts,
The Stanley Quartet has observed that
members of the lay-audience who find Bar-
tok objectionable and abstruse, come most
quickly to a real communicative contact with
his music and the performer through simply
sitting back, relaxing, and' expecting noth-
ing remotely similar to anything they have
ever heard before; to be, in short, very
dry, thirsty, unprejudiced musical sponges.
Surely such tolerance and generosity may be
easily justified. So much of our great art
has dictated to us all the exercise of pa-
tience and good will before yielding its new
beauties to our inevitably indoctrinated
minds. We in the Stanley Quartet have no
doubt but that the great potential of Bar-
tok's gift must well reward such patience
and good will.

--Daily-Bil Hampton
Governor G. Mennen Williams was accused of politicking by virtue
of his preparing the presentation of a MSC-Michigan football tro-
phy. The Board in Control of Athletics remained silent on approving
the plan, and University President Harlan H. Hatcher said it would
be up to the home school to decide whether a trophy should be
presented before each of the future football rivalries.
The trophy, carved of wood, will show the figure of Paul Bun-
yon striding on the map of Michigan.
No one seemed particularly enthused about the trophy but there
were some who were slightly annoyed at the secretive attitude adopted
by the University's athletic board.
* * * *
TO BE OR NOT TO BE-A "no stand" decision, a threatened
resignation by its president and weak platforms by its candidates put
SL at its lowest point of esteem in.vrecent years.
By a vote of 17 to 11 SL members declined to take a mild stand
on the Milo 3. Radulovich case. A watered down motion, de-
fended vigorously by SL president Bob Neary, and condemning the
principles involved in the Radulovich case, was slaughtered on the
floor of the Legislature.-
Neary talked of an immediate resignation but continued at the
helm of a hkeSL
At the end of the week as a result of the seven-day fiasco, many
student observers were preparing to bury their student government.
* .* * *
THE ESSAY-TYPE ANSWER-The literary college faculty ap-
proved a revised plan of faculty evaluation on the part of the students.
Major modification in the proposal was the introduction of an essey-
type analysis of instructors. The hope is such criticisms will prove
useful in more accurately gauging student impressions of their
* * * *
A HOLY TRIUMViRATE-Three former students of the Student
Affairs Committee were named to a special committee studying SAC
composition by President Hatcher. The maneuver was heralded as a
major victory for students in their attempt to gain more political re-
cognition on the campus.
* * * *
SKOL-The IFC Council put into operation a plan to raise
health and safety standards in campus fraternities by preparing an
annual check of conditions. Also underway is a proposal to have
fraternity cooks and porters x-rayed to prevent possible tuberculosis.
* * * *
LIGHTS OUT-Part of the campus was without light Friday when
a power line under the League failed. Electricians worked for six
hours trying to locate the source of the disturbance. Before they did,
however, a play had to be cancelled at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. Quicker action on the part of the electricians might have pre-
vented the cancellation from occuring.
* * * *
IT'S OFF TO WORK WE GO-Five hundred fraternities and
sorority pledges combined energies to paint and fix-up the University
run Fresh Air Camp this week. Only thing that marred an other-
wise magnanimous act was the incentive provided by the awarding of
a plaque to the pledge class recognized as having contributed the most
to success of the project.
-Mark Reader

iettep.6 TO THE EDITOR
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and 'will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
!and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words In length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Anti Discrimination
To the Editor:
IIN SUNDAY'S Daily Robin Ren-
frew, chairman of S.L.'s 'Hu-
man Relations Committee, sug-
gested that there may be a "more
effective means of eliminating dis-
crimination in Ann Arbor stores"
than the "Fair Play" stickers. She
implied that such a more effective
means would be an anti-discrim-
ination board, as suggested by the
Board of Commerce, which would
be composed of members of the
Chamber of Commerce and the
Human Relation's Committee.
While Robin may be right in
saying that a more effective means
might be found, I feel she is mis-
taken in thinking that such an
anti-discrimination board is a
Robin states that the Board of
Commerce "revealed their genu-
ine concern with the problem of
local discrimination." For this
reason, apparently, she thinks the
anti-discrimination board would
If the Ann Arbor merchants
were genuinely concerned in elimi-
nating discrimination, they would
have done so years ago, and with-
out having to be prodded by the
student body. When a really pos-
itive plan is presented which will
separate the discriminating mer-
chants from the nondiscriminat-
ing (the sticker campaign), the
merchants suddenly become con-
cerned with the problem of dis-

crimination. The boarddtheemer-
chants would support, however, is
merely another stalling device.
The anti-discrimination board
would talk to those merchants who
discriminate in hopes of making
them see the light of democracy.
Unfortunately, this nice means of
dealing with the problem wouldn't
work. The only possible means of
ending discrimination in Ann Ar-
bor stores is to hit the discriminat-
ing merchants where it hurts most,
viz., in the pocketbook. The sticker
campaign would do precisely this.
Until some better scheme is pre-
sented, I think the student body
should wholeheartedly support the
sticker campaign.
--Paul Sormont
Willie B. hackett
New Books At Library
Buckley, Christopher-Norway,
The Commandos, Dieppe: London,
His Majestey's Stationery Office,
Dean, Gordon-Report on the
Atom: New York, Alfred A. Knopf,
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield-Ver.
mont Tradition: Boston, Little,
Brown & Co., 1953
Petry, Ann-The Narrows: Bos-
ton, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1953
Smith, Bradford-Captain John
Smith: Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin-
cott Co., 1953
Steinbeck, John - The Short
Novels of John Steinbeck: New
York, The Viking Press, 1953


* * *


STUDENT Legislature, one of the most
maligned groups on campus, has received
well, deserved criticism from some of its
staunchest supporters of late. Throughout a
turbulant six year history the Legislature
has been distinguished by a series of leaders
and members who were not afraid to think
issues out and act on controversial topics.
After experiencing its greatest growth in
an aura of continued controversy, SL last
year settled down to "consolidating its
gains" and shifted emphasis from contro-
versial legislation to securing student rep-
resentation on groups affecting student af-
fairs. This fall a lethargy settled down on
the group from the first meeting, and it
soon became apparent that the run of mill
legislator was unable to rise to the occasion
in the face of new controversial problems
facing the campus, i.e. Radulovich and
academic freedom. The average legislator
had become so experienced in "consolidat-
ing gains" that he no longer seemed to
think about the merits of an issue but
about "how it will sound for SL to pass
this motion"-the old public relations
After vacilating for a month, members fin-
ally got arounq to passing the academic free-
dom motion although this was a tribute to
the leadership of a few people rather than
the thought of the body. The whole debate
before the academic freedom motion was
passed centered more on "how would this
sound for SL" than "is the motion a con-
sidered and fair statement of the threat to
academic freedom in this country"-an ap-
proach which can draw no respect to the
rank and file legislator.
But last week's rejection of the Radulo-
vich motion represented the nadir of imper-
ception, misunderstanding and stupidity on
the Legislature's part. Rarely does the presi-
dent leave his chair to present a motion, and
Bob Neary did so only because of the im-
portance of the issue and the conviction that
SL should condemn the unfair treatment
received by a University student. The super-
ficial discussion and rejection of Neary's mo-
tion was an insult both to him and to the
concept of the Legislature.
Obviously discouraged over the Legis-
lature's performance, Neary is consider-
ing resigning. This is not the solution to
the problem, however, for if SL needs any-
thing now, it needs experienced and forth-
right leadership. Rather, the solution rests
with the campus next week as' they elect a,
new set of SL members.
The campus should be aware that the abil-
ity to think intelligently is the greatest as-
set a candidate or member can have, and
since widespread student opinion cannot be
garnered on each question, students should
vote for candidates who they think can pre-
sent an intelligent solution to student prob-
lems. If such candidates had been elected


(Continued from Page 2)
Westminster Student Fellowship.
Breakfast discussion at 9:15 a.m. Top-
ic: "The Sin of Man." Panel will dis-
cuss the subject "The Christian At-
titude on the Acquisition of Material
Goods," 6:45 p.m.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club.
Supper-program, 6 p.m. Fireside Forum
conducted by the Pastor.
Roger Williams Guild. Student class
continues its series with "What Stu-
dents Can Believe About the Holy Spir-
it," 9:45 a.m. Evening program, 6:45, in
Guild House. Discussion, "How to Get
Along with Your Family," led by Dr
William Gennee of Flint. Cabinet mem-
bers (and others interested): Cabinet
meeting, 6 p.m., preceding the program.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. May-
flower Room of Congregational Church,
7 p.m. Judy and Jack Brown will share
some of their summer's experiences
with an interracial work camp in Wash-
ington, D.C.
The Philippine-Michigan Club will
hold 'its regular meeting on Sun., Nov.
8, at 2 p.m., Room- 3S of the Michigan
Union. Slides of the picnic given by
Prof. H. Bartlett will be shown, invi-
tations for the coming December fifth
social and directory of the members
will be distributed. There will also be
a folk-dance practice instead of the
regular Sunday morning rehearsals.
Hillel Foundation Activities for the
Sun., Nov. 8-5 p.m.-Hillel Chorus;
6 p.m.-Supper Club.
The Nelson International House will
have an open house from 2:30 to 5:30.
The public is cordially invited to visit
the house and become aquainted with
its functioning group plan for inter-
national living.
The Graduate Outing Club meets at
2 p.m. Sunday at the rear of the Rack-
ham Building. There will be a cross-
country hike followed by supper at
Rackham. Those who have cars are
urged to bring them to help with trans-
portation to the country. Newcomers
Monte Carlo Ball Floor Show will have
a rehearsal today at 3 p.m. in Room
3B of the Union. Everyone in the show
please attend-no one can be excused
from rehearsal.
Coming Event's

FALL, 1953
Mon., Nov. 9-
5:00-6:00-Chi Omega, Joan Merrill
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sar-
ah Weed
6:30-7:15-Strauss House, Ralph Gold.
Tyler House, Mary Jean
Faculty Luncheon with Dr. Kenneth
Kantzer; Professor of Philosophy,
Wheaton College, Tues., Nov. 10, 12:15,
at the Union. Call Lane Hall, Ext. 2851,
for reservations.
Sigma Xi Lecture, Tues. Nov. 10, 8
p.m. Kellogg Auditorium. Prof. Kenneth
V. Thimann of Harvard University will
lecture on "The Physiology of Growth
in Plant Tissues."
Sigma Rho Tau will meet Tues., Nov.
10, at 7:30 p.m. in 2084 East Engineering.
All engineers interested in speaking are
The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher
Verein will meet on Mon., Nov. 9, at
3:15 in the taproom of the Michigan
Union. Present to greet all who come
will be Prof. O. G. Graf and Mr. D.
Baay of the German department. Ev-
eryone invited!
Museum Movie. "Live Teddy Bears"
(the Koala) and "Teddy Bears at Play."
Free movies shown at 3 p.m. daily, in-
cluding Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30
Wed., 4th floor movie alcove Museums
Building, Nov. 10-17.
La Tertulia of La Sociedad Hispani-
ca will meet on Tues., Nov. 10, in the
wing of the cafeteria of the Union at
3:30 p.m. Everyone interested in con-
versing in' Spanish is welcome to at-







Architecture Auditorium
Webb and Myrna Loy.
THE MAIN problem with pictures telling
family histories is that there is no neces-
sary beginning, middle, or end, and conse-
quently it doesn't matter where the story
starts or when it stops. "Cheaper by the
Dozen" is supposed to be true, and so falls
into this pit.
The Gilbreth family has fourteen mem-
bers: one father (Clifton Webb), one
mother (Myrna Loy), and twelve (12)
children. They undergo the normal vicis-
situdes of family life-tonsils, whooping
cough, childbirth (s). They are happy,
make the best of everything, and are dis-
gustingly courageous in the face of the
most overwhelming difficulties.
The father is a time-study expert: he
times vest-buttoning, bathing, tonsillecto-
mies-anything he can lay his stop-watch
on. He is described as eccentric, and usual-
ly lives up to the reputation. But he is

bit, add a few funny moments, and for the
most part even manage to keep the tears
-Tom Arp
* * * *
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Etienne Thil, a journalism
school graduate student from Paris has his
own special criticism of Daily film critics: They
don't write in his language. Tom Arp obligingly
donates half his space to Thil for the French-
men's review of the current Cinema Guild film.)
CEST une histoire vraie, emouvante meme.
Mais une douzaine de marmots, une
mere comprehensive et un pere attarde et
excentrique ne suffisent pas pour faire un
film. Meme a bon compte.
I1 faut qu'un film ait un commence-
ment et une fin. "La Douzaine a bien
compte" commence tout naturellement
apres le generique. Elle se termine apres
90 minutes de telle sorte que la salle
puisse se viler pour le spectacle suivant.
I1 y a bien des episodes possibles dans
l'histoire d'une famille de douze enfants:
les difficultes budgetaires, le premier bal,
l'ecole, le demenagement, le chien qu'on
introduit malgre le disposition du pere, le

WASHINGTON - It hasn't hit the headlines, but a Japanese busi-
nessmen's delegation slipped over to Peking, China, recently and
signed a trade agreement with the Chinese Reds.
This highlights a significant situation which has U.S. officials
worried-namely, a growing flirtation between Japan and Communist
China. It has been going on for some time, and U.S. officials fear that
the Japanese government, caught in a difficult economic pinch, may
be forced to approve the recent trade agreement.
What Japan and the United States are up against are the con-
flicting facts that:
1. The United States wants Japan to be the bastion against Com-
munism in the Far East.
2. Japan's chief economic future lies with the Chinese mainland
just a few miles away.
3. Congress, more and more economy-minded, is demanding that thet
United States cut off economic aid to Japan. Simultaneously, tariff
barriers prevent Japanese trade with the United States.
Japan's position in relation to Red China is pretty much the
same as that of Cuba's relation to the United States. If the Ameri-
can sugar market were cut off from Cuba, that country would go
bankrupt overnight. Likewise, Japan built up a heavy trade with
China before Pearl Harbor, and, though it has been cut off in
recent years, Japan has been kept going by American subsidies and
the Korean War.
Meanwhile, Adm. Arthur Radford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, has proposed a blockade of the China coast if the Reds kick over
the traces in Korea. This, of course, would run completely counter to
Japan's silent but growing trade with the Chinese mainland.
* * ' * *


The University Choral Union will
hold its regular full rehearsal, Tuesday
evening, Nov. 10, at 7 o'clock sharp, in
the Choral Union rehearsal room in An-
gell Hal. All members are requested to
be in their seats promptly.
t Anthropology Club. Meeting on 'ues.,
Nov. 10. 7:45 p.m., East Conference
Room, Rackham Building Dr. Albert
Spaulding of the Anthropology Depart-
ment will speak on "Facts and Theories
in Archaeology. Refreshments will be
The Women of the University Faculty
will have a dinner meeting Tues., Nov.
10, at 6 p.m. at the Michigan League.
Following dinner, Miss Helen Imrie
will describe her work with the State
Department Information Service in
The Women's Research Club will
meet Mon., Nov. 9, in the West Lec-
ture Room of the Rackham Building
at 8 p.m. Dr. Elzada Clover will report

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter ..,....... .. City Editor
Virginia Voss........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor.
Alice B. Silver. .Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker.,..........Associate Editor
Helene Simon .........Assoclate Editor
Ivan Kaye .............. Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell....... Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.. ..Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell...Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger.....Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden........ Finance Manager
James Sharp. .... Circulation Manager
TelePhone 23-24-1

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