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November 08, 1953 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-08

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Exhibit of Wilt Paintings To Open

An exhibition of new paintings
and drawings by Prof. Richard
Wilt of the School of Architecture
and Design, will open tomorrow at
the Forsythe Gallery, 1101 Martin
Following in the tradition of
Michigan art instructors, such as
the late Prof. Carlos Lopez, who
have achieved fame, Prof. Wilt has
received many tributes to his ta-
lent as a painter.
In addition to frequent prizes
in Michigan art shows, he recently
won first prize in the Associated
Artists of Pittsburg show, anid has
several one-man shows to his cre-
One of the most unusual fea-
tures of Prof. Wilt's work is the
texture of his paintings. Many
of his oils, "The Bride" in parti-
cular, have elaborate brocade-type
patterns that overlay the actual
painting. Even his watercolors
have a texture peculiar only to
Thirty paintings will be offered
to Ann Arbor art patrons in this
new show. The work consists
largely of watercolors, in addition
to nine drawings and five oils.
The Forsythe Gallery will be
open from 8 to 10 p.m. tomorrow
and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
Wednesdays and Thursdays. The
Gallery is located at 1101 Martin
Place near Wells.
To Perform
Presenting the first of two Tues-
day evening concerts, the Stanley
Quartet will perform a concert at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Prof. Gilbert Ross, and Prof.
Emil Raab, violinists; Prof. Robert
Courte, violist; and Prof. Oliver
2Edel, cellist, all of the music
school, will play Beethoven's
"Quartet in A major, Op. 18, No.
5," Bartok's "Quartet 'No. 4" and.
Mozart's "Quartet in C major, K.
The Quartet will play their se-
cond concert Dec. 8.


Exhibits on three varied as-
pects of art will be shown this
week on campus.
"Recent Architecture in West-
ern Germany," a survey of con-
temporary German architec-
ture, will be on display in the
first floor corridor of the Archi-
tecture Bldg.
Sponsored by the West Ger-
man government, the exhibit
includes more than 70 enlarged
photographs, mounted and pro-
vided with hangers. The pic-
tures reveal Germany's ap-
proach to the problem of re-
building 'by the application of
modern architectural ideas.
First showing of work by the
MichiganhPrintmakers Society
will be held at the Museum of
Art, Alumni Memorial Hall.

Saul Bellow's Novel Reviewed

The Adventures of Augie March
A novel by Saul Bellow
New York, The Viking Press, 1953
If the very distinct flavor of
midwestern Urban America has
been better isolated and identified
than in this novel, such a book
has still to be discovered. Saul
Bellow, an author raised in Chi-
cago and who knows his stuff, has
recorded the picturesque and
picaresque Adventures of Augie
March with an almost unoanny
perception. Augie, a Chicago no-
body who tells his story in the
first person, is born with no more
family advantages than a nobody

ought to have-of a blind mother
and a fly-by-night father whose
offspring bear a ratio of two sane
sons to one idiot. Our hero, who
is very sane inoeed, wanders
through his childhood, adolescence
and early manhood looking at
things. There is very little that he
doesn't see and less still that he
doesn't sum up pretty nicely. He
moves from box car- to pent house,
from college to Kresge's, from
crooks to books taking in every-
thing and leaving nothing unex-
BEGINNING his career doing
odd kid's jobs under the strict sur-'
veillance of one Grandma Lausch
(not really his grandmother, but
as good as one who gives him . a
tough sort of morality in a world
anything but moral), he goes on
to work for a curious Chiron-like
creature named Einhorn who is an
insurance man, a notary public, a
collector of oddities, a proprietor
of a pool room and a number of
shadier things all rolled into one.
After this, squeezed out of the
business by the depression, he be-
gins to mosey around on the North
Shore, getting into jobs and
trouble with equal alacrity. Some-
where in his wandering he meets
a gal who takes him to Mexico.
It is no surprise to anyone that

he should begin to train an eagle
while he is there, an undertaking
incidentally at which he is no
more successful than with the
woman who owns it. He marries
when he returns to Chicago (a
different lady) but continues to
live in the splendid isolation of
himself, seeing, hearing, smelling.
In true epic tradition, Augie,
who is up on the classics, refers
frequently in his narration to
those tireless, inexhaustible pro-
tectors of humanity, the gods.
However unbelievable it may be
that Augie's Chicago acquaint-
ances should have quite the
familiarity they do with Greek
antiquity, this constant refer-
ence to the "fundamentalness"
of the human predicament pro-
duces the desired effect.
Again true to its cnaracter, the
novel does not subordinate the
unvanquishable elements of sex.
Like Tom Jonest surely his 18th
century counterpart, our friend
Augie makes no bones about what
women are for. The Willas,

Lucies, Sophies, Esthers, Theas
and Stellas who parade successive-
ly through his life are scarcely dis-
tinguished by their originality of
character and seem to differ from
one another only as regards the
temperature of their beds. Sex is,
however, OK, and when handled,
as here, with a fine fresh Rabel-
aisian gusto,, it spices up the story
quite effectively.
But the great thing about the
book is Augie-Augie who is the
world and the world which is Au-
gie. All other characters are in-
cidental, and although they fas-
cinate, intrigue, amuse, they do so
only because Augie is there to tell
us about them. There is never
much time for introspection, more-
over. The reader is swept along
in the lovely heterogeneous chaos
of events like a cork in a water
chute. What a relief it is not to
have to concern ourselves with the
psychological sensitivities of a de-
generating old man or with the
subconscious chicanery of an un-
imaginative adolescent!

Five 'U' Students To Hear
Own Compositions Played-

-Daily-Lon Qui
Garbo To Star in Film Epic

"The Story of Gosta Berling,"
first film in which Greta Garbo
had a starring role, will be shown
by Gothic Film Society at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in Rackham Amphithe-
Second attraction of Gothic's
current series spotlighting some
of the greatest and most heralded
films in cinema history, "Story of
Gosta Berling" was directed by
Mauritz Stiller and adapted from
a novel by Selma Lagehof.
-4*. * *
FILMED in 1924 it has long been
considered by critics as one of the
finest Swedish movie masterpieces.
According 'it, William Wie-
gand, Grad., director of Goth-
ic Film Society, "Story of Gosta
Berling" has a national charac-
ter close to the land and people

of Sweden. Wiegand also termed
it heavily psychological, of par-
ticular interest today since this
style has had a rebirth.
As an added attraction Goth-
ic will also show excerpts from
another Swedish film, "Outlaw
and his Wife," directed by Victor
Seastrom. Memberships for the
current Gothic series will be on
sale at the door.
Gothic's third attraction will be
Nov. 30 when "The Wave," direct-
ed by Fred Zinneman will be
shown. Other highlights of this
year's series are "Road to Heaven"
Feb. 15, a festival of films produc-
ed by Flaherty, scheduled for
March, the Nazi propaganda film.
"Triumph of the Will" March 29.

Five composition majors in the
School of Music will hear first
public' performances of their
works at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
The fall Composition Forum will
'feature works by Bruce Wise,
Grad., Wayne Slawson, '57; Re-
ginald Hall, '54; David Tice, '55;
and Courtney Sherbrooke Adams,
ONE OF the important functions
of the forum is to give young com-
posers an opportunity to hear their
works performed publicly so re-
visions may take place before
hearings of the work outside the
Prof. Ross Lee Finney of the
music school noted another im-
portant purpose of the Composi-
tion Forum is to make the com-
munity aware of student work.
Ruth Orr, Grad, will sing three
songs accompanied by composer
Wise at the piano as the first
student number on the program,
The words for the songs were tak-
en from poetry by Stephen Spend-
er. 4V
1*ISE IS ALSO the composer of
"Sonata for Flute and Piano" to
be heard tomorrow. Miss Jacque
Radant, '55SM, is the flute soloist,
and Wise will perform at the
.. The only freshman in the
group of composers is Wayne
Slawson whose "Three Circles
for Piano" will be performed by
Fred Coulter.
Poetry .by Robert Hillyer has
been put to music by Reginald
Hall, '54 in a set entitled "Poems
for Music."
' . .
A TRIO for oboe, violin and cello
has been composed by David Tice,
'55. Sylvia Sherman, '55SM will
play the oboe, Camilla Heller,
'55SM, will perform on the cello
with George Papich, '56SM on the
violin for Tice's composition.
The only woman composer
whose work will appear on to-
morrow's program is Courtney
Sherbrooke Adams, 'Grad. Her
"Fantasy for Piano and Orches-
tra" will be played by Lois Gau-
ger, Grad. on the solo piano, and
Tice will perform the accom-


What the Ann Arbor News says about
Arts Theater Off To Fine
Start With O'Neill Drama

panying orchestral part on the
Clark Eastham's Poem for Violin
and Piano will be included in the
program. Eastham - is a little
heard composer whom School of
Music professors feel should have
his works performed.


Last night's opening of the
Arts Theater season had about it{
a spirit of sincerity and strengthI
too often absent from the stage
For one thing the play Eugene
O'Neill's "Desire Under the
Elms," is great drama. Like
Greek tragedy it offers towering
people in a self made,terrifying
struggle. The conflict is that
eternal one-the body versus the
spirit. And though the setting is
a New England farm the strug-
gle is no less magnificent than
when located in an ancient pal-
The production'was as fine as
the play itself. The actors con-
veyed the dignity of their char-
acters and the enormity of their
plight with such pathos that the
audience was enthralled-it was
their battle, too. Every member
of the cast did a superb job.
They worked together to make
the play, rather than one star,
the thing of the evening.
As Ephraim Cabot, the father,
Bernard Tone was magnificent.
He gave to the old man such
gnarled strength and piteous,
universal loneliness that one
could not help but be stirred.
Tone was every inch the great
old man, with the careful art-
lessness of an excellent actor.
Nightly performane
209 E. Washington

Tresa Hughes showed under-
standing for her character, Ab-
bie, who married for money and
killed for love. She elicited sym-
pathy for the character who
learned to love with the spirit as
well as the body. There is trag-
edy but also victory then she
klils her child.
Gerald Richards succeeded
with the role of Eben Cabot, to
a, degree he hasn't approached
in previous plays. He portrayed
the young man's desperate
struggle and his terrible fear of
loneliness with a simplicity that
was rewarding. But why did he
simulate an unneeded Boston ac-
Regarding Simeon and Peter
Cabot, Eben's brother, played by
John Bennes and Ted Heusel, it
is only regrettable that. we saw
so little of them. They both did
excellent jobs with small but
important roles.
It would not do to close with-
out mentioning the set, designed
by Roy Stafford. Black and sim-
ple, it repeated the mood of the
play and its several levels add-
ed variety and interest. The mu-
sic composed by Karl Magnu-
son also conveyed the dark mood
of the evening.
-Jan Reynolds
'es through Nov. 15
Phone 7301,

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