Challen ge
M' Gridders
To Workout
At Illinois
Michigan's football team went
through its last heavy practice
session yesterday in preparation
for tomorrow's Big Ten show-
down meeting with Illinois.
The Wolverines' 38-man travel-
ing squad leaves the Michigan
Union this morning at 11:00. As
for the Minnesota game, the team
will travel by plane from Willow
'Run airport.
* * *
THE WOLVERINES plan to ar-
rive in Champaign in time for a
workout at Illinois' Memorial
Stadium this afternoon.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan
spent considerable time yester-
day sharpening his defensive
combination for the Ilini's
tricky split-T and spread for-
mation offensive plays.
The usual combination of John
Morrow and Dick Balzhiser at the
linebacker slots, Tony Branoff and
Lou Baldacci at the halves, and
Ted Kress at safety defended
against Illinois' passing plays as
executed by Michigan's fourth and
fifth stringers. Bill McKinley imi-
tated clever quarterback, Elry Fal-
* * *
IN AN ATTEMPT to overcome
the Wolverines' blocking weakness
on extra point conversions, line
coach Jack Blott spent consider-
able time reviewing his forward
wall's blocking assignments.
Last weekend, Pennsylvania
blocked three of Michigan's kicks
from placement and hurried
Baldacci's conversion attempt
following the other touchdown.
A missed extra point could prove
disastrous tomorrow in the event
of a close tussle with Illinois.
Duncan McDonald, Branoff and
Baldacci did the converting.
* * *
OOSTERBAAN also sent his of-
fensive combination through a.
brisk signal drill. He mixed up
his backfields during the practice
using the first three strings in var-
ious arangements.
Linebacker Jim Bates who has
been out all season with a bro-
ken hand, is now wearing only a
light cast and has been taking
part in practice this week.
The traveling squad: Ends -
Gene Knutson, George Dutter,
Thad Stanford, Bob Topp, John
Veselenak, Gerry Williams; Tack-
les-Jim Balog, Don Bennent, Ron
Geyer, Bill Kolesar, Ed Meads,
Dick Strozewski, Art Walker;
Guards-Dick Beison, Ted Cachey,
Don Dugger, Ron Williams, Jim
Fox, Chuck Ritter; Centers -
John Morrow, Dick O'Shaughnessy
(captain), John Peckham, Don
Drake. Quarterbacks - Baldacci,
Ray Kepaga, McDonald, McKin-
jey; Halfbacks - Branoff, Dan
Cline, George Corey, Ed Hickey,
Stan Knickerbocker, Kress, Tom
Hendricks; Fullbacks-Fred Baer,
Balzhiser, Bob Hurley, Earl John-
'Red' Grange
Sees Practice
AtFerry Field
Back in 1924, Michigan coach
Fielding H. Yost spent a complete
week trying to perfect a defense
for an Illini ghost, who his team
was going to meet that coming
Saturday at Champaign.
The man who was paid so much
attention to 29 years ago showed
up at Ferry Field Wednesday as
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan was re-
hearsing his charges in defensive
tactics aimed at stopping the two
sensational sophomores in the Illi-
nois lineup, J. (C. Caroline and
Mickey Bates. The man was Har-
'ld 'Red' Grange, the ghost who
single handed stopped Michigan
in 1924.
THE OLD Red Head didn't come
as a representative of the Illini,
however. This was a business call
as he wanted a few pictur'es of
Oosterbaan and some of the Wol-
verines for his pre-game television
program before the Michigan-
Michigan State game a week from
Saturday at East Lansing.
Grange was embarrassed at ar-
riving at such an inconvenient
time but left before practice start-
ed. Before he left Red told Oos-
terbaan that both Caroline and
Bates were extremely fast and dif-
ficult to bring down but he added,
however, "they could be stopped
and that Illinois might be a much
x over-rated team."
Michigan Conference Hopes Bleacher To Bowl Marks PRO HOOP PREVIEW:
Jolted by Illinois Immortal TrailofMichiganArenas NBA Looks For
4, ---
rward to Banner Year
cattle Recalls By PHIL DOUGLIS
In the year 1893 the University
The Legendary Perf
Bob Zuppke, his coach at Illi-
nois, called him "the Soundless
Rocket" and the awed press of
his day dubbed him "the Gallop-
ing Ghost," but either moniker
fitted Red Grange to the letter
October 18, 1924 when he almost
single-handedly dismembered a
well-schooled Michigan eleven,
It was a confident and determ-
ined Michigan team that stormed
out onto the turf at Urbana that
day. Undefeated in two years, the
Wolverines were forced to share
the Big Nine crown with this same
Illini aggregation the previous
season, and now the Maize and
Blue were ready to reassert their
claim as undisputed "Champions
of the West."
THIS WAS a doubly significant
day for the Orange and Blue for
it marked the first game played
in their magnificent new red-
bricked Memorial Stadium.
Michigan's strategy was to
kick off to the elusive redhead
from Wheaton, Illinois and then
maul him, which would dash I-
lini hopes of any Grange fire-
works. To the delight of an as-
sembled throng of upwards of
67,000, Captain Herb Steger
booted to Grange who promptly
swivel-hipped his way ninety-
five yards through the bewil-
dered Wolverines for a touch-
down. Illinois' great fullback
Earl Britton converted and the
Illini led 7-0.
After an exchange of punts,
Grange ripped through Michigan's
right side, reversed his field when
he reached open pastures and
whisked seventy-five yards with
his second tally. Michigan, famed
for its point-a-minute teams,
found the position reversed as
Zuppke's charges increased their
margin to 14-0.
* * *
AGAIN THE Wolverines failed
to advance and punted to-the
Orange and Blue. Again the Gal-
loping Ghost smashed through
Michigan's right flank, this time
in a spectacular sixty yard romp
for his third six-pointer. Illinois
now moved twenty points ahead
of the demoralized Michigan
Moments later, the Illini re-
covered a Wolverine fumble near
mid-field. Once more the Whea-
ton Iceman skirted right end
and scampered forty-five yards,
practically unmolested, for an-
other score.After Britton con.
verted to make it 27-0, Grange
was replaced.
In ten minutes the Galloping
Ghost had handled the ball eight
times for 303 yards and four
touchdowns, a fantastic average
of over thirty-seven yards per
WITH GRANGE on the Illini
bench, Michigan hit pay dirt in
the second quarter via a Steger
buck and the half ended with the
Maize and Blue trailing 27-7.
Any Wolverine illusions that
Grange had slowed up were soon
disspelled in the third quarter,
when the redhead passed and
ran Illinois to its fifth score.
Grange (who else?) powered ten
yards with the tally, his and
Illinois' fifth. The Orange and
Blue led 33-7 at the end of the
Early in the last quarter, the
ormance of Red Grange of Michigan constructed a small,
rickety wooden stand, upon which
spectators could sit to view a game
Soundless Rocket concluded per- they called football.
haps the greatest individual per- This little bleacher, located on
formance football has ever seen by
rifling a nineteen yard aerial to
end Leonard for a TD and a Illi-
ni lead of 39-7.
r * *l
THE FINAL Wolverine tally
the spot where Waterman Gym
now stands, was Michigan's first
stadium, the first step in a build-
ing program that was to eventual-
ly produce the biggest college own-
ed bowl in the land.
came when Tod Rockwell sneaked * * *
over from the Illini six inch line. HOWEVER, even this meagre
All in all, Grange played forty- offering was an improvement over
one minutes and rushed for 402 the previous football "stadium,"
yards and five touchdowns, while for prior to 1893, Michigan fans
completing six passes for sixty- viewed their teams from horse-
tour yards and one score. drawn carriages pulled up along
Michigan can take consolation North University.
in the fact that in three All- The game of football was
American years at Illinois, the growing in popularity however,
Galloping Ghost gained over two so Michigan soon had to en-
miles and racked up thirty-one large this little stand to a grand-
touchdowns against such other stand seating all of 800 people.
Roaring Twenties powerhouses as The faithful flocked to Ann Ar-
Chicago, Northwestern and Ohio bor in increasing numbers to
State. view the popular flying wedge
combats, and in 1904 the mid-
west was astounded when 13,-
500 paid admissions jammed the
tiny arena to see Michigan meet
The situation now became in-
tolergble, so the football battle
ground was moved to the site of
Ferry Field in 1907, and seven
years later two huge concrete
stands were erected. But the game'
still grew, and so did its follow-
ing, thus in 1926 wooden bleachers
were constructed at the ends of
I Ferry Field, making it into a bowl
seating nearly 45,000.
* * *
BUT EVEN this wasn't ample,
I so the present Michigan Stadium"
was planned, the biggest college.
bowl in the land.
A huge tract of land was pur-
chased, a swamp called "Lake
Tillotson." An army, of work-
ers, steam shovels, trucks and
conveyers moved into the swamp,
and worked day and night dur-
ing that summer of 1926, trans-
forming "Lake Tillotson" into a
galling hole in the ground.
"Sidewalk supervisors" shook
their heads, and said that it
couldn't be done. They were al-
most right, for cave-ins, water-
problems, and a freezing winter
nearly stymied production plans.
But Fielding Yost wouldn't give
up, and the following spring the
cement was poured into a hole
out of which 240,000 square yards
of dirt had been removed.
* * * .
WITH THE addition of 440 tons
of reinforcing steel, drainage de-
vices, other refinements, the sta-
dium was ready, and in 1927,
Michigan blasted Ohio Wesleyan,
33-0, in the first game played in
the new stadium.
On October 22, 1927, a throng
of nearly 90,000 packed the bowl;
from rim to rim to view the dedi-
cation game, a game which saw!
Michigan whip Ohio State, 21-0.
The feared dedication jinx failed
to come off and the birth of the
huge million dollar arena was a
1949 saw the Michigan Stadium
reach its peak, as a steel rim of
10,000 seats was added on to the
top of the bowl, upping the capa-!
city to the present 97,000. This
was the culmination of the trail
that had begun 56 years before
on the corner of North and East
University, a trail progressing
from the battered bleacher to the
briming bowl.
Looking forward to the coming
1953-54 National Basketball As-
sociation season the situation looks
very encouraging .as all teams have
shown vast improvement.
All the squads seem to have
strengthened themselves with new
acquisitions plus the reliable re-
turnees from the preceeding cam-
* * *
IN THE Western division Min-
neapolis has their terrible trio in
George Mikan, Jim Pollard, and
Vern Mikkelson, plus Clyde Lovel-
lete whom they signed during the
winter. Rounding out their start-
ining five is Slater Martin, the
sharpshooter from Texas.
Fort Wayne has added to its
powerhouse by drafting Jack
Molanis of Columbia to combine
with Larry Faust, Fred Scollard,
Don Meineke and Frank Brian
as their scoring punch.
Milwaukee will be much improv-
ed by the addition of Bob Hoebregs
who will combine with Jack Nich-
ols and Stan Miasak to make them
a threat in the conference.
* * *
ROCHESTER, though it will
lose. Jack Coleman because of re-
tirement still has the "Bobbsey
twins" in Bob Wanzer and Bob
Davies to help Arnie Risen lead
them to as good a season as last
Looking at the Eastern divi-
sion we find the New York
Knickerbockers standing pat ex-
cept for Jim Baechtold whom
they acquired from Baltimore.
Harry Gallatin, Vince Boryla,
Sweetwater Clifton, Carl Braun
and Dick McGuire will open for
the Knicks.
In Boston the Celtics have done
little to strengthen themselves as
they still have Bob Cousey, Ed Mc-
Cauley and Bill Sharman to pro-
vide their scoring punch.
* * *
THE SYRACUSE Nationals have
troubles since their coach Al Cervi
has retired from playing and will
devote his full time to coaching
the Nats. Adolph Schayes is the
mainstay of the squad, always be-
ing among the top ten scorers and
rebounders in the league.
The surprise of the year may
be the Philadelphia Warriors
*Boston 4, Chicago 2
Montreal 4, New York 2
-- - -- - - - - - - -------------
who have obtained Zeke Zaw-
oluck from the defunct Indian-
apolis Olympians, and Ernie
Beck, former star of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania. Along
with these two they have Neil
Johnson who led the league in
scoring last year.
In Baltimore, Clair Bee's charg-
ers have improved the club by a
trade with the Knicks, getting Max
Zaslofski. Max, always a good
scorer, may provide the punch the
- -
Bullets need so badly. Also drafted
by Baltimore was Ray Felix, ex-
Long Island University star, who
has great potentialities and coach
Bee expects help from him.
AS HAS BEEN shown the league
has been sharpened considerably
and should provide fine basketball
for the fans.
However, only time will tell as
to the finish and all one can do
is cheer our team on to victory.
/' 'i
(Consensus (62-20) selections
MICHIGAN at Illinois
Indiana at MINNESOTA
IOWA at Purdue
MSC at Ohio State
WISCONSIN at Northwestern
OKLAHOMA at Missouri
LSU at Tennessee
15. Georgia at FL
appear in capitals)
8. MISS. STATE at Tulane
9. Stanford at USC
10. SMU at Texas A & M
11. Arkansas at RICE
12. AUBURN at Miami
13. BAYLOR at Texas
14. DUKE at Navy
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Not a Sideline"
Calkins-Fletcher Drug. Co.
DAVE LIVINGSTON (65-18-.783)-Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa,
Wisconsin, Oklahoma, LSU, Mississippi State, USC, SMU,
Auburn, Baylor, Duke, Florida
324 So. State
818 So. State
HANLEY GURWIN (64-19-.771)-Illinois, Minnesota, Purdue, OSU,
Wisconsin, Oklahoma, LSU, Mississippi State, USC, SMU, Rice,
Miami, Baylor, Navy, Florida
DICK BUCK (61-22-.735)--Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, MSC, Wisconsin,
Oklahoma, LSU, Mississippi State, USC, SMU, Rice, Auburn,
Baylor, Duke, Georgia
DAVE BAAD (60-23-.723)-Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, MSC, Wis-
consin, Oklahoma, LSU, Mississippi State, USC, SMU, Rice,
Auburn, Texas, Duke, GeorgiaI
ERIC VETTER (60-23-.723)-Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, MSC, Wis-
consin, Oklahoma, LSU, Mississippi State, USC, SMU, Rice,
Miami, Baylor, Navy, Florida
JIM DYGERT (59-24-.711)-Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, OSU,,North-
western, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Mississippi State, Stanford, Texas
A & M, Arkansas, Auburn, Baylor, Duke, Florida
KEN COPP (58-25-.699)-Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, OSU, Wiscon-
sin, Oklahoma, LSU, Mississippi State, USC, SMU, Rice, Auburn,
Baylor, Duke, Georgia
PAUL GREENBERG (58-25-.699)-Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, MSC,
Northwestern, Oklahoma, LSU, Mississippi State, USC, SMU, Rice,
Auburn, Baylor, Navy, Georgia
IVAN KAYE (57-26-.687)-Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, MSC, North-
western, Oklahoma, LSU, Mississippi State, USC, SMU, Rice,
Auburn, Baylor, Navy, Florida
WARREN WERTHEIMER (57-26-.687)-Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa,
MSC, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, LSU, Mississippi State, USC, SMU,
Rice, Auburn, Baylor, Duke, Florida
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