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November 05, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-05

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The Presbyterian Stand
0r Investigation Methods

The Intellect


Associate Editorial Director
WJITH THE NEWS centering around spy
investigations, "Un-American Activi-
ties" and Communist trials, a clear cut state-
ment in the press of the civil liberties situ-
ation is most welcome. Just such a state-
ment hit the papers Tuesday in the form
of an open letter written by The General
Council of the Presbyterian Church in the
The letter is unusual, in that the Gen-
eral Council has not in many years is-
sued a pronouncement of such broad scope
on current events.
Unfortunately the perennial problem --
space - prevents a complete reprint of the
statement. (For those interested in the full
text see The New York Times of Tuesday
Nov. 3) The following excerpts, it is hoped,
touch the major points.
* * *
SERIOUS thought needs to be given to
the menace of communism in the world
of today and to the undoubted aim on the
part of its leaders to subvert the thought
and life of the United States. Everlasting
vigilance is needed. In this connection Con-
gressional committees have rendered some
valuable services to the nation.
At the same time the citizens of this
country .. . have reason to take a grave
Supreme Court
& 'La Ronde'
IN MAY OF 1952, the United States Su-
preme Court handed down a decision on
the banning of films that set an import-
ant precedent.
The film involved at that time was the
Italian produced "The Miracle," directed
by Roberto Rossellini and starring the in-
imitable Anna Magnani. It was part of a
composite film "Ways of Love" that also
ineluded two French productions.
The plot and action of "The Miracle," it
is true, could quite easily shock maiden
aunts and small children. Magnani, with
all the passion that has made her famous,
plays a beggar-woman who is seduced by a
stranger whom she believes to be St. Joseph.
The woman imagines herself to be mi-
raculously conceived - and the camera
moves into her struggle, intimations of im-
mortality, etc. at the time of birth.
When the picture was shown in the city of
New York, officials were horrified. Citizens
who considered themselves responsible for
the moral welfare of the general populace
expressed great indignation. Cardinal Spell-
man called upon every United States Roman
Catholic to boycott the film. "The Miracle"
was then banned under the state censor-
ship code, and the New York State Court
of Appeals maintained the ban. It was de-
clared that the film was "sacrilegious" and
it was hinted that irreparable damage had
already been done to New York morality.
However, Joseph Burstyn, Inc., which
was circulating "The Miracle" decided
that intolerance was not only intolerable,
it was also disturbing the tranquil accum-
ulation of box office receipts, and some-
thing would have to be done. Mr. Burstyn
appealed his case to the Supreme Court,
and his case was accepted. After approx-
imately two years of litigation, the court
decided in favor of the film. Associate
Justice Tom C. Clark, in giving the court's
decision, said that movies are entitled to
the "free speech guarantees in the consti-
tution," and that the charge of sacrilege
was invalid.
Only censorship on the basis of sac-
rilege was actually attacked in the Su-
preme Court's decision. However, the re-
versal of censorship was considered an im-
portant step by those who feel that the cor-

rupting effect of books, magazines, and films
is vastly overestimated and that a state
court does not have the right to determine
what is art and what is not.
The Supreme Court has now accepted
another case of film censorship. The facts
of the case have a strange familiarity.
University students may remember the
French film "La Ronde" which played in
Ann Arbor last year. The plot of the film
is built around a series of interlocking
love affairs.
Following the pattern set by "The Mir-
acle," the French film was banned by the
New York State Board of Regents under
the charge that the film tends to corrupt
morals. Commerical Pictures, which had
previously shown "La Ronde" in 15 states,
contested) the ban, but it was upheld by the
New York State Court of Appeals in a 3-2
The Supreme Court has now agreed to
examine the case of "La Ronde." Com-
mercial Pictures maintains that "La
Ronde" is not obscene, and that the charge
"immoral" is too indefinite to be applied
to the film.
-V- s~n,.. -1 ^! {{tea Atn1, V t .

view of the situation which is being cre-
ated by the almost exclusive concentration
of the American mind upon the problem
of the threat of communism. ...
"Some Congressional inquiries have reveal-
ed a distinct tendency to become inquisi-
tions. These inquisitions, which find their
historic patterns in medieval Spain and in
the tribunals of the modern totalitarian
states, begin to constitute a threat to free-
dom of thought in this country.
Treason and dissent are being 'confused.
The shrine of conscience and private judg-
ment, which God alone has a right to en-
ter, is being invaded. Un-American attitudes
toward ideas and books are becoming cur-
rent. Attacks are being made upon citizens
of integrity and social passion which are
utterly alien to our democratic tradition.
A great many people within and with-
out the government, approach the prob-
lem of communism in a purely negative
way. Communism ... is thus being dealt
with as an exclusively police problem.
As a result of this there is growing up
against communism a fanatical negativism.
Totally devoid of a constructive program of
of action, this negativism is in danger of
leading the American people into a spiritual
vacuum. In the case of a national crisis this
emptiness could, in the name of security, be
occupied with ease by a fascist tyranny.
We suggest therefore that all Presbyter-
ians give earnest consideration to the fol-
lowing three basic principles and their im-
plications for our thought and life.
1. The Christian Church has a pro-
*phetic function to fulfill in every society
and in every age.
While it is not the role of the Christian
church to present blue prints for the organ-
ization of society and the conduct of gov-
ernment the church owes to it its own mem-
bers and to men in general to draw atten-
tion to violations of those spiritual bases of
human relationship which have been estab-
lished by God.
11. The majesty of truth must be pre-
served at all times and at all costs.
Despite the lofty idealism of many of our
national leaders, truth is being subtly and
silently dethroned.
In the present form of cold war warfare
falsehood is frequently preferred to fact if it
can be shown to have greater propaganda
value. The demogogue who lives by propa-
ganda is coming into his own on a national
scale. According to the new philosophy if
what is true "gives aid and comfort to the
enemy" it must be suppressed. At the same
time great words like "love," "peace," "jus-
tice" and "mercy" and the ideas which un-
derlie the mare becoming suspect.
It is being assumed in effect, in view of,
the magnitude of the issues at stake, the
end justifies the means. A painful illustra-
tion of this development is that men and
women should be publicly condemned upon
the uncorroborated word of former Com-
munists. Many of these witnesses have done
no more than transfer their allegiance from
one authoritarian system to another.
111. God's sovereign rule is the control-
ling factor in history.
That we have the obligation to make our
nation as secure as possible no one can dis-
pute. But there is no absolute security in
human affairs, nor is security the ultimate
human obligation. A still greater obligation
as well as a more strategic procedure, is to
make sure that what we mean by security
and the methods we employ to achieve it,
are in accordance with the will of God. Oth-
erwise any attempt to establish a form of
world order which does no more than exalt
the interest of a class, a culture, a race, or
a nation above God and the interests of the
whole human family is foredoomed to dis-
aster ...
Let us always be ready to meet around
the conference table with the rulers of

Communist countries. Let us beware of
the cynical attitude which prevails in cer-
tain official circles to regard as a forlorn
hope any negotiated solution of the major
issues which divide mankind. In this con-
nection . . . the United Nations while far
from perfect is the natural and best avail-
able agent for international cooperation.
It is imperative therefore that it be given
the utmost support. It stands between us
and war,
While we take all wise precautions for de-
fense, both within and outside our borders,
the present situation demands spiritual
calm, historical perspective, religious faith
and an adventurous spirit.
May God give us the wisdom and cour-
age to think and act in accordance with
His Will."
It is far too seldom that the American
public -is treated to such a cleanly written
document as this. Perhaps some will be un-
comfortable in its theological framework.
But the basically humanitarian ideas ex-
pressed so beautifully here have a message
for more than Presbyterians. It is a mes-
sage for all Americans. for all peoples and

A PROBLEM of more far reaching import-
ance than either that of specialization
or academic freedom, current chestnuts on
the academic fire, is being reduced to rela-
tive obscurity.
In the prevailing trend toward anti-in-
tellectualism, development of the intellect
has become a neglected, forgotten art. Stu-
dents come to a university to learn to be
scientists-or not to be scientists. They take
short answer, IBM corrected tests and are
pleased, because they need know only facts,
and are able to learn with a minimum of
thinking. They listen to their professors fol-
low the State Department line, or hear them
deviate from it, in some cases at the riskj
of losing their positions.
Professors are accused by their students of
thinking only of "intellectual things" and
are placed in a position of being on the de-
fensive. They must try to explain their pre-
occupation with the intellectual here at the
University as best they can. They have be-
come accustomed to this situation and ac-I
cept it.
That this situation can be an accepted
attitude of faculty and students alike at a
university allegedly dedicated to the devel-
opment of the individual indicates a need
for some serious review of our educational
aims. Perhaps a complete study of our pres-
ent system could provide us with an answer
to the problem. At any rate a realization of
the purpose of education, its aims and goals,
is a prerequisite to determination of the kind
of education sought.
The question must be answered: Is the
purpose of education to mold the think-
ing, tastes, likes and opinions into a com-
mon pattern attainable by all and desired
by all, or is it the purpose of education to
foster an amount of independent thought
and ideas, and to aid in the development
and appreciation of both the arts and sci-
A continuation of the current anti-intel-
lectual trend, as exemplified recently by an
English literature professor who was accus-
ed by his class of holding "intellectual
things" as his prime concern thereby forc-
ing popular entertainment to take a sec-
ondary position can, in the not too far dis-
tant future, lead to the complete defeat of
the purpose of a university education.
When we must become apologetic for
trying to think on a high level intellec-
tually we are only one step away from a
completely straight-jacketed educational
system-the aims of 'which are to be dic-
tated, apparently, by the as yet unedu-
When this happens there will be little
sense in resolving the other more spectacular
problems of education, problems that will
present controversies in appearance only,
problems to be solved by the anti- and un-
intellectuals who show singularly little in-
terest in them.
-Fran Sheldon
WTASHINGTON-A week-in-and-week-out
scrutiny of what's happening at the
White House inevitably focuses the spot-
light on Maj. Gen. Wilton B. Persons as the
most important man not only in the Presi-
dent's life but in influencing the major
policies of the Eisenhower administration.
It is the genial and affable General Per-
sons who knows just where the President
likes his pencils put on his desk, just what
he wants to eat, what he wants to read,
together with every Presidential whim
and fancy.
General Person knows, for instance, not
to bring bad news to the President. He lets
a civilian, such as White Hosue Counsel
Bernard Shanley, deliver the bad news. Per-
sons follows later to cheer him up. Or he
may let Shanley delay the President 30 min-
utes from his trip out to Burning Tree Golf

Club in order to get a decision on the Taft-
Hartley Act, and these disabreebale deci-
sions are why Shanley has partly worn out
his welcome with some members of the
White House.
It is because General Persons is so close
to Ike that he has such influence on na-
tional policy.
Every President, no matter how exper-
ienced, is something of a prisoner. He has
to depend on the men around him. The
minute he enters the White House he can
no longer stroll out to a corner newsstand
to buy a paper. He has to read what his
staff puts before him. He takes the phone
calls they put through to him, reads the
mail they. sort out for him. The men
around him mold his decisions far more
than the public realizes. This was true of
Truman. It is equally, if not more, true
of a President with limited expeience in
civilian government.
It was General Persons, a lifelong friend
of Ike's, who acted as his buffer at SHAPE
in Paris, who handled army lobbying on
Capitol Hill for years, and who deftly and
naturally settled down closest to Ike as the
chief though unrecognized pilot of general
White House drift.'
General Persons, who won the army
nickname of "Slick," advised caution. His
policy was: "Don't rock the boat, don't
push Congress, don't make too many en-

"Okay, Now Give Us That Old Smile"

jTihe Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


44- *' ,A,.M' P4-


(Continued from Page 2) a Cascades." Anyone interested is cor-
dially invited to attend.
6, 4038 Natural Science Building at La p'tite causette will meet today
1:30 p.m. Chairman, E. W. Heinrich. from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of,
the north room of the Michigan Union
cafeteria. Excellent opportunity to
Conbcerts practice speaking French. Everyone
University Symphony Orchestra, Jo- __welcome!
sef Blatt, Conductor, will be heard at
8:30 Thursday evening, Vlov. 5, in Hill The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Auditorium. The program will open Mid-week Meditation in Douglas Chapel,
with Wagner's Prelude to "Lohengrin." 5 to 5:30 p.m. Freshman group meet-
It wiii continue with Mozart's Sym- ing at Guild House, 7-8 p.m.
phony in D major, No. 38. After inter-
mission the orchestra will play The The U. of M. Sailing Club will meet
Fire Bird Suite by Igor Stravinsky. The tonight at 7:30 in 311 West Engineer-
concert will be open to the general ing Building. The Angsten Eliminations
public without chaxge. Regatta begins 9 a.m. on Sat., Nov. 7.
The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher
Carillon Recital by Sidney Giles, As- Verein will hold its regular meeting to-
Th aUnirsdsyvening, Carilonneur,on at 7he day at 3:15 in the taproom of the Mich-
Charles Baird Carillon in Burton Me- igan Union. All are invited to meet
morial Tower. Clifford E. Ball's Dance- nProf. 0. G. Grafand Miss K. John-
Impromptu will open the program. son of the German Department. An
This will be followed by Mendelssohn's excellent way to improve your conver-
songs Without Words (Consolation, sational German!

Magoo and Rosenberg r
To the Editor:
"IF A MAN don't go his own wayt
he ain't nothin'." That's what
Robert E. Lee Pruitt said in "From
Here to You Know Where." Ande
it's true. Magoo has got to go his
way, I've got to go mine, and Dr.'
Milton Rosenberg has got to gos
his. Because, "I Believe." Dr. Ro-
senberg's article was very helpful.
I am more insightful. Now upons
close analysis I think that I real-I
ize the "serious and unconscious
message" of both of these charac-
ters, Magoo and Pruitt, and cane
see how they are basically alike.
First, they are both men. Thise
makes a difference because . . .
well. Secondly, they are both
near-sighted. Magoo is supposedt
to be near sighted, but one feelsr
that this is largely a function oft
his personality; his unconscious
desire to see the world as he be-
lieves it is. And, Pruitt, is near-I
sighted too, but won't recognize
it; this is also a function of his
personality. Pruitt believes he has
the real view on the good, true,
and beautiful, but we know.
Thirdly, these rnen are both alike
because they both believe. They
are both the classic American
types of hard-hitting American
manhood, "rugged individualists"
excepting that Pruitt comes from
the "hills" and Magoo comes
from, well I'm not sure where,t
some big city no doubt. Also, nei-
ther one of them like to fight.
This is significant.,s
Pruitt also said "Just because a
man love's something, don't meant
it has to love him back." Both Ma-f
goo and Pruitt operate under this1
principle. Why? Maybe because
they are both tragic heroes, and1
"want what they want when they
want it, and go after it and get
it." Hybris! But neither one of
them recognize their tragic flaw;
they are both nearsighted (maybe1
mashochistic too). They want to

Confidence); Mozart's Andante and Hillel. Important meeting of the In- suffer. The real difference be-
Menuet; compositions for carillon byI
W: de Fesch, Jef van Hoof, and F. 'rim- terfaith Committee today at 4 p.m. tween these two characters, oth-',
mermans , Peter Benoit's Rubeis- Future plans will be discussed. If any- er than the fact that Pruitt is
march from Rubenscantata). one wishes to serve on the committee bigger, stronger and younger
but cannot come, please call Hillel, than Magoo, is that Pruitt dies.
3-4129, and leave your name. thn- ., statPu.tdis
Graduate Record Concert. At tonight's This is too bad, because then we
concert the complete opera "The Magic Orthodox Students Society. An in- can't laugh as we do at Mr. Ma-
Flute" of Mozart will be played. The formal social get-together will be held goo, who lives.
concert will begin at 8 p.m. and will tonight from 8 to 10 p.m. in the base- In conclusion, I should like to
be held in the women's Lounge of ment of Lane Hall. Entertainment and I
Rackham Building, refreshments. All Orthodox students say that e is quite confusing. It
-and friends invited. is very hard to tell when to laugh'
Ev n sI x and when to cry. But one must
Eillel Foundation presents Music- evaluate and art is human. That
For-All, classical music on a Hi-Fi- is why I am so interested in it.
American Association of University Sound System, this evening at 8, p.m. M. Keith, Grad.
Professors. There will be an open meet- This week's program will feature select-
ing at 8 p.m. tonight in the East Con- ed chamber music.!
ference Room, Rackhamf Building to I The BaXll BounIce. .
be addressed by Dr. Frederick H. Wag- Alpha Phi Omega. There will be a *
man, Director of the University Li- meeting for both actives and pledges To the Editor:
brary. today in Room 3D of the Union atT
------_ 7:45. Be on time! Ensian pictures will IN ANSWER to the letter con-
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is ac-'be taken. cenn.uean1i asn
cepting mail orders now for the De- The Spanish Chorus will meet from cerning Dunc and his passing
partment of Speech production of Max- 2:30 to 4:00 this afternoon in the Union. which appeared in today's Daily,'
well Anderson's poetic drama, Eliza- I should like to say that I think
beth the Queen, Nov. 12, 13, 14, and 16. International Center Weekly Tea will Coach Oosterbaan has been doing
A special student rate of any seat in be held this afternoon from 4:30 to 6 a good job with his football team
the house for 50c will be in effect for at the International Center. this season. Surely the results he's
the 'November 12 performance. Tickets ot ean.r rely therels y'
for the other three performances are Christian Science Organization. Tes- gotten prove that, as they are way
60c - 90c - $1.20. All seats are reserved. timony meeting tonight at 7:30, Fire- above expectations.
side Room, Lane Hall. All are welcome. One great passer, if Dunc is,
The Michigan Crib, Pre-Legal Soci- cannot win a football game.
ewill hold its next meeting to- Com in Events Passes have to be caught, and in-
night at 8 p.m. in the League. The terceptors have to be blocked. Or
speaker will be the Hon. George Ed-
wards, Judge of Probate. Juvenile Di- S.R.A. Intercultural Excursion, Sat., at least that's the way I under-
vision, Wayne County. His topic will Nov. 7, to Greenfield Village and Edi- stand football. We've all heard
be "The LAW-An Adventure in Facts son Institute. Group will leave Lane the cliches about it taking eleven
and Ideas." Everyone is cordially in- Hall at 9 a.m. and return at 5 p.m. men to make a football team, but
vited to attend. Call 31511, Ext. 2851 for reservations. it happens to be true and we all
1955 J-Hop Committee. Meeting to- The Young Democrats will hold their know sit.
night at 9 p.m. in the Michigan Union. "Egg Head Dinner" on Fri., Nov. 6, at In praise of Dunc I must say
the Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw. that he looks good out there, but
CANDIDATES OPEN HOUSE This will be a spaghetti dinner pre- would he look any better than Lou
FALL, 1953 pared by one of the country's leading Baldacci or any other quarter-
Thurs., Nov. 5- I chefs. There will be a small cost, and back, passer or not, if he were in
5:04-6:00-Alpha Xi Delta, Janet Brad- reservations must be made in advance full time. I don't think so, because
shaw by calling either Diana Hewitt, 2-3225, fl ie o' hn o eas
6:30-8:30-Betsy Barbour, Ruth Ross- or Janis Sleicher, 3-0811. Everyone wel- it's all in the way the ball bounces.
ner come. -Alice Boecker, '56
S -7 1-ZetaBe

Pulitzer Prize for this poem, or, as
I and many oth"ers I am sure would
say, this epic poem.
Secondly it seems impossible
that anyone could judge this epic
poem after seeing it cut to mere
two hours and fifteen minutes,
even though Mr. Laughton has
done an excellent job of cutting.
Several moving and well-written
scenes have been completely lost
due to this terrible but necessary
cutting, which, to me at least
seems like cutting the edges of a
Degas or Cezanne in order to make
it fit the frame.
As to Mr. Wiegand's comments
on the woodenness of the charact-
ers and the simplicity of the plot
-I may say that this simple plot
seems to me infinitely more beau-
tiful and moving than many of the
more complex plots of the theater
today, and especially as stated in
Benet's stirring and effective style,
The characters, though symbolic,
are nowhere near as wooden as any
less talented writer would make
them, and still reserve the right to
do so and say surprising things
that suddenly remove them from
their two-dimensional symbolism
and recreate them as real people
who, though they may not be the
American people of today, are cer-
tainly the American people of the
Civil War.
Lastly I would like to say that I
felt Mr. Wiegand did not come
anywhere near to paying enough
tribute to the people who deserved
it, and especially not to the chorus,
who did an extremely difficult
job, and did it superbly. I also felt
that Mr. Wiegand did not give
enough credit to Mr. Massey for
his' magnificent portrayal of Lin-
coln and also of Lee, who I feel
has always, in Mr. Wiegand's
words been allowed to appear as a
man of marble, but is show here
not only as a marble man, but as a
man who "always wanted some-
-ilary Smith
SDA on Radulovich .. .
To the Editor:
IN SOME states a parent has no
further responsibility for a
child who has reached the age of
sixteen; in other states the age is
eighteen or twenty-one. In the re-
cent Air Force trial of Milo Radul-
ovich we saw a case where a man
of twenty-six was held responsible
for the alleged actions of his par-
ents. Even if there was clear evi-
dence that his parents were dis-
loyal, is this not a new switch to
hold a child responsible for his
parents' actions? This type of guilt
by relationship or association is
completely contrary to the Ameri-
can tradition of justice. The sit-
uation is rendered still more ab-
surd when the fact is considered
that there was no positive evi-
dence offered for the disloyalty of
any of the defendent's relatives
or associates.
The fact that a case of this tenor
has been called, and that the val-
idity of the case has been accepted
by the majority of the American
people is evidence of the growing
fear and hysteria so prevalent,
fear which always leads to acts of
an irrational and dangerous nature
which are loosening the underpin-
nings of our democracy.
Also it is to be noted that Ra-
dulovich's career as a scientist has
been terminated by a military tri-
bunal. Does this reflect the grow-
ing strength of the military, its.
ability to encroach upon civilian
-Fran Leffler,
Executive Board
Students for Democratic Action

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter ..........Cty Editor
Virginia Voss........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff ........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker.......... Associate Editor
Helene Simon......... Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell.......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger. Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin ....Assoc. Business Mgr.
lWilliam Selden........ Finance Manager
James Sharp. Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1



7:30-8:30-Jordan Hall, Winnie Saar, Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Pres. Night, Fri., Nov. 6, 7:30 p.m. Mr. John
6:30-7:15-Alpha Chi Omega, 1004 Waddel will speak on "Comets: Fire-
Olivia. tiles of the Solar System." After the
illustrated lecture in Auditorium "A"
Baha'i Students' Discussion Group in Angell Hall, the Students' Observa-
will meet at the League tonight at 8 tory on the fifth floor will be open for
p.m. Mr. Takashi Robert Imagire will telescopic observation of Jupiter and a
speak on his experience as a Baha'i double star, if the sky is clear, or for
in Japan. After the talk, there will be inspection of the telescopes and plane-
an informal discussion period. tarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children
are welcomed, but must be accoman-
Demonstration of MIDAC Computer. E ied by adults.
Members of the Digital Computation
Department, Willow Run Research Talent Show will be held Nov. 6, from
Center, will demonstrate the use of 8-12 at the Father Richard Center.
the Michigan Digital Automatic Com- Entertainment, dancing, and refresh-
puter (MIDAC) to members of the ments will be provided by the Newman
University faculty and research staff onmentsub.lEeroiedymeNw
Thursday evening, Nov. 5. Buses will Club. Everyone is welcome.
leave from in front of the East Engi-
neering Building in Ann Arbor for Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
MIDAC at 8 p.m. They will return terbury Club, Fri., Nov., 7:30 p.m., at
about 9:45 p.m. Although no reserva- Canterbury House. There will be a dis-
- tion is required, it would be appreciat- cussion of the topic: "Formation of
ed if those interested would telephone the Early Churgh."
Mrs. Sally Brando, Ypsilanti 5110, Ext.
17, so that sufficient bus accommoda- Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
tions can be reserved. All visitors must from 4 to 6 at Canterbury House. Fri.,
be U.S. citizens. ? Nov. 6. All students invited.


John Brown's Body ...
To the Editor:
THE reviewer who, in Sunday's
Daily, tried to put John
Bxown's body in the grave for
good may compliment himself on
raising a furor. Some of us like to
think though, that criticism has
claim to consideration on merits
other than those of a hatchet;
that it should try to unite men and
not divide them; that it should
point the way to the love of art
where none existed before.
I can agree with some of the re-
viewers critique and to some I take
exception; at any rate, we need
not perform the vivisection here.
Why not inquire, Mr. Reviewer,
what was the noble dream Benet
failed (to you) to get across, what
were the actors trying to do,
though they failed (for you) so
lamentably? Maybe you can help
your readers resurrect for them-
selves a work of art from (for you)
And don't you have one word for
a golden throated soprano or did
you, intent on your to-be-wrtitten
review, not hear her?
-Bill Livant
'John Brown Review ...

U. of M. Law School Student Bar As-' Addition to Student Legislature Open
sociation presents the fourth in its House Schedule. Martha Cook house
series of Special Lectures on the Prac- will hold a team for the Student Legis-
tice of Law. Harold Draper, of the lature candidates from 3:30 to 5:00 on
Flint Bar, will speak on "Mechanics of Friday afternoon, Nov. 6.
Abstract Examination"; 7 p.m. to-____
night. 120 Hutchins Hall. All inter- University Luthern Chapel, 1511 Wash-
ested persons are invited. tenaw, is sponsoring a concert of
Negro spirituals Friday night at 8

Social Chairman. There will be a-
meeting of social chairmen of all in-
dependent women's houses this after-

o'clock by the renowned "Wings Over
Jordan" choir, on a freewill offering


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