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November 05, 1953 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-05

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- =

. . by Ivan N. Kaye
A strange atmosphere shrouds Ferry Field this week.
We felt it once before-last year when Michigan was supposed
to lose to Purdue. There was a certain mounting tension then, dif-
ferent from the usual uneasiness which preceeds big games.
MICHIGAN beat Purdue last year.
Michigan is going to beat Illinois this Saturday.
We are not given to go out on limbs without cause, but we are
dead sure that when a Michigan team wants to win a game of foot-
ball, then the outcome is not in doubt, and Michigan wants this game
MICHIGAN WANTS this one to make up for last year, and the
year before, and the year before that; but most of all. Michigan
wants this game for this year, for that Big Ten championship.
Why is Michigan going all out to win this one with Michigan
State and Ohio State coming up? The answer lies on the gridiron
of Ohio Stadium in Columbus where the Buckeyes will wear down
Biggie Munn's Spartans as much, if not more than the Illini will
wear down Michigan. Win, lose or draw, Michigan State will be
in approximately the same physical condition as Michigan when
they meet at East Lansing on November 14. Ohio State likewise
will suffer the punishment of a tough game with old-rival Purdue
before playing at Ann Arbor.
It all boils down to the Michigan-Illinois game. This is the cli-
max of the season for both teams. An Illini victory means a Big Ten
championship and another trip across the Rockies to the' Rose Bowl.
* * * *
WHEN WE SAY that Michigan will win on Saturday, we say it
with the full knowledge that Illinois is a team without offensive weak-
ness. We realize that Elry Falkenstein is an expert ballhandler and
forward passer. We realize that in J. C. Caroline and Mickey Bates
Illinois has a combination which may someday surpass the exploits
of Glenn, Davis and Doc Blanchard. We realize that they have a
reat fullback in Stan Wallace, a vicious line which renders superb
lownfield blocking for its runners and two fine ends in Rocky Ryan
r nd Cliff Waldbesser.
We credit the Illini with all these advantages, plus the fact
that they enter the game with the confidence of an unbeaten
team, yet we say with the firmest conviction that Michigan will
triumph before that vast homecoming audience on Saturday.
Arch Ward, the great sports editor of the Chicago Tribune, once
summed it up after Bennie Oosterbaan's Wolverines had come from
behind to beat a heavily favored California team in the Rose Bowl.
Said Ward, "We' are finally coming to realize that Michigan doesn't
lose the big ones."
We will leave it at that, and await the proof on Saturday after-
noon. We feel however, that the Illini faithful will walk the streets
of Champaign and Urbana Saturday night mumbling the same
phrase-"Michigan doesn't lose the big ones."

Set Defense
For Illinois

Soph Halfback Caroline SAE Tumbles ATO, 13-7;
1 1 AT T 1I

.......... .,


Leads lNation in RushUtg
_iunng Ci Ph, DU
By DON LINDMAN I set last year by Wisconsin's Alan

Triangle Win

Reserves Dressed
As Illini Defense
The Michigan football squad re-
ceived a thorough workout in their'
defensive assignments for the sec-
ond day in a row yesterday as the
Wolverines continued prepara-
tions for their important Big Ten
clash with highly touted Illinois
on Saturday.
In order to emphasize the
vaunted Illini passing and running
attacks, which have averaged 6.8
and 5.6 yards respectively, Coach
Bennie Oosterbaan had dressed his
reserves in the traditional Orange
and Black of the Illinois school.
Dressed in this manner, the re-
serves spent almost the entire aft-
ernoon running through every Il-
linois play known to the Michigan
PARTICULAR attention was
given to the linebacking problem
and also the end play in an at-
tempt to throttle the sensational
sophomore duo of Mickey Bates
and J. C.rCaroline, the Big Ten's
top runner.
John Morrow and Dick Balzhi-
ser continued their duties behind
the line where both have shown
considerable improvement in the
last few games. Ends Gene Knut-
son and Bob Topp also received
their share of attention in defend-
ing against the wide sweeps of
On the whole the entire squad
looked very good in its final con-
tact session before tomorrow's
brief signal drill.
Toronto 3, Chicago 1

J. C. Caroline has gone a long
way as an Illinois sophomore-
891 yards, to be exact.
The fleet-footed Illini halfback
is well on the way toward gaining
recognition as the greatest sopho-
more runner in Western Confer-
ence history.

* * *
RUNNING against a Purdue line
which held vaunted Michigan
State scoreless, Caroline reeled off
157 yards rushing last Saturday to
shatter the Illini one-season mark
of 829 yards, set by the famous
Buddy Young.
Caroline will be trying to add
to his record-breaking yardage
total when the Illini play host
to Michigan at Champaign this
Thinking up a defense which
will stop the sensational sopho-
more is the job which faces Wol-
verine coach Bennie Oosterbaan
and his, staff. Purdue used half
a dozen different combinations in
a vain attempt to halt the Illini
# #
KNOWN ONLY by the initials
"J.C." because "I have no first
name." Caroline is far ahead of
the sophomore records of "Young
and Johnny Karras, two celebrat-
ed Illini grid heroes of recent
Ironically, Young was Caro-
line's high school idol and
played a large part in bringing
the Columbia, South Carolina,
speedster to the Champaign
With the Illinois season rushing
record shattered, Caroline can aim
for the conference mark when he
faces the Wolverines. He needs
only 221 yards in. his three re-
maining Big 10 games to break
the one-season mark of 774 yards,

* * *
THE NATION'S leading gridiron By AL EISENBERG
ground-gainer, Caroline has play- A long touchdown pass with
ed his best against the tough com- only 10 seconds left to play pro-
petition of the Big 10. After rack- vided the victory margin for Sig-
ing up 192 yards in his conference ma Alpha Epsilon as they defeated
debut against Ohio State, he came Alpha Tau Omega, 13-7, at South
within 12 yards of breaking the Ferry Field yesterday.
Big 10 one game rushing record SAE scored early in the first
against Minnesota, piercing the half when a long pass from Carl
Gopher line for 205 yards. Cornelinson to Jim Henson clicked
The fabulous Illini sophomore for the TD. A few seconds later
was "held" to 66 yards against Cornelinson passed to Ron Norene
washed" t. 6yafor the extra point, and SAE led
fpoorest showing 7-0. ATO evened the score min-
utes later. Kelly Tarachas tossed
An All-America prep selection a short pass to Charlie Gunn for
in 1951, the 6 foot 184-pounder al- the 6-pointer and to Bill Werner
so starred in three other, sports, for the extra point.
earning 12 high school lettersWith only 10 seconds left to

pa Psi, 14-0. In the first half
Krumbholz threw a touchdown
pass to Gil Rodger and the pass
for the extra point to Dale Arm-
strong. In the second half Krumb-
holz ran for a TD, passed to
Roger for the extra point and in-
tercepted threes passes.
* * *
IN A SEMI-FINAL third place
playoff game, Delta Upsilon de-'
feated Sigma Phi Epsilon in over-
time, 14-13. The Sig Eps scored
two touchdowns before the DUs
could hit paydirt. Bill Adams
flipped to Stan Goldner for the
first 6-pointer and Goldner tossed
the second TD pass to Jack Con-
lin. A pass from Goldner to Con-
lin accounted for the extra point.
With Leo Efimchik leading
the way, Delta Upsilon knotted
the score. Efimchik lobbed a
pass to Bob Brown for the first

score, and tossed a 60-yard des-
peration pass with 30 seconds to
play to Nate Pierce forthe sec-
ond score.
In the overtime period the DUs
piled up more yardage than the
Sig Eps, and thereby won the ex-
tended contest.
In other games, Psi Upsilon-de-
feated Theta Delta Chi, 13-7, and
Triangle topped Tau Kappa Epsi-
lon, 12-6.
Collegiate Cuts
to please.
9 Barbers -- No Waiting
The Daseola Barbers
near Michigan Theatre

stop Eddie Joost yesterday was
named field manager of the Phil-
adelphia Athletics in a move so
surprising that deposed Manager
Jimmy Dykes knew nothing about

to the SAE talb ack, John Tay-
lor. Taylor flipped the ball to
Norene who tossed a long pass
to Don Rahrig for the winning
In the other semi-final second
place playoff game, Chi Phi led by
Lee Krumbholz, defeated Phi Kap-


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'M' Gridders Seek Vengeance
After 1952 Setback by Illinois

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Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results

The Michigan-Illinois gridiron
battle this Saturday will find the
Wolverines seeking revenge for the
suprising upset handed them in
last year's tilt, which the Illini
captured, 22-13.
The Wolverines were leading the
Western Conference as the two
teams entered the Michigan Sta-
dium for the game which was vi-
tal to the Michigan bid for the
Rose Bowl. It was a sunny day and
a stiff breeze was blowing. The
students were confident that their
team would conquer the Illini in
the drive for the New Years day
* * *
THE MAIZE and Blue gridders
took the field. Illinois kicked off
and the Wolverines found them-
selves on their own 26. On the first
play Wolverine right half Frankie
Howell was nailed for an eight
yard loss. On the second down, a
pass was incomplete. The Illinois
line blocked an attempted quick
kick on the third play and the
Wolverines were forced to kick.
The Inspired Illinois line rose
up once again and blocked the
punt. The ball bounded into the
end zone and the "Fighting Il-
lini" led 2-0. This was a lead
they never relinquished.
The Orange and Blue gridders
surprised everyone on the next se-
ries. They sent in an extra end
who was used for a decoy. In two
quick pass plays, they moved the
ball to the Michigan 27 yard line.
Michigan was in a hole and they
didn't get out until the Illini had
scored again. fllini Ken Miller
ran 26 yards for the touchdown.
* * *

the haunt
of the
ONCE there was a ghost named Leroy, who lived in a
haunted cottage near a large Eastern university. Every
Friday night, at exactly seven o'clock, he'd slide under the
door of Baskerville Hall (the main dorm), and give the students
all the answers to next week's quizzes.
This was quite a set up. No studying, no cramming; ; . and
straight A's all term long. But then, one Friday, the hour
came and went. No Leroy ! And the following week, all the
Baskerville Boys got an F on every quiz!
The Friday after that, all of Baskerville Hall waited : :
and waited. But still no Leroy! In high dudgeon, they set out
to find him. Creeping into Leroy's haunted cottage ... the
Baskerville Boys found him moaning and groaning. "What's
the matter, Leroy?" they asked.
Leroy wiped a ghostly tear from his ghostly eye. 'The
weather's so hot, every time I put on a shirt the collar curls
and wilts. I haven't been out for two weeks!"
In high glee, the Baskerville Boys hurried to the local
Van Heusen dealer and bought a dozen Van Heusen Century
Shirts with the revolutionary soft collar that won't wrinkle
ever. Regular collars, spread collars. $3.95 for whites, $4.95
for colors. "A very good investment," they thought.
Leroy was delighted. He rewarded the boys with all the
answers to the following week's quizzes. Two months later,
all the boys from Baskerville Hall had flunked out. Leroy's
good-looking Van Heusen Century Shirts made him so popular
with the co-eds, that he didn't have time for quizzes or answers.

and ran in a 52-yard march to
paydirt. The extra point was good
and Illinois led, 16-0.
O'Connell again spearheaded
the Illinieafter they recovered a
Wolverine fumble on the Michi-
gan 37. He passed twice and
plunged over for the TD. Illinois
led at the half 22-0.
The Wolverines were not to be
denied their moments of glory.
They kicked off to start the third
quarter. Illinois received the ball
and- fumbled their way back to
their own two. There Michigan
captain Tim Green pounced on,
the ball.
* * *
THEY were put back on the sev-
en by a penalty but Ted Kress
carried the ball off tackle to the
one and fumbled. Wingback Tony
Brannoff gathered in the ball in
the end zone for the score.
Ten minutes later Kress took
the ball over on a twenty-two
yard run and Rescorla convert-
ed. This made the score 22-13
and it looked like the Wolverines
might pull it out of the bag..
The Wolverines started another
drive from their own 20 late in
the fourth quarter. Kress and
Brannoff ran and quarterback
Ted Topor passed to Lowell Perry
as the Michigan gridders marched
73 yards. However, their drive
stalled when they failed to gain
a yard from the Illinois eight.
The Illinois victory was rated as
an "upset of the year." It demol-
ished the Wolverine hopes for the
Rose Bowl honors. This year Mich-
igan enters the Illinois game'with
a possibility of the Rose Bowl in
sight. The game is a crucial battle
and Michigan will be seeking re-
venge for the startling upset hand-
ed them last year.

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