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November 04, 1953 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


I ,




IFC Council Asks'
Health Program
Executive Body To Recommend
New Plan to House Presidents
Acting to raise health and safety conditions in campus fraterni-
ties the Interfraternity Council's Executive Committee last night
unanimously recommended a plan to check on fraternity progress in
correcting unsatisfactory conditions discovered by annual University
Final action on the new program will come at an IFC House
Presidents' Assembly meeting Tuesday. The Executive Council serves
only as a recommending body.











Wo COmment on Trophy

Oppose P




* * *


ONE MOTION to be submitted to the Assembly acknowledges
the University's fraternity system has made gradual improvement



Wagner Cops NY
Mayoralty Battle.
Democratic Candidates Victorious
In New Jersey, Virginia Elections
By The Associated Press
Democrats won all the big prizes in yesterday's off-year voting,
including the New Jersey governorship and the 6th District House
seat, long held by Republicans.
They also put a New Dealer in the New York mayor's chair by a
whopping margin of nearly 400,000 and retained the Virgija gov-
ernorship by one of the closest margins in years.
* * s
THE CAPTURE OF the lone House election followed last month's
Democratic upset of another Republican seat in a special election
in Wisconsin. It made the House!

yNeary OK's
Essay Type
Endorsement of the literary col'
lege faculty action adopting a new
plan for obtaining "student opin-
ion on courses and teaching" ir
the college came from studeni
leaders contacted yesterday.
Student Legislature Presideni
Bob Neary, '54BAd, said the fac-
ulty is to be commended for in-
troduction of essay type answers
in the faculty evaluation.
"It is a vast improvement,'
Neary said, "since it will promote
serious student thought directed
toward special teaching problems
These problems will not be mere-
ly suggested on a form but must
be perceived individually," Neary
The new program to replace
the old numerical evaluation sys-
tem will consist of a uniform
annual questionnaire distribut-
ed throughout the college that
will call for "comments and ver-
bal characterizations in the in-
terest of guiding students to-
ward standards of real educa.
tional significance."
Commenting on the literary col-
lege action Union President Jay
Strickler, '54, said "It is gratify-
ing to note that at least one area
of University activity is willing to
accept student opinion as a re-
sponsible element deserving con-
Mary Ann Chacarestos, '54,
chairman of the literary college
steering committtee, said she feels
the plan has the aproval of most
students and is a considerable im-
provement over the previous

in health and safety conditions but
"there is room for additional im-
provement to bring it up to high
standards in these areas."
The other motion outlines a

Arguments Call
Plan Political'


method to bring this improve- An official "no comment" was
ment about whereby individual given by members of the Board
fraternities will submit a written in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
report to the Executive Council letics yesterday on the outcome of
30 .days after their inspection their meeting with Michigan State
outlining what has been done to College athletic officials to decide
correct deficiencies pointed out the fate of a proposed trophies be-
by University sanitation inspec- tween the two schools.
tor Harold Dunstan. Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the
Attending last night's meeting, Law School and Faculty Repre-
Dunstan agreed to submit a dup- sentative to the Western Confer-
licate report of his inspections and ence added that no information
also to give the fraternities notice would be forthcoming in the near
before he conducts his annual future on the trophy which would
checkup. Both points aie included be symbolic of the rivalry between
in the motion. MSC and Michigan.
Should the Council be dissatis- *. *.I
fled with progress of any fraternity MICHIGAN STATE officials are
in correcting poor conditions, it enthusiastic about the idea, pro-
has the power to take any action posed last month by Gov. G. Men-
it sees fit from a warning to more nen Williams, and have officially

severe penalties.
** *
COUNCIL members also heard
a report on IFC's program to have
all fraternity cooks and porters
x-rayed to prevent possible tuber-
culosis epidemics.
The procedure for arranging
x-rays has been simplified, Dun-
stan said. He agreed to check
on .whether employes had been
x-rayed in his inspections thus
bringing this aspect of the
health problem under Executive
Council scrutiny if the general
health and safety motion passes.
Approval of the by-law proposal
Tuesday would affect all fraternity
inspection reports issued thus far.
Houses which have already had
their inspection woud be required
to turn in a progress report within
30 days after the date of passage.
Dulles Denies
U.S. Will House
Atom In Spain
WASHINGTON--(')-Two cab-
inet officers declared yesterday
the United States had no plans
for stockpiling atomic bombs at
American air bases in Spain.
The statements came from Sec-
retary of State Dulles and Secre-
tary of Defense Wilson.
They followed press reports from
Madrid Monday which quoted
Harold E. Talbott, secretary of the
Air Force, as saying the Air Force
eventually will have supplies of
A-bombs at the newly acquired
Spanish bases.
Talbott denied these reports
They are "not true," he said#
uponhis arrivalin Athens, Greece,
yesterday. "I never made such a
statement, nor will I ever make
statements about atomic weap-
He. said that was "a matter to
be taken up and discussed be-
tween the respective govern-

approved it.
University Board members
have not taken any action on
the trophy and informed sources
report the Board would rather
maintain only one trophy, that
being the Little Brown Jug be-
tween Michigan and Minnesota.
The meeting between the two
school& athletic boards resulted
from a Michigan request that they
hear first hand the reasons for
the trophy and MSC sentiment.-
Arguments against the trophy
center around the theme that it is
a political move by Gov. Williams,
that University students and ath-
letes do not really want a trophy,
and that it will negate the tradi-
tion of the Little Brown Jug.
t* r
THE TROPHY as planned
would be a five foot high map of
Michigan carved out of wood
with a figure of Paul Bunyan sup-
erimposed on it. Unofficial sources
claim the trophy has been ordered
by the Governor and is near com-
A random Daily poll of stu-
dents, however, revealed that
93 of 150 students favor the
plan, while 57 said they opposed
Those backing the idea stressed
the natural rivalry between the
two schools and said it would aid
in creating a better understand-
ing between the student bodies of
the schools. Those opposed felt
that the idea should come from
the students and not the Governor
or simply didn't want a trophy at
Prof. Herbert O. (Fritz) Cris-
ler, University Athletic Director,
was out of town and unavailable
for comment.
Porter To Speak
At SDA Meeting
Katherine Ann Porter, visiting
professor of English, will talk on
Academic Freedom at a meeting
of the Students For Democratic
Action at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at
the Union.

-Daily-Malcolm Shatz.
COURTHOUSE CONSTRUCTION-Workmen construct underpinning for old County Courthouse
as excavation for new $3,250,000 building begins. The new U-shaped Courthouse will be built
around the present structure.
Poll Reveals Most Seniors Veto Finals

.1 - - -

A random sampling of the sen-
iors on campus showed "no exams
for seniors" to be in top place
when it comes to proposed changes
in the exam schedule.
Opinion was evenly divided on
the issue of returning to the old
method of not being officially
graduated at commencement.
* * *
CONTROVERSY centers around!
how the schedule can be altered
to allow sufficient time for study
without making the period be-
tween the end of finals and gradu-
ation too short for the instructors
to turn in senior's grades. If final
grades are not in, seniors are not
officially graduated at commence-
Although favoring senior ex-
emption from exams, many sen-
iors felt such a move impossible.
One commented that it would
be wonderful not to have to take
finals but doubted if such a
move could be "educationally
Opposing senior exemption, Ann

Rodriguez, '54, sees a need for fi-
nals "to pull up grades." Other
students argue exams are needed
to motivate study and to get an
overall view of the course accord-
ing to the poll.
A middle of the road stand was
taken by Barbara Steinko, '54Ed,
who felt all seniors except those
with averages in the D range
should be exempt, depending on
how much the individual instruc-
tor weighed the final.
SOME SENIORS believed last
spring's "dead period" between the
end of finals and commencement
was too long and favor returning
to unofficial graduation at com-
Voicing no objection to the
"dead period" but favoring a
longer exam period, Al Magnus,
'54BAd, said "it is ridiculous to
crowd all the exams into such a
short period."
Whether graduation was official
at commencement concerned only


a small percentage of those inter-
Another proposal' called for a
revision of the semester system so
the first semester would begin
aroundsthe first of September and
end before Christmas. After three
See POLL, Page 6
World News


A * *

"IN THE literary college con-
ference last spring it was found
that students were against the old
method as such, but were in favor
of continuing some plan of stu-
dent evaluation of the faculty,"
Miss Chacarestos pointed out.
President of the literary col-
lege senior class, Mike Scherer,
'54, said student opinion would
probably be valuable in aiding
the formulation of questions for
the new questionnaire.
"A carefully constructed evalu-
ation program can be a very use-
ful and significant instrument of
constructive criticism, and should
be useful in improving the process
of education," Scherer said.
Concurring with the .generally
favorable comment on the new
program Sue Riggs, '54, president
of the League, praised the positive
approach of the plan in getting
students to think more seriously
and critically about courses and
educational methods of the facul-
Pollard Says
Science Fails
"Modern science is failing today
as did science back in the days of
the ancient Greeks and Romans
and in the days of the early Mid-
dle Ages," said Rev. Dr. William
G. Pollard, Episcopal minister and
Executive Director of the Oak
Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies,
"The ancients were interested in
science only as it included every-
thing within their existence as a
whole. They completely missed the

SL Candidates Favor Part,

Principals, Freshmen
To A tend Corference
Three hundred-sixty representatives from 180 high schools and!
nine junior colleges are expected to attend round table discussions and
student conferences in the 25th annual Principal-Freshman and Jun-
ior College Conference here today and tomorrow.
The theme of the two day session will be, "How can the high
--school, junior colleges and Univer-
sity work together for the best
preparation and orientation of
college students?"
S stem * *
FIRST OF the meetings has
been arranged as a round table
Those who favor the proposed discussion at 7:30 p.m. today in
system also claim it would make the Union Ballroom on subjects
each individual SL member re- submitted by high school prin-
sponsible to a certain group for cipals, college admission counse-
his actions on the Legislature lors and junior college deans.
rather than to a nebulous group Conferences between students
called the "campus at large." new to campus and their high
Supporters of the present all- school principals and junior col-
surs all sinot o groupssay it en- lege deans have been set begin-
sibility of electing a representa- ting at 8:30a . tomorrow in
tive and that it also maximizes thet
importance of the individual par- Following a luncheon in the
liamentarian since he can claim to Union, at which University Presi-
represent the entire campus rather dent Harlan H. Hatcher will speak,

By The Associated Press
DETROIT -- The conspiracy
trial of six Michigan communist
leaders lapsed into the time-con-
suming pattern of seven previous
Smith Act trials yesterday in Fed-
eral Court.
The trial in its second week,
bogged down as government at-
torneys sought to auestio i their
first witness, John Lautner.
DETROIT-Blair Moody, for-
mer U. S. Senator from Michi-
gan announced yesterday that
he will begin printing a week-
ly newspaper in suburban Li-
vonia and another in suburban
colonial powers won a major vic-
tory in the UN yesterday beating
down an Arab-Asian demand for
the Assembly to intervene in the
French-Moroccan dispute.
German chemist who gave a
boost to the plastics industry
and a Dutch physicist-micro-
scopist are winners of the 1953
Nobel prizes in chemistry and
physics, a Swedish newspaper
said yesterday.
NEW YORK-Sen. Joseph R.
McCarthy (R-Wis.) said yester-
day a man believed to be Abraham
Brothman, who served a prison
term in the Rosenberg atom spy
case, is now free and working in
a New York radar plant.
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State Dulles said yesterday there
is "reason to fear" the Commu-
nists are evading serious talks
about concrete subject involving
globaltensions in both Europe and
the Far East.
While Dulles thus reflected some
gloom over the outcome of East-
West friction at his new confer-
ence, Prime Minister Sir Winston

lineup 218 Republican, 215 Demo-
crats, 1 Independent. One vacancy
-a Republican seat-will be fill-
ed in California's 24th District
next Tuesday.
Robert B. Meyner, (D), 45, a
country lawyer, defeated weal-
thy Paul L. Troast (R) for New
Jearsey governor to end 10 years
of Republican control at Tren-
ton. The race had been billed
in advance by some Republican
leaders as a test of President
Eisenhower's popularity, al-
though the issues were largely
Harrison A. Williams Jr. (D)
won over George F. Hetfield (R)
in the New Jersey 6th by less than
2.000 votes. The district had been
Republican since it was organized
in 1932.
Robert F. Wagner Jr., son of the
late New Deal Senator, coasted to
victory in the race for New York
mayor over two opponents. He
thus put the "liberal" wing of his
party in position to name the
Democratic candidate for gover-
nor next year.
Thomas B. Stanley, backed by
the powerful Democratic Byrd or-
ganization in Virginia, defeated
Republican Ted Dalton for Old
Dominion governor in a race that
was the closest in years.
Democratic National Chair-
man Stephen Mitchell hailed the
results as evidence that Demo-
crats have started a victory
march "north, south, east and
In Buffalo, N.Y., Steven Pan-
kow, a Democrat, won the city's
mayoral election and ended eight
years of Republican administra-
tion of the nation's 15th largest
In Michigan, Orville L. Hubbard
was re-elected mayor in suburban
Dearborn yesterday by the largest
plurality in his stormy political ca-
reer. He defeated James Christie
Jr., 25,081 to 10,533 in the non-
partisan voting.
'- * *
AND MAYOR Albert E. Cobo
held a lead in his bid for re-elec-
tion in Detroit's nonpartisan mu-
nicipal election.
Returns from 250 out of De-
troit's 1480 precincts gave Cobo
36,904 votes and his opponent
James A. Lincoln, 23,053.
Other mayors chosen in muni-
cipal elections in the state in-
Kalamazoo-Glen S. Allen, re-
Royal Oak-Howard K. Kelly.
Cadillac-Robert L. Kendall.
Other mayors elected in yester-
day's off-year voting were:
Albany, N.Y. - Erastus Corning
II (D), re-elected.
Buffalo, N.Y. - Steven Pankow
(D), Democrat gain.
Oneida, N.Y.-Robert D. Kruger
(R), Republican gain.
Bridgeport, Conn.-Jasper M-
Levy (Soc.) elected for 11th time.
New Haven, Conn.-Richard C.
Lee (D), Democrat gain.
Waterbury, Conn.-Raymond E.
Snyder (R) re-elected.
Norwalk, Conn. - Irving G.
Freese, Independent, re-elected.
Little Rock, Ark-Pratt C. Rem-
mel, (R) re-elected.
And in New York a Negro was
elected Manhattan Borough
president-the first of his race
ever to get the job.
Democrat.Hulan E. Jack defeat-
ed three other parties' candidates

Vote Swing
In Jersey
Local and regional issues were
chiefly at stake in yesterday's elec
tions, but the Democrats' showing
in the New Jersey House of Rep-
resentatives and gubernatorial
races may indicate wider trends,
several University political science
professors said last night.
Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach felt
the incomplete results in the
Sixth New Jersey District, which
showed Democrat Harrison A. Wil.
liams leading in a district which
had never sent a Democrat to Con-
gress, was as significant as the
recent Wisconsin upset.
on the block in that election, Prof.
Kallenbach said, and the Sixth
District had selected a Republican
by a two-to-one majority only last
The strong Republican show
ing in Virginia "surprised" Prof.
George A. Peek, but he caution.
ed conclusions are hard to draw
from special elections because
the party in power generally
loses ground in them.
The Wagner mayoralty victory
in New York was expected by
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage. The
results are "additional confirma-
tion" that "the New Deal isn't
dead," he said. But he would not
draw conclusions for national poli-
tics from the race.
A fusionist candidate would
have been the only possible threat
to the New York Democrats, he
LOCAL ISSUES, such as the
involvement of Paul L. Troast, the
Republican candidate, with labor
racketeer Joe Fay may , account
for the Democratic strength in the
New Jersey gubernatorial race,
Prof. Frank Grace said.
Yet the Eisenhower endorse-
ment of all Republican candi-
dates may indicate national re-
percussions from the New Jersey
results, he concluded.
The Detroit non-partisan elec-
tions ran true to form, by return-
ing incumbents, but Prof. Everett
S. Brown noted an unexpectedly"
large vote there.
Most of the professors saw little
significance in the New York and
Virginia results because of the
traditional Democratic record of
victory in those areas.
Reds Reject
Peace Offer
PANMUNJOM - (A) - Com-
munist delegates today turned
down an Allied proposal to con-
vene the Korean Peace Confer-
ence early next month and angrily
charged the United States violat-
ed the armistice agreement by
signing a defense pact with South
The 1 hour 25 minute meeting-
ninth in the series - remained
tightly deadlocked.
HOWEVER, habitually optimis-
tic U.S. Enoy Arthur Dean, told

(Editor's Note: This is the second
in a series of articles on campaign
issues involved in next week's Stu-
dent Legislature elections.)
Although every extensive reor-
ganization scheme considered in
the past by committees formally
or informally studying Student
Legislature election procedures
has been rejected, nearly one-half
of the 35 candidates now running
for office think SL would profit
by having political parties on cam-
pus to point up divergent views
on ll elec~ ~ption issue~s

FEW OF the candidates in favor
of campus political parties qual-
ified their remarks by mention-
ing what kind of parties they
would support. Some members of
SL have expressed belief that the
already-established junior nation-
al parties-the Young Republicans
and Young Democrats-would be
the most effective means of or-
ganizing student voters around is-
sues, while others have said en-
tirely new kinds of parties, based
only on local issues, should be es-



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