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October 20, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-20

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Latest Deadline in the State aEVY WARM



UN Experts
Offer Views
In NY Talks
Murphy Explains
Position of U.S.
Daily Editorial Director
Special To The Daily
NEW YORK-Fourteen interna-
tionally minded speakers took the
platform of the United Nations
General assembly Hall Sunday
night and alternately praised and
criticized the UN as an agent for
achieving peaceful change.
Addressing some 2,000 persons
at the opening session of the
twenty-second annual New York
Herald Tribune Forum, Robert D.
Murphy, Assistant Secretary of
State for UN Affairs, held that
strong support of the UN "is fun-
damental to our foreign policy"
but pot the only instrumentality
of that policy.
"STRONG popular faith in the
UN does not mean that "We as a
government or people are blindly
committed to some visionary ad-
venture" or that "the United
States had sacrificed sovereign
rights to the UN" Murphy said.
Emphasizing the United
States' attempt to do its best
to fulfill membership obligatiohs
in the UN, the State Depart-
ment representative deplored
the widespread lack of under-
standing which results in impa-
tience with both the UN and
the tactics of the United States
r Delegation.
In answer to the "more action,
less talk" line of criticism directed
at the U.S. delegation, Murphy ex-
plained that U.S. representatives
S"try to act in ways which will be
persuasive to other public opin-
ions as well as our own".
UN General Assembly President
Mme. Vijaya Oakshmi Pandit
opened the four-session forum l
with a plea for acceptance of the
UN by all nations. The 'slight
Indian diplomat outlined "perma-
nence and stability within change,"
as the UN's not yet realized goal.
* * *
"IT IS VITAL to our age that
we do everything in our power to
promote a more thoughtful and
patient evaluation of the difficult
task which confronts the UN,"
Mme. Pandit concluded.
The present need to "buy
time" while the constructive
forces working for peaceful
progress can gain momentum
was stressed in a message pre-
pared by UN Secretary General
Dag Ham arskjQld and read by
Ralph J. bunchi in Hammar-
skjoid's absence.
In spite of its pessimistic ring,
the world's greatest problem-that
of "peaceful co-existence"-has a
.positive implication, the Ham-
marskjold message said. "It gives)
us a chance to work for such'
peaceful change as is needed if we
are to justify the hope for one,
world of peace."
Forum delegates from 200 col-
leges and universities, women's
organizations and business, labor,
religious and educational groups
also heard analysis of specific
problems in areas like Africa, Li-
bya and Korea.
A PANEL discussion of "Public
Opinion and the United Ntations"
drew the sessions' sharpest criti-
cism of the UN from Indonesian
representative Soedjatmoko. "To
many nations, "the young diplo-
mat said, "the cause of the appar-
ent failure of the UN lies not in

its structure but in the insistence
of the major power on subordi-
nating considerations of merit and
justice to the dictates of power
It often seems to Asians that
the UN is operating only in the
space left to it by the Big Pow-
ers, Soedjatmoko held.
"New patterns for Mid-Century
Living," the theme of the forum

Near Tragedy

UN Requests Cecs


Full Report
Council Passes J7
Security Council approved yester- Reds
day a motion by Henry Cabot
Lodge Jr., requesting a full report
from the UN truce supervisor on To D
recent acts of violence between
Israel and neighboring Arab
states. IKo re,
sIt has not yet formally put thisnrPe
new crisis in Palestine on the
agenda. But the request was dis-
patched anyway for Maj. Gen. cine1
Vagn Bennike of Denmark, chief
of staff of the UN truce supervi- (inPi
sion organization in Palestine, to
fly here and tell the Council about TOKYO-
the latest events. yesterday ag


O K's


-- -T- --- - - -- --

a Issue

Red Walk-out
Neutrals Veto
Use of Force
Czech and Polish members report-
edly walked out on the Neutral
Nations Repatriation Commission
yesterday, a break that may por-
tend collapse of Communist at-
tempts to persuade 22,400 -*anti-
Red prisoners to return home.
Reliable sources said the two
Communist members stalked out
when Swiss and Swedish members
and the Indian chairman refused
to force North Korean prisoners
to attend persuasion sessions.
Otteren * *

-Daily-Gerry van Ott
A BUSY DAY, TOO BUSY-During the mid-afternoon yester
near tragedy was avoided in 'Ann Arbor by quick acting pu
servants. A woodpile in back of the Gamma Phi Beta house cau
fire when a spark from a burning pile of leaves in the Soro
backyard ignited the stored wood. Firemen called to the sc
quickly put out the flames and little damage resulted.
Crack Italian Troops
Move Into Positions
By The Associated Press
Camouflaged units of Italy's crack Folgore Lightning mf
division moved into positions yesterday near the strategic elbi
Yugoslavia, Italy and the Allied-occupied zone of Trieste Free
Troops, tanks and artillery of the division moved under co
of early morning darkness into the area a few miles north of
ship-building city of Monfalcone on the Gulf of Trieste. T
were the first Italian troops known to have been thrown acros
possible Yugoslav entry route toward the narrow neck which c
nects British-American occupied Zone A of Trieste with /It

jTHE COUNCIL will meet again
today to settle how the question
shall be listed on the agenda. It
eren is not expected to hear Bennike
day until late in the week.
blic The United States, Britain
fght and France called the council
)sis' into an urgent session yester-
ene day. They had sharply de-
nounced an Israeli attack .last
- Wednesday on the Jordan bor-
der village of Kibya.
The Jordan government report-
ed 66 Arabs were killed and nine
wounded. Israel claimed tension
in the area was Jordan's fault and
began steps for an inquiry into
all border incidents since the 1949
Israel-Arab armistice agreements
took effect.
Meanwhile, the United States
fantry notified Israel it will withhold
ow of American financial aid until the
Ter- Israeli government stops trying to
divert the'Jordan River along the
ver Syrian frontier. Syria has com-
the plained about this diversion to the
,hey Security Council and that com-
y plaint is slated to be heard Thurs-
ss a day.
on- * * *
aly. AT YESTERDAY'S session
talian Lodge sat quietly through a bog of

U. S. envoyr
munjom tos
rean peacet
scheduled to
But in ac
nists in a no
ping radio o
discussing w
tend. This i
has balkeda

ese Disagree
articipants j
greed to meet with a
next Monday at Pan-:
arrange for the Ko-
conference, originally
begin Oct. 28.
cepting, the Commu-
ote broadcast by Pei-'
nce more insisted on
hich nations shall at-
s the very issue that
all efforts to get the
session started.

United Nations said the U. S. rep-
resentative, Arthur Dean, would
fly to Panmunjom later this week
for the talks. Dean, special State
Department consultant, will be ac-
companied by a half dozen ad-
visers and will pick up others in
Tokyo and Seoul.
The United States, after con-
sulting its allies in the Korean
War, sent the Communists a note
last week proposing a meeting
at Panmunjom to select a time
and place for the peace confer-
The U. S. note said the Allies
would be ready to discuss the ques-
tion of neutrals attending the
peace conference "to the extent
consistent with" previous decisions
made-by the United Nations.
In yesterday's note Premier
Chou En-lai of Red China made
clear he believed the question of
neutral nations participating was'
more important than settling the
time and place.


--Daily-Gerry Van+

" A.11 '' " ^tS"fa *iL1S 7 .b''^ THE SWISS government backed
up its delegate, announcing in
Bern it ,had given, him "categori-
cal instructions with which Switz-
erland seeks to avoid the use of
force under all circumstances." It
By Organized Students said use of force would violate the
Geneva Convention.
A NNRC spokesman refused
By FRAN SHELDON Then the prospective rioters to confirm or deny the walkout"
and MARK READER marched down E. Madison, turned report.
An aimless, shifting mob of stu- + onto Thompson and went on to The hour for the regular daily
dents exploding fireworks and Chicago House. Many of the stu- repatriation commission seseton
mildly threatening a panty-raid dents turned back before reaching passed yesterday with no delegates
milled outside the co-ed occupied their destination when a police car on hand for the meeting.
Chicago House, West Quad, for 45 cruised by. A spokesman said it was not cer-
minutes last night before being * * * tain there would be a meeting, but
dispersed by an organized group of IN THE MIDDLE of the mass declined other comment.
fellow students. could be heard talk of being draft- Ordinarily the NNRC would
The demonstration marked the ed if the incident got out of hand. have met at 7 p.m., yesterday but
second time in ten days bands of The demonstration was finally an hour later no delegates had ar-
men have marched through the squelched when a group of stu- rived.
campus. The previous outburst oc- dents led by football captain Dick All
curred following a "Beat Iowa" O'Shaughnessy, '55Ed, and Dick Al Red explanation sessional
urrd w'Balziser '54E fullback for the were canceled yesterday, as they
pep rally * Wolverine team asked the men to were Sunday. The Communists
*l.*_* Wolverin. _eamas e m'n1- 4 An


Dulles Back
From Parley.
of State Dulles returned to his
desk yesterday with a new stack
of troubles piling up over the pro-
posed Korean peace conference
and the potentially explosive cris-
es in Trieste and Palestine.
The secretary was greeted by
these rapid-fire developments:

They also are the first I

soldiers to move within a few miles1
of Zone A, on which Yugoslav
President Marshal Tito has threat-
ened to march if a single Italian1
soldier enters the zone after Brit-
ish and American forces withdraw.
Meanwhile in Belgrade, Borba,1
the voice of Communist leaders of
Yugoslavia, warned last night that
Italian occupation of Trieste's
Zone A "with or without troops is,
the same thing" and is unaccept-
able to Yugoslavia.
The declaration "with or with-:
but troops" was significant in that'
there has been much speculation!
as to what the Yugoslav attitude1

technicalities touched off when
Charles Malik of Lebanon, the
only member of the Council rep-
resenting an Arab League state,
demanded that the three Western
powers put a specific complaint
before the Council.
Malik objected to the proposal
that the Council discuss the
"Palestine question." He want-
ed the agenda to read: "The
question of Palestine: recent acts
of violence committed by the
Israeli Army against Jordan."
At the end of three hours of
talk, Lodge told the Council thef


1) Communist China agreed to would be toward control of Zone reports from Palestine were mo
meet with the United Nations al- A by Italian police instead of and more serious and were not
lies, at Panmunjom next Monday. troops. laughing matter.
2) Mounting tension between Is- For the second day Belgrade-
rael and the Arab states, stem- remained in puzzled anxiety as
ming from bloody Israel-Jordan the government clamped a rigidlSewell Treated
border incidents, came under dis- ban~ on any official reaction to
cussion at an urgent meeting of the Western foreign ministers' lI ' ' H o ital
the United Nations Security Coun- proposal for a five-power confer- p
cil in New York. ence.°
Tnive sit H 'nnitnl nffi nilc



from the South and West Quad-
Atom Group rangles gathered in front of the
entrances of the dorms and march-
ed on Chicago House only to be
met by barred doors which had
been closed by the occupants of
neighboring Lloyd House.
The American Bar Association's
special committee on atomic en- Two students admitted to The
ergy will meet tomorrow and Daily following the incident
Thursday at the laW' School to they had given direction to the
prepare a report of recommenda- group as it hesitated in descend-
tions, requested by the Joint Con- ing 'on the women's residence.
gressional Committee, on Atomic
Energy, relative to amendments They claimed their ieason was
to the Atomic Energy Act of 1946. to carry out a "cinical experi-
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the ment" to prove that an uncertain,
law school, chairman of the com- group could be led by a few men
mitte said that if the recom- with a purpose." Both students re-
mendations were approved by the
Association's Board of Governors * * *
he would then present them to the ACTING Dean of Students Wal-
joint committee in Washington ter B. Rea said the entire inci-
on Nov. 1. dent was "not worthy of com-
Academiuic Freedom Shortly after 10:30 p.m. yes-
terday the demonstration began
Group To Meet as the quadders descended into
the streets. However, many of .
Student Legislature's Academic the men remained in their rooms
tFreedom Sub-Commission will calling, "knock it off."
meet at 4 p.m. today in Rm. 3-KLf
of the Union to discuss plans for IFC f ll II t
an academic freedom week sched- -'C Ba"' Pos"s
uled for Nov. 15 to 21, a pamphlet Petitions for the general chair-
presenting many divergent views manship of IFC Ball are due today
on the topic, debates and an all- in the Interfraternity Council of-
day conference. fice, Rm. 3-C in the Union.


disperse because they were acting insisted on talking to 1,000
like "MSC students." North 'Korean prisoners. India
said the prisoners could not be
As the two gridiron stars spoke persuaded to attend.
the girls in Chicago House who Some Allied quarters said the
had previously been silent and Reds might be using the dispute
had doused the lights in their over North Korean prisoners as an
rooms peered through the cur- excuse to stall off for the time be..
tained windows. ing and perhaps ultimately aban-
"We felt locked in and safe and don their explanations.
only a few girls got excited," said These sources pointed out the
Mrs. Lois Kemph, resident direc- Reds had been taking a propagan-
tor of Chicago House. da beating so far. They have talk-
ed to 921 Chinese and only 19
agreed to return to conimunism. It
is believed the Communists had
expected a much higher percent-

. i
e F



Engineers' Centennial
To Show Do-All Motor
Nearly hidden in the maze of machinery typifying the College
of Engineering is the capaciter motor, a small machine that reduces
the cost of running electrically driven household appliances.
This motor, which will be on display in the electrical engineering
laboratories during the engineering college Centennial celebration

uivr~ ynospuai oiciais re-
ported last night that Robert Sew-
ell, '56, involved in a serious auto-
mobile accident early Sunday
morning, was "resting comfort-
ably," but could not receive visit-.
ors for at least the next five days.
Sewell suffered a fractured neck
when the rear left wheel of the
auto that he and Robert Camp-
bell, '56, were driving at Ford and
Plymouth Roads suddenly lifted off
the road. Campbell was treated
for face lacerations and released.
Campbell pointed out that Sew-
ell would appreciate letters from

Petitions for the 23 elective
Student Legislature seats which
will be voted on .during Novem-
ber campus elections are avail-
able from 1 to 5 p.m. today
through Saturday at the SL
Deadline for returning com-
pleted petitions is set for noon
Saturday. Twentyone of the
seats available are for full-
year terms, two for one-semes-
ter positions.
Campus-wide general elec-
tions to fill the posts have been,
scheduled for Wednesday and3
Thursday, Nov. 11 and 12.

'U' Experts
Give. Views
On Benson
Commenting on the controversy
centering about Secretdry of Ag-
riculture Benson, Prof. George A.
Peek of the political science de-
partment said yesterday the "farm
slump didn't take place overnight
and it is just unfortunate for the
Republican party they happen to
be taking the burden. The same
i bhn be naly trild ha ha~.

Gopher Tickets

Friday and Saturday was-develop-
ed by two University professors.
* * *
THE JOINT work of Benjamin-
F. Bailey and the late Prof. James
S. Gault of the electrical engi-
neering department, the capaciter
motor furnishes the power to drive,
small machines including many
household appliances.

Bias Clause Removal Plans Underway

ting pro agiy wouia nave nap-
pened if the Democrats were kin
Still onSale power."
* * *
fe places are still left on SENATOR Young (R-N.D.) said
the Gopher-Goer, the special train Saturday that Secretary Benson
to Minneapolis for Saturday's foot- ought to quit the cabinet because
ball game against the University farmers." The Senator interpreted
of Minnesota, according to Deane I the election of a Democrat in Wis-
Dixon, '54, Wolverine Club special consin usua epbcan Wts
tripschaiman.consin's usually Republican 9th
trips chairman. Congressional District as a sym-
All pamentsw fbol *of widespread farmer discon-
due tomorrow.

were further examined late yes-z
terday by seven speakers including
University representative Charles1



E. Odegaard, Dean of the College' According to Prof. Alfred H. With most campus fraternities scheduled to hold national conven-
of Literature, Science and the Arts. Lovell of the electrical engineer- tions next summer, the fraternity system is beginning to get its bias
The two remaining sessions to- ing department, an increased ef- clause removal plans underway.
day will be concluded with a talk ficiency and a better power fac- Interfraternity Council executive vice-president John Baity, '55,
by Secretary of State John Fos- tor (amount of work done on a said yesterday that within another week members of a special IFC
ter Dulles.I certain amount of current) al-
lows such household appliances ommittee under his direction would begin visiting campus houses to
C gm answer questions about Big Ten Counseling Service.
Camp End orsed1 as washing machines, vacuum *
p cleaners and automatic dish-
The building of a prison work washers to consume less elee- .BAITY ADDED, "If a house wants to remove its bias clause
camp near the National Music tricity in operation thereby re- next summer, it should begin working now."
Camp at Interlochen has been en- ducing operating costs. Set up to help any big 10 school fraternity sound out the opin-

They previously used the service in the spring of 1952.
Alpha Tau Omega vice-president Dave Netting, '54, said use of
the service would be discussed at next week's chapter meeting. Net-
ting termed the service "a very good thing that fraternities should
use to find out how other chapters feel."
* ** *

The total cost of the trip to Min-
neapolis, including transportation
and football tickets, is $42.50. The
deposits of students who do not

DELTA CHI has already used the service and is still tabulating re- 'make final payments will be for-
plies from its September questionnaire. feited, Dixon said.
The local chapter of Delta Chi voted to support clause removal Reservation payments for the
last year. But nationally the removal outlook is not good. trip may be made from 10 a.m.
Bill Courtwright, '54, Delta Chi president, reported the trend of to noon and from 1 to 4 p.m. to-
questionnaire replies was about 85 per cent against abolishing the re- day and tomorrow at window 7 in

Prof. Peek pointed out that it
is nothing unusual in govern-
ment for one person such as
Secretary Benson to take the
blame for a crisis. "Benson is
doing an honest job," he. ex-
plained, "but is not very politi-
cally adept."
Few radical changes to the pres-
'ent farm policy-the Anderson

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