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October 18, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-18

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3STIND AY; OCTOBER, 18, 1953


Political Power ARTS THEATER CLUB:

Ike's New Caddie

in the West
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is last in a series of
articles on the Western quarter of the United
States. Today's commentary deals with the West
as a political force.) "
increase in population America may be
witnessing a new political phenomena-the
shift of political power from East to West.
In recent years the West has begun to
play a more decisive role in the national
political scene. A shifting population has
brought along with it considerably more
recognized and actual political power for
these states.
As a result of the tabulation of the na-
tional census every ten years the western
areas continue to pick up more electoral
votes and with them the ability to place
more delegates in the House of Representa-
tives and the concomitant power to select
a president.
Once viewed in staid party circles as a
political step-child, the West during the
20th Century has exerted much influence
on party machinery and operations.
This has been particularly apparent in
the Republican Party where men like
Vice-President Nixon, Senate Majority
leaded Knowland, former Vice-Presiden-
tial candidate (now Supreme Court Jus-
tice) Warren and until recently Oregon's
Wayne Morse, have played some of the
major roles in shaping GOP policy,
And as the West continues to expand
population-wise there is no reason to doubt
that this area's political influence will con-
tinue to grow.
But oddly enough, since the end of th
war the West has bred a weird sort of
politician in both of the major parties. Ex-
cluding the populated cities, representatives
from the lesser developed areas have voted
in the halls of Congress for programs dir-
ectly contrary to the needs of the West.
Sen. McCarran is a prime example of this.
As has been pointed out in the two previous
articles in this series a larger degree of
imagination and freedom is essential for the
proper development of this relatively unex-
ploited area.
However, the N)evada Senator, by vir-
tue of his tough immigration law adopted
by Congress and supported by a healthy
number of Western representatives, has
made it impossible for persons of foreign
origin to immigrate to the United States
in large quantities and begin life anew in
the Western area.
The raison d'etre for this law is directly
connected with a strong ingroup-outgroup
feeling which dominates much of the think-
ing of the people in the West.
S * * *S
WITHOUT QUESTION foreign immigra-
tion into the West could only benefit
the area and provide much of the dynani-
cism and imagination which it somehow
lacks, but the feeling on the part of most
people in power in the West that this would
be dangerous and threatening has not yet
been overcome.
tSmall groups have constantly come un-
der fire from the larger native-born Amer.
ican population throughout these states.
Currently, "wet-backs" provide the emo-
tional outlet of prejudice. Granted that
the Mexican exodus presents problems to
these states and that it must be regulated,
this cannot account for the continued hate
of the foreign born.
When during the earlier stages of World
War II Detroit was going through the throes
of population redistribution and conse-
quent riots, California had its campaign
against riots with the Mexican zoot-suiters.
At the outbreak of the war the Japanese
element came under both national fire and
local hysteria. By relocating the Japanese
Americans in Idaho, California successfully
erased this group's influence on that state's
politics. Following the war many of the
Japanese who were put in concentration
camps and had their land repossessed re-
fused to return to that section of the coun-

McCarran's fear of outgroups (in this
case the foreign born) has its antecedents in
the population's distaste for the non-Ameri-
can born.
Paradoxically enough, however, the
spirit of toleration is still strong in these
areas, but only for the native American
who is willing to work at jobs other than
menial agricultural labor. The hang-over
from the troubles caused in the Dust Bowl
migration have not yet worn off but the
constant= shifting of the native population
has tended to off-set this in great part.
Indeed relatively few Westerners can
claim any second generation residence in
most of these sections.
Romanticizers of Western culture have
always had a good word for the friendliness
of people in this area. Much of this attitude
can be accounted for by the natural phe-
nomena of land space and the need for co-
operation to overcome the catastrophies of
Like the rest of the nation, the West at
present is caught up in the fear of Com-
munism and the desire to steer clear of any
policy which might be labelled Communistic.
Whether this feeling will remain is highly
speculative, but from all indications the
need for some sort of government interven-
tion in state politics to develop this area
will eventually overcome the momentary
narrow-mindedness of America.

A Professional Company
With Professional Standards

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Jascha Kessler, the author
of the following article, is a teaching fellow in
the English department and former winner of a
major Hopwood award in poetry.)
ON OCTOBER 23, this Friday night, The
Arts Theater Club begins its fourth
year of playing. This is without exaggera-
tion one of the most important events in
Ann Arbor. Here is a theater, established,
growing a loyal audience to it, independent
on the taste of amorphous tourist hordes
who petrify the life of Broadway by invest-
ing in puerility. This is a professional com-
pany with professional standards, and its
own playhouse at 209%/ E. Washington
Street. I've said that this theater is im-
portant in our community; there is no one
simple reason to give, but a host. For those
who've subscribed in past seasons these are
obvious. But who minds reminders of plea-
Important because alive; slice it any
way you wish, as far as drama is con-
cerned the TV fare you get is bound to be
usually a lower grade of ersatz baloney;
the movies are the movies, only Armaged-
don will keep us from glomming two shows
a week, though nine of ten are rotten;
as for going to Detroit, or Chicago for
New York's road shows, why, what's the
craving appetite fed on gildy papier
mache. All dull to death where the drama
is concerned. But, for three years the Arts
Theater people have really trod boards,
and they've sweated through fascinating
This Club is, for one thing, a theater-in-
the-round. You subscribe, and sit, at farth-
est, four rows from the edge of the stage.
You see a room, a house, a garden, a wilder-
ness, from four sides, and your whole scene's
cast is altogether there at once; all at once
part of the fluid action.of a play in its dra-
matic reality. And, the difference from the
"assembly line" theater of The Rialto, or
of the mechanical media, is wonderfully
The problems of this intimate kind of
theater are many and hard. However, from
all I've seen of Arts Theater their motto,
and their criterion of accomplishment,
seems to be The Solution of Problems-
when the lights are up esthetic discipline,
which is to say pleasure, begins for everyone
in that playing hall. They are doing some-
thing singular and important by trying to
wriggle out of the fossilized resrictions of
the once-glittering skin of the Stanislavsky

A LMOST ANY PLAY you're likely to see
in America, the dull, dull attempts of our
Speech Department included, strives likej
mad for the effects of naturalism, where
you can't tell the persona from your own
best friend, parent, or maiden aunt. What!
an achievement, when the dramatic figure
is made as unreal as the very people we
know! No wonder audiences with hanker-
ing and wonder become extinct. On the
other hand, however, by wanting the real
thing, the truer reality of expression, that
which is he dramatic reality of the dramatic
situation, The Arts Theater has been able
to hit solutions outside, so to speak, of 20th
century technique alone. But simply, any-
thing goes if it "works." Depending on how
you go at' it, Hamlet in a tuxedo, nervously
scotching a Du Maurier butt, must be Ham-
let still, not Dickie Nixon.
For instance, the actors have literally
danced some plays, like Ibsen's Little
Evolf. They've done others with light the
only prop, and succeeded. When the aud-
ience surrounds the stage it must be let
see through the walls which happen to be
there; also, the invisible character in the
next room is quite visible in a room not
there. If this is well done, we're thrilled
by our unsuspected imaginative power;
when we once know it we cannot be fid-
dled by the dead hand of naturalism!
The approach of the actors is derived
from the Neighborhood Playhouse: the role
played is not necessarily conned beforehand
by the director, rather, the group tries to
grasp the nature of the situation and the
lines are analyzed, spoken, as the expression
of it. As a group they develop sensitivity to
one another's presence from this immersion
in situation.
And we the spectators actually watch
drama h'appening, somewhere, sometime.
After all, a play's a thing, whether Soph-
ocles made it, Shakespeare, Hauptmann,
Seami, or Yeats; and, no matter what
time or place, playing it is discovering
another form of spirit. Any means the
actors manage to make it go means we
will see it go. Invention is 'discovery, and
discovery living theater.
This year subscription brings us a Mo-
liere, and O'Neill's Desire Under the Elms,
a Machiavelli farce, a play by Strindberg,
and Shaw's Heartbreak House. I hope any-
one who's not seen The Arts Theater per-
form has read this far enough to be in-
duced. It will be an exciting year.


AS THE WARM Indian Summer autumn maintained its peaceful
calm, events around campus this week ignored the quiet weather
and followed the more confused trend of the political times.
* * * I -
dation of the University Faculty Senate, the Regents added new pro-
visions to a by-law outlining extensive methods to be used in case of
dismissal or demotion of professors. Under the jnew addition, which
was almost unanimously approved by the faculty, if the President of
the University initiates dismissal action against a faculty member,
a faculty hearing is assured the individual upon request. Under the
old by-law there was no provision for hearings in case of action
initiated by the President.
It is significant that although the Regents' agenda had been
completely filled before the meeting, room was made for discus-
sion of the new by-law. Apparently the quick action was prompted
by the imminence of Detroit hearings of a subcommittee of the
House Un-American Activities committee.
Adopted primarily as a safeguard to faculty members called in
to testify before such an investigating committee, the change in the
by-law left some doubt as to whether, in view of hasty charges levelled
at any unorthodoxy by some Congressional committees, it was wise
to speed-up hearings conducted at the University level.
* * * *
RADULOVICH CASE-University senior Milo J. Radulovich this
week stood to lose, in a strict dollar sense, the entire value of his
education, which had been directed toward government meteorology
service. Thp Air Force accused him of being a "poor security risk"
because of "close and continuous association with his father and
sister"-both alleged Communists.
The burden of proof was put on Radulovich, who was not
given a chance to know all the charges against his father and
sister. Of information made public by the Air Force, the main
allegations concerning his family were that his father subscribed
to a Serbian leftist publication and the Daily Wrker and that
his sister attended a Labor Youth League meeting and once
picketed a Detroit plant along with other striking workers.
Little hope was held by most observers that Radulovich's proposed
appeal to the President or intervention of Sen. Homer Ferguson
would clear him entirely of the charges.
ments and dallying tactics characterized another week's debate on
what stand Student Legislature would adopt concerning academic
freedom. After a clear and rational statement had been accepted as
the main motion on the floor, some members still continued their
picayune arguments on minor words and phrases, and to a large
extent still remained ignorant of what the newest motion really said.
-Dorothy Myers



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in It is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 24
The Selective Service College Qualifi-
cation Test will be given here on
Thurs., Nov. 19. Application deadline
Nov. 2.
It is recommended that all men who
have not previously taken the test
make application for it at Ann Arbor
Selective Service Board No. 85, 210 West
Washington. The Selective Service Board
will then notify applicants of time and
The result of this test is used by
your local draft board for determining
college deferment.
The test will be given again on April
22, 1954.
Mortgage Loans. The University is In-
terested in making first-mortgage loans
as investments of its trust funds. The
Investment Office, 3015 Administration
Building, will be glad to consult with
anyone considering building or buying
a home, or refinancing an existing mort-..
gage or land contract. Appointments
may be made by calling Extension 2606.
The Opinion Research Corporation of
Princeton, N.J., will continuentocon-
duct its survey among Michigan senior
men Monday through Wednesday of
next week, Oct. 19, 20, and 21. The sur-
vey is concerned with the reactions of
graduating seniors in colleges through-
out the nation to the employment sit-
uation and to various kinds of jobs.
All those who are willing to be inter-
viewed may call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, '3528 Administration Building,
Ext. 2614, to schedule interviews. In-
terviews require about 40 minutes;
names of participants will not be used.
Part-Time Employment.
Men undergraduates interested in
several days of part-time interviewing
employment should contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, Ext. 371.
Junior Management Assistant exam-
ination is announced by the U.S. Civil
Service Commission, for men and wom-
en with background in public or busi-
ness administration or social sciences.
This examination is to recruit young
people trained in management, social
sciences, or public affairs for careers
leading to high-level administrative
positions In Federal Government. It is
open to seniors and graduate students
who will have completed BA or MA
(or equivalent) by June 30, 1954. Appli-
cations must be filed by November 12
and examination will be given in Ann
Arbor and other locations on December
5. This examination is given only once
each year, so you must apply now.
Applications and complete announce-
ments are available at the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.
Junior Agricultural Assistant exam-
ination is announced by the U.S. Civil
Service Commission to fill positions in
the Dept. of Agriculture and in the
Dept. of the Interior In Washington,
D.C., and throughout the U.S. Appli-
cation may be made for positions in the
following optional fields: Bacteriology,
Botany, Entomology, Fishery Biology,
Forestry, Plant Pathology, Soil Science,
Statistics, Wildlife Biology, Zoology, and
various fields in Agriculture. The exam-
ination is open to graduates with bach-
elor's degrees in one of these fields or
to students who expect to complete
their degrees by June 30, 1954. The clos-
ing date for filing applications is Dec.
1, 1953. Examination will probably be
given in Ann Arbor. Applications and
additional information are available at
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
Lecture by Prof. Sydney Chapman
auspices Departments of Astronomy
Aeronautical Engineering, Physics, an
Geology. Tues., Oct. 20, 4 p.m., 140
Chemistry Building. Topic, "Theorie
of the Geomagnetic Field and It
University Lecture, auspices of De
partment of History, "The Use of Eng
lish Archives for Historical Research,
The Reverend John S. Pruvis, Direc
tor, Borthwick Institute of Historica
Research, York, England, Tues., Oct
20, 4:15 p.m., Rakham Amphitheater
University Lecture, auspices of th
Center for Japanese Studies, "Shosoin
Imperial Art Treasury of Nara," by Jir
Harada, National Museum, Tokyo, Tues.

Oct. 20, 8 p.m., Auditorium B, Angel
Academic Notices
The Mathematics Orientation Semi
nar will meet Mon., Oct. 19, at 3 p.m,
in 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Joseph Manogue
will speak on "A Student views Analy
sis: The Case of One and Several Com
plex variables."
Geometry Seminar, Mon., Oct. 19,
p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. There 'will be
a discussion of "Straight Line as an
Element of Three-Space."
Seminar in Mathematical Statistic
will meet Tues., Oct. 20, 3-5 p.m., 320'
Angell Hall. Mr. S. R. Knox will speak
. Logic Seminar Tues. 4 p.m., 414 Ma-
son Hall, Mr. Geert Prins will conclude
Kleene's chapter on primitive recursive

open forum on the topic "South Dis-
covery." Fireside Forum at 8 p.m. for
single graduate students, after hearing
Dean Odegaard. Social hour in the
Youth Room.
Roger Williams Guild. Student Class
continues its discussion of "What Stu-
dents Can Believe About God," 9:45
a.m. The Episcopal Student Group will
be guests for panel discussion on "The
Meaning of the Sacraments" led by
Dr. Whitaker and Mr. Loucks, at 6:45
p.m., Chapman Room. The two groups
will then leave to attend Evensong at
St. Andrew's, followed by a coffee hour.
Gamma Delta. Lutheran Student Club.
Supper at 6 p.m. Program at 7 p.m.,
"The Unfailing Light," sound-color
movie of mission work in India.
Westminster Student Fellowship. Stu-
dent Seminar-Breakfast, 9:15 ajh. Dds-
cussion on: "The Eternal Purpose."
Guild meeting, 6:45 p.m. Speaker: Gor-
don VanWylen. College of Engineering,
"What the Christian Believes."
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Lec-
ture on subject: "What Is Faith?" by
Mr. John Lawrence, Inter-Varsity Chris-
tian Fellowship staff member, 4 p.m.,
Lane Hall. Meeting open to all interested
students. Refreshments will be served.
Unitarian Student Group. Square
dance and party at 7:30 p.m., at the
home of Dr. Wayne Whittaker, 460
Lenawee Drive. Those needing or able
to furnish transportation meet at Lane
Hall, 7:15 p.m. All those acquainted
with the Unitarian group are invited.
Evangelical and Reformed Student
Guild. Discussion at 7 p.m., Bethlehem
Church, "Evangelical and Reformed
Church Doctrine," Rev, Theo. Menzel,
of Manchester, guest leader.
Congregational-Disciples Guid. Meet-
ing in the Mayflower Room, 7 p.m.
Congregational Church, to hear Dr.
George Peek, political science profes-
sor. speak on "Theology Behind De-
Hillel Foundation activities:
Sun., Oct. 18-5 p.m., Hillel Chorus
meets; 6 p.m., Supper Club; 8 p.m., IZFA
movie; 8:30 p.m. Game night.
Graduate Outing Club meets at a
p.m. at the rear of the Rackham Build-
ing. Cross-country hike and outdoor
picnic supper planned. In case of un-
favorable weather, the super will b
held at Rackham. All those who have
cars are urged to bring them to help
provide transportation.
Gilbert and Sullivan. Full Principal
rehearsal Monday night at 7:15 in the
Coming Event
La p'tite causette will meet tomorrow
'from 3:30 to 5 p.m. p.m. in the wing of
the north room of the Michigan Union
cafeteria, Everyone welcome.
The Deutscher Verein will meet Tues.,
Oct. 20, at 7:30 In the Union, Rooms
3-K and L. Included in the program are
two travelogue films of Germany: "Ro-
mance of Old German Towns, and
"Sonniger Bodensee." Refreshments will
be served. All welcome.
The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher
Verein will meet Mon., Oct. 19, at 3:15
in the tap-room of the Union, Informal
conversation among all who are nter-
ested in German. Beginning students
especially invited.
Phi sigma Society. Business meeting
at 7:30 p.m., Tues., Oct. 20, followed
by lecture at 8 p.m., by William J.
Schull, Institute of Human Biology, on
"A Preliminary Report on the Genetic
Effects of the Atomic Bomb in Japan."
Rackham Amphitheater.
Research Club of the University of
Michigan. First meeting will be held in
Amphitheater, Rackham Building on
Oct. 21, 8 p.m. The following papers
will be given: Prof. Leo Goldberg (As-
tronomny), "How Scientific Is Sene
Fiction?" and Prof. Samuel Eldersveld
(Political Science), "An Analysis of
Election Error as Revealed in Michigan's
Gubernatorial Recounts."
Museum Movie. "Science and Super-
stition' and "Adventures of Willie the
0Skunk." Free movie 'shown at 3 p.m.
s daily, including Sat. and Sun. and at
s 12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove Mu-
seums Building, Oct. 20-27.
Gilbert and Sullivan. Full Principal
- rehearsal Monday night at 7:15 in the
l Civil Liberties Committee. Meeting
t" on., Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m., in Room 3-B,
Union. Recording of civil liberties
speech by Rev. Redman followed by
e group discussion of civil liberties and
educational freedom. All interested stu-
n dents are invited.

e Sixty-Fourth Year
- Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
7 Student Publications,
Editorial Staff
s Harry Lunn.......... Managing Editor
Q Eric Vetter............... City Editor
Virginia Voss........ Editorial Director
MiRe Wolff. Associate City Editor
-Alice B. Silver. Assoc: Editorial Director
e Diane Decker .....,... Associate Editor
e Helene Simon.........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell .-Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.. Assoc. Women's Editor
f~nCmbl ..ead Photograbhe



The Stymied Pianist

AT PRESENT it is next to impossible for
students not in music school to continue
their piano playing.
The University makes no provision for
student piano-players who are not major-
ing in music.
Teachers for non music majors don't
exist among the University faculty, and
even if a local person can be secured, Uni-
versity practise rooms number zero.
In addition utilizing music school practice
rooms when music students aren't likely to
use them is forbidden. Only music students
may practice in University practice rooms.
Dorms allow piano playing only when
quiet hours are not in effect. Alice Lloyd
Dormitory has a few practice rooms, but
limits them this year to music students.
So we have a curious situation; at one
of the greatest institutions of higher learn-
ing in the country-the University of Mich-
igan-many students who want to continue
with their music studies are simply stymied.
At the State .. .
BLOWING WILD, with Gary Cooper
THE STUDENT of oil-field folkways will
find this movie long technical jargon
and gimmicks of all sorts. The student of
drama or of life will find it sadly short on
anything like a genuine approach to the hu-
man problems it considers.
To be sure, one can experience a cer-
tain amount of wild glee in the contempla-
tion of Gary Cooper's pure puzzled expres-
sion as he is dealt blow after blow by a
malevolent fate. The slow illumination of
Sthat loots has been mellowed and perfected
by years of constant practice. It is a work
of art all by itself, but nevertheless it's a
tenuous thing to string out a full-length
feature on.
Many of the devices which made High
Noon a success are here present: Gary Coop-
er, a folk-ballady theme by Dimitri Tiomkin,
an opening scene in which duty armed rid-
ers plod starkly through glaring, sunlight.
The theme of the good man caught up in a


Pianists forget what they had already learn-
ed and finger and arm muscles become lax
so that playing becomes more difficult and
musical enthusiasm lags.
There are solutions.
One would be to get new practice rooms.
It's possible, also, that non-music stu-
dents be allowed to sign up for practice
rooms when it isn't likely music school
students will want to use their priority.
Under the existing practise room system,
School of Music pupils are automatically
signed for every minute the rooms are open.
There are times, like Friday nights and
early weekday mornings, when even music
students vacate their few practising nooks.
When the proposed new North campus
music building is constructed, the situation
will undoubtedly be eased for student mu-
sicians; but until then just a little oppor-
tunity for the non-music student to practice
would be welcomed by ~inmerous student
-Ellen Brown
stress of completely evil forces, trying to
arouse his apathetic fellows, is a familiar one
too. Somebody left out the mystery ingredi-
ent, though; the picture is nothing more
than a bad parody of a good movie. That in-
gredient (or ingredients) would have been
the respect for sound dramatic development,
and an attempt to create characters who are
more than labelled pasteboard. In their
scramble to string together transparent
brute-force clashes, the producers forget
about the picture as a whole. The result is
a jumbled, chaotic transcription of a for-
Barbara Stanwyck gets the loving cup
for the worst portrayal of the movie's
weakest character. A no-good woman who
married Anthony Quinn when his oil wells
came in, she retains an unquenchable de-
sire for Cooper. Cooper is brave and Quinn
Isn't. At least he seems like he isn't: Miss
Stanwyck pushes him into an oil well be-
fore he really gets a chance to decide the
issue for us. To the strains of Frankie
Laine chanting the title lyric, he is forced,
by her lust and ambition, to 'gush agony
by the barrel. Crude agony, at that.
Anthony Quinn's performance is one of his
best. It's a shame, and something of a mir-
acle, that it happened in this movie.

WASHINGTON-Before Secretary of State Dulles flew to London
to confer with Anthony Eden and French Foreign Minister Bi-
dault, he made a careful study of Russian intentions.
As a result, he arrived in London with the conviction that
Russia has given up any thought of invading Western Europe at
this time, will concentrate instead on a political, economic and
social offensive against the West. But equally, Dulles is convinced
the Soviets have no intention of settling East-West differences
around a conference table. They don't really want a Big-4
Russia is so busy repairing its satellite system, quieting unlrest
at home and thereby strengthening its bargaining position, that Dic-
tator Malenkov won't risk high-level talks with the West for any
purpose except propaganda. Soviet strategy in Europe, Dulles also
believes, is aimed chiefly at blocking a united European army.
As a result, Dulles will try to quiet the British clamor for a
Big Four conference and give first priority to the united European
army. Once Western democracies integrate German military
might with the French, Dulles is convinced the Soviets may be
more willing to sit down and try to ease world tensions.
It also appears from intelligence reports that Malenkov may be
switching Soviet emphasis from Europe to the Far East. Evidence
has filtered through the Iron Curtain that Russia is cutting back on
its industrial buildup in the European satellites and plans a long-
range industrial program in China instead.
NOW THAT President Eisenhower has put a stop order on con-
flicting Russian H-Bomb statements, Air Force officers wish he
would do something to clear up the confusion over the first line of
defense against the H-bomb. They refer, of course, to the Air Force.
Confusion has been caused chiefly by the fact that Secretary
of Defense Wilson has been trying to justify his $5,000,000,000
cut and at the same time convince the public that such a cut
won't damage the Air Force. Wilson has also sworn the new
Joint Chiefs of Staff to such strict secrecy that conflicting stories
remain uncorrected about their recommendations on the size of
the Air Force.
Real truth is that the Air Force was well on its way toward 130



Organ Recital. The second program
in. the current series of organ recitals
by Robert Noehren, University Organ- Bu sinessStaf
ist will be heard at 4:15 Sunday after-
noon, Oct. 18, in Hill Auditorium. It will Thomas Treeger .. Business Manager
include Cesar Franck's Chorale in E;Wila Kaufman Advertising Manager
major, and Charles Tournemire's Harlean Hankin Assoc. Business Mgr.
"L'Orgue Mystique," Suite 35, and will William Seiden Finance Manager
be open to the general public without James Sharp . Circulation Manager

THERE IS no discipline in information.
Some of the best informed men I ever
met could not reason at all. You know what




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