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VOL. LXIV, No. 18



Anti-Italian Riots
Flare in Trieste
Marshall Tito Moves New Forces
Into Yugoslav-Controlled Zone B
By The Associated Press
Violent anti-Italian riots have broken out in Yugoslav controlled
Zone B of the Trieste Free Territory, the pro-Italian Istrian Libera-
tion Committee reported yesterday at Trieste.
An official of the refugee organization said 55 Italians driven from
their homes in the Yugoslav area, have fled into the Anglo-American
Zone. He said many of their homes had been destroyed.
The most serious outbreak, so far reported centered in Cap-
odistria, about five miles south of the British-American zone, the
__--- official said. He reported 16 per-

* *

* * " *

Wolverines Score
Twice on Passes
McDonald Sparks Fourth Quarter
Drive for Game Winning Touchdowit
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan, badly outplayed by a stubborn University of. Iowa team
during the first 30 minutes, came from behind with a relentless second
half onslaught yesterday to earn a 14-13 victory before 51,209 fans at
the Stadium.
With their ground game ineffective against the fiercely charging
Iowa line, the Wolverines took to the air and called on substitute
quarterback Duncan McDonald to throw the tying touchdown pass to
big Gene Knutson in the early moments of the fourth quarter.
* * * **
SOPHOMORE quarterback Lou Baldacci's second successful place-
ment of the afternoon, following Knutson's catch, proved to be the
eye passes, saved Michigan from] * * *

U Senate'
To Convene
The University Senate convenes
tomorrow in special session to con-
sider a resolution that may alter
present procedures safeguarding
faculty members recommended for
The resolution has been drawn
up by a special study committee
created at the May meeting of the
Senate to examine possible exten-
tion of present guarantees of hear-
ings and reviews to professors cit-
ed for dismissal.
AT PRESENT, Regents by-laws
provide for faculty protection only
if dismissal proceedings are initi-
ated at the department or college
' + Headed by Prof. Robert C.
Angell of the sociology depart-
ment, the committee consisted
of three administrative officials
appointed by University Presi-
dent Harlan H. Hatcher and four
faculty members elected by the
Administrators on the seven man
committee included University
Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss,'
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the law
school and Prof. Harold M. Dorr,
director of the summer session.
Faculty members elected by the
:. Senate were Prof. John P. Daw-
son of the law school, Prof. Pres-
ton Slosson of the history de-
partment and Prof. William Palm-
er of the economics department.
Formation of the committee to
make the study of changes fol-
lowed announcement by the House
investigating committee last spring
of intentions to hold hearings on
Communist activity in midwestern
educational institutions this fall.
A House sub-committee headed
by Rep. Kit Clardy (R-Mich) is ex-
pected to hear testimony in several
Michigan cities including Detroit
in November.
So far no member of the Univer-
sity faculty had indicated that he
has been summoned to appear be-
fore the committee.
Morini oncert
Set Tomorrow
The New York Times found it
"difficult. to. over-praise. Erica
Morini's masterly and intensely
eloquent playing."
Violinist Morini, who will per-
form at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
Auditorium, has received many
such acclaims in her more than
1000 orchestl al engagements all
over the world.
Tomorrow's program includes
Handel's "Sarghetto" Pugnani's
Prailudium and Allegro" arrang-
ed by Kreisler, Bruch's "Concerto
in G minor, Op. 26."
Miss Morini will also play
Brahms' "Sonata in D minor, Op.
108" Godard's "Canzonetta," Wi-
eniawski's "Valse Caprice" and

sons there fled their homes on'
threats of death.
MEANWHILE Yugoslavia's Pres-
ident Tito sent troops into the
Yugoslav Zone B of Trieste and
threatened to use them if Italian
forces moved into Zone A. He said
Yugoslavia would consider any
such movement of Italian troops
as an act of aggression and would
be countered accordingly.
But he offered a surprise "so-
lution" which would turn the
vital port city of Trieste into an
autonomous unit under Italian
This was Tito's answer to the
decision by the United States and
Britain to pull their troops out of
the Adriatic seaport-Zone A-and
turn it over to Italian administra-
However, despite Tito's strong
protest the United States served
notice it is not backig down from
its plan to give Italy control of the
disputed zone of Trieste,
IN LONDON, the British For-
eign Office formally rejected the
Tito protest and said it was "dif-
ficult to see how an act of aggres-
sion could be committed by the
movement of Italian troops into
territory which is not Yugoslav."
The new Tito proposal ap-
peared at first glance to be a
major concession after his pre-
vious demand that the city be
turned into an international port
and the surrounding Zone B be
handed outright to Yugoslavia.
Tito's new proposal called for
both zones to become separate
autonomous units-Zone A under
Italian sovereignty and Zone B
under Yugoslav sovereignty-"for
10 or more years."
Speaking in a cold rain before
a cheering throng estimated at
120,000 in the Serbian city of Les-
kovac, the independent Commu-
nist chieftain said: "We have de-
cided to protect our rights in the
spirit of the United Nations char-
ter, which also includes the right
to use armed forces. Our patience
is at an end."

being routed.

The game was almost two sep-
arate contests; one, the first
half, dominated by the alert
Hawkeyes, and the other, the
final 30 minutes, during which
Michigan took charge and wrap-
ped up the ball game.
The first half was a Wolverine
nightmare from beginning to end.
Only some alert secondary work

M' Rooters
Cheer Team
To Victory

Associate City Editor

-Daily-Don Campbell

by Baldacci and John Morrow,
who picked off two errant Hawk- ' Michigan rooters s c rea me d
passes, saved Michigan from be- themselves hoarse yesterday as the
ing routed hard-fighting Wolverines battled

Hatcher Li sts
'U' Services
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher yesterday listed three
'areas in which the University is
serving students and the com-,
munity in an address before the
University Press Club at its 36th
annual meeting.

World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON-A Laborite MP last
night denounced the ouster of
British Guiana's leftist leaders
and promised a rousing battle in
Parliament when the government
action comes up for approval.
* * *

many - - RI-The Russians
yesterday were reported holding
200 German scientists who re-
fused to renew contracts to
work on atomic research proj-
ects behind the Iron Curtain.
The report was made by
German prisoners of war who
have just returned after spend-
ing 10 years in Russian captiv-

Union Opera
Plans Tour,
Cast members of the Union Op-
era will have the opportunity of
making a seven-city Christmas-
time road tour, opera road show
chairman Dick Huff, '55BAd., said,
Tentative plans for the tour in -
elude one-night stops at Toledo,
Buffalo, Cleveland, Flint, Detroit
and Chicago. The tour will prob-
ably start December 26, Huff add-
First cast tryouts for male stu-
dents interested in the principal
parts and the dancing and singing
choruses will be held from 2 to 5
p.m. Tuesday in Rm. 3G of the
Union. Cast tryouts will also be

* * ,
THE TROUBLE started early
in the first quarter when the
usually sure-fingered Tony Bran-
off fumbled and Iowa's Don Chelf
recovered on the Michigan 35
yard line. From that point the
Hawkeyes, directed by sopho-
more quarterback Jerry Reichow,
marched to a touchdown in five
running plays, the last of which
was a sparkling 23 yard dash
aroupd the Michigan left side by
halfback Earl Smith of Gary, In-
diana Smith's try for the extra
point was unsuccessful, and that
later proved to be the margin of
defeat for the Hawkeyes.
Michigan roared 50 yards on
nine plays, after the kickoff, but
when the Iowa line stiffened,
Kress took to the air and Hawk-
eye Lou Matykiewicz intercepted
to end the scoring threat.
See BALDACCI'S, Page 7

their way to victory over a tough

Ann Arbor and University stu- PANMUNJOM - The Commun-
dents are given opportunities to ists told the Indian Command yes-
enjoy world famous musicians dur- terday they would not be ready to
ing the Choral Union and Con- make "explanations" . to 22,500
cert Series, along with the annual balky Red war prisoners until
May Festival President Hatcher camps for the interviews are com-
pointed out. Students are also able pleted-next Wednesday and pos-
to participate in music groups such sibly later.
as the symphony and marching
bands, he said. MARGATE, England -- Prime

Reds Request
More Korean
Peace Talks


ANOTHER area in which thej
University is a service to Univer-
sity and townspeople, President
Hatcher reviewed, is in lectures,
both those sponsored by the 98 de-'
partments of the University and
the annual lecture series.
Cultural extra-curricular activi..
ties are a third area of service by
the University according to Pres-
ident Hatcher. Political, art and
language organizations help stu-
dents in development as citizens of
nation and state, he said.

Minister Churchill appealed ur-
gently yesterday for a "friendly,
informal, personal" conference
of world leaders and an East-
West treaty to outlaw military
** *
Wiley (R-Wis.) of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee
spoke out yesterday against any
American attempts to negotiate a
non-aggression pact with Russia
unless the Reds prove they really
want peace.
* 4

TOKYO - A') - The Commu- ne i esaay anaU1IIursUay,
nists proposed last night that promotions chairman Fritz Glover,
United States representatives meet '55E, said yesterday.
wjth them in new talks at Pan- Scheduled for local showing
munjom to settle their sharply op- from December 9 to 11, as yet the
posing views oz; who will take part Opera has no title. Written by
in the Korean peace conference. Howard Nemerovski, '54E, it will
-deal with bureaucracy, home brew,

. ;

The Chinese and North Korean1
Reds gave no date for the pro-
posed preliminary talks.
In their first answer to four
prodding notes from the United
States, the Communists suggest-
ed the meeting to determine the
composition of the peace talks
as well as the time and place.,

atomic fission and the simple hill
folks of Tennessee. New York di-
rector Fred Evans, who is to ar-
rive October 26, will direct the
No Action Set
No disciplinary action is in view
against Friday night's rioters, who

labor Camp
Grand Traverse County circuit,
judge Charles E. Brown yesterday
signed an injunction designed to
halt construction on a prison la-
bor camp three miles from Inter-
lochen music camp.
Joseph E. Maddy, director of the
nationally known summer camp
said that the injunction would
stop work at least until Friday,
when the case will come up for
a hearing.
He expressed confidence that
the court decision would favor
Interlochen and that work on
the prison camp would be per-
manently suspended then, point-
ing to the cessation of work at
noon Friday as a favorable indi-
cation of such a move.
Maddy pointed out that there

Iowa eleven in what many fans
claimed was the most exciting
game they had ever seen in the
Michigan Stadium.
Even the combined efforts of the
famed Michigan Marching Band
the colorful Iowa Highlanders and
the Wolverine. Club's hard-work-
ing Block "M" section played sec-
ond fiddle to the tension and ex-
citement of the touch-and-go con-
ference opener.
THE 500 HAWKEYE fans who
made the overnight trip from Iowa
City also gave Michigan a run for
its money in a vocal duel that had
both sides working their cheer-
leaders overtime. Cries of "Hold
that line" and "Block that kick"
were given almost as often as the
runs and intercepted passes
brought the crowd to its feet.
However, as discouraging as
the first half was to the Wolver-
de rooters, it apparently had
little effect on Maize and Blue
bandsmen who performed with
their usual efficiency.
The Marching Band's halftime
show featured a skillfully execut-
ed salute to the engineering col-
lege which is celebrating its cen-
tennial anniversary next week.
Deafening blasts from a howit-
zer combined with fireworks and
balloons led students to neglect
their hot dogs in favor of the
Band's formations that included a
surveyor complete with rod and
transit, a piston-driven fly wheel;
a test tube and beaker, a rocket
ship and a nuclear explosion.
THE LATTER disintegrated into
a giant "Lamp of Learning" which
concluded the show to the tune of
"Laudes Atque Carmina."
The Band also pitched in with
the "Highland Fling" while the
55 members of Iowa's interna-
tionally famous all-girl Scotch
Highlanders' group went through
authentic dance steps which
brought vigorous applause from
the on-lookers.
Also not to be overlooked were
the activities of the Wolverine
Club. The controversialBlock "M"
section did itself proud with a total
of 11 stunts that came off "pretty
well," according to Club officials.
IMain thing wrong with the dis-
plays, which included a smoking
engine for the engineers and a
flag-waving Columbus, was the
difficulty in getting the card-wav-
ers lined up directly behind each
other, group leaders said.
The afternoon was also a suc-
cess from the Michigan standpoint


Drinking Violation Rise

R APPLETON, Wis. - Sen. Mc-;
Carthy interrupted his honeymoon The United Nations is backingj
in the Bahamas to return to the a plan that calls for only the bel-
United States for special Senate ligerents to take part, with Rus
hearings beginning tomorrow. sia sitting in on the Communist!
side if the Reds invite her.

Reported by Dean Rea U.S. Tries
I l T FNcn

The Commurnist plan calls for

a round-table conference with five were just "letting off steam in a
nonbelligerents - Russia, India, normal masculine way," accord-
Pakistan, Burma and Thailand- ing to Acting Dean of Students
taking part. Walter B. Rea.
"The fellows were good natured,

Within the first three weeks of school an unusually high total of}
17 drinking violations have been reported to the student affairs office'
for disciplinary action according to Acting Dean of Students Walter
B. Rea.
At the same time intensified enforcement of the University's
driving ban by city and county police has resulted in a long list of
student violations.
* * -* *
SO FAR ALL of the drinking violations have resulted from stu-
dents purchasing or attempting to purchase intoxicants with some
sort of false ID, Dean Rea pointed out.
"The feeling at City Hall is that penalties will have to be
stiffened if the present high number of violations continues,"
Dean Rea said. "This could mean handing down over-night jail
sentences in a larger number of cases.".
The 17 violators, five of them before classes opened Sept. 21, all
involve infractions of University, city and state regulations.
"With drinking laws as strictly enforced as they are in Ann Ar-
bor, chances of being tagged with a $54.30 fine makes illegal use of
intoxicants too great a gamble," Dean Rea commented,

1 V Z i uG e3 tj

Department reported complete
failure late yesterday in all its ef-
forts to get information from Com-
munist China about 33 Americans
reported jailed by the Chinese
Reds last March while cruising in.
a yacht off Hongkong.
The department said it has had
'no success in trying to take dip-
loma ticaction on their behalf.
Some of the Americans have been
imprisoned for two years.
"The department will not
overlook any possibility of ob-
taining the release of all the
Americans unjustly imprisoned

Community Chest
A two-week Community Chest
drive for Ann Arbor's 11 Red Fea- I
ther agencies will open tomorrow
with a goal of $168,000.,

didn't tresoass and didn't force I was very little likelihood that par-
down locked doors," Dean Rea ents would send their daughters
said yesterday. to a camp within walking distance
He pointed out that the Univer- of prison labor gangs, and cited
sity would object to entering the this as the reason Interlochen
upper floors of women's dorms, might not open next season if the
which he termed a "sanctuary." current State plan goes through.

School Bans 'Bias Clause' Groups

All fraternities and sororities
must disaffiliate from their na-
tional organizations and eliminate
all "artificial criteria" in select-
ing members.

to any student social group,
except scholastic or religious
groups, which in policy or prac-
tice operates "under any rules
which bars students on account
of race, color, religion, creed or

traditional right of "choosing!
your own friends."
Commenting on the move, In-
ter-Fraternity Council executive
vice-president John Baity, '55,
reiterated the IFC stand that

I .

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