PA(41! I~ VR
I-Ho p Ticket Sales To Continue.;
Assembly, 'IHC To Present Ball'
Club, Dances Wolverine Club Schedules
For Weekend Trip to Brown Jug Contest
Tickets for I-Hop, the first all-
campustdance tobe presented fromn
League, may be purchased in all
the men's residence halls and
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Union,
League, Mason Hall and on the Di-
Priced at $2 per couple, tickets
will also be on sale the evening of
the dance at the door.
* * *
PROCEEDS from the dance are
traditionally given to a charitable
organization. The majority of the
give to th e Universitygs Frs
Air Camp, which provides camp-
ing experience for underprivileged
Members of the committee
wish to stress the fact that the
informal dance is open to the
entire campus and affiliates are
especially invited.
hDecorations w ill carry ou the
the walls will be the various em-
blems of the prominent knights of
the period.
COUPLES WILL enter over
a mechanical drawbridge and pass
through the gate way into the
lighted ballroom.
Exterior and interior views of
castles and members of the
court will be seen, while jesters,
knights on horseback and se-
date ladies will be among those
After the sudden cold weather earlier this week, campus students
will be able to enjoy a warmer atmosphere at the many parties sche-
duled this weekend.
Starting off the weekend, the Phi Delta Phi's, Alpha Phi Alpha's
and Helen Newberry, will hold record dances tonight after the pep
rally.* * * *
TOMORROW'S PARTIES will start with open houses and buffet
dinners following the game. Footballs and goal posts will set the at-
mosphere at the "Rah-Rah" dance planned by the Phi Kappa Psi's.
On a floor laid out in gridiron style, couples will dance to the music
of Bill' Kline.
Toasting of wieners and party games are on the agenda for
the Alpha Chi Sigma hard-times party. New pledges of the Theta
Delta Chi will be honored at a "Sock Hop" with the music of a
three piece combo. .
Starting early on their celebrations, the Zeta Beta Tau's will hold
a practice New Year's Eve party. The Triangle and Phi Kappa Tau's
will also honor new pledges at record dances.
REMINISCING ABOUT their childhood days, the Sigma Alpha:
Epsilon men and their dates will attend a kiddie party in appropriate
garments. All-day suckers should satisfy their desire for sweets while
they dance to the music of the "Diplomats" in a nursery atmosphere.
Sigma Nu men and their dates will bring records and dress
according to the title of the record. Wierd prizes for the best
dressed couple will be awarded. Hal Singer's band will play for
the "Iowa Invitational" dance of the Theta Chi.
In honor of national onion week, the Chi Phi's will hold a dance
with Ed Furdak and his Easy Aces. Onions will be given as favors to
'Little Club' To Have
Half-time Prog ram-;
Record Dance Slated
With this semester's social
events getting under full swing the
Union is again planning a full
weekend of entertainment for ev-
eryone on campus."itl
Club" will beon fo danin and
relaxation from 9 pmrt mningad-
night tonight in the North Lounge
of the Union.
Playing in a cabaret atmos-
phere, Red Johnson and his or-
chsra wil provide the down-
beat for couples attending the
Entertaimet durngiteris
sion will be provided by a trio co-
sisting of drums, bass and piano.
Jim Goldberg is the leader for the
Sponsored by the Union Execu-
tive Council, the "Little Club" fea-
tures a candle-lit atmosphere,.
complete with checked red table
cloths and candle-holders for
couples who enjoy dancing in a
Are yu ineested inseeing th
Tnes? rpscmmtte f
The splecia lb is somittte of
thei Worin ote Clubmi whichsis t a
be played on Oct. 24.
Students can sign up for i'es-
ervations until Oct. 22. However,
since the number of tickets is lim-
ited to only 350 and a great num-
ber have already been bought. the
committee urges everybody to buy
theirs early.
* * *
LEAVING Ann Arbor around 9
a.m. on Oct. 23. the train will ar-
rive in Chicago about noon.
Great comfort is promised by
the committee since students will
travel on a light-weight stainless
steel train which will be equip-
ped with reclining seats, a ful-
iy equipped lounge car for those
desiring refreshments, and lap
boards for card players.
Upon arrival in Chicago. stu-
dents will be transported by coach
to Union station where dinner at a
well-known restaurant will await
those who desiire to eat.
* * *
will be resumed in a special sec-
tion of another train again fully
equipped for everybody's com-
The next four hundred miles
-of the trip will carry through
the Wisconsin Dells and along
the upper Mississippi river.
Plans, have been made to arrive
on the University of Minnesota
campus at about 9:30 p.m. that
Friday and arrangements for ac-
Students will return to the cam-
pus on Sunday, Oct. 25.
Tickets for the trip will be on
sale Monday through Friday from
p1m at wIndow nunmber 7 f the
Administration Building. Repre-
Isentatives will also call at the var-
ious dormitories.
To facilitate student pocket
books, reservations are being sold
on an installment basis. However
the deposits are non-refundable
due tocommitments tote Ath-
ltc eDepartment. An exchange of
tickets for other trips will be pos-
Anyone desiring additional in-
formation may obtain it by calling
Deane Dixon, special trips chair-
man, at 3-1636.
Sig ma Nu Group
To Sponsor Ball
Reviving an old tradition, the
annual "White Rose Ball" will be
brought back to campus on Sat-
urday, Oct. 17 from 9 p.m. to mid-
night in the League Ballroom.
Dressed in semi-formal attire,
students will have the opportunity
to dance their favorite steps to
the musical selections of Don Ken-
ney and his orchestra.
Sponsors of the dance, the
Michigan chapter of Sigma Nu fra-
ternity, announced that there will
be no admission charge. All cam-
pus fraternities and sororities are
invited to attend and members of
the fraternity are free to invite
any of their unaffiliated friends on
Guests of honor at this dance
will be the Alpha Tau Omega ira-
Carrying out the decorations for
the dance will be the flower of the
fraternity, the white rose. Pro-
grams, which will be issued to ev-
erybody, will also be patterned aft.
er the same theme.
Charles Davies, chairman of the
event, announced that there will
also be some intermission enter-
--Daily-Don Campbell
ST. GEORGE?--Menmbers of the I-Hop central committee were
seen on the Diagonal carrying out their theme for I-'Hop. "Night
of Knights" to be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrok in the
League will feature knights in shinig armor mounted on daring
Varsit Nih WlFetr
all girls. gncuostn.
** * * Refreshments, in the form of
PIZZA WILL BE served at the "Night in Venice" party f zes wil beiks avaiable hind Not
Theta Xi. Couples will come dressed in Venetian costumes and dance Tiio 'h TrrnCaf+v .1
I I 1.I~IX Iasv IIII m cee..II
Programs will carry out the cen- : -- - -- - -
tral theme of the dance. Fmla ocs wl ig
* * FmiliarhotHices A ill rin The Senior Board will have a
MEMBERS of the central com- mr ih hn toi~l nex special section of the auditorium
mittees have found that there has Fanight hen evcee Fi-a set aside for seniors only. Tickets
been some confusion as to dress aenh Bill emingyeceeghe fifw for this section may be obtained
for the affair. ticket window No. 7 at the Ad-
Manager of a local radio sta- ministration building from 1 p.m.
"Night of Knights" is not a tion, Filipiak of the class of 1939 Ito 4 p.m. today and possibly next
masquerade ball. A coed need has his own disk jockey show, "Out week on Monday, Tuesday and
only take a dressy dress out of of the Sack, with Filipiak," each Wednesday.
her closet, morning. -.,-
in a scene decorated with gondolas.
Casualness will prevail at the record dances of Tau Delta Phi,
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Delta Tau Delta.
Hula dancers will provide entertainment at the "Hawaiian Moon-
light Party, at the Nelson International house. Pineapple punch will
be served and leis presented to honor guests.
** * *
SINGING BY THlE Phi Chi Quartette and music by Red Hiss are I
on the entertainment list of the Phi Chi's, their dates, and visiting
g l" . l'fA A a wVLi
also be open.
Held every Friday through-
out the semester, the "Lite
Club" will be discontinued for
the next two Fridays because of
other Union-sponsored features.
The club will resume operations
on October 30.
The dance will feature Paul Mc-
Donough's orchestra with a com-
plete repertoire of current hit
tunes, old-time favorites, waltzes
and Latin American numbers.
As an added attraction for I-
Hop, .the orchestra will present a
new composition.
Besides the smooth danceable
Ann Arbor Alley Cats will also be
featured for the benefit of all
dixieland enthusiasts.
Special entertainment has been
planned for the intermission.
Houwever nu mdividuai seats will
.Students also hear the disk be reserved. By contacting Mr's.
jockey's voice over the public ad- Mattison, band secretary at Uni-
dress system at the football games versity Ext. 2114, a group, may re-
in the stadium. serve a section upon the purchase
An eme t last ya'spo of .twenty-five or more tickets.
duction with Freshman Coach, -_ __
Wally Weber, Filipiack has ap-
peared at many local banquets. gU O p n
Another Michigan graduate. Bill Fill-in Pos itions
Fleming, is announcer on WWJ- -___
TV in Detroit. Petitioning for fill-in positions
:An avid sports observer, Flem- on the Michigan League will open
ing is familiar with the football jtoday, and will be due Wednes-
picture in Ann Ai'bor, being sports day.
director of WUOM. IWomen may sign up for an in-
Besides entertaining the crowd terview in the Undergraduate Of-
with their own acts, the two em - fice when they bring their petitions
cees will introduce the guest stars, in.
the university band, which spon-
sors the annual show, and student he postnscpeni include on
and professional talent, snodaccptihren-
Phi Gamma Delta men are planning a dressy dance to the his orchestra, the weekly Union
music of a four-piece combo, while Acacia and Alpha Kappa Psi Dance will be held from 9 p.m. to
men and their dates will dance to their favorite record music. Ballro om ro nteUin
Dressed in sailor's costumes, couples will attend the Phi Delta;Oe oteetiecmute
Theta "Shipwreck Party" and try to adjust their sailor's walk to the music for dancing will be render-
music of Johnny Harbard's band. ed with the help oavclit
* * *Admission to both the "Little
A WIENIE ROAST and other picnic food will be served at the Club" and the Union Dance is set
Taylor House picnic to be held at the Fresh Air Camp, whei'e Ivan at $1 per couple, with the price
Parker will call for the square dance. Iof "Little Club" admission going
At the Phi Sigma Delta house-warming party, Mel Sach's fdown to 75 cents after 11 p.m.
orchestra will be on hand to play his favorite selections for re- Concluding a 'weekend of danc-
- ing, a Sunday Night Record Dance
turning alumni and parents. is scheduled for 8:30 p m. to 10:30
Putting o'n arsi forte weekend," Apa "SigaPhi' wil dance to pm. Sunday in the Terrace Room
be among the decorations. Featuring favorite records and
In adition to having after-game open houses, the Sigma Chi and a casual atmosphere, admission to
Sigma Alpha Mu's are also planning dances for the night. Records this weekly dance is fi'ee.
and infoi-mal dancing will also '- - --------
give relaxation to the Phi Sigmapeft
~Kappa and Alpha Kappa Kappa prC rain date. . .
men. Icolor bright
Concluding the weekend, Reeves
and Angell houses are planning a I UU , ~ N 4
an iforml pinicon te isand Authenthc waterproof' slicker of soft supple
Sunday. genuine oilskin. Easy drape and smart
Author Truman Capote will be tailoring for that chic come-hither look. I''
honoed a a prty f th Phi Jumbo patch pockets, brass snap fasteners.
honoed t a ai'y ofthePhiSTANDARD YELLOW
Delta Phi house. Depicting scenes KISSING RED
from the cover of his book "The LOVELEVGHT BLUE
Gi'ass Harp," hammocks will be BLUSHING PINK
among the decorations. Misses and Junior Sizes........About $10.95
Men of Sigma Nu have as their Cloch, or Sou'wester ......A bout $ 1.95
guests at their "White Rose Ball, Waterproof 1 (Not Merely Water Repellent)
the men of Alpha Tau Omega. rt fo fee coor chart.*-
However all affiliates are invited STANDARD OILED CLOT HING CO., Inc.
to this affair to be held next Sat- I810 East 152nd St New York 55, N. Y.
urday in the League ballroom.
those so desiring.
'I * *
ON THE TRIP the natur e of a
night event will be announced, but
now the committee still holds the
activities of the night at Minneap-
. ls a secret.-
The golden anniversary of
the "Little Brown Jug" football
game will be celebrated the fol-
lowing day.,
dcn'44 Cainpu4
to get more pay from your working-day
Therc arc exciting opportuiities for advancement today,
for business-trained men and women. Each added skill can
add to your pay check.
Sessions: Tuesdays and Thursdoys, 6:45 to 9 P.M.
No entrance requirements; no age limit. Free placement.
Check these pay-raising subjects in which you may be
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State & William Sts. - Phone 7831
SOVH CAB - Tryouts for the
Soph Cab floorshow will be held
from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the
League. The room number will be
posted. All sophomore women in-
terestedt in taking part in the show
are urged to attend.
* * *
Other campus celebrities who
have already consented to ap-
pear on the show are all-Ameri.-
can football players Bob Chap.
puis and Al Westert and song
writer Fred Lawton.
Laiwton. co-aithor nf Michigan's
iur dance captains, two sopnomore
dance captains, five junior assist-
ants on the merit-tutorial board
and one junior assistant on com-
munity relations committee.
Other posts are one junior as-
sistant on special projects, two
junior assistants on public rela-
NEWMN CLB -As oe o ' - I ions and one junior assistant on
their first parties of the semester, grvea fhsng"abemrsi"wilalon the social committee on special
the ewma Clu wil sposor Fi-of the late football coach, Fielding eet.
est"rom 8 p m. to m idnih t-IH. Yost. Two s leir oiin are ec-
Center, 331 Thompson Street. Car- While amusement prices all over ing committee, and a chairman foi'
rying out a Latin American theme the country are rising, the pirice Ithe same committee who will take
iboth the decorations and floor- of Varsity Night will remain the office in Februai'y but be a mem-
how, music for dancing will in- same 75 cents a ticket.- ber of the board now.
dlude both North and South Amer- Tickets at 75 cents are on sale Completing the list of positions
ican numbers. A special attraction 'at all times at the Union. League. open are four posts on JGP, cos-
of the evening will be lessons in Harris Hall or from any members tume chairman, assistant costume
Latin American dances, tobe given ,of the Marching or Symphony chairman, stunts chairman and
from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Refreshments Bands. secenery chairman.
will be sre.- .- __
he *{ * *iesi
Your Name
Address -
ming club, will be held at 9 p.m.
today and tomorrow at the Intra-
mural pool. Any coed is eligible to
TENNIS CLUB -- The Tennis
Club will meet from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
today ohn the Palmer Field Courts.
Agenda for the meeting will in-
clude practice in singles and dou-
bles play for the matches on Oct.
16. Any coed interested in meet-
ing other tennis enthusiasts and
playing with the club are invit-
"ed to attend.
LEAGUE DANCE -- After to-
night's pep rally students may go,
with or without dates, to the week-
ly dance at the League. Chuck
Ritz and his band will provide the
music for the casual dance.
* * *
RIFLE CLUB -- Needing .no cx-
perience, women may join the
Women's Athletic Association's Ri-
fle Club at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
.the Rifle Range of the Women's
Athletic Building. At this meet-
ing students may sign up the
time they prefer to play so that a
schedule may be drawn up. Ac- I
cording to Marian Swanson, WAA!
president, there still remains an
opening for anyone who desires
to be Rifle Club Manager.
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Call it breakfast or brunch; makes no differ-
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Fresh Orange Juice or Tomnafo Juice
Countr! Iy-fr'esh Scram bled Eggs
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Choice of .
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