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October 09, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-09

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Treat or a Treatment?

Associate Editorial Director
HE MAJOR cigarette companies in this
country were given a rather unusual
challenge this week by the annual clinical
congress of the American College of Sur-
Gathering in Chicago, the surgeons as-
serted that many medical men suspect
some relationship between lung cancer
and cigarette smoking, but no relationship
between cancer and cigar or pipe smoking.
The surgeons pointed out that the major
research projects which have been pub-
lished do not definitely prove the rela-
tionship but it is strongly suggested by
statistical analysis of lung cancer victims.
Consequently the surgeons issued a state-
ment declaring that "In a matter which in-
volves public health to such a large degree,
the tobacco industry has moral obligations
to pay for the research necessary to prove
or disprove the suspected relationship be-
tween smoking cigarettes and lung cancer.

The tobacco companies ought to put up the
money to settle this problem."
Up to this point the bulk of the re-
search has been carried on in univer-
sities which are hard pressed for re-
search funds. A for governmental aid the
Food and Dru4 Administration which
would handle such a case is itself low on
funds and can not be counted on to con-
duct such extensive research.
Clearly the burden of proof or disproof
falls on the cigarette companies themselves.
The crucial question is whether these con-
cerns will feel the "moral obligation" which
the surgeons laid to them. If the compan-
ies refuse, and the odds are they will, we
can not help but draw the conclusion that
in effect business' concept of the public in-
terest is no further advanced than in the
days of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. But
then, is it at all realistic to ask the cigar-
ette companies to tell us that "Nine Out of
Ten Doctors draw a relationship between
smoking and cancer?"

Italy's Economic Plight

THE ECONOMIC situation in overpopula-
ted Italy at the present is frighteningly
near the boiling point.
Italian printers and printing shop-
workers went on strike Sept. 19 for 24
hours, depriving the nation of newspapers
for two days. The strike, which was call-
ed after negotiations for improved wage
contracts broke down, is a mere curtain
raiser for more serious trouble.
General strikes of industrial workers loom
in the near future. Less than two weeks
ago the government barely averted a gen-
eral strike of possibly millions of workers.
Called by Italy's three largest labor organ-
izations, the" 24-hour work stoppage would
have affected industries ranging from rail-
roads to entertainment. The strike was call-
ed as a climax to labor complaints that in-
dustrial leaders would not agree to negotia-
tions on many labor demands. What the
workers wish is a simplification of methods
by which their total pay is computed. The
Italian government and employers claim
that any change in the present methods
would necessitate a considerable addition to
costs, and therefore would result in reduced
production and increased unemployment.
In a report issued recently by the Parlia-
mentary Commission to Investigate Poverty
in Italy, it was noted that six million people
are existing in complete misery with an
average income of about $40 a month for a
family of four or five. Nearly one million
families are housed four or five to a room, or
in caves, cellars, warehouses and bombed out
barracks. More than three million families
are not able to buy their own native wines
which sell for approximately 15 cents a
quart. Four and one-half million families
cannot afford meat even once a year. Pub-
lie assistance is given two and one-half
million Italians, but this averages less than

five dollars per person yearly, and the total
amount distributed comes to only 70 per
cent of the relief appropriated. The balance
goes to bureaucracy.
The Italian, hoping to escape poverty,
cannot be blamed if the Red Socialist
party of Pietro Nenni appeals more to
him than Premier Giuseppe Pella's pro-
U.S. policy. The impetuous, rebellious
Nenni wants an economic program of to-
tal socialization. The "little" people who
cast their lot with him are not Commun-
ists in the idealogical sense, They seek
only an improved standard of living.
Domestic policies in Italy could stand a
great deal of rennovation, as has been sug-
gested by Premier Pella. Collective bar-
gaining contracts must be enforced. The
Italian employees will not remain subdued
by management any longer. Italy must
extend her land reform program and dis-
tribution of land to the peasants. She
should try to build more houses, encourage
more investment in order to create more
employment and otherwise attempt to make
life more bearable for the Italian poor. If
Italy could trade on more favorable terms
on the U.S. market, this also would help her
If attempts are not made shortly to
solve these problems, strikes such as those ,
which recently paralyzed all of France,
will envelop Italy. Nenni and his pro-
Communistic followers will take the op-
portunity to see just how much power they
do have.
- Pella's government should take-action im-
mediately to implement the economic re-
forms, or it will be financially impossible
for Italy to support either her people or
NATO and the European Defense Commun-
--Shirley Klein

WASHINGTON - Ex-President Herbert
Hoover, who stepped out of the White
House just ;1 years ago. came back to the
room where he once held cabinet sessions
and was sworn in the other day as a mem-
ber of the new Commission on Government
After Justice Harold Burton finished
giving the oath, Hoover suggested that
the first order of business was the elec-
tion of a chairman and was promptly and
unanimously elected to that post. He
then said: .
"I had expected that we would proceed to
elect a vice-chairman at this time, but some'
difficulties have arisen, and if there is no
objection I suggest that we let this go over
until the next meeting."
There was no dissent.
Hoover did not explain what the diffi-
culties were over the vice-chairmanship,
but they threaten to upset the otherwise
peaceful calm of his commission. Here is
the inside story of what has happened.
Hoover had planned to propose Joseph
P. Kennedy, ex-ambassador to England,
as vice-chairman. The vice-chairmanship,
he felt, should go to a Democrat and he
considered Kennedy a good, safe, anti-
Stevenson Democrat. But at the last min-
ute, Sen. Homer Ferguson, Michigan Re-
publican, came to him and said that he
wanted to be vice-chairman.
Ferguson faces a tough political race in
Michigan, probably from Democratic Gov.'
"Soapy" Williams, and he indicated that the
vice-chairmanship of the Hoover Commis-
sion would give him prestige in his re-elec-
tion race.
HOOVER WAS not too happy about this
because he wanted a Democrat to be
vice-chairman. And he was even more un-
happy when he learned that if a Republi-
can was to be vice-chairman several com-
mission members felt he should be hard-
working Congressman Clarence Brown of
Ohio. the man who actually wrote the re-
organization legislation.
Brown made it evident during the swear-
ing-in ceremony that he has no great love
for his GOP colleague from Michigan.
"Look at him bootlicking those fellows
as if he knew all about reorganization,"
the Ohio Congressman remarked as Fer-
guson posed for photographers with Her-
bert Hoover and Justice Burton. "He
wants that photo to help him in his cam-
"Yet that fellow." continued Congress-
man Brown. "didn't even read the reor-
ganization bill before he tossed it in the hop-
Brown referred to the fact that he person-
ally had written the government reorgani-
zation bill and given it to Ferguson to in-
troduce in the Senate. 'Tossing a bill into
the hopper refers to placing it into the leg-
islative basket or hopper in front of the
presiding officer's desk in the House or the
So Mr. Hoover is unhappily trying to
unravel the question of who becomes his
vice-chairman before his next meeting on
November 16.
NOTE - Actually, there probably wouldj
have been no reorganization commission
without Congressman Brown. Inside fact is
that Eisenhower didn't want one, had ap-
pointed his brother, Arthur Flemming and
Nelson Rockefeller as his own committee to
reorganize the government. But Brown came
to the White House and reminded Ike he
would have to get his reorganization through
Congress; therefore he had better let Con-
gress participate. Ike yielded.
* * * *
ally hit back at Democratic critics ofI
GOP farm policies in an October 15 address

to the Future Farmers of America in Kansas
City-his first major speech since. taking
office. The speech will have a twofold pur-

6 O
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan{
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 16
All Students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts. No courses
may be dropped from your original
elections after Fri., Oct. 9.

Mluseum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Exhibit of Swedish Textiles
through Oct. 15; Eskimo Carvings (Oct.
4-25); Recent French Art Exhibition
Posters (Oct. 4-25). Open' 9 a.rn. to 5
p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun-
days. The public is invited.
Events Today
Pep Rally. Tonight the second pep
rally of the season, planned by the Wol-
verine Club, will be under way. This
will begin in front of the Union at 7:30
p.m., and will proceed down State Street
to Ferry Field. Come! Back Michigan in
their first Conference game of the sea-
son against Iowa.
Special International Coffee Hour,
Lane Hall, 4:00 to 5:45 p.m. sponsored

Graduate Students expecting to re- ib13ItrGldanzSRAEeyn
ceive the master's degree in Feb., 1954, !welcome.
must file a diploma application with
the Recorder of the Graduate School Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
by Fri., Oct. 9. A student will not bie fEpisc o atudenteFunatons.Te
recommended for a degree unless he from 4 to 6 at Canterbury House.
has filed formaldapplication in the Episcopal Student Foundation. Fri-
day Lecture Series. Third Lecture in
Medical Colege Admission Test. Ap- series, The Rt. Rev. Dudley B. McNeil,
Bishop of Western Michigan. speaking
plication blanks for the November -2 on "The Christian and His Vocation."
administration of the Medical College Canterbury House. Coffee Hour fol-
Admission Test are now available at loig
110 Rackham Building. Application lowing
blanks are due in Princeton, N.J., not The Young Friends group will meet
later than Oct. 19, 1953. this evening at the Dunham's, 1911
Late permission for women students Austinof workfoamp pans for
who attended the Roberta Peters con-csh frys dl.
cert on Wed., Oct. 7, will be no later the year.
than 11:05 p.m. Fellowship Committee of WSF is
Lsponsoring an "IM Party." Students in-
Late Permission. Because or the I terested will meet at the Presbyterian
Hap all women students will have a Church at 8 p.m. to go to the IM
Building, and return at 10:30 for re-
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Hos- freshments.
pital-Medical-Surgical Care Plans will The Graduate Group of WSF Is spon-
be open during the period from October 'oiga vnn o u n elw
5 through October 20, for new applica- hiMeet in the PresbyterianChurch
tions as well as changes in contracts Scoial Hall at 8:15 p.m.
now in effect. These new applications_____
and changes become effective December The Congregational-isciples Guil.
5 with the first payroll deduction on Supper hike tonight. Meet at Guild
November 30. House at 5:05 p.m.

The Chef Gets Busy


Women, Cheer *
To the Editor:
Something is sadly lacking at
Michigan football games. Why is
it that with so many shining ex-,
a rlp of l A1 moir 17 an

ageous, intelligent stands. Now we
were called upon to take a stand
on academic freedom. Time ran
out before we could make a final
decision-I'm glad it did, because
we were in the process of taking
an action from which we might
never have recovered.



ampies of Ali-Amerscan woman-
t We were all in agreement on_
hood gracing our hallowed walls The Selective Service College Qualifi- Lutheran Student Association. Post
one doesn't see them giving their the definition of academic free- fication Test will be given here on PuepRlartuty As8:30tpom.asth
nede'tset mgvigherdom : we were all in agreement on Thur Nov. 19. Application deadlin Pep Rally Party at 8:30 p.m. at the
all as Wolverine cheerleaders? d we weretalltis agrem e on h Center, corner of Hill and Foret Ave-
what constitutes academic free- Nov. 2.
Not that we have any com- dom for educators. What we were It is recommended that all men who
plaints toward our mighty-lunged in serious disagreement on was, have not previously taken the test make Hillel Foundation IZFA presents an
application for it at Ann Arbor Selec- O hileboatoni a pree n tseHil
male contingent, it just seems, to in my opinion, the most important tive Service Board No. 85, 208 West One Shabat tonight at . 4n the
us that nothing would make the part of the entire declaration. We Washington. The Selective Service Board el Lounge. Tdancin program will be fol-
denizens of the wooden benches say, in the last 17 words of the will then notify applicants of timeroom. Everyone welcome.
forget their apple cider and cheer 388 word statement, that educa- and place. __ss__s b
for he f Mizen'Bue s mch orsshold e dsmised"ony a- ;The result of this test is used by Newman Club Fiesta will be held
tor the 01' Maize'n'Blue as much tols should be dismissed "only af- your local draft board for determining tonigt from to 12.stou American
as feminine exhortations would. ter a fail' hearing in accordance college deferment. dancing lessons will be given from 8
Men., the challenge is upon usn! with methods utilized by the Uni- The test will be given again on April to 9 to those who are nterested. Re-
It's time for a changes ted States courts of law." The 22, 1954. reshments and entertainment win lbe
reason for putting a principle so Applications for Opportunity Fel- provided. Everyone is welcome.
-Marvin Siegel obvious to a democratic society lowships from the John Hay Whitney Roger Williams Guild. Meet at the
Stuart Seligson into the declaration in the first Foundation are now available. The com- Guild House this evening at 8
* * * place is because we must feel that petition is openicluding residenotshe f clock to go on a "Buried Treasure
of the methods utilized by territories) who has given evidence of Hunt." Refreshments afterwards at the
somelg ertois h hsgvnevdneo Guild House. Wear old clothes.
l Audience . * the present investigatory commit- special ability and who has not had G d s. r__s
tees are not in accordance with full opportunity to develop his talents
To the Editor: those utilized by the United States ;because of arbitrary barriers, such as'?o
HAVE JUST returned from Se- courts of law. If this is the case, > of residence. Awards have been made
then why don't we say it instead to the following groups: Negroes, Span- Square Dance, sponsored by S.R.A.
ing the movie, The Caddy now Idas hns-adSuet n aut ecm.N d
it the State Theater of saying something which is sup- ish-Americans, Indians, Chinese- and Students and Faculty welcome. No ad-
playingattheS. pose toe sam hn? Japanese-Americans, residents of the mission charge. Lane Hall, 8:00-12:00
Since the evening is still fresh in posed to mean the same thing? If Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, p.m.
mind I want to express now, while we feel that this clause is the main Guam, Alaska, Samoa, and the Ap-
I have the adequate, descriptive point in the whole declaration palachian Mountain area, and to Dis- ; Episcopal Student Foundation. Sat.,
words on the tip of ally tongue, (and we seem to since the discus- placed Persons, who are naturalized or1 Oct 10, Cider and doughnuts at Can-
sion -last night was centered in the process of becoming citizens of terbury House following the game, for
my opinion on how disgustingly the U ited States. students and their parents,
the audience behaved during the around it), then why are we con- thn ites ates.
Candidates are expected to be ma-
entire movie. This is certainly riot tent to place it at the end of a ture enough to have given positive evi- Hillel Foundation activities for the
the first time I've been in the very long statement where it could dence of exceptional promise, yet week end:
adencest he w e ee they'vesh n easily be missed, and only spend young enough to have their careers be- Sat., Oct. 10, 4 to 6 p.m., football open
audience here when they ve shown 17 d o it? fore them, in general to be between house.
hei disapproval by loud hissing sthe ages of 22 and 35 and 'to have com- Sun, Oct. 11, 10:30 a.m., Hillel Stu-
and I don't suppose it will be the The reason we're acting this way; pleted their general education. The fel-1 dent Council meeting; 6 p.m., Supper
last, but tonight was the most dis- is, because we want so badly to lowships are open not only for aca- Ch ; 8 p.m., first meeting of Hillel
demic study (graduate) but for any. Chorus; 8 p.m., Grad get-together.
turbing display I've run onto thus prove that we are responsible, but kind of training or expezience (jour- Registration still open for classes in
far. . in the process we have lost the nalism, Industry, labor, the arts, etc.) Jewish History, Hebrew and Modern Is-
The cartoon, as are most car- ingredient necessary to student which may be most useful in develop- ;rel. Membership on the Music, Edu-
toons, was simple. silly. fan'tastic government-the courage to say ing varied talents and varied forms of cation, and Publicity committees it
leaersip.I open.
and meant for light entertain- what we believe. If we repeat our !leaershp._
ment. The audience must have actions again next week, our "pub- Awards are expected normally to Communion Breakfast will be held
ment. The audience must have ~~range from $1,000 to $3,000, depending m.Ot.1,aerhe:3Msst
thought the cartoon insulted their lic relations" may be improved, on the nature of the proposed project Sun., Oct. 11, after the 9:30 Mass at
but e wll avelostthereaon nd te fnanialneedof he and- Ithe Father Richard Center. Monsignor
intelligence and voiced their ob- but we will have lost the reason and the financial need of the candi- Carrol F. Deadly will be the guest
g . - tdate. Awards are for a iidea or
jection by the mosthexpressive art for oui existence. serio.Aawor, nts for nf tyear of speaker. Tickets may be purchased at
of hissing. During the feature film -Ruth Rossner temporary projects. jteCae.Eeyn swloe
the members of the audience hiss- * , * Applications may be secured by writ- The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
ed quite freely each time Dean ing to Opportunity Fellowships, John After-game open house, Guild House,
Martin sang, or a bit of slap stick IDo-nothingisi . .*. Hay Whitney Foundation, 30 Rocke- Saturday.
mthe feller Plaza, New York 20, New York.
comedy was going on. Ae e The competition closes November 30.
small percentage of people who To the Editor:_ovmbr_0
have the privilege of getting an," HAT GOVERNMENT is best Teaching Assistantships in West Ger-
education beyond high school, so many. The U.S. Educational Commis-
which governs least, and the sion in the Federal Republic of Ger-
steeped in our intellectual world Eisenhower administration has many will this year provide 25 grants
that we are incapable of enjoying been moving in this direction as to American graduate students for
a bil of nonsensical comedy? Why "Thi hilo teaching assistantships in secondary
do we have to be so critical? 'Sure- schools in the larger cities of West Ger-
sophical gem was uttered by Pre- many. These opportunities are similar
ly we know what to expect from a sident Eisenhower's Secretary of to those of the Fremph Government
Martin and Lewis picture before Interior, Douglas McKay, before a "poste d'assistants d'anglais" in lycees.
going to see one. The hissing Texas oil men's convention earlierI.welve hours weekly of teaching Eng-
must be some type of justification tphis week. tioonAmerican life are required of
for going to a movie complete such grantees, who will work under
with cartoon) we know to be be- In the days of Tom Jefferson the head of the English department
neath our intelligence. such views might have been con- of the German school. Tuition at the
sidered liberal. In William Me- nearest university is also provided, as
If we are letting higher educa- ned ie they migt h well as travel and maintenance. Appi-
tion make us a flock of stoic, in- dy cants with teaching experience, or
tellectual, hypo-critics, and not been held by thoughtful conserva-teacher training, should find these op-
human adults, then I feel we are tives. Today, by any logical stand- portunities of special interest. The qual- Sixty-Fourth Year
few tie ard, the advocates of pygmy gov- ifications are the same as those for Edited and managed by students 6.
missing the boat. The few timesernment should be judged laugh- the Fulbright awards. the University aX Michigan under t1
during the movie the pcople of ably absurd. Application blanks and further in- authority of the Board in control a
the audience forgot to be critical formation may be secured by writing Student Publications,
and enjoyed themselves was en- Now, with gigantic industries to The Institute of International Edu-
i oyable for rne and my friends and private interest groups pos- cation, 1 East 67th Street, Now York
37 that ~~21, New York. o EioilSa
with me. This ]s my third ycar in sessing the great power that is2N oEditorial Staff
college, but my first at the Uni- concomitant with vast accumula- Employment Registration. The annual Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
versity of Michigan and also my tions of wealth, talk of decreased placement meeting of the Bureau of Eric Vetter.............,.City Editor
first year in the state of Michi- government activity is a promised Appointments will be held at 3 p.m. on Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director
gan. As a newcomer getting first green light for plunder and exploi- Tues., Oct. 13, in Auditorium A of An- Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
. gell Hall. All seniors and graduate stu- Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director
impressions I'm saying I've never tation. Already some of this pro- dents who are interested in registering. Diane Decker......... Associate Editor
come across such childish behav- mise has been kept in the Republi- with the Bureau for employment ei- j Helene Simon........Associate Editoi
ior in movie audiences before Can Administration's give-away oftitary Ivan Kaye..............Sports Edto
offshoi'e'oir fnti i aeSporEt


t the Orpheum .. .
MAN ON A TIGHTROPE, with Frederic
ELOQUENCE about man's desire to be free
has for years been the staple of Robert
E. Sherwood's dramatic endeavors. Because
he is a practiced rather than an instinctive
craftsman, his work, though always com-
petent, is usually predictable and occasion-
ally dull. When his talents are combined,
however, with those such as are possessed
by director Elia Kazan, Sherwood's ideas
take on a vigor and spirit which make "Man
on a Tightrope," starring veteran actor,
Frederic March, a sincere and well-done
film about the threat of Communist author-
The story of the film is based on an ac-
cutual event: the escape of a small circus
from behind the Iron Curtain of Czecho-
slovakia into free Bavaria. The early
events of the screen play are based on
typical invasions of the state into the
freedom of one circus owner's enterprise.
His early efforts at compromise (since he
fancies himself "not a political man") are
contrasted with his ultimate resolution to
crash the fontier into the Western zone
of Germany. The eventual escape paral-
lels the actual flight of the Circus Cernik
troupe across the fortified border.
Sherwood peoples his drama with a stock
of conventional types, including the slattern-
ly wife, the cowardly lion tamer and the
mysterious horse trainer who falls in love
with the owner's daughter. The conflicts be-
tween these people are made much of at
the start and resolved perhaps too quickly
since the only real menace in the story is
the totalitarian state. The focus, as in Sher-
wood's "There Shall Be No Night" is on the
respectable, peace-loving father who learns
that he must fight or lose his self-respect.
' The younger characters provide traditional
harmonies of romance and fierce courage to

The acting in the film is very well di-
rected. The performance of March here
is oddly enough identical to what was re-
quired in "Death of A Salesman" and
what he failed to achieve there. Gloria
Grahame, as the wife, easily handles a
role that Sherwood only threatens to do
things with. Terry Moore and Cameron
Mitchell as the romantic pair succeed in
short parts that Kazan does not neglect.
Adolphe Menjou shows well as the imag-
inative Communist, who loses out, per-
haps symbolically, to his more regiment-
ed brethen.
The end of the film alone, although the
suspense is high, sounds chords in success-
sion which are a little too familiar and not
worthy of men who can do better-or of a
studio (Fox) which seems alon to be hold-
ing the line against infantilism.
--Bill Wiegand
At the il ichi gan *.*
THIS FILM offers an excellent study on
the versatility of the movie camera. By
combining ship, sea. and rock into a finely
knit unity the cameraman has produced an
artistic achievement.
Unfortunately the plot is afflicted with
a split personality which threatens to
leave the viewer guessing at the relation-
ship between its beginning and end. But
after shaking off this disability the story
sharpens into a thin line of action with
all the economy of a warship going into
Andrew Brown. British seaman, is cap-
tured by the German cruiser Essen after his
own vessel is sunk in an encounter with the
enemy ship. The Essen slips into a desert
island lagoon for repairs. Brown escapes

The President will strongly support Se-
cretary of Agriculture Ezra Benson, who
has been having a rough time recently
trying to cope with farm-belt unrest over
skidding farm prices, as well as the blis-
tering attacks of former President harry
Truman and former Secretary Charles
The White House wants to quiet the fears
of GOP farm Congressmen who have be-
come jittery about their re-election chances
next year.
Anti-Benson sentiment in the farm belt
has led to persistent rumors that Ike will
remove the Agriculture Secretary and scrap
his farm policies, which are aimed at fewer
government controls and more "self-help"
programs for the farmer. The President's
Kansas City speech will squelch these ru-
mors. Actually, the President agrees whole-
heartedly with Benson's decontrol policies.
He will say so in Kansas City, but will
bring out that he does not favor any
abrupt or rash elimination of controls
needed to guard against declining farm
prices and further recession in agricul-
tural states.
NOTE-Benson would have a rugged time
getting any legislation through the next
Congress aimed at pruning the price-sup-
port program. For GOP members of the
House Agriculture Committee, led by Chair-
man Cliff Hope of Kansas, are as strong for
+kc (M nar ra n f t. f.nt ,.. , a rn t,' ac 5;r



4. 1

-Mora Lee English
* * *
Say So, SL.. .
To the Editor:

off shore oil resources in the
Southeast and water power re-.
sources in the Northwest, whichI
have been aspects of what is eu-
nhemistically called decentrali-

serviceo r .xtur romotosi
the fields of education, business, in-1
dustry, government, or in the techni-
cal fields are invited to attend. Regis-1
tration material will be given out at
the meeting. r
Academic Notices
IAstronomical Colloquium, Fri., Oct. 9,


in a rather peculiar position.
We are continually on trial. We
have to prove our seriousness so
people will know we think about
other things than pantie raids.
4- -a

zation of goveinment.'
Now, the nations of the world,
are watching the United States,I
their ears ringing with the charges
of the enemies of freedom that
American Democracy cannot sat-
isfactorily triumph over the so-
cial injustice that results from po- E

Marilyn Campbell.... Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.. Assoc. Women's Editoj
Don Campbell.......Head Photographe)
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Hamiean Hankin Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Selden. .Finance Manager
James Sharp....-Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

4:15 p.m., the Observatory. D. Sydney
Chapman, Visiting Professor of Solar
and Terrestrial Physics, will speak on
"Magnetic Induction in the Earth's
Core and Atmosphere."
Psychology Colloquium will meet on


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