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October 08, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-08

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Which Way
*Will Kashm'ir
KASHMIR, THE "heaven of the Himala-
yas" of the Victorian British. has been
a bone of contention between Hindu India
and Moslem Pakistan since the two coun-
tries were partitioned six years ago. Before
the partitioning both Kashmir and Pakis-
tan were part of Great Britain's Indian em-
In 1947, after being invaded by Pakis-
tan, Kashmir reuested accession to the
new India although still retaining her
own government. Since then Pakistan
has nibbled away pieces of the former
Indian state causing many Kashmiri to
elect India as their champion.
A status quo seemed to have been reach-
ed early this year-there had been no new
transfer of territory to Pakistan.
Then in August the Indo-Pakistani con-
flict over Kashmir came into world atten-
tion again. Sheikh Abdullah, Kashmir's
prime minister, was arrested and his gov-
ernment overthrown by Bakshi Ghulam Ma-
homed, for all intents and purposes an In-
dian stooge.
Since his rise to power, Bakshi has at-
tempted to reform Abdullah's reforms. Us-
ing food ration increases to gain the peo-
ples' confidence. Bakshi's government has
restored free trade, decreased prices, low-
ered water rates and raised the wages of
government servants.
Sheikh .Abdullahs .government .had.
.brought left-wing socialism and methods
of nationalism that seemed radical to the
politically inexperienced Kashmiri. The pre-
sent denationalization program for Kashmir
has the financial backing of India, although
India claims no part in the government's
Immediately following Abdullah's arrest
the prime ministers of Pakistan and India,
Mohamnied Ali and Jawaharlal Nehru, met
in New Delhi and agreed upon a plebiscite
to determine the future of Kashmir where
Indian and Pakistani troops are still facing
each other across an uneasy cease-fire line
enforced by the UN.
There are two important points in the
agreement: First, by April 30, 1954. India
and Pakistan will choose an impartial
plebiscite administrator. Secondly, they
will decide on the number of troops to re-
main in Kashmir during the voting.
The first part of this agreement is a slap
in the face to the United Nations which had
already appointed Admiral Chester W. Nim-
itz to act as the administrator. The two
countries have not reached a decision con-
cerning the number of military forces as yet.
When the people of Kashmir are allow-
ed to vote it seems likely that they will
favor remaining with India since they
have lived under a beneficial Indian-fi-
nanced government.
Along with her vital industries and re-
sources, Kashmir's geographical importance
as a guard of an approach to India from the
northwest makes her future status, whether
as part of India or Pakistan or as an inde-
penent country, a vital matter to both the
free world and the Iron Curtain countries.
Janet Ford
No Rooni
For the Specialists
AS MODERN WARFARE continues to
branch into technical and scientific
fields, the armed forces are faced with a ba-
sic policy question of how to deal fairly with
senior officers who have become specialists
in these areas.
The present policy for promoting offi-
cers to the geieral and admiral ranks fa-
vors those men who have a broad back-

ground in various phases of military life
and tends to disfavor those who have spe-
cialized in any one phase. Thus, those
officers who are now concentrating in the
newer fields of guided missiles and ato-
mic weapons may be at a disadvantage
when they are considered for promotions
in the higher ranks. After they have
served a specified time in grade without
promotion, they are automatically retir-
ed, possibly at an early age and before
their full usefulness to the country has
been realized.
Such is the case of Col. Bernt Balchen.
Col. Balchen helped Admiral Byrd in his
race to the North Pole, built air bases in
Greenland during the war for use of planes
ferrying across the Atlantic, and supplied
the Norwegian underground via air under
the nosesof the Nazi occupation forces. The
Colonel was serving in Alaska when the
Korean conflict erupted and his success
there in continuing operations under ad-
verse Arctic weather conditions led to his
transfer to the Pentagon and subsequent
assignment to develop an air base at Thule,
Greenland-across the polar cap within
striking distance of Soviet Russia.
However, about a year ago Col. Balchen
was returned to the Pentagon and since has
had little to do with Arctic air operations.
He is over the age and time in grade al-
lowed for his rank and has been passed over
for promotion to brigadier general, prob-
ably because he lacks the broad background
sought in general officers.
The Navy recently met the same prob-
lem with Rear Admiral Hyman Rickover,


Korean Delivery Truck


At Hill Auditorium...
Roberta Peters, coloratura soprano; assist-
ed by Warner Bass, pianist, and Samuel
Pratt, flutist
A COLORATURA soprano faces the same
problem as does the skilled violinist.
The violinist who has a superhuman tech-
nical command of his instrument may chose
between a work of Paganini showing off in-
strumental technique and pyrotechnics with
the personal creative expression of the com-
poser non-existent, or he may chose a work
of Bach where the technical difficulties in
playing the music are only a means to the
musical projection of the comporser's crea-
tive expression.
The coloratura may chose an aria such
as the Bell Song from Lakme where the au-
dience can marvel at florid. superhuman
passages in the very upper-strata of vocal
range, or she may chose the aria, Der Holle
Rache, from Magic Flute, where these dif-
ficult vocal melismas flow naturally as part
of the melodic line the composer has se-
lected to portray a particular mood.
Miss Roberta Peters, youthful colora-
tura of the Metropolitan Opera Company,
did a little of both in last night's concert
opening the seventy-fifth season of the
University Musical Society. But the Bell
Song was not included in her program,
and there were a handful of plain, ordi-
nary soprano arias to go with the aria
from Magic Flute, and the incredibly dif-
ficult Grossmachtige Prinzessin from
Strauss' Ariadne auf Naxos. to give the
program some musical interest as well as
Including encores the evening contained
more than twenty selections: none of them
so slight technically as to be called breath-
ers. Miss Peters' voice never seemed to show
strain from the undertaking which be-
speaks the strength of her vocal equip-
ment. She also never seemed to flounder
in executing difficult passages, which was
not true of her accompanists, particularly
Mr. Bass who would miss in scale passages
or even get ahead of the singer sometimes.
But then never did either accompanist get
in the way of the singer, always playing

with restraint to let us know that Miss Pe-
ters was the whole show.
The consequence, however, was that the
whole show became too much; some of its
parts could have been left off. One "Lo,
Here the Gentle Lark" where singer and flut-
ist show how well they can sound like birds,
xylophones, or each other, is enough. The
addition of "Sweet Bird" from Handel's Il
Pensieroso, "The Alpine Shepherdess,"
Adam's Bravura Variations, and a few oth-
ers, didn't prove the point any better.
The high point of the concert was Miss
Peter's singing of the Strauss aria. In this
work she showed a quality which is much
more impressive than the mere instrumental
facility of other selections. This was the
many tonal changes her voice could undergo
while yet commanding the technical pas-
sages. With a conversational emphasis upon
the tones, she was table to vocally express
the scorn and delights in love which the aria
declares: a style demanded in proper sing-
ing of Strauss.
In antithesis to the Strauss, such songs
as Scarlatti's Qual farfalletta amante and
Caccini's Amarilli, mia bella, were sung
with straight-forward tone in the bel
canto tradition, although there was a lean-
ing toward the dramatic and operatic in
both, as she would punctuate certain tones
giving them a theatrical emphasis.
Such a singer is of the theater. Posture
evidenced this as much as singing. She sang
Mozart's Batti Batti from Don Giovanni as
if the audience were Masetto; Debussy's
Romance in a relaxed position leaning on
the piano; and the Bravura Variations in
a slightly bent position accentuating the fact
this work required the utmost skill in pre-
The coloratura by nature has some quality
of shrillness. After awhile this becomes te-
dious to the audience Though this was
true of Miss Peters, her tone when
soft compenstated for it.
Now that we have had a discursive pro-
gram, it would be nice if future singers this
year were allowed to sing song cycles or
works of greater scope.
-Donald Harris

t~ VyIIl'
\\ 7,

The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of
general Interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words In length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



A ltion.. .
To the Editor:

A GradS peaks ., ,
To the Editor:

"G;IVE US the child for 8 years AFTER FIVE years at the Uni-
and it will be a Bolshevik versity, the thought of leav-
forever." ing Ann Arbor was not a pleasant
Thus Lenin emphasized the im- one. However, this past June I
portnce he Cmmuistsplac intook the great leap into the "cold"
portance the Communists place in (if that can be said of Washing-
education as a means of gaining ton} world, When school opened
control of a person or a people. . this September I couldn't quite
In accordance with this belief believe I would not be back. How
the Communist conspiracy has could I exist without Canterbury
spread a network of thousands of Club, West Quad, S.L., football
Reds and their fellow travelers games, concerts and lectures? So,
through the schools and colleges as other loyal alumni have done,
of America. I subscribed to The Michigan
To expose this network and pre- Daily. The first issues mentioned
vent it from carrying out its dead- all these places and events, and
ly plan have been the objectives gloom pervaded my being.



+= == == =x== =- ==


of committees of the Congress. If'
we desire our country to remain
free it seems only common sense
that we should support their work.
The Student Legislature has be-
fore it a motion which criticizes
the investigations into the Com-
munist threat to our educational
system. The motion states that
"untold harm" is being done toj
academic freedom by these in-
The answer to this charge seems
evident. The Communist aim is
to eliminate academic freedom
completely; the Kremlin's thought
control permits no free discussion
of popular and unpopular ideas.
To allow the Communists to op
erate within our schools is to help:
eliminate academic freedom.
The passage of the Academic
Freedom Motion by the Student
Legislature would aid the Com-

Then came the Daily of Septem-
ber 27, and the names of the ush-
ers for the Concerts were publish-
ed. I looked at the list for famil-
iar names, and was most pleasant-
ly shocked to find a most famliar
one, namely, my own. Several days
later there appeared the names of
the ushers for the Lecture Series.
Again, my name was there.
Perhaps a kind friend felt my
salary as a GS-7 in the Defense
Departmentbwould enablehme to
commute between Washington
and Ann Arbor.eHowever, since
my capacity in that Agency will
shortly be shifted to one paying
$80 a month, I'm afraid that in-
surmountable obstacle (courses)s
have been placed in my path,
though by coincidence I will be in
town for the first of the extra
concerts. Thank you anyway. If
all this is due to the fact that I
hae nmesake at 1 ichigan"



PAATTf( oF rrACTl,,v

HONG KONG-"Don't look too much at
the agony." Such is the motto of the
wisest of the little group of specialists who
are charged with peering through this win-
dow into China and assessing developments
The reason for this warning is all too
good. The Peking government is trying to
imitate the Soviet Union's remarkable
feat of pulling a backward country up by
its bootstraps. But over-populated China
has neither the empty spaces nor the sur-
plus resources that Russia benefitted from.
hence the feat is bound to be infinitely
more difficult and painful.
The agony has visibly begun. China's
hundreds of millions of little people, who
once welcomed the disciplined Communists
as a relief from the disordered rapacity of
the Nationalist regime, are learning that ef-
ficient rapacity is even worse. Hunger and
death will stalk the land this winter. Even
the security forces might not have been
strong enough if the strain in Korea had not
But if you can be cold-blooded enough to
take your eyes off the agony, other things
which alas possess much greater strategic
importance come rapidly into view. These
are the first stages of Communist China's
national development program.
Like the inaugurators of every new Chi-
nese dynasty in several millennia of his-
tory, the Communists have given their
first attention to internal communications
and public irrigation works: Great water
conservancy and irrigation projects are
already well advanced on the Huai and
Yellow Rivers. The ruined irrigation sys-
tem of the rice bowl of the middle Yang-
tse has been repaired.
Simultaneously, an immense program of
road and railroad construction has been
pushed forward with surprising rapidity. A
whole series of vital road and rail links has
been constructed between parts of China
which used to be connected only by coolie
tracks over the hills and by air. Signifi-
cantly, the Old Burma Road, the railroad
from Yunnan province to the Indo-China
border, and the road and rail approaches
from Kwantung province to Indo-China,
have all been repaired and in some cases
greatly improved.
Also significant are the military roads
being pushed into the drab wastes of
Chinhai and the wild mountains of Si-
kang province (where the favorite hors
d'oeurve of the half savage local tribes-
people used to be -new born baby rats).
These roads, plus the military roads that
are being built into Tibet will put the
Chinese in a position to look right down
the throats of the Nepalese and the In-
Then, too, much work has already been
done on the Chinese links of the two new-
Trans-Asiatic railroads that the Soviets are
building, to parallel the Trans-Siberian rail-
'road to the southwar's. Trains mav well he

Mongolia within another two years. The
link from Sinkiang province in Central
Asia to Chungking at the headwaters of the
Yangtse River navigation has got to cross
the terrible Tien Shan mountains, and so
will take longer; but a significant part of it
is already built.
While all this has been going on, the Com-
munist regime has also been conducting an
intensive geological survey of its huge land'
area, in order to find new resources. By
the typewriter as these words are written,
is an announcement of results from Peking
that sounds like all the optimistic prospec-
tuses of all the optimistic mining compan-
ies in history, rolled into one document.
THE OFFICIAL claims need not be believ-
ed. But it is also foolish to go on re-
peating the old cliche, which was always
phony, that "China has no natural re-
sources except men." Oil, iron, coal in great
quantities, copper, lead and other vital min-
erals have either been newly discovered or
are being extracted much more intensively
from previously known sources.
Finally, the actual work of industrializa-
tion-lias also begun. Here th results are
far less impressive, for the work is only just
starting. Yet China is already self-suffi-
cient in smaH arms and ammunition. The
outlines of a textile industry like the Ja-
panese industry in the old days can already
be described. Manchuria is back into pro-
duction on the heavy industrial side. In a
decade or two, if all goes as the Peking
leaders plan, China will have a very signi-
ficant industry on the Russian model.
The grand objective of all this gigantic
effort, the transformation of China into
a military industrial great power, will
never be attained of course without end-
less crises and famines and perhaps mas-
sacres, upheavals in the lower ranks of
leadership, shifts and changes of party
line, and last but not least continuing aid
from Russia.
The grand objective will not be attained,
either, without breaking and re-forming the
basic patterns of Chinese life. It is just
about 2,400 years since the Chinese legalists
Han Fei-tse and the Lord Shang grimly
developed their proto-Stalinism in the bloody
chaos of the period of the warring states.
It is just about 2,300 years since the real
founder of the historic Chinese empire, the
first Universal Emperor as he called himself,
destroyed the old Chinese pattern of sacred
feudalism and established the new pattern
of the all-supreme state.
The state the Chinese Communists
are now establishing is not too unlike the
design drawn by the Chin emperor and his
legalist ministers, minus the Chinese fam-
ily system that survived the destruction
of sacred feudalism by the legalists. The
Chinese family system is the pattern the

W ASHINGTON-The most steadfast economizer in the Eisenhower?
cabinet continues to be the man Ike leans on most heavily for ad-
vice-Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey. And Humphrey
continues to argue that economy can come only from slicing large,
generous hunks from the military budget.
His views, revealed in a secret conference on the budget, give
important insight into the kind of advice the President is getting
from his most trusted adviser.
"Mr. Dodge and I have appeared before the new Joint Chiefs of
Staff," Secretary Humphrey told a secret meeting of the Senate Fi-
nance Committee. "We have said, and I honestly believe, that there
is no way a sufficient reduction in these (defense) expenditures can
possibly be made by just cutting off fat, or just going along and fir-
ing a stenographer there or a clerk here. The only way in the world
where there is going to be anything accomplished is by a revision of
these plans.
"As I said in talking to Charlie Wilson, the day has gone by when
we can put a little more chromium on a lamp or a bumper and get by
with it. What we have to have is a brand new Chevrolet that will do
twice as much and cost half as much."
"Having your new Chiefs of Staff, they will be able to carry
out the policies of the President in full harmony," observed Chair-
man Gene Millikin, Colorado Republican.
"They have been so instructed, sir," spoke up budget director
D Might I inject this?" broke in Sen. Ed Martin, Pehnsylvania Re-
publican. "I have been a military man all my life, and I have advo-
cated large appropriations for the defense side, but I am more fear-
ful of internal financial collapse, as you mentioned a moment ago,
than I am of outward aggression."
rTHE CLOSED-DOOR meeting started heating up when Secretary
Humphrey and Sen. Harry Byrd of Virginia, both loud economy
advocates, clashed. Byrd wanted to know about the $81,000,000,000 in
unexpended balances that the government owes. Humphrey explain-
ed that the money was already committed, and the government could-
u't get out of paying it.
"It's like the man who sends his wife out to furnish his
house and supply all his goods, all on the basis of C.O.D.," the
Secretary of the Treasury argued. "As these goods begin to be de-
livered, these ,CO.D. items begin to come in, all those things which
were bought months before, and he has to dig down in his pocket
and pay those C.O.D.s."
"If the situation is as serious as you say, I think the President of
the United States is the only man who can control it," Byrd argued.
"In my opinion, he has to step in here and do it. He can withhold
these expenditures. He can impound them. He can do as Mr. Dodge
knows, he can stop the payment of money, and that is what you haveI
to do now until we straighten out this fiscal situation so somebodya
can understand it.'

munist conspiracy to end academ- please forgive me. That is reason
ic freedom in America. enough for sympathies!
--George Denison -Alan Berson '53
(Continued from Page 2) Roger Williams Guild. Meet at the
Guild House Friday evening at 8
o'clock to go on a "Buried Treasure
Norway," Fri., Oct. 9, 210 Angell Hall' Hunt." Refreshments afterwards at the
at 3 p.m. Chairman, K. C. McMurry. Guild House. Wear old clothes,
The Young Friends Group will hoId
a supper meeting at the Dunham home,
Carillon Recital. Sidney Giles, As- 1911 Austin, from 6:30 to 8:00 tomor-
sistant University Carillonneur, will row evening. Please phone Ann Winder
continue his series of fall programs at 3-1780 today if you plan to come.
at 7:15 Thursday evening, Oct. 8. The
recital will include works by M. van Newman Club Fiesta will be held
den Gheyn, Staf Nees, Anton Dvorak, Fri., Oct. 9, from 8 to 12. South Ameri-
and a group of folk songs. Other pro- can dancing lessons will be given front
,grams will be played on Thursday 8 to 9 to those who are interested. Re-
evenings through October. freshments and entertainment will be
--- -provided. Everyone is welcome.
Events Today International Center Weekly Tea will
be held Thurs., Oct. 8, from 4:30 to
La p'tite causette meets today 6 at the International Center.
from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wingof
the north room of the Michigan Union Christian Science Organization. Tes-
cafeteria. timony meeting Thurs., Oct. 8, at 7:30,
---l CFireside Room, Lane Hall. All are wel-
Colee Conferen come.


steering Committee wilt hold a meet-
ing at 4 p.m. In Dean Robertson's of-
fice in Angell Hall.
Young Republicans. General meet-!
ing today at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.
Enrollment of new members. Speaker:
David W. Kendall, Republican Nationalj
Committeeman for Michigan. Visitors
Attention All Students Interested in
Marketing. The U. of M. Student Mar-
keting;club of the American Marketing;

The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Supper hike Fri., Oct. 9. Meet at Guild
House at 5:05 p.m.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 6 at Canterbury House, Fri.,
Oct. 9.
Episcopal Student Foundation, Fri-
day Lecture Series. Third Lecture in
series, The Rt. Rev. Dudley B. McNeil,
Bishop of Western Michigan, speaking
oan terbury Hsetia an HeisHVralon

Association wvil meet today at 3 p.m. -- --- - -''
"WELL SENATOR, I hate to disagree with you on that," objected in 130 Business Administration Build- ing.
Humphrey, "but it just seems to me that when you say the ing. Plans for valuable programs, pro- Oc1Epi0 CidStudent Foundation. Sat.
President can stop the payment of the money, that it is not a prac- jects, and field trips will be made. terbury House following the game, for
tical thing." Alsoehio g movie,to astudemportance students and their parents.
"Then you see no possibility of reducing expenditures from the freshments will be served.
present level?" demanded Byrd,.Happa Phi. There will be an infor-
"Now wait a minute!" snapped Humphrey. "I didn't say that!" mal rushing picnic at 5:15 p.m. at the
"Wait a minute! Let me finish!" bristled the Virginia Sen- Methodist Church for all actives and
ator. "Under the Eisenhower budget, you are going to spend this rushees. _____ 4IjhflI
year exactly the same as Mr. Truman spent under the Truman The Poetry Staff of Generation will
budget last year." hold a general meeting for all inter-
"That is, right," acknowledged Humphrey, simmering down. Generation Ofice, Student Publica-
"How are you going to get these cuts made and get reductions?" tions Building.
Byrd flashed.
"We are going to get them made. We have started already," pro- The Congregational-Disciples Guild,
IMid-Week meditation, Douglas Chapel,,-
mised the Secretary of the Treasury. He went on to explain that 5 to 5:30 p.m.
future appropriations had been cut $13,000,000,000 and that ex-Presi-
IU. ofetM. Sailing Club, Inc. will hold -
dent Truman's estimate of expenditures had been whittled down. a eeting at 7 is evin n
"You will spend the same money you spent last year," inter- West Engineering Building. Arrange-
rupted Byrd. "I have your figures right here that you gave me. cnnati rtransportati n to dhwilb Sixty-Fourth Year
You are going to spend 574,000,000,000 this year, and you spent completed. Edited and managed by students of
574,000,000,000 last year . ... what I pay attention to is what was the University of Michigan under the
actually expended. I don't judge by some erroneous estimate Mr. Junior Girls Play. Mass meeting to- authority of the Board in Control of
night, 7:30 p.m., at the League. A pre- Student Publications.
Truman made, or somebody else made." view of the play and information on __uden __Pubica____.
"There isn't anybody in God's world who can come in here and tryouts and committee will be given.
cancel orders that have been standing for two or three years," shot All junior girls are urged to attend. Editorial Staf
back Humphrey. Later he reassured Byrd: "We may not be heavy Industrial Relations Club will hold Harry Lunn.........Managing 'Editor
enough to hold the lid down, but you have both Mr. Dodge and me its first meeting of the year this even- Eric Vetter..............City Editor,
ing at 7:30 in the Student Lounge of Virginia Voss........ Editorial Director
sittingMonRit.''.CItheBusiness Administration Building Mike Wolff... Associate City Editor
RE TAX REDUCTIODr. John Riegel, Alice B. Silver.. Assoc. Editorial Director
rUHE TREASURY SECRETARY also revealed that he expects fur- author and educator in the field of DHeene simo .... Asociate Editor
I ~~~~~~~~~personnel relations, will be guest speak- HeeeSmn....AscaeEio
ther tax reductions, even after the excess-profits tax dies and er, due to the illness of Mr. Meyer Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editor
income taxes are reduced at the end of this year. Ryder. Everyone invited. Paul Greenberg. ... Assoc. Sports Editor
_______Marilyn Campbell .. Women's, Editor
"If the new tax law is to make further reductions," he said, alpha Phi Omega. There will be an Kathy Zeisler.. Assoc. Women's Editor
"and personally-I don't see how it can help but make some further executive committee meeting tonight at Don Campbell......Head Photographer
reductions-" 7:30 in Club 600, South Quadrangle.
"Mr. Secretary," interrupted Senator Kerr, "do you meanbeyond rhe open meeting has been postponed Business, Staff
those ta " untilOct.1Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
"'The new tax bill, supposedly a revision bill, will necessarily Hillel Foundation presents Music-for- H elliam Kaufman Advertisin Manager
All, classical music on a Hi Fi sound HalleanmHanidn. .Ac.. BuinessManger
have tax-reduction features which might amount to a couple billion system tonight at s p.m. Everyone is Wiiam Seiden. Finance Manager
dollars, is that correct?" suggested chairman Millikin. welcome. James Sharp.... Circulation Manager
"That's right," agreed Humphrey. "I don't see how it can helpSI
t~ Be i. aha'i uent Discussion Group will Telephone 23-24.1
to be sis. meet tonight at 8 p.m. in Lane Hall .__
"Our own staff also miscaRlculated." confessed M~lillikin -meekly. Tonic for this week's inter-racial andI



Communists are breaking.
With a basic national pattern to be bro-
ken. with the most numerous nation on
P a+rh to a c+f a a i nriorto -ir in -ac


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"nilr Vtfnff Yrticnaln tlo tvl by nr l h.llinr. . nlln..c it u,:.,,..1,,. o<r

inter-faith discussion groun is "The


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