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October 07, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-07

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". . . Or Do You Want Me To Do The Talking?"


Daily Managing Editor
lUCH ATTENTION has been given in
recent weeks by Daily columnists Drew
Pearson and the Alsops to "Operation Can-
dor," President Eisenhower's program for
educating America to the immediate threat
of hydrogen bomb war and the necessary
defenses needed to counteract the threat.
But "Operation Candor" has evidently been
toned down, and it now appears that the
nation is not to be let in on the background
of what will probably be the President's
largest policy decision thus far.
Briefly, the President must decide, in
face of increased Russian hydrogen pow-
er technology, whether to allow tax cuts
to go through and cut back defenses to
hold the budget in line, or whether to
levy new taxes and hike defense spend-
ing to counteract the Russian threat. The
decision is complicated by the influence
such decisions have on the nation's pros-
perity. The current effort to achieve a
balanced budget at almost any expense
was intended to curb inflation by draining
off high profits and incomes through tax-
es and by avoiding increases in the debt
which can expand inflation.
Repently, however, soft spots have devel-
,ped in certain economic sectors, mainly
the automobile industry, giving rise to busi-
ness fears of recession. Should recession
pressures mount, a continued attempt at
budget balancing would tend to stimulate
deflation, while a cut in taxes might stimu-
late spending and contribute to, restoration
of equilibrium.
Economic considerations, though import-
ant, cannot form the basis of the ultimate

Presidential plan. The final decision must
be made in terms of national security des.
pite the paradoxical situation in which pro-
motion of defense may be at the expense of
national economic stability. Instability has,
in fact, been encouraged by the Administra-
tion promises of abolishment of excess pro-
fits taxes in January and possible easing of
personal income taxes at the same time.
The excess profits tax commitment must
be carried through because Congress will
never renew the tax. This places the Presi-
dent in a position where the best he can
achieve is a moderate deficit even if the
proposed manufacturers tax is levied. The
manufacturers' tax will replace levies being
cut off, but the gap between receipts and ex-
penditures will still be there, particularly
if the government goes ahead on additional
defense spending not contemplated when
the budget was made up, but necessary be-
cause of the startling developments in Rus-
sian power.
There is considerable question over pub-
lic acceptability of new taxes at this time
unless the President goes through com-
pletely with "Operation Candor." Certain-
ly Eisenhower is the one man that can
make the public realize the brutal neces-
sities caused by the Russian development
--necessities not understood by a public
which still believes "it can't happen here"
when the hydrogen bomb threat is dis-
Perhaps the largest factor in last Novem-
ber's Eisenhower landslide was the leader-
ship which the public felt was innate in
the President-leadership which must be
shown now if the same public is expected to
support necessary defense expenditures
will force further sacrifices on them.


Nonaggression Pacts -
An Effective Beginning

Daily Editorial Director
AN E ST-WEST nonaggression pact, as a
vaguely outlined concept, has been mud-
dled over in diplomatic minds on both sides
of the Atlantic since Sir Winston Churchill
initiated the idea last May.
Purposes behind advancing such a pact
have always been relatively clear: some
indication of Russian intentions could be
deduced from whatever reply the Soviet
Union offered, and, provided the Russians
returned nonaggression assurances, the
atmosphere of security thus built up could
make settlement of specific issues easier.
Skepticism as to Premier Malenkov's sin.
cerity in stating last April that there were
no issues which could not be settled by
"mutual understanding" has turned the
West towards "mutual security" as an in-
ternational goal
Until the past few weeks, however, the
pact concept received little amplification.
Last month, Adlai Stevenson brought the
matter into the open again in' his Chicago
speech. Last week, he took it to Eisenhower
and Dulles, and although reports indicat-
ed that the pact was being considered, the
form and direction that nonaggression as-
surances would take was still undefined.
In Dulles' news conference yesterday, the
nonaggression pact was outlined as a defi-
nite diplomatic move. The Secretary of State
indicated that the United States was hold-
ing discussions with Britain, France and
West Germany on the possibility of formal-
A GIRL CAN TELL-by F. Hugh Herbert,
starring Janet Blair, Tod Andrews, Ted
McGrath and Marshall Thompson.
T WAS EXCEEDINGLY daring of Mr. Her-
bert to choose Detroit as one of the
spots to test and mellow his new comedy
before its Broadway opening. Detroit has
always been a fine town for baseball and
hockey, but pretty irrational when it comes
to the theater.
On second thought, however, Mr. Her-
bert wasn't taking too great a risk. In fact,
he is really rather sage. In "A Girl Can
Tell" he has a Detroit type play that aud-
iences roared over in Columbus and should
certainly enjoy even in New York. And
once some too lengthy spots are elimi-
nated, he undoubtedly has a comedy that
audiences will make a hit providing they
can ignore the superior scorn the critics
and a supra-sophisticated first-night aud-
ience will assiduously offer.
Mr. Herbert has discovered the way to an
audiences heart-a light comedy of youth
and innocense with just enough frank sex
to shock the white gloved dowager without
embarrassing her. He proved his plot hypoth-
esis in "The Moon is Blue" and "Kiss and
Tell" and darned if he's going to relinquish
it and darned if I'd be the first to suggest he
do so.
As shopworn as the gimmick might be, the
resulting product on display at the Cass is

ly assuring Russia against German aggres-
sion. Somewhat more nebulous was Dulles'
announcement that the United States "would
be glad to" reassure Russia as to our in-
tentions in Austria and Korea.
The continual substitution of the word
"assurances" for "pact" is significant--
and certainly advisable. The primary aim
of the West in promoting nonaggression
pledges is a psychological one. And this
aim could easily be defeated if an attempt
was made to embody the assurances in an
East-West military treaty or to set down
an explicit definition of "nonaggression"
in military terms. Dulles' type of "pact"
undoubtedly took the direction it did be-
cause of Sen. Knowland's sharp criticism
of what he understood Stevenson's "pact"
to be-an unconditional pledge to the So-
viet Union which would freeze the East
ern satellites within the Iron Curtain.
Whatever pressures lie behind present for-
mulation of a nonaggression policy, it seems
clear that the United States will back this
policy in answer to the need for Western
initiative to break the East-West stalemate
and to sound out Soviet intentions. It has
not been indicated as yet whether we in-
tend to promote nonaggression assurances--
or rather reassurances-to the exclusion of
top-level conferences or to clear the way
for them. In view of the primarily psychol-
ogical piurposes of the proposed assurances,
however, it would seem that any such plegdes
are merely a beginning-albeit an effective
one-to any concrete East-West settlement.
Janet Blair plays a 35 year old none-too-
matronly matron whose 15 year old daugh-
ter manages to become engaged under an
abstraction in the museum of modern art
and unengaged a half hour later, alarming
Mother Blair somewhat. his sets Mother
Blair to reminiscing over a scrapbook of old
beaus' photos. Said reminiscences are di-
vided into three acts, ranging from deplor-
ingly slow to sqillfully swift in tempo. It
seems that as a naive but willing to learn
enghteen-year-old, Miss Blair was inclined
to be even more fickle than her modern day
offspring. A half dozen adoring swains spend
a good portion of the play in long embraces
with Miss Blair proving te'- mparative
value as future husbands. 1 these Ca-
vorting eligibles are wrapped about Miss
Blair's little finger. One, Mr. Tod Andrews,
is evasive but the animal in him cannot re-
sist her charms. While Mr. Andrews' at-
tempts at resisting restore my faith in the
innatecruelty of the human male, his ani-
mal gestures (while having the desired ef-
fect on our white gloved dowager) are no
excuse for lack of acting ability. (As the
reader can probably note Mr. Andrews has
set up a terrific struggle between the wo-
man and the reviewer.)
Mr. Herbert's gimmick reveals itself in
the epilogue. Whom did Miss Blair mar-
ry? As the author proceeds to tease the
audience by presenting first one and then
another of the beaus as HIM we can see

HONG KONG - The most critical, the
most discussed and the least understood
relationship in the modern world is the
relationship between the Soviet Union and
Communist China. Here in Hong Kong, one
at least finds some pretty good clews to the
general nature of this relationship. It turns
out that the way to guess what goes on be-
tween Malenkov and Mao Tse-tung is by
remembering two experiences of the recent
The first of these experiences, curiously
enough, is America's war-time experience
with the Chinese government of General-
issimo Chiang Kai-shek.
For the few Americans who grasped what
was really going on in Chungking in war-
time, one point stood out. The American
aid which the Generalissimo needed so bad-
ly was the blue chip of Chungking politics.
The Chinese officials who could, so to speak,
bring home the American bacon, automat-
ically rose in influence and power.
American policy making was so innocent
that this wonderful lever was never used as
it might have been. In fact the lever was
often allowed to work in reverse, as in the
row about the dismissal of Gen. Stilwell in
1943, which temporarily placed the Chung-
king government in the hands of the most
corrupt, reactionary and anti-American
members of the Generalissimo's palace
guard. The fact remains, however, that the
lever of American aid had infinite potentiali-
ties and could have been used to reconstruct
Chiang's feeble and demoralized regime.
What one dimly but definitely sees in
Peking at this time is a quite conscious
and tough-minded political use by Moscow
of the lever of Russian aid, which is just
about as important to Peking as American
aid was to Chungking.
There are discernible factions in Peking-
for example, the extreme pro-Moscow red
hots, like Li Li-san-have clearly formed
up behind the number two man in the Chi-
nese government, Chou En-lai. Again, there
are younger men coming up, like Liu Shao-
chi, the organizer of Manchuria, Kao Kang,
and the new armed forces chief, Lin Piao.
Both in China's industrial development
and military build up, Russian aid plays a
vital part. Thus in every contest for
power and influence, in every change of
top personnel, in every factional intrigue,
the ability to work easily with the Rus-
sians is an immense asset for an ambi-
tious Chinese. The Russians are unques-
tionably using this fact to promote the
rise of officials whom they regard as loyal
to Moscow.
This does not mean that Malenkov is try-
ing to unseat Mao Tse-tung by promoting
people who are personally opposed to Mao.
There is no evidence that Mao's primacy in
China and Asia has ever been challenged.
But it does mean that the Peking govern-
ment as a whole is gradually, probably im-
perceptibly, becoming more and more at-
tached and obedient to Moscow's leadership.
* * * *
T HE SECOND experience that casts light
on the Mao-Malenkov relationship is the
great Yugoslav Rebellion. Here the point to
note is that the split with Moscow at first
caused most of the Yugoslav leaders to suf-
fer all the agonies of religious men losing
their personal faith. They did not want it.
Stalin obligingly drove them to it. Even
Stalin, mean and tyrannical as he was,.
applied the Yugoslav lesson in his dealings
with the Chinese. Stalin's heirs are being
far more astute and cautious than Stalin
was. For all these reasons the widespread
hopes of a Peking-Moscow split are plain
silly at this time. Both in London and
Washington, for example, it was official
doctrine that North Korea had become a
Chinese satellite. Friction was foreseen
when Moscow's control of North Korea was
plainly proven, but ravaged North Korea
must now be reconstructed and the North
Korean army is already being rebuilt to
equal the forces controlled by Syngman
Rhee. The Chinese are no more able to ,
take on this additional burden in North
Korea than the British were able to con-
tinue to carry the burden in Greece and
Turkey which they passed to us.

More generally, there can be little
doubt that the Chinese now regard inter-
national communism as a great band-j
wagon of power, in the front seat of which
they are privileged to sit. If this is true,
Peking will not begin to argue with the
bandwagon's Moscow driver until the
bandwagon falters and goes into reverse.
And that time is too remote to be in-
teresting for now.
There are other wishful nonsenses that
had better be forgotten as well. For in-
stance the Trans-Siberian Railway now has
an annual carrying capacity of 11,000,000
to 15,000,000 tons a year. An additional
60,000 tons a week are being brought into
Chinese ports by Soviet, satellite and neutral
bottoms. Some Hong Kong shipping firms
with British registry may deal under the
table, but British exports to China are only
a trivial fraction of China's imports, and
are almost wholly composed of non-strategic
materials. In these circumstances yammer-
ing that we can cripple China by stopping
British and other allied trade with China
is about on a par with the magical bull-
roaring of the Australian aborigines.
The great guerrilla movement in China is
another myth-the anti-Communist guer-
rillas are far less numerous than the Ameri-
can underworld and a good deal better

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Reprinted from September 25, 19491
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WASHINGTON-For more than four months the sun has continued
to shine with sickening monotony gn the parched fields of
southern Missouri and northern Arkansas. Farmers watching their
fields slowly wither away have prayed hopefully for rain, but there's
been no rain since May 17. Meanwhile they have seen their fields
blacken, their water holes dry up and their cattle weaken, sometimes
Their situation is similar to that in Texas and the Southwest
generally, except that in Texas it rained briefly, though now the
sun is shining relentlessly again.
Meanwhile, the Department of Agriculture has moved at snail's
pace to dole out drought relief to Missouri farmers. In Texas, Ben-
son's boys have done somewhat better.
As of this writing, only 99 Missouri farmers have received a total
of only $172,700. That's an average of $1,740 apiece.
In contrast, Texas farmers have received an average of about
$13,000 apiece. A healthy $4,277,130 has gone to Texas against Mis-
souri's $172,700, and 328 Texas farmers have been aided against Mis-
souri's 99.
Another 153 Missouri farmers are still trying to get drought loans.
They are asking for only $220,100, while the 101 remaining unre-
lieved Texas farmers are asking for $1,280,695.
SEN. TOM HENNINGS of Missouri, traveling through the blackened
fields of his native state, has been trying to push this relief.
However, he finds that bigger farmers are generally favored as good
enough risks to borrow money for drought relief. Smaller farmers
aren't good risks; many may be wiped out.
"What Missouri farmers need most," Hennings concluded, "is
not money but hay."
Accordingly he sent a telegram to President Eisenhower and Sec-
retary of Agriculture Benson pointing out that plenty of hay was to
be found in Minnesota, the Dakotas and the Northwest for $20 a ton,
but the cost of transporting it from those areas to Missouri and Ar-
kansas was an additional $20 a ton, making the $40 total cost to
drought-stricken farmers prohibitive.
Therefore, Hennings proposed to Eisenhower that the U.S. Army,
which has a large armada of trucks in the middle west, use its per-
sonnel and trucks to haul hay to the drought-stricken southwest.
"Secretary Brannan organized a hay lift to Utah and Nevada dur-
ing the severe snowstorms of 1949," Hennings points out. "The Air
Force at that time dumped hay from the air on snowbound cattle, with
the Air Force paying for the cost of the hay lift. The farmers paid for
the hay, but they never could have paid for the air transportation.
"We also organized an air lift to Berlin when that city was
isolated by events beyond its control. Now, with farmers of the
southwest suffering from a catastrophe beyond their control, I
believe they should have the same help."
As of this writing, Hennings has received no reply from Wash-
NOTE 1-Ex-Secretary of Agriculture Brannan, when queried by
this column regarding the cost of previous drought relief, said: "The
farmers paid for the cost of the hay, and the Government paid for
the transportation. It may have cost us a little extra, but on the
whole I don't think we were out much. In 1949 the Air Force absorbed
the cost of the hay lift to snowbound cattle, and last year we got spe-
cial rates to ship hay from Wisconsin to Kentucky, Tennessee, Okla-
homa and parts of Pennsylvania. I think we went in the red a little,
but it seemed to me important that we step right in and act in a
NOTE 2-Inquiries at the Agriculture Department showed that so
far Secretary Benson has shipped feed but no hay to drought areas.
THANKS TO AN alert young New York Irishman, President Eisen-
hower's press relations have gone pretty well. Jim Hagerty, who
got a lot of practice piloting the sometimes tempestuous Tom Dewey,
has done a superb job.for the new President, tried to wean him away
from his original suspicion of newspapermen-a suspicion which he
once expressed privately at his Commodore Hotel headquarters as
"Every time I walk down the corridor past the press," he said,
"I feel as if they had their feet out trying to trip me."
However, Hagerty's careful schooling and Ike's own self-control
pretty well evaporated last week in a press conference as raucous as
ary in Truman's day.
Last week's press conference, incidentally, was held after the
longest lapse of time between Presidential conferences in 21 years-
two months and ten days. Not since Hoover's day had there been
such a long hiatus.
This, however, was not why the working press gave Ike the rasp-
berry last week. Nor was it caused by the fact that Attorney-General
Brownell had called four pro-Ike papers to his home-the N.Y.
Times, N.Y. Herald Tribune, Chicago Daily News and Scripps-Howard
Chain-to leak the advance tip of Governor Warren's appointment.
It is true that Pete Brandt of the St. Louis Post Dispatch
tangled vigorously with the President on this, and for the first
time there occurred a stiff, brief argument between the President
of the United States and a Newsman.
But this was not as important as the general atmosphere between
Ike and the 200-odd working newsmen who faced him. It was an
atmosphere of skepticism. of disbelief, an atmoshere which gave rise


The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


(Continued from Page 2)

en. All

junior girls are urged to at-

Thurs., Oct. 8, at 4 p.m. in 3409 Mason
Hall. Dr. William J. McGill, of Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology, will
speak on "Multivariate Attribute Analy-
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Oct. 8, at 4 p.m. in 247
West Engineering. Professor C. L. Doph
will continue his talk on "The Con-
jugate Gradient Method for Solving
Linear Algebraic Equations."
Make-up Examinations in History on
Sat., Oct. 10, 9 to 12 M., 2413 Mason Hall.
See your instructor for permission and
then sign list in History Office.
Seminar in Hilbert Spaces will meet
on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in 247 West
Engineering. The first meeting will be
October 7.
DoctoralExamination for Frank
Bruce, Lamb, Forestry; thesis: "Utili-
zation, Distribution, and Management
of Tropical American Mahogany'
Thurs., Oct. 8, 3047 Natural Science
Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, K. P.
Carillon Recital. Sidney Giles, As-
sistant University Carillonneur, will
continue his series of fall programs
at 7:15 Thursday evening, Oct. 8. The
recital will include works by M. van
den Gheyn, Staf Nees, Anton Dvoark,
and a group of folk songs. Other pro-
grams will be played on Thursday
evenings through October.
Events Today
The Political Science Coffee Hour will
be held today at 4 p.m. on the second
floor terrace of the Michigan Union. All
students and faculty members are in-
vited. Prof. Peek will be present.
Meet the Press. Find out "What It's
Like to Be a Newsman in Calcutta,
Baghdad, Amsterdam, Athens, and Par-
is"-an informal program in observance
of National Newspaper Week, 8 to 10
p.m., Wed., Oct. 7, 1447 Mason Hall.
Sponsored by the Department of
Journalism, especially for freshmen
and other new students on the cam-
pus to become acquainted with De-
partment facilities, staff members, and
journalism students-such as the five
foreign editors and newsmen on the
I panel discussion. Exhibits, tours, and
American Chemical Society Lecture.
8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building. Dr.
Thomas L. Gresham will speak on "B-
Summer Projects Evening. Discus-
sion of interesting and profitable -ways
of spending your summer by students
who have traveled, worked, participated
in summertprojects. Everyone welcome.
Refreshments. Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Pershing Rifiles. All Pershing Rifle-
men will report to the Rifle Range at
1925 hrs. Uniforms will not be worn.
Wear old clothes, as we will be cleaning
our, own Springfield 03's, which are
packed in cosmoline. Instruction will be
The Lutheran Student Association tea
and coffee hour will be held this aft-
ernoon from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the
Student Center, corner of Hill and For-
est Ave.
Roger Williams Guild. Wednesday
afternoon tea at the Guild House from
4:30 to 6:00.
Delta Sigma Pi, professional business
administration fraternity, will hold its
weekly meeting at 7:15 p.m. tonight.
Dean Stevenson, of the School of Busi-
ness Administration, will address the
actives and the new pledges of the

Young Republicans. General meet-
ing Thurs., Oct. 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Union. Enrollment of new members.
Speaker: David W. Kendall, Repub-
lican National Committeeman for
Michigan. Visitors welcome.
University Senate. A special meeting
will be held on Mon., Oct. 12, at 4:15
p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall to con-
sider the report of the Joint Commit-
tee on Demotion and Dismissal Proce-
Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
ship meets in the Church Prayer Room
Thursday morning at 7 a.m. Devotions
and breakfast.
La p'tite causette meets tomorrow
from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of
the north room of the Michigan Union
The Congregational - Disciples Guild.
Mid-Weekcmeditation, Douglas Chapel,
Thurs., Oct. 8, 5 to 5:30 p.m.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at 7:30 a.m.. Thurs., Oct.
8, at Canterbury House.
Attention All Students Interested in
Marketing. The U. of M. Student Mar-
keting Club of the American Marketing
Association will meet Thurs., Oct. 8.
at 3 B. in 130 Business Administr-
to 3Bpm.in3Buine.Passadministpra-
grams, projects, and field trips will be
made. Also short movie, "The Import-
ance of Selling." Open to all students.
Refreshments will be served.
Kappa Phi. There will be an infor-
mal rushing picnic Thurs., Oct. 8, at
5:15 p.m. at the Methodist Church for
all actives and rushees.
The Literary College Conference
Steering Committee will hold a meet-
ing Thurs., Oct.8, at 4 p.m. in Dea
Robertson's office in Angell Hall.


Of Mice and Men...
To The Editor:
THERE WERE several articles
in Sunday's Daily on Satur -
day's football game. Two articles
had comments on the reaction to
the shower which deluged the
One article reported, "With an
unfamiliar drive of team support,
the Wolverine supporters, almost
to a man, stayed glued to their
seats throughout the downpour."
Another had this to say: ". .
and before long the rain came
and the 52,914 fans scrambled to
get under cover."
No doubt the apparent contra-
diction illustrates what happens
when a psychological "set" affects
perception. Both reporters observ-
ed the same phenomenon, but one
called the crowd "Wolverine sup-
porters," the other, just "fans."
It was obvious that the rain sep-
arated the "fans" from the "Wol-
verine supporters." But I'm hap-
py to report that the men far out-
numbered the mice.
To Paul Greenberg, Associate
Sports Editor, who reported that
52,914 fans scrambled to get under
cover, I have to say this: You
didn't get much out of Saturday's
game in your dry vantage point
in the press box, or wherever you
sought shelter. Try mixing with
the Wolverine supporters in the
future. It might help your re-
porting, too.
-Victor Bloom


To the Weatherman ..
To The Editor:
PLEASE, let's have no more rain
at the football games. It seems
to me absolutely shameful the way
the student body behaved last
Saturday when the weather man
was so unkind as to frown on the
efforts of our illustrious football
Not that it is bad that the stu-
dent body remained rooted to its
seat, respectively. It is altogether
possible that some people like to
sit in the rain on a warm October
Saturday afternoon. But the fact
that they had to sing "Hail to the
Victors" and shout "Go-Go-Go"
at the tops of their lungs at the
equally soaked and bedraggled
players on the field seems very
inconsiderate in view of the .fact
that the boys would probably just'
as soon have gone home them-
selves without finishing the game
if the student body had just walk-
ed out and left them alone.
Far be it from me to criticize,
but I would like to point out just
one further thing. The uncalled
for exhibition is very likely to
offend our noble alumni who claim
that the present-day students have
no more of the so-called school
spirit. If for no other reason than
out of consideration for these be-
loved predecessors of ours, please
don't have any more rain at the
football games!
--Ed Kent


Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn,.........,Managing Editor
Eric VJetter ................City Editor
Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker,.......Associate Editor
Helene Simon........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Mrarilyn Campbell.Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.. Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
ThmsTreeger.:..Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Hariean Hanidn Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
James Sharp..Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

Religious Symposium Committee
meets at Lane Hall, 7 p.m.

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