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September 16, 1953 - Image 16

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Michigan Daily, 1953-09-16

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125 Clubs
On Campus
For Students
(Continued from Page 2)
tion, industrial relations, anthro-
pology, journalism, marketing,
chemistry, botany, sociology and
AMERICAN Ordnance Associa-
tion, Student Science Society, For-
esters' Club, Student Bar Associa-
tion, Michigan Actuarial Club,
Michigan Crib for pre-law stu-
dents, Pre-Medical Society, Amer-
ican Pharmacy Association, Galens
Honorary Medical Society and an
honorary Barristers Society for
law students are available organ-
izations for students entering spec-
ialized occupations.
With students from all cor-
ners of the earth at the Univer-
sity many clubs have sprung up
in which foreign students get
together to bring into their col-
lege life a bit of their native
land. I
Among these are clubs repre-
senting the Arab countries, Paki-
stan, China, India, Hawaii, Tur-
key, Armenia, Japan, Poland, and
the Philippines.
WORKING in conjunction with
these organizations are a Council
for Displaced Persons and a Com-
mittee for International Living.
Students from British Com-
monwealth nations may join the
Beacon Club.
Enthusiasts of French, German,
Spanish and Russian language
study have formed groups in which
the foreign language is exclusively
spoken to aid students win im-
proving their skill with them.
* * *
WHETHER affiliated or inde-
pendent, students may join one of
these coordinating groups: As-
sembly, and association for inde-
pendent women; Inter-Coopera-
tive Council, inter - Fraternity
Council, or Panhellenic, an associ-
ation of sorority women.
League and Union student of-
fices are administrators of stu-
dent affairs for these activities.
Other student government or-
ganizations are the all-campus
Student Legislature, the Men's
and Women's Judiciary Councils,
the Engineering Honor Council
and the newly-formed Inter-Dor-
mitory Judicial Councils.
And then there are also just
plain clubs for people who have
a simple interest in common, such
as Acolytes, Chess Club, Graduate
Outing Club, Mimes, Quarterdeck,
Rifle Club, Sailing Club, Women's
Athletic Association, Ullr Ski Club,
Wolverine Club for promoters and
Kindal Nihon Kenkyu Kai, which
is a Japanese study group.

Pool Nears Completion

NEW POOL-A solitary workman puts the finishing touches on
the facade of the new Women's Athletic Building. Housing one
of the nation's largest indoor swimming pools, the three-story
structure is scheduled for completion early in the fall. Construc-
tion of the six-lane pool began last spring after the University
completed final arrangements on the long awaited WAB addition.
'U' Counselor Service Gives
Students Personal Guidance

(Continued from Page 3)
non-academic counseling pre-
In the men's dormitories, a sys-
tem known as the Michigan House
Students May
Dent Art Prints
Over 500 framed prints of clas-
sical and modern paintings that
may be rented by University stu-
dents for $.50 a semester are on
exhibit in the galleries of Rack-
ham Bldg. through Wednesday.
Forty-six newly acquired pic-
tures are being loaned for $1.00j
for the semester. Students may.
sign up for the prints of their,
choice from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon-
day through Wednesday, by show-
ing their ID cards. These pictures
will be distributed the following
week in Rm. 510 Administration

Plan has been instituted by the
Regents to provide "an informal
training in the enrichment of per-
Heading the three men's quad-
rangles are three resident direc-
tors, one in each dormitory.
Under these men are the resi-
dent advisors, associate advisors,
and staff assistants for the sep-
arate houses into which the dormi-
tories are divided.
The resident adviser is a student
in one of the graduate or profes-!
sional schoos, and is responsible
for the general welfare and coun-
seling in the house. He has several
staff assistants who are graduates
and upperclassmen to assist him.I
The associate adviser is the tra-
ditional "house mother" and is in
charge of the social activities and
the students' well being.
Women's residences are operated
on a similar system with graduate
counselors and nurses assigned to
each house in proportion to the
number of students living there.

Students To
(Continued from Page 2)
MEN attending the University
remain registered with their home
board. If they are ordered to take
a physical examination, they may
have their physical here in Michi-
gan through the Ann Arbor board,
but their classification will be de-
termined at home.
If a student receives a defer-
ment for continued college work
(a 2S classification), he must
satisfy his draft board that he
is doing passing work to keep his
At the beginning of each term
the Registrar's office notifies each
student's draft board of his at-
tendance at the University. This
is usually sufficient notification.
* * *
HOWEVER some draft boards
may request the student to send in
a special letter from the Registrar's
office or his own school within
the University.
If such a letter is needed the
draft board will notify the In-
dividual student.
At the end of each school year
the student must send Form 109 to
his local board. This form official-
ly notifies the board of the stu-
dents standing in relationship to
the other men in his class. This
form may be picked up at the Reg-
istrar's office or through the office
of the student's individual school
in a few cases.
* * *
THE BOARD can review a stu-
dent's classification at any tim
and in the light of their quotas and
available manpower, reverse a pre-
vious 28 classification. It must be
remembered that a deferment is
not an exemption. Students defer-
red for college work must still serve
their required time in the armed
forces at a later date.
Students are advised to speak
with their individual draft board
for a full explanation of their
draft status for the next four years.
William Zerman and J. Wesley
Kurshilidgen in the Administration
Bldg. also have more information
concerning draft regulation and
the draft deferment test.
ONE OF THE ways to eliminate
chances involved in seeking a de-
ferment is to enlist in an Organiz-
ed Reserve or the National Guard.
A student studying at the Uni-
versity would have to join one
of the units here in Ann Arbor.
He would not be subject to the
draft but would have to go
whenever his unit is called which
can be at any time.
National Guard and ORC units
train about four nights a month
and usually make a summer en-
campment. Members are paid for
each day of actife duty.
* * *
THE ROTC provides another
way for college men to meet their
military obligations.
A man joining the ROTC can re-
ceive a full four years of educa-
tion, a total of $630 in pay, and
enter the service at the end of col-
lege with a commission.
However, one big obstacle that
must be surmounted before en-
tering the ROTC is the physical
exam which is more rigorous
than the regular preinduction
After that, the ROTC student is
free to choose his own academic
program, choosing 12 hours of the
ROTC course in which he is en-
* * *

TO AVOID the draft a student
must sign a contract agreeing to
pursue his course in the ROTC
through college and to accept a
commission and serv for a mini-
mum of two years of active duty,
if called by the Secretary of the
The ROTC program of the
Army, Navy, and Air Force differ
slightly but in general are di-
vided into two periods.
The basic program lasts the first
two years during which the stu-
See STUDENTS, Page 10

* * *
TION-Four principals are seen
here ina professional produc-
tion by the Arts Theater Club,
local theater-in-the-round.
Arts Theater
Opens Fourth
P'lay Season
It all began over three years
ago in the warehouse attic of a
building on Washington Street
when two young actors, playing
British music hall performers,
struggled out onto an almost bare
stage, singing the clipped lyrics
of the opening ditty in Noel Cow-
ard's short play "Red Peppers."
This fall the Arts Theater Club,
Ann Arbor's only professional
theater, is opening its fourth sea-
son at the same location, 209 2
E. Washington St During the four
seasons the membership has grown
to over 1,400 persons, acting and
directing talent has been imported
from all over the country, and its
physical plant has been greatly ex-
panded to include besides the the-
ater proper a separate coffee and
lounge room.
* * *
SEVEN PLAYS will compose the
series for the 1953-54 season, with
the program to be announced at
the beginning of the school year.
In addition to six plays produced
in the Club's Theater in the round,
one production will take place at
a local proscenium theater.
Productions run over a span
of approximately three weeks,
including four week-ends. On
Mondays the theater is dark.
Admission to the plays is by
membership in the Club for the en-
tire season, although members may
bring as many guests as they
choose. Features of membership
will again include the privilege of
returning for as many perform-
ances of a production as the sub-
scriber desires.
* * *
DURING each production, a dis-
cussion night is held following
one of the performances in which
prominent guests are invited to
participate with the audience and
company in talking about the play.
Intermissions at Club produc-
tions are livened by art exhibits in
the Coffee Room on the second
floor of the the theater where the
coffee urn is kept busy during and
after shows.
Even the "dark" nights are not
entirely dark, as once more, the
Club will host folk sings to which
members are invited without
charge, to participate or merely
Memberships are available at
ten dollars for the year at the
Theater or at Marshall's Book

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