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October 02, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-02

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See Page 4

YI e

Latest Deadline in the State


























* * * *4
Local Dems Fail
To Transfer Talk
Scheduling Difficulties Given
As Reason for No City Appearance
Democratic presidential candidate Adlai E. Stevenson will make
a major address on Tuesday in Ypsilanti, Washtenaw County Demo-
crats announced yesterday.
The talk will be given at 2:30 p.m., shortly after the governor's
arrival at Willow Run Airport, at Pease Auditorium on the Michigan
State Normal College campus.




* *







ANN ARBOR Democrats in a m
to have the address transferred to
S* *
Plans were set rolling to invite
Averell Harriman to speak Oct. 13
here by the Students for Steven-
son at their meeting last night.
Since Harriman will be in the
vicinity of Washtenaw County, the
organization decided to take ad-
vantage of it and extend an in-
vitation to the New York Demo-
MAIN SPEAKER at last nights
meeting, Prof. Theodore Newcomb,
head of the social psychology de-
partment, explained to the large
audience that the factors of resi-
dence area, religion and class stat-
us are most likely to influence a
person's political preference.
A voter will consistently cast
his ballot for the same party be-
cause he is subject to the same
group influence, he said. For this
reason, Prof. Newcomb' added,
only 12% even consider both
The psychology pr6fessor con-
sidered the non-voter the most
critical element in an election. The
non-voter, he claimed, is usually
Because there has been confu-
sion over the name of the Steven-
son group, the Ann Arbor Citizens
for Stevenson decided at an execu-
tive meeting last night that it
would retain its present title and
the campus organization would' be
called Students for Stevenson.
Local Politicos
Meet Tonight,
Various campus political groups
will be holding meetings today ard?
Democratic congressional can-
didate Prof. John P. Dawson of
the law school will speak at the
first meeting of the Students for
Dawson Committee at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Union.
Prof. Dawson, who is running'
against incumbent George Mead-
er, will speak on the whole na-
tional and local election picture.
AT THE SAME time the Civil
Liberties Committee will be meet-
ing in Rm. 3B of the Union.
On the other side of town,
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department will speak on
"Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson and
Civil Rights" at 8 p.m. in the
council chambers of city hall.
The meeting, sponsored by citi-
zens for Stevenson, is open to te
public. A question period will fol-
low Prof. Slosson's speech.
* *

* *
eeting last night made an attempt
Ann Arbor, but due to scheduling
Odifficulties, the plan fell through.
County Democratic officials
explained that Gov. Stevenson
would not have time to come to
Ann Arbor and still maintain
an itinerary that will carry him
to Detroit where a major speech
will be delivered Tuesday night.
Gov. Stevenson will arrive at the
airport at 2 p.m. where he will be
met by all of Michigan's Demo-
cratic candidates.
Following a short meeting be-
tween the governor and State
Democratic officials, a motorcade
will take the group into Ypsilanti.
THE SPEECH, the topic of
which was not been announced,
will be given outside the .auditori-
um, weather permitting. Prof.
John P. Dawson of the Law
School, Democratic candidate for
Congress, will introduce Gov. Ste-
venson to an anticipated crowd of
10 to 15 thousand.
A ten-minute speech by the
Demorcatic presidential hopeful
is also on tap for Willow Village
following the Ypsilanti address.
Although the governor plans to
visit the State again in late Oc-
tober, County Democratic officials
said that he would probably not
-stop at Ann Arbor.
NEW YORK-(P)--Columbia
University's student newspaper
yesterday declared its opposi-
tion to Gen. Dwight Eisenhow-
er, the university's president on
The paper, the Columbia
Daily Spectator, said Eisenhow-
er in his presidential campaign
had forsaken "principle for ex-
pediency" and shown himself
a "plodding, orthodox, unimag-
inative thinker."

Black Beats
Yankees, 4-2,
On Six Hitter
Robinson, Snider,
Reese Hit Homers
BROOKLYN (IP)-Joe Black, a
rookie pitcher turned starter in a
"shoot the works" gamble by Man-
ager Chuck Dressen, mastered the
ever-winning New York Yankees
yesterday, 4-2, while the booming
home run bats of Jackie Robinson,
Duke Snider and Pee Wee Reese
brought Brooklyn the opening day
victory in the' 1952 World Series.
* ,
SNIDER'S tremendous two-run
blast in the sixth, sailing in a high
arc' over the shiny electric clock
atop the right field scoreboard,
was the payoff in this contest
watched by 34,861, a series record
for Ebbets Field.
By whipping Allie Reynolds,
the Yankee ace, in the opener,
the Brooks took a giant stride
toward their goal of bringing
a world championship to Brook-
lyn after five misses.
Defense,, as much as the home
runs, told the story of this well-
playedethriller. The Dodgers were
all over the place. Furillo's whip
arm discouraged Phil Rizzuto from
trying to score from third in the
fourth. Pafko cut down an over-
ambitious Gil McDougald going
from first to third in the fifth.
Pafko also made a sliding grab of
Hank Bauer's dropping fly for the
final out in the fifth.
COX, toasted as the best fielding
third baseman in the game, lived
up to his notices with two fine
plays in the seventh, ranging to
his left to start a rally-killing dou-
ble play on McDougald's smash
and backhanding Billy Martin's
blazer back of third to throw him
out on a fine Deg to Gil Hodges.
It was a 1-1 tie when Snider
stepped up in the sixth. Robin-
son's second-inning belt on a
3-2 pitch into the lorwer left
field stands had been balanced
by McDougald's homer in the
Black, who saw only nine pitches
--all strikes-during his three
brief stays at the - plate, was
See McDOUGALD, Page 3

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom.

SL To Get Student View! World News

Of Lecture Committee
Following up the Lecture Committee motion of last spring, Student
Legislature gave approval last night for plans to take a poll of current
student opinion regarding the committee.
The Literary College faculty has already been contacted. Let-
ters will be sent to all student organizations for their reaction to the
FOUR MEMBERS were appointed by the cabinet to serve on the
legislature for the coming semester. They are Chris Reifel, '55, Ruth
Rossner, '52, Steve Jelin, '55, and,

'I - _ I

JCC Ends Drive*
For Registration
The campaign by the Ann Arbor
Junior Chamber of Commerce for
home voter registration came to a
close Tuesday night with 1,905
new voters now qualified to cast
ballots in the Nov. 4 election.
Bruce MAaslin, chairman of the
JCC campaign predicted that, 'at
least 90 per cent of the qualified
residents of the city will be reg-
istered by the 8 p.m. deadline
next Monday night."

Bob Perry, '52, who is returning
for another term on SL.
Appointments were also made
for the committee which will or-
ganize the all campus elections
on Nov. 18 and 19. Norm Thomas
will head the committee working
with SL president Howard Wil-
lens, who will supervise 'the
election count.
Others on the committee are:
Fred Howitz, '54, Phil Berry, '52,
Fred Hicks, '54, Shirley Cox, '54,
and Sue Wladis, '53.
SL approved the revised con-
stitution of the Michigan Region
of the U. S. National Student As-
sociation and appropriated dues
for membership in both the na-
tional and regional associations.
Pre-Law Society
To HoldMeeting
Michigan Crib, pre-law society,
will hold an organizational meet-
ing at 8 p.m. today in the Hussey
Rm. of the League.
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the
law school will be a guest speaker.

Roundup I
By The Associated Press
hundred Red Chinese prisoners
unleashed their first big riot on
their "independence day" yester-
The first official estimate of 45
Red prisoners killed and 120
wounded marked the riot as the
second most deadly in the long
and bloody history of Communist
prisoner violence in Korea.
A board of army officers flew
to the island to begin an inves-
CHICAGO-The first elevator
operators strike in Chicago's his-
tory put nearly a half million of-
fice workers "on-the-hoof" yes-
The walkout, to enforce de-
mands for higher wages and a
shorter work week, quickly crip-
pled business operations in 120
TOKYO-Japan's voters stamp-
ed enthusiastic approval on .the
pro-U.S. policies of Prime Minis-
ter Shigeru Yoshida in yesterday's
election while handing a cold re-
buke to the Communists.
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. -- George
Ball, national executive director of
the Volunteers for Stevenson, said
the Republicans are planning a
two million dollar "political soap
suds" campaign on television and
radio to elect Gen. Dwight D.

YR Plans
The controversial GOP vice-
presidential candidate, Sen. Rich-
ard Nixon, will give a. major talk
here sometime late this month,
Young Republican Club officials
said last night.
Dave Cargo, Grad., member of
the YR executive board, said that
national Republican officials had
approved the so-far unscheduled
speech. Sen. Nixon will deliver his
address at Hill Auditorium or
some other large campus speaking
hall, according to Cargo.
The speech is tentatively
planned for the third week in
In their first meeting of the fall
semester, the YR group made
plans to parallel other "get out
the vote" drives in the city. Chair-
man of the Ann Arbor GOP or-1
ganization William Dobson told
YR's that their major problem in
this traditionally Republican dis-
trict was to "deliver the maximum
votes to offset Democratic votes in
industrial districts."
'Ensian officials announce
that it is important that you
arrive on time for your senior
picture appointment.
If you are unable to keep
your scheduled appointment
please phone or call the Student
Publications Building, 420 May-
nard St. from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

14,000 Hear
At Jackson
Candidate Gives
Special To The Daily
JACKSON - Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower received tremendous
ovations here and throughout
Michigan yesterday as he outlined
Republican foreign policy goals
and blasted corruption in govern-
Speaking before an estimated
14,000 people, many of whom had
come 40 miles or more to hear him
at Jackson, the presidential candi-
date warned that the world can-
not be free without a free and sol-
vent America.
"Our task must be effective
leadership for an almost defeated
world," Eisenhower asserted. To
accomplish these aims, we must
keep governmental expenditures
within our means, he emphasized.
* * *
THE GENERAL'S S'ate tour
took him to-seven key cities yes-
terday where an estimated 100,000
people saw and heard him. Crowds
ranged from 5,000 to 20,000 at the
back-platform talks from hiscam-
paign train.
At several stopsmistakes In
timing cut short his speeches,
and the train pulled out too fast,
leaving both Eisenhower and
huge track-side audiences an-
All along the whistle stop route
he chiefly attacked Administra-
tion foreign policy, although he
covered other major issues.
Charging that the Democrats
had fomented disunity in America
on the foreign policy issue, the
GOP standard-bearer said the
Truman administration has claim-
ed all the credit for the successes
while obscuring the contributions
of the Republicans in foreign pol-
icy formulation.
ACCORDING to observers, Eis-
enhower drewlarger crowds and
received a greater ovation than
did Gov. Adlai Stevenson when
the Democratic nominee covered
part of the same Michigan area
last Sept. 1.
A caravan of more-tlian 30
automobiles brought an esti-
mated 250 Washtenaw County
Eisenhower supporters to Jack-
son. Many students went along
on the trip and participated in
ceremonies there.
Decorated with signs reading
"Let's Clean Up the Mess" and
" *e Want Ike and Dick," the mot-
orcade made a colorful procession.
All told, 14 counties sent repre-
sentatives to the Jackson program.
Around 4 p.m. torrents of rain
poured down on the city causing
consternation, among the recep-
tion committee which had sched-
uled a huge parade in open con-
However, the rain stopped just
as Eisenhower's special train rolled
in on schedule at 4:40 p.m., and
the gala parade, complete with two
bands, 32 open convertibles and
showers of confetti, got under way.

'Wiskit' Inventor Comes to Campus
* * . * b
"Wiskit" may well become an-
other national pastime if a cur-
rent cross-country tour by tne
game's inventor, Roy Leiser of
.-rSeattle, proves successful.
Leiser left Los Angeles with his
wife and two-year old boy on
>:>.r. ; :"Sept. 2 and arrived in Ann Arbor
yesterday with his bedecked sta-
..>..,....... : - "tion wagon crammed full of publi-
city material and wiskit rackets.
The former newspaper photo-
grapher spent most of the d',y
at the Intramural Bldg. demon-
strating his new game to I-M
officials, coaches and curious
Played like softball with an ob-
long, two-sided racket in place of
gloves and mitts, Wiskit has be-
come very popular .on the West


Prol._Ackley Predicts Reu
By BOB JAFFE DiSalle and Ellis Arnall, lasted
"Rents will increase in almost from Feb. 1951, to Aug. 1952. He
all cities," predicted Prof. Gardner is still a consultant of the OPS.
Ackley, recently returned from
Washington where he served as When asked about the chang-
Economic Adviser and assistant es which the final removal of all
director of OPS in an interview price controls on April 30 of
yesterday. next year will have, Ackley said

STOPPING briefly at the his-
. Itoric "Rock" which commemorates
i. u ereases the spot where the Republican
party was founded in 1854, Ike ac-
cepted a huge mop, symbolic of
control machinery. A skeleton the GOP corruption cleanup
staff should be maintained," he theme,, from two University co-
commented, in the event that eds, Mary McAllisster, '53, and
some incident makes the renewal Mary Heald, '53.
of price controls necessary. The Earlier in the day "The Rock"
troubles which the OPS had were had been scrubbed and polished
caused to a great degree by the by local Republican women who
delay in getting started." festooned it with flowers and

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