I * I
Don Bari To Furnish I-Hop Music
4> - - - -
Annual Dance.
To Feature
Band, Combo
Don Bari and his orchestra from
Detroit will set the mood for the
1952 I-Hop which will be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday,
Oct. 11, in the League ballroom.
His dance band has been fea-
tured throughout the state at high
school and university dances.
BARI GOT his start on the Bob
Hope Show under the title of "Don
Bari Debonairs." At the conclu-
sion of the show the band was
featured at hotels and ballrooms
throughout the Middle West and
He is already known to stu-
dents who attended the Senior-
Ball last year. The South Quad-
rangle featured his music at
their spring formal, 'Artistry in
The orchestra specializes in the
type of arrangements that please
most dancers. A variety of cur-
rent popular hits and old favorites
will round out the evening of
dancing and entertainment.
* * *
IN ADDITION to Don Bari's
orchestra, Paul McDonough and
his combo will play in another
room of the League second floor.
I-Hop is co-sponsored by As-
sembly Association and Inter-
House Council, but members of
the central committee wish to
make it clear that the dance is
open to the entire campus, and
affiliates are especially invited,
In 1950 when the dance was
called A-Hop, the system of hav-
ing two orchestras play for the
dance was initiated and it was
continued last year.
* * e' s
IN THIS WAY a variety of mu-
sic will be provided and the com-
mittee hopes everyone's taste in
dance music will be satisfied.
IHop will be presented the
night of the Michigan-Indiana
football game, and an invitation
will be issued to guests from the
University of Indiana.
Late permission until 1:30 a.m.
has been granted for I-Hop by
the office of the Dean of Women.
Attire will be informal, which
lass Divides
Into Sections
For Lectures
Enrollment Increase
Necessitates Change
In Health Talk Plans
Because of the large size of the
freshman class this year's health
lectures for women students will be
divided into two sections.
The first half of the class, those
whose last names begin with A
through L will take their health
lectures this semester while the
second half of the class, those
whose lastlnames begin with Me
through Z, will take their lectures
the second semester.
* * *
EVEN THE FIRST half of the
class which is meeting this semes-
ter has had to be divided into two
sections. Section I with last names
beginning with A through C will
meet at 4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6 in
the Natural Science Auditorium.
Those coeds in section II
whose last names begin with D
through L will meet at ,7:30 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 6 in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
If anyone wishes to request a
change of sections, it will be nec-
essary to put the reason for this
request in writing now and give it
ininediately to the matron at the
desk in Barbour Gym.
* * *
BECAUSE of the capacities of
the amphitheatre only a limited
number of students with valid ex-
cuses will be shifted. Those coeds
who are shifted Will be notified of
this change by mail.
Dr. JBell who will open the se-
ries on Oct. 6 has entitled her
speech, "The University Plan for
the Protection and Promotion
of Health."
On Tuesday, Oct. 7 Dr. Swank
will speak on the subject of major
diseases and on Wednesday, Oct. 8,
Dr. Forsythe will discuss minor di-
Dr. Beakes will be speaking on
the subject of nutrition at the lec-
ture to be given on Thursday, Oct.
A film on human reproduction
and facts concerning mental hy-
giene will highlight the lectures
given by Dr. Sarnoff and Dr.
Swank on Monday, Oct. 13.
The last lecture will be given
by Dr. Swank on Tuesday, Oct. 14.
She will talk on the subject life
and reproduction.
'Five Aces' Will Relocate
In League Round-Up Room
-Daily-Alan Reid
PACKING THE VOLKSWAGEN-Jerry and Robin Lepard, former
Arts Theater club members, pack their German Volkswagen for
a two-year, two-continent trip.
' * * * *
The atre Cou ple Plans Tri p
Ted Smith and his band will be
moving Friday night to the larger
Round-Up-Room for the weekly
Friday night dance.
This move has been necessitat-
ed by the unexpected opening
night crowd of 300 students who
jammed the small recreation room
of the League last Friday night.
Conditions were very crowded,
with little room to sit or dance,
and it is hoped that the new room
will give ample space for as many
students as want to come.
The atmosphere of the "big
city night club" will still prevail
in the new setting, including soft
lights, smoke-filled air and gay
There will also be room in the
new quarters for the tables with
red and white checkered table-
clothes, for those who like to sit
and listen to the music.
Carrying out the theme of the
Round-Up Room, the band mem-
bers will continue to wear red and
white checkered shirts with black
string ties.
Music will be varied this week,
but according to Smith the num-
bers will again feature a "style of
modern dance music that every-
one will enjoy."
Members of the band have or-
ganized the Round-up Room Club,
and are all experienced in the mu-
sical field.
The leader of the combo is
trombonist Ted Smith, who led his
own band on the University cam-
pus for over four years.
Other members include Chuck
Stauffer, alto saxophonist who has
played professionally with several
eastern name bands.
Don Shetler who teaches instru-
mental music in Ann Arbor plays
piano for the newly organized
combo, and Ed Skidmore, who was
formerly with the Bob Elliot band,
plays bassist.
Rounding up the "Five Aces"
is Fred Steinbaugh, who plays the
Students who want to spend an
informal evening or casual date
attending a "night club" aTe invit-
ed to make the Round-up sessions
a regular entertainment.
Admission to the club will be 50
cents per person and refreshments
will again be sold at the snack
Foreign Students
Will Hear Dean
Offer Welcome
Newly-arrived foreign students
will receive an official.welcome to
the University at 8 p.m. Saturday
in Rackham Lecture Hall.
The program will feature an ad-
dress on behalf of the University
by Dean Charles E. Odegaard of
the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts.
Dean Odegaard is at present at-
tending a meeting of UNESCO in
New York.
Associate Dean Sarah L. Healy
will greet the increased number of
women students from abroad.
Short talks in response will be
given by representatives of foreign
students, both those just arrived
and those previously on campus.
Following the program a recep-
tion will be held in Rackham as-
sembly Hall by Dr. Esson M. Gale,
Counselor to-Foreign Students, the
Board of Governors and the staff
of the International Center.
Refreshments will be served and
dancing will follow.
Invitations to the welcoming
program have been designed to
commemorate President James
Burrill Angell, the initiator of the
University's International Educa-
tional program.
To Cover
Two Continents
MUSICAL MOOD-Don Bari and his orchestra are scheduled to
play for I-Hop, informal dance to be presented from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 11 on the second floor of the League. Bari
has appeared before on campus, playing for Senior Ball and South
Quad spring fornial last year. Also to be featured at the dance is
Paul McDonough and his combo, who will help provide a variety
of dance music.
* * ,M
means dressy dresses for
and suits for the men.
* * *
* * *
PRICE OF admission is $2.50
per couple. Besides being sold at
the door, tickets will be on sale in
Angell Hall, the League, and
men's residences.
Proceeds from the dance are
traditionally given to a chari-
table organization. In 1950 they
went to the Phoenix Project and
last year they were given to the
University's Fresh Air Camp,
which provides camping experi-
ence for underprivileged chil-
The majority of the proceeds
will be given to this dame organi-
zation again this year.
* * *
DECORATIONS for the dance
will illustrate the theme 'Blue
Horizon,' and will feature modern-
istic effects produced by black
lighting on wood and cardboard
abstract constructions.
Behind the bandstand in the
main ballroom yarn stretched
on a wooden frame will repre-
sent lines reaching to infinity.
The band will be silhouetted
against a luminous moon in
front of the dark blue back-
Hanging from the ceiling in the
center of the ballroom will be a
revolving sphere four feet in dia-
meter. Lights directed toward this
sphere and reflections from mir-
rors on its surface will illuminate
the entire dance floor.
* * *
A FOUNTAIN in another room
will set a scene in a park, and
foliage and underbrush will com-
plete the arrangement.
In 1950 the theme of the
dance was 'Moon Midst' and the
couples were transported to an
imaginary world among the
mountains of the moon. In the
center of the ballroom a rocket
ship was poised ready for take-
Last year the central committee
chose for its theme "Kick-Off"
and decorations showed scenes
familiar to all students on the
day of the big game.
The main ballroom was the sta-
dium, and bleachers were placed
along the sides of the room. From
the top of the stadium waved pen-
nants of the team's traditional
football foes.
General chairman for this
year's I-Hop is Gail Hyman, and
she will be assisted by the other
committee heads. These posts are
divided between men and women
because the dance is being co-
sponsored by two organizations.
The wanderlust has hit two for-
mer Arts Theater Club members
and they intend to do everything
but take a raft <trip down the Mis-
sissippi to satisfy it.
The couple, Jerry and Robin
Lepard, left yesterday for a two-
year trip that will take them near-
ly to the extremities of this hem-
isphere and cover a sizable chunk
of territory in between.
But wanderlust wasn't the only
inspirational force behind the mar-
athon trip. A big incentive was the
half-station wagon, half-bus Ger-
man Volkswagen which the Le-
pards bought to transport them
and 1300 pounds of equipment over
two continents.
Another factor was the philo-
sophical belief that "young people
can only travel at the wrong end
of the life span-we decided to do
it now."
Both theater people by previous
occupation, the Lepards plan to
visit other small drama groups of
the Arts Theater type with the
possibility of starting a similar
acting troupe somewhere along the
The Lepard's broad itinerary in-
cludes an enviable list of South-
western stops this winter with
Mexico and Peru furthest down on
the map, an Alaska destination in
the spring, and plenty of room for
"come what will" from then on.
Haphazard or not, the trip took
four months of practical planning.
Over half a ton of photographic
equipment, sculpturing and paint-
ing tools, living facilities includ-
Read Daily Classifieds
ing a tent, water tank, stove and
icebox and luggage had to be fit-
ted into the five by six feet space
in the rear of the Volkswagen.
Lepard's experience as an Arts
Theater set designer helped con-
siderably when the fitting-in pro-
cess began. Though he ended up
throwing away his elaborate blut-
prints, the finished product uti-
lizes every inch of the limited
Mr. and Mrs. Lepard intend to
keep financially happy by doing
photography, writing and acting or
any other sort of non-artistic work
that comes up.
One night's experience has prov-
en that their curious Volkswagen
will bear close watching. Camped
on local ground Monday night, the
big blue vehicle came close to slip-
ping into one of the less scenic
spots on their route-the Huron
But theater people have a theory
that a poor last dress rehearsal
doesn't necessarily result in a di-
sastrous performance. With this
in mind, the Lepards set out yes.-
terday on the longest run of their
respective careers.
4cpo44 Caipu4
Custom Haircutting
to please you in
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-1 -
,OFFEE HOUR-A coffee hour
will be held from 4 to 5 p.m.
Thursday at the Hillel building.
s s s
for the advisory board to Prescott
House are due at 6 p.m. (Wednes-
day, Oct. 1) tonight in the Under-
graduate Office of the League. In-
terviewing will be held from 4 to
5:30 p.m. Tomorrow and Friday.
s . s
PANHEL BALL-A meeting of
sorority representatives to the
Panhel Ball committee will be held
at 5 p.m. today in the League Ball-
room. At least four representatives
are required from each house.
* * *
I-HOP-All committee chairmen
are'urged to attend the meeting of
the-central committee for I-Hop,
which will be held at 7 p.m. today
in the League.
Modern Dance
The reorganizational meeting
of the Women's Athletic Asso-
ciation Modern Dance Club will
take place at 7:30 p.m. today
in Barbour Gym Dance Studio.
All interested men and women
are invited to attend.
Five Stylists
No Appointments needed
The Daseola Barbers
near Michigan Theater
,1 _J _ ___ __---__ ___
Michigan Bell Welcomes
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We have immediate openings for those student wives
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If you are one of these girls, drop in to see our em-
ployment representative. Ann Arbor has a fine group
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only 21/2 blocks from the campus.
Visit us at:
Michigan Bell Telephone Co.
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