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September 28, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-09-28

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By CRAWFORD YOUNG with engulfment by specialization and tech-
Daily Managing Editor nicalism are never superfluous. Those who
'ERY QUIETLY last week WPAG News sat through the chill proceedings went away
Editor Peter Denzer left Ann Arbor for impressed that in well-chosen words an im-
New York. Perhaps because he chose to portant message had been reiterated.
make his departure so quietly a few passing PANTY RAIDS
remarks should be made about the some-PAT RID
whak shbycicumsancesdsurboundingth sIf there is any moral that can be drawn
what shabby circumstances surrounding his from such absurd antics as Friday night's
y wa elkon.uig .st panty raid, it would seem to be that ade-
Denzer was well-known during his two quate provision must be made for the chain
years at WPAG for his candid and inter- ra-tion mustfeeinsefotheychain
esting Point of View program, interview- reaction of animal feelings inevitably creat-
ing local figures on issues ranging from ed by a "successful" pep rally. Youthful
the insipid to the controversial. But it spirits once aroused to fever pitch by bon-
seesth at i the comentatorramBuckt fires, bared male legs, and exhortations by
seems that the commentator ran amuck ex-grid heroes to feats of extraordinary
when he opened up on the secrecy in the spectatorship, have the same necessity for
Police Department; first his program was
outlet as water running downhill.
tossed off the air--the next thing to go tld a sil
was Denzer's job. It would have been a simple matter to
schedule a couple of open houses at a
As always, it is distressing to observe that women's dorm or two, a square dance, or
honesty is not always the best policy, something on that order-and the same
ODEGAARD'S SPEECHI bubbling emotions that make post-pep
rally panty raids so successful would have
DEAN CHARLES E. Odegaard made an ensured the success of more constructive
auspicious debut in his first official appear- social enterprises.
ance in the view of most of the campus at True, the problem was compounded this
Friday's dedication ceremonies. Although time by the all-campus nuisance of sorority
there was nothing strikingly original in his rushing. But it is to be hoped that in the
remarks, a reminder of the primary im- future more forethought will prevent the
portance of the literary college and a warn- recurrence of such abominable affairs as the
ing to an educational system threatened . panty-raid.
Uncertain Campaign Puzzles
TheNatio Top Reporters

SPRINGFIELD, II1.--A notable character-
istic of this campaign is the bewilder-
ment and timidity of the press. Gone are
the days of pompous assurance among po-
litical reporters (including this one). In-
stead, in both the Eisenhower and Steven-
son press camps, two ludicrously contradic-
tory remarks are rather regularly heard.
The first is: "You know, this might be
another 1928." This observation is accom-
panied by a sage nodding of heads by the
reporters present, all vividly visualizing the
total annihilation of Adlai E. Stevenson. The
second remark is: "You know, this, might
be another 1936." This is also accompanied
by a sage nodding of heads by the same re-
porters, all equally vividly visualizing the
annihilation of Dwight D. Eisenhower.
One trouble is, as Samuel Lubell has
remarked in "The Future of American
Politics," that "we are moving into a new
political era in which the old rules and
axioms no longer apply." Another trouble
is that such facts as there are tend to
cancel each other out. For example, it is
a fact that Stevenson has the automatic
head start of any Democratic Presidential
candidate. Whenemembers of the Steven-
son staff here f eel worried or depressed,
they like to take out pencil and paper and
do a little familiar figuring.
Give Stevenson the solid South, they say
and the South looks at least more solid
than it did in 1948. Give him New York,
which President Truman would have won
without the Wallace Progressives. Give
Stevenson his native Illinois, which he car-
ried by a huge majority in 1948. Give him
Massachusetts and the border states, which
have gone Democratic in every Presidential
year for as long as a middle-aged man can
remember. Give him a small scattering of
states which Truman carried easily in 1948,
like Washington, Minnesota, Arizona, and
Rhode Island. Then Eisenhower can carry
California, Pennsylvania, almost all the
Middle West and New England-and Stev-
enson will still be the next President.
But if it is a fact that Stevenson has
this head start as a Democrat, it is equally
a fact, in the view of almost all reporters
who have covered this campaign, that Eisen-
hower has another sort of head start. He
is much better known than Stevenson, and
he certainly seems more personally popu-

lar. No reporter who has been with both
candidates has failed to note that Eisen-
hower attracts much larger crowds than
Take a specific example. In normally
Democratic Springfield, Mass., Stevenson
drew a crowd which rather sparsely filled
the space immediately in front of the
speaker's stand. An Eisenhower crowd in
a comparable city-in South Bend, Ind.,
say, also normally Democratic-stretches
almost as far as the eye can reach, with
small boys perched on telephone poles in
the middle distance.
The Stevenson aides here claim that this
difference is simply a matter of organiza-
tion-the Eisenhower camp, they say, sends.
out sixty or so organizers before each speech
(including two officers in charge of con-
fetti) while the Stevenson camp can only
afford to sendhout five men. It is certainly
true that the Eisenhower managers have
much more money to spend-three times
as much as the Stevenson organization, ac-
cording to Stevenson's people here. For the
crucial month of October, the Eisenhower
managers are planning a huge "saturation
drive" with Eisenhower making dozens of
"spot appearances" on radio and television.
There are other known factors which
should-but do not-make it possible to
draw some sort of tentative conclusions
about the outcome of this election. For
example, there are the polls showing Eisen-
hower increasing his lead over Stevenson,
and the whole Stevenson strategy has been
predicated on the assumption that Steven-
son would begin to close the gap at about
this point in the campaign. But again, in
view of 1948, how much do the polls really
Then there is the matter of Sen. Rich-
ard Nixon's special fund. Stevenson aides,
who at first gleefully hailed the news, now
admit that the episode is at best a stand-
off between the two candidates. Some
reporters are convinced that it will prove
an important net asset to the Eisenhower
candidacy. And everyone is agreed that
Sen. Joseph McCarthy's spectacular pri-
mary victory in Wisconsin was the worst
possible omen for Stevenson.
And so the futile speculation continues.
This might be another 1928. Or it might be
another 1936. Or, just to be safe, it might
be another 1948.
(Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

WASHINGTON-Top leaders of the AF
of L had several private discussions over
the question of breaking a 71-year precedent
and endorsing a particular candidate. .
Those who led in urging the endorse-
ment of Gov. Stevenson included such
right-wing union men as Charley~Mc-
Gowan, head of the Iron and Shipbuilders
workers, and Harry C. Bates, head of the
Building Trades Union. Other leaders,
such as David Dubinsky of the Interna-
tional Ladies Garment Workers and
George Meany, secretary of the AFL long
had been expected to be in Stevenson's
corner; but the position of AFL old-timers
came as more of a surprise.
McGowan, who comes from Kansas, Eis-
enhower's home state, had previously ex-
pressed his view to Eisenhower direct.
"I told the General," McGowan reported
to AFL colleagues, "that we had nothing
against him personally. We thought he was
a fine man. However, it was the company
he kept that we couldn't stomach.
"Your heart is going to be broken in the
first month if you're elected," McGowan
hod told Eisenhower, "because these old-
guard senators have you cornered.
"You think you can change their votes.
But you can't. You can't change Jenner's
vote, or Capehart's vote or Dirksen's vote.
"These senators are elected by special
interest groups and they'll never desert
those groups. You will never get your leg-
islation passed, and you'll find yourself
taking orders from them instead of you
giving orders yourself."
Note-After Nixon's "expense" fund came
to light, AFL sentiment deepened. Nixon has
had just as reactionary a voting record as
Capehart and Jenner, and AFL leaders figure
that it proves their contention that a sena-
tor votes the way his big money backers
want him to vote.
JUDGING FROM reactions along the
route of the Eisenhower train, his new al-
liance.with Taft is going to help-especially
in Ohio.
In other states it may hurt, but in Ohio,
which still seems to be an impregnable
Taft political fortress, Republicans watch-
ed the Taft-Eisenhower peace meeting
through narrow eyes-at first.
When Taft returned from New York, for
instance, he was asked to pose with a big
Ike button, but refused, snorting: "I won't
pose for any gag shot." This story got no
national circulation, but it was whispered
around Ohio and helped dampen Republican
ardor for Eisenhower.
One reaction of the Ohio Republicans
was that they would give Charlie Taft a
big vote for governor as a gesture to
brother Bob.
But now that Taft has warmed up to
Eisenhower sufficiently to ride on the train
with him and make rear-platform appear-
ances with him, the Ohio GOP is limbering
up and starting to roll.
.*. * *
IT'S SUPPOSED to be a campaign secret
but the Republican national committee
has mailed a confidential, 50-page booklet
to all GOP state chairmen, telling them how
to organize the nation's medical profession
against the Democrats,
The advice is chiefly a blueprint of how
the doctors were organized in New York
and Pennsylvania during the last election.
Not only the doctors, but the dentists,
osteopaths, chiropractors and druggists
were rallied behind the GOP banner. The
booklet reveals some amazing statistics,
showing how the medics propagandized
their patients.
The secret Republican program shows that

2,402,823 letters were mailed out in New
York alone, chiefly from doctors to their
patients, urging them to vote against Sena-
tor Herbert Lehman. In addition, the doc-
tors made 19,914 political phone calls and
over 2,000 political visits to their patients.
Altogether 10,771 doctors, 2,981 dentists,
3,513 nurses, 1,402 druggists and 69 hos-
pitals joined actively in the campaign.
In New York City, the booklet boasts,
"medical doctors-were called on a battery
of 30 telephones from the Roosevelt Hotel
and asked to participate in the campaign
by mailing letters to patients and friends.
Five thousand metropolitan doctors were
enlisted by this method."
Despite this, Lehman was elected, and
the Republicans propose increased efforts in
this election.
* *S*
THIS CAMPAIGN made some headway,
particularly in up-state New -York, but
in other places, the campaign boomeranged
and patients told their doctors to stick to
The Democrats privately concede that
they lost Senator Elbert Thomas in Utah,
Congressman Eugene O'Sullivan in Ne-
braska and Congressman Andy Biemiller
in Wisconsin, largely as a result of the
doctor-to-patient propaganda.
This year, the doctors were quick to jump
on the Taft bandwagon, and organized a
doctors-for-Taft movement long before the
GOP convention. Taft was even supplied
the name of each delegate's family doctor.
But since General Eisenhower's nomination,
the doctors have been slow to organize in

Sen. Richard Nixon Pulls a Johnny Ray and C-R-R-R-R-IES
On Sen. William Knowland's Shoulder after TV Address


Local". ..
FOR A CHANGE, University admissions officials could survey en-i
rollment totals and sit back without worrying. The final count
of about 17,000 students enrolled in resident credit courses indicatee
that the campus population was just about holding its own, comparede
with last fall. In the administration offices, there was neither a
frenzied effort to accommodate an influx of veterans as in post-war
years or a publicity drive, which might have been necessary if en-
rollment had continued to drop. Enrollment had reached a 6-year
low last spring. The University could both remember and look for-
ward to huge enrollments, but right now it was securely in the interim.r
4' * * *
TWO TO ONE FOR IKE-Campus Republicans and Democrats
both had something to say for themselves last week, but what thet
Ike men said prevailed by sheer numerical force. Results of a Dailyt
registration poll, announced Tuesday, showed that the campus pre-
fers Eisenhower by a strong, nearly two-to-one ratio. More than
12,000 students voted in the 3-day poll. National pollsters have not
yet run into so strong a preference in countrywide surveys.
Outnumbered locally, Stevenson supporters didn't bother to ask
"What about that $18,000" before organizing a campus task force.
Over 100 strong, they met Thursday night to hear Prof. Preston
Slosson of the history department talk on "The Man from Illinois,"t
and to pin on enough Stevenson buttons to sway the confidence oft
Ike backers.
* * , * *
SL CAUTIONED-In an address to the first fall meeting of theA
Student Legislature Wednesday, Dean Erich A. Walter cautioned SL t
to be governed by a sense of proportion in their activities this fall,
and to make sure they knew student opinion before they took action
on issues.
Later, legislator Ted Friedman, '53, and other members retaliatedc
that the Dean's comments "completely rejected SL." The matter t
brought up a question which has bothered SL in its six-year historyt
-is the body representative or not. According to a survey completed1
in the summer, most students would go along with Dean Walter's
hint that the group does not effectively reflect student opinion. No
one seemed to question the validity of SL's administration of elections,
however, and Dean Walter praised the group on this point. It was
clear that, if more effective representation was to be achieved by SL,
changes would have to be made in something besides the election
* * * *
able the dedication ceremonies for the new Angell Hall addition
seemed to the list of dignitaries and campus representatives present,,
a feeling that it was worth it all prevailed when the procession got at
look at what it had dedicated. The imposing structure, observers1
agreed, was not only the most serviceable the University campus had1
seen for quite a while, but it would also prove a boon to an archi-
tecturally-lacking campus.
-Virginia Voss

National . ..
DECLARING that his political fate lay in the hands of the GOP
national committee, Sen. Richard Nixon, vice-presidential candi-
date, bared his soul before a TV-radio audience Tuesday night to
explain his acceptance of $18,000 for "government" expenses.
Nixon denied that he had spent a cent of the money for his
own personal use and insisted it was not wrong for him to have
accepted the gift to help pay extra expenses for his Senate office.
Many apparently decided that Nixon was in the right. GOP
national headquarters reported that tens of thousands of messages
poured in to congratulate the Senator.
Apparently, the GOP thought so too. Without a dissenting vote,
the Republican national committee decided to keep Dixon on the
Calling the California junior senator a "brave man," Eisen-
hower sealed Nixon's place on the ticket. Sen. Taft, on his short
visit to Willow Run Thursday, echoed the sentiments of his party
when he told reporters that he was and had been thoroughly
convinced that Nixon was guilt-free.
Emotions ran high during this historic controversy. Faced wit
the possibility of being the second vice-presidential candidate in hi&#-
tory to be dropped from a ticket, Nixon told his story to the American
people with a decidedly melodramatic touch. After the ordeal he
quietly wept on a sympathetic Sen. Knowland's shoulder, and then
wept again at his meeting with the General, whp greeted his "vindi-
cated" running-mate warmly.
* * * *
"YOU TOO"-With their vice-president expiated, the GOP turned
on the Democrats. Stevenson; and Sparkman were dragged into the
corruption picture. Swinging back at the bemocrats, Nixon demanded
that Gov. Stevenson explain "gifts" t.o key Illinois state officials and
that his running mate, Sparkman, account for the fact that his wife
has been on the government payroll for 1(0years.
The Illinois governor replied cooly that the fund enabled him
to attract to state jobs men of "real competence" who otherwise
couldn't afford to leave private employment.
At first, Stevenson refused to nagie either the amounts received
or the names of the donors. However, Saturday, the candidate re-
versed his decision and reported that he was attempting to find out
the amounts doled out to the officials.
The political implications of the past confession week, are vague
as yet. Nixon, in his first speech after he was "exonerated," once more
went on the offensive and told voters of Salt Lake City all about
corruption in Washington. He was wildly applauded. Some saw the
Nixon affair as the first highly emotional appeal to the people in a
lagging GOP campaign and thus predicted that his adroit handling
of the matter will bring in votes for the GOP ticket.
Others expressed the belief that the Nixon affair has added am-
munition to Democratic shot-guns, and even went so far as to claim
that the Republican corruption charges against the Administration
have now been nullified. You can't some say, clean house with a
dirty broom.
-Alice Bogdonoff

"What's So Funny About Them?"







F --


At The Michigan.
CARRIE, with Jennifer Jones and Laur-
ence Oliver.
READERS OF Theodore Dreiser's "Sister
Carrie" from which this movie has been
adapted, wail be puzzled somewhat by Holly-
wood's treatment of this masterpiece. While
the original story is followed through most
of the film, the producers have bowed to
current American movie convention and
have cast Carrie into a much different light.
The new Carrie has now become a true
heroine, something I feel the author did
not intend.
This is not to say, however, that Carrie
fails as a movie. To the contrary, fine act-
ing and careful directing have made it a
very enjoyable film event. Carrie, played
by Jennifer Jones, is the small town girl
who comes vo the Big City and raises her-
self from the sweatshop to stage stardom.
During her rise to the top she is loved by
both a travelling salesman, played by Eddie

At The State .. .
Mitchum and Ann Blythe.
WARS SEEN without the advantage of a
few years' perspective might as well not
be looked at if Hollywood's early depictions
of the last war, and now of the Korean war,
form any criterion. It was 1948 before we
got "Battleground," "Decision Before Dawn,"
and other mature appraisals of the conflict
with fascism. Today, the Korean war has be-
come the same lifeless spectacle that was so
familiar when the Japs were peering down
from the sniper's perch in the palm tree.
Even the villans look about the same.
Unfortunately, "One Minute to Zero"
not only fails to exhibit an understanding
of any new purpose associated with this
war; it also lacks dramatic vitality for
most of the distance.
Romantic interest is, as usual, the worst
curse the film endures. Robert Mitchum

(Continued from Page 2)
and sociology, and with the current
theories of supervision and management
in industry. 7:30 p.m., 69 Business Ad-
ministration Building. Sixteen weeks,
Industrial Electronics. The sixteen
sessions of this course will include
theory and practice of electronics for
measurement and control. Subjects in-
clude vacuum tubes as circuit ele-
ments, amplifiers, oscillators, and os-
cillators, and oscilloscope circuits; ap-
plication to motor speed control and
welding control. Laboratory periods
will be held. Fims, sides, and demon-
strations will supplement the lectures
by Stephen V. Hart. 7 p.m., 2084 E.
Engineering Building. Sixteen weeks,
Modern Man and Modern Poetry. The
ethical directions and the moral search
of contemporary man as revealed in po-
etic expression in the present century
is the theme of this course. Some atten-
tion will be given to the relations be-
tween poetry and philosophy since the
Renaissance, with particular emphasis
on the implications of nineteenth-cen-
tury science and twentieth-century
psychology. Dr. James R. Squires is the
instructor. 7:30 p.m., 170 Business Ad-
ministration Building. Eight weeks, $6.
Events Today
Lutheran Student Association: 7 p.m.
New Center, corner Hill and Forest.
Speaker: Dr. G. Mendenhall, noted
scholar in Near Eastern Studies: "Let
God Be God."

English Department: "Christianity: To
Talk of To Do."
Inter-Arts Union. Meeting, 2:30 p.m.,
League. Everyone welcome.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: Mr.
Marshall Bier, M.A., Jackson, Mich., will
speak on "Christianity and the Stu-
dent," 4 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane
Hall. Everyone welcome. Refreshments.
Coming Events
History Department graduate stu-
dents and faculty are invited to attend
"Ali Introduction to the Clements Li-
brary" on Thurs., Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m.
English Journal Club will meet Wed,
Oct. 1, 8 p.m. Clements Library. Messrs.
Calvin Lane and Colton Storm will
address the Club. Graduate students
in English are urged to attend.
Student Players Meeting of executive
committee and department heads, Mon.,
Sept. 29, 4 p.m., League.
Student Players announces tryouts
for "Brigadoon," a musical fantasy.
No experience necessary. All welcome
Mon., Sept. 29-Wed., Oct. 1, 7:30-10:30'
p.m.; Tues. and Wed., 3-5 p.m.; League.
La P'tite Causette will meet from 3:30
to 5 p.m. tomorrow in the North Cafe-
teria of the Michigan Union.
Le Cercle Francais will meet at 8 p.m.,
Tues., Sept. 30, Michigan Room, League.

let ter4
To the Editor:
THE OTHER DAY I had an oc-
casion to take a book out of the
University High School Library
and found that it had to be re-
turned by nine the following
morning. Reading into the night I
overslept that morning but finally
returned the edition two hours
late. To my surprise the fine
amounted to thirty-five cents. At
that rate the book would pay for
itself if held overdue for a total of
eight hours. I have heard of en-
terprising colleges but never a col-
leve that engaged in private en-
-C. Thomas Nakkula
"CERTAINLY WE must battle
for a decent and j'tm eco-
nomic social order as the matrix
of personal sanity and balance.
Whe'n such an order is achieved
many of our present day emotion-
al ills will vanish. Yet in any kind
of society certain universal psy-
chological reactions wil manifest
themselves, c e r t a i n emotional

miAIICPIalU ailg

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young...Managing Editor
Cal Samra.........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander ......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz ........ Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman .... Associate Editor
Ed Whipple ..............Sports Editor
John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell .... Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler ........Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green ............Business Manager
Milt Goetz ......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston .. Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg...Finance Manager
Tom Treeger. Circulation Manager


Actuarial Club meeting, Sept. 29
Roger Williams Guild: First Baptist Room3A, Union. Refreshments, '
Church, 502 E. Huron. 9:45 a.m., Stu-I
dent Class: "Books of the Old Testa- MIMES of the Michigan Union Op-
ment." 7 p.m., Guild meeting. Speaker: era. Business meeting, Tues., Sept. 30,

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