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September 27, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-09-27

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The Case for the Democrats

(Editor's Note: This the second of two ar-
ticles dealing with general election issues. To-
day: The Democratic standpoint.)
rolled around, and, as in the past 20
years, the Republicans are confronting the
American people with their usual "had
enough" line, while the Democrats have
come up with a sound platform and possibly
the most outstanding figure to make a bid
for the presidency-Adlai E. Stevenson.
Relatively a political unknown until
four years ago, the governor blossomed out
as chief executive of Illinois-a post to
which he was elected by an overwhelming
majority. The keen-witted Stevenson pro-
ceeded to clean out the last vestiges of the
preceding corrupt Republican regime,
giving his state its first dose of good gov-
ernment in years.
In Illinois, Stevenson proved himself an
able administrator and policy-maker, high-
ly experienced in politics. The GOP can
hardly say the same thing for their pla-
titude-slinging war hero.
The governor is running for a party with
an enviable record and a farseeing platform
-one which has given this country un-
matched prosperity and security.
In the past two decades, the Democra-
tic party has instituted reforms, long
needed by the country, which the Re-
publican party, in characteristic fashion,
has consistently ignored.
The Wagner Act, for example, liberated
labor from the threat of yellow-dog con-
tracts and unscrupulous manufacturers, at
last giving unions a say in determining their
own wages and working conditions by guar-
anteeing collective bargaining.
The interests of the American worker
were also furthered when such institutions
as social security, unemployment compen-
sation,and worker's compensation were in-
Competitive free enterprise has always
found support under Democratic administra-
tions, which have guarded the small busi-
nessman with a constant vigilance over
monopolistic practices.
The Tennessee Valley Authority and
the giant dams built in the West stand
as commendable monuments, tributes to
the vision of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
and the New Dealers. Rural electrifica-
tion, flood control, reclamation, and con-
servation programs have made a rich
contribution to the economic health of
the country. Industries have sprung up
in places where, in 1929, a blacksmith
couldn't be found.
And withtheir farm parity and farm loans
program, the Democrats solved a problem
Republican Congresses were never willing to
The list of social reforms initiated by the
New and Fair Deals are too numerous to
mention in this limited space. But one
thing is certain: as a result of such progres-
sive legislation, the following - beneficial
changes on the American scene have taken
Total production has been more than
doubled. Corporation profits after taxes
have risen from 8.4 to 18 billion. Total
public spending has jumped from 118.1
to 205.5 billion. Weekly factory wages
have gone up from $37.80 to $64.93 after
taxes while the work week has been de-
creased from 44.2 to 40.7 hours. And the
American farmer is enjoying unparalleled
Add to this the fact that 60 million Am-
ericans have old age insurance and 37 mil-
lion have unemployment insurAce, which
no one possessed in 1929, and a picture is

drawn of how the average citizen's lot has
been bettered in the last 20 years.
* * *
IN CONTRAST to the Republicans, who,
with their usual brilliant hindsight, have
come up with a platform full of inane gen-
eralities, the Democrats have once more pre-
sented the American public with a program
which is in keeping with the progressive
tradition of their past.
Among their planks is a demand for
Civil Rights legislation which liberal
Democrats intend to translate into a
Fair Employment Practices Commission
law. An anti-filibuster plank has also
been included which is designed to pre-
vent a vocal minority in the Senate from
preventing the implementation of the ma-
jority's desire. And though it has not
been incorporated in the platform, many
Democrats are looking forward to a Na-
tional Health Insurance program which
would put adequate medical care within
the reach of millions.
A workable price and rent control pro-
gram which would undo such GOP loop-
holes as the Capehart amendment and keep
inflation down is also an important plat-
form plank.
On the foreign policy front, the Demo-
cratic party's record has been equally bril-
liant. After bringing us victoriously through
the last world war, the Administration has
seen to it that, through the containment
policy, Russian imperialism has been stop-
ped on every front.
And with the European Defense Com-
munity, the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization, the Marshall Plan, and Point
Four, new hope has been given to nations
previously under the shadow of the Krem-
In the Pacific, the Japanese Treaty stands
out as a beacon of intelligent diplomacy.
And, at present, a treaty similar to NATO
is being negotiated to protect our vital in-
terests in the Pacific.
The effectiveness of American entry into
the Korean war in stopping further Red ag-
gression was shown last week when Time
magazine reported that a Kurdistan army
was poised to roll into the Near East in 195.
GOPoliticos, meanwhile have been recom-
mending every foreign policy view under
the sun. They range from the Taft-Mac-
Arthur-Hoover "rattlesnake" program to
Dulles-Eisenhower demands for "liberation."
About the only issue the Republicans have
come up with is the admitted rash of cor-
ruption in some areas of Government. But
they conveniently forget the case of their
former National Chairman Guy Gabrielson's
tie-up with RFC influence peddling and
their poverty-stricken, cry-baby Dick Nixon,
who just couldn't refuse a handout.
After all the phony issues have been
cleared away, the election pivots on the
question of whether this country wants a
party in power which is split in half over
all questions, has no clear idea of where
it is heading, and has as its standard-
bearer a man so uninformed that he ad.
mittedly doesn't know the difference be.
tween a union and closed shop, has little
experience in policy-making and is depen-
dent upon cronies for almost all informa-
Or do the people want a party which has
successfully led this country through 20
years of international crisis, meanwhile ad-
vancing it socially, a party with an intelli-
gent program for the future and a man at
its helm who has shown through his ac-
tions and speeches that he is honest, cap-
able and experienced in all areas of govern-
-Jerry Helman

AFL 'Blunder?'
your enemies" was the political axiom
of the American Federation of Labor while
they followed the middle course in politics
and refused to support one political party
in national elections.
From the time of its founding in 1881,
with one exception, the AFL endorsed
only local candidates, but this week they
broke tradition and came out for Gover-
nor Stevenson. The only other presiden-
tial nominee to receive the AFL nod was
Robert M. La Follette, Sr., progressive
candidate in 1924.
When the La Follette candidacy netted
only four million votes, AFL union leaders
reaffirmed their original stand and there-
after stayed out of the national political
1Originally, the no-endorsement policy had
been thought up by Samuel Gompers, the
union's first president. The sagacious labor
leader always considered politics a highly
personal matter which could easily bring
disunity within the organization. He also
thought the Federal Government was unim-
portant since at that time the era of federal
labor legislation had not begun.
Through the primary system, the AFL was
able to back the best candidates no matter
which party they belonged to. Thus in pre-
dominantly Republican districts, the best
GOP candidates from labor's standpoint got
the union vote, while in Democratic areas,
they concentrated on the Democratic pri-
However, the days of Gomper's rule are
long past. Since the New Deal period, the
Federal Government has become the shap-
er of labor's destinies to a large extent,
and labor now feels the need to be aligned
with some party. Passage of the Taft-
Hartley Act has crystalized the position of
most labor leaders and the real provisions
of the act have been lost in a psychological
cloud of half-truths and accusations.
Thus Stevenson's endorsement comes as
no great surprise-he has asked for T-H re-
peal, and labor leaders are confident he will
heed their wishes. Certain advantages will
be lost, however, as the traditional position
is abandoned. For one thing, the union will
not be able to bargain in predominantly GOP
sections of the country since they will be
more or less committed to the Democrats.
Secondly, there are certain to be sev-
eral schisms within the AFL since a num-
ber of district presidents are backing Gen-
eral Eisenhower.
Lastly, and most significant, the AFL is
taking a huge chance in supporting Steven-
son, for the Illinois governor is by no means
a sure winner. The best reason for a union to
stay out of presidential politics is the risk
of backing a losing candidate. By going on
record for Stevenson, the AFL might well
be in the doghouse if Ike wins.
-Harry Lunn
Gov. Stevenson's
SPRINGFIELD, Ill.-Aside from their ob-
vious devotion to Gov. Adlai Stevenson,
the young political amateurs of the small
staff which Stevenson has gathered here
share one striking characteristic. They are
all what the Europeans would call "in-
tellectuals"-they are interested in ideas,
and in the words used to express these ideas.
As a result, the atmosphere of Stevenson
headquarters here rather reminds the visi-
tor of a small university town.
The Stevenson campaign, quite aside
from the merits of the issues, is obviously
the most intellectual and literate of any
waged since the days of Woodrow Wilson.

This raises the question-is intellect good
After Stevenson's serious and rather dif-
ficult atomic energy speech in Hartford,
Conn., this reporter remarked -to a rising
young Connecticut Republican that a good
many intelligent people, who would be con-
sidered normally Republican, obviously ad-
mired Stevenson. "Sure," was the reply, "all
the egg-heads love Stevenson. But how
many egg-heads do you think there are?"
How many indeed, and how many peo-
ple, not egg-heads themselves, admire and
would vote for such an obvious "egg-head"
as Adlai Stevenson? The Stevenson aides
here, egg-heads to a man themselves,
were at first overjoyed by the quality and
reception of Stevenson's speeches. But
now they are beginning to worry and
Yet the American voter is an unpredict-
able creature, and here it may be worth
recounting an episode which followed Ste-
venson's remarkable speech in Richmond,
Va. In this speech Stevenson, to the blank
astonishment of some of his listeners, dwelt
at length on such subjects as the literary
achievements of Ellen Glasgow and Wil-
liam Faulkner. In the crush which followed
the meeting, this reporter found himself
squeezed between two elderly Southern la-
dies. The following exchange ensued:
First elderly Southern lady: "That was
a funny sort of political speech, wasn't
it? More like an address, you might say."{
Second elderly Southern lady (with ob-
vious pride): "Well, you see, Gov. Ste-
venson knew he was speaking to a 'spe-
cially intelligent audience."
And so, who knows? Being an egg-head
may be shrewder politics than anyone re-
annn viripri flip+Per-h i alk- n z isn-s


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
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I ,




F-- --- --- --- - - - -. --,


'WTASHINGTON-A careful Republican diagnosis of votes in 12 key
. states indicates that the Negro vote can probably swing the elec-
tion either for or against Eisenhower. This may explain why the Gen-
eral recently stated that he might appoint a qualified negro to his
The survey was made by experts in connection with the GOP
advertising plan to use about $2,000,000 worth of radio and TV
spots during the last three weeks of the campaign in 49 counties
of 12 key states.
The secret GOP survey follows:
"F VERY ONE of these states with the exception of Pennsylvania (R)
and Wisconsin (D) finished in an extremely close fashion in
1948. In the case of 6 of these states, credited to the Dewey column,
the shift resulting from no progressive vote would throw, the states
back to the Democrats.
"The fact that these states are concentrated geographically
as they are, helps implement this plan (of saturating the air-
waves with TV and radio spots). Steps taken in one state will not
be confined to the state itself, but will overlap.
"A look at each state shows:
"Connecticut-Three strong Democratic areas centered around
New Haven, New London and Hartford. A shfit of 2 per cent in the
vote of these areas would insure Republican victory. With Senator
McMahon's death, a strong Republican senatorial race will help, as
will Governor lodge's strength in the state.
"MARYLAND-Senator Tydings (D) got beaten here not so
much because of Senator McCarthy's campaign, but because he
lost the Negro wards in Baltimore (20 per cent of the city's vote).
The same thing happened to Rep. Sasscer (D) this fall. Obvi-
ously the Negro vote is a big question here. Democratic strength
is in Baltimore, across from Washington and in the Cumberland
mining section.
"New Jersey-Went Republican in 1948 but not by an overwhelm-
ing margin. The Hudson County machine still functions, and, with the
Taft-Driscoll split in the state, could cause trouble. The Negro vote
is an important element here too. Democratic strength lies in Hud-
son County, Trenton, Camden and New Brunswick.
"NEW YORK-Went Republican by only 60,000 in 1948 while the
Progressive vote was over 500,000. It is a truism in this state that, if
the Republicans leave the city limits with more than a 200,000 handi-
cap, they are in trouble. The Republicans must get every possible
vote in Queens and Richmond, fight to take away independent votes
in Manhattan and Bronx. In addition, they must buck the O'Connell
machine in Albany, and Democratic strength in Utica, Rochester and
Buffalo. The Negro and Jewish votes are vital, but FEPC endorse-
ment alone is not the answer.
"PENNSYLVANIA-Went Republican but not by a substan-
tial margin in 1948. With the success of the Democrats in putting
in Dilworth and Clark in Philadelphia, plus the decline of the
Grundy machine, they are in for a fight this time. Democratic
strength is in Scranton, Philadelphia and the Pittsburgh area.
"OHIO-Taft was successful in cutting into the labor vote in
Cuyahoga (Cleveland) and Mahoning (Youngstown) counties in 1950.
The Republicans must duplicate the feat again in '52 to win the state.
They are helped by the fact that Charlie Taft may lick Lausche for
Governor, even though he was only endorsed by the Taft machine on
the last day of the primary race, while Mike Di Salle is a weak can-
didate against John Bricker. Again the Negro vote in Cuyahoga is
critical. A change in 3,600 votes in 1948 would have put the state
in the Republican column.
"INDIANA-Went Republican by a bare margin in 1948, and again
a rising Negro vote is extremely important, as is the farm vote all
over the state. The Gary labor vote is uncertain, probably will be
more heavily Democratic this year as a result of the Truman with-
holding of Taft-Hartley in the steel strike.
"MICHIGAN-Another state that the return of the Progres-
sive vote could put in the Democratic column. Depression in the
Detroit auto industry as well as a tight gubernatorial and sena-
torial race won't make the picture any easier. A very, very im-
portant Negro vote in Detroit, which Williams and Moody have
of course catered to. Democratic strength is here, in Bay City
and Flint, as well as Grand Rapids.
"PLLINOIS-Here is one of the toughest for the Republicans to take.
Stevenson's home state, which went barely Democratic in '48 must
be taken. The concentration of Democratic strength is in Chicago,
Decatur and East St. Louis. The key to taking the state is Chicago's
Negro vote as well as getting as much of the downstate farm vote
as possible.
"WISCONSIN-Here is one many analysts figure belongs to
Republicans on the basis of 1940 and 1944 returns. Not so, since
these votes were an expression of Wisconsin's pro-German, anti-
British feeling. When this tapered off in 1948, the vote (including
Progressive) was over 53 per cent Democratic. It is purely and
simply a question of slugging it out on the various issues in the
city of Milwaukee as well as in Green Bay and Madison.
"IOWA-This is the one that hurt, a farm state that went Demo-
cratic by 1 per cent. Democratic strength is all over the state, not
bunched, can be found in nine major areas. Only a campaign assur-
ing farmers of their over-all economic future as well as specific farm
nolicies will take this state.

The Dean's Speech ,. ,
To the Editor:
A RECENT news article concern-
ed with the first Student Leg-
islature meeting gave the impres-
sion that the student legislators'
rejected all the suggestions con-
tributed by Dean Walter in his
Contrary to the impression de-
rived from the article, the legis-
lators recognized Dean Walter's,
attempt to explain his criticism of
the Student Legislature as his
honest explanation of the bitter-
ness which seemed apparent last
Although certain specific sug-
gestions and attitudes might be
debated, I believe that Dean Wal-
ter should be commended for an
address filled with provocative,
constructive suggestions. It is cer-
tainly desirable that an adminis-
trator speak to the Student Leg-
islature, as a body, in complete
honesty. Dean Walter at no time
attempted the pat on the head, or
the reasonless accusation.
Certain student legislators fol-
lowed the speech by a combina-
tion of similarly honest criticisms,
and denials of the Dean's right to
question SL's fulfillment of its
A piece of paper known as a
constitution does not form an ef-
fective organization. Although leg-
islators may sometimes dislike an
attitude with which questions of
fulfillment may be directed, none
can deny the need for a system of
checks and balances under the
democratic system. Sincere criti-
cism, such as that offered by Dean
Walter, can only be gratefully re-
ceived for purposes of discussion.
SL has not begun the new year
by propagating old grudges. A
sincere desire to function as ef-
fectively as possible makes the leg-
islature anxious and ready to act
in the best interests of the Uni-
versity community. The bad in a
group is always more newsworthy
than the good; but the good, ma-
ture opinions will always prevail
in a group democratically struc-
--Leah Marks
The Nixon Saga.. .
To The Editor:
1"ICK IS SLICK" - Act One,
Scene One.
Time: The day IT broke
Place: The Eisenhower Special
(Two aides are sitting in the
club car, reading. Both are wear-
ing "Ike and Dick" buttons.)
Aide No. 1: (Looking up) Ho, ho,
ho, this is rich, Sherman. It says
here that our Dick is a crook.
Aide No. 2: Let me see. Where?
Aide No. 1: Here in this newspa-
Aide No. 2: Newspaper? Non-
Aide No. 1: Seriously. This is
That One I was telling you about.

Aide No. 2: (Looking at the pa-
per) Ho, ho, ho.
Scene Two
Time & Place: The same a few
hours later..
Aide No. 3: Ike, this here re-
porter wants to know if you're go-
ing to kick Dick off the ticket?
Ike: What does Senator Taft
Aide No. 3: (To .reporter) Ike
says he's going to wait until all
the evidence is in.
Act Two
Time: The night Marciano won
the title
Place: California
Dick: (Looking Into Cameras)
Folks, I'm a poor boy. Besides, all
the fellows are doing it. Also,.
folks, they tell me I won a few
battle stars. Also, I have a cocker
spaniel named Checks and an
Irish wife. You should see my
mortgages, folks, if you want to
know how poor a man can get. Be-
sides, folks I brought Alger Hiss
to justice. Good night, folks.
Scene Two
(To be played in front of cur-
A man from Rochester: I
A woman from Pughkeepsie: I
A headline from Hearst: Dick
Is No Crook!
Act Three
Time & Place: The Eisenhower
Special. Dawn breaks through.
Aide No. 7: (Rummaging in
waste basket for his Ike and Dick
button) The incident is closed.
Aide No. 8: Everybody is happy.
The incident is positively closed.
Aide No. 9: General, the world
is waiting for a statement from
Ike: (Up to his neck in tele-
grams) What does Senator Taft
Aide No. 10: Bob likes Dick.
Ike: Hooray!
(As two more Western Union
trucks drive up, the curtain falls)
-William Wiegand
*f * *
To the Editor:
IN THE interest of accuracy and
the peace of mind of the Repub-
licans and independents associated
with the new Michigan Chapter of
Volunteers for Stevenson, any pos-
sible misconceptions as to the re-
lationship of the Michigan Stu-
dents for Stevenson and the Dem-
ocratic party or the Young Demo-
crats should be dispelled. The
Michigan chapter is affiliated witl'
the National Volunteers for Ste-
venson. Not only is this an inde-
pendent group, but many of its
executive positions are held by Re-
Any person desiring further in-
formation on the nature of this
organization or facts about Gov-
ernor Adlai E. Stevenson should
call 2-9335.
-Charles W. Wexler, Jr. L'53



Nixon Pep s Up GOP Campaign

WASHINGTON-A lagging campaign has
been galvanized by the Nixon affair.
Republican national headquarters is re-
joicing not only over the heavily pro-
Nixon trend of messages received, but
over their vast number. The incident will
serve, they think, to end the apathy,
even hostility, of the many party workers
who deplored Senator Taft's defeat at
Chicago. From that point of view, it
certainly is a gain.
The principal chore facing General Eis-
enhower and the GOP campaign experts is
to rechart their course, assuming that Sen-
ator Nixon will be retained, as now appears
The Senator pulled his popular support
with an emotional, dramatic, highly per-
sonal show that his admirers will describe
as human interest and his detractors as a

soap opera. This always has been his style
of campaigning.
What Senator Nixon did was to stage
a very adroit personal drama, complete
with loyal wife, minkless, naturally, and
a present-day Fala that he almost dared
General Eisenhower to kick around. The
final scene was an effective version of
Jimmy Walker's famous line, "I'll match
my private life with any man's," a just
appeal to which Americans invariably res-
The people have sympathized with Nixon's
embarrassment, admired his courage, agreed
that we are all imperfect and voted him an
honest man. They probably also like Pat.
They do not appear disposed to quibble over
the fact that no audit of the Senator's per-
sonal finances was presented, together with
the audit of the expense fund.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial. responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
Applications for Fulbright Awards for
University lecturing and advanced re-
search for academic year 1953-54 must
be filed by Oct. 15 for the United King-
dom and Colonial Dependencies, Nor-
way, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxem-
bourg, France," Austria, Italy, Greece,
Egypt, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq. Oppor-
tunities for advanced research only are
now availbale in Finland and the Fed-
eral Republic of Germany. Requests
for application formseand information-
al material should be addressed to the
Executive Secretary, Conference Board
of Associated Research Councils, Com-
mittee on International Exchange of
persons, 2101 Constitution Avenue,
Washington 25, D.C. Applications for
all countries must be postmarked not
later than Oct. 15, 1952. Candidates
who have already applied for awards
in _other countries pending an an-
nouncement of the German and Fin-
nish programs, may request the Con-
ference Board Committee to transfer
their application papers to the pro-
gram for either of these countries.
Music Supplement. It is respectfully
suggested to readers of Sunday's Music
Supplement that they mail the copy to
some i nterested friend or acquaintance
"back home."
Academic Notices
Aero 190 (NE100). Elements of Nu-
clear Engineering. Class will meet on
Tues., Thurs., and Sat, at 11 in Room
2076 East Engineering. In case of con-
flicts, see Prof. M. H. Nichols.
Events Today
Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group
meets1 TanenHall. 19 n m All inter-

national Students Association Council
Mon.. Sept. 29, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3A,
Michigan Union. All member organiza-
tions are invited to send their dele-
Newman Club general meeting Sun.,
Sept. 28. 7:30 St. Mary's Chapel. Speak-
er, Father Ryan from Detroit; a short
business meeting, social hour, and re-
freshments. All Catholic students urged
to attend.


A t The Orpheum ..
LA RONDE, with Anton Walbrook.
highly ironiic, typically French things to
say about the fickleness of lovers and the
temporality of love.
Filmed ir the episodic style that has cap-
tured the :fancy of movie makers in recent
months, "La Ronde" makes the most of his
particular technique.

bodiment of fate. He manipulates the lov-
ers from one affair to the next with sa-
tanic humor.
Among the actors who play mere fallible
mortals, Danielle Darrieux is particularly
good as a young matron having her first ad-
In addition to its delightful satire on con-
ventional immorality, the movie contains
some sly gibes at other deserving institu-
tions. The portrayal of a consciously artistic

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young . ...Managing Editor
'Cal Samra .. .......Editorial Director
Zander Hollander ......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple ............. Sports Editor
John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor
Dick~ Sewell . . ..Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler .......Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
.Business Stafff
Al Green ............Business Manager
Milt Goetz .......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg .....Finance Manager
Tom Treeger ._..Circulation Manager
,1 oJlnos "IA 12


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