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January 16, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-01-16

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____________________________________________________ U U I

Cdt 4 Ike_]
Daily Managing Editor
into a new sphere of operation Wednes-
day night with an ill-conceived motion to
censure The Daily for the recent series of
articles dealing with Communist and Com-
munist front activity in Ann Arbor and on
campus. '
It is amazing that, despite more than
an hour of debate (much of it procedural,
it is true), SL could not terminate once
and for all its concern with a motion
which is patently bad.
The significant portion of Paula Levin's
move to censure read: "We feel that the
methods of journalism used in the recent
series on Communist activity on this cam-
put were those which stifle discussion rather
than facilitating the free discussion of ideas.
'Therefore, in the interests of preserving a
free and objective atmosphere, the SL ex-
presses its disapproval of the 'recent series
of articles."
It is superfluous to dwell at length on
Miss Levin's rather curious logic in the mo-
tion. The debate, set off by the series as a
glance at Letters to the Editor will reveal,
is one of the liveliest in years-perhaps
those that supported the motion have heard
only the muffled overtones. The Daily pre-
sented many facts no one has been able to
refute and wove them together with inter-
pretation which is open to the free castiga-
tion of all in the letters column. Those who
would seriously contend that the series stif-
led discussion-except perhaps insetting
forth factual information which had here-
tofore been conjecture-are badly misled.
But the more basic consideration, above
and beyond the merits of the' particular
case, should have been evident at once to
all. Stated bluntly, it is simply that SL has
no business passing judgment on Daily
Obviously, there is nothing in SL's broad-
ly-worded constitution to prevent it from
expressing student opinion on this ques-
tion. But presumably SL is bound by some-
thing more than a constitution-as a stu-
dent government, it is bound by a tradition
of democratic procedure. Does Congress pass
a motion of censure against the New York
Times for printing on Christmas Day a
propaganda statement from Stalin? Do irate
city councils excoriate Hearst journals for
their more malicious reporting?
The tradition of non-interference by
government bodies with the free press is
sacred. Miss Levin was careful to dis-
tinguish between "censure" and "censor";
either, however, is odious, and one leads-
implicitly or otherwise-to the other.. The
place to draw the line is not between two
bad policies, but rather right at the start
with complete non-interference.
This is not to say that the decisions of
The Daily are not open to the legitimate
concern of the Legislature. Miss Levin was
perfectly free to do her worst from the floor
of SL or any other convenient place in dis-
cussing the series. However, a formal mo-
tion of censure should have been quickly
It is unfortunate that SL permitted it-
self to be caught in the position it is in
now. Irreparable harm is done to Legisla-
ture public relations efforts by irrespon-
sible behavior.
The Daily will be glad to discuss with
representatives of SL the broader aspects
of Daily-SL relationships. But we refuse to
answer to the Legislature on any specific
matters of policy.
s * " s

Just in passing, it was reassuring to note
that campus liberal and moderate opinion
has reacted to the invidious threat of Labor
Youth League domination of UNESCO.
The LYL candidate, previous to the series
the only apparent contender for the office
of president of UNESCO, did not receive
nomination to any office in the elections
yesterday. The LYL contingent did not show
up-UNESCO can continue to devote it-
self to its very worthwhile non-partisan

Arts Theater Review

"Goodness, I've Hardly Picked The Ambassadors Yet"

T HE ARTS THEATER CLUB, like the poet
in their current play, seems to have
"come of age" all at once this season. Up un-
til the Dane play, the company had been un-
dergoing the fall season as gingerly as a
rookie baseball sensation who has run into
a second year slump. For the Club, the jinx
evidently had held off until the third, year
but while it lasted, it provided a rather
serious test of the Company's resiliency and
staying power. Now that they seem to have
bounced, the season may be looked at in a
little more optimistic mood than might have
been possible a few weeks ago.
On the threshhold last October, the Wash-
ington Street company could trace its life
back through two seasons of programs which
for the most part had been unusually re-
warding in both their imagination and their
scrupulousness. Just before the season be-
gan, the Club had undergone extensive re-
juvenation in its physical plant, apparently,
in spite of the small company, confident of
the future.
While the programs of the fall season
were not precisely mediocre, they turned
out to be undistinguished, and it was not
wholly the fault of the plays which had
been selected. Campus' "Cross Purpose"
involved the dreary wrangling of a group
of figures, who never become more than
figures. Bridie's "Colonel Wotherspoon,"
while passingly amusing, bore the famil-
iarity of too many well-made situations
and ordinary characters. The program of
one-act plays had the aura of a series of
neurotic nightmares. Each carried its
particular fascination, but it was a fasci-
nation born of shadow and legerdemain;
there was too much patent trickery.
At this point, the Club was submerged in
the standings. It had lost its most talented
actor, Dana Elcar, and, as a result, perhaps
some of its morale. More seriously, it ha
lost a good measure of its audience's good
will toward its offerings.

"Come of Age" actually was a daring
test case for the Club. It was recklessly fa-
shioned from the same substance against
which many of the complaints had been
heard-the ultra-poetic. he characters con-
versed In "jazz," and in addition, the play
had failed twice on Broadway. This should
have made the play a rather poor gamble
for the clean-up spot.
But the risk paid off. While "Come of
Age" is no great evening in the theater, it
is a sound play dramatically as well as
lyrically. It has many of the obvious con-
ceits of the fantasy, but its fascination is
much deeper. It juxtaposes a representa-
tive of youth and of the romantic spirit
against a woman of the cocktail set of the
"jazz age." The love affair of the woman
and the boy, wrought in two climates of at-
titude, is alive with implication. Paradox-
ically, as the doggerel mood of a real world
becomes more and more dominant in the
play, the woman, who is the product of
the real world, loses her dominance in
the affair; and in effect, is defeated in
spite of the final yielding of the boy. His
yielding signifies his coming of age in the
real world, so he must return to death,
unwillingly embracing the delusion of the
worldly love.
To color the play, the Club has delivered
an effective set, a pretty good original musi-
cal score, and a first-rate performance in the
role of the woman, as portrayed by Miss Beth
Laikin. As much as any other factor, Miss
Laikin's presence presages well for the spring
The program for the coming semester
looks safe and solid again, albeit somewhat
conservative. "Come of Age" however, was
not, conservative, and seeing that it has been
so satisfying, the Club may be said to have
succeeded on its own terms. Breaking a jinx
in that fashion is a good sign for the Club's
audiences in the future.
-Bill Wiegand

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed ey the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from pubication at the discretion of the



Architecture Auditorium At the Orpheum .


CLUNY BROWN, with Jennifer Jones
and Charles Boyer.
THIS IS THE story of a rural girl who
can't seem to find her place in the -class
system of British society. It also tries to
push forward a doctrine of non-conformism
through the person of a distinguished but
for the most part unprincipled refugee schol-
ar. In the process of tying these two themes
together it makes rather obvious use of sa-
tire on British manners, which is at times
very amusing but becomes repetitious and
overdone in places.
Jennifer Jones is the uncomfortable mis-
fit in a role that seems much better suited
to her talents than many of her parts have
been. Her naivete and almost innate clum-
siness are perfect for a plumber's niece who
has inherited her uncle's mechanical ability
but none of his understanding of his "place."
Her apparent frivolity causes her uncle to
send her into the domestic service, and she
secures a position as parlormaid for a coun-
try gentleman.
Charles Boyer, as a Czech professor flee-
ing from the Nazis, is invited to the es-
tate to be out of Hitler's reach, and with
a "democratic philosophy not at all in ac-
cord with the strict social set-up disturbs
his host and the servants violently. This
suave deus ex machina sets in action a
levelling process based on the idea that
all personal whims should be fully in-
dulged. After arranging affairs into what
seems a more normal, or at least more
natural, condition, he leaves for America
with the parlormaid, where we are sup-
posed to feel that society will be more com-
patible to their iconoclastic notions; this
last might indicate the changes which have
come during the six or seven years since
the picture was made.
Since The Daily will not be published next
week, it would be well to note that Cinema
Guild is presenting "The Medium," a trans-
fer to film of Menotti's modern opera,
starting January 23; it is a remarkable pic-
--Tom Arp

MISS JULIE, with Anita Bjoerk
THE ADAPTORS of this Strindberg play
created a boldly original structure and,
fortunately, had the acting talent and tech-
nical skill necessary to put it over.
Anita Bjoerk, one of the best of many
excellent Swedish actresses, plays the
daughter of a nineteenth century landed
aristocrat. Her mother, an imperious,
beautiful, woman, had tried to raise her
like a boy. As a rebellion against this and
the terrible isloation of her position, she
drifts into a short-lived but tragic affair
with the family's butler.
The movie alternates and interweaves
themes of class conflict, love, and sexual
deprivation with the fevered logic of a
dream. This is, in fact, the prevailing mood,
carried out in every detail. Midsummer
night, with its endless glaring 'light and
maniacal revelry, is the perfect setting for
Miss Julie's nightmarish reality.
Deepening this feeling is the picture's dar-
ing use of flashbacks, flash-forwards, and
dream sequences. Often set inopposition to
each other, languid content giving way to
frenzy, they keep the picture dynamic. Des-
pite their profuseness, they maintain an
eerie coherence throughout.
An excellent supporting cast makes pos-
sible the completeness of Miss Bjoerk's
tour de force. Her delicate beauty and sen-
sibilities are thrown into relief by the hag-
like sluttishness of her cook. The butler
and other characters present that difficult
amalgam of baseness and innocence.
Probably because of the wideness of its
scope, the picture occasionally runs into dif-
ficulties of motivation, and once or twice the
action gets bogged down in repetiousness.
But its overall integrity and artistry easily
make up for these defects. In its powerful
presentation of terror and pathos, Miss Julie
rivals pictures like Great Expectations-the
kind of thing one hopes to see several times
--Bob Holloway

A Man From Michigan
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The foliowing editorial recently appeared in The
Chicago Tribune on the occasion of John A. Hannah's appointment as assist-
ant defense secretary.)
IT HASN'T BEEN disclosed who recommended John A. Hannah to be
assistant defense secretary in the Eisenhower sub-cabinet, but
it is quite likely that the appointment was received by the faculty
and regents of the University of Michigan with the same feeling of
relief that would be felt by one of Notre Dame's football opponents
if Johnny Lattner broke his leg on the day before the game.
Mr. Hannah is the president of Michigan State College, which
has a number of impressive assets besides its football team.
Unlike his colleagues heading other Big Ten institutions, he never
got a Ph.D., the he has a couple of honorary doctorates. Michigan
State in fact, sent him forth to the world as a bachelor of science
in poultry husbandry, but at an early age he displayed executive
talents not usually associated with chicken farming.
These he has devoted for the last quarter century to his alma
mater, of which he has been president since 1941. He transformed it
from an International -league college to a big league university, and
not only in athletics, but in the academic field also. This took a lot
of state money and one of President Hannah's shrewdest moves was a
political alliance between rural legislators, whose farmer constituents
were grateful for decades of s.ervice from Michigan States, and the
Detroit delegation in the legislature. The alliance resulted in consid-
erable increases in appropriations to Michigan State and assumption
by the state of the costs of Wayne university in Detroit, which had
been locally supported.
Since Michigan, like every other state, can find only so much
money for its state supported colleges, the loser in this deal was
the University of Michigan, which previously had got the lion's
share of state funds for higher education. Unless the people of
Michigan wake up, that institution, for generations a great asset
to the whole middle west, may in time be reduced to a second
rate university.
Illinois, fortunately, has no such serious problem as yet. But its
minor state colleges think they feel growing pains, and the contest
for state appropriations between the University of Illinois and the five
so-called teachers' colleges grows more intense at .every legislative
Gov. Stevenson saw the danger of this situation, but he sought
to use it to his own advantage by a proposal that a single board
to govern all the state colleges and universities be appointed by
the governor. University trustees are now elected.
The legislature refused to approve the change but that did not
solve the problem. Unless some scheme of unification of coordination
is found, the state is going to find itself wasting millions of dollars
on duplicating services in the different institutions, to the eventual
injury of all of them.
(Continued from Page 3Y Concert Series, Tues., Feb. 17, at 8:30.
A limited number of tickets for
"Effects of X-Irradiation on the Growth these performances are available at the
of Certain Plant Tissues in vitro," Mon., offices of the University Musical So-
Jan. 26, East Council Room, Rackham ciety in Burton Memorial ower.
Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, C. D
LaRue. Recital Postponed. The voice recital
by Vivien Milan, previously announced
Doctoral Examination for Carl Daniel for Thurs., Jan. 22, in the Rackham As-
Riggs, Zoology; thesis: "Studies on the sembly Hall, has been postponed. The
Life History of the White Bass, Lepi- new date will be announced later.
bema chrysops (Rafinesque), with
Special Reference to Shafer Lake, In- Events Today
diana," Tues., Jan. 27, 2089 Natural
Siene Bdg, a 130 p.m.haimn,
K. F. Lagler. Second Laboratory Bill of three orig-
inal one-act plays will be presented to-
Doctoral Examination for Walter night and Saturday night at 8 p.m. at
Alexander Markowicz, Classical Studies: the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the
Greek & Latin; thesis: "The Text Tra- Department of Speech. The three plays,
dition of St. John Chrysostom's Homi- written by students in English 85, will
lies on Genesis and MSS Michiga- include comedy, drama, and romance.
nenses 139, 78, and Holkhamicus 61," The one-acts will be directed and
Fri., Jan. 30, 2020 Angell Hall, at 2 staged by students in the advanced
p.m. Chairman, W. E. Blake. theater courses. There will be no ad-
mission charge. Doors to the theater
Doctoral Examination for Kaikhoo- open at 7:30.
shro Burjorji Irani, Electrical Engi-
neering; thesis: "A Method for Deter- Sophomore Cabaret Central Commit-
mining an Intrinsically Phase-Equa- tee meeting at 4 p.m. In the League.
lized Filter Transfer Function," Mon., It is important for all committee
Feb. 2, 2511 East Engineering Bldg at heads to be there as it is the last meet-
9 a.m. Chairman, L. N. Holland. ing until after finals.
Mathematics Colloquium, The next Graduate Mixer Dance. Records Fri.,
session will be at 4 p.m. on Wed., Jan. Jan. 16, from 9 to 12 p.m., Rackham
21 (note the unusual day) in 3011 An- Assembly.
gell Hall. Dr. J. L. Ullman will speak
on "Some related problems in com- Motion Picture, auspices of the Stu-
pex analysis." etLgsaure-inemaGil, "Cuny
Brown," Fri. and Sat., Jan. 16 and 17,
5:30, 7:15, and 9:10, and Sun., Jan. 18,
Concerts at 8 p.m. only, Architecture Auditor-
Festival of Organ Music. Two pro-
grams of organ music under the direc- Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer-
tion of Robert Noehren, University Or- sity Museums, "Flight Over the Arc-
ganist, will be presented at 4:15 and tic," "Northto theHudson Bay," and
8:30., Sunday afternoon and evening, "The Fur Seal," 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Au-
Jan. 18, in Hill Auditorium. During the ditorium. No admission charge.

afternoon the following students will V
be heard: Beverly Brehm, Diane Heg- SRA Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, 4:15-
er, Phyllis Stringham, Jane Townsend, 5:30 p.m. Roger-Williams Guild co-
John McCreary, Richard Branch, and hostess. All students invited to come
Kthe.n Bondi nDurin the eveninr o'm, s t- --- . f....

SL & The Daily...
To the Editor:
qTUDENT Legislature was re-
cently presented with a mo-
tion to "censure The Daily" for
its series on Communist activity.
Allowing the meeting to end,
without a vote on the motion was
extremely unfortunate because it
may leave the campus withsthe
impression that SL (i.e. student
opinion) is in favor of censure. As
a matter of fact, during the dis-
cussion of the motion legislators
became so interested in the series
itself that the implications of the
motion (which was not printed
on the agenda) were forgotten.
Had legislators' minds been foc-
used on the idea of censuring I
have no doubt that the motion
would have been voted down quick-
ly. The long discussion, concern-
ing the content of the series, can
be construed as refuting the worth
of any motion censuring The Daily
for stifling discussion.
Delegates to the United States
National Student Association's last
Congress spent much time revis-
ing the USNSA Bill of Rights.
These delegates fought for in-
cluding the right of a student press
to freedom from control by Stu-
dent Governments. SL members
pushed this freedom as a neces-
sary addition to the already recog-
nized freedom of the student press
from control by administration
and faculty.
I feel certain that during a vote,
Student Legislature would have
shown a realization of the Implica-
tions of censure. SL has always
worked for student responsibility.
Censure of the student newspaper
is not consistent with a belief in
the student's ability to help form
his own education.
The length of, and interest in,
the debate on the series is proof
that The Daily succeeded in fost-
ering the awareness and discus-
sion of Communist activities the
articles were meant to provoke.
I might suggest that SL com-
mend The Daily for the recent
series. But neither commendation
or censure is in order for students
in responsible positions on the
student newspaper for doing their
own job, the job of putting out a
newspaper so that it is of the
most value for the student readers.
-Leah Marks
. * *
Red Series..-.
To the Editor:
IT IS MY belief that The Daily's
printing of Mr. Hollander's
series was unfortunate. This is
not to deny that there is value in
publicizing the activities of in-
dividuals and of groups whose mo-
tives are suspect, whose actions
are frequently at a great disparity
with their wrds, and whose activ-
ity is often covert and clandestine.
Nor do I wish to deny that there
is value in forewarning some se-
questered, naive students against
being drawn into association with
such individuals and groups and
unwittingly serving as their dupes,
as has happened to some students
in the past.
Nonetheless, the damage done
by Mr. Hollander's series is dispro-
portionate to its contributions.
For the series must be evaluated
within the context of current hap-
penings. We are confronted today
with tse withering away of the
traditional American courage and
confidence in the Bill of Rights
and in the American experiment
of toleration and encouragement of
civil liberties as evolved in the
spirit of Brandeis, Holmes, and
Cardozo. This threat to civil lib-
erties comes primarily from the
vigilantes credited leftist fanatics.
Yet Mr. Hollander and The Daily
chose to attack the latter in ways
(although I feel not in spirit) sug-
gestive of the methods of the

The consequences of this can be
unhappy and many. How many al-
ready fearful marginal liberal stu-
dents will now withdraw into apa-
thy and inaction out of new con-
fusion and fear? Might this not
give the University administration
new grounds for being even more
intolerant of civil liberties? Can
not the content . of these articles
be twisted and their spirit per-
verted by professional totalitarians
such as McCarthy and Velde to
further smear the University and
terrorize American education?
And most important, has not
The Daily let down its readers and
itself by departing from its habit-
ual high standards and merely
taking the fashionable and easy
way out by superficial treatment
of an important problem? Would
not a series of articles giving an
understanding and an affirmation
of the rightfulness of the tradi-
tional American concept of civil
liberties (citing dangers to them
from the left as well as from the
tion n roin, a ar inthe nsh.w ae

right) have been a more worthy ob-
jective? Let us hope that this task
may be considered as an objective
for next semester.
-Neil J. Weller
* * *
Deportation ...
To the Editor:
R ECENTLY, the "red" hysteria
hit down to a personal level
when I found myself witnessing
deportation proceedings against
my father. The incredible was
happening. This man who was too
kind-hearted to go rabbit hunting
was being forced to leave the coun-
try because of his dangerous
thoughts. Yes, it is happening in
this country today.
As we were looking at the De-
troit skyline from the other side
of the river, it seemed impossible
that my father had been forced to
leave that "land of freedom." Aft-
er living here for thirty years, he
found himself standing in a dif-
ferent country, knowing no one,
and having no destination.
Since our family is broken' up,
the personal loss is a great one,
but of greater significance is the
type of America that is developing.
With the help of the witch hunt-
ers, a state of thought, control is
becoming the rule rather than the
exception. Sanity will return only
with a new found respect for the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights,
This respect must be so real that
we ourselves interpret it not as
some heavy abstract document for
use by the Supreme Court, but as
a basic expression of our social
-Dorothy MacKay
** *
Wayne Morse ... .
To the Editor:
NOW ,understand how Jonathan
Swift was inspired to write his
Modest Proposal. Here is min.
Surely it is time to demonstrate
that independent judgment cannot
be tolerated, particularly by Leg-
islators who, after all, owe All to
the Party. Anyone who permits
his personal convictions to over-
ride his Loyalty to Party isnote
qualified to be a United States
Senator. I refer, of course, to Sen-
ator Wayne Morse.
If Morse's defection were his
first example of irresponsible be-
havior, leniency might be justi-
fled. One can argue, however, that
Morse has never been a satisfac-
tory Senator. His independent at-
titude, his tactless, even rude, crit-
icisms of unintelligent or unworthy
legislation, and his vulgar preoc-
cupation with the welfare of all
the people, rather than just the
deserving, have sorely tried the
majority of his Party.
Surely his disgraceful behavior
merits much more severe punish-
ment than mere removal from
committees on which he has (abeit'
ably) served. Laxity may well fos-
ter the delusion among politicians
that the goal of political activity
is to promote the Public's, rather
than the Party's interests.
What should be done? I propose
the following as the mildest pun-
ishment it is safe to mete out.
First, Send Morse Back Where He
Came From! Secdnd, Send Ore-
gon Back Where It Came From!
Consider seriously the benefits
obtainable from these two propos-
als. The first would remove from
the Senate a man of intellect,
ability, experience and integrity.
This benefit, it must be admitted,
has been only partly achieved by
removing Morse from the Armed
Services and Labor Committees.
Returning Oregon to Britain
would alleviate the risk of getting
another Wayne Morse in the Sen-
ate. It might even put Senator
Morse in the British Parliament,
where his high caliber would prove
less of a handicap.

-Kent E. Winter
1j g
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications,
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.........City Editor
Cal Samra............Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman...Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor
John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell..Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler......Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green.............Business Manager
Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.......Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager



H-Bomb Implications



W ASHINGTON-What was left out was
the really interesting part of President
Truman's valedictory statement on the hy-
drogen bomb, in his message on the state
of the Union.
The President told the country and the
world that this was a very terrible weapon.
He hinted that the hydrogen bomb, if
used in war, might change the tired,
familiar face of this planet. What he did
not say, but should have said, is that the
mere existence of this weapon already
raises the greatest and most urgent ques-
tions of American national policy.
We cannot just add the hydrogen bomb
to our arsenal, tell Stalin to take note of it.

acted upon. They may be summarized as
follows :
First, there is the bomb's sheer power. As
previously reported in this space, the H-
Bomb tested at Eniwetok developed the
totally unexpected and unprecedented power
of three to five megatons-which is the ex-
plosive force of three to five million tons
of TNT. Furthermore, the Eniwetok test is
believed to have proven the possibility of
building deliverable and useable hydrogen
bombs of almost infinitely greater power.
The simple development of infinitely
destructive weapons automatically revo-
lutionizes all our world's complex strategic
relationships. When the greatest nations,
such as the United States and the Soviet
Union. canb e meduceA t nathineo.c hb

contend that the dust cloud from the ex-
plosion of only a few H-bombs, which have
been encased in certain metals, will be nox-
ious enough to depopulate half a continent.
It is putting it mildly to say that grave
issues of national policy are raised by any
weapons test which, if repeated a few hun-
dred times, can close the chapter of human
history and leave this planet to the insects.
Third, and most important, there is the
virtual certainty that the American mon-
opoly of hydrogen bombs cannot endure
for very long. Our all-out effort to build an
H-bomb only began in 1950. Long before
1950, the Soviet scientists were entirely
aware that an H-bomb could be built. It
must be, and it is, expected that the mast-
-__ .. _ v .. .7. .L_ .A ..- . .


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