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January 13, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-01-13

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The Iranian Crisis


J eL1eri to tA &d'or

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series
of interpretive editorials dealing with the highly
nationalistic Middle East.)
RAN'S Premier Mohammed Mossadegh is
presently sitting on a highly explosive
barrel of oil, and a couple of attached fuses
are burning rapidly.
Ever since the summer of 1951 when
Iran nationalized the world's largest oil
refineries at Abadan, booting out the
British technicians, not one drop of Iran-
ian oil has reached world markets.
The British, irate at the seizure without
compensation of refineries representing
thirty years work and hundreds of millions
of dollars, slapped an immediate embargo
on Iranian oil. Without British oil tankers
and, the cooperation of what is practically
a world oil monopoly, Iran has been un-
able to sell any oil.
As a result of the loss of her oil markets
and a consequent loss of about $150 millions
in royalties, Iran's economy is in a dan-
gerously weak condition. Strikes and riots
last summer indicated that Iran's already
poor masses are now especially ripe for
Communism. So far, the Communist Tudeh
party has been waiting on the sidelines for
the economy to collapse by itself.
Just last week, Iran's fiery, and enig-
matic top man Mossadegh was reported
to have warned U. S. Ambassador Loy
Henderson that the Communists might
take over the nation unless ample Amer.
ican aid was forthcoming immediately.
State Department and British officials
fear that if Iran goes Communist, Russia,
bordering Iran on the North, will fall heir
to not only the world's biggest oil re-
fineries and large oil fields, but also her
first warm water port on .the Persian
No solution to the British-Iranian oil dis-
pute, however, is now in sight, in spite of
much diplomatic haggling.
On Augut 30 of last year, President Tru-
mban and Pfime Minister Churchill sent a
joint proposal to Iran. Their conditions:
Iran must (1) submit the question of com-
pensation for the Abadan refineries to the
UN's International Court of Justice; and
(2) appoint representatives to negotiate
with the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (for-
mer owners of Abadan) to arrange export
of some 20 million tons of British refined
oil now stored in Iran as British property.

If Iran agreed it was stipulated that
(1) Anglo-Iranian would market the oil
now stored in Iran, making suitable pay-
ments to Iran; (2) England would relax
restrictions on exports to Iran and on
Iran's use of sterling; and (3) the U.S.
would immediately grant $10 million to
assist the Iranian government with its
budgetary problems.'
"Blackmail," countered Prime-Minister
Mossadegh on Sept. 24. In an angry mes-
sage, he said that England's export restric-
tions and oil embargoes were illegal whether
an agreement was reached or not. He also
demanded payment of royalties on the oil
already refined (a matter of some $137 mil-
lion) before submission of the case to the
world court. Mossadegh added that he'd
claim vast damages in the court against
Britain for bottling up Iran's legally na-
tionalized oil production.
Mossadegh also stressed the legality of
the nationalization and justified it as elim-
inating British interference in Iran's affairs
and preventing economic exploitation by
Following Mossadegh's statement, Iran
broke off diplomatic relations with Lon-
don. This is roughly the tangled state of
affairs at present.
A settlement of differences between Brit-
am and Iran would strengthen Iran eco-.
nomically and politically, restoring confi-
dence in the government. But unless Iran
gets a fair deal, a settlement might be the
signal for cries of "sell-out" and a national-
ist reyolt led by the Tudeh party.
Meanwhile, the United States, deter-
mined to keep Iran from falling into
Soviet hands, has been exerting its in-
fluence toward a settlement. In Iran,
U.S. Ambassador Henderson and Mossa-
degh are conferring on the problem. It is
believed that the Iranian oil dispute is
one of the main reasons why Prime Min-
ister Churchill recently crossed the ocean
to talk with President-elect Eisenhower.
At this stage, what Russia would like
most is a split between Britain and the
United States on this issue. Immediate
reconciliation of the problem will thus be
necessary to preserve Anglo-American har-
mony and to keep Russia out of strategic
-Jon Sobeloff

Washington M erry-GoRound


-- ------ - - -

(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the first of a series
of Washington Merry-Go-Round columns in
which Drew Pearson diagnoses the Eisenhower
cabinet. Today's-brass ring goes to new Secretary
of the Treasury George M. Humphrey.)
WASHINGTON-The man who will col-
ltyourtaxesithe Eisenhower Ad-
Iinistration, who will partially determine
how much those taxes are, and who will
have a major voice in the question of infla-
tion, deflation, loans to Europe and borrow-
ings at home, is a modest, unpublicized busi-
nessman from Cleveland, Ohio.
George M. Humphrey, the new Secre-
tary of the Treasury, is chairman of seven
big corporations, president of three, and
on the board of directors of 34. They
total assets of $2,600,000,000-almost as
much as the national budget prior to the
Roosevelt Administration.
Looking over Mr. Humphrey's record and
his prospective colleagues in the cabinet,
you come to this conclusion: Gen. Eisen-
hower has picked a conservative business-
man's cabinet, but he has picked the first
The general calibre of his appointees
is far ahead of other GOP administra-
tions under Hoover, Coolidge, Harding.
And if a conservative government does not
survive in this country it will not be be-
cause Eisenhower has picked second-
He is definitely going to bat with the
first team. And the next four years under
it will be among the 'most important in re-
cent history. They will also be extremely
important-and fascinating-to watch.
THE NEW Secretary of the Treasury typi-
fies the first team. With almost no fan-
fare, he has built up one of the bigger
holding corporations of the nation. The
M. A. Hanna Company, which he heads,
controls the biggest coal company in the
world, steamship companies, steel mills,
rayon factories, vast ore deposits, a sugar
company, and one of the biggest banks in
This background has the advantage of
bringing great ability to government, but
It also puts a cabinet member under con-
stant fire for possible favors to his own
far-flung companies. In the past three
weeks, for instance, two companies owned
by the future Secretary of the Treasury
received tax write-offs of more than
One tax write-off was on an iron ore
project in Dickinson County, Michigan, on
which the Hanna Coal and Ore Co. got. a
75 per cent tax amortization on a $11,345,000
investment. The other was a 70 per cent
write-off on $22,000,000 to the Hanna Coal
and Ore Co. in Douglas County, Ore., for
ferro-nickel facilities.
Fortunately for Mr. Humphrey, these
tax concessions were granted by a Demo-

becomes Secretary of the Treasury, and
when his many companies and their sub-
sidiaries come up for government benefits,
as is inevitable, the situation may prove
NO ONE quite like Humphrey has sat in
the cabinet since the days of Andrew
W. Mellon. Born in Michigan 63 years ago,
Humphrey began life as a small town Mich-
igan lawyer, came to Cleveland where he
joined the M. A. Hanna Company, founded
by the famous-sometimes infamous-Ohio
political boss who was the power behind
President McKinley. At that time the Han-
na company was primarily engaged in haul-
ing ore down from the Mesabi range in
Great Lakes ore boats and delivering it to
the steel companies of Ohio and Pennsyl-
Humphrey, however, saw no reason why
his company should not process the ore
as well as deliver it; so, just before the
depression, he put together the National
Steel. Company. There couldn't have been
a worse time to start a new steel com-
pany. Nevertheless, National Steel not
only weathered the storm better than any
other steel company, but was generally
admitted to have been ablest managed.
About this time it became apparent that
George Humphrey had an extraordinary
gift of judgment. In fact, some of his com-
petitors claimed it was a gift of prophecy.
During the depression, for instance, the
most profitable part of the average steel
company was the tin-plate division. And
National, Steel, of all the steel companies,
had the greatest percentage of tin-plate
capacity. Humphrey had built the com-
pany with the tin-plate shortage in mind.
The steel industry also woke up to find
that their biggest customer was the Detroit
automobile industry. But they also woke up
to find that Humphrey was ahead of them.
He had set up his Great Lakes Steel Cor-
poration right in Detroit for that purpose.
ANOTHER example: at the height of the
NRA period, the steel companies de-
cided in their NRA code to limit the build-
ing of open hearth furnaces to the number
already started by each company. They
didn't want more furnaces built. But after
the code had been adopted, other steel com-
panies discovered that Humphrey had pre-
dicted this would happen and already had
laid down eough new hearth capacity to last
National Steel for the next decade.
It was Humphrey who also had the
vision to see, before anyone else, that our
iron ore deposits were running low in
Minnesota-Michigan. And, although he
had no more facts at his disposal than the
rest of the industry, he spent 'several mil-
lion exploring iron ore of Labrador and
then bought up that ore field whole hog.
His Labradnr devlonnment cnmnanv he-

WASHINGTON-President . Truman has
now lifted a corner of the paper cur-
tain of meaningless official secrecy, that
presently conceals the strategic facts of life
from the American people. Referring to the
hydrogen bomb test at Eniwetok, he has at
last warned us that "from now on, man
moves into a new era of destructive power."
We should all be grateful, no doubt,
even for this vague and limited dis-
closure, which incidentally rather dra-
matically confirms previous reports in
this space. But it is still worth consider-
ing how the paper curtain has operated
to exclude the people of this nation from
decisions of the utmost national import,
and to hide from them facts of the utmost
national significance.
The theory of the hydrogen bomb, it must
be remembered, was fully published by the
Austrian scientist, Hans Thierring shortly
after the first atomic bomb was dropped on
Hiroshima. Writing in Vienna, with no ac-
cess to classified American information of
any kind, Thierring told the whole basic
story in 1945.
At that time, of course, the theoretical
.possibility of a hydrogen bomb was also
known in this country. At the end of the
war, the question arose whether to launch
another great hydrogen bomb project, com-
parable to the Manhattan District project
which developed the Atomic bomb. Presi-
dent Truman referred the question to a
committee of distinguished scientists, head-
ed by Dr. Vannevar Bush.
.'The nature of the weapon inspired
Bush and his colleagues with the deepest
moral horror. They rightly considered
that it would be wasteful to attempt such
an ambitious new step in that primitive
era of the atomic art. They also expected
our monopoly of atomic weapons to en-
dure for a long period; and so long as
we enjoyed this atomic monopoly, a hy-
drogen bomb seemed needless.
Hence the committee of scientists, which
was a secret body, recommended against the
proposed hydrogen bomb project. President
Truman accepted their recommendation.
Fron 1945 until 1949, important research
into hydrogen bomb problems was carried
on. But from 1945 to 1949, it was the of-
ficial but unannounced American policy not
to attempt to build a hydrogen bomb.
This phase ended with the explosion of
the Soviet atomic bomb in September, 1949.
By this time, the theory nakedly set forth
by Thierring had been enormously supple-
mented and buttressed. Some of those who
knew that hydrogen bombs were already a
practical possibility, now insisted that the
American policy must be altered. They
urged that an attempt must be made to
build these bombs forthwith. Others still
opposed such an attempt.
The division was deep and the debate
was sharp. The more influential scientists
formed into warring camps. So did the
Atomic Energy Commission itself, where
Commissioners Gordon Dean and Lewis
Strauss were the chief advocates of the
hydrogen bomb project, while the then-
chairman, David E. Lilienthal, led the
oppostion to it. The service department
leaders naturally supported Dean and
Strauss, but the State Department adopt-
ed what can best be described as a hand-
wringing attitude.
This debate, which was as usual carried
on in whispers behind closed doors, might
have dragged on almost indefinitely if these
reporters had not brought this vital national
issue into the open.
President Truman then announced, some-
what ambiguously, that he had ordered the
Atomic Energy Commission to "continue"
its work on the hydrogen bomb (which had
until this time been confined to pure re-
Shortly thereafter, Gordon Dean re-
placed David Lilienthal at the head of
the A.E.C.; Dean secured from Truman a
"first priority" for the hydrogen bomb
prospect. The needful appropriations were
requested under the first shock of the
Korean war. And the attempt to build a

hydrogen bomb was at last started in
When this attempt was about to cul-
minate in the Eniwetok tests, another intra-
governmental debate began behind the pa-
per curtain. It was known, of course, that
the Soviet intelligence, with all its formid-
able detection apparatus, would learn the
power and character of our new bomb
shortly after its explosion. Air samples of
the dust cloud, data from Geiger counters,
seismographs and other sources, would be
quite enough to tell the Kremlin's experts
the salient facts, without the slightest as-
sistance from classified sources. The ques-
tion now was, whether to tell the American
people and our allies the same facts the
Soviets would soon know.
The Atomic Energy Commission, which
best understands the opportunities of the
Soviet intelligence, favored the most lib-
eral policy. Chairman Dean in fact urged
that the State Department treat the Eni-
wetok test as the epoch-making event that
it was, using it, perhaps, as the spring-
board for some new diplomatic initiative.
But State was again indecisive, while the
leaders of the Defense Department urged
total concealment.
In these circumstances, there probably
would have been no disclosure of any sort

CLC Statement .**,
To the Editor:
THE MENTION of the Civil Lib-
erties Committee in Zander
Hollander's series on Communist
infiltration demands a more ac-'
curate explanation of the activi-
ties and makeup of C.L.C. since its
inception one and a half years
We feel that such a description
is fitting for three main reasons:
1) It will show the obvious inter-
est LYL'ers exhibit in this tpye
organization; 2) It will show how
their influence can be easily
checked: and 3) It will clarify
some misconceptions' apparent in
Hollander's article.
In retrospect, the club seems to
have been organized for two dif-
ferent purposes by two different
factions. One group was on hand
to stir up mischi6f; the other
group was motivated by American
traditions to champion civil lib-
erties which they felt were under
attack. Thus the birth of the Civil
Liberties Committee was seeming-
ly precarious, bu even then the
liberal element was quite obvious-
ly more powerful then the leftist
one. The LYL has engaged in, we
fear, a very human failing; it has
inflated its ego by even listing the
CLC as its child. Although, the
sincere civil libertarians were in
the majority, the group made mis-
takes. However, these mistakes
were due more to an inexperiencedt
and often uninformed member-t
ship, then to Communist potency
in the group.
-As time progressed, it became<
increasingly apparent that the
goals of the CLC might be serious-
ly compromised by the inclusion
of totalitarians. Aware members
of the organization studied meth-
ods by which they could remedy
the situation. Contrary to Hol-
lander's implication, the initiative
came from within the group. The1
amendment, which was passed, ex-J
cluded totalitarians from the or-t
ganization. -
Always the liberal element suc-
ceeded in imposing its will. From
the very first, every executive
board has contained an aware1
majority of this element. Specific
issues such as the Student Con-
ference on Peace, Equality, andt
Academic Freedom, the Rosenbergt
case, the McPhaul dinner, ther
Meisner case, and Paul Robesonl
affair were resolved in favor of
the liberals. These cases involved
either a flat denial of a motion ort
its modification. Moreover, the
group sponsored Patrick Murphy
Malin, a firm civil libertarian, k
hence a firm anti-Communist.
Mr. Hollander must be criti-I
cized for not making use of first
hand information by. contacting
those most directly concerned withp
the organization. He apparentlyi
preferred to garner his facts from
secondary sources. These sources
were frequently from the samet
groups he denounces. This infor-a
mation, such as the LYL report,
was accepted too unquestioningly,
assuming that its claims of infil-
tration into student groups are
accurate. It is quite likely that
the 'oft-quoted LYL report over-1
estimates LYL importance.
-Joe Savin, Chairman7
for the Executive
Board of CLC

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the S.P.A.'s policy of pursuing
peaceful alternatives.
We fell that in the best interests
of the student body these articles
should be discontinued.
--Paul Dormont, Shelly Es-
trin, Art Rose, Sid Weiner
Executive Committee of
the S.P.A.
Red Series . .
To the Editor:
MR. HOLLANDER in one of his
recent "expose" articles stated
that I, Omar Kidwell, am deeply
involved in some sort of "secret"
campus organizational work. He
alleges that 1) I am a Labor
Youth League organizer. 2) That'
I attempted to organize a League
club at Jackson Junior College,
but that this organizational at-
tempt was thwarted by govern-
ment agents. 3) That I was instru-
mental in the organization of the
Karl Marx club on the U. of M.
campus. Mr. Hollander is either
grossly misinformed or possesses
a fantastic imagination.
He is slightly off base in his
accusations for 1) I am not a La-
bor Youth League organizer. 2) I
never attempted to organize a
League club at Jackson Junior
College. 3) I had nothing to do
with the organization of the Karl
Marx club on this campus. I am
inclined to believe that the rest
of Mr. Hollander's "expose" is just
as fantastic and exaggerated as
the part that pertains to my own
-Omar Kidwell
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily stands
behind the information revealed in
Mr. Hollander's article of January 10.)
* * *

sent in letters discussing various
campus and national issues.
3-Just before vacation, Mr.
Balza Baxter, Chairman of the
Michigan Labor Youth League,
made an appointment to speak
with several of The Daily staff at
As a matter of fact, in the en-
terest of revealing "secret infor-
mation to the public, we would
be glad to oblige Mr. Hollander
if he asked us to write an article
in his series. This might save him
many hours of tiring research and
perhaps even mak efor somewhat
greater accuracy,. . e..
--Ethel Schechtman
(EDITORS NOTE: The Daily wel-
conmes Miss Schechtman to comp for-
ward with any inaccuracies she wishes
to cite.
* * * *
Red Series . .
To the Editor:!
"OUR OWN TIMES . . . are
warped with tensions. Some
of little courage or faith from
time to time lose their vision,
their perspective or their balance.
It is the mark of a free and edu-
cated man that he preserve his
poise in the midst of confusion
and his confidence in an era of cri-
sis and doubt."
The editors of The Daily may
well dwell upon these words of
President Hatcher. A little reflec-
tion may help them see how they
have lost "their vision, their per-
spective" and "their balance."
For what has The Daily done? It
has not simply engaged in sheer
sensationalism; it has not merely
forgotten the basic concepts of
good taste; it has, in addition, be-
come an informer. It, a student
newspaper, has pointed the finger
at fellow students. It has, in reali-
ty, said to the university authori-
ties; to the government officials
and to the investigating commit-
tees, "We are pure. We are clean.
But these people whom we name
are the guilty ones. They are the
ones who should be expelled, fined,
fired and jailed."
Yet, what are these students
guilty of? They are merely ac-
cused of holding and advocating
certain ideas. Ideas not acceptable
to the heresy hunters, to be sure,
but; nevertheless, ideas which are
widely held by millions throughout
the world.
Today people are being told that
they must not express unorthodox
thoughts. Where will this all end,
where will the final line be
A university by its very nature

"Shall We Dance?"

They supposedly came to pho-
tograph a mimeograph machine
which my roommate and I have in
our' apartment. This I could not
allow as I am not in sole charge
of the machine. They commenced
to question me as if I had commit-
ted a crime by having the machine
in my home. Is it a crime to have
a mimeograph? They wanted to
know the make, model and origi-
nal price of the twenty-five year
old machine. They also wanted a
description of all literature run
through the machine, persons who
had used it and was I being paid
to keep it? Finally they wanted to
know of my personal life and per-
sons I know. Is this the' way of a
campus newspaper or is it the
way of a "nosey, prejudiced, fear-
ridden journalistic organization"
that is carrying on a hysterical
search for the man who wasn't
In trying to keep the Michigan
Daily a conscientious, objective
newspaper maybe it is time for
a change in The Daily staff!
--Valentine Birds
EDITOR'S NOTE: To put out a
newspaper it is necessary to coifect
information. This The Daily does,
consistent with its understanding of
the highest journalistic practice. As
one of our "hosts" agreed afterward
in a telephone conversation, The
Daily's visit was in accordance with
the standards of common courtesy.)


at . 1

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must be a market place of ideas.
A university which allows a com-
mittee or any other body to dic-
tate to it what can be taught, who
can teach or who can attend
classes negates the very reason for
its existence. A university, there-
fore, instead of accepting compla-
cently an investigation, should use
every means at its disposal to pre-
vent one from taking place. Like-
wise a student newspaper, instead
of zealously beating the investi-
gators to the punch, should be
prepared to defend the rights of
students against all such attacks.
In closing I wish to comment
about some of the remarks (many
of them inaccurate) made about
me. Though I realize that it is
fashionable' to repudiate one's
past, I certainly do not intend to
do so. I know that when these
troubled times are over I will be
able to look with pride upon my
past I wonder if the editors of the
Daily will be able to do likewise.
-Ed Shaffer
(EDITOR'S NOT: The Daily wel-
comes Mr. Shaffer to come forward
with the "inaccuracies" to which he
* * *
Red Series . .
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS THAT certain persons
on The Daily staff are preparing
for brilliant careers as journalists
with the Hearst newspapers. They
are Crawford Young, Sid Klaus
and Zander Hollander who came
calling Saturday - January 10 --
and brought a photographer as
mascot. It seems they have set
themselves up as a self-appointed
campus investigating committee
with the distinct purpose of dig-
ging up local gossip and using this
as "fact" in their "daring exposes."
Is this their demonstration of their
reverence and prostitution to the
princes of hearsay, gossip and
scandle: McCarthy, Velde and
company? Quite probably they are
proving their possibilities as "rea
porters" of the type needed for the
fine and truthful American Press.

Little Lamb . .


To the Editor:
CAN'T stand Bacon for break-
fast every morning, so will you
please tell the members of the
Daily Editorial staff to take it
easy. May I suggest a little Lamb
for variety?
-E. M. Zale
(EDITOR'S NOTE: See bottom,
column three)
* * *
SPA Statement . .
To the Editor:
IN YOUR RECENT series of ar-
ticles on Communist activities
on the campus and in Ann Arbor,
the writer has resorted to the
smear technique so prevalent
throughout the country. Innuendo,
association, and sensationalism
have replaced objectivity and
truth. The atmosphere created can
only intensify the attacks on stu-
dents' rights, rights toward which
many student groups are now
It has been implied that the So-
ciety for Peaceful Alternatives is
a tool of the LYL-to quote Janu-
ary 10's article " . . . League
'cadres' and their supporters have
formed a sizeable bloc within the
Society, exerting a dominant in-
fluence through. the regularity of
their presence and the unity of
their votes."
We can only judge whether or
not the implication is valid by
examining the past activities of
the S.P.A. The S.P.A. has brought
to campus peace movies and
speakers on panels representing
various programs for peace as
well as student forums on prob-
lems pertaining to peace. All of


Red Series . .
To the Editor:
IN A RECENT telephone conver-
sation with Zander Hollander
I was asked rpany questions about
a mimeograph machine which is
located in my apartment. I refused
to answer most of those which
were asked partly because I did
not know the answers and partly
because they were inappropriate.
He also requested to take a picture
of said machine. I refused to say
that I would allow such a picture
to be taken as I did not want the
inside of our home to be used as
a part of a carnival.
In the course of our conversa-
tion I stated that if I did not al-
low the picture to be taken my
name would probably be smeared.
He then intimated that I was
right in my presumption, but that,
if I gave information whjin T
don't have and told him earlier
that I did not have unless I used
my imagination, I would not have
to worry. In other words, if I did
as the Greenglasses did in naming
the Rosenbergs, I would not have
to worry, but would escape with a
relatively light "sentence."
It is very interesting that Hol-
lander made the deal to keep my
name clear only after he was sure
that my roommate had left the
room and that I was alone.
-Donald E. Van Dyke
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily re-
grets Mr. van Dyke's misunderstand-
ing. The Daily does not operate on
the basis of "deals.")
* * *
Red Series . .
To the Editor:
er months of painstaking
sleuthing has finally brought us
the scoop of the year. Disregard-
ing all dangers, he has staunchly
marched forth collecting tidbits
from the various "inside" mys-
terious sources!


? 1


(Continued from Page 2)
through Fri. at 10:30, 12:30, 3 and 4
o'clock, 4th floor, University Museums
Christian Science Oroganization. Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30. Upper Room.
Ballet Club. Meeting tonight in Bar-
bour Gym Dance Studio. Intermediates:
7:15-8:15; Beginners: 8:15-9:15. There
will be an important business meeting
between classes.
Coming Events
Political Science Round Table meet-
ing Thurs., Jan. 15 in the Rackham As-
semnbly Hall at 7:45 p.m. Professors Kal-
tenbach and Peek will serve as joint
chairmen of a student panel whose sub-
ectof discussion will be "The 1952
Election." Social hour will follow the

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority oftihe Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young....Managing Editor
Barnes Connable ........... City Editor
Cal Samra .. .. ditorial Director
Zander Hollander.... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........ Associate City Editor
Harland Britz... .....Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple........ ......Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewel... Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler .......Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, ASaoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green.............Business Manager
Milt Goets.........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston.. ..Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg....Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

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