Choral Clubs
Plan Merger
Under Klein
Arts Chorale,
Glee Club To Join
The University Arts Chorale
and Women's Glee Club are plan-
ning to strengthen the campus'
choral music program by combin-
ing activities under University
Choirs Director Maynard Klein.
If the new plan materializes,
there will be at least three choral
groups under Prof. Klein's direc-
Students interested in joining
Arts Chorale or Women's Glee
Club may see Prof. Klein in
Rm. 706 Burton Tower or at-
tend the mass meeting at 7:00
p.m. tomorrow in Lane Hall.
Thirty voices will comprise the
Women's Glee Club and eighty
men and women from all schools
may join Arts Chorale. Students
not admitted to the above groups
will have the privilege of form-
ing a third rehearsal group to ap-
pear in massed concerts.
In the opinion of members of
the musical groups involved the
tentative combining plan will
make the Women's Glee Club
more exclusive in membership and
enable the Arts Chorale to be-
come an outstanding a capella
The number two group, a large
Arts Chorale, will have openings
for those less talented but inter-
ested in choral singing. Group
officers feel that this project will
follow the best traditions of edu-
cation and at the same time pro-
vide musical groups worthy of the
SL Agenda
Chief items of business when
the Student Legislature meets
at 7:30 p.m. today in Strauss
dining room in the East Quad-
rangle will be:
SAC report
NSA report
Book Exhange report
Remarks by Dean Erich A.
Announcement of vacancies
All interested students and
faculty members are invited by
SL members to attend their
first meeting of the term.
Young Democrats Make
Plans for Coming Year
(Editor's Note: This is the second
in a series of articles designed to
acquaint the student body with the
various campus political organiza-
A variety of activities is slated
for the club this fall. Members
will start the season off with a
registration canvas of University
voters. They are planning to help
at local Democrat headquarters.
The campus Young Democrat
organization will start the fall
semester with much the same
problem as their chief political op-
ponents, the Young Republicans;
they too need a president.
However, they are in this pre-
dicament because last semester's
selection, John Campbell, is not
returning to the University this
fall rather than for political rea-
sons. Acting president Judy Bend-
er, '54, will preside at the group's
organizational meeting of 8 p.m.
Thursday in Rm. 3B of the Union.
* * *
OTHER ISSUES are bound to
create sparks at the first meeting.
The Democrat platform will be up
for discussion, and there will prob-
ably be a split between the north-
ern labor supporters and the States
Rights faction. Treasurer Dave
Kornbluh, '55, predicts that the
liberal faction will hold sway again
as it always has."
Campus YDs supported both
the New Deal and the Fair Deal
* * *
ANOTHER less definite plan is
work with the State central com-
mittee. However, this will hinge.
upon whether the club is made up
of Michigan students who want to
aid in the State campaign or larg-
ely of out-of-state students.
Sen. Mike Mlnroney ( Dem-
Okla.) already has been invited
to return to the campus as a
speaker this fall while he is in
the State booming for senatorial
candidate Blair Moody. Mon-
roney, who spoke here last
spring, is now heading the Dem-
ocrat Speaker's Bureau.
Miss Bender expressed hope
that there would be a large turn-
out for the first meeting because
"Political interest should be at a
highpoint this year. YD gives stu-
dents a chance to see politics -at
the local level and help shape
campus opinion," she asserted.
The campus YD is affiliated
with the State organization and
is one of many such organizations
across the country.
ricular Activities. Students participat-
ing or planning to participate in non-
athletic extracurricular activities should
review the following rules which gov-
ern participation in such activities. Any
student on academic discipline who is
now holding an office or participating
in an activity which falls within the
eligibility rules must resign from that
position or activity immediately and
notify the organization concerned and
the Office of Student Affairs in writ-
ing that he has done so. Such notices
must be filed in the Office of Student
Affairs, 1020 Administration, not later
than Oct. 3. Students who continue in
an activity after that date while on
academic discipline will be considered
in violation of the eligibility rules.
Rules Governing Participation in Non-
Athletic Extracurricular Activities:
Elibigility Statement. Any regularly
enrolled student is eligible to partici-
pate in non-athletic extracurricular ac-
tivities provided he is not on academic
Responsibility. Responsibility for ob-
servance of the eligibility statement is
placed directly upon the student. In
case of doubt of status, students should
inquire at the Office of Student Af-
fairs. Participationvin an extracur-
ricular activity in violation of the re-
quirements may subject a student to
disciplinary action.
Restrictions. In interpretation of the
above eligibility statement, the follow-
ingvare specifically forbidden to par-
ticipate in extra-curricular activities
below (2. Activities):
(a) Students on academic discipline,
i.e. notification, warning, probation,
action pending.
(b) Part time and special students
carrying less than 12 hours.
Activities. The eligiblity requirements
must be met by students participat-
ing in such activities as are listed be-
low. The list is not exhaustive but is
intended to indicate the kinds of ex-
tracurricular activities for participa-
tion in which eligibility is necessary.
(a) Participation in public perform-
ances which are sponsored by student
organizations and which require group
rehearsas.Examples: Union Opera,
Junior Girls' Play; productions of Gil-
bert and Sullivan Society, Student
Players, Inter Arts Union; performances
of Arts Chorale, Glee Clubs, and Band
(for students not enrolled in Band
(b) Staff members of student publi-
catjons. Examples: Daily, Gargoyle,
Michiganensian, Technic, Generation.
(c) Officers and chairmen of standing
committees in student organizations,
including house groups. (This includes
positions in house groups such as so-
cial, rushing, personnel, publication
chairmen, house managers, and stew-
(d) Clas officers or candidates for
such office.
(e) Members and candidates for mem-
bership in student government groups.
Examples: Student Legislature, Judi-
ciary Councils, Interfraternity Council,
Panhellenic Board, Assembly Board,
Intercooperative Council, League and
Union student government groups, En-
gineering Honor Council, Music School
Assembly, Business Administration
(f) Committee members for major
campus projects and dances: Examples:
Michigras, Winter Carnival, League
Committees, Frosh week-end, Sopho-
more Cabaret, Assembly Ball, Interfra-
ternity Council Ball, Homecoming
Dance, Senior Ball, J-Hop.
(g) Representatives to off-campus
Special Permission. Special permission
to participate in extra-curricular activ-
ities in exception to the regulations
may be granted in extraordinary cases
by the offices of the Dean of Women
and the Dean of Students.
Denial of Permission. The Dean of
Women or the Dean of Students may,
in extraordinary cases, deny permis-
sion to participate in an activity or ac-
Participation Lists. Managers and
chairmen of student activities and proj-
ects are required to submit to the Of-
fice of Student Affairs an alphabetical
list of all students participating in ac-
tivities under their leadership, indicat-
ing positions held. For activities which
are organized at the beginning of a
semester, lists mucst be filed not later
than the end of the first week of
classes. For activitieshorganized during
the semester, participation lists must
be filed within forty-eight hours aft-
er the activity is organized.
Choral Union Tryouts.
The University Choral Union is now
being organized. New candidates for
membership will please make audition
appointments at once at the offices
of the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower, either in per-
son or by telephone. A few vacancies
in each section remain to be filled.
Last year's members will be admitted
without auditions, provided they reg-
ister promptly before the lists are
The Choral Union participates each
year in the two performances of flan-
del's "Messiah'" in December, under
Conductor Lester McCoy; and also in
two May Festival concerts with the
Philadelphia Orchestra under Thor
Members are issued courtesy passes
to the ten concerts in the Choral Union
Series and to the May Festival per-
Concert Tickets., Season tickets for
the Choral Union Series, at $15.00, $12.00
and $10.00; and for the Extra Concert
Series, at $7.50, $6.00 and 5.00, are on
sale at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Tickets for single concerts in both
series will go on sale beginning Wednes-
day morning, Sept. 24, at 9 o'clock, at
$2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 each (except for
the Boston Symphony, which are
priced at $3.00, $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50).
In the Choral Union Series, the fol-
lowing concerts will be given: Richard
Tucker, Oct. 8; Yehudi Menuhin, Oct.
22; Danish National Orchestra, Nov.
13; Vladimir Horowitz, Nov. 19; Bidu
Sayao, Dec. 1; Vienna Choir Boys, Jan.
16; Minneapolis Symphony, Feb. 12;
Gershwin Concert Orchestra, Mar. 2;
Arthur Rubinstein, Mar. 12; and the
Boston Symphony Orchestra, May 19.
In the Extra Concert Series the fol-
lowing will be heard: Rise Stevens, Oct.
17; Cleveland Orchestra, Nov. 9; Claud-
io Arrau, Nov. 25; Heifetz, Feb. 17;
Boston "Pops" Tour Orchestra, Mar. 23.
Freshman Health Lectures for Men.
It is a University requirement that all
entering freshmen, attend a series of
lectures on Personal and Community
Health and pass an examination on
the content of these lectures. Trans-
fer students with freshman standing
are also required to take the course un-
less they have had a similar course
elsewhere, which has been accredited
Upperclassmen who were here as
freshmen and who did not fulfill the
requirements are requested to do so
this term.
Thelectures will be given in Natural
Science Auditorium at 3, 4, 5, and 7:30
p.m. as per the following schedule:
Lecture No. Day Date
3 Wed. Sept.24
LEICA IIIC with F2 Summitar. Like new
$250.00. Ph. 5948 evenings. )6
'38 DODGE-Good motor, 5 tires, insured
$75. Univ. ext. 2142. B. Singer. )8
1940 Oldsmobile - 1947 motor, $140.00.
Body rough, no motor trouble. Radio,
heater. Call 5996 noon or evenings. )4
2 END TABLES, contemporary wrought
iron and walnut designers' models;
reasonable mahogany bowls and oil
painting. 9455, Mr. Hoffman. )2
at special student rates for the entire
school year.
Colliers ..........................$3.35
Etude......................... 2.50
Ladies Home Journal............2.00
Life............................ 3.00
Time ......................... 2.00
Saturday Evening Post.........3.50
Just phone your order to 6007 or write
Student Periodical Agency, Box 2006.
Credit extended; act today. )
1947 CROSLEY - Good condition, $85.
Phone 2-8975 after six. )
CANARIES and Parakeets, also new and
used bird cages. 562 S. 7th Street,
Phone 5330. )10
BOOK of Football Tickets. Burns, 631
E. University, Phone 3-4747. )11
CO4ONA Portable Typewriter with
French accents. $25. Ext. 2842. )12
120 N. INGALLS-Room for two men.
$5.50 each with linen. Phone 3-0746
or 3-0166. )1F
FOOTBALL weekend guest rooms avail-
able. Student Room Bureau. Phone
Don Tewes, 3-8454 8 a.m.-11 p.m. )3R
WANTED-Ride from Lansing to Ann
Arbor on Monday mornings to arrive
at 8 a.m. Phone Bill Joy at 2-9318. )2T
WANTED-Ride from Plymouth to Anr
Arbor on Mon., Wed., and Fri. around
8 o'clock. Phone University Ext. 2853.
MAKE $20.00 DAILY - Sell luminous
name plates. Write Reeves Co., Attle-
boro, Mass. Free sample and details.
PART TIME store clerk for men's wear
and shoe store. Experience preferred.
Good wages. Inquire in person. Sam's
Store, 122 E. Washington. * )4H
WANTED - Part time help in flower
shop. Some experience preferred.
Must be available during Christmas
and Easter holidays. Apply - Good
news, 225 E. Liberty. )5H
BABY SITTER in exchange for dinner,
laundry privileges, quiet study. Three
evenings per week. Phone 2-7474. )2H
TYPING WANTED - Rates reasonable,
prompt service. Phone 3-4449. Mrs. Ida
L. Vaughn, 914 Mary Street. )2B
ALTERATIONS - Ladies' garments,
prompt service. Call 2-2678. Catherine
St., near State. )1B
WASHING - Finished work, and hand
ironing. Ruff dry and wet washing.
Also ironing separately. Free pick-up
and delivery. Phone 2-9020. )5B
GOOD rental typewriters available at
reasonable rates. Office Equipment
Company, 215 E. Liberty. Ph. 2-1213.
BEAUTY CIINIC-Specialists in beauty
treatments and haircuts. Evening ap-
pointments available. 1027 East Ann.
Phone 7221. )3B
BOARDERS WANTED-Good food, rea-
sonable rates. Close to campus. Call
Bill Kempf, 2-0549. )3M
PIANO practice room needed. Will dis-
cuss rates. Barbara Pfeffer, Ph. 3-0715.
in my home. Educational toys, play-
ground equipment. Sat..also. Phone
3-1037. )1M
BABY SITTING in private nurses home
for football games. Phone 7894. )4M
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
Users of the Daily Official Bulletin:
Need of conserving space makes nec-
essary the following announcements:
(1) Notices of meetings or organizations
will be restricted to the name of the
organization concerned, day, time and
place of meeting, and name of speak-
er and subject. (2) Notices for the
D.O.B. are not accepted over the tele-
phone but must be submitted in type-
written form and double-spaced for
editorial convenience.
The Editor is obliged to warn users
of the Bulletin that no notice will be
printed more than twice, and the Edi-
tor expects to use his own judgment
in reducing unreasonably long notices
to reasonable length.
Frank E. Robbins
Assistant to the President
Dedication Ceremonies for Haven
Hall, Mason Hall, and the Angell Hall
Auditoriums. The ceremonies will be
held on Fri., Sept. 26, from 3 to 6 p.m.
The new buildings will be open to the
public from 3 to 5. At 4:30 p.m. mem-
bers of the Deans Conference will as-
semble in the Regents Room and mem-
bers of the faculty will gather in the
lobby of the second floor of the Ad-
ministration Building. Academic cos-
tume will be worn. Promptly at 4:50
p.m. a procession will leave the Ad-
ministration Building and will pro-
cede to the steps of the General Li-
brary, where the ceremonies will be
held. In case of rain, the Rackham
Lecture Hall will be used. Faculty mem-
bers and others participating should
assemble in the Board Room of the
Rackham Buiding at 4:45 p.m. in
academic costume.
Student Organizations Planning To
Be Active during the present semester
must register in the Office of Student
Affairs not later than Oct. 10. Forms
for registration are available in the
Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Ad-
ministration Building.
With official recognition a student
organization assumes the responsibility
of (1) submitting a list of officers and
members at the beginning of each
semester within which recognition is
desired, promptly reporting additions
tions to membership during the term;
(2) securing the acceptance of a mem-
ber of the faculty willing to serve as
adviser; (3) maintaining organization
finances in a manner satisfactory to
the Auditor of Student Organizations;
(4) presenting to the Committee on
Student Affairs for consideration any
changes in organizational structure,
objectives, activities, bases of member-
ship; or affiliations with other organi-
zations, either local or national.
For procedures and regulations re-
lating to student sponsored activities,
officers are referred to University Reg-
ulations Concerning Student Affairs,
Conduct, and Discipline available in
the Office of Student Affairs.
Student Sponsored Activities. All ac-
tivities and projects sponsored or pro-
duced by student organizations must re-
ceive the approval of the Committee on
Student Affairs. Petitions for considera-.
tion by the Committee should be sub-
mitted to the Office of Student Affairs
to membership during the term;
to take place. Request forms may be se-
cured in the Office of Student Affairs,
1020 Administration.
Calendaring. Activities must be cal-
endared to take place before the tenth
day prior to the beginning of a final
examination period. Advance reserva-
tion of specific dates for major pro-
jects may be made with the calendaring
committee of the Student Legislature in
accordance with announcements made
by it.
Speakers. Before the Committee on
Student Affairs will consider a request
for approval of a meeting at which a
student organization proposes to pre-
sent a speaker,' approval of the speak-
er by the Committee on University Lec-
tures is required. Request for such ap-
proval must be submitted to the Lec-
ture Committee at least two weeks
prior to the date of the planned meet-
Committee on Student Affairs. Regu-
lar meetings of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs for the school year will
be held on Oct. 14, 28; Nov. 11, 25; Dec.
9; Jan. 13, 27; Feb. 10, 24; March 10, 24;
April 21, May 12, 26.
Honor Societies are requested to reg-
ister the names and addresses of of-
ficers for the present year with the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, 1020 Adminis-
tration. This information should be
filed immediately so that mail and in-
quiries can be properly directed,
Students on Academic Discipline. (No-
tification, warning, probation, action
pending must resign from any office or
activity which falls within the eligibility
rules and notify the office of student
affairs in writing of this action. Such
notices must be filed in the Office of
Student Affairs, 1020 Administration
Building, not later than Oct. 3. Stu-
dents who continue in an activity after
that date (while on academic disci-
pline) will be considered in violation
of the eligibility rules.
Eligibility for Non-Athletic Extracur-
(Final Exam)
Sept. 25
Sept. 29
Sept. 30
Oct. 1
You may attend any one of the'
above hours. Enrollment will take place
at the first lecture. Please note that
attendance is required.
Academic Notices
Medical College Admission Test. Appli-
cation blanks for the Nov. 3 adminis-
tration of the Medical College Admis-
sion Test are now available at 110 Rack-
ham Building. Application blanks are
due in Princeton, N.J., not later than
Oct. 20, 1952.
Political Science 52 Lecture, Tues.
and Thurs. at 9:00 now meeting in An-
gell Hall, Auditorium D.
Course 401, Interdisciplinary Semi-
nar on the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences will meet on
Thurs., Sept. 25 at 4 p.m. in 3409 Ma-
son Hall. Prof. Clyde H. Coombs of the
Psychology Dept. will speak on "De-
cision Making Under Uncertainty-
Theory." . 4
Sports and Dance Instruction for
Women. Women students who have
completed their physical education re-
quirement may register as electives in
physical education classes on Tuesday
and Wednesday mornings, Sept. 23 and
24 in Barbour Gymnasium.
The University Extension Service an-
nounces that its fall program of eve-
ning classes for adults is opening this
week. Registration may be made be-
tween 6:30 and 9:45 p.m. Mon. through
Thurs. this week and next, 165 School
of Business Administration.
The following classes meet tonight:
Administration of the Hospital Nurs-
ing Unit (Nursing 20, two hours credit).
The study and appligation of principles
of democratic administration to the
head nurse unit. Prof. Virginia M. Null,
Associate Director of Nursing Service,
will offer the class. 7 p.m., 170 Business
Administration. Sixteen weeks, $18.
(Continued on Page 4)
PLEASANT single room for student.
Call 5728. )5R
Reserve rooms now at The Campus
Tourist Homes. 518 E. William (near
State). Phone 3-8454. )2R
Prefer graduate students. Call after
5:30 p.m., 1402 Hill. )1R
is offered to students at the amazing
copy price of 6c, cheaper than your
city newspaper. Phone in your order
for the school year ($2) to Student
Periodical, 6007. )1P
FORNIA week of October 5. Passengers
wanted to share driving and expense.
Call 25-9194. )3T
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
Sandwiches and Lunches
Curb Service and Carry Out
3 P.M. to 11 P.M. - Daily except Tuesday
Ph. 3-8718
5577 Plymouth Road
6 Miles E. of Ann Arbor
ROOM furnished apt, for 2 students.
Complete kitchen, private entrance,
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Cartoon News
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We have immediate openings for those student wives
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If you are one of these girls, drop in to see our em-
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