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September 24, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-09-24

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Daily' To

Tell Straight Scoop



To day



This is a call for people.'
This is a call for people interested in being part of a nerve
center of the University.
This is a call for Michigan Daily tryouts who will work on any
of the three writing staffs or the business staff on the student-
managed, student-edited organ of University and Student opinion.
Anyone scholastically eligible can come to any of four introduc-
tory meetings which will be held at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. today and
tomorrow in the Student Publications Bldg. Previous contact with
newspaper work is not necessary.
Tryouts will affiliate themselves with The Daily's 64th year of
continuous publication, and be part of the oldest uninterrupted span
of free college journalism in the nation.
No matter which staff they join, they will have a chance
for steady advancement, and eventually could work themselves
into paid positions as editors or scions of the Maynard St. pub-
lishing $usiness.

Meeting place for this hive of opportunity is the half-a-million
dollar plant, the Publications Building, which houses The Daily and
the best college paper facilities in the country. Included on the latest
inventory sheets are a $75,000 high speed rotary press, four linotype
machines, a photo engraver and other assorted modern printing
Historically The Daily dates back to 1890 and a few disgruntled
independents who wanted to challenge fraternity domination of cam-
pus affairs. They began their sheet completely independent of the
University, but by 1903 a more pacific group sold their assets to the
school and since then the paper has thrived as one o fthe Student
Publications of the University of Michigan.
The discrimination against affiliated men was erased equally
long ago.
Today staffers are involved in a $100,000 business and Dailies
circulate not only across the campus, but across the globe wherever
there are Michigan alumni. And a review of Daily alumni shows an

impressive array of novelists, playwrites, editors, business executives
professors, foreign correspondents, ministers and politicians which is
gradually beginning to rival "Who's Who."
All members of the three writing staffs gain basic skills in head-
line writing, proofreading, news reporting, makeup and editing, work.
ing while they learn, as tryouts, "new" and "old" soph staffers. After
three semesters in these capacities a Daily worker can become a
junior editor, have responsibility for putting out the paper once a
week, and pull a monthly pay check for his labors.
Business tryouts will trudge through a slightly different but no
less interesting path to glory.
They will get training in all facets of advertising, layout, writing,
and contracts, besides getting the angles on circulation and general
finance. During the course of their labors they will also come in
frequent close contact with local business men.
Junior and senior positions of this staff also roll open with un.
ending regularity.

t irign ath

-Daily-Larry Wilk
Stevenson Asks
For Economics
BALTIMORE-()-Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson said last night tighter
price and wage controls may be required because "we just can't be
pulled or pushed any further into the twisting cyclone of inflation."
Addressing a wildly applauding crowd of 8,500 in-Baltimore's 5th
Regiment Armory, the Democratic presidential nominee declared in
any event present wage, price and rent controls must be continued
"until prices stop going up."
Outlining a four-point program to combat inflation, the Illinois
governor also called for a trimming of federal spending with "a sharp
knife and miserly eye."

JUST BEFORE he spoke at1
Caudle Says
IHST Sorry
WASHINGTON (,')-- T. Lamar
Caudle testified yesterday he has
information right out of the
White House that President Tru-
man now believes he did "a grave
injustice" in firing Caudle from
an assistant attorney generalship
last November.
But the White House came right
back with a flat denial.
ROGER TUBBY, assistant press
secretary, told newsmen there was
"no truth in theassertion"that
the President has had such a
change of view.
At the same time he said there
was no comment on another
part of Caudle's testimony-
that White House Secretary
Matthew Connelly once made a
successful call to Caudle to get
a two-month delay in action on
a St. Louis tax fraud case.
Caudle told congressional inves-
tigators his sources on the presi-
dential reversal were Donald Daw-
son, a White House aide, and Rep.
Boykin (D-Ala). He said the law-
maker relayed the information to
him after a White House call last
BUT HE ADDED that Boykin
said he asked what Truman was
going to do about it and got a
question from the Chief Executive
in reply:
"What can I do?"
Caudle, formerly head of the
Justice Department's Criminal Di-
vision and later in charge of tax
fraud cases, testified before the
House Judiciary subcommittee
which is investigating the depart-
ment. He was let out in the midst
of an earlier congressional in-
quiry into tax cases.
Council Gets
SAC Approval
The Student Affairs Committee
yesterday afforded temporary rec-
ognition to the Interhouse Council,
a new attempt at achieving effec-
tive inter-dorm government.
The new council will consist of
the three men's quad councils,
East, West and South, sitting
jointly. Its principle function will
be to provide a single all-quad
body to represent the men's resi-
dence halls in matters concerning

the armory, Stevenson revised his
-speech to touch briefly on the re-
cent steel industry strike which
resulted in both wage and price
He said there are many "pock-
marked loopholes" in the pres-
ent control laws and added if
price increases are not halted
before January, "tighter wage
controls, as well as tighter price
controls," will be needed.
Then he said:
"I don't know whether the wage
and price increases which came
out of the steel case this year
were required by what had hap-
pened elsewhere in the economy or
"But I do know that many
people see in that case a fur-
ther impetus to inflation. It
brings into sharp focus the
question of whether the price
and wage loopholes are becoming
bigger than we can afford.
"We just can't be pulled or
pushed any further into the twist-
ing cyclone of inflation."
Stevenson accused Republican
leaders of "sabotaging every anti-
inflationary measure in Congress
during the past two years."
In discussing his anti-inflation
program, Stevenson got a big hand
when he declared Americans had
better vote for someone else "if
your principle interest in life is
getting a new federally financed
boondoggle for your state."
Adlai Group
To Convene
The Student Chapter of Citizens
for Stevenson, recognized by the
Student Affairs Committee yester-
day, will hold its organizational
meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
room 3A of the Union.
Prof. Preston Slosson of the
history department will speak to
the group on "The Man From
Illinois," and the club constitu-
tion will be discussed.
Paul Ng, L, organizer of the
club, urges all students interested
in working for the election of Gov-
ernor Stevenson to the presidency
to attend the meeting. Republi-
cans are also welcome, he said.
This latest group to join the
ranks of campus political clubs is
sponsored by the Citizens for
Stevenson of Ann Arbor.

Senior pictures for the 'En-
sian are now being taken every
weekday afternoon and evening
in the Student Publications
Appointments for the pic-
tures may be made from 2 to 5
p.m. during those days at the
Publications Bldg.
Senate .Hits
WASHINGTON () - A Senate
committee reported yesterday the
Agriculture Department had been
lax in some of its vast grain stor-
age operations.
These "administrative deficien-
cies," it said, were a contributory
factor in the "embezzlement" by
private warehousemen of 10 mil-
lion dollars worth of stored govern-
ment grain over a five-year pe-
However there was no evidence
of personal profit to government
workers, the Senate Agriculture
Committee added in its report.
* * *
THE 43-PAGE report summa-
rized a six-month investigation of
the government's grain storage
program. The Commodity Credit
Corporation, an agency of the Ag-
riculture Department, buys up and
stores grain to support the price
paid to farmers.
The senators received evidence
that some private warehouse-
men who got the job of stor-
ing the grain diverted it to
their own purposes, hoping to
replace it before the govern-
ment called for it.
The report was unanimously
approved at a morning session at-
tended by eight committee mem-
bers, five Democrats and three
Republicans-before it was made
public. Five members were absent.
The report said Brannan
could have moved more quickly
for an investigation of Jack
Cowart, an Agriculture Depart-
ment employe, after receiving a
tip about him in 1950.
A Washington attorney sent
word to the secretary that Cowart
has approached a Texas firm, for
which the lawyer was acting, and
hinted that he could help it out
of some legal difficulties.
Pollock Receives
Office in IPSA
Prof. James K. Pollock, chair-
man of the ponical science de-
partment, has been elected senior
vice-president of the International
Political Science Association.
Prof. Pollock was one of three
in the American delegation at the
second meeting of the Association,
held at The Hague, Netherlands,
Sept. 7-12. Twenty-two nations
were represented.




Calls Nixon
'Brave Man'
Will Make No
Decision Now
By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND-Dwight D. Eisen-
hower last night called his run-
ning mate on the GOP ticket, Sen.
Richard Nixon, a "brave man" and
said, "I shall make up my mind
about what will be done as soon
as I have a chance again to meet
Sen, Nixon iface to face."
The Republican candidate for
President delayed giving a cam-
paign speech in Cleveland so that
he might hear for himself Nixon's
television-radio explanation of an
$18,000 private expense account.
HE SAID, after hearing Nixon's
defense, that he did not mean to
imply that "there will not be some
who find new items to charge
against him.".
"But I do say this," he added.
"That when a man, in fur-
therance of what he believes to
be correct and right, stands up
in front of all the American
people-with his family beside
him-and gives every evidence
he can get hold of and bares
the secret of his economic and
financial life, he is a courageous
Eisenhower was expected to
reach a decision after his own
broadcast as to whether Nixon re-
mains on the ticket as his running
mate. He said he wants Nixon to
fly to West Virginia to meet him
IN THE PREPARED text of his
delayed address, the last speech in
a day of whistlestopping across
Ohio, the presidential nominee hit
inflation, accusing the administra-
tion of pursuing deliberately a
"cheap money" policy that he said
"has begun to plunder our future."
He said there could be a sub-
stantial savings" in arms cost
and a tax cut would boost con-
sumer buying and insisted a
savings in arms production
could be achieved without slow-
ing the speech or cutting the
size of the arms program.
"The inflation we suffer is not
an accident; it is a policy . . " he
charged. "The resort to 'cheap
money,' like the reso.rt to cheap
politics, is not new. It is one of the
oldest, most standard devices of
a regime dictated to perpetuating
itself in power."

* * *

* * *

--Daily-Larry Wilk
Venee * S
Varied Reactions Greet Nixon Seech

Nixon Puts

Political Fate

Scoffing laughter reverberated
in the Taproom of the Michigan
Union as a large crowd viewed
the television speech of Sen. Rich-
ard M. Nixon, Republican vice-
presidential aspirant.
Nixon's speech, made in answer
to charges against his acceptance
of $18,000 for political expenses,
was met by varied comments from
the viewers.
** *
that "Nixon definitely cleared
himself, although his appeal to
the public's emotion did not help
the Republican cause.,,
"Nixon made accusations in-
stead of explaining, the $18,-
000," said S. Duri, '53E, while
Eugene Ver Hage, Grad., felt
that it was a pretty clear job
of explaining his financial cir-
Elsewhere, mixed sentiment
greeted the speech. Neil Staebler,
Democratic state committee chair-
man, told The Daily that "the
speech didn't add anything to our
GOP Reports
Many Replies
To Address
ByThe Associated Pr es
Telegrams poured into Wash-
ington early today in response
to Sen. Richard M. Nixon's TV-
radio appeal that people help the
Republican National Committee
decide whether to keep him as the
GOP vice-presidential candidate.
Some Western Union offices re-
ported it was the biggest message
deluge they ever handled.
The party's headquarters said

present enlightenment in the sit-
uation. The entire matter deserves
to be thought about and consid-
ered, and when further informa-
tion is made available, we will be
able to draw our conclusions."
Prof. John Dawson of the law
school, now a Democratic candi-
date for Congress, stated:. "The
practice in which he has involved'
hiniself, though apparently with-
in the law, is indefensible. We need
only consider what would happen
to the independence of elected
officials and to public confidence
in their integrity if others received
such private and secret subsidies."
publican official, felt that Sen.
Nixon "completely vindicated him-

self, and he is now back in the
good graces of everyone. He met
all issues squarely."
Members of the political
science department also had var-
ied reactions to the address.
Prof. James K. Pollock, chair-
man of the department, stated:
"It was one of the most remark-
ably frank and honest statements
I have ever heard from a poli-
tician. I believe it was very ef-
fective and also believe that Sen.
Nixon will remain on the ticket."
Prof. Frank Grace felt that "he
didn't adIdress himself to the pro-
priety of allowing this money to be
used in financing legitimate acti-
vities of his office, even though
he personally did not profit."

Senator Asks
For Backing
Of Audience
Candidate Lashes
Democrat Critics
LOS ANGELES - () - Sen.
Richard M. Nixon, Republican
candidate for vice-president, de-
clared last night he is not a quit-
ter and that he is placing his
political fate before the' Repub-
lican National Committee.
Nixon said the decision on
* whether he would remain on the
GOP ticket is not his, and he
pleaded with- a nation-wide radio-
television audience to let the par-
ty's leaders know whether he was
right or wrong in accepting $18,-
000 in political expenses.
struck back at the Democrats who
have been calling for his resigna-
tion. He demanded:
1. That Gov. Adlai Stevensoi,
Democratic candidate for Presi-
dent, explain his political fund
in Illinois.
2. That Sen. John Sparkman of
Alabama, the Democrats' nominee
for vice-president, come before
the people, as he Nixon has, and
explain the fact this his wife has
been on the government payroll
for 10 years.
HIS REPORT over 62 television
and more than 750 radio stations
climaxed nearly a week of charges
that the GOP nominee was guilty
of unethical and illegal practices.
But Nixon denied he received
a cent of the $18,000, and he
denied that it was wrong for
him to have accepted the money
to help pay extra expenses of his
Senate office.
He read a statement from at-
torneys retained by Eisenhower
national headquarters to study the
legal aspect of the case:
"It is our conclusion that Sen-
ator Nixon did not obtain any
financial gain from the collection
and disbursement of the fund by
Dana Smith, trustee of the fund;
"That Senator Nixon did not
violate any federal or state law
by reason of the operation of the
"And that neither the portion of
the fund paid by Dana Smith di-
rectly to third persons, nor the
portion paid to Senator Nixon to
reimburse him for designated of-
fice expenses, constituted income
to the senator which was either
reportable or taxable as income
under applicable tax laws."
The report was signed by the
Los Angeles law firm of Gibson,
Dunn & Crutcher.
* **
NIXON'S STAFF made public an
accompanying report by Price,
Waterhouse & Co. showing:
Recorded contributions of
$18,235 to the political fund
Payments of $18,168.

Harrington Named New
Union Opera Chairman
4 * *

CityTo Enforce Strict Registration

Herb Harrington, '53, recently
has taken over the role of Union
Opera general chairman.
Due to other circumstances, Pat
Heck, '52 previous Opera chair-
man, was unable to return to the
University, and Harrington was
named head man.
THE 21-YEAR-OLD literary col-
lege senior answered the challenge
with the zest of a promising
Broadway producer. Harrington
wants to keep the Union Opera a
"well entrenched tradition at
H a i1Ii n g from Bridgeport,
Conn. and a Phi Delta Theta at
the University, Harrington spent
his last two years working for
th. nnr

Because of a deluge of unquali-
fied students who registered in
Ann Arbor in the last election, city
officials will this year enforce a
more strict interpretation of State
voting laws.
"Mere attendance at the Uni-

gible, to register early before
the October 6 deadline. Looker
indicated that this fall many
students "who have no right to
vote here, are lying and cheat-
ing in order to do so." ;
Trnt:- P Artia- - nTm- - -nf

"2. Where it is evident that a
student does not propose to re-
turn home. but intends to remain
at the place where the college is
located for an appreciable length
of time, he may vote at the place
of fli -nn - or -arn n

I ~ - ~ ~

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