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December 13, 1952 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXIII, No. 67
Fry Allows
Ballot Ruling
To Continue
Board To Decide
Inspectors' Status
A wire from State Director of
Elections Edward W. Fry last night
paved the way for the Washtenaw
County Board of Canvassers to go
ahead and rule on 766 ballots
which face possible invalidation.
Fry's notice followed a State
Canyassers Board decision in-
structing the local board to ascer-
tain if four inspectors were offi-
cially qualified to carry out the
duties of their position.
* * * -
THE WIRE read "even though
the inspector's name does not ap-
pear on the poll book, if it can be
determined that they took the oath
before performing their duties the
ballots bearing their initials should
be counted."
Hugh E. Wilson; chairman of
the county board, said his group
would meet Monday to try to
make a decision on the inspec-
tors after postponing a hearing
on them yesterday pending the
Lansing ruling. The controversy
first arose when it was discov-
ered the inspectors names were
not registered in the precinct
poll books.
The five member board to make
the decision is composed of Wil-
son, Gen Calder, Edward Tripp,
Arthur Lehman ' and Richard
Whitker. All the men are lawyers.
If the board does invalidate the
ballots it will mean Gov. Williams
will lose 476 votes and Fred M.
Alger 290; giving Alger a boost of
186 votes. If the board does not in-
validate the votes, County Repub-
lican Chairman George Weims said
he would probably protest the deci-
sion to the state board.
While the legal difficulties high-
lighted the local recount, Williams
continued to pick up votes over his
r GOP rival. Yesterday the Governor
added 14 votes to give him a net
of 41 in the three days of the re-
With nine precincts yet to check,
other than the two in question,
recount officials expect to com-
plete their work on Monday or
Dems Request
Of Vote Tally
By the Associated Press
A Democratic Party spokesman
called yesterday for postponement
of governor recount action set for
Monday in 19 counties until Re-
publican candidate Fred Alger Jr.
decides whether to continue the ef-
However, a state official said it
was too late now to delay the re-
Alfred B. Fitt, chief counsel of
the Democrat recount committee,
told the State Board of Canvass-
ers in a telegram that his group
favored, delaying the start until
* * *
WILLIANS, seeking his third
term as governor, increased his

lead to 9,310 votes on complete re-
count of votes cast in 905 precincts.
He started the recount Monday
with a 8,618 lead over Alger, who
instigated the recount.
The complete precincts in 48
counties gave Williams a net gain
of 692 votes. Sixteen counties have
completed their recounts.
" Williams gained 810 votes in 744
outstate precincts. Alger had gain-
ed 118 votes in 161 Wayne County
precincts, a decline in gains there.
UN Rejects Plan
To Settle Dispute
The United Nations rejected last
night an Arab-Asian plan for UN
help in settling the bitter French-
Tunisian dispute.
The 60-nation Political Commit-
tee adopted instead a mildly word-
ed Latin American proposal which
merely appeals to France to nego-




Wolverines Play
Toronto Tonight
Michigan Sextet To Battle with Blues
For Retention of Thompson Gold Cup
Vic Heyliger's Wolverine sextet will entertain the Toronto Blues
at 8 o'clock tonight on the Coliseum ice with the Little Brown Jug of
hockey at stake.
The James Thompson Gold Cup, emblematic of the Michigan-
Toronto series, has been in Michigan possession since its inception
in 1947 when the Maize and Blue outskated Toronto, 3-2, at a hospi-
tal benefit in Chicago Staduim.
' * * *'
THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan goes into the fray with a clean
slate of one victory in try so far this year while the Canadian foes,
could only claim one victory in four attempts previous to last night's
encounter at Michigan State.

Lie May Get
Secret U.S.
In formationt
A U. S. State Department com-
mittee and American Justice De-
partment officials are reported
working on ways of giving confi-
dential information on suspected
subversives to UN Secretary Gen-
eral Trygve Lie.
The final decision will be up to
President Truman, informed sourc-
es said yesterday.
* * *
THIS development came as re-
sentment was reported growing
among UN delegations over the
conduct of the whole question of
subversives in the UN. Some dele-
gates, who would not be identified,
said there is a strong feeling that
the delegations should be inform-
ed about what is going on and not
have to read sketchy reports sec-
These delegates said it is ex-
pected that the question of
loyal employes and the system
used to fire subversives might
come up today in the Financial
Committee when it takes up the
question of UN staff regulations.
This may be delayed, however,
until a later date.
A source close to Lie said there
are no new firings of disloyal em-
ployes in prospect at this moment
but it was acknowledged that no
one knew just when sufficient in-
formation- might be received on
which to base action in some cases
now pending.
Lie is expected to meet soon
with U. S. Atty. Gen. McGranary
and with Sen. Alexander Wiley
(R-Wis.), who has taken a keen
interest in the issue of subversives
in the UN. Wiley was resignated
by the U. S. early in the present
General Assembly to handle the
subject of disloyal employes in
talks with UN officials and to
inquire whether Lie needs more
authority for firing persons found
to be subversive.
Persons familiar with Lie's views
reiterated emphatically that Lie
never has and never would fire
any person on the basis of a brief
comment from the United States.

The fracas in East Lansing
wound up in a 6-6 tie. A ten min-
ute overtime period was played but
both teams failed to score in the
extra session.
In their first two games of the
season the Blues were soundly
trounced by Neil Celley's Denver
Pioneers, 7-3, and 8-4. A few days
later they split with Colorado,
dropping the first contest, 11-3,
and then coming back to upset the
overconfident Tigers, 4-3.
Gone from last year's team that
lost two games to Michigan are
high scoring Don Rope and ag-
gressive Jack MacKenzie. Howev-
er, John Adams and Jack Whel-
drake, two of the spark plugs of
last season's aggregation, will be
on hand tonight to liven up the of-
fensive festivities.
Defensively, second year coach
Bill Wade will count on such per'-
formers as Johnny Addison, Oel-
lis "Al" Fasan and Jim Machin.
Jack Ross will probably start in
the nets for the Blues with Evan
Leuty on hand to relieve him.
excellent physical condition for
tonight's contest against the rug-
ged Blues. Coach Heyliger' re-
ports that Doug Philpott and Pat
Cooney are completely recovered
from their ankle and rib injuries
As usual, the first line will
consist of Capt. Johnny Mat-
chefts at center surrounded by
Earl Keyes and John McKennell.
McKennell scored two goals, on
a sole dash in last Saturday's
6-1 decision over St. Lawrence.
Jim Haas and Lou Paolotto are
slated to get the opening nod in
the defense positions with de-
pendable Willard Ikola in the
The second line will feature
Doug Philpott, George Chin and
Pat Cooney, while the third line
will consist of Bert Dunn, Telly
Mascarin and Doug Mullen.
See SEXTET, Page 3
Truman Accepts
Locke Resignation
Truman yesterday accepted with
"sincere regret" the resignation of
Edwin A. Locke Jr., as a special
ambassador in the Middle East.
Locke was called home for "con-
sultation" recently after he de-
livered a blast against American
aid policies in that area.

Fraternity a
Fined $500
For Violation
Delta Tau Delta
Appeal Rejected
A $500 fine and social probation
until June were meted out to Delta
Tau Delta fraternity yesterday by
the University Sub-committee on
Discipline for an unauthorized
party on Oct. 31.
The sub-committee action fol-
lowed the recommendations made
by Joint Judiciary after the stu-
dent group reviewed the case
which resulted from a drinking
party held at a Long Lake cottage.
An appeal by the Delts for a new
hearing on the fine was turned
down by the sub-committee.
In addition the Council ordered
the president, vice-president and
social chairman of the fraternity
to resign and warned the house
that any further misconduct'
would result in a more severe pen-
* * *
SOCIAL probation was defined
by the Judiciary Council as:
1. "Prohibition of mixed par-
ties with the exception of a
Christmas formal tonight," and
2. "Ineligibility for any awards
in competitive activities in which
the fraternity might participate,
with the exception of awards in
intra-mural athletic competition."
The definition means that the
fraternity is not eligible for awards
in the Inter-Fraternity Sing which
it has won for the past two years.
Ken Cutler, '54, new Delt presi-
dent, said "the house recognizes
its error and feels the University
was very fair in handling the
Joint Judiciary Chairmen, Joel
Biller, '53L, said his nine member
groups gave "careful consideration
to the case and had a lengthy dis-
cussion as to the penalty to re-
s s *
ACTION was begun on the
Delts following a report from the
Office of Student Affairs to the
Judiciary informing them of the
infraction of regulations. The
money collected will be credited
to the Student Good Will Aid
The fine is the largest one im-
posed on a fraternity since Jan.
8, 1951 when Phi Chi medical fra-
ternity was fined $750 and placed
on social probation for an un-
authorized drinking party.
Psi Upsilon was given the larg-
est fine in recent years when they
were penalized $2,000 and placed
on social pro on Nov. 15, 1950
following a drinking party.
The last case of a fraternity vio-
lation was on April 8, 1951 when
Phi Gamma Delta was fined $300
and denied social privileges for a
drinking party.
Athletes Warned
CHICAGO - (R) - "Vigorous
action" against several unidenti-
fied violators of its stern athletic
de-emphasis program yesterday
was promised soon by theNorth'
Central Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools.



Will Be Ignored
HONOLULU - (R) -President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower is
shocked and puzzled by President Truman's blast at his trip to Korea,
it was learned yesterday but is determined not to become involved in
any public wrangle with the President.
From sources of the highest reliability, it can be said that Eisen-
hower feels the Truman blast at him was uncalled for, undignified
and should be ignored.
Truman told a news conference Thursday that the Eisenhower
journey to Korea was the result of political demagoguery and de-
clared Gen. Douglas MacArthur should lay before the administra-
t i o n a n y K o r e a n p e a c e p l a n M a c-Atmit*nr
Arthur may discuss with Eisen

-Photo by Jack Bergstrom
alias "Scarface Sam Sapolini," performs in last night's final Ann
Arbor showing of the Union Opera, "No Cover Charge." The cast
will begin its Christmas tour in Lansing tonight and then move
to Cleveland Dec. 26. From there it will travel to Toledo, Dec. 27,
Chicago on the 28th and wind up in Detroit on Dec. 30.
JFC To Honor Children
At Yule Tide Festivities
More than 3,000 Ann Arbor to the individual fraternities by
school children will cheer the ex- their parents at 1 p.m. where they
ploits of baton-twirler Dick Smith, will be entertained until about
'53BAd, magician Chuck Rey- 2:30 when they will descend upon
nolds, '54, and an as yet unknown Hill Auditorium for the organized
nold, '4, nd n asyetunkownfestivities.
Santa at today's annual Inter- * * *
fraternity Council Christmas par- OTHER attractions on the mass
ty. Hill program will include music by

Last Local Fling

Eisenhower Says

THE President-elect will con-
tinue on the course he has set to
find a solution to the war in
Korea-and this will include a
study of MacArthur's proposals
along with others advanced by his
advisers on ways and means of
ending the struggle in Korea.
But, it was learned, Eisenhow-
er is grimly determined that
the United States will hot bring
an end to the Korean struggle
unless a truce calls for the re-
turn of American' prisoners of
war now held by the Commun-
ists. And he is on record against
forced repatriation of Commun-
ist prisoners held by the Allies.
These developments came as
eisenhower was winding up his
last day of talks with key advisers
here before leaving today for New
Plans for the day indicated more
rest than work, but he will con-
tinue talks with John Foster Dul-
les, the next secretary of state,
Gov. Douglas McKay of Oregon,
who will be his secretary of inter-
ior, and Adm. Arthur W. Radford,
commander in chief of the Pacific
Two associates said he was de-
termined not to answer attacks on
the value of his trip to Korea by
President Truman, who yesterday
called the trip a piece of campaign
demagoguery. It is known that
Eisenhower, who began the jour-
ney two weeks ago, feels the ven-
ture was of great value.
* * *
THE ONLY ripple of excitement
at the Marine air station where
Eisenhower is relaxing, was a re-
port from the Honolulu base Se-
cret Service that it had picked up
an unidentified teen ager over.
heard threatening the President-
elect's life.
The Secret Service gave no
further details of the incident
beyond saying that the boy had
been handed over to the juvenile
Eisenhower and his party will
fly back to the U. S. mainland to-
morrow, leaving Honolulu at noon.
He is expected to reach New York
about noon Sunday EST.
Dulles,McKay and members of
Eisenhower's staff will accompany
The remainder of Eisenhower's
party of Cabinet members and ad-
visers left for home Thursday and
already are on the mainland.
They included secretary of de-
fenserdesignate Charles E. Wil-
son, Gen. Omar N. Bradley, chair-
man of the joint chiefs of staff,
secretary of the treasury-desig-
nate George M. Humphrey and at-
torney general-designate Herbert
Looming ahead was a dramatic
meeting with Eisenhower's old
military superior, Gen. MacAr-
thur, probably early next, week in
New York City, on the Korean

The children will be brought

the Novelaires, carol singing led
by emcee Sherburne Brown, '53,
and tricks by several clowns.

Ponlce Begin After the show each house will
gather their charges around a
State Search sign bearing the fraternity's name
to enable parents to meet their
children outside the Auditorium
For Student with a minimum of confusion.
The party has been planned by
the IFC social committee headed
Police from all Michigan posts by Hank Crapo, '54, with Grant
began a state-wide search, yester- Harris, '55A, and Bob Dombrow-
day to trace the whereabouts of ski, assisting.
Barry K. Branch, '56 who has been
reported missing from his room in
Taylor House, South Quad, since Clergyleek
Dec. 5.
Last Friday, Branch told his.ethica 1Politics
roommate that he intended to
hitch-hike to Flint to visit his i
father. However, he never arrived DENVER -(P)- America's big-
at his proposed destination. gest church organization yesterday
In an attempt to locate Branch, urged the nation to stick to "hon-
police have fruitlessly checked est negotiations" for settling world
armed forces recruiting stations disputes-despite "the most exas-
in the state. perating opposition."

Plani Sought
By Congress
for an immediate congressional
hearing of Gen. Douglas MacAr-
thur's views on ending the Korean
War boiled up on Capitol Hill Fri-
day in the wake of President Tru-
man's statement that he doesn't
think MacArthur has any new
Sen. Hunt (D-Wyo.) said in a
letter to Chairman Russell (D-Ga.)
that the Senate Armed Services
Committee has "a clear cut obli-
gation, not just to the boys in
Korea and their parents, but to
the entire nation" to call an im-'
mediate session.
Rep. Wickersham (D-Okla.), a
member of the House Armed Ser-
vices Committee, went further. He
proposed a joint session of both
the Senate and House committees
behind closed doors.
"For his sake and the country'a
sake, he (MacArthur) should be
heard," Wickersham said.
In addition to telegraphing his
proposal to Chairmen Russell and
Vinson (D-Ga.), Wickersham said
he also had wired MacArthur ask-
ing if he would be receptive to the
idea. Wickersham was a member
of a congressional delegation that
visited Korea earlier this year.
Sen. Hurt wrote Russell:
"If the general has a 'clear and
definite solution' to the Korean
War there certainly can be no jus-
tification in withholding it from
the chiefs of staff, the Congress
or the American people."
Declaring Congress should be
"informed and consulted" at once
if there is any new plan to end the
war, Hunt told reporters:
"This is not a matter that I be-
lieve should wait until the new
Congress convenes on Jan. 3, and I
am convinced most members of
the committee would be able and
more than willing to return to
Washington on such an important
ROK Troops
Retake Hilltop
SEOUL - (P) - Weary South
Korean troops yesterday smashed
to the top of shell-scarred, frozen
Little Nori Hill in Western Korea
and drove off a Chinese company
which had been chopped up by
savage U. S. air and atillery
The attack was the 10th by the
Republic of Korea infantrymen in
more than two days of hot battle
for the height, about 40 miles
south of Seoul on the Ijin River.
The ROK's U. S. military ad-
viser, Maj. Howard A. Trammell
of Breckenridge, Tex., said the
firepower of UN tanks, artillery,
infantrymen and warplanes had
cost the Chinese at least 1,100
killed, wounded and captured since
the Reds first drove the ROKs off
Little Nori and nearby Big Nori
early last Thursday.
Buses To Airport
Will Run Friday
The Wolverine Club will run
special buses to aid the Christmas
transportation problem to Willow
Run Airport on Dec. 19.
Students planning to take flights
may sign up for a place on these
buses beginning Monday at the ad-
mi.ifrln . M mie_ a'rom ocof

Theater Group o e co la
o+>e* * * *d

When "Dodo the Clown" runs
away to furnish the plot for the
second performance at 2:30 p.m.
today of the Ann Arbor Children's
Theater, he will be contributing to
theater director Ken Rosen's per-
sonal crusade to build the Ameri-
can theater from the audience lev-
el on up.
For as Rosen, '53Ed., says, "It's
the audience, not simply the ac-
tors that keeps the theater alive
and healthy and it is the audience
of future generations that the
Children's Theater builds."
* * * .
ROSEN believes that the legiti-
mate theater today faces the same
threat of extinction that ballet
and opera do, unless appreciative
and interested audiences are de-
His solution to this problem is
a children's theater. Rosen's
theory is that by^ introducing
children to live theater and giv-
ing them a chance to see and

Branch, a pre-law student, was
doing well in his studies and ac-
cording to his family had no ap-
parent problems in his personal
Several of his friends in the
dormitory claim that he was to
have returned Sunday morning to
attend a church service. They
doubted that he remained away
from the quad on his own voli-
"Barry took only one suitcase.
and not too many spare cloths,"
said his mother, Mrs. T. W. Hoov-
er of Detroit. "We know that he
took several books with him."
Branch was described as being
a quiet and intense student who is
interested in writing. One of the
men in the dorm said:
"I don't know too much about
Branch. He is rather easy to get
along with." He pointed to a num-
ber of meticulously copied poems
on the door of Branch's room as
the only indication he had of the
missing freshman's personality.
#130.000 -dUl n

The "Letter to the Christian
People of America" marks the
first time such a broad cross sec-
tion of Christian churches have
joined in such a comprehensive

U' Students To Attend
NSA Meeting -at Wayne
Two 'University students will attend the semi-annual meeting of
the National Executive Committee of the National Student Associa-
tion when it meets from Dec. 26 to 31 at Wayne University
Leah Marks, '55L, a Student Legislature member and NSA Public
Relations Director, and Phil Berry, Grad., former SL vice-president
and head of the NSA Financial Advisory Board, will participate in
the conference.
ACADEMIC FREEDOM, student rights and relations wih na-
tional student organizations in other countries will be the chief topics
discussed by the 23 member committee.
Made up of representatives of all 18 regions of the Associa-
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