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December 05, 1952 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1952-12-05

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H e yger, De
Wolverine Coach Counters
Charges of Minnesota Parer




Big Ten Coaches Want
More Spring Practices


Daily Sports Editor
Coach Vic Heyliger countered
charges of professionalism on his
national champion Michigan hock-
ey team with some pointed com-
anent of his own yesterday.,
Heyliger vehemently denied
charges levelled by a University
of Minnesota sports reporter and a
Gopher hockey star. "Before these
writers start complaining, they
should examine the facts," Hey-
liger declared.
The Wolverine mentor directed
his remarks toward an article pub-
lished in the Minnesota Daily, stu-
dent newspaper at Minnesota.
* * *
THE STORY asserted, among
other things, that "The top hockey
universities in the United States
make it so lucrative for good play-
ers they can't help but accept of-
fers. Ask Johnny Mayasich, Min-
Tickets for Michigan's first
X hockey game with St. Lawrence
tomorrow night are on sale
this morning at the Ferry Field
Ticket Office. After tomorrow
noon ducats will be available
at the Coliseume.
Students with I-D cards may
purchase ducats for 60 cents.
-Don Weir
nesota's freshnian scoring wizzard
last year, why two of his Eveleth,
Minn., teammates enrolled at the
University of Michigan.
" 'They made it so good for
them, comments Mayasich, that
they just couldn't afford to turn
it down.' " Mayasich is referring
to goalie Willard Ikola and Cap-
tain Johnny Matchefts.
The article continues, "The
University of North Dakota had 15
Canadians on its 25-man hockey
roster last year, with only two men
natives from the state. The Uni-
versity of Michigan did better, or
worse, with 15 Canucks of 20 play-
ers, and only one from Michigan.
"When college teams start load-
ing up with Canadians too, things
begin to look phony," the Min-
nesota paper added.

IN REPLY Heyliger asserted,
"All but two of our 17 hockey play-
ers are working for their meals in
Ann Arbor. The other two, Alex
McClellan and Ron Martinson, are
married and eat at home. Martin-
son is subsidized by the GI Bill,"
the Michigan coach continued.
"All 17 maintain part-time
jobs," he added, "so I don't un-
derstand how anyone can truth-
fully claim we are giving them
any easy deal."
"And I don't see how Mayasich
dares to say what he did about
Ikola and Matchefts," Heyliger
went on. He pointed out that May-
asich offered to come to Michigan
"if we would duplicate Minne-
sota's offer."
S* * *
THE EVELETH youth made that
statement when Matchefts and
Ikola discussed with him the pos-
sibility of coming to Michigan.
"Before Minnesota starts find-
ing fault with other schools, they
should take a look at their own
set up," the Wolverine tutor re-
As a freshman last year May-
asich set school records for the
most goals and most points
scored in a single season. He fin-
ished second in the Midwest
League scoring race.
Heyliger had this' to say about
the number of Canadians on his
squad: "Aside from talent on the
hockey rink, Canadians are as a
rule better-schooled and therefore
better able to meet Michigan
scholastic requirements than many
"Four of the all-state high
school players in Minnesota last
season were all set to enroll here.
But they couldn't meet the aca-
demic requirements, so they went
to Minnesota. Their marks are
still on file here in the Regis-
trar's office.
"Further, because of its nearness
to a heavily populated Canadian
area border and other reasons
Michigan numbers more Canad-
ians among its students than any
other American university."

... defends 'M' hockey
M' Natators
In AAUMeet
Matt Mann begins his twenty-
eighth year as coach of the Mich-
igan swimming team on December
That's the date of the twenty-
first annual Michigan A.A.U. meet
in the Intramural Pool. The Mich-
igan varsity will be unveiled
against some of the top competi-
tion from all parts of the state.
Coach Mann has carved out
an enviable record during the
past quarter century in Ann Ar-
bor. His Maize and Blue natators
have swept to sixteen confer-
ence and thirteen national
championships while compiling
a dual m et record of 200 vic-
tories and only twenty-five de-
f eats.
Mann has sent more swimmers
to the Olympic games than any
other mentor and last summer he
accompanied the American squad
as its head coach. The Yanks came
through in great style, taking the
championship and adding valuable
points to the United States' over-
all total.
The schedule for 1952-53:
December 13...Michigan A.A.U.
January 10....at 'Northwestern
January 17...............Iowa
January 31..........at Purdue
February 7....at Bowling Green
February 14. .at Michigan State
February 21....... .Minnesota
February 23.........Iowa State
February 28.........Ohio State
March 5-6-7..................
..Big Ten Meet at Iowa City
March 13-14..........Michigan
High School Class "B" Meet
March 26-27-28...............
N.C.A.A. Meet-Place Undecided

Puck Squad,
Ends Drills
For Opener
Martinson Lone Icer
Out of Curtain Raiser
Coach Vic Heyliger's Michigan
hockey squad raced through its
final full scale practice yesterday,
before opening the 1952-53 season
tomorrow night against St. Lawr-
ence University of Canton, New
The Wolverines came out of the
practice at nearly full strength,
the only injury of major conse-
quence being that of Ron Martin-
son, who has been out of action
since last week with a broken leg.
He isn't expected back for at least
five or six weeks.
* * *
CENTER Doug Philpott, who
pivots the second line has been
hampered a bit by an ankle in-
jury but is expected to be in ac-
tion Saturday night.
St. Lawrence, which plays
Michigan State in East Lan-
sing tonight, prior to its trek
down to Ann Arbor, vaulted into
national prominence for the
first time last winter, when its
fine record qualified the team
for the NCAA tournament at
Colorado Springs.
Playing in the Tri-State League
which includes teams in the New
England-upper New York state
area, it amassed a record of 15
wins against three losses.
THE LARRIES' only previous
meeting with the Wolverines came
in the first round of the NCAA
playoffs last year in which Mich-
igan soundly whipped the New
York squad 9-3.
The Larries' top scorer cen-
ter Neale Langill was out of ac-
tion in that contest. Langill was
the fourth highest scorer in the
East as he fired home 28 goals
and assisted on 27 others.
However the sophomore cen-
ter will be on the ice tomorrow
night along with eight other let-
termen who toiled with St. Lawr-
ence last season.
Flanking Langill on the Lar-
ries' first line will be veterans
Mickey Walker and Chet Ste-
fanowiz, who scored one of the
goals against the Wolverines in
the NCAA tourney.
Another player very familiar
to Michigan will be goalie Johnny
Boylan, who despite his rather un-
spectacular performance in the
9-3 contest against the Wolver-
ines, allowed only 48 goals in 18
games during the regular season
for a 2.67 average.

PHOENIX, Ariz. - (A )-Base-
ball staged a three ring circus
with sideshows yesterday.
Almost lost in the shuffle was
the action of the minors in adopt-
ing a new bonus rule, banning re-
call of optional players after July
13 except in emergency cases and
continuing the present high school
DETROIT and the St. Louis
Browns started the day with their
fourth major swap in 10 months.
The Tigers sent pitcher Virgil
Trucks, center fielder Johnny
Groth and pitcher Hal White to
the Browns for outfielder Bob
Nieman, catcher J. W, Porter and
second baseman Owen Friend.
IM 1Scores
Delta Upsilon 37, Alpha Tau Omega 20
Pi Lambda Phi 44, Pi Gamma Delta 13
Sigma Epsilon Pi 32, sigma Alpha
Mu 22
Sigma Nu 35, sigma Alpha Epsilon 22
Sigma Chi 30, Chi Phi 24
Phi Kappa Tau defeated Kappa Sig-
ma (forfeit)
Theta Chi defeated Phi Kappa Psi
TanDelta Phi 3, Chi Psi 0
Alpha Sigma Delta 2, Sigma Ci 1
Pi Lambda Phi 2, Theta Xi 1
Phi Alpha Kappa 2, Phi Delta Phi 0
Dental Lab 6, Psychology B 0
Education 6, Astronomy 0
Delta Sigma Delta 6, Alpha Kappa
Psi 0
Alpha Omega defeated Phi Delta Chi
Foresters defeated Canterbury (for-
Law Club 5, Phi Delta Epsilon 1
Phi Chi 4, Air Force 2
Standish-Evans defeated Wesleyan
L., S., & A. 4, MCF 3
Tau Epsilon Rho 5, Phi Alpha Kap-
pa 1
Alpha Kappa Sigma defeated Alpha
Kappa Kappa (forfeit)
Nu Sigma Nu 3, Phi Epsilon Kappa 3
Actuaries 4, International Center 2
Phi Alpha Delta 3, Psi Omega 3

Ellis Ryan, president of the
Cleveland Indians, flew home
unexpectedly to attempt to iron
out differences of opinion among
members of the Tribe's official
When Chicago and St. Louis re-
fused to renew the American
League reciprocal agreement on
radio-TV rights, the six other
clubs got together on a two-year
basis. St. Louis had demanded ei-
ther no television or a split of TV
receipts on the road. The White
Sox agreed.
* * *
AS A RESULT of the split, the
six clubs signing the agreement
may make arrangements to beam
road games back home to fill in the
gap left by the 22 days when St.
Louis and Chicago will be in town.
Bill Veeck, president of the
Browns, surprised the minor
league delegates with a revolu-
tionary proposal that would have
forbidden major league clubs
from signing any players with-
out previous pro experience.
Under Veeck's plan, turned down
by a voice vote, all first year mi-
nor league players would be eligi-
ble for unrestricted draft and
would share in 25 per cent of their
draft price.

Baseball Antics Include
Detroit-St. Louis Trade
R~~e R R 0S Cu

CHICAGO -- (A')-- Big Ten
football coaches and athletic di-
rectors yesterday called for more
intensive spring football practice.
The proposal, that the present
NCAA restriction of 20 practice
sessions within a 30-day period be
liberalized to permit a flat 30-day
spring practice season, will go to
the Big Ten faculty committee.
If the committee approves it,
the fiat 30-day season will be sub-
mitted for consideration next
month in Washington at the
NCAA convention.
A SUGGESTION by the football
coaches that the traveling squad
limit be raised from 40 to 44
palyers was approved by the ath-
letic directors. They also approved
a suggestion by the coaches that

tie enethai9g peciaIl
f rom $
A Book will entertain long after the
tree is down and tinsel is forgotten,

the coin-tossing to decide the
goals tobe defended and the team
to make the opening kickoff be
done 20 minutes before the games.
The coin.-flipping# proposal,
which must be submitted to the
national football rules commit-
tee, was made to give offensive
and defensive units more time
to get ready for the start of
The football coaches and ath-
letic directors postponed drafting
of the 1955-56 Big Ten football
schedule until a special meeting
which is expected to be held in
Boston 5, Chicago 1
Detroit 5, New York 3
Toronto 2, Montreal 1



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Shapely Shirts...... .3.50 up
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Jackets in the short length or
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