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November 23, 1952 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State




t I

VOL. LXIII, No. 55



USC Wins Bowl
Swith ictory
Sears Stars Offensively for Trojans
In Vital Triumph over UCLA, 14-12
LOS ANGELES-(P)-The mighty Trojans of Southern California
struck down undefeated UCLA yesterday on two electrifying, long
range plays and won the right to represent the coast conference in the
Rose Bowl against the Big Ten on the strength of a 14-12 victory.
The game-cracking plays, staged before a crowd of 96,896 fans
gathered in Memorial Coliseum and millions of television fans around
the nation, left the watchers and the fighting Bruins gasping.
THE FIRST WAS a 70-yard run and lateral-a 10-yard run by
A--*right halfback Al Carmichael and
a lateral to left halfback Jimmy
V ote Ileeou nt Sears, who ran 60 yards through
free air for the Trojans' first
i Aeh touchdown in the second period.



Action, if any, by the Senate
Subcommittee on Elections in the
state senatorial balloting will
await tomorrow's report-from in-
vestigators now probing alleged
irregularities in the Moody-Potter
race, Sen. Hennings (D-Mo), sub-
committee chairman, said last
"We're not going to order a re-
count merely on a telegram from
Staebler or anyone else," he com-
mented, adding that he wasn't
sure that a telegram fulfilled legal
requirements as a formal request.
NEIL STAEBLER, state Demo-
cratic chairman, emphatically told
The Daily. "We have already made
a request for a recount, and we
will amplify it in whatever form
the committee desires."
"There can be no assurance
that the true outcome is known
unless we have a recount," he
In saying that any action will
ie based on the report of the sub-
committee's two investigators,
Hennings commented, "They are
just starting their work."
ford H. War and Allen Goodman,
have set up headquarters in a
Detroit Hotel and have met with
Staebler in Ann Arbor.
"We have supplied them with
affidavits supporting our charges
of irregularity in the election,"
Staebler said. However, the in-
vestigators have not commented
National attention has centered
an the contest because. control of
the Senate hinges on its outcome..
WITH POTTER seated, the GOP
would have 48 members, enough
to organize the Senate with the
t assistance of Republican Vice
President-elect Richard Nixon.
F The Democrats, on the other
hand, have 47 Senate seats plus
Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon, who
has declared himself a Republican
independent. Should a recount
give Moody the seat, Democrats
would be in control.
Michigan's certification of Pot-
ter's election, by the Republican
controlled State Canvassing Board,
came in by a nose over a Senate
reuest from Washington for a de-
Hennings stressed that action
by his committee counsel was in
no way "interference" with the
Michigan board.
SL Members
Study Issues
More than 40 Student Legisla-
ture members and workers in the
SL Administrative Wing met yes-'
terday at the Fresh Air Camp for
a day-long conference on the Leg-
islature's organization, activities
and problems.
The morning session was devot-
ed to a talk by SL president How-
ard Willens, '53, and a panel dis-

The second came on a 72-
yard burst on an intercepted
pass made by All-America de-
fensive tackle candidate, Elmer
Willhoite, who moved his beefy
210-pound frame down the side-
lines to the UCLA eight-yard
The Trojans, trailing 12-7 at
this stage, scored four plays later
on a short flip from the four-yard
line by Sears to Carmichael.
That sank the UCLA-men, their
otherwise perfect record of eight
straight wins, their two-year reign
over the Warriors of Troy, and
sends the Trojans marching on to
Pasadena for the 11th time in the
history of the school.
* * *
THE FORMAL announcement
that places USC in the Rose Bowl
New Year's Day won't be made of-
ficial for a week.
Even before the final mo-
ments, however, UCLA hopes
began to fade. Indeed, they
started to vanish late, in the
third period when their half-
back star, Paul Cameron, left
the field for good, his shoulder
Coach Henry R. (Red) Sanders'
Bruins got off to a 3-0 lead on a
22-yard field goal executed by
halfback Peter Dailey. It was set
up when Sears was hit by tackle
Jack Ellena and fumbled the ball
into the hands of the Bruin end,
Myron Berlinger.
UCLA literally kicked the Tro-
jans into submission for their next
points-a safety, for two, and a
touchdown. In each case punter
Bob Heydenfeldt, and then Cam-
eron, put the foe in a hole with
kicks that rolled dead on the 10,
and the one-yard stripes, respec-
Labor Groups
To Select New
'Union Chiefs
WASHINGTON-(l)-Top lead-
ership of the AFL and CIO meet
separately next week to choose
new presidents.
Most observers see AFL secre-
tary-treasurer George Meany as
the logical successor to President
William Green who died Friday.
But in the CIO a vigorous contest
was under way for the job of Pres-
ident Philip Murray, who died
I Nov. 9.
Although few labor leaders were
willing to discuss it openly, the
question of unifying the two or-
ganizations was getting some ser-
ious thinking. Evidence appeared
to be lacking, however, that unity
would suddenly become a real pos-
sibility rather than a will o' the
wisp-even with brand new lead-
ership at the top of both organi-
The two top ,O contenders are
Allan S. Haywood, 65 year old
executive vice president, and Walt-
er Reuther, 45-year-old head of
the auto workers, biggest of all
CIO unions.
Should agreement not be reach-
ed on either Reuther or Haywood,

Korea Plan
Causes U.S.,
British Split
The United States and Britain
split apart last night over British
support for Indian proposals to
end the Korean War.
Then they prepared to battle for
a clear decision in an urgent 21-
nation meeting here tonight.
* *, *
A U. S. SPOKESMAN said that
the U. S. tried to get Foreign Sec-
retary Anthony Eden to agree to
far-reaching changes in the In-
dian resolution.
TheU. S. wants to spell out
in unmistakable terms the ma-
chinery for repatriation of war
prisoners that would prevent
their forcible return to Commun-
ist zones at any time. President-
elect Dwight D. Eisenhower has
endorsed this principle laid down.
by the outgoing Truman admin-
The U. S. position was present-
ed to Eden and British Minister
of State Selwyn Lloyd by U. S..
Delegate Ernest Gross at a meet-
ing of more than an hour in
Eden's New York hotel suite. Gross
outlined the U. S. position on di-
rect instructions from Secretary
of State Dean Acheson.
. * * *
THE BRITISH insisted that the
Indian proposal for a repatria-
tion commission was enough and
made it clear they will push for
its approval instead of four the
21-nation resolution sponsored by
the U. S. and co-sponsored by 20
other countries, including Britain.
The U. S. spokesman after the
meeting said that the "U. S.
could not _go along with the
abrupt abandonment by Britian
of the 21-power resolution."
A British spokesman close *to
Eden said it was "entirely prema-
ture to discuss abandonment; it
is a tactical question of priorities
which must be thrashed out in the
meeting of the 21 nations."
* * * -
HE EMPHASIZED that Britain
has not withdrawn from its co-
sponsorship of the U. S. resolu-
tion and has not withdrawn from
the group.
The U. S. spokesman said he
did not mean that the British
would formally withdraw their
co-sponsorship of the 21-power
plan. "They will not support the
21-power resolution but will push
the Indian," he said.
Sir Percy Spender, Australian
ambassador to the U. S. and chair-
man of the 21-nation group study-
ing all the Korean truce proposals,
announced in Washington that he
had convoked the emergency meet-
ing for 6:30 p.m. at U.N. head-
uarters here. Acheson asked for
the session and will fly back from
a visit to Ottawa to attend it.
The British spokesman said
Eden's position is this: The In-
dian proposals furnish a basis for
working out an armistice.

Michigan Errors
Bury Bowl Hopes
Borton Leads Ohio State Offense
With Razor Sharp Passing Barrage
Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS-A rugged, heads-up Ohio State eleven capitalized
on abundant Michigan miscues to upset the Wolverines, 27-7, here
The loss ruined all Maize and Blue Rose Bowl hopes and dropped
the Wolverines to fourth place in the final Western Conference stand-
ings with a 4-2 Big Ten record.
The win was Ohio's first over Michigan since 1944.
* * *
MICHIGAN JUST couldn't seem to do anything rigut. Fumbles
penalties, and pass interceptions * * *

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
CHORUS GIRLS--Four cuties from the dancing ch orus of the Union Opera, "No Cover Charge" swing
into high gear accompanied by Paul McDonough, '5 6L, writer of several of the tunes in this year's
show. They are, left to right, Bill Williams, '53, Ro ger Law, '55, McDonough, Don Rosenberg, '54, and
John Leppelmeiar, '55.
EdesedNamed to William's Group,

Prof. Samuel Eldersveld of the
political science department has
been appointed to a State gover-
nor's study commission on elec-
tions, the executive office an-
nounced yesterday.
Fight Flares
At Korea Line
SEOUL, Sunday, Nov. 23-( P)-
Patrol skirmishes flared all across
the 155-mile Korean battle front
last night and today as UN and
Communist soldiers tested defense
lines in sub-freezing weather.
The temperature at Sniper Ridge
in Central Korea, focal point of
some of the war's hottest action,
dropped to 17 degrees. South Kor-
ean defenders with an assist from
Allied artillery beat off Chinese
thrusts at Pinpoint Hill and Rocky
Point, both landmarks on 'the
Slightly to the west, Red troops
ambushed an Allied patrol at 2:30
a.m. An Eighth Army staff officer
said most of the patrol burst out
of the ambush and reached safety.

Set up to study possible recom-
medations for election law reforms
to be submitted to the 1953 legis-
lature, the group will hold its first
meeting Dec. 1 in Detroit, accord-
ing to an Associated Press report.
* * *
THE EXECUTIVE office issued
the following statement with the
appointments: "It is expected that
the commission will review the
election process in Michigan with
particular emphasis on:
1. Development of uniform
registration procedures.
2. Means of obtaining prompt
and accurate reporting of election
3. Methods to secure complete
protection and inviolability of
voting machines and ballot boxes
to the end that each voter will
know that his vote was recorded
Slosson Talk
Prof. Preston Slosson, of the
history department, will speak on
"Racism in South Africa," before
the campus UNESCO council at
8 p.m. today in the International
After presenting a brief account
of the historical background in the
area, Prof. Slosson will discuss
the recent flare-ups in South Af-
At the business meeting follow-r
ing Prof. Slosson's speech a new
secretary for the council will be
chosen and future plans for the
organization will be discussed.
The meeting is open to the pub-
YD To Discuss
Role of Democrats
Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld of.
the political science department
will evaluate the role of the Demo-
cratic party during the next four
years at the YD meeting at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in Rm. 3B of the Union.
The organization will also make
plans for future activities. Any-
one interested is invited to attend.

Twenty - five appointees were
named to membership. Headed by
Judge Lila Neuenfelt of Detroit,
the group will include city, coun-
ty and state officials, farm and
labor representatives, business di-
rectors and members of the press,
educational groups and citizen
Michigan Grange representa-
tives will be named later.
French Fight
To HoldLine
HANOI, Indochina -- (A) --
French union garrisons last night
staked their prestige and the fate
of 300,000 pro-French Thai Moun-
tain tribespeople on holding a line
in a dusty valley south of the Black
River against assaults by per-
haps 18,000 Vietminh rebels.
Bloody skirmishing was inten-
The battle of decision which
may be touched off in a matter
of hours shaped up rapidly around
the airstrip of Na San, 117 miles
west of Hanoi, headquarters city
for French operations in North
The Communist-led troops of
Ho Chi Minh advanced from the
east, northwest and north in an
apparent encircling movement.

ruined nearly every scoring op-
portunity it had.
Led by spectacular quarter-
back John Borton, the Buckeyes
took the lead early and were
never headed. Michigan's lone
tally didn't come until the wan-
ing minutes of the game.
Borton's passes to sticky-finger-
ed, end Bob Joslin gave the Bucks
a two touchdown margin at half-j
* * *
THE FIRST Ohio tally came
early in the second quarter of a
quick eight yard toss from the
deadly accurate Borton to Joslin.
The touchdown pass capped a
26 yard drive, begun when Buck-
eye safetyman George Rosso re-
turned Bill Billings' end zone
punt from the 40.
Wingback Bob Koepnick and
fullback John Hlay alternated to
move the pigskin to the 15. Sopho-
more Bob Watkins carried to the
eight in two tries. Then Borton
took the ball from the "T," moved
back swiftly and rifled the ball
into Joslin's waiting arms.
Thurlow Weed's extra point gave
the Buckeyes a 7-0 lead with some
14 minutes left in the half.
* * * *
OHIO STATE added what prov-
ed to be the winning score two
series later on a long Borton to
Joslin aerial.
Taking over on its own 39
following a Ted Kress quick
kick, OSU moved to the Michi-
gan 28 in six attempts. From
that point Borton faded deep
eluding several would-be tack-
lers and loped the slippery spher-
oid to Joslin who made a leaping
stab in the end zone.
Once again diminutive Weed's
boot was perfect and the Buckeyes
had all the points they needed
leading 14-0.
* * *
MICHIGAN'S only score came
with three minutes and 53 seconds
left in the second half and the
scoring drive covered 71 yards.
Taking the kickoff following
Ohio State's fourth and final
touchdown, the Wolverines be-
latedly rolled from their own 29
to the Buckeye six on eight
plays from scrimmage and a 15-
yard holding penalty against
Fullback Dick Balzhiser smash-
ed over guard to the two, and on
See OSU's, Page 3

Badgers Tie
With Purdue
For Crown
CHICAGO-(P)-Wisconsin and
Purdue yesterday tied for the Big
Ten football title, leaving the Rose
Bowl nomination a hot potato in
the lap of the league.
Conference Athletic Directors
immediately sent their votes for a
Big Ten Bowl choice to Commis-
sioner K. L. (Tug) Wilson in Chi-
cago. Wilson said he would an-
nounce the results at 1 p.m. to-
A majority vote is necessary and
the secret balloting is expected to
be so close that the team will be
determined by ' fl are 5-4 margin.
IT WILL BE the most difficult
decision ever made by the electors
since the Big Ten-Pacific Coast
conference joined in the Rose Bowl
pact in 1947. Wisconsin and Pur-
due each have strong and weak
points to be considered as the di-
rectors cast ballots on only .one
"The team that best will re-
present the Big Ten in the Rose
Neither team has gone to Pasa-
dena in the series. Wisconsin has
not even won or shared the Big
Ten crown in 40 years until now
while Purdue has figured in five
championships in that span.
THE DEADLOCK developed
yesterday when Wisconsin and
Minnesota tied 21-21, Purdue de-
feated Indiana 21-16 in the final
minutes of the game, and Ohio
State knocked Michigan out of the
running, 27-7.
The combination of results
left Wisconsin and Purdue each
with four victories, one defeat
and one tie for a .750 percent-
age. Ohio State, playing seven
instead of six league games,
wound up in third place with a
5-2-0 mark for .714.
Athletic directors do not neces-
sarily have to choose between the
co-champions. They could take
Ohio State which defeated Wis-
consin 23-14 but lost to Purdue
21-14 during the season. The
Buckeyes' trouncing of Michigan, a
team that trimmed Purdue 21-10
but did not play Wisconsin, leaves
Ohio State a possibility.
Directors, however, usually lean
toward the title-winners and are
expected to do so more than ever
this time since neither Purdue nor
Wisconsin has been to the Rose
Bowl while Ohio State went in
Thus, the over-all season records
of Purdue and Wisconsin probably
will be the main basis for selection.
Wisconsin has won six games,
lost two and tied one for the cam-
paign while Purdue has a 4-3-2
Wisconsin's loss to UCLA stands
as its biggest detriment in the
Thieves Damage

YR To Hear Meader
GivePredictions Today
* * *

U' Students Sad:; OSU
' Jubilant at Game's End

Rep. George Meader, recently
re-elected by the Second Congres-
sional District, will give his pre-
dictions on the 83rd Congress at
the Young Republicans meeting at
3 p.m. today in Rm. 3-S of the
The Congressman, who defeated
Prof. John P. Dawson of the law
school Nov. 4, has just returned
from Washington where he has
been working on a committee in-
vestigating executive department
PICKING SUNDAY for the poli-
tical club meeting, YR president
Ned Simon, '55, explained, came as
a result of the large turnout at
the board meeting held last Sun-

Daily Associate Editor
Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS-Close to a thous-
and glum University students
slowly filed out of the great, grey
Ohio stadium yesterday, through
one of the wildest and noisiest
crowds of opponents they could
ever remember.
Ohio State fans, getting the rare
treat of seeing their team thrash a
Wolverine eleven, went nigh crazy
with delirious joy as their Buck-
eyes piled up the points on Mich-

of "The St. Louis Blues March."
At half time they put together
the finest portions of the shows
they've done all year in one
great potpourri. This included
"Mammy" the "Paper Moon,"
the atomic explosion and the
samba dance to "Brazil."
Their opponent in the "Battle
of the Bands" was saddled down
at half time with some longwinded
homecoming ceremonies. OSU still
elects queens, but when the band
had the field to themselves, they
! werep toniaualit. Mot st. himio b-

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