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November 21, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-21

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_____________________________________________________________________ U

- I

Daily Managing Editor
It is difficult to sift out the reasons be-
hind the rather amazing turnout for the
Student Legislature elections. The most ob-
vious and immediate reaction is gratification
that the student body had the good sense
to vote in a record-breaking proportion.
Perhaps the first conclusion to be drawn
is that SL has passed through a major cri-
sis-and come through with flying colors.
It was an ominous picture that the cab-
inet faced a month ago; the seven-day-late
Homecoming Dance gave every indication
of being a flop of the immense proportions
of the now-legendary "Icelandia" in 1950
when the Engineering Council went into
magnificant bankruptcy with a show
"freezing Hill Auditorium over." The only
record in danger as far as elections were
concerned was the low of 3600 in 1947.
Morale in the legislature had reached a new
low. Self-confidence was gone; reorganiza-
tion on almost any terms was the by-word.
But rather suddenly the picture changed.
The Homecoming Dance, by virtue of tena-
cious publicity and hard work, made a wind-
fall profit of $2,200, ensuring the campus
that the student government would not
wither from a financial drought. And des-
pite the regrettably low number of candi-
dates, the campaign picked up intensity.
There seemed a greater tendency to face
issues, discuss discriminatory scholarships,
lecture committees, reorganization et al in-
stead of bantering about "working hard."
The driving ban referendum also undoubt-
edly aided in stimulating interest.
The outcome of it all was the highest fall
vote in SL's still brief history. The psy-
chological importance of this cannot be over-
emphasized; the great challenge to the SL
leadership is then to effectively utilize the
psychosis of success which now prevails at
SL's medieval State St. headquarters. For
the first time since the new cabinet took over
last spring, the legislature will not be ham-
strung by defeatism. As always, the prob-
lems to be met are many and difficult. But
for the first time, the intangible will to meet
them seems to be present.
Another encouraging aspect was the gen-
erally high caliber of the candidates elect-
ed. Although this generalization is not ap-
plicable to all the legislators, there is among
the new group an unusual quota of ability
and Interest. The "personnel problem" which
has perturbed some SL leaders in the past
should be solved.
Most important of all, the legislature will
now be prepared to approach the reorganiza-
tion problem in its proper perspective. It
will not be forced into precipitate and poorly-
conceived reorganization by a demonstrated
lack of faith on the part of the student body.
Rather it is in a position to study the prob-
lem in conjunction with othercampus
groups. If a rational and effective plan
which promises concrete improvement in
student government can be developed, then
the legislature will be able to accept it on its
merits. If not, SL has the resounding man-
date to continue its growth as presently
INTELLECTUAL fraud never can endure
as such; it rapidly assumes the form of
honest and sincere conviction."
-Robert Briffault

0 Following the Philosophers

Daily Editorial Director
WHEN FORMER University professor
John Dewey, the American prophet of
instrumentalism, the defender of democracy,
the philosopher of social ideals, the coordi-
nator of the famous Trotsky fact-finding
Commission, died several months ago, one
Detroit newspaper buried his obituary in
the classified ads section. They didn't ap-
preciate him.
Our other contemporaryephilosophers
are being similarly neglected nowadays.
It is not always easy to find out just what
they're up to, primarily because most peo-
ple just don't give a shilling. Since these
gentlemen will be either corrupting or
stimulating the minds of our brats sev-
eral decades hence, it would seem that
their latest doings deserve some note.
According to The New York Times, one of
the modern metaphysicians, Jean-Paul Sar-
tre, the French novelist and founder of ex-
istentialism, is playing footsie with the Com-
munists in Paris. Sartre, the proponent of
individualism, of choice, of personal res-
ponsibility, of free will, has virtually em-
braced the Stalinists. This may come as a
surprise to campus existentialists, but Sar-
tre attacked the United States with unbrid-
led gusto in his own magazine, "Les Temps
Though atheism was the cornerstone of
his philospohy, Sartre was was the last per-
son one would expect to turn to Commun-
ism. It may be recalled that his severest
critics were Marxist doctrinaires. T h e y
couldn't put up with his positive assertion
that man makes himself; nor was his be-
lief that "existence precedes essence" com-
patible with the mystic "dialectic" which,
Reds preach, molds all men.
It is indeed difficult to conceive how
Sartre reconciled himself to a dogma
which believes that all good and all truth
is embedded somewhere beneath Stalin's
Perhaps Sartre is not fully aware that,
in jumping into the Marxist bed, he is sac-
rificing the virginity of individualism and
free will which his followers have hereto-
fore championed so forcefully. Historians
are going to be quite puzzled by this irony.
* * *
THEN THERE is the irascible Bertrand
Oft-villified, oft-married, and oft-offend-

ing, Lord Russell is still very much anti-
Communist, as he is anti-everything not in
accord with B. Russell. Whatever one might
think of his opinions, this gentleman is
probably the greatest philosopher of this
century. I'm sure he would admit it.
Lord Russell is still a man of many
,contradictions. In his earlier works, he
argued vigorously that ethics is not a
proper subject to be considered by philo-
sophers; yet, sincethen he has been tell-
ing everyone else how to live their lives,
with curious bits of advice such as the
desirability of trial-marriage.
Even today Lord Russell, with his incom-
parable wit, chides the pragmatists and the
disciples of William James and John Dewey
for believing in progress. That he himself is
a pragmatist at the bottom does not bear
on the case.
Whatever the paradoxes, Russell has
contributed perhaps his greatest philo-
sophical piece in his biting refutation of
Communism. Even Life magazine recent-
ly honored him for this accomplishment,
which is primarily contained in his "Un-
popular Essays."
Today at the ripe age of eighty, Britain's
most unconventional peer is planning a
fourth marriage. May we wish him many
- * * *
THE OTHER DAY a Labor Youth Leaguer
burst into the senior editorial office,
letter in hand, and asked for an audience.
He wanted a lengthy letter of some 600
words printed. We told him that it was too
long, 300 words being the maximum-where-
upon he accused us of discriminating against
the LYL.
It was the closest this writer had ever
been to being called a fascist, but I sup-
pose everyone's either Red, White, Black,
or Blue these days.
At any rate, the fact is that the LYL'ers,
inveterate letter writers that they are, have
been spouting off in the letters to the editor
column in a blatancy far out of proportion
to their numbers on campus. Though The
Daily most sincerely believes in free speech,
for anyone, I am wondering whether these
same persons who clamor for free speech,
are not being unfair to other individuals by
attempting to dominate the letters column?

"The Sincerest Form Of Flattery"

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the





NATO Completion Poses Big
Problem to Gen. Eisenhower

PARIS-Even the White House pressures
will hardly make President-elect Eisen-
hower forget his own greatest postwar
achievement. More than any other man, he
laid the foundations of the defense of the
West in Europe. Consequently, one suspects
he will be rather specially and personally
interested in the completion of the struc-
ture that he started.
How this structure is to be completed




Architecture Auditorium.
with Errol Flynn and Olivia DeHavilland.
F THIS PICTURE is not good history, it at
at least does justice to Lord Tennyson.
After chasing about the outposts on the
Indian frontier for some 90 minutes it seems
to be a toss-up whether the cavalry will ever
arrive in the Crimea; finally, and barely in
time for the end of the picture, the noble six
hundred manage to get there and make their
valiant charge against the Russian cannons.
The story follows routine traditions of
foreign legionnaires and British colonials
and for a long time offers no promise of
any variations on the theme. Olivia De-
Havilland portrays the classic daughter
of an army colonel as only she could do it,
with a full supply of whining and weep-
ing. The young lady is torn between the
love of two captains, Errol Flynn and Pat-
ric Knowles. Her choice of the latter is the
occasion for Flynn to display an admirably
stoical attitude about the whole affair and
give voice to a pledge of eternal friend-
ship, later fulfilled on the battlefield.
In the attempt to personalize the Cri-
mean War and make it an integral part of
the plot the scriptwriters have transformed
it into little more than a grudge fight. The
whole point of the charge upon the Russian
artillery was devolved into a matter of per-
sonal revenge for the massacre of a small
fort-full of men in the north of India.
But when the time does come for the
famed ride "into the Valley of Death,"
the picture picks up intensity. To the
strains of "Rule, Britannia" and the
"Hymn to the Czar" Errol Flynn bravely
dashes before the blazinx cannons and

At the Orpheum . .
Charles Laughton
THE PERIODIC revivals of this film every
few years ordinarily provide occasion for
a little hushed reverence in the direction of
Charles Laughton whose role as the gro-
tesque bell-ringer of Notre Dame is one of
his most famous. Without taking anything
from Laughton, the film, however, is much
more striking as a sterling example of the
downhill production.
It begins with a number of scenes of
real brilliance, fades to a level of stan-
dard competence, and ultimately descends
to some conventional Hollywood banal-
ity complete with roaring mobs and last
minute rescues.
How Director William Dieterle lost his
way in the course of this film is only partly
clear. It is, however, apparent that as long
as he is probing the potential dualities of the
situation and of the various characters, he
is fascinating. Once he thinks he had solved
them, he becomes vapid, obvious, and lost in
meaningless spectacle.
In the early scenes where good and evil,
love and hate, reverence and ridicule are
allowed their play, the superstitious confu-
sion of the people is caught with real feel-
ing. The lust and spirit of the characters
are rich and believable, and Quasimodo,
himself, as a focus of the dual attitudes is
thoroughly useful and frightening. During
this opening one-third of the picture, Ed-
mond O'Brien as the poet, Thomas Mitchell
as the beggar king, and even Maureen
O'Hara as the gypsy girl are brightly alive,
and give the film a kind of poetic fury.
Suddenly, however, Dieterle lets it seep
away. Quasimodo becomes not the spec-
tral symbol of superstition, but, as he is
given a voice, only a rather prosaic crip-
ple. Simultaneously, the flm becomes ex-

-perhaps whether it is to be completed--
is the question involved in a planning
and policy crisis that now looms ahead.
The crisis will officially begin on Dec. 15,
when the leaders of the NATO nations
will meet in Paris to agree on next year's
defense plans. But the outlines of the
crisis are already very plain.
Last February, at Lisbon, the partner na-
tions at NATO at length adopted a clearly
defined program for Western European de-
fense. This program did two things. It es-
tablished a rising scale of national defense
contributions for the years 1952, 1953 and
1954. And it set an eventual goal for the
Western European defense forces. By the
end of 1954, it was agreed the NATO Su-
preme Commander should have at his dis-
posal ninety-eight ready and reserve divi-
sions and 10,000 front-line and home de-
fense aircraft.
During 1952, national contributions have
been made approximately as scheduled at
Lisbon. By the end of the year, Gen. Mat-
thew B. Ridgway.will have twenty-five divi-
sions in position and twenty-five on call,
with airplanes in proportion. Some of the
ready divisions are seriously under strength.
Some of those on call are pretty slender
cadres. Overall, the 1952 goal will be about
90 per cent realized.
Now, however, Britain, France and the
other NATO partners on this side of the
Atlantic are finding it increasingly dif-
ficult to sustain the strains of rearma-
ment. This difficulty, in turn, is about
to show up in the defense increments that
these nations will offer NATO for 1953.
And both France and Britain expect even
greater shortfalls in their 1954 contri-
In practical terms, these developments
have a simple meaning. Even if the French
Chamber of Deputies does not block the
creation of German divisions to assist in
Western Europe's defense, the original Lis-
bon plan for ninety-eight divisions and 10,-
000 aircraft cannot now be realized. Unless
drastic measures are taken, the Western
European defense force that will be created
by the end of 1954 will only number a few
more than sixty ready and reserve divisions
and about 6000 aircraft, both front-line and
home defense.
Plainly, this will be a very serious over-
all shortfall, especially when you consider
that the pre-Lisbon plan for a minimum
European defense, approved by Dwight D.
Eisenhower himself as NATO's Supreme
Commander, called for no less than 120
The practical fact remains that the
French, British and other European bud-
gets will not stand for the rate of rearm-

WASHINGTON-While the time of arrival, etc., should not be re-
vealed, General Eisenhower has decided that it would be foolish
for him to go to the Far East without stopping at one of the most
controversial spots in that area-Formosa.
Accordingly, he will visit Chiang Kai-Shek and inspect his
troops with a view to possible use of three divisions of Chinese
Nationalists in Korea later.
This is an extremely controversial subject which has been debated
back and forth between the State Department, the Pentagon, and
Senators favoring Chiang Kai-Shek. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have
argued that the time and expense of equipping Chiang's men would
be considerable compared with the risk that they might surrender to
the enemy when engaged in battle.
However, General Eisenhower figures that this is something
he can best decide for himself-after inspecting the troops him-
Therefore, the trip to Formosa will be one of the most important
parts of the Korean pilgrimage. In fact, it's possible he may avoid
Japan altogether.
* * * *
IT HASN'T leaked out yet, but two sergeants in the U.S. Air Force
have been caught trying to sell military secrets to the Communists
in Korea. They now face a possible death penalty as traitors to their
The two sergeants tried to make a deal-to-sell information
for cold cash to a man they thought to be a Communist agent.
However, he turned out to be an Air Force undercover man.
The incident isn't a savory one. But, unfortunately, these things
sometimes happen in wartime.
s* * *
THE SENATE elections subcommittee, charged with the job of prob-
ing fellow senators, is now in a backstage lather over what to do
with its investigation of ten serious charges placed against Senator
McCarthy of Wisconsin.
These charges were brought by Senator Benton of Connec-
ticut on Aug. 6, 1951. Nothing conclusive has happened in the year
and three months that has elapsed since. At first McCarthy tried
to block the probe. However, the full Senate voted 60 to 0 against
him. After that, McCarthy tried to bulldoze committee members,
brought countercharges against Senator Benton, and induced
two members of the subcommittee to resign.
Senator Benton has welcomed any investigation of his finances,
has offered the committee his income-tax returns, and only last week
offered to testify about himself if and when the committee wanted him.
But McCarthy has ducked.
Though Senators Welker of Idaho and Gillette of Iowa have
been induced to resign from the committee, another Republican,
Sen. Bob Hendrickson, despite considerable pressure, has stuck
to his guns.
Sen. Mike Monroney of Oklahoma, a Democratic committee mem-
ber, left for Europe without even telling colleagues, but Sen. Tom
Hennings of Missouri, committee chairman of the probe, and Hen-
drickson seem determined to go through with it.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

SCrusadles .
To the Editor:
AM A Stevenson man. I repudi-
ate those of my political con-
freres who are still whining over
the past. They see all events, not
as problems to be worked out, but
as immutable omens of eventual
national catastrophe.
Stevenson is a good man. Eisen-
hower is a good man. The Repub-
licans work for the ultimate good
of the country as do the Demo-
crats. Why can't we all recognize
this obvious fact and channel
some of this misspent energy into
something more constructive?
For these sufferers of idiopathic
diatheses this section of The Daily
offers a multitude of crusades for
those of us who must fight for
Suggested crusades: for the put-
ting of handles on footballs, for
the repeal of the Law of Gravity,
or for the construction of turn-
pikes for Roadrunners (Acceleratii
-David V. LeClair
* * *
Music Criticism .. .
To the Editor:
IN RESPONSE to Mr. Mumma's
rather bungling attempt to dis-
credit romantic music in general
and Anton Bruckner in parti-
cular, let me point out a few sa-
lient facts in the case.
To begin with Mumma's version
of 'The Child's Comic Dictionary
of Music' he says that Bruckner's
symphonies are 'two and one half
hours' of 'thick, stodgy, banal
syrup.' Apparently Mr. Mumma
has not even bothered to listen to
any of these detested works. Of
the eleven Bruckner works in sym-
phonic form, only eight and five
are really long, and both of these
run only a few minutes over an
hour and a quarter. A slight de-
viation from the letter's claim.
Length, according to his letter,
is restricted mostly to the roman-
tic school. This, of course, is sheer
hokum from the very germ of the
childish idea. Wagner's 'Parsifal,'
considered too long avid mod-
ernists, actually runs shorter than
Hindemith's 'Mathias der Mahler'
in its complete form. The Hinde-
mith dates from the solid modern
year of 1934. Since he is the dar-
ling of modern American composi-
tion teachers, this length must be
a rather red-faced fact!
Bruckner's religious works, con-
sidered his finest pieces, are much
shorter than most music of his era.
His mass in E minor runs forty-
five minutes, uncut, while Olivier
Messiean's religious strawberry
festival 'Turnigalila,' a ten move-
ment-THING, runs ninety-eight
minutes, scarcely a brief respite
from the horrors of the nine-
teenth century. This may be sup-
planted by numerous other ex-
Perhaps in later years, when Mr.
Mumma has more time from writ-
ing catchy letters, he will take the
pains to hear these works he has
so violently detested in print.
-Robert Applebee, Grad,
* * *
SAC Ruling...
To the Editor:
N '48 THE S.A.C. at Y.P.'s sug-
gestion voted that membership
in any campus political organiza-
tion would not be put down on the
student's permanent records. The
council felt that with this measure
students would be assured of equal
opportunity when looking for jobs.
Several weeks ago the S.A.C. re-
cinded its earlier action and de-
cided that political affiliation must
once again be placed on the rec-

Some people felt that this. was
aimed primarily at Y.P. since
many people would hesitate to join
because of the new ruling.
I think ,however, that the ruling
has many more undemocratic im-
plications which effect all of us'
Most important is the fact that
the ruling conflicts with one of
our fundamental rights-the right
to freedom of assembly. The ruling
acts as a form of censorship since
students will not feel free to join
some organizations because of pos-
sible future jeopardy.
The ruling will also have the ef-
fect of discouraging the formation
of new organizations since some
organizations may always be con-
sidered unorthodox by some peo-
It also conflicts with the con-
cept of the secret ballot. The right
of secret ballot was incorporated
into our legal structure to guaran-
tee to every citizen the right of
holding political beliefs and im-
plementing his beliefs through le-
gal procedure in the voting box
without any fear of coercion. If we
permit political affiliation to be
recorded we are in a sense jeopar-

Therefore any type of ruling which
would make it harder for us to en-
ter recognized organizations or en-
gage in any discussion is not a rul-
ing that belongs on a university
-Ethel Schechtman
** *
Qiuotat is ..
To the Editor:
BEING a student of philosophy,
I am naturally gratified by
your policy of filling dead spaces
on your editorial page with pithy
epigrams quoted from the works
of such great philosophers as
as James, Russell, and Sartre. I
am not of the pedantic sort that
always bursts with indignation
when a false impression of a writ-
er's actual intention is conveyed
by a quote out of context. If the
sentiment expressed by the quote
is a worthy one, likely to edify
your readers, then something, at
least, has been gained. However, in
all fairness to the man being quot-
ed, the record should be set
straight when a quotation select-
ed at random from the philoso-
pher's writings expresses a view
wholly antithetical to his philos-
The following appeared in The
Michigan -Daily on Friday, No-
vember 14:
"It is wrong, always, every-
where, and for everyone, to be-
lieve anything upon insufficient
evidence."-William James .
Lest your readers believe-upon
insufficient evidence - that this
quote accurately represents the
opinion of William James, I
should point out that this state-
ment was composed not by James,
but by one W. K. Clifford, and
only quoted by James in "The Will
to Believe." James' own sentence
begins: "And that delicious enfant
terrible Clifford writes . . .-the
quote which appears in The Daily
then follows. Actually, James was
concerned with Clifford's view only
to refute it; according to James'
own opinion, it is perfectly legit-
imate to believe some things in
the absence of any evidence what-
--Joel Feinberg
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Feinberg's
point is valid, and The Daily apolo-
gizes for ascribing the quotation in
question to James.)
To the Editor:
RECENTLY a letter appeared in
The Daily suggesting the mail-
ing of photographs of the Senior
Class Memorial to the February
graduates, so that they might see
the results of their class dues.
This is, in my opinion, an excel-
lent plan, and I assure the writer
of that letter, and all February
graduates, that a serious effort
will be made to determine the
feasibility of this plan.
Regardless of the success or
failure of this proposal, the Feb-
ruary graduates will be able to see
what. they pai for. As soon as
the design is determined-after
the student entries are submitted
on or before December 1-a com-
prehensive presentation of the me-
morial will be drawn up and ex-
hibited at some prominent location
on the campus. Thus all the stu-
dents may see the design before it
is incorporated into a memorial.
-Thad D. Epps
Gift Committee





(Continued from Page 2)

Events Today
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night, 7:30 p.m. "The Face of the
Moon" will be the subject of the lec-
ture by Dr. Hazel M. Losh. After the
illustrated lecture in 2003 Angeli Hall,
the Students' Observatory on the fifth
floor will be open for telescopic obser-
vation of the Moon and Jupiter, if the
sky is clear, or for inspection of thei
telescopes and planetarium, if the sky
is cloudy. Children are welcomed, but
must be accompanied by adults.
Roger Williams Guild. I. M. Party,
at 8 p.m. Meet at the Guild House to
go in a group. Bring your ID cards, ten-
nis shoes, and swim suits if you want
to swim. We will return to the Guild
House for refreshments.
Wesley Foundation. Game night at
8 p.m., Wesley Lounge.
Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer-
sity Museums, "Adventure of Willie the
Skunk," "Two Little Raccoons," and
"Curious Coati," 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Au-
ditorium. No admission charge.
Sophomore Cabaret Central Commit-
tee meeting in the League at 4 p.m.
Over-all coordination will be the
theme and all chairmen and assist-

the Student Center, corner of Hill &
Forest Ave.
Hillel. Special Sabbath Services will
be held tonight at 7:45 in honor of
the Dedication of the building. Rabbi
Arthur Lelyveld, National Hillel Direc-
tor will give the sermon. A reception in
the lounge will follow the services. Ev-
eryone is welcome.
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Im-
portant meeting for all members and
interested students, 7:30 p.m., Fireside
Room, Lane Hall.
SRA Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, 4:15 to
5:30 p.m. Come and meet your friends.
Congregational DisciplesGuild. Coun-
cil meeting, Guild House, 4 to 5 p.m.
Supper hike, leaving from Guild House,
5:15-7:30. Graduate Professional Group
will meet for a creative evening, 7:30-
Coming Events
Faculty Sports Night. I.M. Building,
Sat., Nov. 22, 7:30-10:00 p.m. All equip-
ment will be available for faculty fam-
ilies. For further information call Mrs.
Dixon, 25-8475.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group,
Lane Hall, Sat., 12:15 pm. Speaker: The

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications,
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young..-...Managing Editor
Barnes Connable..........City Editor
Cal Samra ........... Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........ Associate City Editor
Harland Britz.........Associate Editor
Donna Hen dieman. Associate Editor
Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell. Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler......... Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green............Business Manager
Milt Goetz.........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg. Finance Manager
Tom Treeger...Circulation Manager




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