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November 19, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-19

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A Matter
Of Judgment
Daily Feature Editor
name, what?-of the Harvard Law
School had a captive audience of newspaper
editors the other day and read them a pene-
trating little lecture in journalistic morality.
The captive newsmen-captive, because Cha-
fee was their guest-took a deserved beating.
Chafee, one of the American press' se-
verest friends and best critics, warned the
Associated Press Managing Editors Asso-
ciation that they cannot be proud of:
"The constant repetition of defamatory
statements about American citizens by
newspapers who suspect with good reason
that these statements are largely untrue."
It is the duty of the responsible newsman,
Chafee said, to supply readers with addi-
tional information which will enable them
to evaluate such defamatory charges.
The Professor's reading of the riot act
largely reiterates the pungent article by ace
radio newsman Elmer Davis in the Atlantic
Monthly earlier this year. But the message
will bear repetition. .
Here, we think, is how Chafee's ideal
editor might manage things:
1-FOGGY BOTTOM, D.C. - President
Truman said today that Gen. Eisenhower
was subscribing in effect to the Nazi theory
of a "master race." (EDITOR'S NOTE: The
President's statement is typically exagger-
ated and one, we feel it necesary to point
out, that is not supported either by the Gen-
eral's statements or activities. But there is
an election campaign going on and this is
the way it goes. Harry will hate himself on
the morning after.)
2-EAST AMELIA, Mich.-Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower told the 16 non-Mongoloid
idiots of this hamlet today that he would
cut 40 billion dollars from the federal bud-
get if he were elected president. All 16 cheer-
ed lustily. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Gen: Eisen-
hower obviously wants to get elected. He
will hate himself on inauguration day.)
3-WEST AMELIA, Mich.-Sen. Joseph
McCarthy, avowed foe of Communism, said
today that the former XXXXXX, was the
willing dupe of the Soviet Union in the cri-
tical period from XXXXX to XXXXX. "And
I have papers in my hand to prove it!" he
said. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Senator is a
proven liar who has not backed up a single
charge yet. The papers in his hand at the
time were a laundry ticket, six chances in
the numbers racket, and his 1946 income
tax return,-now paid in full.)
Minus the levity (in the first two cases)
-and interpolated in less peremptory fash-
ion-this device could prove a worthy one.
Some such technique is sorely needed in
times when calumniators fill Senate chair-
manships, candidates permit straining am-
bition to put known untruths in their
mouths, and the chief executive of the land.
resorts to the same devious smears he de-
plores in others.

On the Hydrogen Bomb

"* .Ct. 0 p


International Control
SEVEN YEARS AGO when the atomic
bomb exploded over Hiroshima, bring-
ing the most horrible devastation the world
had yet witnessed, most everyone believed
that man had reached the epitome of his
destructive capacities. Now science, at a
time when the planet is tottering on the
brink of an all-out war, has come up with
an even more effective means of mass kill-
ing-the hydrogen bomb.
The eye-witness accounts of the first
H-Bomb explosion on the test bomb scar-
red island of Eniwetok Sunday describe
this latest discovery as a "hell-bomb."
Perhaps we might be inclined to gloat ov-
er this discovery, and some would no doubt
claim that American possession of the H-
bomb will provide an effective deterrent
against Communist aggression. Yet is must
not be forgotten that, according to the la-
test intelligence reports, the Soviets are hot
on our trail in the development of the H-
This situation becomes even more appall-
ing when one considers the Pentagon's re-
cent admission that the United States has
no adequate defense against an A-bomb,
much less an H-bomb attack. Since our in-
dustrial centers are scattered throughout
the country, the Reds would conceivably at-
tempt to hit the entire nation.
Moreover, a full-scale H-bomb war
would not only lay this country to waste
but, 'in all probability, the entire planet.
It has been estimated by atomic scientists
that if 100 H-bombs were exploded al-
most simultaneously, the atmosphere of
the earth might become so saturated with
radioactive material that all life on this
planet would be destroyed. This is not a
pleasant thought.
It would seem that the only solution to
this incomparable problem is international
control of atomic energy through the United
Nations. For years now, the UN has been
wrangling over bridling the atom, but the
usual deadlock has arisen between the So-
viet Union and the United States as to
methods and restrictions to be employed.
The American delegates are still insisting on
discussing the matter in terms of control
of the atomic bomb, armaments, and arm-
ies, while the Communists, not wanting to
reduce the size of their armies, will not
consider both controls together.
The American stand can be justified on
the grounds that both atomic control and
armament reductions are necessary if the
world is to realize peace. On the other
hand, the magnitude of the H-bomb prob-
lem requires that both powers get to-
gether immediately in high-level discus-
It is no longer a matter of survival of the
fittest, because there is no "fittest."
--Helene Simon

Washington Report
W ASHINGTON-There is sometimes a
rcertain odd neatness to the awesome
processes of history. The atomic era began
just as Harry S. Truman became President.
The hydrogen era is now beginning, just as
Dwight D. Eisenhower prepares to move in-
to the White House.
The fact that the United States has
tested the world's first hydrogen bomb is
now, surely, the world's most open secret.
The Atomic Energy Commission will soon
make an announcement on the subject,
quite possibly before these words are
printed. To judge from the past, this an-
nouncement is likely to be cautious to
the point of incomprehensibility. The
word to look for is "thermonuclear." This
means the hydrogen bomb.
But what does the hydrogen bomb mean?
The essential facts, as already passed on
security grounds by the A.E.C., are as fol-
lows. The bomb or bombs which have just'
been tested in the Pacific were probably a
sort of compromise between the atomic and
the true hydrogen bomb. But within the
next few months, it should be possible to
test a true hydrogen bomb, with an ex-
plosive power something like fifty times
that of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki model. This
bomb will have a blast damage area of about
100 square miles, and a searing heat flash
area of about 150 square miles.
The effect of the much-feared radioactive
gamma rays of such a bomb can be dis-
regarded, since the range of the gamma
rays is so comparatively limited that any-
one affected by these rays will already be
dead from blast or heat flash. Theoretically,
since the hydrogen bomb is an "open-ended"
weapon it will be possible to construct a
bomb far more powerful. But a much bigger
bomb would present serious and perhaps in-
surmountable design and delivery problems.
What is more, a bomb with fifty times the
power of the original atomic bomb will ob-
viously be capable of destroying at one blow
any but a very few of the world's greatest
cities. In fact, the hydrogen bomb is really
only an appropriate weapon against very
large cities.
Here two facts should be faced. First, be-
cause of the industrial concentration, this
country provides a much larger number of
appropriate hydrogen bomb targets than
the Soviet Union. Second, there is every
reason to believe that the Soviets will be
able to test their own hydrogen bomb
rather shortly. For reasons explained in a
recent "Saturday Evening Post" article
by this reporter and the physicist Dr.
Ralph Lapp, which was passed for se-
curity by the A.E.C., this country has very
little head start in the hydrogen race.
Therefore, far from offering greater se-
curity to the United States, the hydrogen
bomb offers the Soviets a means of rapidly
overtaking the American atomic lead. This
suggests an obvious conclusion. What se-
curity remains to us in the hydrogen bomb
era will depend squarely on this country's
ability to hit the Soviet Union very much
harder than the Soviet Union can hit the
United States.
We must, in other words, remain at all
times well in advance of the Soviets both
in offensive and defensive capabilities.
It should be ,plearly understood that we
are not now maintaining this lead.. A great
deal of evidence suggests, indeed, that the
Soviets may soon surpass this country in
both respects. But it should also be clear-
ly understood that certain "technological
break-throughs," to use a phrase favored
by the scientists, make it entirely feasible
for this country to regain a decisive of-
fensive and defensive advantage.
This is not a matter of a single wonder
weapon, It is a matter of a whole new wea-
pons system. It is also a matter of a great,
and very costly national effort. This raises
the following questions: With the hydrogen
era and the Eisenhower Administration both
in process of birth, is it rational to talk of
heavy cut-backs in taxes and defense ex-
penditures? Any sensible man will agree
that taxes are "too high." Any sensible man

will also agree that the Pentagon has failed
to deliver full value on every dollar invested
in defense, and that there can be sharp
cuts in certain defense categories after the
peak of rearmament has passed.
Yet surely a heavy over-all reduction in
defense expenditures would be a strange
American response to the hydrogen era,
which will be well advanced when the
four years of the Eisenhower Administra-
tion come to an end. During the cam-
paign, President-elect Eisenhower made a
qualified promise to cut government spend-
ing by $20,000,000,000. The great bulk of
this reduction could only come from de-
fense outlays.
Fortunately, a man of Eisenhower's char-
acter and background, weighing the growing
threats to national survival against a quali-
fied promise made during the heat of a po-
litical campaign, is likely to arrive at only
one conclusion. Equally fortunately, Eisen-
hower is now in a position to demand of
this country, and to get, the kind of great
national effort which the threat to national
survival in the hydrogen era requires.
(Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
Editorials printed In The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

Birth of a Nation' . .
To the Editor:
HAVE before me William Zakar-
iasen's letter of Nov. 5 defend-
ing the point of view of the "Birth
of A Nation." Let me take up his
contentions one by one.
1. He contends the legislature
of South Carolina "was made up
of almost 90 per cent Negro."
However, A. A. Taylor, in "The
Negro in South Carolina During
the Reconstruction," gives figures
which come to 68 per cent. (p. 162)
2. Zakariasen says: "That legis-
lature was a faree, full of drunk,
disorderly and ignorant represen-
tatives of the people who busied
themselves . . . with . . . provid-
ing themselves with . , . free cigars
.. " However, the legislature ac-
tually busied itself with the meas-
ures discussed by Taylor pp. 162-
185, to wit: organization of state
and local governments (p. 162),
establishment of a free common
school system (p. 163), reorgani-
zation of the State University
without discrimination (p. 163),
acquiring cheap land for set-
tlers (p. 164, promoting agri-
culture and industry (p. 165), etc.
3. Zakariasen says: Almost all
Negroes in the legislature "were
quite .illiterate, with no concept
of orderly government." "How-
ever, in light of the above legisla-
tion, the fact that many Negroes
could not read or write obviously
did not prevent them from passing
constructive measures. One of the
first things they did was to tackle
the illiteracy cultivated by the
slave system by passing the com-
mon school act which "was per-
haps the most significant legis-
lation enacted during the recon-
struction." (Taylor, p. 163). More-
over, the leading Negro office-
holders were highly educated peo-
ple. Richard T. Greener was the
first Negro graduate of Harvard;
F. L. Cardoza graduated from the
University of Glasgow, Scotland;
E. D. Bassett was Minister to Haiti
and graduated from Yale. (Carter
G. Woodson: "The Negro in Our
History," p 407).
4. Zakariasen "forgives" the
KKK as an "idealistic" group "de-
signed to scare the Negro from
voting." However, Woodson says:
the Klan " . . . was established to
terrorize the Negroes with lawless-
ness and violence." (p. 413).
The distortions of history re-
peated by Zakariasen owe their
origin to such writers referred to
by Du Bois: "The whole history
of Reconstruction has with few
exceptions been written by pas-
sionate believers in the inferior-
ity of Negroes . .. The whole body
of facts ... is masked in such a
cloud of charges . . . that most
students have ... simply repeated
perfunctorily all the current leg-
ends of black buffoons in legisla-
ture, golden spittoons for field-
hands ... ," etc. "Black Recon-
struction," p. 381).
-Mike Sharpe
"'* * *
Memorial . ,.
To the Editor:
BECAUSE THERE are always a
number of students at the Uni-
versity of Michigan that graduates
in February, I would like to sug-
gest another worthy project for
the members of the Senior Board
of '53. Already they have dedicat-
ed their efforts to the replacement
of an emblem on the "Diag" as a
class memorial to the University.
Since the proposed emblem will
not become an integral and func-
tional part of the University be-
fore Spring, there will be that
student minority graduating in
February which might very well
never see the plaque.

"We All Ready To Discuss The Budget?"


Therefore, in consideration of
those few, I suggest that a detailed
photograph be taken of the Uni-
versity emblem after it has been
imbedded in the firm cement of
the "Diag." Many prints could
then be made and sent to all of
the graduated Seniors of the class
ofg '53 who might otherwise have
never known the final resting
place of the dues collected at Fall
-Fern Wright, '53
Chap Named Dwight .. .
To the Editor:
Chap Named Dwight
THERE WAS another chap,
named Dwight;
Who ran on a platform of "noth-
ing's right"
"I'll go to Korea,-tax cut in sight
"Peace on earth,-strong army is
We, madly for Adlai, must see the
In '32, chicken in every pot-
nothing to bite;
Industrial stagnation, green ap-
ples-business blight.
Me, graduating next June afraid
of the night,
Beg you, Mr. Republican, make the
future bright-
Like Washjngton, Lincoln, and
Franklin make Dwight.
--Dennis M. Aaron
Bus. Ad. '53
* * *
Connable Scratched * ..
To the Editor:
H AVEN'T YOU ever hear of the
Peekskill riots, Mr. Connable?
In Sunday's Daily you express
supercilious amusement at a "goon
squad" at the Robeson-Hallinan
meeting here. I guess you meant
the young people, apparently
mostly students, who stood at the
outskirts (unobtrusively and with-
out dramatics, unnoticed by most
of the audience) to help keep or-
der in case the meeting was at-
tacked. Now I wasn't among that
group, but I would have helped
them if I'd been asked. Not for
the thrill, either (as you imply),
and not as a joke. Let me explain
why it's not funny.

At Peekskill three years ago two
open-air Robeson appearances
were attacked by mobs who shout-
ed slogans ranging from "Go
back to Russia, you dirty n-r"
or "Dirty k -e" to "Kill Robe-
son"; mobs who beat and stoned
concert-goers, including women
and children; mobs who had, at
the second concert, the connivance
and in some cases active coopera-
tion of the New York State Po-
lice. The Governor's public state-
ment afterward put the blam on
the victims ! If he were to have
done the same in a case of armed
robbery, one would conclude that
he was encouraging armed rob-
This is not funny. But perhaps
you think it couldn't have hap-
pened here. In Ann Arbor four
years ago the house where the
Communist Gerharc Eisler was
staying was surrounded by a
"lynch mob" of students, who
flung insults, also ice and rocks.
These students were not arrested
or put on probation.
Since the Peekskill battles no
Robeson appearance has been at-
tacked in this way because of the
small groups who have organized
to guard Mr. Robeson whenever
there was even slight indication
they'd be needed.
You, Mr. Connable, poch-pooh
the defense of free speech, there-
by encouraging your readers to
forget with you the danger in
which free speech stands. Why?
-Chandler Davis
The Compass ...
To the Editor:
friends and I wrote a short let-
ter to The Daily, calling the at-
tention of the campus to the fact
that the New York Daily Com-
pass had gone out of business. We
would have been less than frank,
individually, if we had not la-
mented that fact. At no time did
I anticipate any controversy; nor
did I think that there would be
any occasion for sarcasm in this
regard. However, I feel constrained
to make some sort of reply to
Messrs. Leggett and Elsner (Daily,

Nov. 14), who seem inclined to
raise an issue when there is none.
A cursory glance at Compass
headlines and lead stories reveals
that it has taken vigorous, mature,
and responsible stands on many
local and national issues. In the
last month of its existence, for in-
stance, it .
1. Exposed Sen. McCarran's 'ex-
pose' of a 'red plot' in the U.N.
2. Fought against sub-standard
housing in New York City.
3. Admonished us against the
'fear paralysis'-especially of 'reds
in the classroom.'
4. Described the condition of
homes for the aged in New York.
5. Shed light on the prisoner ex-
change issue in Korea.
6. Called our attention to the
activities of neo-Nazi agents in
this country.
7. Decried the anti-union activ-
ity of a large electrical company in
New York.
8. Soberly discussed the African
Now, I ask, what is there laugh-
able about the demise of a paper
which carries on such a program?
The letter of Messrs. Leggett
and Elsner need fool no one; its
intent was neither to give infor-
mation, nor to render a plausible
explanation as to the failure of
the Compass. Its intent was to be
'against' whatever some, or all of
the signers of our letter were 'for.'
The method of these gentlemen
was the opprobrious one of sly rid-
icule and fake commiseration;
synicism which comes only after
a long practice of debunking, and
strangely enough, after many
frustrations. Instead of the glor-
ious and biting sarcastic wit of a
Swift, or of a Voltaire, we have in-
stead, the inane and feeble propa-
gations of a couple of 'liberals'-
presiding, not without ghoulish
glee, over the passing of a paper
which fought a battle in which
all our futures were involved. I
refer, in short, to the cause of true
individual freedom. I caution
Messrs. Leggett and Elsner to re-
member that often 'those who go
to the temple to mock, barely es-
cape remaining to pray.'
-Berkley Branche-Eddins
* * *
Dem Strategy ...
To the Editor:
THE FAILINGS of the American
intellectual in recent years
have now been thoroughly exam-
ined. It remains to ask: "What is
there left for him to do?"
The answer may lie in Phila-
delphia. For in that historically
Republican city a Democratic
party made purposeful and strong
by power newly won, gained for
Governor Stevenson a majority
greater than that achieved there
by any previous candidate. This
sets our course: to study this phe-
nomenon, to see how we can make
use of it in reestablishing contact
with the American people. How
often in the weeks just past did
we snigger at their fear of "Com-
munism, Corruption, and Korea?"
Yet these are symbols for rightful
doubts, for they concern funda-
mentals: honor and freedom, life
and death.
We must now commit ourselves
to tactics and expediencies to the
tedious and humbling work, that
is, of building political organiza-
tions rooted among the people
they are designed to serve. Ignore
them, and we liberals shall have
no President. We must truly press
the short-run, not the long-run
goals. There is no long-run glory
without short-run survival: our
problems are immediate, to be
solved as immediately as possible.
We need not fear the price we pay
in principle for tactical advantage
if our faith is Stevenson's: that
the people do render wise judg-
ment, once we perform our task

of communicating with them.
One precept, and one only, can
serve as our guide to action: that
at issue in Stevenson's defeat were
not their shortcomings, but ours.
-Ernest Lilienstein
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.........City Editor
Cal Samra.........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander ....... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.......Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green...........Business Manager
Milt Goetz........ Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston. ... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg. Finance Manager
Tom Treeger...Circulation Manager

WASHINGTON-President Truman, who
has been burnt up at his old friend
General Eisenhower, planned to talk to him
in a fatherly way at their conference yes-
terday. However, some White House ad-
visers predicted that the President, fre-
quently given to letting off steam, would
talk more like a Dutch uncle than a father.
In advance talks with his advisers,
however, Mr. Truman emphasized that
he would tell the President-elect he want-
ed to let bygones be bygones and hoped to
cooperate 100 per cent in arranging for
a smooth transfer of. government from one
administration to the other.
The main point he planned to make with
Eisenhower is that the next two months
will be extremely critical, and that the
Russians could well take advantage of Am-
erican indecision and confusion to take over
Iran, part of Germany or all of Indo-China.
The Kremlin, he pointed out, may bank
on the fact that an out-going administra-
tion would not want to take responsibility
for a firm stand to protect Iran from a
Kurdish-Tudeh invasion. Yet, a brief period
of indecision, while the Truman Adminis-
tration is bowing out and the Eisenhower
Administration bowing in, might find a
Russian-Communist government sitting as-
tride the oil reserves of Iran and the stra-
tegic Gulf of Persia.
Similar indecision also could be disas-
trous regarding Communist putsches in
Germany and Indo-China.
ENCE-At this, the Atlantic Pact countries
are scheduled to fix their but-ets and goals
for the next two years. '* 'ever, unless
Eisenhower cooperates with tue Truman re-
presentatives who go to this conference
there is no use having it. Truman may have
told the General that unless that coopera-
tion is forthcoming, he will have Secretary
Acheson call the meeting off.
wants the President-elect to issue a state-
ment that he supports the Democrats 100
per cent in refusing to repatriate Chinese
and Korean prisoners who do not want to
return to Communism. Unless there is un-
ity on this point, Truman argues, the

entire matter, plus French Indo-China, be-
fore the UN talks go any further.
Since UN deliberation cannot be post-
poned, this is another vital problem need-
ing Eisenhower's decision.
Friends of both the President and Presi-
dent-elect say that although the sparks may
fly at first they will cooperate together for
the best interests of the nation and in the
end they will part as friends.
* * 4 .
A LITTLE OVER two years ago-Oct. 12,
1950-this column revealed that Carlos,
Marcello, real name Carlos Minacora, was
the head of the Mafia, the great under-
ground criminal society, in New Orleans.
Known as "the little man," this column re-
ported Marcello to be the No. 1 gangster and
racketeer in Louisiana, tied in with Frankie
Costello and Phil Kastell through the Bev-
erly Country Club outside New Orleans.
Though arrested many times since par-
doned by Gov. O. K. Allen on July 16,
1936, Marcello has instituted such a reign
of terror that few people have been will-
ing to testify against him. However, it
now looks as if the jig is up and Marcello
faces a clear-cut income-tax prosecution.
The Bureau of Internal Revenue has
caught him with a net-worth tax-violation
case. In 1940, after getting out of jail on a
marijuana conviction, Marcello swore that
he was destitute. Yet now, 12 years later,
his net worth is $250,000. Since he hasn't
paid taxes on this, Marcello is sure to face
trial again. Though he's been to jail for
bank robbery and sales of Marijuana, for
some strange reason he has never been de-
ported. And he's not a U.S. citizen.
CENATOR TAFT has passed the word that
he favors Bridges of New Hampshire or
Dirksen of Illinois as Senate majority leader.
If Bridges won't take it and Dirksen can't
get it, Taft indicated he would take the job
himself . . . . President Truman has made
train reservations to his home at Indepen-
dence, Mo., for January 22. He"11 leave
Washington two days after the inaugura-
tin, then nlan to take a trip around the


(Continued from Page 2)
Physical Chemistry Seminar. Mr. Rob-
ert E. Machol, Technical Editor, Wil-
low Run Research Center, will speak
on "High Speed Atuomatic Computa-
tional Methods," Wed., Nov. 19, 4 p.m.,
2308 Chemistry Building.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar. On
Wed., Nov. 19, Professor Sydney Gold-
stein will speak on "Mathematics of
Exchange and Regenerative Processes
of Fluid Flow in Fixed Columns" at
3:30 in 445 West Engineering Building.
Geometry Seminar. Wed., Nov.19, 4:15
p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. W. Al-Dhahir
will speak on "The Tetrahedral Com-
plex by Grassmann's Methods."
sociology Colloquium. Mr. David
French will speak on "Possibilities for
Social Science Research in the Wel-
fare Field," Wed., Nov. 19, 4:10 p.m.,
Rumpus Room, Michigan League. Ev-
eryone welcome.
Course 401, the Interdisciplinary
Seminar in the Applications of Math-
ematics to the Social Sciences, will
meet on Thurs., Nov. 20, at 4 p.m. in
3409 Mason Hall, Dr. Ward Edwards
of John Hopkins University will speak
on "Experiments on Economics Deci-
sion Making in Gambling Situations."
Zoology Seminar. Dr. Nelson G. Hair-
ston will speak on "Problems in the

Events Today
Undergraduate Botany Club meets
at 7:30 p.m. in 1139 Natural Science
Building. Dr. Clover will show movies
of her trip down the Colorado River .
..Board of Representatives will meet
on Wed., Nov. 19, at 4 p.m. in the
The Newman Club is having its week-
ly coffee hour from 4 to 5 p.m. Catho-
lic students, friends, and faculty are
Delta Sigma Pi. The business meeting
scheduled for Wed., Nov. 19, has been
Hillel Social Committee meets at 4
p.m., at the new building. Prepara-
tions for the Sunday affair will be made
at this time.
Wesley Foundation. Morning Matin
Service Wed., Nov. 19, 7:30-7:50. Do-
Drop-In Tea, Wed., Nov. 19, 4:00-4:30.
Pershing Rifle. All actives and pledges
report to the Rifle Range at 1925 hrs.
for regular drill. Bring gym shoes.
Beacon. General Meeting at 8 p.m.
in Room 3-R of the Union. Short busi-
ness meeting followed by a discussion.
New members are welcome,
The Spanish Play. All those interest-

illustrated lecture in 2003 Angell Hall,
the Students' Observatory on the fifth
floor will be open for telescopic obser-
vation of the Moon and Jupiter, if the
sky is clear, or for inspection of the tel-
escopes and planetarium, if the sky is
cloudy. Children are welcomed, but
must be accompanied by adults.
Psychology Department Student-Fac-
ulty Coffee Hour on Thurs., Nov. 20,
from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Terrace
Room of the Michigan Union. All stu-
dents are invited.
Ukrainian Students Club. There will
be a meeting of all Ukrainian Students
on Thurs., Nov. 20, at the Madelon
Pound House, 1024 Hill Street at 7 p.m.
Guests are welcome.
La P'tite Causette will meet tomor-
row from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North
Cafeteria of the Michigan Union.
The English Journal Club will meet
Thurs., Nov. 20, 8 p.m., Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Mr. Harvey Gross will dis-
cuss "The Elizabethan Ayre"; to be
sung by Miss Charlotte LaRue.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
Thurs., Nov. 20, 4-6 p.m.
Congregational Disciples Guild.
Breakfast group discussion "The Tech.
niques of Meditation," 7 to 8 a.m. Mid-
Week Meditation in Douglas Chapel.


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