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September 23, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-09-23

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See Page 4

ir ihau
Latest Deadline in the State

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2. i MARGIN:
Ike Takes
Eisenhower by almost two to one.
That's the preference result of over 12,000 University students
who voted in The Daily presidential preference poll taken during
Ike rolled up 64 per cent of the total vote of 12,244 to win a
decisive victory over the Democrat nominee Adlai Stevenson who
collected 33 per cent of the total.
* * * *
THOUGH THE DAILY does not pretend the poll was scientific,
here are the results:
Eisenhower 7837; Stevenson 4041; Progressive candidate Vincent
Hallinan 44; former Socialist candidate Norman Thomas 15, Darling-
ton Hoops, present Socialist candidate 2. Students still undecided
numbered 305.'
The Eisenhower margin represents a drop in Republican strength
on campus from February when The Daily conducted a pre-conven-
tion poll during registration. At that time the heat of the Republican
a * *' 4, . * * k* ~tLt
~' k
. .. ahead . . . gaining
* *: * t 9ya aL ta Z }: * \ i\ 4
race overshadowed the Democratic ,doings and the final figures gave
the Republicans 78.2 percent of the vote and the Democrats 20.7.
* * S*
STEVENSON, on the other hand, showed a Itremendous increase
in popularity since the February poll. Then, the Illinois governor was
the choice of only 33 students for the Democratic standard bearer.
This is partially explained by his comparative anonymity and his
periodic statements concerning his unavailability as a candidate prior
to the convention.
On the final day of polling, Saturday morning, Stevenson
made his best showing. With graduate students mainly registering
at the time, Stevenson gathered 48 percent of the 554 votes cast
with Eisenhower polling almost 54 percent.
Senator Robert Taft's supporters were almost solidly Eisenhower |
when asked to vote for an avowed candidate. Foreign students
seemed fairly well divided between the two candidates with Steven-
son getting a slight edge.
AMONG the minor candidates, Hallinan's total is significant be-
cause he failed to receive a single vote in February. At that time,
however, Henry Wallace, 1948 Progressive candidate, polled 21 votes.
Thomas, 1948 Socialist candidate declined 12 votes from his February
total. His successor, Hoops, failed to receive a vote in February.
Undecided voters made up two percent of the total. Gen-
eral opinion among these voters is that the final five weeks of
the campaign will aid them in making up their minds.
Campus Republicans greeted the results of the poll as indicative
of the general popularity of their candidate. Dave Cargo, Grad, the
president of the "I Like Ike: club said, "the poll shows that the
student body recognizes the new liberal faction of the Republican
party and shows that the party has great appeal for young voters
and future voters."
William Dobson, of the Ann Arbor Republican Committee told
The Daily the poll revealed that "it is significant of our candi-
date's ability to draw votes from all segments of the people
including a large portion of the independents. This will not make
us over-confident," Dobson continued, "but will encourage us
to get the vote of the other 33 per cent.
Young Democrat treasurer Dave Kornbluh, '54, felt the poll
represented a socio-economic group which traditionally is Republican-
gmaN ' .. .
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vaodestaowehishappeocthe inectanvote.nliuesgv
DEMOCRAT candidate for Congress from Ann Arbor, Prof . John
Dawson, of the Law School, hailed the poll's results as very encour-
aging. "The student body and faculty are always conservative in their
political opinions and in past years the Republicans have undoubtedly

had a larger popularity than this."
He felt the results had no bearing on the local race but "is in-
dicative of the general drift to the Democratic Party." Prof. Dawson
said this was in line with the larger popularity and greater reputa-
tion of Eisenhower, when he started the race.


To Appeal










Report Wide
GOP Voter
New Charges
Hit Stevenson
By The Associated Press
The Nixon dispute waxed hotter
yesterday, as the California Sena-
tor prepared to lay his politicalj
life on the line tonight in a tele-
vision-radio broadcast to the na-
tion seeking to explain his $18,000
expense fund from a California
It had been reported that among
those to be sitting in judgment
on the GOP vice-presidential can-
didate will be Gen. Dwight D. Eis-
enhower, still not committed on
whether to keep Nixonon the
Republican ticket.
* * *
AT EACH STOP of the Eisen-
hower special train in Ohio, Indi-
ana, and Kentucky, there were
reports of deep Republican voter
unrest over the Nixon case.
Nixon dramatically broke off
his campaign tour in Portland,
Ore., to fly back to Los Angeles
and prepare what his aide term-
ed "the most important speech
of his political career."
The address will be carried on
the NBC television network and
CBS and NMBS radio networks at
8:30 p.m. EST.
MEANWHILE, in Chicago, fur-
ther confusion was created when
Kent Chandler, an Eisenhower
backer, charged that Gov. Adlai
The Wendy Owen Memorial
Issue of Gargoyle was an ear-
ly sellout yesterday with only
a few copies left to be sold at
local bookstores.
An estimated $750 to $800 will
be turned over to University
blood disease research units
when a sales audit is completed
in the next few days. Mean-
while Wendy's friends want to
thank all those who made the
issue's success possible by buy-
ing and distributing the an-
And fittingly enough the ef-
fort was made on a very spe-
cial day-Wendy's birthday.
Stevenson had promoted as Illi-
nois governor, a "cash fund con-
tributed by private individuals
which was paid to various official
appointees to state jobs."
Eisenhower, in Cincinnati, un-
leashed a fiery speech accusing
the Democratic nominee of a
"faintness of heart" which he said
reflects an administration surren-
der of initiative to the Commun-
Daily Newscast
Highlights of campus and local
news hit the air waves at mid-
night this morning as the Daily'
began its second year of news
broadcasting on Station WHRV.
Written, edited and broadcast
by Daily staff members, the five
minute news summary originates
in the editorial office of the Daily
at midnight Monday through Fri-
day each week.










OSA Studies
Removal of
The Office of Student Affairs is
currently restudying a request is-
sued to the Board of Regents In
July to remove the 25-year-old
driving ban which has been termed
'not enforceable" by one official.
Squelching earlier rumors that
students would be able to keep
cars on campus this year, officials
noted that the request submitted
to the Regents during the sum-
mer would be under study for sev-
eral months.
THE OFFICE of Student Af-
fairs said that the request had not
been resubmitted for the Regent's
active consideration, as had been
earlier reported. The study now
being undertaken by the student
affairs office will determine
Nhether the request will be resub-
ipitted in the future.
Until action results from the
study, the driving ban will re-
main enforced under present
policy. Passed In 1927, the rul-
ing states that "no student in
attendance at the University
shall operate any motor car."
The ban extends over the Ann
Arbor area.
In "exceptional and extraordin-
ary cases" including married stu-
dents, those over 26 years old,
and those who must drive for bus-
iness and health reasons, the rule
may be relaxed.
THE OFFICE of Student Af-
fairs' main reason for requesting
lifting of the ban is the problem
of enforcing present driving regu-
Universitysecretary and as-
sistant vice-president Herbert' G.
Watkins earlier this year de-
clared that the driving ban was
no longer rigidly enforced and
voiced doubt as to its enf ore-
Standing against the advisabil-.
ity of removing the ban are the
University's limited parking fa-
cilities, which at present can ac-
commodate approximately 1,0 0
Other driving developments this
summer included a ruling by At-
torney-General Frank Millard that
the city may legally keep fines
collected while enforcing traffic
regulations on University property.
The city collects fines for such
traffic violations under an agree-
ment with University officials.
In the opinion, Millard stated
that the Regents have power to
adopt "traffic regulations" only
on University property, and not
on state, county or city highways
(for example State Street.)
University officials regard "traf-
fic regulations" as not including
or applying to a special driving
ban ruling.
Choral Unioni
Seeks Singers
_The University Choral Union,
organizing for its 74th consecu-
tive season, invites new candi-
dates for membership to make
audition appointments at the of-
fices of the University Musical
ennip. , v.4- nnp

Frosh. Men-Women
Ratio Almost Equal
Final enrollment figures for the fall semester indicate that the
University population is just about holding its own compared with
last fall's figures.
Exceeding earlier predictions, -the final tally of students enrolled
in resident credit courses will reach 17,000 according to Registrar Ira
M. Smith. Total count last year was 17,226.
UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS are still adding to the incomplete fig-
ures reported Saturday, when 16,076 were recorded in resident credit
[courses and 2,700 were signed up I


-Daily-Malcolm Shatz
SAME OLD STORY-Ann Arbor weather was up to its old vagar-
ies yesterday, as intermittent showers greeted those attending
the first day of classes. Many were unprepared, such as above
coeds Helene Viedrah, '56 (left), and Jean Carroll, '56, trapped
under the doorway of Mason Hall.
Daily Will Open Doors
To Try outs TomorrTow

in the seven extension schools
throughout the state.
Late-hour additions to Sat-
urday's total of 18,776 are ex-
pected to push the final en-
rollment of students taking any
credit courses to 20,000, accord-
ing to Smith.
In spite of a nearly-equalized
ration between freshmen men and
women, the all-campus ratio
dwindled only slightly from last
year when there were 2 men at
the University for every woman.
But the fractional man thisyear
was closer to one-fifth than one-
half, as Saturday's totals listed
11,085 men to 4,991 women.
SIX OF THE University's 16
schools and colleges reported a
slightly increased enrollment over,
last fall in breakdown figures.
They are : School of Dentistry,
College of Engineering, Medical
School, nursing school, School of
Public Health and the small hos-
pital training school.
No sharp decreases were noted
by the ten remaining schools.
Their enrollments stand as fol-
lows :
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, 5,309.
School of Graduate Studies,
Law school, 728.
School of Business Acministra-
tion, 696.
College of Architecture and De-
sign, 536.
School of Music, 498.
School of Education, 440.
School of Natural Resources,
College of Pharmacy, 179.
School of Social Work, 132.
The present 17,000 students in
resident credit courses represents]
a sizable increase over the 15,695
resident enrollment recorded in
the spring.
The spring figures were a six-
year low for the University, which
had recorded enrollment drops
steadily from the post-war peak
of 24,000 in 1949.

Opportunity's proverbial door
will open at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
tc~ - rrow and Thursday at the
Student Publication's building
when The Daily's first tryout meet-
ings will be held.
Prospective reporters, sports
writers, women's staff writers, ad-
vertising men, business moguls,
will all get a chance to join up
on the staff of the nation's oldest
college daily with continuous pub-
* * , *
TYE ONLY prerequisite is schol-
astic eligibility. '
World News
By The Associated Press
SEOUL-Communist forces were
beaten off yesterday in an attempt
to shift battle pressure to the
Eastern Front after suffering
heavy casualties in Western Ko-
The U.S. Eighth Army said Al-
lied forces supported by tanks and
heavy artillery fire recaptured a
peak northeast of the Punch Bowl
in 15 hours of see-saw fighting. A
Red battalion had seized the
height before dawn.
CAIRO - Hjalmar Schacht,
German financial expert, ar-
rived in Cairo yesterday to help
the Egyptian government pre-
pare its new budget.
Schacht recently visited Iran
where he conferred with Premier
Mohamed Mossadegh on that

I _. v

Those who sign will be align-
ing themselves with a $100,000
a year 'nterprise which has an
unbroken record of business and
editorial freedom, and with a
newspaper which has been rat-
ed among the top in college
dailies every year since 1890,
its pioneer year.
Tryouts on all staffs will re-
ceive a training program geared
to condition them for positions of
their choice, either as members of
the fourth estate or as partici-
pants in the equally important
commercial chain which backs up
every line-of-type in any publi-
Editorial, women's and sports
staffers will learn the fundamen-
tals of headline writing, proof-
reading, reporting and editing.
Those who chose to work with
the book balancers will discover
the angles in advertising, circula-
tion, and finance.

Grand Jury
Indicts Six
Detroit Reds
DETROIT - (R) - Six third-
string Communist party leaders
were indicted by a U. S. grand
jury here yesterday, and stood
mute when arraigned on nine
counts of conspiring to advocate
overthrow of the Federal govern-
ment by force.
Four won reductions in bonds
originally ranging from $25,000 to
DETROIT'S six were among 18
party leaders rounded up by the
FBI last week across the country.
In Washington, the Justice De-
partment announced that evi-
dence against the other 12 was
being given Federal grand juries
in St. Louis, Mo.,, and 'Seattle,
The Smith Act, under which
the six were indicted here, car-
ries maximum penalties of 10
years imprisonment and a $10,-
000 fine.
U. S. District Judge Thomas P.
Thornton, before whom the De-
troiters were arraigned, cut the
bond of William Billy Allan, 45,
editor of The Michigan Worker
and correspondent for the Com-
munist Daily Worker, from $25,-
000 to $5,000, but he was unable
to post it immediately.
Adele Hager
Hurt in Crash
Adele Hager, well-known cam-
pus personality, was involved in a
near-fatal accident Friday night
while returning to her home in
Ann Arbor.
Miss Hager, former vice-presi-
dent of SL in 1950 and vice-presi-
dent and social chairman of Mar-
tha Cook in 1949 wae returning
on Ecorse Rd. from her job with
an advertising agency in Detroit.
Police report that her car skidded
sixty feet on the rainy pavement
into a passing freight train on
the Pere Marquette Railroad.
A physicianrat the Wayne Coun-
ty Hospital stated that Miss Hager
is responding well to treatment
Although she has regained con-
sciousness, and is able to take
food, she is still listed on the crit-
ical list. She is suffering from a
concussion, broken jaw, and a
bad cut over her eye.
Sale of Individual

New Heart Operation
Aided by Refrigeration


New Appointments Made by 'U'

cessful heart operation on a hu-
man being with refrigeration used
to slow down bodily processes was
reported Monday by the University
of Minnesota.
University medical authorities
said they believed it was the first
successful operation of its kind.

long as can be done with ordin-.
ary anaesthesia.
And shutting off the circulation
made it possible for the surgeon to
see just what he was doing. Opera-
tions of this kind have been done
by touch because blood shut off
the view of the interior of the
S 4 e

Creation of two University posts
and the naming of a new head
3 cvL-thall nnonh +nn fl 4a lief: o

-- -

former football captain and bas-
ketball star Matthew Patanelli.

assistant conductor of the Metro-
politan Opera Company. Blatt
was on camnus last summer as a

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