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November 11, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-11

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I ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pakistan Student Tells
SL of WSSF Activity

for Thanks- A student official of the Paki-
egin today, stan World University Service cur-
Jnion staff rently visiting the University told
esterday. the Student Legislature Cabinet
ee of charge yesterday of the effects of Ameri-
offices and can student aid in his country.-
ers in find- Going by the nickname "Sha-
t versa. raf" (his real name is Sahibzada
eve. Shah Sharafuddin Ahmad Faridi),
situated in the 20 year old law student from
quad, Rack- the University of Karachi is tour-
and West ing the nation's colleges on behalf
posts driv- of the World Student Service
cards and Fund, the American affiliate of
ay the cards the World University Service.
ogical order * * *
come first- SHARAF emphasized to the
Cabinet that WSSF is not merely
ber of riders a relief organization, but is pri-
rivers, both marily designed to foster better
ed by the understanding among students in
appropriate various nations.
Pointing out that people in
his country are suspicious of re-
ceiving money from foreign na-
tions because of their exper-
iences with Great Britain, theo
Pakistanian student commenteda
that he had held somewhat theP
same suspicions toward Ameri- 1
1 DOW" can aid until he came in con-
tact with Americans at various
IER conferences and saw their de-.
K" sire for friendship with his na-
ESDAY As General Executive Secretary u
of the Pakistanian organizationI
Sharaf works with five universi-
ties, devoting his daytime hours to
this activity while going to law
school at night. Like all other
World University Service volun-
teers in his country he receives
no pay.
* *~ *
and raising funds for a new dor-
mitory at the University of jar-
achi are the two major activities
which the Pakistan group has
gotten underway at the present
' Prohibitive textbook prices led
the group to compile course lec-
ture notes which are supplement-
ed by text references and mimeo-
graphed into textbooks selling for
t °around 50 cents.
An enrollment jump to 8,000
students at the University has re-
.sulted in crowding four or fiven
people into dormitory rooms for-a
merly occupied by one student.
Having received a grant of $6,000
from the World University Ser-v
vice for a new dorm, students ap-,
e proached the Pakistanian govern-V
esu.ts ment and received a free grant of
land and a promise of $12,000.
Students pitched in with pledges a

* * ,..

Tuxen, Danish
To Perform
The Danish National Orchestra
making its first tour of the United
States, will appear at 8:30 p.m.
Thursday in Hill Auditorium.
Touring under the royal patron-
age of H. M. King Frederick IX,
the orchestra will be conducted by
Erik Tuxen who has been heard in
America on a few, occasions as
guest conductor of the Philadel-
phia Orchestra.
For his Ann Arbor concert,
Tuxen has arranged the following
program: Overature to "Euryan-
the" by Weber; Symphony No. 5
by Nielsen; Three Symphonic
Dances by Grieg; and the Suite
from Stravinsky's "The Fire-
Tickets for the performance are
on sale at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical. Society
Three Professors
To Attend Confab
Three members of the Univer-
sity's political science department
are scheduled to participate in the
National Conference on Govern-
ment, conducted by the National
Municipal League, Nov. 17-19 in
San Antonio, Texas.
Profs. Arthur W. Bromage, Dan-
iel S. McHargue, and Harold M.
Dorr are all expected to attend and
address the conference.

Student Players Complete
'Brigadoon' Stage Scenery

Members of Student Players put
the finishing touches on the stage
set for "Brigadoon" yesterday.
Construction of the background
for the musical tale of a Scotch
village that comes to life for one
day every century took place at
the ROTC rifle range. The stac-
cato crack of rifle shots mingled
with the clinking of hammered
nails as students worked hurriedly
while ROTC marksmen blazed
away on the floor above.
MEANWHILE, other cast mem-
bers toured local bars seeking six
bar stools for one scene in the
show. They were accommodated
by surprised bartenders.
The cast for the Broadway hit
show which opens its four day
run at Lydia Mendelssohn to-
morrow includes Richard Berg-
man, '54E; Art Jones, Grad.;
Don Rosenberg, '54; Henrietta
Hermelin, '55; Marilyn Pefferly,
'55SM and Ethel Atlas, '53.
"The more than 700 people who
have already ordered tickets from
cast members should pick them
up at the Lydia Mendelssohn box
office at least one day before the
performance they want to attend,"
Joseph Gadon, '53, president of
the Student Players pointed out.
Tickets at $1.20 and 90 cents go
on sale tomorrow at the Mendels-
sohn box office. The box office will

be open from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and
for half an hour before the 8 p.m.
curtain time tomorrow, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, the nights
of the performances.
To Speak Here
John Scott, foreign correspon-
dent of Time Inc., will speak on
"Europe; Rebirth of a Continent"
at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Sponsored by the Department of
Journalism, Scott it being made
available =through the Time and
Life Speaker's Bureau which ar-
ranges for members 0 Time's edi-
torial staff to speak at more than
150 colleges and universities
throughout the country.
Office Equipment
Display Scheduled
The latest in business office ma-
chines, furniture and supplies will
be on public display at the seventh
annual exhibit of the School of
Business Administration, from 1
to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m., tomor-
row and Nov. 14 at the Rackham

-Daily-Alan Reid
* * *
of manual labor on the residence,
and the group is hopeful that the
proposed $100,000 dorm can be
built soon, Sharaf reported.
On campus the WSSF chapter
is getting started on its fall pro-
gram. Chairman Marilyn Karasek,
'53, announced that petitions for
the WSSF Council may be picked
up from 3 to 5 p.m. at the SL
Bldg. or the Administration Bldg.



Phone 23-24-1
HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M.
2 .60 1.34. 1.96
3 .70 1.78 2.84
4 .90 2.24 3.92
Figure 5 average words to a line.
Classified deadline daily except
Saturday is 3 P.M., Saturdays,
11:30 A.M., for Sunday issue.
PARKER '51, black and silver, name en-
graved. Reward. Phone 6505. )46L
LOST - Woman's gold Whittnauer
watch. Reward. Call 25517 Daytime
only. , ) 51L
LOST-Turquois earring-will party who
called 7010 kindly call again. )52L
LOST-Black and silver Parker 51. Re-
ward. Call 203 Newberry 2-2591. )53L
2 END TABLES, contemporary wrought
iron and walnut designers' models;
reasonable mahogany bowls and oil
painting. 9455, Mr. Hoffman. )2
UNIVERSITY of Michigan pottery ash
tray. Regular 1.25 Special, 75c. Bur
Patts. 1209 South University. )39
STUDENTS-Up to % off on diamonds,
watches, rings, electric shaver, silver-
ware, appliances and all other jewelry
items. Any nationally advertised pro-
ducts at these savings. Ph. Ed Neback,
Lit. '53, 3-1713. )59
2% a 3% PACEMAKER speed graphic,
fully equipped, like new. Phone Henry
Arnold 3-4141. )40L
PARRAKEETS, babies and breeders, ca-
naries, singers, cages and supplies. 305
W. Hoover. Phone 2-2403. )85
TROMBONE HOLTON, some furniture,
dishes and silver. 1706 Baldwin Place.
CANARIES, beautiful singers and fe-
males. Also new and used bird cages.
Mrs. Ruffins, 562 S. 7th. )66
Reserve rooms now at The Campus
Tourist Homes. 518 S. William (near
State). Phone 3-8454. )2R
FOR MAN-Large single front room, 1104
Packard. Phone 3-1937.
SINGLE ROOM for girl in a private
home. Near campus and business dis-
trict.Everything furnished, laundry
privileges granted. 415 S. Fourth Ave.
SINGLE ROOM & BOARD for research
or professional man. Also double for
two (can part pay with duties in
house). Live with congenial cultured
group on campus. 520 Thompson. )4X




WANTED - Experienced salesman for
part time help. Must be here for
Xmas. A. A. Cut Rate. 113 So. Main.
) 39H
PART TIME store clerk for men's wear
and shoe store. Experience preferred.
Good wages. Inquire in person. Sam's
Store, 122 E. Washington. )4H
MAN WANTED for part time help. Sat-
urdays and Sundays, at animal shelter.
Call 2-0311. )43H
WANTED-A counter girl applying in
person. Star Cleaners. 1213 S. Uni-
versity. )46H
sponsible woman to work about 2
months starting Dec. 1. Child care.
11:45 to 5:45. Monday through Friday.
Phone 2-8833. )47H
TYPEWRITERS! Portable and Standard
for rent, sale and service.
314 S. State St., Phone 7177. )8B
WASHING - Finished work, and hand
ironing. Ruff dry and wet washing.
Also ironing separately. Free pick-up
and delivery. Phone 2-9020. )5B
Auto - Home - Portable
Phono & T.V.
Fast & Reasonable Service
"Student Service"
1215 So. Uni., Ph. 7492
112 blocks east of East Eng. )15B
TEACHER of voice and speech. Dr.
Kenneth N. Westerman, member of
National Association Teachers of Sing-
ing. Studio 303 S. State. Ph. 6584.
GOOD Rental Typewriters available at
reasonable rates. Office Equipment
Company, 215 E. Liberty. Phone 2-1213.
TYPING-Experienced in thesis typing.
Pica type. Please call 3-8475 after-
noons or 2-3331 after 5:00. )14B
1, 2, 3, or 4 TICKETS for Ohio State
game. Ph. B. 12 Law Club. )4X
'41 or '42 USED CAR. 326 Adams Hse.
W. Q. 2-4401 ext. 36. )5X
BEEN MEANING to find out about our
student faculty and regular specials,
haven't you? Well, if you are not do-
ing anything why not inquire now.
Student Periodical Agency, 6007. )17M
FOR SALE by owner-Sunnyside three
bedroom home near Eberwhite school.
Gas heat, garage, full basement, land-
scaping. Terms. Phone 2-6958 for ap-
pointment. )1E
I9TT u

BASH! Sunday nite Nov. 16. 8 p.m.
League Ball Room. A Jazz Concert 50c.
} 24P
WANTED - Personable young working
girl to share attractive three room
apartment. Ph. 2-2658 after 6 p.m.


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday.)
VOL. LXIII, No. 43
Change in Student Addresses. Report
immediately to the Registrar, 1513 Ad-
ministration Building, any change of,
address during the semester.
Students, College of Engineering. The
final day for DROPPING COURSES
WITHOUT RECORD will be Fri., Nov.
14. A course may be dropped only with
the permission of the classifier after
conference with the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering. The
final day for REMOVAL OF INCOM-
PLETES will be Fri., Nov. 14. Petitions
for extension of time must be on file in
he Secretary's Office on or before Fri.,
Nov. 14.
School of Business Administration.
Students from other Schools and Col-
eges intending to apply for spring ad-
nittance should secure application
orms in 150 School of Business Ad-
ministration, as soon as possible.

Dept., and on Fri., the 14th, through
the M.E. Dept.
Potters Guild. Advanced classes in
ceramics will be offered week beginning
Mon., Nov. 17. Instruction in wheel,
free form and sculpture at Potter's
Guild. Fee $16 for 8 weeks. Further
information, Mrs. McHargue, 3-1275.
Choral Union Members with good at-
tendance records should call for their
courtesy passes to the concert by the
Danish National Orchestra (Thurs.,
Nov. 13), on the day of the concert,
between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m., and 1 to
4 in the afternoon. After 4 o'clock no
passes will be issued.
Personnel Interviews.
Equitable Life Insurance Company is
sending an interviewer from Detroit
on Wed., Nov. 12, to speak to men in
Business Administration, LSA, and oth-
er departments. Those interested in this
type of work should arrange for an ap-
Personnel Requests
A Local Advertising Firm in Ann Ar-
bor currently is in the market for a
person for layout of advertisements and
Students are reminded that applica-
tions for the U.S. Civil Service Exami-
nation, Junior Professional Assistant,
must be in by Thurs., Nov. 13. These are
mailed to Washington, D.C.
The Inter-American Geodetic Survey
Liaison Office with headquarters in
the Canal Zone is interested in obtain-
ing the service of young engineering
graduates for employment in Latin-
American countries. Civil engineers
are preferred. However, students in
Forestry, Geology, or other fields are
acceptable if they have sufficient math-
ematical background.
Summer Positions.
A position is available for the summer
at a lodge in Northern Michigan for an
evperienced cook, food buyer, and man-
For further information, applications,

and appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, Ext. 371.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Speech. "The Basis of
the Life We Prize," Dr. Elton True-
blood, Professor of Philosophy, Earl-
ham College, Wed., Nov. 12, 4 p.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Lecture, auspices of the Department
of Journalism. "Europe: The Rebirth
of a Continent," John Scott, editor and
foreign correspondent, Time and Life
magazines, Wed., Nov. 12, 3 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Sigma Xi Lecture. "The First Heart
Beats and the Beginning of the Em-
bryonic Circulation" (National Sigma
Xi Lecture, 1949-50, repeated by re-
quest). Illustrated by micro-moving
pictures. By Dr. Bradley M. Patton, Pro-
fessor of Anatomy, University of Mich-
igan, Wed., Nov. 12, 8 p.m., Amphithe-
ater, R .kham Building. Public invited.
Academic NOtices
Logic Seminar in Mathematics. Tues.,
Nov. 11, 3:10 p.m., 3001 A.H. Mr. Flesner
will continue his talk on the charac-
terizability of the natural numbers.
CM 363 Seminar. Mr. R. 0. Deissler,
of the National Advistory Committee
for Aeronautics, will speak on Wed.,
Nov. 12, at 4 p.m., in 1072 East Engi-
neering Building, on the subject of
"Heat Transfer in Turbulent Flow to a
Fluid with Temperature Dependent
Properties." All interested persons are
invited to attend.
Geometry Seminar. Mr. W. AI-Dhahir
will talk on "Projectivities as Grass-
mann's Extensives," Wed., Nov. 12, 4:15
p.m., 3001 Angell Hall.
Sociology Colloquium. Dr. David F.
Aberle will speak on "Social Structure
and Mental Disease: the Puzzle of La-

through November 23
or the Fourth Way of Greatness
Make reservations now - Phone 7301
Discussion follows tomorrow's performance.


tah," Wed. afternoon, 4:10 p.m., East
Conference Room, Rackham Building.
Everyone welcome..
Organic Chemistry Seminar. Mr. Ralph
Raiford will speak on "Seven Mem-
bered Rings Containing 1 or 2 Nitro-
gen Atoms." Tues., Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m.,
1300 Chemistry Building.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
Tues, Nov. 11, 2-4 p.m., 3217 Angell
Hall. Speakers: R. W. Royston and S. R.
The Danish National Orchestra, of
Copenhagen, will be presented by the
University Musical Society, on its first
American tour, Thurs. evening, Nov. 13,
at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium~, in the
Choral Union Series. Erik Tuxen, its
conductor, will present the following
program: Weber's Overture to "Eur-
yanthe"; Carl Nielsen's Symphony No.'
5; Three Symphonic Dances by Grieg;
and Suite from "The Fire-Bird" by
A limited number of tickets are still
available at $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50, at the
offices of the University Musical So-
ciety, Burton Memorial Tower: and will
also be on sale on the night of the
performance, after 7 o'clock in the Hill
Auditorium box office.
The Sonata Recital by Lydia and Rob-
ert Courte, previously announced for
8:30 Sun. evening, Nov. 23, will be pre-
sented at 4:15 thatafternoon in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater. The program of
music for piano and viola will be open
to the general public.
Events Today
Sigma Rho Tau, stump speaker's so-
ciety, is meeting for speaking and de-
bate practice, 7:30 p.m., 2084 East En-
Congregational Disciples Guild. Tea
at Guild House from 4:30 to 6. Study
group on the Sermon on the Mount'
from 7:15 to 8:15.
Senior Board. Meeting at the League,1
7:30 p.m. Please try to be there.
U. of M. Rifle Club will meet at 7:15
p.m. at the R.O.T.C. Rifle Range. The
picture for the Michiganensian will be
taken at 8 p.m. Anyone expecting to
have his picture included, should bring
U. of M. Aviation Club Publicity Com-
mittee will meet at 3:15 p.m. at East
Engineering Building to go out to the1
U. of M. Aviation Club. All members
please meet at the steps of the East:
Engineering Building at 3:10 p.m. Tues.,
Nov. 11. Transportation will be provid-
ed to Washtenaw Airport for the group
The J-Hop Committee will meet in
Room 3M of the Union on Tues., Nov.-
11, at 7 p.m.
"This I Believe" lecture, Rackham
Lecture Hall, 8:30 p.m. Speaker: Dr.
(Continued on Page 4)


Seniors and Graduate Students in
Aeronautical, Civil, Electrical, Mechan-
ical and Industrial Engineering, Engi-
neering Mechanics, Engineering Math
and Engineering Physics: Mr. C. L.
Heckard of Boeing Airplane Company,
Seattle, Washington, is conducting a
group meeting on Wed., Nov. 12, at 7:30
p.m. in 1042 East Engineering Building
for all students interested in employ-
ment with the company. 'A movie will
be shown. Interviews will be held on
Thurs., the 13th, through the Aero.




UG "ig ?CGCG 0 0 O OC;;;;;> ;; ;;>C<OC ;;;;;O
^Stuaeni J /pra/&n/ice
Orchid and Gardenia Corsages
PANHEL BALL ... Nov. 15
Phone 8804

Opportunities in Optometry
Optometry is a profession offering spe-
cial advantages to ambitious young men
and women. Its scope is constantly ex-
panding. Eighty per cent of the Nation's
millions depend upon the Doctor of
Optometry and his professional skill in
conserving vision. There is a shortage
of optometrists in many States.
The Doctor of Optometry possesses the
dignity of being a professional man.
He renders an essential service to the
health and well-being of his commun-
ity. Substantial financial rewards are
obtainable almost from the beginning
of his practice.
U.S. Department of Defense and Selec-
tive Service grant*optometry students
the same consideration accorded medical
The Doctor of Optometry degree can
be earned in three college years by a
student having sixty or more semester
hours of Liberal Arts credits. Such stu-
dents will be admitted at mid-year by
Chicago College of Optometry.
Chicago College of Optometry is cen-
trally located in the heart of the world's
greatest center for teaching in the heal-
ing arts. It is nationally accredited and
is splendidly equipped. Clinical facili-
ties are unsurpassed.
For catalog, address Registrar, Chicago
College of Optometry, 350 Belden Ave.,
Chicago 14. Ill. Adv.




A plastic work of art . . . dramatic and enchanting.
NOVEMBER 12-15 8 P.M.A




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