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November 11, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-11

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C, r

Latest Deadline in the State






Love Thought

EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with the lecture series "This I Believe,"
The Daily is presenting statements of belief of members of the University
Gretchen Hahn is a member of the council of the Congregational Disepiles
> The third lecture in the series will be given at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at
Rackham Lecture Hall by Mrs. Vera Michehes Dean, research director for
the Foreign Policy Association and editor of its publications. She will speak
on "A Foreign Policy for Peace."
There will possibly never be a more difficult and deeply searching
task asked of me at the University then to state my beliefs. I found it
very hard to put them down on paper because they are ever changing
as I continue to have new experiences and become more mature.
As a child I feared God and thought him threatening but
now I think of God as the creative mind of the universe who loves
me and whom I can come to know through love. I believe love is
a creative relationship between people. It is happiness. I do not
want to love people because I think it is my duty but because I
enjoy them for what they are. It is up to me to find the qualities
in every person which will make our relationship enjoyable.
I further believe that people are meant to be loved and that things
are meant to be used but all too often I find myself loving things and
using people: That part of God which is the spark of life within me
disintegrates when I cease caring about the people around me and
think only of myself. I believe that "if I am to know God I must first
know love. I cannot say that I hate my roommate and love God for
in order to become closer to God, or more whole, I must be consistant
in niy love for God and others.
My beliefs have been formed through experience. I once sought
meaning in life and found it in helping others and thus helped myself.
I started out by reading the Bible and other philosophies, spending
time meditating about the books I had read, asking questions and
searching the answers. I began to feel very warm toward others and
secure and neveftdfiely in situations where I would ordinarily be de-
pressed. I felt a singular closeness to God which I had never before
experienced. Routine things of the day took on a different light. My
attitude had changed and I felt that life had purpose and meaning.
I discovered that I was capable of doing things which would affect
the lives of others and I was more conscious of their feelings.
Now I believe that there is a demand for wholeness inherent
;n me and that I was created with a need and capacity to bring
all my energies and possibilities together in a purposeful experience
-to become closer to God through love for the people around me.
I suffer most when I alize that I am not whole. My despair, then,
is a result of my brok nness or the barrier between you and me,
myself and me, and God and me. It is from being inconsistant
within myself.
But I am not alone when it comes to inconsistancy. The culture
in which I live is also inconsistant. The values which it sets up as good,
true, beautiful, and worthwhile are often in conflict with each other.
For instance, I should love my neighbor, but the culture adds, unless
he is a communist. Therefore I am in conflict with myself because I
am torn between the demands of the culture and the demand for
wholeness-to be consistant in my love for other people and thus be
closer to God.
It is through my efforts to continually release my creative energies
to love that I can grow out of my brokenness. Through love I lose
my self interests and become whole and more consistant. The culture
is made up of all the inconsistencies and self interests of the people
in it. When I am more consistant and think less of myself I am, in
a very small way, helping my culture to also become more whole.
Supreme Court To Consider
Communist Trucks Act Case
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The Supreme Court in a series of actions yes-
terday agreed to review the constitutionality of Michigan's Commun-
ist control Trucks act, handed down a ruling condemning "Jim Crow"
practices in railroad coaches and denied Frank Costello a review of
his conviction for contempt of the Senate.
The Trucks Act which was found valid by a lower federal court
is of the same general nature as the federal Internal Security Law
of 1950 sponsored by Sen. Pat McCarran of Nevada.

City Annexes
New North
Township Board
Gives Final Okay
The 267 acre University North
Campus area was formally at-
tached to the City of Ann Arbor
last night when the Township
Board voted unanimously to annex
the territory.
By their action, the Board gave
University officials a go ahead sig-
nal on plans for construction of
sewage facilities, water mains,
roadways and other public utili-
ty projects in the area.
UNIVERSITY action along this
line had been held up for over two
months while the Ann Arbor City
Council was discussing the issue
and waiting on reports.
Already under construction on
the new campus is the Cooley
Memorial Laboratory which is
scheduled to open sometime this
summer. The opening of the
laboratory will mark the first
large campus development since
the announcement of the new
campus' construction was made
on Jan. 17.
Ray Wurster, a member of the
Township Board, said the Board's
approval was in recognition of the
urgency of the problem facing the
University in beginning work on
various facilities before cold
weather hinders construction.
* *
AT THE SAME meeting the
Board tabled a proposal to annex
three other University land par-
cels. These are the University Golf
Course, a portion of the Botantical
Gardens and the old Ingliss prop-
Last week the City Council
unanimously approved to an-
nex all four pieces of land. It
takes both Council the Town-
ship Board approval before n-
nexation can be made official.
Under agreements reached with
the city, the University will build
the roads, sewers, water mains and
fire hydrants, and pay for lighting
installations on the campus. In
addition, the University will build
and equip a new north side fire
station if appropriations are
granted by the State legislature.
Authority was given the City
Water Department last week by
the City Council to proceed with
plans for the installation of mains
and hydrants in the campus area
when the Township Board ap-
proved annexation. University
plant supervisor Walter M. Roth
said University plans along these
lines will be made immediately.
The Phoenix Memorial Labora-
tory is the next building slated for
construction on the campus. Work
on this is expected to begin some-
time early next year. Other build-
ings definitely planned for con-
struction are a library stack unit
and an automotive laboratory.
The new campus is directly
north of the new Veterans' Ad-
ministration Hospital and touches
on the Huron River at one point.
By straight line measurement the
new campus is a mile and one
tenth from the heard of the pres-
ent campus.
Bromage To Leave
City Council in '53

Alderman Arthur W. Bromage,
professor of political science, yes-
terday announced that he will not
be a candidate for reelection from
the Sixth Ward to the City Council
in April, 1953.
Now serving his second term on
the Council, the Republican alder-
man expects to -be absent from
Ann Arbor from early April to
September of next year on sab-
batical leave.








Watch It
COLUMBUS, O. -(A- Ohio}
State University officials plan
to crack down on drinking at ?v
the game with Michigan here
Nov. 22.
Athletic Director Dick Lar-
kins told of the plans in a news
release yesterday. :

Decision Comes
After Red, Stand
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-(P)-Trygve Lie, buffeted from one
side by the Kremlin and from the other by a U. S. congressional com-
mittee, last night submitted his resignation as secretary general of the
United Nations.
In an emotion-choked voice, Lie told the General Assembly he
was stepping aside in hope it would help bring peace to Korea. Russia
has refused to deal with Lie because of his support of the UN in Korea.
CLOSE ASSOCIATES said Lie was "fed up" with the Kremlin at-
tacks, with alleged sniping from the U. S. Senate subcommittee headed

Plan Joint
D iscuss ions
Inter-House Council members
and officers of the Interfraternity
Council will begin a series of meet-
ings tomorrow designed to resolve
the frequent controversy over fra-
ternity men entering the residence
halls during the two-week formal
rushing periods.
The decision to hold the meet-
ings was reached yesterday at a
conference between Dean of Stu-
dents ErichWalter, IFC president
Pete Thorpe, '53, and Sam Alfieri,
'54A&D, president of the West
Quad Council.
ALTHOUGH DeanWalter would
not comment on the discussion, it
was learned that the decision was
made as an alternative to the
IFC's plan of having the Student
Affairs Committee rule today on
last Tuesday night's propos
change in the IFC by-laws.
It had been decided at Tues-
day's house president's meeting
to amend a 1950 ruling forbid-
ding personal contact between
fraternity men and rushees with-
in their residences during formal
rushing. The amendment would
have allowed Greeks and rushees
to meet at will in South Quad-
rangle's Club 600 and dormitory
common lounges.
Thorpe said the reason for the
amendment was the "IFC's belief
that those facilities which are
shared in common during the year
with all students should not be
barred, per se, to fraternity men
during the rushing period."
* * *
THE IFC MOVE was a watered-
down revision of the plan they
submitted to the Interhouse Coun-
cil last spring. A subject of strong
feelings on the part of the quad-
rangles, who voted it down, the
proposal recommended that new
quad men who request the services
of IFC rushing councillors be al-
lowed to meet 'them in residents'
rooms as well as the common
lounges and Club 600.
The currently planned meet-
ings will be held between Alfieri,
Thorpe, IFC vice-president San-
dy Robertson, '53BAd., and IHC
representative to the residence
halls' board of governors Ted
Bohuszewicz, '54A&D.
Alfieri expressed a hope that a
solution agreeable to both sides
would be reached before the first
school week in January which was
set as the deadline at yesterday's
meeting with Dean Walter.
Quadrangle policy regarding the
IFC's proposal will be considered
at the Interhouse Council meet-
ing at 7:15 p.m. today in dining
room No. 1 in the West Quad-
rangle, Alfieri concluded.

--Daily-Alan Reid
POTTERY DEMONSTRATION-Skilled craftsman Shoji Hamada
is shown demonstrating his Oriental training in pottery as part
of his lecture last night in Angell Hall Auditorium D. Potter
Hamada, dressed in his traditional village work garb of a loose
black shirt and balloon pants, with getas, or clogs, on his feet, sat
cross-legged before the potter's wheel and demonstrated the use
of a foot-operated potting machine while Bernard Leach, his
English associate operated the foot pedal.,
Reuther Seen As Likely,
Successor To MurrayI
As labor and management leaders all over the nation prepared to.
pay their final respects to CIO president Philip Murray who died Sun-
day, speculation was rife as to who would be selected to succeed the
long-time head of 33 CIO unions when the union's annual conclave
gets under way Monday in San Francisco.
Top contenders seemed to be dynamic Walter P. Reuther, head
of the powerful 1,250,000 member UAW, and young, vigorous James
B. Carey, president of the CIO-

by Sen. McCarran (D-Nev.) and
with actions of the UN's Budget
Committee slicing big bites from
expenditures Lie thinks necessary.
The resignation will take ef-
fect when the General Assembly,
acting on a Security Council
recommendation, appoints a suc-
Lie's present term runs until
Feb. 1, 1954. He did not set a dead-
line for appointment of his suc-
* * *
MEANWHILE Andrei Y. Vishin-
sky said flatly the Soviet Union
will "not budge" from its demand
for repatriation of all prisoners
of war in Korea.
He rejected two compromise pro-
posals and renewed his appeal for
a new commission to settle the
Korean conflict.
An American spokesman said
immediately that the UN never
would consent to driving pris-
oners of war back to Commun-
ist countries against their will.
Other delegations gloomily
agreed that the Korean stale-
mate continued unabated and
that Vishinsky had done nothing
to point the way to a solution.
The red-faced Soviet foreign
minister insisted time and again
in a two hour and 32 minute
speech to the 60-nation UN Poli-
tical Committee that a prisoner
of war is a soldier and h1as no
choice about repatriation under
the Geneva Convention.
with no advance warning, burst
on the 60-nation Assembly.
The audience included U. S.
Secretary of State Dean Ache-
son and Soviet Foreign Minister
Andrei Y. Vishinsky.
Speaking slowly, Lie said: "I
am stepping aside' now because I
hope this may help the United
Nations to save the peace.,
"The United Nations has thrown
back aggression in Korea. There
can be an armistice if the Soviet
Union, the Chinese People's Re-
public and the North Koreans are
sincere in their wish 'to end the

Vote Recount
Decision Still.
Awaited Here
Official notice of a state recount
in the gubernatorial race has not
been received by the County
Clerk's Office, Mrs. Luella Smith
reported yesterday.
"It will probably be several days
before we will be given notifica-
tions if a recount will be held,"
Mrs. Smith, the county clerk said.
Right now the county ballots are
under the custody of city and .
township clerks.
EACH CLERK is charged with
the safety of the, ballots and is
instructed to report any irregular-
ities that are found. In addition,
the state police have .started an
inspection of all ballot boxes and
will submit reports to the State
Director of Elections on the con-
dition of the boxes.
Final figures in the election
will not be in until all counties
submit their totals to the state
canvassers office in Lansing.
If a candidate desires a recount
on the basis of these figures he
may make a request for the check.
This Is usually granted by the
state canvassers board.
LAST NIGHT the unofficial re-
turns gave Williams a 7,020 lead
over Alger. The count stands at
1,429,955 for Williams to 1,422,953
for Alger. It is expected that a re-
count request will be made by Al-
ger if the final margin is less than
Democratic leaders are also con-
sidering asking a recount in the
senatorial race between incum-
bent Blair Moody and Rep.
Charles Potter. At this time Pot-
ter leads by approximately 37,000
votes with Moody declining to
comment when asked about a re-

World News

By The Associated Press
SEOUL, Korea-United Nations
forces threw back Communist at-
tacks at points all along the rain-
swept war front this Armistice
Day in a land where there is no
* * *
AUGUSTA, Ga. -- Striking
technicians removed picket lines
from the site of the Atomic
Energy Commission's huge H-
bomb plant last night, and radio
appeals were broadcast for work-
ers to return to their jobs.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Latest returns
from the congressional elections
give the Republicans 220 House
seats to 211 for the Democrats.
One independent was re-elected,
and three seats still were in doubt.
rica - Violence erupted agaiA
last night in the riot-torn east
coast port of East London, where
police fired for the second day
on Negro demonstrators.

YESTERDAY'S test case was in-
itiated by the Communist Party of
Michigan who challenged the law
requiring registration of "Com-
munist-action" organizations on
three sections.
Ruling on "Jim Crow" in
railroad coaches the court de-
clared that railroads may no
longer require colored passen-
gers to travel in separate coaches
and rejected an appeal from a
lower court ruling that separa-
tion of white and colored pas-
sengers is a constitutional bur-
den on interstate commerce.
Segregation of coach passengers
has been most prevalent in south-
ern states, the chief exception be-
ing North-South through trains.

International Union of Electrical
ON CAMPUS last night two
labor experts saw Reuther as a
probable choice for the top CIO
office. Prof. William Haber of
the economics department com-
mented that. "Reuther is undoubt-
edly the most outstanding of the
people who might be considered."
However, he indicated that if
the huge union decides to steer
clear of politics in the next
years, Reuther's chances could
be lessened, since he has always
stood for an active political ac-
tion program.
Prof. Harold M. Levinson 'of the
economics department also saw
Reuther as an outstanding candi-
date for the post.
* * *
SEVERAL news commentators
yesterday speculated that the
change in CIO leadership might
bring about new- efforts to bring
the AFL and CIO back together
into one organization.
Results in last week's election
had also brought up this possi-
bility as some analysts saw in
the Democratic defeat motiva-
tion for the unions to reunite
in one strong body.
However, these speculations were
largely discounted by both Prof.
Haber and Prof. Levinson.
"The obstacles to a merger are
much deeper than leadership,"
Prof. Haber said. "Jurisdiction be-
tween the two groups is the main
problem and until this matter is
solved, a merger is unlikely."
Prof. Levinson also considered
the possibilities for amalgamation
as slim. "Differences in opinion
and animosities which have grown
up over the years would make mer-
ger unlikely," he said.
Armistice Day
Neither the city nor the Uni-
versity have planned official cere-
monie in heranceo nf Armistier

Private Colleges Impose Few Rules

Key Election
Picks Several
Former Nazis
FRANKFURT, Germany-(IP)-
A surge toward the right swept
several former Nazis back into
local offices in three key West
German state elections.
Returns from Sunday's voting
indicated that the federal govern-
ment-already controlled by a
conservative-rightwing coalition-
may veer even farther right in
next year's parliamentary election.

Editor to Discuss 'Policy for Peace'

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond of two articles summarizing the
results of a Daily survey of 24 of the.
nation's colleges and universities
on methods of regulating campus
speakers. Today'sarticle deals with
privately-supported institutions.
On the majority of privately-
supported campuses where stu-
dent politicos are interested in
bringing controversial speakers,
neither the administration nor
faculty makes any consistent ef-
fort to stop them.
All but one of the six private
schools contacted in a Daily sur-
vey of 24 of the nation's universi-
ties indicated that their adminis-
trators often give active support
to speakers barred from state-sup-
ported campuses, as part of a
broad, non-restrictive concept of
"academic freedom."
IN CONTRAST to the complex
regulatory laws and systems of
schools supported by public funds,
private colleges place relatively

This set-up gives the adminis-
trations only one contact with the
matter of approval or disapprov-
al of speakers-the office comp-
arable to this University's Office
of Student Affairs which officially
"recognizes" groups.
* *, *
AT DARTMOUTH, there has
been "no occasion on which a
speaker properly sponsored and
properly entered on the college
calendar has been forbidden a
hearing," according to the cam-
pus newspaper's editor.
Although one Dartmouth or-
ganization was "advised" a few
years ago not to sponsor a concert
by Progressive Party leader Paul
Robeson, the Council on Student
Organizations in issuing the ad-
vice explained that the independ-
ent sponsorship of a concert would
jeopardize the regular college con-
cert series.
At Harvard, any "recognized"
campus group can schedule
speakers to talk in university

the New York campus took one
and a half years after a controver-
sial banning to formulate.
* * a
THE DISPUTED speaker, How-
ard Fast, an allegedly left-wing
author, also figured in the aca-
demic freedom picture at Yale.
At the Connecticut college, how-
ever, the controversy centered
mostly within the student-admin-
istration Political Union, Yale's
omnibus of political clubs.
The several student members
of the Union opposed to Fast's
talk were critisized sharply in
the Yale News' editorial pages
and subsequently Yale's presi-
dent A. Whitney Griswold issued
a statement reemphasizing the
administration's non-interfer-
ence policy.
"The University will not prohib-
it the invitation or deny the use of
its facilities" to Fast, Griswold
said. He left it up to undergradu-
ate members of the Political Union
to decide whether or not they


Vera Micheles Dean, editor of
the Foreign Policy Bulletin, will
speak on "A Foreign Policy for
Peace" at 8:30 p.m. today at the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Mrs. Dean is the third in a series


has written are "Europe and the
United States," "Europe in Re-
treat," "The Four Cornerstones
to Peace," "Russia: Menace or
Promise" and "United States
and Russia." Her latest book
"u- to Win Fri.;ntic f.r+t.



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