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November 09, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-09

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a 1

The Egg-Heads' Candidate

N OT SINCE Roosevelt first offered hope
-.to a desperate people in 1932 has any
presidential candidate so successfully rous-
ed the social, political and philosophical
faiths of educators throughout the country
as did Adlai Stevenson in the recent cam-
The jsupport that the Governor received
from both the faculty members at Co-
lumbia and here at the University evi-
dences the active political interest taken
by this group in the campaign-one of the
major political phenomena of the 1952
The reasons why Stevenson atttracted the
support of the "egg-heads" are obvious. The
governor carried on his campaign at the
pinnacle of intellectualism.. His classroom
was the whole of the United States, and in
a manner quite professorial, he tried to rea;-
son with his 60 million students.
Thus hundreds of faculty members

throughout the country identified them-
selves with this candidate. In Stevenson,
they saw themselves. In Stevenson's de-
feat, they saw not only a repudiation of
their own beliefs, but a repudiation of
what they cherish most-intellect.
The deep-felt personal tragedy which the
erudite suffered when the Governor was de-
feated cannot be easily laughed off. For, this
small minority felt as intense a mystical
hope in Stevenson as the majority of Am-
ericans felt for Eisenhower.
Now, for these men to sink back into
their classrooms, forlorn and disillusioned,
would be the same mistake as made by
generations of educators before them.
It is to be hoped that these same men,
who have so magnificently fought for their
ideals, will continue to do so. They may yet
be able to see the ascendancy of their faith.
In any case, it is worth working for.
--Mark Reader


ASHINGTON-How much trouble will
President Eisenhower face from the
conservative wing of his own party, which
fought him so ferociously at Chicago? In
the afterglow of Eisenhower's triumph, it is
too easy to forget that a great gulf still di-
vides the Republican party. It was Eisen-
hower himself, after all, who once confided
to reporters that he had become a candidate
only because he was convinced that the elec-
tion of Sen. Robert A. Taft, who dominates
the Republican conservatives, would be
It is also easy to overlook the fact that
the kind of Republicans who follow the
lead of Sen. Taft still make up a majority
of the Republicans in Congress. Consider
the Senate. There are twenty-two seated
Republican Senators who are by any rea-
sonable test identified with the Taft wing
of the party. Hickenlooper of Iowa and
Bridges of New Hampshire have also tend-
ed Taftward, especially since the death
of Sen. Arthur Vandenberg.
Two of the newcomers (Potter of Michi-
gan and Beall of Maryland) have evidenced
Taftist leanings, while two others, Gold-
water of Arizona and Barrett of Wyoming,
must be put in the question mark category.
Finally, Langer of South Dakota, while to-
tally unpredictable on domestic affairs, is
certainly no Eisenhower follower on foreign
On the other side, eighteen Republican
Senators and Senators-elect may be safely
described as "Eisenhower Republican." A
ninteenth will unquestionably be added
when Gov. Earl Warren of California fills
Vice-President-elect Richard Nixon's seat.
In short, although the Taft-ite majority
has been somewhat reduced, those who
might be expected to think and vote like
Sen. Taft have a decided edge among Sen-
ate Republicans. The same is undoubted-
ly true of the House Republicans. This
edge is reinforced, moreover, by the com-
mittee chairmanships, most of which will
go to Taft followers.
All this would seem to suggest a showdown,
sooner or later, between President Eisenhow-
er and the conservative wing of his own par-
ty. This is further suggested by the views on
domestic and foreign affairs expressed by
Eisenhower in the last weeks of the cam-
paign, views which cannot have been music
to the ears of Taft and his followers. And
Sen. Taft is noted for the firmness of his
Yet here it is instructive to cast the mind
back to the thirties. Consider, for example,
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's bill for
packing the Supreme Court. The identity of
the Democratic floor leader at this time, who
fought shrewdly and tirelessly for the court-
packing bill, may surprise some people. He

was none other than James F. Byrnes. For
six years, until Roosevelt's tight hold on his
party was weakened by the defeat of the
court bill and the Republican gains in the
1938 elections, the Democratic leaders on
Capitol Hill were in the main instinctively
conservative men like Byrnes. Yet they man-
fully steered the New Deal, about which they
certainly had the strongest possible private
doubts, through the Congress. The reason
was simple.
Roosevelt's victories in 1932 and 1936,
when he ran well ahead of his party, gave
him an almost unchallenged power and
prestige among Democrats of all stripes.
Those who defied Roosevelt almost from
the first, like Sen. Carter Glass of Virginia,
were isolated and rendered virtually pow-
Eisenhower's 1952 victory has been if any-
thing a more striking personal triumph than
Roosevelt ever enjoyed. Among the Taft Re-
publicans, there are many coattail riders, in-
cluding men like William Jenner of Inidi-
ana and perhaps even Joseph R. McCarthy
of Wisconsin. The coattail riders will not be
eager to challenge the owner of the coat-
tails, any more than Roosevelt was seriously
challenged from within his own party dur-
ing his first years of triumph.
This is all the more true in Eisenhower's
case because the Southern Demcrats, who
now have a dominating position in the bed-
raggled Democratic party, are more Eisen-
hower-minded than the Taft Republicans.
The Southerners can be expected to join the
Eisenhower Republicans to crush any seri-
ous challenge to Eisenhower's leadership,
particularly in the foreign and defense policy
Thus Eisenhower finds himself in a po-
tition of almost unique power. He has the
power to place his stamp indelibly on the
Republican party, just as Roosevelt put
his stamp, for good or ill, on the Demo-
cratic party. In order to use this power
wisely, in order to exercise the party au-
thority which is the prerequisite of na-
tional leadership, Eisnhower must quickly
master what he once called the "serious,
complicated, and in its true sense noble"
profession of politics.
To judge by his campaign, no American
public figure has been able to "learn by do-
ing" more quickly than Eisenhower. Thus it
seems reasonable to expect that in the end
end Eisenhower, by an almost unconscious
process, may remold the Republican party in
his own image. This is an image compounded
of broad tolerance, rational conservatism at
home and enlightened self-interest abroad,
qualities which have not always marked the
Republican party in its long bitter years of
(Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

W ASHINGTON-Here is the inside story
"vof the famous Van Fleet letter on the
training of South Korean troops and how it
happened to be used in the election cam-
General Van fleet had sent his wife a
birthday greeting and with it enclosed a
copy of the letter he had written to Maj.
Gen. Orlando Mood on his ideas for push-
ing the training of South Koreans.
His wife, in turn, showed the letter to her
daughter, Mrs. Edward T. McConnell, wife
of Colonel McConnell, who is stationed at
West Point. Mrs. McConnell, in turn, show-
ed it to Mrs. John Eisenhower, daughter-in-
law of the General, and after getting per-
mission from Mrs. Van Fleet, Mrs. Eisen-
hower, Jr., got in touch with her father-in-
At this point, Gen. Jerry Persons, who
was stationed with Eisenhower at NATO
and has been a. member of his political
staff during the compaign, telephoned
Mrs. Van Fleet, explaining that Eisenhow-
er would like to use her husband's letter
and asking her to cable Gen. Van Fleet
for permission.'
Van Fleet and Eisenhower used to play
football at West Point together: They un-
derstandthe signals. Mrs. Van Fleet knew
this. So she told General Persons thatif
she cabled her husband, the cable would have
to pass through military channels, would
immediately leak to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the White House, so it would be better
not to cable.
Finally Eisenhower phoned Mrs. Van
Fleet herself, asked if the release of the
letter would embarrass her husband.
Mrs. Van Fleet replied in the negative.
"My husband," she said, "retires in January
I T WAS KEPT a careful secret between the
White House and Stevenson's headquar-
ters, but only two phone calls and two let-
ters were exchanged between President Tru-
man and his would-be successor AdlaiSte-
venson during the entire campaign,
This illustrated what also was kept a
secret-the hostility, almost bitterness be-
tween the two top Democrats of the nation.
The sole phone conversations between
them came when Truman took the initiative
in calling Stevenson. He likewise took the
initiative with the two letters. Stevenson re-
plied each time, never moved himself to con-
tact the President.
He felt from the start that he must run
as a complete independent, that if he got
tagged with the Ttuman label he was lost.
That was why he came to the famed White
House luncheon reluctantly. It was also why
he set forth five advance conditions to ac-
ceptance of the nomination. They were:
1 That Stevenson should pick his own
campaign manager.
2. That he should also pick his own chair-
man of the Democratic National Committee.
3.TThat the Democratic platform be
cleared with him in advance.
4. That President Truman would speak
only when and where he, Stevenson, di-
5. That all of the President's speeches
should be cleared with him.
O N ONLY TWO of these did Stevenson
finally have his own way-namely, the
appointment ofWilson Wyatt as his cam-
paignrmanager and the appointment of
Steven Mitchell as Democratic chairman.
The, latter came only after White House
friends first urged him to retain Frank M-
kinney or appoint either ex-Sen. Francis
Myers of Pennsylvania or Los Angeles post-
master Mike Fanning.
Many experienced Democrats believe
Stevenson would have been better off had
he used a professional politician as his
chairman, because as it was he got the
"city boss" tag without its benefits.

At any rate, relations between the two
top men-Truman and Stevenson-worsfn-
ed as the campaign progressed. Stevenson
wasn't happy over the President's "give-'em-
hell" speeches, especially the one on bigotry.
But there wasn't anything he could do about
it. And Truman wasn't happy about Adlai's
"highbrow" speeches.
Toward the end of the campaign, the
President remarked bitterly to cabinet mem-
"I have no illusions about this guy. He
doesn't want me. He doesn't want any part
of us. I'm out doing what I am doing be-
cause it's my administration that's on the
line, not his.
"When this is all over," the President con-
tinued, "I'm not going to ask this guy for a
thing. I'm not going to ask him to appoint
anyone or keep anyone. He's not my kind of
PRESIDENT TRUMAN, who wants to write
history, has intimated to friends he will
begin with his autobiography . . . a great
reader of history books, Truman also has a
special curiosity about a man who is trying
to make history. He sent a messenger to Al-
bion's book shop down the street from the
White House to buy a copy of the new bio-
graphy: "McCarthy: the Man, the Senator,
the Ism." ... Adlai Stevenson paid the ex-
penses out of his own pocket for his staff
members to fly home and vote November 4.
.... The Republicans kept slightly ahead
of the Democrats in tabulating the votes on
election night. Their secret: They hired a
.,_-of1. 1,tllrc nrn e a mrlpla t A A-

Tapping Time
f $
:.:.. ".: ...

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

't I

Meeting of Liberals. .
To the Editor:
THOSE OF US that stood for the
Tthings that Governor Steven-
son outlined in the campaign were
in varying degrees disturbed by
the election returns. Many explain
why this and that happened. I do
myself. Perhaps the major reason
why he did not win is that there
were not enough people who
agreed with him, just as simple as
that. We, who believe as he does,
must face that fact and unless
something happens during the
next four years, it can happen
Governor Stevenson issues the
challenge of a new liberalism for
the second half of the twentieth
century. Will the liberals accept
this challenge or will they become
discouraged and give up or get
tangled and bogged down in end-
less debate and talk? Can we hope
to help more persons to vote on
issues and past performance rath-
er than on slogans and hero wor-
ship? Are we willing to give up
the high level type of campaign?
What are we as the new liberals
going to do?
We invite those who wish to
strengthen the liberal position to
discuss "What Will the Liberal
Do Now?" with Mrs. Neil Staebler,
wife of the chairman of the State
Democratic Committee, at the
Unitarian Young Adult Group at
the Unitarian Church tonight at
7:15. Transportation from Lane
Hall at 7:00 p.m.
-Blue Carstenson
Unitarian Young Adult Group

GOP Reply...
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH THE election is now
over, and the people have em-
phatically declared their choice,
the attitude assumed by Mr. Larry
Bachman and others still unable
to awake to reality is a continuous
source of amazement to me. Mr.
Bachman, who "was stunned" by
the forgetfulness of the American
people, asks, "Can't they remem-
ber it was this same Republican
party that they elected yesterday
that led the nation to depression
and despair only twenty years
Now, Mr. Bachman, let me ask
you why, since you propose that
the depression was the fault of
the Republican Party, you do not
also propose that World War II
and the Korean War are the fault
of the Democratic party? Such a
stand would at least seem more
Again, Mr. Bachman, let me ask
you, who accuse the American peo-
ple of short memories, if you re-
member the business depression of
1948 (the Democratic economists
were then at the helm) which was,
only terminated by an event in
Perhaps, though, Mr. Bachman,
I misunderstood the intent of your
letter; perhaps it was meant to be
facetious, for you end your letter
with a very humorous phrase : "the
party of the people-the Democra-
tic Party."
-Louis R. Zako, '53

The Week's News

ARECORD TURNOUT of 20,701 Washtenaw County voters reflected
national sentiments last week by electing a complete slate of GOP
County officials. Despite an early evening scare, incumbent Rep.
George Meader defeated Prof. John Dawson of the Law School for
a seat in the House.
Mayor William Brown drew a deep sigh of relief when the
final tabulation of votes showed that a new courthouse will be
erected on the site of the old. Voters gave their endorsement by
approving two financial measures for the project. Architect R. S.
Gerganoff said construction could begin within six months.
At the University, victory celebrations and gloomy discussions
became the norm when national election results were in. Republicans
began whooping it up as early as 11 p.m. when returns from key
northern states confirmed trends in the South pointing to a GOP
Celebrations reached their climax in the early morning, when
YR's and Fiji marching band and other students joined together in
a victory trek across campus.
* * * 9
THE OMNIPRESENT-The Student Legislature decided to sub-
mit to the Regents a Lecture Committee recommendation which
would end bannings of speakers. The recommendation proposes shift-
ing responsibility from the shoulders of the committee onto the spon-
soring group. Basis for judgment would be the existing Regents'
criteria on speakers. Post-judgment will thus replace pre-judgment
of speakers.
S* 9 9 9



Mr.NilSablrwl sekon 1Wa

CAMPUS ANNEXED-The City Council decided to lift the prob-
lems of police and fire protection of the new North Campus from the
University by voting to annex the campus territory.
TROUBLE-SHOOTERS-The engineering college started for-s
mation of a steering committee, like that found in the literary col-
lege, to implement student-faculty relations. Organized primarily
with the idea of getting interested students together to crystalize
college problems, the committee plans to climax the weekly get-to-
gethers with an open meeting at which faculty members will air
their views.
* * * *
HOT STUFF-University scientists revealed that the world's most
powerful experimental gamma radiation source will be moved across
the Canadian border to the University early in December. Designated
for use in Phoenix project research, the processed cobalt's power is
equal to that of approximately 10,000 grams of radium. Canadian
border officials are expected to present no obstacle to the material's
removal; the prevailing sentiment is to "speed it on its way as fast
as possible."
-Diane Decker
e' P .' *
Political Roundup
THE CAMPAIGN had started off on a "high level," but,, as with
most electoral fights, it was ending up as a bitter, mud-slinging
contest which was heralded as the closest race in years. Calling back
the spectre of black depression days the Democrats centered their
arguments on the "you never had it so good" theme, while the Re-
publicans, out of office for 20 years and growing somewhat desperate,
were emphatically carrying on their "it's time for a change" crusade.
As election day approached both parties stepped up their
campaigns and the traditional night-before election programs
revealed a more serious note than usual. Meanwhile, the pollsters.
remembering the crushing 1948 debacle, were not getting caught
this time. They hedged their forecasts so they could claim ex-
treme foresight no matter which candidate was victorious. No one
knew how it would turn out, although University dopesters got out
on the limb by forecasting a Stevenson victory.
All day Tuesday voters turned out in record numbers throughout
the nation (61 per cent of the adult population cast ballots) with
both parties claiming the heavy voting as a sign of victory. Promptly
at 8 p.m., America turned on her radio and television sets to catch
the first scattered returns.

(Continued from page 2)
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
Tues., Nov, 11, 2-4 p.m., 3217 Angell
Hall. Speakers: R. W. Royston and S. R.
Composers' Forum, under the direc-
tion ofNRoss Lee Finney, 8:30 Mon. eve-
ning, Nov. 10, in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. Compositions by David Tice,
Karl Magnuson, Reginald Hall, Bar-
bara Scholl, William Doppman, and Al-
exander Smith, students in the School
of Music, presented by the following:
Paul Willwerth, Donald McComas, Don-
ald Haas, trumpet; David Green, Jer-
ald Bilik, Allan Townsend, and Leslie
Bassett, trombone; Richard Thurston,
timpani; Barabara Garvin, violin: Da-
vid Ireland, viola; Camilla Heller, cello;
Leslie Bennett, tenor; Karl Magnuson,
William Doppmann, and Lucille Stans-
berry, piano. The general public is in-
vited. -4
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Europe: The New Generation and
Southwestern Textiles and Retablos.
November 9-November 30. weekdays
9 to 5, sundays 2 to 5. The public is
Events Today
Graduate Outing Club meet at the
rear entrance of the Rackham Build-
ing 2 p.m. for hiking and games.
Young Republicans. Board meeting
4 to 5:30 p.m., Room 3-R of the Union.
Agenda: Presentation and considera-
tion of projects for coming months and
establishment of a planned program of
speakers. All Club members are invited
to attend and participate.
UNESCO Council. Educational meet-
ing at 8 p.m., Madelon Pound House,
1024 Hill St. Program: Slides of the
Olympic games, with commentary by
John Davis, world champion breast-
stroker from Canada.
International Orientation Series.
"Boy-Girl Relationships on the Michi-
gan Campus" will be the subject of
tonight's program in the Internation-
al Orientation Series. Dean Deborah
Bacon will be the speaker. The pro-
gramn will take place at the Internation-
al Center, 603 East Madison at 7:30
p.m. Refreshments. All students are
Chistian Science Lecture. "Christian
Science; Its Revelation of God's Lib-
erating Law," by Claire Rauthe, C.S., of
London, England. 3 p.m., Architecture
Auditorium. All are welcome.
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Mr.
David Adney, IVCF Senior Staff mem-
ber, will speak on "Christ's Challenge
to a Student's Life" at 4 p.m. in the
Fireside Room, Lane Hall. Everyone is
invited. Refreshments.
Evangelical & Reformed Student
Guild: 7 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Mrs.
Marilyn Mason Brown, Instructor in
Organ, University School of Music. Dis-
cussion Topic: "Music in the Church."
Roger Williams Guild: 9:45 a.m., Stu-
dent Bible Class: "Judges." 7 p.m. Prof.
George Mendenhall of the Department
of Near Eastern Studies will discuss
the question, "Does God Affect His-
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club. Supper program, 5:30 p.m. Ob-
servance of Fifteenth Anniversary of
the Chapter Charter.
Lutheran Student Association. 7
p.m. Prof. Frank Huntley of the Eng-
lish Department will, speak on "Mil-
ton and His Theology."

Mrs. Neil Staebler will speak on: "What
Do Liberals Do Now,"
Westminster Guild: 10 a.m. Bible
Seminar. 6:30 p.m. Mr. Dewitt C.
Baldwin, Director of Lane Hall, will
speak on the theme: "How Effective
Is Our Campus Outreach?"
Coning Events
La P'tite Causette will meet tomor-
row from 3:30 to 5 p.m., North Cafe-
teria, Union.
CM 363 Seminar. Mr. R. G. Deissler
of the National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, will speak at the CM 363
Seminar on Wed., Nov. 12, 4 p.m., 1072
E.Engineering Building, on the fol-
lowing subject: "Heat Transfer in Tur-
bulent Flow to a Fluid with Tempera-
ture Dependent Properties." All inter-
ested persons are invited.
Senior Board Meeting, Tues., Nov. 11.
at the League, 7:30 p.m. Please try to
be there.
U. of M. Rifle Club will meet Tues.,
Nov. 11 at 7:15 p.m. at the R.O.T.C.
Rifle Range.
Faculty Luncheon with Mrs. Vera
Micheles Dean, "This I Believe" lectur-
er, Wed., Nov. 12, Michigan Union, 12:15
p.m. Phone reservations to Lane Hall
by Tuesday noon.
U. of M. Chapter of the American So-
ciety for Public Administration invites
all students of public administration,
political science, and their friends to
its social seminar on Mon., Nov. 10, at
7:30 p.m. in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Mr. Joseph
Warren, City Manager of Jackson, Mich.,
will speak on "Some Experiences of a
Neophyte City Manager." An informal
coffee hour will follow.
Electrical Engineering Department,
Research Discussion Group. Mr. Thom-
as E. Talpey, of the Department of Elec-
trical Engineering, will discuss a tech-
nique for making "Dielectric and Mag-
netic Measurements at 8mm." This
work was done under a Fulbright Fel-
lowship in France, and Mr. Talpey will
tell something about the workings of
the Fellowship and research abroad.
Mon., Nov. 10, 4 p.m., 1042 East Engi-
neering Building.
Deutscher Verein Meeting, Tues.,
Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m. Zoom 3-B, Union.
Discussion program by students from
Civil Liberties Committee will meet
Tues., Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m., Union. All
those interested are invited.
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable......... City Editor
Cal Samra...........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.. Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...........Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell...Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........ Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green..............Business Manager
Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager

Ike's Future Trip to Korea

WASHINGTON-Maj. Gen. Wilton B. Per-
sons is expected momentarily at the
Pentagon to take over the task of arranging
General Eisenhower's momentous journey
to Korea.
General Persons is well and favorably
known to Washington. General Marshall
who called him the best public relations
man in the Army, refused General Eisen-
hower's request for him during the war
and kept him here for congressional liai-
son. Two years ago General Eisenhower
took him out of retirement to keep him
at his side in NATO. This fall General
Persons rode the campaign train, soft
spoken, self-effacing, but, as always, alert
and observant.
In the Lght of General Eisenhower's cam-
paign, the Korea journey is not just a mili-
tary operation, easily restricted. He goes
there President of the United States in all
but formal oath. For the first time really in
his experience he will be making policy of
the most vital kind.

to Japan and the Far East, since the Japan-
ese Peace Treaty was concluded. The Imper-
ial Hotel, to mention only one instance where
the very important people so long lived well
for so little, is back in private Japanese hands
and so are countless other working and liv-
ing plances once the subject of easy requisi-
General Eisenhower, of course, can take
off with a minimum of advance preparation.
Not so accompanying experts or correspon-
dents who must acquire Japanese visas and
other transport facilities.
The General's own problems with respect
to his journey are fairly obvious. Parents
with boys either in Korea or headed there
who voted for him are not interested in logis-
tics or tactical dispositions. They will not
expect overnight miracles but they are bound
to be looking for something to take the place
of stalemate.
Behind the eager press-radio phalanx
waits another vocal section even more
crammed with prima donnas-the United
States'ea e-Paris catr osesin Wood-

* * *


BY 9 P.M.'the first signs of what was to become a totally unex-
pected Eisenhower landslide were more and more apparent, for little
Soutlern boroughs and big Northern industrial towns alike were be-
ginning to reflect terrific Republican strength, while Gov. Stevenson
ran behind the Truman totals of 1948.
And this turned out to be the story all over the nation as
Eisenhower was given a thumping six million margin and rolled
up the greatest number of votes ever cast for a Presidential can-
didate. Scoring a smashing electoral triumph of 442 votes to the
11inna - ' RO fr.tl ies . ChGneral zakedr un the most

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