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November 08, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-08

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________________________________________________________________________________________________ I


A Word to Democrats

JUST OVER a year ago in an introductory
political science course on campus a re-
citation section was discussing the Truman
Fair Deal program when one student raised
he question of the responsibility of the
American voter in elections. His point was
hat the average voter could only be relied
on to vote along economic lines and follow
his own particular pressure group's advice.
Fearing some of the Truman legislation on
conomic matters he contended that per-
haps the public was not qualified to make
>olitical decisions which would be good for
the nation in the long run. The teacher, a
good Fair Deal Democrat, answered the
student with the very simple axiom that
'one who has no faith in the decisions of
the people has no faith in democracy."
Since Tuesday night the shoe has been
on the other foot. Democrats who lauded
the people when they "wisely" chose
Roosevelt and Truman are now denoun-
cing them for supporting General Eisen-
hower. The people evidently lost their in-
herently sound judgment last Tuesday if
we are to believe the disillusioned Demo-
It is not too surprising that the Demo-
crats should react in this manner-that they
should be stunned at receiving such a hu-
miliating defeat after 20 years in office and
after a final campaign that supposedly of-
fered their best candidate in the lead spot
with the incumbent touring the country on
his behalf. But it is still worth pointing out
to the disgruntled Democrats that they have

lost the voters' mandate-a rather unpleas-
ant prospect for them-and that the people
decided by overwhelming majorities that
they should be turned out.
The "liberal" concern over Eisenhower's
victory reflected in predictions that reac-
tion will sweep the country in the next
four years should be tempered by the con-
sideration that a great many other Ameri-
cans besides "black reactionaries" saw
their way clear to vote for Eisenhower and
were not afraid that civil freedoms would
be abolished during his regime.
Grounds for alarm might be found in
the case of Senator McCarthy, but it would
be wiser to promote intelligent opposition
if he should continue his unwise methods
of investigation rather than assuming that
the Senator will lead a crusade against the
Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
It is also rather hard to believe that
neo-Fascism will sweep the country under
the guise of Republicanism.
A little more realism and objectivity in
examining the election would show that no
such dire occurences are in store for us.
Rather, the American people have decided
that the GOP, in the hands of General Eis-
enhower, is best able to guide them through
the next four years. Instead of deciding that
constant opposition will be necessary if we
are to maintain our freedom, the disillusion-
ed Stevenson supporters should plan to work
along with Republicans in solving the press-
ing problems which face the country.
--Harry Lunn

Washington Merry-Go-Round



WASHINGTON-Here are some of the
chief problems facing President Eisen-
hower and the way he is likely to deal with
WAR-Despite campaign charges that
Eisenhower would lead us into war, this
is probably less likely than with the aver-
age President. First, Eisenhower's mother
was a Jehovah's Witness, a religious sect
persecuted for its hatred of war. Second,
the campaign accusations will make him
lean over backward against war. Third,
Eisenhower, a military man, should be
able to crack down on the rash' of Irres-
ponsible statements by generals and ad-
mirals suggesting a preventive war. These
have given our allies the Jitters and sup-
plied the Moscow radio with heaven-sent
EUROPE-Eisenhower will tend to put less
emphasis on Europe without actually chang-
ing plans for North Atlantic Defense. Arms
to Europe may be slowed up and used in
Korea ,instead. This will be necessary if
South Korean troops are to be equipped at
a faster pace. Hitherto, Ike, as head of NA-
TO, wanted more arms for Europe, while
Van Fleet and Ridgway wanted more arms
for Korea. Now Eisenhower as commander-
in-chief can make the final decision, and
the decision will be toward Korea-for two
reasons: 1. his campaign pledges re Korea;
2. Ike got a bit fed up with the French and
Europeans generally while at NATO.
KOREA-Inside fact is that Eisenhower
was given the same secret Korean intelli-
gence summary that was laid on the
President's desk every week, so he knows
the terrific difficulties of bringing about
a truce.
These indicate that the Chinese are likely
to stiffen their demands when Eisenhower
arrives in Korea, because they will know he
has to go hom with some kind of result.
His alternatives will be to yield on prisoners-
of-war and abandon them in Communist
camps, or order a naval-air war against the
Chinese mainland. The latter could touch
off a general war, and it isn't likely that
Eisenhower, who wants peace, will take that
Speaking of this danger he once told me:
"I refuse to think of having American boys
get bogged down in the human morass of the
Chinese mainland."
Controls - They will be dropped
when they expire in June, possibly before.
This will mean the end 'of price, wage,
rent, material controls. There will be two
reasons for their demise: 1. a conservative
Congress will demand it; 2. slackening de-
fense production will not make controls
necessary. This will eliminate the contro-
versial Wage Stabilization Board which
both industry and labor have flouted.

Journal echoes the views of some business
leaders that Ike's headaches will not be so
much from inflation as deflation. This is
because the mobilization program has reach-
ed top speed and is bound to taper off. Any
slowing down of foreign aid will also slow
down production at home.
THE BUDGET-With Ike committed to
both strong defense and pruning the budget,
his cuts will have to come by eliminating
waste in the armed services. For the armed
services comprise the great preponderance
of the national budget. He, can eliminate
waste chiefly by cutting out duplicating
branches of the services-such as big bat-
tleships and airplane carriers that are con-
sidered too expensive for the fire-power
they carry. This is bound to touch off a
verbal shooting war between the Army, Navy,
and Air Force.
RED HUNTING-The search for Com-
munists will not change much, except
that the noise will shift. Eisenhower will
continue to depend on J. Edgar Hoover
and the loyalty board, but McCarthy will
be in a difficult position, since any hue-
and-cry by him will reflect on his own
administration. As a result, re-elected
Congressman Martin Dies of Texas, who
started the search many years before Mc-
Carthy and did a fairer job, will probably
take the limelight.
enhower's biggest shot-in-the-arm to gov-
ernment can be in bringing in new blood
at the top. Actually, of the 2,572,300 civilian
employees, 93 per cent are under civil ser-
vice and cannot be fired, while another 6
per cent are under the merit system, such
as scientists on the Atomic Energy Com-
mission and the new President would not
want to fire them.'
This leaves approximately 1 per cent
which can be changed. However, if enough
new blood and energy is injected at the top,
even through only the 1 per cent, it can
electrify government. Getting good men de-
dicated to government will be one of Eisen-
hower's problems.
Eisenhower can and will remove all cabinet,
sub-cabinet, and political posts, but he can-
not change the vital quasi-judicial commis-
sions, except gradually. These have supreme
powers over radio, television, railroad, tele-
graph, telephone rates, bus lines, water pow-
er, natural gas transmission, advertising,
and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. FDR tried
to change these commissions, but ran
squarely into the Supreme Court. So Ike
will have to wait for gradual changes when
the terms of commissioners expire.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

Birth of a Nation
AFTER TWO YEARS of bitter raging con-
troversy, the film "Birth of a Nation"
finally has been given a peaceful showing
in Ann Arbor by the Gothic Film Society.
Many who saw the movie could not help
wondering what warranted the uproar
which previously had divided the campus
left into two fighting factions. These peo-
ple were both amused and bored by the
slow moving, cumbersome over romantic
aspects of the film.
However, there were others who were in-
terested in the film for what it is, a mile-
stone in movie making history. Without go-
ing into the details, it is sufficient to point
out that such techniques as the "fade-out-
and-in," and the "iris out-and-in" of the
camera were revolutionary movements in
film making in D. W. Griffith's time. The
battle scenes of the civil war are exception-
al and the night ride of the Klan is tech-
nically speaking a great contribution to
movie history.
There were others who were understand-
ably upset by the vicious anti-Negro pro-
paganda of the picture and who, because of
the content of the story, derived little plea-
sure from "Birth of a Nation."
But there was no one, as far as this writ-
er could discern, who took this un-American
propaganda seriously enough to cause any
damage to democratic ideas and principles.
Obviously, there were no race riots and the
ancient Ann Arbor Ku Klux Klan burnt no
crosses before Rackham Amphitheatre.
Absurd as this may seem, the perverted
libertarians who prevented "The Birth"
from being shown here in 1950 and 1951
then claimed that the film might have
these effects. They also talked about pre-
serving democracy while in the same
breath they advocated censorship.
But there is no point in rehashing the
controversy. It seems sufficient to say here
that the whole issue w s worth fighting on-
ly because the cause of free speech was
threatened. It should also be said, at the
risk of sounding dramatic, that it is heart-
ening to see that in this case the cause of
free speech won out on campus.
-Alice Bogdonoff
James Bridie, presented by the Arts Theater
THE SECOND offering of the Arts Theater
Club season is a comedy written by the
Scotch dramatist, James Bridie, whose "Mis-
ter Bollfry" was one of the highlights of last
year's season. "Colonel Wotherspoon" is a
work of broader humor, and though quite
as competently produced, lacks the solid sub-
stance and essential honesty of the Club's
first Bridie show. Failing in these attributes,
the play is still funny, but not really warm.
Why it is not warm is something of a
puzzle, The characters are properly con-
ceived and dedicated. jThe tone is easy and
appropriate, the dialogue witty, and the ac-
cents charming. In fact, the only element
which seems to furnish misgivings at all is
the way it all hangs together. "In toto," as
one of the characters remarks, it is a
"cleesh." And if the correspondence courses
warned Mr. Bridie's hero against the cliche,
they apparently never fully scared Mr. Bri-
die himself.
This, to repeat, does not diminish the
very real humor of the play which is deftly
handled by each of the players. Gerald Rich-
ards, as a boob who writes a best seller, exe-
cutes all the conceits and confusions of the
honest fool. He is effective throughout. Dana
Elcar, as his Uncle Tom, whose friend Col-
onel Wotherspoon is one of the unseen he-
roes of the production, achieves his usual
finely shaded characterization. Elcar always
manages a few moments of real brilliance in

even trivial burlesque.
On the distaff side, Beth-Sheva Laikin
brings a Joan Greenwood quality to the
heroine's role which gives the character
personality and charm. Still, her move-
ment is somewhat hard and jerky, tending
to over-sophisticate the character.
Joyce Henry in the role of the whining
mother could perhaps have done with a
little more stiffness in her Presbyterianism.
Her touch for comic martyrdom, however,
is sure, and her accent seems to endure a
little more steadily than most through the
entire play.
Joyce Edgar returns to a type she does
very well, that of a Dixieland art-lover,
who serves as agent for the hero's work.
Unfortunately, the role seems to carry the
play a little too far into the Hollywood
In summary, "Colonel Wotherspoon' may
have found Bridie a little too relaxed, a bit
too inevitable in his pattern and his develop-
ment. Character comedy, even when well-
done, needs more than one joke. It has to
have in its personnel a sense of freshness
in its events. Consequently, this is not an
inspired comedy, even if it is a fairly enter-
taining one.
-Bill Wiegand
"WHAT WE SEEK is a situation in which
we so combine scientific and technical
skill with moral and spiritual discipline that
the products of human genius shall be used
for the welfare of the human race rather

By Joseph and Stewart Alsop
WASHINGTON-The outstand-
ing fact of the election can
be very simply and shortly stated.
It has been an enormous personal
triumph for Dwight D. Eisenhow-
Having been first in war, in
the old phrase, Gen. Eisenhower
entered the campaign with the
great asset of being first in the
hearts of his countrymen. He
had still to convince the elector-
ate that he was also capable of
being first in peace. As soon as
he found himself as a political
campaigner, the job was done.
Every kind of issue from Korea
to Communism, every kind of
group, from the Mid-Western Re-
publican organizations to the na-
tion's housewives, will no doubt be
given credit for Gen. Eisenhower's
triumph. But the shortest realis-
tic study of the election returns
will nonetheless reveal that Eisen-
hower's triumph is intensely per-
sonal, and that the Republican
party probably owes its long-
awaited victory to its new leader.

"Iet's See, Now -3 And 3 Is 12, And 4 Is 13 -

Ifl 'B U . _______t____
- '
The GOP Owes Landslide
To Ike, Not Right Wing

The extremists, the violent par-
tisans, the shoddy demagogues of
the Republican party, all showed
weakness in this election.
What, then, was the quality in
Eisenhower to which the Am-j
erican electorate responded so
warmly: Long ago, during $he
pre-convention campaign,these.
reporters wrote that Gen. Eisen-
hower's great asset was the long-
ing of the country for national
leadership worthy of the nation
-leadership bold, vigorous and
clear-sighted, devoid of petty
partisanship, not shrill or ven-
omous, but truly concerned
with the general welfare.
Now, in taking office, he will
shoukder a greater burden, he will
be confronted by more terrible
problems, he will have to run more
dreadful risks, than any of his
predecessors. Yet the election of
Dwight Eisenhower promises a
united America, and it is hard to
believe that a united America with
Dwight Eisenhower at ,its head
will not somehow win through.
(Copyright, 1952, N.Y. Her. Trib., Inc.)


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Democratic Defeat...
To the Editor:
THERE ARE many Stevenson
supporters who sympathize
with their candidate today. I am
not one of them.
It became obvious more than a
month ago that Adlai was going,
to lose. The crowds, the response,
and the talk were all overwhelm-
From the beginning of the cam-
paign, Stevenson made two mis-
takes. First he vowed to talk sense
to the American people. Next he
thought the people are smarter
than the Republicans think. Both
guesses were wrong.
In July, I did not believe Adlai
would actually fulfill these two
promises. But he did. Not one time
did he promise anything he
thought could not be accomplished
in his administration. He faced
the issues squarely. He did talk
sense. But Adlai also stopped run-
ning for president. He began run-
ning for heaven.
The American people don't want
to be told the truth. They want
to hear that all their troubles can
be solved by "revitalsng the
American spirit." They want im-
mediately an end to the Korean
war, elimination of every Commu-
nist from government ala MacCar-
thy, lowering of taxes, slashing of
the budget, an end to sin (except
their own) and a world vic-
tory over Communism. Eisenhow-
er promised to solve all these
problems. Stevenson promised no
easy end to any of them. From
that moment on, Ike was "in."
In a sense the governor was
right when he said the people
aren't as dumb as Republicans
think. But in an innacurate way.
They are DUMBER. One hun-
dred times dumber. Adlai was not
a candidate. His honor was too
high, his understanding too great,
his heart too sincere. A candidate
can't substitute confetti with hu-
mility, expediency with integri-
ty, and promises with facts.
It was too much to ask the
American people to face the truth
-there are no gains without
pains. It was too much to hope
they would evaluate Eisenhower's
promises. Their opinion of Ike was
too high.
Unfortunately for the two-party
system, Stevenson took the Demo-
cratic party with him to a crush-
ing defeat. Adlai had no right run-
ning for the presidency. The Dem-
ocratic party should not have
nominated him. Both must suffer
as a result.
-Bernie Backhaut
* * *
Daily Compass ...
To the Editor:
IN MEMORIUM - on Tuesday
November 4, the New York Dai-
ly Compass, one of America's lead-
ing independent newspapers ceased
The lifeblood of an American
newspaper lies in it's advertising
revenue. Unfortunately, today a
newspaper which attempts to be
forthright and honest in it's pres-
entation of vital social and politi-
cal issues is not likely to draw
large scale advertisers. Independ-
ent liberals such as Ted O. Thack-
ery, I. F. Stone, Albert Deutsch,
Jennings Perry, Hugh Deane, and
Johannes Steele number among
those who expressed their diverse
views in the Compass.
As the successor of PM and the
Star, the Daily Compass occupied
a unique position among American
newspapers. It's bold, unorthodox
coverage, analysis, and pointed
criticism shall be missed by many.
We hope that the need for an
equally liberal newspaper will be
fulfilled shortly by another publi-
-Berkley Eddins
Shelly Estrin
Vince Giuliano
Jay Grqssmark
Ester Mark

Pat Murphy
Sandy Rosenzweig
Ed Klein
A* *
Wants Mail. .
To the Editor:
I KNOW this might seem strange
or very unusual, but I have run
into the predicament of not re-
ceiving any mail whatever. I am
a Marine here in Korea who is
very lonely and in need of some
letters. My address is: Sgt. A. L.
Edwards, "C" Co. 1st Motor
Transport Pon., 1st Marine Div.
F.M.F., c/o F.P.O. San Francisco,
-Al Edwards
Ernest & Adlai.
To the Editor:
MANY PEOPLE have attempted
to analyze the symbQlism in
Hemingway's latest "The Old Man
and the Sea" released in dearly
September. I may be as wet as
the Sea, but today I thought I
finally understood.

sadly realizing that others are
now in power-that this is a day
and age that "Might Makes
Right" instead of "Right Makes
Might," even in the United States
as throughout the world, spread-
ing as a malignancy.
Would I be too pessimistic in
adding that I can only see in this
"change" a change from Demo-
cratic "corruption and scandal"
to that of Republican corruption
and scandal? They already have
had a good start.
Shame on me for writing thus
while others are still being mag-
nanimous over the election results.
-Kay Ambo
A . .
New Zealand Debate .. .
To the Editor:
DO NOT want to keep up, in
your columns, an argument,
Which could be never-ending, on
whether or not there is racial dis-
crimination in New Zealand, but
L. V. Naidoo is such a good politi-
cian in pulling things out of their
context that I must make as brief
a reply as possible to his last ef-
fort. In quoting two consecutive
editions of the New Zealand Year
Book, L. V. Naidoo should have re-
membered the old saying that
there are three kinds of lies-lies,
damned lies and statistics. But at
the risk of falling into the same
trap in which he is still wriggling,
I shall quote some statistics from
the latest source, replying to his
first five points thus:
(1) Immigration: Out of a total
of 46,653 surplus arrivals over de-
partures in 1950-51, 5411 were
from Asia and the Pacific (and the
biggest lot, 1975, were Indians).
Not a bad percentage for a small
country. Cook Islanders, Nueans
and Western Samoans, of wlom
there were 1607, can enter simply
by getting a permit from their
resident commissioner.
(2) Maori infant mortality in
1950 was 69.74 per thousand (com-
parect with 22.75 for the European
population), and it is steadily de-
clining as a result of stepped-up
health and welfare programs.
(3) Parliamentary representa-
tion:- The Maoris have stated
clearly (I can't give chapter and
verse) they want their own four
members of Parliament - their
vote is worth more this way, for
one thing.
(4) L. V. Naidoo misquotes from
the Year Book, which actually says
that "the greater portion of the
Maori population" lives in coun-
try districts. In the later authori-
ty, we find that the Maori is be-
coming more and more urbanised
every year. Of 115,676 Maoris, 22,-
726, or 19.65 per cent, live in cities,
which are served with all "modern
facilities." Those in the country
enjoy a standard of living as high
as any rural community in the
(5) New Zealand voting with the
race-conscious West: Is UN meant
to interfere with the private affairs
Df nations when they are consid-
ered to have no bearing on the
rest of the world?
I admit you can learn a lot from
books, but that is not the way in
which I have had my life-long ex-
perience of New Zealand condi-
tions. -Gordon Gapper
* *. * *
MIcCarthyism . ..
To the Editor:
WILLIAM G. Halby, who so re-
cently offered us his definition
of liberalism, has proved himself
to be an ostrich whether he knows
it or not. Perhaps there is no one
so criminal as he who openly'sup-
ports a criminal, and I hereby wish
to record my conviction that the
said Halby is a greater menace to
democracy than any Red.
As for evidence, I have no doubt
there arehundreds of sources
which adequately expose the su-
preme treachery of Joseph McCar-
thy. Of these I cite only one-"Mc-
Carthy: The Man, The Senator,

The "Ism," by Jack Anderson and
Ronald W. Way.
-Jack Danielson
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young....,.Managing Editor
Cal Samra ...........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........Associate City Editor
Harland Britz......... Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman .....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple .... .. ......Sports Editor
John Jenks.Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler. . Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green...........Business Manager
Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehinberg..Finance Manager

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday.)
VOL. tXIII, No. 41
University Senate. The annual fall
meeting will be held Mon., Dec. 15, at
4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Board and Room Payments. Payments
for board and room for the second
half of the fall semester are due in
all League Houses on Sat., Nov. 15.
Late Permission. Late permission for
women students who attended the
"Don Juan in Hell" Wed., Nov. 5, and
Thurs., Nov. 6, will be no later than
11:45 p.m.
Seniors and Graduate Students in
Aeronautical. Electrical, Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering, Engineering
Math, and Engineering Physics: Mr.
Raymond Schneyer of ARO, Inc., Tulla-
homa, Tennessee, is conducting a group
meeting on Mon., Nov. 10, at 5 p.m.,
in 1042 East Engineering Building. Pho-
tographic slides will be shown. All in-
terested in employmentwith this com-
pany should plan to attend. Interviews
will be held on Tues., the 11th, through
the Aero. Dept.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Fine Arts, "On Japa-
nese Crafts" (illustrated by film and
colored slides). Soetsu Yanagi, Direc-
tor of the Folk Art Museum, Tokyo, 4:15
p.m., Mon., .Nov. 10, Rackham Amphi-
University Lecture-Demonstration,
auspices of the center for Japanese
Studies, "Pottery Making at Mashiko."
Shoji Hamada, foremost potter of Ja-
pan, demonstrates pottery making,
Mon., Nov. 10, 8 p.m., Angell Auditorium
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Dora Alice
Henley, Bacteriology; thesis: "An In-
vestigation of the Pneumococcidal Ac-
tivity of Extracts of Tissues From Re-
sistant and Susceptible Host Species,"
Sat. Nov. 8, 1564 East Medical Building,
at 9 a.m. Chairman, W. J. Nungester.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Lundquist Chapman, English; thesis:
"An Edition of the Middle Scots Ro-
mance Clariodus," Sat., Nov. 8, East
Council Room, Rackham Building, at
10 a.m. Chairman, J. R. Reinhard.

Mr. Szell will present the following
program on this occasion: Overture to
"Benvenuto Cellini" (Berlioz); Schu-
mann's Symphony No. 2 in C major; and
Symphony No. 2 in D major by Sibel-
Tickets are available at the offices of
the University Musical Society until
noon Saturday; and after 7 o'clock on
the night of the concert at the Hill
Auditorium box office.
Events Today
Faculty Women's Club. Square dance
section will hold its November dance
at 8:30 p.m. at the gymnasium of Tap-
pan Junior High School. Newt Loken
will be the caller.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group,
Lane Hall, 12 p.m. Speaker: Robert
Beacon. Lunch Saturday noon in the
League Cafeteria. Adjourn at 1:15 to
Prof. Price's studio in Burton Tower
to finish reading "The Man Who Came
to Dinner."
Congregational Disciples Guild. Open
house at the Guild House after the
game. Fireside meeting from 7:15-8:30
will be a Bull Session. Point of de-
parture: Miracles.
Faculty Sports Night. IM Building,
from 7:30 to 10 p.m. All facilities will
be available to faculty families.sChil-
dren will not be admitted unless with
their parents. This is Family Night.
For further information telephone Mrs.
Dixon, 25-8475.
Generation. All those who submitted
poetry to Generation are requested to
pickup their manuscripts in the Gen-
eration Office.
U. of M. Men's Glee Club will meet
in the vandenberg Room, second floor,
Michigan League, at 8 p.m. (full dress).
Coming Events
Young Republicans. Board meeting
Sun., Nov. 9, 4 to 5:30 p.m., Room 3-R
of the Union. Agenda: Presentation and
consideration of projects for coming
months and establishment of a planned
program of speakers. All Club members
are invited to attend and participate.
Faculty Luncheon with Mrs. Vera
Micheles Dean, "This I Believe" lectur-
er, Wed., Nov. 12, Michigan Union, 12:15
p.m. Phone reservations to Lane Hall
by Tuesday noon.
UNESCO Council. Educational meet-
ing Sun., Nov. 9, at 8 p.m., Madelon
Pound House, 1024 Hill St. Program:
Slides of the Olympic games, with
commentary by John Davis, world
champion breast-stroker from Canada.
The Russian Circle will meet Mon.,
Nov. 10, at the International Center at
8 o'clock. All members are urged to at-





Architecture Auditorium
GOD NEEDS MEN, with Pierre Fresnay.
THIS NEW French film is much better
than average, and possibly good enough
to warrant sitting for two hours in Archi-
tecture Auditorium. It has a clever plot
and is well acted, and owes more than a
little of its success to the fine photography
of the bleak Isle of Sein where the story
takes place.
This small island is not much more than
a rock jutting out into the sea off the coast

loot the derelicts and rob the dead sailors.
Because of this the parish priest finally
leaves them; to continue their pretext of a
union with God-with whom they bargain
for favors-they elevate the sexton to his
Pierre Fresnay, as this sexton-priest
refuses to take the office, but by force of
circumstance he gradually assumes all
the duties of a curate. Fresnay portrays
a peasant, and does it so well he could
hardly be anything else. He stutters, rages,
and awkwardly lectures the erring villag-
ers while fiercely denying any desire to


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