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November 08, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-08

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Latest Deadline in the State

Da ii4Y








Belief in God
Enr ches Life*
EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with the lecture series, "This I Be-
lieve," The Daily is presenting statements of belief of prominent members
of the University community.
Pete Thorpe is president of the Interfraternity Council.
Over 5C years ago a young physician administered to the many
children who were stricken with disease in a local orphanage. In spite
of his tireless efforts, a fortnight later nearly all of his patients were
dead. Medicine was helpless before the epidemic, and the very founda-
tions of the physician's faith in Science and Himself were nearly
Some 50 years later I listened to my grandfather's story of the'
epidemic and found great truth in the maxim he presented: "You
cannot live without God, if for no other reason than that sometime
during your life you will need Him desperately, as I did at the or-
phanage. With Him, your life is richer."
I appreciate my God, not just in a formalized way, but more
perhaps in ways which are obvious at the moment only to me. I
ant humbled before His inspiration in nature's rhythmic splendor
and in man's creative strength. I begin my week with God in the
sanctity of His church, but hold His tenets to apply in a very
real way to my day-to-day living throughout the week. His Com-
mandments guide my daily decision and action. The Lord's Pray-
er is a simple reminder.
"Thy will be done," yet I am often puzzled by evil. Are decisions
and actions which appear to me in violation of God's Commandments
in accordance with God's will? I would kill my fellow man in war to
protect what I believe, yet how far can I compromise God's doctrine
of love? I value my -right to judge, but I ask God's guidance of my
I value my family and the love we share. Today, when so much is
valued in pennies, it is refreshing to find the family a bastion where
benevolence is not punched out on a time clock and carefully totaled
in red or black ink.
In my daily experience with my fellow man I have discovered
a fountain of knowledge. I have never met an individual, what-
ever his station in life, from whom I could not learn something.
True happiness is obtained through Christian charity. Only in
that measure which I give of myself do I receive happiness. It is
for this reason that I look to the ministerial, medical, or teaching
professions for my life's work.
Finally, my personal goal is perfection in whatever task I under-
take. I believe that any task worth doing is worth doing well although
I realize the human body limits me from reaching perfection in this
life. I look for God's resurrection of the dead and coAceive the human
soul as perfect and capable of ultimately reaching the goal for which
I now strive.
This I believe.
M en's leeClubs"To Give
MaS Cnloe
4 ,Mih*19all- ornll C onert

State Ballot
Boxes Put
Under Guard
Recount Causes
Extra Precaution
DETROIT - (P)-- All Michigan
ballot boxes of Tuesday's huge
election were placed under the
specific protection of the state po-
lice yesterday.
State troopers got their orders
as an almost certain demand for
a recount impended in the close
vote fight between Democratic in-
cumbent Gov. G. Mennen Williams
and Republican Fred M. Alger,
GOV. WILLIAMS, by-passing
consent from the. State Board of
Canvassers, odered the police to
check the location and condition
of all of the ballot boxes.
Williams, who sought an un-
partIled third Democratic term,
remained slender winner over
Alger on the basis of partly of-
ficial tabulations.
He won out on the first unof-
ficial tabulation. He kept a slim
lead in corrected figures as the of-
ficial canvass got under way.
With 53 of the state's 83 coun-
ties canvasses officially, Williams
had a margin of 7,267 votes.
This was the setup:
Williams (D) 1,430,019
Alger (R) 1,422,752
The 53 officially recorded coun-
ties comprise 1,415 precincts of
Michigan's 4,479.
Democratic Wayne County was
not included among the 53. Wayne
has 1,831 precincts.
* * *
IMMEDIATELY upon Governor
Williams' order to the State Police
another issued from the State Po-
lice Commissioner, Joseph A.
Commissioner Childs relayed
Williams' order to his men and
also directed them to "make cer-
tain" that the ballot boxes are be-
ing "properly protected under lock
and key."
As events tended to make cer-
tain of a repition of Michigan's
1950 governor's vote =recount, it
was left uncertain when the state
would know for sure the identity
of its new governor.
T imoshenko
MOSCOW-WA~-Marshall Sem-
yon Timoshenko, in a revolution
anniversary speech, asserted yes-
terday that Soviet armed forces
have everything they need to re-
pel any invader and are "better
able than ever before to answer
an aggressor with a strong blow."
This theme was similar to that
of the main speaker Thursday at
the Boshoi Theater on the eve
of this 35th anniversary celebra-
tion of the Bolshevik revolution.
Prime Minister Stalin was present
both last night, when Deputy
Prime Minister Mikhail Peruvkhin
expressed this idea, and at yester-
iay's parade ceremonies which
Timoshenko reviewed.

Wolverines, dig Red

d Tilt




Ike Agrees
To Liaison
Aide Request
and President-elect began setting
up yesterday a liaison system for
shifting from the old administra-
tion to the new vast problems
of foreign affairs, defense and
President Truman rushed a
telegram to the man who will suc-
ceed him, asking that Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower place representa-
tives in the State and Defense De-
partments "at the earliest possible
Eisenhower rushed back a reply
and an aide indicated the general
would select these representatives
at once and get them to Washing-
* * /*
TRUMAN ,disclosed that he also
had sent a personal messenger to
Eisenhower, who is resting from
campaign rigors at Augusta, Ga.
A White House spokesman said
Col. Albert L. Cox of the Air
Force had carried to Eisenhower
a written message suggesting still
other "lines of co-operation" in
the weeks before the general is
inaugurated on Jan. 20.
Truman and Eisenhower al-
ready have agreed the general
should send someone to Wash-
ington to work on the budget
the President must submit to
Congress before Eisenhower
moves into the White House.
And Truman accepted Friday
the Nov. 17 date Eisenhower
tentatively suggested for the
personal meeting between the
two men which the President
had proposed.
In agreeing Thursday to Tru-
man's proposal for a personal con-
ference the general said he needed
"a reasonable time for conversa-
tions and conferences leading up
to the designation of important
The problem of a smooth
switch-over from one administra-
tion to the other entered into
cabinet deliberations yesterday.
Atty. Gen. MGranery so in-
formed newsmen after a 45-min-
ute Cabinet session at the White
House-the first since the election.
Labor Says Vote
Went Democratic
WASHINGTON-(P) - Spokes-
men for both the AFL and CIO
claimed Friday that organized la-
bor voted overwhelmingly Demo-
cratic in Tuesday's elections, but
the union members were simply
out-voted by the rest of the pop-
They claimed that the size of
the Democratic voting in large in-
dustrial areas indicated that union
members supported the Democrats.

Small Gathering
To atch Battle
Cornell Holds Series Edge, 12-5;
'M' Looks for Non-Conference Win
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's big chance to reverse a current football trend presents
itself this afternoon when the Wolverines take on lightly regarded
Cornell before an estimated Stadium gathering of 50,000 die-hard
Kickoff time is 2:00 p.m.
THOUGH COACH Bennie Oosterbaan's charges have been es-
tablished as 19 favorites, a Michigan win would buck tradition, The
Big Red is one of the few teams
that hold a series edge over the
Maize and Blue, the all-time re-
sults favoring Cornell 12-5.

S* * * *
Cornell Campus Reflects
RuralUrban Tradition

Raising their voices in song at
the second joint Michigan-Cornell
concert tonight at 8:30 in Hill
Auditorium will be men from the
Michigan and Cornell Men's Glee
The program this evening is to
be divided into halves, with the
Cornell Glee Club taking the spot-
light during the first half.
DIRECTED by Thomas Tracy,
the Cornell men will sing a med-
Latest Returns
r Show GOP
House Margin
WASHINGTON - (P) -- Demo-
crats still led last night in four of
the five undecided contests for
election to the U. S. House of Rep-
Final, official tallies in some of
the races may not be' decided for
Latest returns showed the Re-
publicans in hairline control of
the House with 220 GOP candi-
dates elected against 209 Demo-
crats. Control requires 218. One of
the elected Democrats, 86-year-
old. Rep. Adolph Sabath of Illinois
died yesterday thus reducing the
Democratic roster to 208.
If the present trend continues,
the makeup of the House when the
new 83rd Congress convenes next
Jan. 3 will be: Republicans 221;
Democrats 213 (one vacancy), In-
dependents 1.
SIX CONTESTS were in doubt
until today when late returns
brought victory to Democrat Don
Magnuson over Republican Al
Canwell in the race for represen-
tative-at-large in the state of
Washington. With 43 precincts
still out, the vote was Magnuson
477,590, Carwell 462,594.
r atteries
Silence Reds

ley of songs of Cornell and such
pieces as "My Heart Is Victorious,"
by Giacomo Carissimi, "More Was
Lost At Mohacs Field" by F. L.
Korbay, and "Finiculi, Finicula"
by Luigi Denza.
An arrangement by Robert
Shaw of "Set Down Servant"
will also be presented, followed
by "La Danza," by Rossini.
Varying Cornell's half of the
entertainment will be a triple
quartet, the Cayuga's Waiter's.
This group was formed to add
small unit work to the concerts
and is Cornell's counterpart of
the "Wiffenpoofs" of Yale and the
"Naussoons" of Princeton.
Cayuga's Waiters sing light,
modern numbers, Negro spirituals,
semi-classical and show music.
AFTER THE Cornell Club has
harmonized, the Michigan Men's
Glee Club, under the direction of
Prof. Philip Duey, will take the
stage to begin their half with the
invocation to the Muses used by
the club for the last four years.
This opening piece is "Laudes
Atque Carmina" by A. A. Stanley.
Numbers offered by Michigan
will include "Woman in the Shoe,"
"Clementine," a traditional Ameri-
can folk song, and "County Fair,"
an arrangement by Mel Torme.
The evening will come to a
close with the.two clubs Joining in
the singing of the Alma Maters of
both schools.
Tickets, priced at $2.20, $1.50
and 90 cents will continue on sale
at the Hill Auditorium box office
until showtime.
End Politburo
ZAGREB, Yugoslavia-(4')-The
Yugoslav Communist party yes-
terday substituted a 15-man Ex-
ecutive Committee headed by Pre-
mier Marshal Tito for Tito's old
nine-man Politburo.
The Politburo was abolished.
The ruling party concluded its
first general Congress since 1948
after repledging its support of

Cornell University-in spite of
its membership in the Ivy League
and its peaceful New England-type
campus-is no typical Eastern col-
Its paradoxical position of being
privately controlled with public
support (it is the land-grant col-
lege of the State of New York) is
reflected in the dual nature of its
both urban and rural campus and
in its broad educational system.
* * *
WITH A central campus located
in the quiet rural setting of New
York's Finger Lakes, Cornell has
looked to the metropolitan centers
Szell To Lead
Concert at Hill
Marking the beginning of its
Thirty-fifth Anniversary Season,
the Cleveland Symphony Orches-
tra will perform the second con-
cert in the Extra Concert Series
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Au-
The orchestra, conducted by
George Szell, has become well
known for its work in the fields of
contemporary music as well as for
its performances of the tradition-
al masterpieces.
The program tomorrow night
will include the Overture to "Ben-
venuto Cellini" by Berlioz; Sym-
phony No. 2 in C major by Schu-
mann; and Symphony No. 2 in D
major by Sibelius.

of New York City and Buffalo for
establishment of a Medical Col-
lege and an aviation research Aer-
onautical Laboratory.
Set in a territory which im-
plies respect for the convention-
al, Cornell has operated on an
educational policy of defying
tradition. The now 10,000 stu-
dent university opened in 1868
with a program new to 19th cen-
tury classical and literary devo-
It included modern languages,
history, social studies, science,
public health and engineering-
a series of comparatively broad
steps for a new-born institution to
take. ,
The concept promoted by the
school's founder, Ezra Cornell, of
providing "an institution where
any person can find instruction in
any study" has not been swallowed
up in Cornell's 84 year history.
In addition it supports a foot-
ball team, but any prejudgment on
that count appears unsafe.
Janitors Send Out
False Fire Alarm
Three Ann Arbor Fire Depart-
ment engines raced to a false
alarm at 2:45 p.m. yesterday at
the East Engineering building.
Firemen reported that the glass
in the fourth floor alarm box had
been broken and the alarm set off
when some janitors accidently
knocked over several cartons they
were stacking.

The Wolverines also have
been shut out In non-conference
competition since they bested
Dartmouth, 27-7, two years ago.
In the interim the gridders have
dropped single decisions to
Army and Cornell, and double
verdicts to Stanford and Michi-
gan State.,
Going into today's contest the
Wolverines find themselves cast
in exactly the same role they oc-
cupied a year ago. At that time
Michigan had an overall 3-3 rec-
ord and was favored over the Ith-
But the Big Red rose up and1
slapped a 20-7 upset on MichiganI
to contribute to an unprofitable
4-5 Blue season record. Two fac-
tors should help the Wolverines
avoid a second grid catastrophe at
the hands of Cornell.
For one thing many of
the present Michigan personnel
were on the squad which lost
last year, and a second humilia-
tion by the Big Red definitely
doesn't appeal to them.
But the biggest reason Michi-
gan is heavily favored lies in the
fact that Coach Lefty James'
team, though trying for a come-
back, is one of the nation's weak-,
er aggregations.
In six tilts to date the Big Red
has accumulated but a single
win, losing to Colgate, Navy, Syr-
acuse, Yale and Princeton before
edging Columbia last week by vir-
tue of a three touchdown, forth
quarter rally.
During this period James' outfit
averaged only one touchdown a
game and scored only once by
rushing. In the Yale fracas the
Big Red gained three yards on
the ground and five in the air to
highlight a losing cause.
See BOOL, Page 3
Vote Turnout
Sets Record
WASHINGTON-(I)-About 61.
per cent of the adult population
turnednout to vote in Tuesday's
election-the biggest percentage in
history-a survey indicated yes-
That compares with 59 per cent
in the Roosevelt-Willkie race of
1940, the previous record. Only- 52
per cent of the adult population
chose to vote in the last presiden-
tial election in 1946.
Counting minor party candidates
and the remaining precincts, the
total outpouring of ballots might
reach 60 million.
The Census bureau estimates the
total population at voting age as
98,400,000. Thus the vote would
be about 61 per cent of the total
adult population.
Air Force Plane
Lost Over Alaska
FAIRBANKS, Alaska - (') - A

May Cause
Ikse Trouble'
dent-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower's
trouble-shooting talents appeared
headed for a quick test within his
own party yesterday amid signs
of a possible GOP row over leader-.
ship in the Senate.
There were indications that
Eisenhower himself may take a
hand in settling the matter at a
projected meeting with Republi-
can congressional leaders early
next month.
MEANWHILE late returns from
Eisenhower's landslide victory in
the presidential election still rolled
The latest Associated Press
tally showed Eisenhower with a
grand total of 33,029,304 votes
against 26,584,344 for his Dem-
ocratic opponent, Gov. Adla
Stevenson of Illinois.
Principals in the behind-the-
scenes rivalry for the post of Sen-
ate GOP leader were publicf non-
committal, but at least six key sen-
ators were mentioned as prospects
for the job.
The scramble was touched off
when Sen. Styles Bridges of New
Hampshire, the present GOP floor
leader, passed the word that he
would prefer to take over the less
burdensome role of temporary
president of the Senate-president
pro tem-which ranks third in the
line of succession to the White
Bridges, the dean of Senate
Republicans, became floor lead-
er in a peace move a year ago
following the death of Sen. Ken-
neth Wherry of Nebraska.
Bridges agreed to serve as
Wherry's successor to avert a
threatened clash between the rival
Taft-Eisenhower camps in the bit-
ter pre-convention fight for the
Republican presidential nomina-
Mentioned as Bridges' successor
-if the New Hampshire senator-
steps down as floor leader-re
Senators Leverett Saltonstall of
Massachusetts, Homer Ferguson of
Michigan, William Knowland of
California, Homer Capehart of In-
diana, Bourke B. Hickenlooper of
Iowa and Everett Dirksen of Ill-
State Reviews
LANSING-()-Attorney Gen-
eral Frank G. Millard yesterday
studied petitions for manslaugh-
ter warrants against the officials
who evicted a widow, the late Mrs.
Elizabeth Stevens, from her' La-
peer County farm last summer.
The death of 61-year-old Mrs.
Stevens has been attribted to
manhandling in the eviction in a

rigadoon Player Bares Kilt Facts
* * * * _____________
"What does a-Scotchman wear under his kilts?"
Information on this perennial problem was provided yesterday
by Patrick Daly, '54. Daly, who lived in Scotlaid for five years, will
:i appear in the Student Players' production of the hit musical "Briga-
><doon" which opens its four-day run Wednesday at Lydia Mendels-
f sohn Theatre.
"It seems," Daly related, "that some kilted highlanders once stag-
* I ed a tug-of-war exhibition against some English soldiers in front of
Queen Victoria."
"The rope snapped. The Scotchmen fell down. Their kilts went
Tup. The queen was shocked."
"Since this historic moment, Scotchmen have worn something
under their kilts," Daly explained. He did not disclose just what they
do wear.
*** *
THE "BRIGADOON" CAST, which has been rehearsing four
nights a week and all day Sunday for the last month, also includes a
wekad l Sna as:.i:":.s ninpnc rinr,,Mrk Mn1'vfr 15 '4~rff -"or.iiiva,-1 hip nrdr,cahrmt 'an

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