. . and the final tally shows a landslide for th-- GARGOYLE
* * * *
argoyle Plot Revealed;
ibversives Still at Larg
- 4
The Un-University Activities
immittee last night uncovered a
gantic plot to blow the Admin-
tration Building plumb to.
One of the ringleaders of the
nspiracy, one Ordway Przbrzy-
ovnikski-Smythe, confessed that
ie putsch was to commemorate
ie tri-centennial anniversary of
uy Fawkes Day.
* * *
"WE WERE going to burn Bur-
n Tower in effigy too," Przb-
ybovske-Smythe asserted with-
it any visible signs of emotion.
The nerve center of the con-
spiracy, according to the investi-
rators, was discovered inside the
crude, barnlike Student Publi-
ations Building, home of the
Head investigator, Preston Przb-
bownikski-Smythe (no relation)
evealed that the floor of the rich-
panelled office was littered with
any crates of live chickens. "I
ad suspected foul play all along,"
he said, "but I had no idea
were planning a chicken
d'etat .
* * *
mittee were first aroused wh
was reported that the Garg
was keeping a giant squid ir
water cooler. Tests of samp
the, water are being made.
As The Daily went to p
three of the technicians
been eaten by the squid.
Despite last night's roundur
committee believes that
members are still at large an
be selling "their insidious su
sive literature" on campus
for twenty-five cents.
The committee admitted i
powerless to stop the salesme
"Civil rights is civil ri
Przbrzybovnikski - Smy the
with'an unhappy sigh.
FRI. - SAT. - SUN.
U.S. Moral SL Agenda Ohio State
The following items will be on -
Loss Cited the agenda when the Student Prison Riot
Legislature meets at 7:30 p.m.
today in dining room one of the TN
South Quadrangle:
Consideration of proposed
referendums (
: By BILL RILEY Motion on discriminatory COLUMBUS, O.-(P)-The four- o
<+ ~' America has deserted the moral scholarships day uprising of Ohio Penitentiary b
fiber that has made this country Lecture committee evaluation inmates, a period filled with fire, b
what it is, President George Shus- report rioting and death for one convict,
ter of Hunter College claimed last NSA report appeared at an end late yesterday. T
< s night in the second of the "Tis Late permission in men's Unruly convicts in four cell-A
I Believe" lecture series. residence halls blocks who had been out of control t
Speaking of the threat of co- Committee reports since the rioting started Friday
F ruption in high offices, Shuster Treasurer's report night, gave in to a surrender ulti-
saw the nation becoming indiffer- All interested students and matum delivered by Warden Ralph
ent to the principles of the found- faculty members are invited by W. Alvis.
ing fathers. There are many in- SL to attend the meeting.
government that are as corrupt as THE WARDEN met with a com-
! the feudal lords of the Middle mittee of 22 representing the 1,600 H
Ages, he'said, in their search for M ighty W ave prisoners in the G, H, I and K cell- d
power. Does such a government blocks. Afterward, he announced
. have the right to send soldiers to H the complete surrender of the con-
defend if from communism? H itsEvacua ed victs, and said the men, without fi
: Shuster asked. food since Sunday afternoon,
* R * + *would be fed sandwiches and cof- i
PEOPLE, Shuster said, are to Oau1ore fee tonight. a
El prone to rely on science for the Warden Alvis, called "Big a
answers to moral issues. The good HONOLULU--(A)-A thunder- Red" by the convicts, said the ti
is now thought of as what the ing 13-foot wall of water, powered prisoners were not given an op-
common actions of people are, by one of recorded history's portunity to 'make any stipula- w
People have forgotten, he contin- mightiest earthquakes 3,500 miles tions on their surrender, and m
ued, that the Christian-Judaic era away, struck the evacuated north- that they did not make any re- i
considered 'good' as coming from west shore of Oahu in the Hawaii- quests.
God alone. This is the reason, an Islands yesterday. Just prior to the meeting with u
Shuster maintained, for all signs of It was the fourth and largest the prisoners, Alvis walked into the s
they Ay eviden ce lf tidal wave to hit Hawaii in littel prison courtyard under heavy p
coup As further evidence 6f this, more than an hour. guard. Then he went into the cell- u
Shuster pointed out that the * * * blocks unaccompanied and un-
study of philosophy has been re- THE WAVES were built up by armed. a
placed by a Freudian concept of a seismic shock that raced through * * '*
con- 'how to make friends.' Educa- the Pacific at more than 400 miles HE WAS inside about two min- P
en it tion has not taught youth about an hour from a point in the sea utes, and then came out with EF
staff the great spiritual history that of Okhotsk between Siberia and the 22 representatives. All the E
,n the has meant so much to this land, Japan guards backed away, and the pris-
les he added. oners formed a circle around the c
We seek freedom for the world, The shock also threw nine- warden. They talked about 10 min- d
ress, Shuster said, but do we know what foot waves at Adak in the Aleu- utes. Then the representatives m
had the word means in an era that con- tians and Midway in the Cen- went back to the cellblocks. i
dones McCarthyism? Only as we tral Pacfiic. During the Friday night riot- v
some rediscover the principle of spiri- The 13-foot wave on Oahu ing, which began in the dining v
d will therealities that have bolstered knocked down telephone lines and room, all locks on the four-man a
ntointepast, can the so- clsi h orclbok eea
bver- lution to this state of decay be bowled over a U.S. Navy photog- cells in the four cellblocks were
today found, he saidd rapher bit he was reported unin- broken. Since then the 1600 have p
__dy____nd,_h_____d. jured. been out of control, ranging
t was * * * freely on the catwalks surround- g
en.*Principals 17ii AT HILO on Hawaii Island a re- ing the cells on their tiers. M
ghts," cently-completed $23,000 territor- Sunday afternoon one convict T
said ial boathouse was demolished by was shot and wounded, and Mon- w
Confer Today a wave, the Coast Gurati reported. day morning one convict was shot t
Coast Guard buoys, weighing and killed and three others were t
One hundred and seventy five 10 to 12 tons were torn from wounded as they rioted in the cell-b
high schools and nine junior col- their moorings. blocks, defying wanrngs of the be
leges are represented at the 24th Hilo police ordered the evacua- trance to the cellblocks. r
annual Principal-Freshman and tion of Keauhaha Beach, badly hit * * *a
Junior College Conference, which by a tidal wave in 1946. THE WARDEN said a search of n
began at 7:30 p.m. last night, with _________
a round table discussion at the the prisoners for weapons will be- M
gm this morning in a stockade
S Michigan Union. College Dayucnwhich will be set up on the base-
ferences with the principals for- ball field inside the prison walls.
u m mer students in the morning, fol- To B e Held The search and screening of pris-
ARE er tudets n te monin, fo- O 6 6oners wil take two ful days, he
RY lowed by a luncheon which Presi- estimated. Cells also will be
1W, dent Hatcher will address. In the-esiad.Cls lowllb
afternoon, the pricipals will hear The Seventh Annual Ann Arbor searched.
afseriesoofshpecsipyeasoallHigh School College Day to be held Meanwhile, the problem of the
a series of speeches by deans of all today will feature representatives broken locks in the four cellblocks
colleges of, themen University which from 20 colleges to tell prospective remains to be solved. The plan now
S e gra tendirctly, ando -students what their respective is to take some 600 to 800 of the
___r 3:30 p .rwilatten dicoffeehours schools have to offer. "best" prisoners from the peni-
3:30 p.m. will attend coffee hours In addition to juniors and sen- tentiary and hold them at Camp
ent Tetotalo 3 resed e etatis lors from Ann Arbor High, sen- Perry in northern Ohio for a time.
le o e of 325 i lors of all high schools within a
to the conference includes prm- 25-mile radius have been invited, IFC A d
cipals from Michigan, Illinois, In- along with their parents. 1111 chmends
diana, Ohio and New York In the past, about half of each
Ann Arbor High graduating class ( Ont~.act R tles
Elects Officers has gone on to college and aboutR
The student chapter of the In- half of these have gone to the Uni-
stitute of the Aeronautical Sci- versity, according to Frank M. IFC last night passed an amend-
ences has elected officers for the Reed, faculty college day chair- ment to its By-Laws permitting
current year. man. fraternity men to contact rushee's
Those gaining positions were in the Quadrangle Common
Warren File, '53E, chairman; Art Lounges and in Club 600 during
Sotak, '53E, vice-chairman and Read and Use the formal two week rushing pe-
Dave Wu, secretary - treasurer. riod.
Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson of the en- Daily Clasifieds The 'proposed amendment must
gineering college was chosen facul- be submitted to SAC for final ap-
ty advisor. proval according to Pete Thorpe,
'53, president of IFC.
The amendment further pro- N
vides "there shall be no personal
contact between fraternity men
and rushees within, the rushee's P
___residence, University or private,
except by fraternity men living in i
she rushee's residence."u
The By-Law as it now stands 2
does not affect the informalT
pledging period when fraternity
W E men are allowed to contact menp
living in residence halls and pri-
S: vate rooms for purposes of rush-
A motion presented by Ed Lait-
ner, 53E, of Chi Psi, to cooperate
with PanheI in planning a spring
EE:.. pledge project at the Fresh Air
Camp was unanimously passed.
Weekdays, 6:30 to 11:30
Sat., Sun., 1:30 to 11:30
ADMISSION .. . 44c
gest Attraction
Campus this weekend. FRONTIR
C a m p u s , eo* '7~% c NlRo
LOST-Parker "51" pen, brown with
The Daily Official Bulletin is an silver top with initials M.M.L. Call
official publication of the University 2-4514. Maryanna Larson. )43L
f Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi- LOST - Keepsake Bulova gold watch
bilty. Publication in it is constru- black band; Tues. morning. Call Doris
ive notice to all members of the Spierllng, 315 Mosher. )45L
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 FOR SALE
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
he day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday.) 2 END TABLES, contemporary wrought
iron and walnut designers' models;
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1952 reasonable mahogany bowls and oil
VOL. LXIII, No. 38 painting. 9455, Mr. Hoffman. )2
UNIVERSITY of Michigan pottery ash
notces tray. Regular 125 Special, 75c. Bur
STUDENT TEA. President and Mrs. Patts. 1209 South University. )39
atcher will be at home to students to- KODAK MEDALIST I 2%x34 with 50
ay from 4 to 6 o'clock. m.m. Ektar lens, leather case. Men-
delsohn flash gun, filters, portra and
Veterans eligible for educational bene- poloroid lenses, Enlarger, Federal Mo-
its under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. del 250, 2%x3% with 87 m.m. F. 4.5
ill) should report to the Office of Vet- lens. Excellent condition. All for
rans' Affairs, 555 Administration Build- $160. Call 2-4636. )47
ig, with the Certificate for Education -
nd Training (VA Form 7-1993) as soon STUDENTS-Up to IS off on diamonds,
s it is received to expedite authoriza- watches, rings, electric shaver, silver-
ion of allotment checks. ware, appliances and all other jewelry
items. Any nationally advertised pro-'
Late permission for women students ductsat these savings. Ph. Ed Neback,
'ho attended the SL-Cinema Guild Lit._'53,_3-1713._ )59
novie (Wilson) on Nov. 2 wIll be no MEN'S SUITS, O'coats ......$5.00-$15.00
ater than 11:15 p.m. Women's Suits, Coats ... $1.00-$15.00
Freshman-Sophomore School of Nat- a , Tuxedos, Formals.
ral Resources Conference, Room 3D, Nearly New Shop, 209 E. Washington.
lichigan Union, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov,7
. Attendance required of freshmen. So- 2% x 3 'PACEMAKER speed graphic,
homores and new transfer students fully equipped, like new. Phone Henry
rged to attend. Arnold 3-4141. )40L
Senior Engineering Students, Gradu- MOUTON COAT, suits, ice skates. Prices
tes, and Faculty. You are invited to in- reasonable. Phone 20808 after 5. )76
LAY COACH which will be parked on GIRL'S winter coat, size 12. Like new.
ast University Avenue in front of East Ph. 3-4073 after 6 p.m. )77
ngineering Building today, Nov. 5. HG
HOUSE TRAILER ~ Good condition.
Mechanical, Industrial, and Electri- Complete new tires. 1042 South Main.
al Engineering, or other interested stu- )78
ents, are requested to attend the group CONSOLE Motorola Television Radio
neeting of the Square D Company at Phonograph. Mahogany. Good tone.
ip.m. in 229 West Engineering Build- Phongrp. Mah rs aoany.God tone.
ng if you are scheduled for an inter 1042 . Main. Mrs. Jacob Schild. )79
iew with the representative, Mr. W. H. FOR SALE-Sizes 9-11, several formals,
Younger, for Nov. 6 or 7. He will inter- dresses, suits, blouses and skirts. If
iew in the Department of Mechanical interested please phone 6308. )80
nd Industrial Engineering on Nov. 6
nd in the Electrical Engineering De- CHIME clock, drop leaf table, and coffee
iartment on Nov. 7. table. 562 S. 7th St. Call 5330. )81
The School of Education Testing Pro- OLDS TRUMPET-Excellent condition.
ram will be given on Nov. 6 in the Call 2-0442 1 to 4 p.m. wekdays. )72
4ain Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.
The session begins at 7 p.m. All students ROOMS FOR RENT
who are working toward a teacher's cer-
ificate and who have not already taken ROOMS FOR OVERNIGHT GUESTS-
he examination previously are required Reserve rooms now at The Campus
o attend. Tourist Homes. 518 E. Willam (near
Student Sponsored Social Events listed State). Phone 3-8454. )2R
elow are approved for the coming week- 2 DOUBLES for men. Close to Rackham,
nd. Social chairmen are reminded that Music School, Hospitals. Phone 3-0746
equests for approval for social events or 3-0166. )25R
re due in the Office of Student Affairs
Lot later than 12 o'clock noon on the FOR MAN-Large single front'room, 1104
Monday prior to the event. Packard. Phone 3-1937.
ovember 7
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Xi Delta
Angell HouseEART
Eta Kappa Nu THE A T
November s Presents James
Alpha Chi Sigma Colonel' W
Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Alpha Sigma Phi OPENIN
Alpha Tau Omega
Beta Theta Pi continues throu
Chi Phi
Delta Chi
Delta Sigma Theta Make Reser
Delta Upsilon
Gwnberg House
Hawvaii Club
Kappa Sigma
Phi Alpha Kappa,
Phi Kappa Psi
Phi Kappa Sigma
Phi Sigma Delta
Reeves House At
Sigma Alpha Epsilon '
Sigma Alpha Mu icthe
Sigma Chi te
Sigma Nu 01s
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Taylor House
Tau Delta Phi
Theta Chi
Theta Delta Chi
Tyler House
Mrs. Williams' League House
Zeta Beta Tau
Zeta Psi
November 9 .iL
Kappa Delta To bring it to life, M-G-M sent a
Nu Sigma Nu of stars and technicians to Engan
Personnel Interviews:t his ti o aeo
On Tues., Nov. 11, there will be a gen-
tleman at the Bureau of Appointments
the morning to interview men grad- Next -- Betty Hutton
uating in February representing the
following firms: ORTHO PHARMACEU-
Jersey (interested in men in LSA with
Premedical, Zoology, or Chemistry for
(Continued on Page 4)
44c until 5 P.1V
4 0 004d>4)4 0 40.
! ;<ARO
piO~ct ; at'%7
SINGLE ROOM & BOARD for research
or professional man. Also double for
two (can part pay with duties in
house). Live with congenial cultured
group on campus. 520 Thompson. )4X
BASH! )19
Miami U. Lvg. early Sat. a.m. (Nov. 8),
return late Sunday. Ph. 3-2534. )7T
WANTED - Experienced salesman for
part time help. Must be here for
Xmas. A. A. Cut Rate. 113 So. Main.
PART TIME store clerk for men's wear
and shoe store. Experience preferred.
Good wages. Inquire in person. Sam's
Store, 122 E. Washington. )4H
Part or full time. Selling and gift
wrapping, experience preferred. Papes'
House of Gifts, 863 W. Ann Arbor Trail,
Plymouth, Mich., Phonb PL 1278. )42H
PART TIME student help wanted. Apply
Camelot Bros, 1119 S. University. )17H
TAILORING, alterations. restyling, spe-
cializing in children's apparel. Accur-
ate fittings. Phone 9708. )9B
TYPEWRITERS Portable and Standard
for r4nt, sale and service.'
314 S. State St., Phone 7177. )8B
WASHING - Finished work, aid hand
ironing. Ruff dry and wet washing.
Also ironing separately. Free pick-up
and delivery. Phone r-9020. 05
Auto - Home - Portable
Phono & T.V.
Fast & Reasonable Service
"Student Service"
1215 So. Uni., Ph. 7492
1% blocks east of East Eng. )15B
REMODELING, dressmaking, tailoring.
All types of alterations, tailor made
buttonholes. Fran Apostol, 2-6673.
EXPERT TYPIST - Rates reasonable.
Prompt service. 914 Mary St., 3-4449.
Division and Liberty
Pasties served every Wed. evening.
Come in and get acquainted. Ph. 8073.
Bride's comedy
gh November 23
vations Now
Prices - This Show Only
Mats. 74c - Eyes. 95c
last the story-favorite of millions
es to the screen . . . peopled, with
knights and ladies, the kings and
trs, the warriors and traitors of the
ry Age!
d and
in "'Somebody Loves Me"
r. >>
OF ft
-M. v*
BODY OF A NOTE: This new French AIM is
-.-..rently playing first-run engagem
.O -.-. under the alternate titles, "Is]
Sinners" and "God Needs Men
ii~jwi a:'
Iii, = K
Die.,d iMw, UN*1ED ARTWSS
.. .,.
. , .-
is the Big(
on the Michigan
uuur w mm