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November 05, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-05

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4:30A.M. FINAL

Latest Deadline in the State





* *











Williams, Moody
Trail Opponents








By The Associated Press-
Michigan's Republicans were effecting a complete sweep this morn-
ing as the slow count of the state's record vote showed a steady,
overwhelming increase for the GOP candidates and completely oblit-
erated early Democratic leads.
When the Daily wer t to press Charles E. Potter, Republican con-
testant for the full time senatorial seat, was leading Sen. Blair Moody,
337,579 to 285,542. The totals were based on returns from 956 of the
states 4480 precincts.
Also seeking to fill out the remainder of Sen. Vandenberg's cur-
rent term as well as gain the full term, Moody was trailing Potter
s * * 293,254 to 197,211 in 758 precincts

GOP lakes
County Posts;*
Meader Wins
A record number of Washtenaw
County voters yesterday echoed
national sentiments by granting a
clean sweep of offices to the Re-
publican party.
Despite an early evening scare
which had Rep. George Meader
running behind Prof. John Dawson
of the Law School, later returns,
including the Jackson vote,rpushed
him over the doubtful margin
shortly after midnight.
* * *
WITH LESS than half of the
precincts recorded, the twelfth dis-
trict was supporting George N.
Higgins for the State Senate by a
seven to four ratio over Demo-
cratic hopeful Leonard D. Bennett.
Returns were similar in the
second district, where Joseph E.
Warner led Viola Blackenburg
by seven to four, and in the
first district, Lewis G. Christman
had rolled up a substantial mar-
gin over Henry T. Conlin.
The Progressive votes for David
R. Luce, a former University stu-
dent who was opposing Dawson
and Meader, and Prof. John Shep-
ard of the psychology department
were not counted until late this
morning, but the vote was report-
edly small.
WITH MANY precincts still not
recorded, due to particularly late
returns from the townships, Gen.
Eisenhower led Gov. Stevenson by
a vote of 7,074 to 4,087.
State candidates received a
blanket endorsement. Washte-
naw County residents support-
ed Fred M. Alger, jr. for gover-
nor, Clarence A. Reid for lieu-
tenant governor and Ypsilanti's
Owen J. Cleary for secretary of
Millard, Brake and Martin also
received Washtenaw County's
stamp of approval.
FOR THE U.S. Senate post,
County residents preferred Rep.
Charles E. Potter over Blair Moo-
dy by approximately a 7-4 ratio.
Although 25,000 votes had been
tabulated by 4 a.m. today, harassed
officials had not been able to make
a breakdown of the figures. How-

With 1010 returns in on the gur
bernatorial race, Fred M. Alger
had the edge on Gov. G. Mennen
Williams. The score in this race
stood 350,887 for the Republican
to 290,254 for the incumbent Wil-
INOTHER state races the scores
stood no better for the Democrats.
In 963 precincts, Republican
Clarence A. Reid held onto a
good lead in the contest for lieu-
tenant governor with 310,965
over 255,273 for Democrat John
W. Connolly.
Owen J. Cleary, the Republi-
can candidate, was in front in the
secretary of state race with 309,-
246 votes in 770 precincts.
Robert S. McAllister, the Demo-
cratic contender, polled 199,830.
* * *
- IN 801 PRECINCTS, Attorney
General Frank G. Millard, out for
reelection, led his contest with
322,741. Democrat John T. Damm
had 207,072.
State Treasurer D. Hale Brake
led for reelection *with 297,360
votes in 760 precincts. His op-
ponent, William L. Johnson
counted 189,051.
In the Auditor general race, In-
cumbent John B. Martin Jr. had
rolled up 318,728 to Robert J.
Baker's 202,157 in 784 precincts.
The non-partisan contest for
Supreme Court Justice had in-
cumbent Clark J. Adams still in
the lead with 125,116 in 426 pre-
cincts. His opponent, Charles H.
King, had 98,363.
Michigan voters also decided
yesterday on three proposals to
amend the state constitution, two
of them the controversial redis-
tricting amendments.
Labeled Number 2 and Number
3, first returns gave the advantage
to proposal Number 3. It calls for
a "balanced legislature"--a house
chosen according to population
and a senate frozen roughly on
the present basis.
* * *
LATEST returns showed n192,-
000 in favor and 111,000 against
Number 3.
The CIO-backed proposal Num-
ber 2 was trailing but the returns
from 114 of the state's 4480 pre-
cincts did not include any pre-
cincts in Wayne County where the
CIO has its heaviest strength.
Proposal No. 2 Labor Plan-
yes 102,000, no 209,000.
*Ph C4T _..+nr - -l . .i A A -t;



Congressional Control Uncertain.

By the Associated Press
Republicans made gains early
today in a tough battle to give
Dwight D. Eisenhower a GOP Con-
gress, but the outcome was still
in doubt in the House and tied at
41 seats for each party in the
Senate at 4 a.m. today.
With 49 seats needed for con-
trol of the upper chamber, the
Senate race, where the Democrats
had a mathematical edge before


GOP Gains Wide
Electoral Margin
Stevenson Concedes Race at 1:44 a.m
Asks People To Support General
By The Associated Press
Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected as the 34th President
of the United States yesterday in what appears to be the
greatest electoral landslide since the Roosevelt sweep of 1936.
As The Daily went to press this morning the man who
led the Allies to victory in World War II was leading his
Democratic opponent Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois b ,
a 442 to 89 electoral count.
Official victory came for Eisenhower at 1:44 a.m. when Goy.
Stevenson conceded the election and called on the American people
to rally behind the General and give him "the support he will need.
THE EISENHOWER VICTORY, by totally unpredicted majoritis
in states traditionally Democratic as well as those normally Repub
lican, brought a 20-year''era of Democratic political reign to a crash-
ing end.
It appeared possible early this morning that the GOP pight
control the Senate as well as the House of Representatives as
favored Democratic senatorial nominees went down to defeat in
several states.
Latest returns showed Eisenhower leading with a smashing
22,895,000 vote while Stevenson trailed several million behind with
a 18,770,000 tally.
All over the nation, states were chalking up record votes aS
America went to the polls by the greatest numbers in history to
create the giant GOP sweep.
Altogether his popular vote may hold at the 55 per cent figure set
early this morning.
* * * *
WITH FINAL FIGURES far from complete Eisenhower was
leading in every state except Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kntucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and West
In Minnesota and Washington the Republican lead remained
tenuous with a possibility that final tallies might show Stevenson
the victor.
But Republicans had taken everything that mattered. Ike ripped
Virginia and Florida away from the traditionally "solid South" with
possible victory ahead in Texas. He captured Oklahoma and Mary-
land along the border and was out front in Missouri.
The big prizes-New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Michigan, Cali-
fornia, Pennsylvania and Illinois-were safely GOP.
Michigan crashed through for Ike with what appears to be
approaching a 200,000 vote margin.
IT ALL ADDED UP to a smashing climax to the Eisenhower-
Nixon Crusade which had hammered away at the Democratic argu-
ment "you never had it so good" with their own conviction that
"it's time for a change."
These were the central themes that ran through the hectic
Actually, on any major issues, there was little fundamental dif-
ference of positions established by Eisenhower and Stevenson. Stev-
enson, like Eisenhower, promised unrelenting attack on corruption
and' Red infiltration in government.
Eisenhower, like the Illinois governor, promised to head off any
* * *
BOTH MEN called for early solution to the Korean stalmate.
Both men pledged to support farm prices and both insisted that
nothing is so important in this world as peace.
Evidently the Republican argument that Gen. Eisenhower
could most effectively lead the country to world peace was one of
the main points in their favor as millions of Americans worried
about the draft, Korean reversals and the truce stalemate turned
out for Ike.
And the Eisenhower contention that tidelands oil rights should
remain with the states was obviously reflected in the huge Texas vote.
The Republican civil rights plank could be credited with helping Ike
in Texas and swinging Virginia and Florida into GOP columns for

the voting began, promised to be!
exceedingly close.
* * *
TWENTY-ONE. Senate races
had been decided as The Daily
went to press; the Republicans
won 15 of them. Democrats will
have 35 holdovers and the Republi-
cans 26 in the new Congress.
If the candidates who were
leading proved to be the victors,
the Senate would be tied 48 to

48 on the basis of old party
labels. That could leave control
up to Sen Wayne Morse of Ore-
gon, who identified himself now
as an independent.
The Senate race appeared to
hinge on close contests in Ken-
tucky, New Mexico, Wyoming, Mis-
souri, Nevada and possibly other

* * *


Ike Partisans Whoop
While ItemnFans weep

Victory celebrations and gloomy
discussion groups typified campus
and local reaction to election re-
sults early this morning.
An early morning student inspir-
ed demonstration paraded down
State St. and around campus
shortly after Gov. Adlai Steven-
son's concession speech.
Ike" the demonstration touched
off a series of victory celebrations
in dormitories, fraternities, soror-
ities and rooming houses.
Republicans began whooping it
up as early as 11 p.m. when re-
turns from key northern states
confirmed trends in the South
pointing to a GOP victory.
Democrats, meanwhile, main-
+ninr ightfaep i viuilence until

This was a reference to the re-
sults, showing Republican Sen.
Henry Cabot Lodge of Mass. trail-
ing his Democratic opponent, John
F. Kennedy.
A record percentage of register-
ed city and county voters went to
the polls to swing the local elec-
tions along with the national
SEVENTY-FIVE per cent of the
city had cast its ballot by noon
yesterday in polling which went
smoothly and without unusual dis-
In the second precinct of the
second ward in Ann Arbor 60
people lost their presidential
vote by forgetting to cast a sep-
arate vote for president. All of
these voters had cast a straight

John Sherman Cooper was leading
incumbent Democrat Thomas R.
Underwood early today. A close
New Mexico race gave Democratic
incumbent Dennis Chavez a 52
vote margin oversGOP candidate
Patrick J. Hurley with half the
southwestern state's votes reported.
A Wyoming upset was in the
making as Frank A. Barrett, Re-
publican, threatened Democratic
Sen. Joseph C. O'Mahoney's,
sixth-place seniority position in
the Senate. ,
Another close race in Missouri
showed Stuart Symington, Demo-
crat, pulling ahead of GOP in-
cumbent James P. Kem. And in
Nevada, the Republicans led as it
appeared that Thomas B. Mech-
ling's bid for a Senate seat would
be taken by George B. Malone, in-
In incomplete returns for other
significant Senatorial contests,
Wisconsin incumbent Sen. Joseph
McCarthy was running well ahead
of his Democratic, opponent
Thomas E. Fairchild with a count
of 435,000 to 292,000 votes.
Cain was trailing Henry M. Jack-
son, Democrat, in Washington's
early returns. With one-fourth of
Ohio's vote in, Sen. John W.
Bricker seemed certain to retain
his post, as Democrat Michael V.
DiSalle fell behind by 100,000
The Massachusetts race saw
John F. Kennedy, Democrat,
slowly draw ahead of GOP Sen.
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Eisen-
hower's leading pre-convention

. . . re-elected
Court House
Fate Vague
Washtenaw County's proposed
Court house was in a precarious
position when partial returns were
tabulated early this morning, but

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