bUNDI., M~vi~kivA Z , 19j
- .
An Editorial...
We had not thought to jointly support any candidate
for public office in the current election.
Bift out of a campaign which has witnessed prob.
ably some of the highest and lowest levels of political
activity have emerged at least two men whose candida-
cies, we believe, merit the support of Daily readers.
In the early weeks of the campaign it appeared that the
country would be in safe hands, at least on the presidential
level, no matter which candidate proved the victor. This is
no longer the case. Gov. Adlai Stevenson has retained the
moral strength and political integrity necessary to the man
who aspires to the nation's highest office. Unfortunately, Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower has not lived/up to the reputation that
preceded him across the Atlantic.
And in the local Congressional race, John P. Dawson
is a candidate whose legal background, diplomatic experience,
brilliance, and independence make him a clear choice over
George Meader.
We have been disillusioned with General Eisenhower,
particularly those of us who hopefully supported his nom-
ination. In the past few months, the General has betrayed his
own followers by bowing to those whom he had supposedly
defeated at the convention. As a result, his public, statements
have become so vague, inconsistent, and emotional as to be
an insult to the American voter.
On the other hand, Governor Stevenson has' ap-
pealed to the reason of Americans by facing the issues
honestly and realistically. He has courage. He talks
sense. He thinks for himself.
Time and again, Stevenson has told special interest
groups throughout the country-labor, management, farmers,
the American Legion-that he will resist any pressures which
he considers harmful to the general welfare of the nation.
We are confident that a Stevenson administration in
Washington would be as honest, efficient and economical as his
administration in Illinois. There he distinguished himself as
a champion of civil rights and an implacable enemy of cor-
We are confident that the Governor will build a
sound foreign policy which combines the hope for peace
with the need for'halting the Soviet menace.
The late Senator Arthur Vandenberg -recognized Stev-
enson's great diplomatic ability, when, in recommending him
for the State Department, he said "This man is a must!"
We therefore. urge your support for Adlai Stevenson.
And for a candidate to represent this district with distinction,
we strongly recommend that you cast your ballot for John
-Crawford Young, Cal Samra, Zander Hollander,
Sid Klaus, Harland Britz and Donna Hendleman
-The Senor Editors
The Daily, welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
- libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
"The spirit of free inquiry and fearless scholarship . .. is a
basic condition of free men ... The guardians of Western thought
must never permit its vitality and beauty to be smothered by
strong, arrogant men ..., nor obscured by timid men trembling
In the darkness of anxiety."#
Life of Heresy. .
To the Editor:
FT ER the pseudo-mystical ob-
seurantism and homespun ba-
nality of previous efforts, the re-
cent contribution of Alfred Hunt-
ing to the series "This I Believe"
is a welcome relief.
The exercise of critical selection
before the amassed knowledge of
western civilization is not an easy
task. It is, in fact, the great intel-
lectual problem of modern times,
and it is heartening to see that
there are still those few-exempl-
ified by Hunting-who have the
courage to extract themselves
from bondage.
The function of the myths as
concrete demonstrators of value is
of course a great one. By this fic-
tive music we are liberated from
the chill regions of abstraction,
made human. But it is equally sig-
nificant to realize that myth is not
reality, that the poem is not the
There is no rational justification
for literal belief in our inherited
legends, but we need not despair on
that account. The leap of faith can
still be made-in the direction of
humanity, in affirmation of those
ideals of life and love and liberty
which constitute our final hope.
The life of heresy, the most tax-
ing of all, is the most honorable.
-Jack Danielson
* * *
For Adlai. ..
To the Editor:
MAY I congratulate you on your
excellent and fair coverage of
the political campaign. However I
am disheartened to see the vari-
ous campus polls coming out in
favor of Eisenhower. My reasons
lege education, life on a military
post, or in directing armies, which
qualifies a man to decide issues
concerning social security benefits,
compulsary medical insurance,
tariffs, taxes, price and wage con-
trols, farm parity price supports,
public housing, tidelands oil, pub-
lic power, labor or anti-trust leg-
islation, and the thousand and one
other complex questions he must
face as President.
General Eisenhower has been
receiving a hurried political edu-
cation in the last few months.
Now he has loud, firm an4 fre-
quently inconsistent opinions on
almost every subject under the
Who gave him these opinions?
Who will advise him later? .. .
Taft? McCarthy? Jenner? Rever-
Being innocent of background
himself, whose opinion will he
He has warmly and publicly en-
dorsed the most fanatic reaction-
aries in the country. Men who
stand for everything we have al-
ways fought. Will he, or can he
withdraw his endorsement of them
once he has them safely elected?
Think about these questions I
raise. Remember that your vote is
your power. Use it wisely. Vote for
-Vera W. Spooner
Wants AA Rain ...
To the Editor:
FOR FOUR YEARS I complained
about the constant rain in
Ann Arbor. Now that I'm taking
field work in the Texas desert I
would appreciate a few of those
Ann Arbor rain clouds. I have
been here at Fort Bliss for two
months and haven't seen a drop of
(Continued from Page 2)
and Training (VA Form 7-1993) as soon
as it is received to expedite authoriza-
tion of a-lmotment checks.
Personnel Interviews,
The American Airlines of Chicago, Ill.,
will be at the Sheraton Cadillac Hotel in
Detroit on Tues., Nov. 4, between the
hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to interview
women interested in becoming airline
stewardesses. Details of the require-
ments can be obtained at the Bureau
of Appointments, and appointments can
be made by contacting the representa-
tive at the hotel in Detroit.
Personnel Requests.
The stewart-Warner Corporation of
Indianapolis, nd., has openings within
their firm for Mechanical, Electrical,
and Aeronautical Engineers as well as
for Physicists and Mathematicians.
Those with an interest in thermody-
namics and heat transfer are urged to
contact the Bureau of Appointments for
further details.
Lake City Malleable, Inc., of Cleve-
land, Ohio, is in need of Metallurgical
Engineers for their Melting and Re-
search Departments.
The Diamond Chain Compan, of In-
dianapolis, writes that they would be
interested in hearing from February
and June graduates of Mechanical En-
gineering. They have openings for men
trained in this line.
Siegler Enamel Range Company, of
Centralia, Ill., has available positions
for Mechanical Engineers who have had
some courses in air conditioning and/or
heating. The work would consist in the
design, development, and preparation
for production of new models or
changes in oil and gas heaters.
Cleveland Graphite Bronze Company,
of Cleveland, Ohio, has openings for
young men on their Central Staff
Group. They are interested in students
with a combination of Business Admin-
istration and Engineering preferably or
one with a degree in Accounting and
Budgetary Control Training.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Building, Ext. 371.
Academic Notices
Game Theory Seminar. Mon., Nov. 3,
4:30 p.m., 3220 Angell Hall.
The Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
matics will meet on Mon., Nov. 3, at
3 p.m., in 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Paxson
will talk about Gauss ,Theory on the
Fermat Problem.
Logic Seminar, Tues., Nov. 4, 3:10
p.m, 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Flesner will
speak on the characterizability of the
natural numbers.
Guest Organist: Fenner Douglas,
Professor of Organ at Oberlin Conserva-
tory, will play a recital at 4:15 Sunday
afternoon, Nov. 2, in Hill Auditorium.
His program will open with Buxtchude's
Prelude and Fugue in F major. It will
continue with Pachelbel's Ciacona in F
minor, Bruhns' Prelude and Fugue in
E minor; Mozart's Fantasie, K. 594, and
Bach's Two Chorale Preludes: Wir
glauben all' en einen Gott, Schopfer and
Wir glauben al'en enen Gott, Vater,
and his Sonata VI in G major and
Toccata in F. The general public is in-
Events Today
Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2
p.m. at the rear entrance of the Rack-
ham Building.
Newman Club. General meeting of all
Newmanites at 7:30 p.m. in the club
rooms of St. Mary's Chapel. Speaker has
been secured and refreshments will be
Evangelical and Reformed Student
Guild. Discussion, 7 p.m., Bethlehem
Church, "The Christian View of Po-
litical Responsibility." Leader: Dr.
Frank Grace, Political Science Depart-
ment. At 8 p.m. Monthly Social: Post-
Halloween party in the Gym. Come
dressed for fun.
Wesleyan Guild. Discussion Class at
9:30 a.m. in Pine Room: "Understand-
ing the Christian Faith." Fellowship
supper. 5:30 p.m., Worship and program,
6:45tp.m. Film - "We Hold These
Roger Williams Guild. Student Bible
Study "Deuteronomy," 9:45 a.m. Prof.
Charles Brasseld will lead a discussion
on "God and the Universe" in the
Chanman Room at 7 n.m.
Gilbert and Sullivan: Yeomen and
People's chorus rehearsal today at 2at
the League. Know music for Nos. 2,.3,
and 6.
UNESCO Council. A meeting will be
held at 8 p.m. in the Recreation Room
of the International Center. A panel
of Michigan Olympic star will discuss
the games and tell some of their ex-
periences. Students, faculty, and twons-
people are invited to attend.
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Rev.
Paul. Arnold, of Mason, Michigan, will
speak on "Personal Integrity-Can It Be
Achieved?" at 4 pa. in the Fireside
Room at Lane Hall. Everyone welcome.
Coming Events
Organizational Meeting for Sigma Al-
pha Eta, National Speech and I;paring
Society, will be held on Mon., Nov. 3, at
7:30 p.m. at the Women's League. All
students interested in speech :correc-
tion and hearing therapy are invited to
Science Research Club. The Nov.
meeting will be held in the Rackham
Amphitheater, 7:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 4.
Program: "Nonlinear Automatic Con-
trol Systems," L. L. Rauch, Aaeronaut-
cal Engineering; "Synthetic Oxytocics
-Potential Ergot Substitutes," Paul E.
Norris, Pharmacy. Introduction of new
The First Drama Quartette, starring
Charles Boyer, Vincent Price, Cedric
Hardwicke, and Agnes Moorehead in
Shaw's witty comedy "Don Juan In
Hell" will be presented Wed. and Thurs.
nights, 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium
by the University Oratorical Associa-
tion. Ticketsare on sale daily at the
Auditorium box office, which is open
10 a.m.5 p.m.
La P'tite Causette will meet tomorrow
from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North Cafe-
teria of the Michigan Union.
Union Opera. Singing chorus rehears-
al at 7:30 p.m. Mon., Nov. 3, Rm. 3-G of
the Union. All tryouts for lead parts
who weren't cast are invited to attend.
U. of M. Rifle Club will meet Tues,
Nov. 4, at 7:15 p.m. at the R.O.T.C. Rifle
Project M-720-1.AMeeting Mon., Nov.
3, 7:30 p.m., 3220 Angell Hal.
International Students Association.
Council meeting Mon., Nov. 3, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 3-A of the Michigan
Union. The associate organizations are
invited to send their delegates.
Volunteer Naval Research Reserve
Unit 9-3. Meeting Mon., Nov. 3,' at 7:30
p.m., 2082 Natural Science Building.
Professor Marston Bates, Depatment
of Zoology, will speak on "Adaptation of
Mosquitoes to the Tropical Rain For-
est Environment."
*Fortnite Central Committee. Meeting
Mon., Nov. 3, in the League. Room will
be posted.
Young Progressives. Meeting Mon.,
Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-R, Michigan
Union. Prof. John Shepard will speak
on "Why I Am a Progressive." Vincent
Hallinan's Detroit speech will be pre-
sented. Election of officers. Everyone
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student' Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young. Managing' Editor
Cal Samra.........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus......... Associate City' Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendlema..Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor
John Jenks....,Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green..............Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg..... Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager
Europe Looks at
The Election
EDITOR'S NOTE: The author is a graduate of
oxford and is currently engaged in economi
research at the University.
IT IS, OF COURSE, for Americans to de-
cide by whom and by what values they
shall be governed, and it would Ill become
an Englishman to deny that right. But the
position of the United States is now so pre-
eminent both economically and in diplomacy
that the election of its government and the
selection of its poicies are events whose re-
percussions will be felt in every country cf
the earth.
There are mrany millions of men wh have
never heard the name of either candidate,
whose lives will be more affected by the de-
cisions of November 4th than will be the
lives of most Americans. Such is the sober
meaning of world responsibility. This article
attempts to reflect how one corner of the
world conceives its own relation to the elec-
Since the end of the war, Eisenhower has
been the most popular person in Europe. If
Churchill saved Europe, Eisenhower came as
her Deliverer. No one heard him address a
crowd in London, or visited his headquarters
at SHAPE without feeling that here was a
man who understood Europeans, and had the
ability to make men of different tempera-
ments and nationalities work willingly t,-
gether. When Taft was beaten for the Re-
publican nomination, the relief and jubi-
lation were universal.
But next to Eisenhower, the best-loved
American is Harry S. Truman. "A prophet
is not without honour, save in his own.
country." For several years in Europe Tru-
man has been recognized as a statesman of
considerable stature.
The election of a man Is only fully signi-
ficant in the context of the party which sup-
ports him and the policies he stands for.
The foreign and economic policies that Ste-
venson stands for can be clearly construed
from the history of the past six years. They
include generous financial aid, military as-
sistance, a.liberal tariff policy, and a diplo-
macy that has helped to make Europeans
feel more secure than they have at any
time since 1947.
The policy of the Republicans is, to speak
mildly, more ambiguous. We have three in-
dicators-the party platform, the record of
Republican members of Congress, and the
personality of the candidate himself. None
of these, at the moment, is too encouraging.
Too much attention should not be paid to
the platform-few candidates discuss it dur-
ing the campaign and nobody bothers about
it once in the White House. It was designed
strictly to collect the votes of as many min-
ority groups as possible. But Mr. Dulles' con-
tribution was more Taftian than bifactional,
and the policy of aggressive peace which he
seems to advocate is widely distrusted in
Europe, except in Western Germany.
Perhaps the most serious features were
the paragraphs on trade, for which no
doubt Senator Millikin was responsible.
What Europe wants is not so much charity
as a chance to sell. The non-dollar world
cannot take more from the dollar countries
than the equivalent of what the dollar
countries are willing to import, lend, and
give away. In the Republican manifesto
there is every indication that tariffs would
be raised at the slightest sign that cus-
tomers prefer imported to domestic goods,
and that discriminatory agreements would
be attacked even where their purpose is
to ensure that groups of countries short
of dollars buy from the U.S. primarily
only what they cannot buy from each oth-
er, a process which does not contract world
trade but expands it. In contrast to this
is the memory of Truman's veto of the
excessive use of the 'escape clause' by the
Tariff Commission, and of Stevenson's en-
lightened trade policies as expounded, for
instance, in his speech at New Orleans.
From the records of Republican congress-
men no single coherent policy can be deduc-
ed: But it Is safe to say that a party that
contains senators like Jenner and McCarthy,
Cain, Kem, Bridges, Ecton, Watkins and
Bricker is not as popular as a party that
does not. It was to counter-act the policy of
these mtn that Eisenhower sent General
Gruenther back to give evidence before the
Committee on Appropriations. Since then
his character has acquired an enigmatic qua-
lity. Perhaps the kindest and most realistic
assumption to make is that, once in the
White House, he will abandon much of what
he stood for in the election in the same way
as he seems now to have abandoned much
of what he stood for before the election.
If then the Democratic party is favoured
over the Republican for that state of mind
which far more clearly transcends purely
sectional and national interests, still the pre-
vailing sentiment in Europe is thankfulness
that the contest is between two such out-
standing candidates. And the decisions that
the American people make-divorced from
their accompanying noises-are usually ac-
counted to be wise ones.
-Michael Faber
New Books at Library
AIKEN, Conrad, USHANT, New York
Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1952.
Anderson, Jack & May, Ronald, Mc-
THE ISM," Boston, The Beacon Press,
.. Democratic senator
Incumbent Sen. Blair Moody took over
his position by an appointment in April,
1951 from Gov. Williams to fill the post
made vacant by the death of Sen. Arthur
In Congress, Moody served as Chairman
of the Senate Anti-Censorship Sub-Com-
mittee and the Senate Small Business
Mobilization Sub-Committee. He is also
a member of the Senate Banking and
Currency Committee and the Committee
on Government Operations.
Moody has earned the reputation of
being one of the outstanding freshmen
senators. He was cited by the Citizens'
Committee for the Hoover Report and
was rated in the top fifth of the Senate
by the American Political Science Asso-
Prior to' his Senate appointment he
was a Washington reporter for- the De-
troit News. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa
from Brown University in 1922.
Crucial from the national as well as the
state standpoint, Michigan's senatorial con-
testt has shaped up into a bitter battle be-
tween incumbent Democrat Blair Moody and
his GOP opponent Rep. Charles E. Potter.
A Potter victory would be welcome to the
GOP nationally since the Republicans are
thought to have a lesser chance to gain the
Senate than to win the Presidency. A Moody
victory would be a major setback to the
s 4" .
AS THE RACE stands now, political ob-
servers have made Potter the favorite. An
exceptionally heavy Detroit vote is seen as
Moody's best hope to be returned to the
In order to present a summary statement
of the candidates' views, The Daily sent
out the following questionnaire to both
men and prints their answers below:
1) Do you favor Universal Military Train-
2) Do you believe mutual security aid
should be reduced, maintained at the pre-
sent level or increased?
3) Do you believe Point Four aid should
* * 41 *
Moody.. .
Not unless essential to the strength need-
ed to avoid war. I am less inclined to think
this is necessary than a year ago.
For the present I favor the maintainment
of mutual security aid at its present level.
I would favor increasing our Point 4
Emphatically yes. I worked dilligently
with Sen. Aiken to put this farther ahead in
Congress than it has been in 25 years.
We need an entirely new and modern
labor code, which will be fair to labor, man-
agement and the public. Sen. Taft admitted
23 revisions are needed in the present code.
Many areas of great importance to sound
labor-management relationships have been
inadequately covered or not covered at all
under the Taft-Hartley Act which would be
taken care of in a new bill.
Yes. I favor enactment of a clean gov-
ernment bill introduced by Senators
Monroney, Sparkman, Smathers and my-
self. This legislation established a model
of conduct for all government agencies and
provides equal penalties for those who
corrupt government as well as those who
I believe the Administration and govern-
ment are doing an effective job in keeping
subversives out of government.
I favor a law which insures to all Ameri-
cans the rights written in our basic docu-
ments by our founding fathers, with en-
forcement powers.
Concerning the cloture' I favor a rule
in the Senate which would insure:
1. Preservation of the Senate tradition
of free and full debate on all subects.
2. Bringing of all issues to a vote within
a reasonable period after full debate
whenever a Senate majority feels ready to
pass on the issue. I favor the Lehman bill
on cloture.
I am also in favor of anti-lynching legis-
Within five years of his entrance Into
politics, Congressman Charles E. Potter
has established a wide following through-
out the state which makes him a. strong
candidate to succeed incumbentBlair
Moody in the Senate.
Returning from World War II where
he lost both legs in a landmine explosion,
Rep. Potter was engaged by the Depart-
ment of Labor as a vocational rehabili-
tation advisor to coordinate civic, state
and departmental agencies in the reha-
bilitation of physically handicapped war
veterans and other citizens.
In 1947 he was elected to a Congres-
sional vacancy caused by the death of
the incumbent Congressman, and he went
on to win re-election in 1948 and 1950.
Since 1951 Rep. Potter has served on
the House Un-American Activities Com-
mittee and has received wide notice for
his fight against Communism In America.
He has made this one of the key issues
of the campaign.
be reduced, maintained at the present level
or increased?
4) Do you favor construction of a St.
Lawrence Seaway at this time?'
5) Do you favor the Taft-Hartley Act as
it stands now? If riot, would you repeal it
outright or merely make revisions? What
amendments would you suggest or on what
basis would you write a new bill?
6). Do you feel the Administration is
adequately handling the corruption prob-
lem? What suggestions would you make
to curb corruption?
7) Do you think the Administration is
doing an effective job in removing subver-
sives from the government? What measures
do you thing are needed to alleviate the
Communist menace in government and the
8) What Is your position on civil rights?
Do you favor compulsory FEPC, cloture and
anti-lynching legislation?
9) Do you favor state control of tidelands
10) What is the one major piece of legis-
lation that you would like to sponsor and
see passed by both Houses of Congress?
" R 4
Potter .. .
We cannot have both the draft and UMT
at the same time. At this time it would be
impossible to have an effective UMT pro-
I- believe in foreign aid to those nations
only which demonstrate their willingness to
protect themselves from Communist infil-
trationand aggression. Mutual security must
be what its name implies, not three-fourths
of the responsibility on the shoulders of the
American taxpayer which has been the case
to date.
Point Four aid should be maintained on-
ly within our financial capabilities; but
this program, as other parts of our for-
eign aid program, must be revamped and
executed efficiently.
The Taft-Hartley Act can and should be
amended. I have voted for some 20 or more
amendments to the law and shall do so
The Administration definitely has not
made an honest, sincere and thorough effort
to clean its house. Moral and ethical stan-
dards cannot be legislated. But we can have
an administration headed by men of char-
acter with the courage to remove grafters
and to choose honest men for top offies.
Definitely not. Any disloyal individuals
removed from the federal payroll were re-
moved only after continued pressure and
exposure by the House Committee on Un-
American Activities and fortright members
of Congress. Our government can only be
cleaned of subversives through a change
of Administration. The New-Fair Deal,
which has coddled subversives and pro-
tected them, which has sought their sup-
port for perpetuating itself in office, can-
not be expected after 20 years to do an
about face and deal with them as traitors.
Senatorial Rivals Moody,
Potter Present Positions
- -1
41 -
... GOP opponent