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November 01, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-01

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The Taft-Ho
)NE OF THE major issues in the presi-
dential campaign is the controversial
'aft-Hartley Act. General Eisenhower has
aken a stand in favor of the Act, while
xov. Stevenson calls for repeal of the law
nd the drafting of a new one.
Both candidates uphold the rights of
unions to collective bargaining and the
right to strike. It is also evident that
neither wants to restrict labor's growth.
Both recognize the need for changes in
Taft-Hartley, but while Eisenhower calls
for revisions to bring It up to date, Stev-
enson favors the substitution of an en-
tirely new law.
Perhaps the crux of the difference be-
ween the two candidates is their respective
tands on the injunction clause. This part
f the Act gives the President power to en-
oin unions from striking for 80 days if he
eels such a strike would create a national
mergency. Eisenhower supports the T-H
njunction clause until something better can
e substituted for it. Stevenson, on the other
land, would do away with the injunction
It remains a mystery as to what ma-
chinery the Governor would substitute for
it? He has made several allusions con-
cerning vesting more power with the Pres-
ident to handle strike emergencies. Wheth-
er this would mean giving the President
the power to seize industries as Truman
did in the recent steel dispute or whether
it would give the President the power to
draft striking workers as Truman threat-
ened to do in the coal strike several years
ago, remains to be seen. Most legislators
agree that the less government interfer-
ence in labor-management relations the
better. Stevenson's solution is not in line
with this:
Stevenson also favors the closed shop
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
,re written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writer only.
this must be noted in all reprints.

artley Act
which virtually gives unions the right to hire
workers. In a closed shop new workers in a
firm must be union members before they can
be hired. Taft-Hartley permits a union
shop in which new workers have a period of
60 days to join unions. The latter set up
allows the individual worker some freedom
in respect to joining or not joining a union
-a more democratic process.
Eisenhower is in favor of the 27 amend-
ments to the Act which Taft, himself, has
proposed. Democratic committee chairmen
in Congress, however, have held up these
revisions by refusing to report them out of
committee, primarily it seems for political
reasons. Their fear is that an overhauled
bill might result in the loss of a few votes
on Tuesday.
Stevenson's reasons for favoring repeal
also seems to be political. Time has proved
that the Act is not a "slave labor" measure
although labor leaders will not recognize this
fact. By so doing they have refused to accept
the law as a piece of constructive labor
legislation. Stevenson already has won the
active support of labor with his repeal pro-
posal, including the traditional non-parti-
san American Federation of Labor.
The best case Stevenson can make for
his stand, aside from political expediency,
is that the law has created a psychological
block in labor leaders' minds. A new law
might remove this block which has hin-
dered good labor-management relations.
Labor despises the very thought of Taft-.
Hartley, and has not cooperated fully in
working with it. An industrial relations
law should be designed to facilitate labor-
management relations and if a new law
would do so, it might be justifiable.
On the other hand, their is no guarantee
that a new act would eliminate these psy-
chological barriers, and moreover, a new act
would most likely upset the present balance
between labor and management. It should
also be noted that the Taft-Hartley Act has
not, as claimed, destroyed the labor move-
ment. And although unions have not shown
appreciable membership gains since the Act's
inception, they have grown stronger inter-
nally and in their influence on the nation.
--Eric Vetter

Washington Merry-Go-Round


WASHINGTON-One thing worrying the
GOP high command is that while cap-
turing the White House they might lose the
Senate. This is because only one-third of
the Senate is up for election, and it happens
that this year Republican senators are chief-
ly affected, many in marginal states.
To win pontrol of the Senate, the Re-
publicans must pick. up two new seats.
Instead they are likely to lose six states,
and pick up three-a net loss of three
Here is the box-score on the key races
for the Senate:
NEW YORK-Sen. Irving Ives, Republi-
can, frequent bolter to the GOP-Democratic
liberals, will be re-elected.
CONNECTICUT-With two Democratic
seats at stake inConnecticut, the Republi-
cans are likely to pick up at least one. Chief
issue in Connecticut is "McCarthyism," Sen-
ator Benton having been the only Senator
with the courage to ask for a Senate probe
of McCarthy's unethical conduct. As a re-
sult, McCarthy and friends have thrown ev-
erything except the kitchen sink into Con-
necticut to defeat Benton.
MARYLAND-Congressman Glenn Be-
all, Republican, is likely to defeat Demo-
crat George Mahoney.
MICHIGAN-Sen. Blair Moody, Democrat,
is fighting an uphill race against Congress-
man Charles Potter, a legless veteran. Pot-
ter voted against everything Eisenhower was
working for-defense funds, mutual security
aid to Europe; while Moody championed the'
principles of the late Senator Vandenberg.
Nevertheless, sympathy for a legless veteran,
plus the powerful support of both Ford and
General Motors, is likely to defeat him.
WASHINGTON -Congressman "Scoop"
Jackson, Democrat, is a probable winner
over Senator Cain, the Republican who play-
ed footsie with the real-estate lobby ani
the isolationist bloc.
MONTANA-Congressman Mike Mans-
field is the favorite to defeat another iso-
lationist Republican who was swept in
with the 1946 landslide-Zales Ecton.
INDIANA-Sen. William Jenner, one of
the most controversial senators in the cam-
paign due to his attacks on General Mar-
shall and Ike's subsequent endorsement,
seems certain to lose to popular, middle-of-
the-road Gov. Henry Schricker.
MISSOURI-Another GOP Senator of the
class of 1946, James Kem, is due to be moved
down ,by Stuart Symington, who cleaned up
the RFC.
NEVADA-Tom Mechling, the young
newsman who defeated Senator McCarran's
"THE DEMAND for certainty is one which
is natural to man, but is nevertheless
an intellectual vice. If you take your chil-
dren for a picnic on a doubtful day, they
will demand a dogmatic answer as to wheth-
er it will be fine or wet, and be disappoint-
ed in you when you cannot be sure. The
same sort of assurance is demanded, in later

law partner in the Democratic primary, now
faces the open and bitter opposition of the
most powerful man in Nevada-McCarran
himself. This means that the Democratic
machine is not actively behind him. How-
ever, such sympathy has been aroused for
Mechling's lone battle that he may defeat
GOP Senator Malone. Nevadans know that
Malone, whom McCarran now backs, prev-
iously was treated by him like dirt.
MASSACHUSETTS -Young Congress-
man John Kennedy, Democrat with a lib-
eral voting record, is considered likely
to defeat Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, des-
pite the powerful support given Lodge by
NEW MEXICO-Sen. Dennis Chavez, De-
mocrat, has an understanding with Repub-
lican leaders whereby the state will prob-
ably go for Eisenhower, but simultaneously
defeat the ebullient Pat Hurley, now running
against Chavez for the Senate.
WYOMING-Joe O'Mahoney, Democrat,
a skilled and respected Senate-veteran, is
in the tough fight with GOP Governor Bar-
rett. The race is close, but O'Mahoney is
expected to squeak through.
UTAH-Sen. Arthur Watkins, Republi-
can, is in a seesaw battle with Congress-
man Waiter Granger, Democrat. Watkins
has become so desperate that he has im-
ported a professional ex-Communist, Har-
vey Matusow, to attack Granger. Granger,
however, has been a solid, hard-working
congressman and the attack may boomer-
OHIO-Sen. John Bricker, voted No. 96
by Washington newsmen in contrast to
Taft's rating of No. 1, is being pushed by
Mike Di Salle, the former price administra-
tor. Hurting Bricker is the fact that rents
are being raised all over Ohio, following his
consistent voting with the real-estate lob-
by to remove rent controls. Bricker has also
admitted receiving $69,000 from his law
finn, while the firm in turn received $138,-
000 from the Pennsylvania Railroad. Bricker
consistently voted against the St. Lawrence
Seaway, though Ohio is a Great Lakes State.
KENTUCKY-The Republicans may pick
up one seat in the close race between ex-
Sen. John S. Cooper, Republican, and Dem-
ocratic Senator Tom Underwood. Cooper is
a Vandenberg Republican with a fine record.
Revercomb, the Republican whom Gov-
ernor Dewey snubbed in 1948 because of
his votes against minority groups, isn't
given much chance to win against Demo-
cratic Sen. Harley Kilgore.
DELAWARE-A close race is developing
between Sen. John Williams, Republican,
and Lt. Gov. Alexis I. Du Pont Bayard.
Though the DuPonts usually back a Repub-
lican, in this case they' are either keeping
neutral or giving some quiet support to their
Democratic cousin.
NEW JERSEY-Sen. Alexander Smith,
Republican, will probably win out over ef-

SL's Approach
T E EDITORIAL on the Student Legis-
lature which appeared in these columns
yesterday is unfortunately reflective of a
large segment of student opinion toward the
Legislature. Many students are impatient
with SL for not hurrying forward with the
Lecture Committee problem.
They do not realize, evidently, that
the wisest policy in this case is to pre-
sent a carefully worked out position which
has some chance of approval by the Re-
gents rather than sending the Regents
a slap-dash proposal that has no chance
of being approved.
SL's interest in reorganization has also
provoked a good deal of controversy. How-
ever, instead of ridiculing the Legislature
for its attempts at self-improvement, it
would be better to take a glance at their
decision Wednesday night to organize a
committee to study campus organization.
SL members have been very concerned
by the overlapping campus set-up as it exists
now, and have done a lot of thinking about
the problem of student representation.
Formation of the committee reveals SL's
maturity and constructive approach to-
ward the problem, aimed at finding a so-
lution to the dilemma rather than merely
ignoring it.
The disheartening thing about much of
the criticism leveled at SL is that the critics
pose no constructive solutions to the prob-
lems they mention. There is little need of
carping statements of "what's wrong with
SL." Most of the members realize the de-
fects of the organization and have already
shown that they are anxious to correct them.
Constructive suggestions will do more good
than ridicule.
-Harry Lunn
Ike Reveals
PARTY-Little things sometimes have
big meanings. This reporter, who has been
watching Gen. Eisenhower in the last lap
of the campaign, therefore begs pardon for
beginning with what probably seems like a
little thing.
The locale was the black and forbid-
ding coal-mining region of Pennsylvania,
through which Gen. Eisenhower was
boldly campaigning as though there were
no such person as John L. Lewis. Eisen-
hower was traversing the heavily Demo-
cratic, heavily unionized, grimly dingy
suburbs of Pittsburgh.
On this "south side" of Pittsburgh, one
had only to look ahead to see the indiffer-
ence and even hostility of the people. They
were silent. They were almost sullen, until
Eisenhower's open car drew abreast of them.
Then, suddenly, there would be the Gen-
eral, sitting up on the back of the rear
seat, waving both arms in his odd, by-now-
nationally familiar gesture. He almost vis-
ibly radiated his incandescent human
warmth. Everything about him seemed to
say, "I like these people." And they, per-
haps rather reluctantly, plainly decided they
liked him, bursting into cheers and clapping
him in the most unexpected and almost un-
intentional manner as his car passed by.
For a leader, this quality of warmth,
which Eisenhower possesses in greater de-
gree than any recent Presidential candi-
date except the two Roosevelts, is a vi-
tally important quality. A man who has
this quality and uses it wisely and well,
- can count on securing a strong national
response in hard times when a strong
response is needed.
The very fact that Eisenhower's warmth
has shone out more and more strongly with
each passing week of the campaign, can be

taken to mean that he is more and more at
ease among the complexities of civil lead-
There are other such signs. Much has been
made of Gen. Eisenhower's so-called em-
brace of Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy. The idea
has been propagated that if elected, the
General will continue to countenance Mc-
Carthy and his methods. In fact, however,
candidate Eisenhower has. already given
rather clear evidence to the contrary.
The country does not know that the
General has meanwhile refused to use the
Senator to gain advantage in two really
crucial states, one of them notoriously
close. But Sen. McCarthy unquestionably
knows it, and has certainly taken it as a
declaration of war from Eisenhower.
This display of firmness towards Mc-
Carthy again suggests the same conclusion
as the tremendous improvement in Eisen-
hower's campaign manner. The General,
who was once so visibly bewildered by the
unfamiliar problems of his unsought can-
didacy, is ceasing to be at the mercy of ad-
visers whose competence he cannot easily
gauge. He has learned, or is rapidly learn-
ing, who is who, what is what, and how to
make his own decisions in accordance with
his own character, outlook and principles.
The General has not yet achieved elo-
quence as a set speaker, but no one can
have failed to note the increasing depth,
thoughtfullness and vigor of his set
speeches in recent weeks.
All of which suggests two significant
points. First, it was unfair to judge Dwight
Eisenhower, as many people judged him,

The Daily welcomes communications front its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
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be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

On Sudan .. .
To the Editor:
THIS WOULD be an interpreta-
tion of the many odd, ambigu-
ous and irrelevant ideas exposed
in a letter addressed to the Daily
by an ambitious student, namely
Mr. Jacob Lassner. Apparently this
gentleman, blinded and confused
by the maze of facts and fiction
that he has anxiously presented to
the readers of the Daily, is un-
aware of the beneficial ends for
which he could use his linguistic
In an effort to predict the next
move to be followed by the British
politicians concerning the troops
stationed in the Canal zone of
Egypt, Mr. Lassner has not only
discussed opinions expressed by Dr.
Ramzi, but he has also succeeded
to present a very biased viewpoint
about the future foreign policy of
a half -a-dozen or more countries in
the Middle East.
For all this achievement I con-
gratulate Mr. Lassner. However, it
seems as though there is much
more than the mere mention of the
names of six prominent Arab lead-
ers and the dates of four world-
shaking events that would be nor-
mally expected from the average
college student, even if he hap-
pens to be a beginner in the latter
career. Unfortunately, the many
statements made in the letter do
not seem to impress people who
happen to know more about the
people and the geographic regions
concerned than just a few dates
and names. In fact, the unex-
hausted effort of the author to
document his statements has been
shamefully overshadowed by his
very narrow and biased viewpoint.
May I suggest that Mr. Lassner
study more closely the facts about
the Sudanese people, their relig-
ious and social backgrounds, par-
ticularly in .the light of the fasci-
nating role played by the British
in their sincere endeavor to build
up another of their colonies. Al-
though such a study might not at
first seem to shed much light on
other peoples of the Middle East,,
but then Mr. Lassner would prob-
ably not mind to accomplish such
fact-finding research in a field
which seems to fascinate him so.
-Garen Balekjan

'Civilized' Britons . *.
To the Editor:
GORDON Gapper's letter to the
Daily last Friday accused me,
among other things, of "abysmal
ignorance" in so far as discrimina-
tion in New Zealand and Australia
is concerned.
Here are some of the facts I
have learned about New Zealand:
1) The country's immigration pol-
icies, while adopting a subtle ap-
proach which lacks the frankness
of her sister dominion, Australia,
nevertheless provide few conces-
sions to the Asian and Pacific Is-
land peoples. In a scholarly study
of the colonies, "Democracy In
the Dominions," Prof. A. Brady of
the University of Toronto pointed
out that "a 'white New Zealand
policy' has never been publicized
with the emotional and aggressive
power of its Australian equivalent,
but such a policy exists. ..."
2) Statistics for 1946-50 show
that the Maori infant mortality
rate was 76 per 1,000 births as
compared with 24 per 1,000 among
European infants.
3) "Maoris are qualified to vote
only at elections of the four mem-
bers representing the Maori race.
A Maori half-caste is entitled to
be registered either as an elector
of a Maori or a European electoral-
district. .. . " (Official Year Book,
1951-2) (N.B. This reads like a
page from one of Malan's sta-
4) "Maori population is resident
in country districts notso well
served with modern facilities as
regards transport, medical and
nursing services, etc." (Official
Year Book)
5) New Zealand's delegate to the
UN has consistently sided with the
race-conscious nations of the
West. New Zealand voted this
month against placing the South
African situation on the General
Assembly's agenda.
In addition, Mr. Gapper, you,
yourself, betray your own preju-
dices when you say "the Australian
aborigine has proved so little am-
enable to civilising influences and
efforts that he has been allowed to
remain in his native areas." Since
when were the Europeans given
the prerogative to decide what is
"civilization?" Or determine which
people be "allowed to remain in
his native areas?"
Come now, Mr. Gapper. I sug-

As the GOP Sees It
* S * *
'hat's What I Like About The South'
C .
4 j
- - flW.



Courtesy GOP National Committee

gest we meet over a cup of tea and7
jhave a hearty chat about the "civ-
ilizing influences" of the British
L. V. Naidoo
Labor Party .,. .
To the Editor:-j
BOTH the Republican Platform7
and General Eisenhower have
promised to end racial segregation
in Washington, D.C., but the Dem-
ocratic Platform is absolutely si-
lent and Governor Stevenson only
a little less than silent On the sub-j
ject. The reason for their silence
is very simple when you take a7
close look at the Democratic mem-
bership of the House Committee on
the District of Columbia which, for
the most part, governs the affairs
of that area.
The membership of this com-
mittee, which is freely elected by1
the Democratic members of the
House, is made up of eleven Dem-
ocrats from the deep South and
three from the North. John Mc-1
Millan of South Carolina is the
chairman.... These are the men
who maintain a situation of naked
and embarrassing discrimination7
in our own national capital.
In view of congressional situ-,
ations and leadership like' this7
plus the gifted presence of Spark-..
man of Alabama on the Demo-.
cratic national ticket I wonder
how the Democrats can with a
straight face tell minority groups
that they are the party of civil
The hoax becomes even greater
when Stevenson openly pleadss
with southerners to vote Demo-
cratic because by doing so they
will retain most of the chairman-
ships of the senate and house and
will continue to dominate these
committees. That plea, it seems to
me detracts from his reputed rec-
ord of intellectual honesty.
-David Cargo
* * *
Lecture Committee.. ..
To the Editor:
I MUST disagree sharply with
the member of SL who in Fri-
day's Daily expressed satisfaction
with the manner in which the
Legislature is disposing of the Lec-;
ture Committee problem. Moe un-
satisfactory than the SL's contin-
ual procrastination in taking a
positive stand on this issue is the
content of the suggested Lecture
Committee revisions proposed by
the Legislators.7
The second suggested revision
reads as follows: "Each group be-
fore sponsoring a speaker, must-in-
form the University Committee on
Lectures of the proposed speech
and submit a signed pledge that
the speaker will not urge the de-
struction or modification of gov-
ernment by violence or other un-
lawful methods or violate the fun-
damentals of our accepted code of
morals or violate recognized rules
of hospitality.''
This suggested revision is com-
pletely unsatisfactory. I consider
it an insult to any group that
should be forced to pledge that any
specific guest speakers of theirs
will not "urge the destruction-of'
government by violence." There
are ample state and federal laws
prohibiting speakers from advo-
cating violent overthrow of gov-
ernment and groups from plotting
same. The only conclusion that
can be drawn from the content of
the suggested revision is that stu-
dent groups are to be considered
less responsible than other groups
and that the community must be
protected from their irresponsibil-
ity by forcing them to sign pledges.
That our elected representatives
should give support to such a prin-
ciple as most disheartening.
--Dave Kornbluh

Specter * *
To the Editor:
AFTER forcing myself to digest
some of the literary dill-pickles
and ice cream combinations that
Tom Arp serves up on the sainted
silver chalice of his juvenile crit-
icism, I must call a halt at his
amazingly coy review of 'Specter of
the Rose.'
Undoubtedly ' Specter of the
Rose' was an interesting picture.

Even mediocre messes like this can
always attract some unwary neo-
phytes. It seems that our Tommie
is one of them. After all, the pic-
ture is about ART, so it has to be
good, no? Well, frankly, no! One
can almost see the dirt on Arp's
forehead after he has knelt in
homage to the muse. But, alas, she
seems to have somewhat deserted
this rather tawdry production.
He describes Anderson as being
"surrealistic,' surely a fine word
to use in place of 'tired' or 'un-
inspired.' Her performance was
most certainly one of the low
points of her career, though I must
admit it shone in radiant glory
beside the remainder of the movie.
The dialogue, to coin a phrase,
was marvelously suggestive-of a
second rate soap opera. Stuff like
that wouldn't stand a chance on
the Angell Hall Play House.
His sense of historical develop-
ment in the art of the motion pic-
ture galls me more than his in-
sipid copying of the 'New Yorker'
style of movie reviewing. When he
sees Anderson act a faded balle-
rina, does he really compare it with
Garbo in 'Grand Hotel'? I doubt if
he's ever seen 'Grand Hotel.' Per-
haps he hasn't even heard of it!
Perhaps a little research would
lead him to uncover a salient
weakness in his reviewing attitude:
movies were, are and will be good
even if he doesn't see them eye to
eye. He says he likes 'good movies.'
What he really means is that he
likes movies he THINKS should be
And so, dear Tom, a Rose by any
other name would smell ...
-Barton Wimble
* * *
Correction ..
To the Editor:
rHURSDAY morning The Daily
chose to run a paid political
advertisement lauding the Demo-
cratic candidate for president of
the United States. Under a series
of vague pronouncements of the
merits of Stevenson were a num-
ber of students who according to
the article thereby voiced their
support of Mr. Stevenson.
Mine was one of the names.
I was never approached to give
my name to such a statement and
what is more important I certain-
ly would not do so even If ap-
, I have already cast my ballot for
Mr. Eisenhower. I do not support
Stevenson and wonder how many
other unfortunate students have
been misquoted in this ad to the
extent not only of making public
their choice for public office, but
also to have it misinterpreted in
such a willful random manner.
-Harold A. Holt
* *
To the Editor:
IN THE Thursday, October 30th
issue of The Daily there ap-
peared a full page political ad-
vertisement sponsored by the
"Students for Stevenson" group.
The hpadline read, "We students
of the University of Michigan sup-
port Governor Stevenson. This
statement represents the personal
beliefs of the following students."
540 students were then named.
Among them was I, an Eisenhower
supporter and believer in the Re-
publican program for peace.
How could my name have been
placed there? Was it an honest
mistake? Was graft or corruption
involved? Or was my name easier
to print? Under the above cir-
:cumstaices I thus feel that a cor-

rection should be' in order and
made public. In this way the
bright and alert young voters
here at the University of Michigan
will be sure and include me as
one of them: An "Eisenhower for
President" supporter.
-William G. Hampton
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Students for
Stevenson have extended their apol-
ogies for any mistakes which may
have crept into the names listed in
their political advertisement.)



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday.)
Saturday, November 1,-1952
VOL. LXII, No. 35

Events Today
Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group,
Lane Hall, 12 noon. Five-minute book
review of Montagu, On Being Human,
to start group discussion. Everyone wel-
Beacon. Lunch at noon in League
Cafeteria. Adjourn at 1:15 to Prof.
Price's studio in Burton Tower to read
"The Man who Came to Dinner."
Congregational Disciples Guild. Open
house at Guild House after the game.
Fireside meeting from 7:15 (sharp!) to
8:30. Ed Rosen will show slides and tell
what he learned of Israel when he was
there last summer.
Newman Club. A Latin-American par-
ty will be given by the Newman Club
from 8 to 12 p.m. at St. Mary's Chapel.
All Latin-Americans, Catholics, and
their friends are invited.
Newman Club. There will be an Illi-

Graduate Outing Club will meet Sun.
Nov. 2, at 2 p.m. at the rear entrance of
the Rackham Building.
Volunteer Naval Research Reserve
Unit 9-3. Meeting Mon., Nov. 3. at 7:30
p.m., 2082 Natural Science Building.
Professor Marston Bates, Department
of Zoology, will speak on "Adaptation of
Mosquitoes to the Tropical Rain For-
est Environment."
Union Opera. Singing chorus rehears-
al at 7:30 p.m. Mon., Nov. 3, Rm. 3-G of
the Union. All tryouts for lead parts
who weren't cast are invited to attend.
Project M-720-1. Meeting Mon., Nov.
3, 7:30 p.m., 3220 Angell Hall.
Japanese Festival, west Gallery. Mu-
seum of Art. Alumni Memorial Hall,
Sun., Nov. 2, 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., Jap-
anese lea Ceremony by Japanese stu-
dents at the University.
Fortnite Central Committee. Meeting
Mon.% Nnv, 3. in the TLoaea,. Roomywill

ffii4dgan all
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young. Managing Editor
Cal Sama......... Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Brits........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...........Sports Editor
John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewel.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........Women's Editor
Mary. Jane Mills, Assoc. women'.s Editor
Business Staff
Al Green...........Business Manager
Milt Goetz........ Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg..... Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager



Late permission for women
who attended "The Shadow
Rock" n October 30 will be
that 10:45 p.m.

and the
no later

Fellowship Available to Graduate
Students in Aeronautical Electrical
(Electronics), and Mechanical Engi-

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