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November 01, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-01

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXIII, No. 36





2 Life's Purpose
Seen i Givig
EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with the current lecture series, "This
I Believe," The Daily is presenting statements of belief of prominent mem-
bers of the University community.
Today's article is by Ralph Stribe, '53, a member of the Michigan varsity
football team and of Michigamua, senior honorary society. Stribe plans
to go into missionary work after graduation.
The second lecture in the "This I Believe"' series, "Ethical Problems
in Public Life," will be presented by George N. Shuster, president of New
York's Hunter College, at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
{ Man is in need of some universal moral and ethical order to which
he must discipline himself. Only through such an order may man
approach any reality of peace and understanding with his fellow be-
ings. I believe the teachings of Christ provide the only means to such
an order. At the same time these teachings bring forth the very best
4' efforts of man. I believe in the authority of these teachings through
faith. My faith has been reinforced by many, experiences, three of
which seem to have special significance. A tour of duty with the
Korean Occupational Forces sharpened my quest for man's purpose
.n life. pur years at the University created for me many doubts, but
also sti lated me to search for answers. My days in Ann Arbor have
convinced me that a life directed towards manifesting the self is
fruitless. My last significant experience was a summer spent at a mis-
sion station in the mountains of Puerto Rico. Here the oft repeated
concept 'giving is receiving' became a living reality.
I believe one must learn to give, and in turn one will receive.
This I believe is the very basis of man's purpose in life-that of
serving God and his fellow man. This besets his man 'with a ver-
tical and horizontal relationship to which his activities should be
r directed. These two relationships cannot be separated from one
another in the activity of life. They are vital to each other.
The vertical relationship is contact with God. To me it is praying,
it Is understanding God's word, it is searching for truth, and it is
understanding the individual's relationship to God and to reality. The
vertical relationship develops and cultivates the guiding factor of life.
It is an active relationship. It continues to mature in meaning and
power as one learns to release the self to God.
The horizontal relationship is contact with man. Personally
I feel that most people have little conception of what they really
can do, until they have to put forth some extra effort. This I have
seen many times in football. Mostof us tend to become set in our
ways. We become habitual in our actions. At the same time oppor-
tunities to express ourselves surround us, but we neglect to grasp
them. I feel that the majority of people fail to realize the great
number of potential expressions which they possess. I know that
everyone has limits to what he can do. But, often I do not know
what my capacity is in certain tasks, nor am I fully aware of the
variety of ways in which I might express myself. These latent *x-
pressions must be released through activity, through contact,
through seeking, and through giving.
I feel that my expression must be directed by love and not hate or
pride. I do not mean a, self-love, which is perpetuated by pride; but
a self-releasing love. A love which is directed towards the well-being
of others and not towards the glorification of the self. A love which
embodies humility, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and shar-
ing. A love which is enduring. A love which is active and not passive.
A love which is giving and not taking. A love which makes man a
wanted human being and not a neglected wrangling entity. Individual
success, which seems to bete goal of everyone today in our country,
is but pure vanity when sougbt by means of hate and pride in place
of love and humility. Paul said in his First Letter to the Corinthians,
"If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body that I may glory,
but have not love, I gain nothing."
Jesus said, "we are the salt of the earth" and "the light of the



Adlai Winds
Up Eastern
Ike Makes Quick
Visit toChicago
By the Associated Press
Gov. Adlai Stevenson finished
his Eastern campaign before a
wildly cheering Brooklyn crowd
last night with a blistering attack
on Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's
pledge to go to Korea. He called
it a promise without a program.
Stevenson was hailed in both
Republican Queens and heavily
Democratic Brooklyn by lanes of
cheering people, lanes of red flares
and bands on street corners along
his route.
The governor, referring to the
Republican candidate's promise to
go to Korea in an effort to emid
the Korean War, said the Gen-
eral had retreated even on the
original promise.
. . 4'
IN CHICAGO last night Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower said that
if he wins the presidency "Com-
munist contamination inside our
government" would be stamped
out through methods of "decency,
fairness and of law."
Invading Stevenson's home
state, Eisenhower got a wild ova-
tion at Chicago Stadium.
On his way into downtown Chi-
cago, where he got a warm wel-
come from thousands who banked
the streets in the loop area, Eisen-
hower stopped for a brief speech at
suburban Cicero, and later ad-
dressed a crowd made up mostly of
Negroes, 'on Chicago's South Side,
pledging that as president he would
dedicate himself to "elimination of
second class citizenship in the
United States."
Meanwhile in Detroit, Emmett
S. Cunningham, president of the
National Council of Negro Demo-
crats, announced yesterday that he
is shifting his support to Eisen-
And in Dondon it was announc-
ed early this morning that the
Moscow Radio had declared that
its favorite candidate is Vincent
Hallinan of the Progressive Par-
ty. Radio Moscow called repre-
sentatives of both big parties the
"true friends of Wall Street."

'M' Victory Vital
To Bowl Chances
Brosky Returns to Safety Positi
A-tAr mr r . 0uur a.T


O'Connell '1o Lead Illini Pass Attack
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan seeks to tighten its grip on first place in the Big Ten
today by beating Illinois for the first time in three years.
A crowd of about 65,000 will be in the Stadium for the 2:00 .m.
kickoff to watch the favored Wolverines make their bid for a fourth
straight Conference victory. A win will move Michigan half a game
ahead of Purdue in the Big Ten race.
MICHIGAN and Purdue, only teams left undefeated in Conference
play, are tied for the league lead with three wins apiece. The Boiler-
makers entertain Michigan State

-Daily-Alan Reid
* * * - L *4* * * *

world." Salt is of no use when it
benefit when hid from sight.

loses its taste nor is light of any

Trick or treat forays, parties and
a "Beat Illinois" demonstration
combined to make Halloween a
night of revelry on campus.
Leading the "Beat Illinois" dem-
onstration, West Quad's Chicago
House pep band, paraded a crowd
of about 60 cheering students along
much the same route as last
spring's panty raid.
WITH A repertoire of "The Vic-
Senior Pictures
Senior picture proofs may be
returned from 9 a.m. until noon
today at the Student Publica-
tions Bldg.
Final deadline to include pic-
tures in the 1953 'Ensian is
Thursday, Nov. 6. Proofs may
be returned any day from noon
to 5:30 p.m. and from 7 to 6
p.m. any day next week until

Greeks Paint
Nearly 100 fraternity and soror-
ity pledges gave the University
Fresh Air Camp a sparkling new
paint job yesterday as the largest
"Help Week" project in local Greek
history moved into high gear.
Departing from the Union at
2:15 p.m., an hour later the pledges
were industriously applying paint
to the 10 frame cabins that house
the camp's children during the
Under the direction of 10 pledge
trainers and the Interfraternity
Council staff, the sweat-shirted
group, which included about 25
sorority pledges, got most of the
t painting done by the time the 5
p.m. clean-up whistle sounded.
Another group of 100 pledges is
scheduled to complete the job to-
day and possibly tomorrow.
Dean of Students Erich Walter
and Fresh Air Camp foreman
Lawrence Camburn said they were
pleased at the progress made on
the project.
The pledges appeared pleased,
too. After mastering the intrica-
cies of the ladder and paint
brush by the end of the day,
they suffered little worse than
green hands and faces.
A few of the more campaign-
minded found the unpainted parts
of the cabins a convenient medium
for the expression of their politi-
cal preferences. Without hazard-
ing a guess as to the significance,
it should be noted that Adlai slo-

Adlai Appeal
Some 300 University faculty
and staff members endorsed an
appeal by Columbia University
faculty members asking sup-
port of Gov. Adlai Stevenson.
In a full-page advertisement
in yesterday's Ann Arbor News,
the local signers explained they
had arranged for republication
of the Columbia statement be-
cause "they consider it a forth-
right discussion of the issues
and a judicious appraisal of the
candidates in the current cam-
World News
By The Associated Press
delegates from Allied countries
with troops in Korea told the
Communists in plain words yes-
terday there will be no armistice
in Korea based on forced repatria-
tion of prisoners and appealed to
the Reds to accept an armistice
on UN terms.
LA PAZ, Bolivia-The revolu-
tionary government nationalized
the big three tin producing com-
panies of Bolivia yesterday un-
der a decree implying there may
be no payment for stockholders.
* * *.
LANSING - State government
wound up its latest fiscal year in
debt $65,341,208, state controller
Robert F. Steadman reported yes-

tors," "Varstiy" and "Little Brown
Jug," the band marched through
every residence hall on campus in
an orderly but enthusiastic dem-
Surging into the Union the
band found itself urged on by
alumni arriving in the lobby for
today's game. Comments from
the gallary of alumni ranged
from, "We used to be the same"
to shouts of "Go Michigan, Beat
lIOKs Battle
Red Advances
On KeyHill
SEOUL--(P)-South Korean in-
fantrymen, battered by intense ar-
tillery and mortar fire, battled
Saturday to block advances by
some 1,500 Chinese Reds on Tri-
angle Hill on the Korean Central
Communist control of the blood
height menaced the entire Allied
Thousands of ROK troops fought
through the bloodiest 24 hours of
the 19-day-old battle yesterday.
After the South Koreans withdrew
at dusk, the Reds hurled a bat-
talion at a side ridge on Triangle
Hill and one against Pinpoint Hill.
on Sniper Ridge.'
At least three ROK companies
were wiped out in yesterday's sav-
age fighting, but both attacks were
The Fifth Air Force reported
five Allied planes were lost during
the week, two of them to ack ack

Preparing to repeat last spring's
performance of marching through
local theatres, band members and
followers found their entrance suc-
cessfully barred from both cam-
pus town cinemas by local police
and theatre aides.
Going on to tour all eight floors
of South Quad after a victorious
progress through women's resi-
dence halls on Observatory Hill,
the band, led, by Andy White,
'55SM, drew both encouragement
and quiziical glances from the
somewhat bewildered denizens of
the dorm.
ELSEWHERE on campus soror-
ity coeds disguised in white bun-
ny costumes and other regalia
cashed in on the season's bounty
and filled their larders with can-
dies and other sweetmeats in a -
trick or treat tour of town.
Adelia Cheever House was
"haunted" last night but never-
theless drew almost 30 student
couples to a party held in an
atmosphere of witchcraft and
In the true spirit of Halloween
the elementary age groups of Ann
Arbor were also out in force last
night. Soaped car windowA were
in evidence throughout the resi-
dential areas where the trick or
treat tradition still holds strong.
Ann Arbor police could report
no excessive vandalism last night
but the fire department was forced
to cope with an epidemic of leaf
fires that kept equipment out of
the station most of the evening.
In Ypsilanti, police reported a
quiet evening after a wave of van-
dalism that hit outlying areas in
the days before Halloween.

in a non-conference affair this
Tossing Tommy O'Connell
and his high elkss receivers Rex
Smith and Rocky Ryan carry all
the Illini hopes in the game that
means little of practical value
to the men from Champaign but
everything to Coach Bennie Oos-
terbaan and his Wolverines.
Plagued with injuries that have
decimated a once-powerful ground
attack, Coach Ray Eliot's team has
been knocked out of the Confer-
ence race with losses to Wisconsin,
Minnesota, and Purdue.
THUS THE cellar-dwelling Illi-.
ni have one dubious advantage:
For the first time in some years
they have everything to gain and
very little to lose against Michi-
Illinois ,eoaches have been
building large doses of the spirit
that always runs high in Michi-
gan-Illinois clashes.
The Wolverines, by contrast,
must win to retain anything but
a prayer for the undisputed Con-
ference championship and a Rose
Bowl trip.
* * *
AFTER LOSSES to Michigan
State and Stanford, Oosterbaan
has brought his team back to
trounce Indiana, Northwestern,
and Minnesota. The Wolverine
mentor is fighting over-confidence
with the fact that Illinois beat
Michigan 7-0 in both 1950 and '51.
Today's 38th meeting between
the two rivals finds Michigan
with 25 victories, Illinois with
12. There have been no ties.
The pressure is all on the Mich-
igan defense that ranks No. 1 in
the Big Ten, as does the Wolver-
See 'M' Page 3

$1 000,000
Ohio Prison
Riot Stopped-
By the Associated Press
The million-dollar Halloween re-
bellion that sent eight buildings at.!
century-old Ohio Penitentary up in
flames virtually ended last night.
All but a handful of 2,000 riot-
ing convicts returned to their cells
in the burned and battered Colum-
.bus prison at 10:30 p.m.-six hours
after the "bad food" uprising
erty damage weren't available, but
prison officials said the damage
would run "upwards to a million
dollars." The eight burned build-
ings were stone or brick with wood-
en interiors. Many were aged, dat-
ing back to the early days of the
last century.
The convicts returned ahead
of a scheduled big push by 600
Ohio National Guardsmen.
The guardsmen were mobilizing
outside the prison when a dozen
die-hard prisoners armed with
knives gave up and allowed their
fellow inmates to return to the
About 100 prisoners still milled
about the prison courtyard.
Meanwhile, a four-day rebellion
by convicts at Menard State Pris-
on in Chester, Ill., was also put
down last night by an action-
packed display of force from heav-
ily, armed state policemen and an
ultimatum delivered at the direc-
tion of Gov. Adlai Stevenson.




Local Politicos Predict
Congressional Victory
With the election only three days away, both the Democratic and
Republican Parties of Washtenaw County are fairly confident that
their candidates for the House of Representatives will win.
However, the forms of confidence are different.
GOP WORKERS have pointed out that "Maine, Vermont and
Washtenaw County always go Republican" and this election shouldn't
be any exception.
They also noted that the student poll taken by The Daily at
the beginning of the semester which showed a two-to-one victory
for the Republicans is a good T
indication of the prevalent trend inthMETRdPoLITANa
As a result, many workers ex- *
pressed surprise that there was OCIOlog
any concern over Rep. George .W
Meader's chances for re-election.
*' * *By AR E E
many workers were hopeful that The complexity of a modern me-
Prof. John P. Dawson of the law tropolis which has bewildered gen-
school would pull an upset. erations of Americans is for the
"Most of us realize that it first time under careful laboratory

Dorsey's Band To Play
At 'Autumn Nocturne'

The orchestra of Tommy Dorsey, America's "sentimental gen-
tleman of swing," will provide music for the SL-sponsored all campus
dance "Autumn Nocturne" to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today in
the Intramural Bldg.
Tickets, priced at $3.60, are on sale at the Administration
Bldg. today. and will be available at the door of the Intramural
Bldg. tonight.
* w * * *-
DORSEY'S ORCHESTRA was voted the two-to-one favorite in a

epartment Releases Report on Detroit

"campus poll conducted by the
J-Hop committee at registration
this fall.
Singing with Dorsey's band
will be Marietta Knox, his latest
vocal, discovery. She will share
the spotlight with Mary Hud-
Taking the -tenor saxophone
chair spot will be Sam Donahue,
former bandleader from this area,
Half-time entertainment will be
provided by the Novelaires. a quar-

population althoughi
have interviewed only
since January.

735 people

"There is a considerable oppor=
tunity for increasing the voting
participation of the citizens," the
report notes.
_ ; 4' r * . . t..

total population has moved to the
area in the past 30 years, and14
per cent originally lived in South-
ern states--many in rural areas.
Prof. Freedman believes this in-

The report deals with "Parti-
cipation in Community Affairs."


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