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October 30, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-30

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The Fallacious
T HE PROFESSOR stood up before his
freshman English class and waved a
copy of an October 28 paper in his hand.
"Today," he said, "the class will be devoted
to an apropos study of some of the falla-
cious approaches of the propagandist. I have
here in my hand some timely examples."
"You must first realize that everyone
uses propaganda, a great many people
misuse propaganda, but only a few man-
age to turn it into their sole means of
"To begin basically, take the technique
known as the 'bald appeal,' a simple state-
ment of supposedly irrefutable truth; for
instance, and I quote from this item, 'We
must have a Republican, administration.'
You will note that this is a debatable point.
"Such a device is often backed up by use
of the 'shock technique.' A statement that
a candidate 'endorses and would continue
the suicidal Kremlin-shaped policies of this
nation'. is not calculated to win your sup-
port the reasoning way. This appeal can be
modified into the 'you-thought-I-was-going-
toE-shock-you-but-I-won't--quite' technique:
'I ,do not state that Stevenson was a Com-
munist . . . but I must believe that some-
thing was wrong somewhere.'
"Growing progressively more dangerous,
such fallacies as the 'half-truth' arise. A
statement that 'there are no' degrees of
loyalty to the United States' is a half-
"To get technical for a minute, there is
another fallacy known as 'argumentum ad
hominem,' which confuses issues with the
man involved. Such an argument would be
the following: 'The issue which faces 150
million American people tonight simply stat-
ed is: Will communism win or will America
win . . . I shall now try to fit together the
jigsaw-puzzle history of the man who wants
to be President ...'
. "Or for another instance: 'Couple his ridi-
cule of religion with his statements that
Communists should be allowed to teach your
children, and you have a clear portrait of
this man.'
"Now it's your turn," the professor told
the class. "What is wrong with calling a
man part and parcel of the Acheson-
Hiss-Lattimore group' and allying him
with Communism because his campaign
writers belonged to allegedly leftist or
Communist-front organizations?"
"Guilt by association," replied the class.
"Is there anything faulty in the state-
irent that 'if Eisenhower is bad for Cor-
munism and bad for The Daily Worker
he is goo for America'?"
"Faultysyllogism," came the response.
"Fine, and while we're at it, never for.
get that the most dangerous technique is
the 'ust plain lie.' Now, what terms would
ou apply to a speech that included all
these fallacies?"
"McCarthyism?" queried the class.
"You're right."
-Virginia Voss
REHEARING the Quintet by Darius Mil-
haud re-emphasized to me its effortless
quality, but apparently the Stanley Quar-
tet, in this second performance (the work
was premiered by the Quartet last summer),
felt differently. The work is structurally
Straight-forward and musically lyric. Its
modernity is only in the way of sonority,
where the composer has created broad, sump-
tuous nuances by extending both ends of
the quartet sound, one by the addition of
the double bass on the bottom, and the other

,by using high notes (harmonics) in the first
violin. The main performance problem is
coordinating its lyricism and melodic in-
ventiveness, in Milhaud a style of simplicity,
with its virtuoso presentation and rich, in-
volved harmonies, a texture of complexity.
Last summer the problem was solved,
the work had bouyancy and flow through-
out. It was not quite as successful last
night, as the Stanley adopted a different
interpretation of the first movement, mak-
ing it heavier and more dynamic, denying
its lyric flow. Consequently it was thrown
off balance, and not until the third move-
ment did it regain its course. However the
damage was not enough to entirely ruin
its effect,
The program opened with the Mozart
Quartet in D minor, K. 421, a familiar work,
but always worth the effort. The performance
was handled well, and if the work failed to
receive its proper due, it was the fault of
technical imperfection, not interpretation.
The group was not always together, the
sense of ensemble rapport was sometimes
Just the opposite was true in the final
selection, Beethoven's second RIasoumov-
sky, opus 59, No. 2. A sense of ensemble
oneness, and understanding musical pur-
pose made it the most exciting part of the
concert. Perhaps the first movement was
a little rough, with crescendos hitting their
peak a little early.
But this is being picayunish for it is the
type ,of performance which demonstrates the
artistic sensitivity and musinl dedication

" Politics: 1952 A.D.-2052 A.D.

"Got To Keep Those Old Teeth Clean"

College Egg-Head Vote
Swinging to Stevenson

Daily Editorial Director
THE CURFEW IS just about to toll the
knell of a parting election, and in less
than a week, a weary public will get a res-
pite from political ballyhoo and casuistry.
As we in the 20th century can look back
and laugh at the political antics of the 19th
century, it is interesting to speculate on how
the 21st century will regard us. No doubt
posterity will also laugh.
The noise, the lies, the distortions, the
exaggerations, the half-truths, the smears,
and the mud-slinging of the present elec-
tion will certainly be strange to the oc-
cupants of 2052 A.D., and they. will no
doubt shake their heads in bewilderment
as they read the historical accounts of our
political debates.
Imagine a 21st century Sapiens sitting in
his plush den and reading a record of a
debate on FEPC between two 20th century
Senators-dated Oct. 30, 1952:
SEN. SNORT: The Republican Party is a
great party, I say. And what's more, I say,
FEPC would be the most vicious, the most
ignoble piece of bludgeoning legislation in
the history of America.
'SEN. DEMGOG: And I submit that the
Democratic Party has saved America from
Communists, panderers, and atheists. I
challenge you. Indeed I do. FEPC would
be the healthiest, the most constructive
step toward saving the nation from the
cauldrons of bigotry and prejudice. It is
.. .it is!
SEN. SNORT: You lie.
SEN. DEMGOG: I lie? Why you lie! The
slimy eel has never told the truth in his life.
I have.
SEN. SNORT: Communist! Red! Parlor
pink! Socialist! Rabble-rouser! Tool! Bur-
eaucrat! (to the audience) I hate him.
SEN. DEMGOG: Fascist! Nazi! Reaction-
ary! Dupe! Stupid idiot! (to the- audience)
I hate him too.
SEN. SNORT: Folks, I tell you he's
wrong. (reading from NAM booklet)
'FEPC is a conspiracy against man
agement .. ." '(pauses for applause. No
SEN. DEMGOG: Hold on! Hold on there!
(reading from CIO-PAC pamphlet) 'Without
FEPC, the Government is a party in con-
spiracy against Labor . . .' (pauses for ap-
plause. No applause.)
SEN. SNORT: I say ...
SEN. DEMGOG: And I say .. .
* * * -
BY THIS TIME, the humored 21st century
reader has retired.from the history book
to his television set. A debate is being beam-
ed from Washington:

SEN. GOP: After careful consideration,
ladies and gentlemen, it is my opinion
that perhaps FEPC may not be workable,
in so far as it would require a massive
bureaucratic system of administration and
supervision-at a great expense to the
SEN. DEMOCRAT: I concede your point,
Sen. GOP, but it is certainly debatable
whether those factors should override what
seems to be a pressing need for such legis-
SEN. GOP: Of course, there is still dis-
crimination in employment practices, Sena-
tor. Yet, one cannot eliminate prejudice by
legislation. This has been proved in past
experience. Education remains the only ef-
fective solution to discrimination. (ap-
SEN. DEMOCRAT: Historically, you are
quite right. On the other hand, sir, it is
probable that legislation can knock down
the barriers which so often tightly enclose
prejudice, permitting contact between em-
ployer and employee. This in itself would
set the stage for a more tolerant attitude
towards racial and religious differences.
SEN. GOP: I do not wish to be dog-
matic, Senator. Perhaps you are right. At
any rate, let's let the voters decide.
SEN. DEMOCRAT: Your humility is com-
mendable. Nor do I wish to give the im-
pression that my views are necessarily cor-
rect. Perhaps we can try FEPC, and if it
doesn't prove workable, we can always get
rid of it. I may be wrong, and you may be
right, but it might be worth a try . .
The preceding dialogues have admittedly
been exaggerated products of this writer's
imagination. The second is posited on the
optimistic, though questionable, belief that
there is such a thing as progress. It is
also based on the belief that the United
States will never have to suffer the grind-
ing conditions of an Orwellian 1984 or
Bellamy's socialist Utopia.
On the other hand, the latter frame of
mind is something to be hoped for, and, as a
high-minded ideal, may never crystallize
into reality. No doubt it is rather presump-
tuous on my part to dare to think that some
day issues may be discussed with cool-
headed, humble rationality-minus dema-
goguery, name-calliig, and all the other des-
picable aspects which accompany 20th cen-
tury politics. After all, it may be that po-
litical animals are political animals, any-
where, anytime.






are several days to go before the
election. According to the most
widely held theory, great numbers
of the voters will only make up
their minds when finally alone
with the voting machine and the
Almighty. All the same, it seems
worth recording the mood of Adlai
E. Stevenson's high command be-
fore this reporter abandons elec-
toral barn-storming.
The mood of these men who
have directed Gov. Stevenson's
campaign--most of them poli-
tical semi-professionals at best
-is'"curiously mixed. They are
confident, because they quite
honestly believe that there has
been a big swing to Stevenson in
recent weeks; and they are
afraid, because they fear the
swing may have started too late.
The Stevenson strategists are
much encouraged by the -plain
signs that the Republican leaders
also think there is an independent
swing to Stevenson. But they have
another theory, of some general
interest, to explain why their en-

couragement is mingled with vis-
ible Worry.
In brief, it is thought that the
"egg-head" vote, concentrated in
the universities and other centers
of high thought, is the true bell-
wether vote for the mass of inde-
pendents. There are all sorts of
proofs that the egg-heads, many
of whom failed to vote at all in
1948 and favored Eisenhower im-
mediately after the nominating
conventions, have now swung to
Stevenson almost solidly.
It is further thought, however,
that the egg-head reaction is
immediate and direct, whereas
the reaction of the broad mass
of independents is considerably
delayed, being the result of a
sort of political percolation. And
the question is, has there been
time for this percolating pro-
As to this reporter, after many
weeks of campaign travelling, he
is more uncertain about the elec-
toral outcome, than at. the start,
and has but little faith in the Ste-
venson theory or any other the-
(Copyright, 1952, N.Y. Her. Trib., Inc.)


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Crisis in the UN

_fN ITS PRESENT session the United Na-
tions has been swamped with three cru-
cial issues which may prove insoluble and
lead to the direct demise of the organization.
These issues are the Korean war, French
rule in Tunisia and Morocco, and racist
problems in the Union of South Africa.
The meetings started on a promising
note last week with the General Assembly
voting approval of a United States re-
quest to set up an impartial commission to
look into Communist charges of germ
warfare. The Asseinbly effectively block-
ed an attempt of the Soviets to play the
game with loaded dice by denying North
Korean and Chinese Communist represen-
tatives an airing to present evidence
against the United States.
However, the charge of germ warfare is
incidental to the real issue-the Korean
war. The Communists still seem to be avoid-
ing settlement of the war by bringing in
phony charges of germ warfare without
meeting the actual problems of a cease-.
fire and prisoner repatriation.
With no opposition Poland succeeded in
adding the Korean war to the agenda, then
introduced a proposal calling for an end to
the Korean war, exchange of prisoners, with-
drawal of foreign troops from Korea, re-
duction of one-third of the armed forces of
the big powers and a peace pact signed by
the major powers. There is an ominous
.Lit Confab
EVERYONE INVOLVED in the eglucation-
al process sooner or later builds up a
repository ot comments on the academic
side of college, derived primarily from his
own observation and experience.
It was for this reason that the literary
college conferences were inaugurated three
years ago, to give the student and the fa-
culty member alike an opportunity to go
over these problems of education in an
atmosphere of free discussion. Here, all
present have a chance to commend and
criticize as well as to hear the views of
other members of the literary college,
professors and students.
Today at 7:30 p.m. the literary college
conference will meet iii the League, to dis-
cuss the topic 'Freshman Education.'
The subject was selected in consideration
of the fact that the freshman year is per-
haps the most crucial in one's college educa-
tion. It is in the freshman year that the
e.+na on+ i . firc. ~.~nncar + nfn finfi +n .nnC

possibility that this proposal, which U. S.
representative Ernest A. Gross called "a
scrap heap of discarded ideas" will bog
down the UN with no tangible results.
The stands of the Soviet bloc and the
West seem to be irreconcilable. The Com-
munists demand forced repatriation of
prisoners while the United States will set-
tle only for voluntary repatriation. This
has been the great stumbling block at
Panmunjom and has even prevented a
cease-fire agreement.
It seems reasonable to assume that since
the truce talks have been dragging on at
Panmunjom for more than a year with no
agreement, the General Assembly will also
not be able to settle the question. Even If
the UN supports the United States on the
repatriation issue the Communists will either
ignore the ruling or Russia will pick up
her satellites and go home, leaving the
United Nations to the same fate as the Lea-
gue of Nations.
The second danger spot is Malan's racist
policy in South Africa. Malan's government
is almost completely independent of Great
Britain and will certainly resent any inter-
ference of its apartheid policies. Revolution
has been threatening the Union of South
Africa for some time and any step by the
UN may set off all out civil war.
If the Western countries antagonize Ma-
Ian too much, he may stop sending troops
to Korea. On the other hand, if the West-
ern bloc defends Malan and his policies,
Russia will not fail to propagandize that
the United States is supporting racism in
South Africa.
The third issue, French rule in Tunisia
and Morocco, has been place1 on the agenda
by the strenuous efforts of 13 Arab-Asian
nations. Nationalism is running high enough
to render any decision by the UN worthless
because one party will probably be so dis-
satisfied that the conflict will continue at
an even higher pitch. France bitterly resents
any interference in its internal affairs and
may very well ignore the UN on the grounds
that the organization is overstepping its
The chances of the UN's solving all the
problems it has taken up itself seems pret-
ty small. In fact, at the moment, the only
issue of the three that there is a remark-
able probability of being settled is the
Tunisia and Morocco problem, since the
United States has reversed its stand of
last year and strangely, is now in agree-
ment with the Soviet Union against the
colonial powers, France and Britain.
Meanwhile, all over the world people are
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Rushing .
To the Editor:
I REALIZE that the Daily's pol-
icy of listing fraternity pledges
serves the useful function of show-
ing which houses have the greater
drawing power, but I feel that
these listings should have another
function as well: that of showing
whether a certain man has pledged
a house, any house.
This can best be done, I be-
lieve, by listing all the pledges in
alphabetical order. Then, if a fra-
ternity that was visited by a man
during an open house wishes to
find out whether that man did
pledge or is still available for open
rushing, the rushing chairman of
that house can save time by not
having to look through several
hundred names that are in com-
plete disarray.
--Richard E. Schreiber
C * *
'This I Believe!...
To the Editor:
IN THE "This I Believe" Series
for the Oct. 26 issue of The
Daily there appeared an article
written by a graduate studefit in
physics. In substance the author
contends that man is the be-all
and the end-all. There is no su-
perior being. There is no after-life.
The author in his first two points
states that the universe is a self-
existing unity. Oddly enough,. this
is the basic Christian Theological
definition of God. God is a self-
existing being or a being existing
by himself. The idea is more clear-
(Continued from Page 2)
Hillel will hold a "real" coffee hour
from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Hillel Lounge
at 1429 Hill. Everyone is welcome!
International Relations club meeting,
at 7:30 in the League. New members
The Modern Dance Club will meet to-
night at 7:30 in Barbour Gymnasium.
will the members and al others inter-
ested in the club please attend.
Publicity Committee of Sophomore
Cabaret will have an organizational
meeting at 4:30 in the League. All who
are interested are encouraged to come.
Girl's International House. The regu-
lar weekly meeting of the committee for
a girl's international house will be held
at 7:30 tonight at Nelson Internation-
al House, 915 Oakland Ave.
Attention Latin-American Students.
There will be a meeting at 8 p.m., in
the East Lecture Room at Rackham for
the purpose of organizing a Latin-Amer-
ican student's association. Your pres-
ence is earnestly requested.
Coming Events
Wesleyan Guild. Halloween party on
Fri., 8 p.m. Wear a costume, mask, or
anything informal. Food, games, and
a good time for all.
Canterbury Club.8Gala Halloween
party, Fri. night at 8:30. There will be
square and social dancing, games, and
refreshments. Come stage or drag,
wearing jeans or skirts and sweaters.
Everyone is invited.
Hillel Friday night services, student
conducted, Fri., Oct. 31, at 7:45, at 1429
Hill St. Following services Prof. Preston
Slosson will speak on "Parties, Plat-
forms, Politics, and Platitudes."

ly expressed in the French rendi-
tion: "Dieu est an Etre par soi."
The Christian belief is that the
universe is the material manifes-
tation of the Supreme Being. God
pervades the entire universe and
in particular each one of us. The
universe is the outward manifes-
tation of the intelligence and pow-
er of our + Supreme Master. The
universe is part of God, that part
recognizable by our senses.
The laws of the universe and of
nature are eternal and irrevocable.
One does not break them with im-
punity. Here, however, redress is
faced only after leaving the world.
Man cannot make binding laws
upon his own moral behaviour.
That obligation must come from a
higher authority. As for the im-
mortality of the soul this is a
view held not only by Christians
in the main, but also by peoples of
eras prior to the birth of Christ.
The author mentions the im-
possible promise of eternal bliss
:>r the monstrously inhuman
threat of eternal torment. Are we
to assume that the most virtuous
saint and the most vicious repro-
bate both fall into the same bliss-
ful oblivion after their departure?
Christian theology, however, ex-
tends the highest hope to this
student of physics, and to all. By
definition: "Heaven is the objec-
tive possession of God through
The undersigned would like to
leave this physics student with a
thought. Suppose there is no God
and no after life. Why should hu-
mans bother at all about moral be-
haviour or succeeding generations?
But on the other hand, suppose
there is a God and suppose the
penalty for deviation from His law
is eternal. Will He then be able to
change his mind?
-Marc Laframboise
* * *
Red Music...
To the Editor:
/ADMITTEDLY, Mr. Harris' ar-
title on the dismal plight of
the Soviet composer (The Daily,
Oct. 22) is both well-presented and
well-informed; however, I feel it
may be misleading to the com-
placent reader.
The American composer faces a
similar dilemma; the only differ-
ence being that one must submit
to the Soviet dialectic, while the
other must conform with .an atti-
tude strangely allied with sales
It is no secret that the function-
al need of today's (or even yester-
day's) American composer is non-
existent. Two of our more articu-
late composers, Aaron Copland and
Roger Sessions, have pointed out
this distressing fact in their re-
spective books, Our New Music,
and The Musical Experience.
The American composer's dilem-
ma: for economic survival, give the
public what it wants (thus retain-
ing a sponsor, publisher, or what
have you?); for economic securi-
ty, fight for government subsidy
and risk becoming government's
tool. Charles Ives' case presents a
third alternative: found a busi-
ness, compose the way you want
to, hide your compositions in the
barn and wait 50 years to be dis-
All this is unpleasant but, unfor-
tunately, true. How about some ar-
ticles devoted to a solution of-the
American composer's problem?
Surely, if enough people take it
seriously a partial answer, at least,
may be found,

overemphasis. Further thought has
questioned the justification of
present distribution requirements.
For these reasons, the Literary
College Conference has chosen+
Freshman Education for its first
discussion topic of the fall semes-
ter. Members of the curriculum
committee and teachers of thej
principal first year courses will at-
tend. This evening's meetingi
(League, 7:30 p.m.) allows any
student to exchange ideas freely
and frankly with faculty and ad-
Malcontents from all classes are
cordially invited.
--Student Steering Committee
Literary College Conference'
* * *
Lecture Committee . .
To the Editor:
THE STUDENT Legislature, in
preparing their case on the
Lecture Committee, is following a
procedure which rather confuses
Apparently acting on the as-
sumption that there was insuffici-
ent evidence of student support
for their proposal, though the
Spring referendum indicated a
strong desire fo'r a change in the'
University's . Lecture Committee
rule and though the Legislature
itself must be presumed to have a
representative character, they sub-
mitted the proposal to all campus'
organizations for an opinion. '
This appears to us to have two
defects. Organizations, were to be
permitted to decide this question
in their executive councils or house
councils, not being required to call'
a meeting of the whole group, es-
pecially unfortunate in the case
of residence hall councils which
were never intended to represent
their members on political ques-
tions. In addition, no provisions
were made to send Legislature
members to any of these groups to
explain and discuss the proposal.
Having done this, the Legisla-
ture proceeded to "review" the pro-
posal. This poses several interest-
ing points: 1) It is not known
whether the proposal sent around
to the campus organizations for
confirmation is the one which
will finally be sent to the Regents;
2) Submission of whatever pro-
posal is finally decided on was
postponed until the November Re-
gents meeting. Why the Oct. 24
deadline?; 3) No attempt was
made to hold the proceedings in
the various organizations in abey-
ance until the Legislature could
decide exactly what it wanted. Will
SL have enough time to take a
second sampling of campus opin-
ion in the event it changes the
Though we may be confused
about the Legislature, we are not
confused about the Lecture Com-
mittee. We wholeheartedly support
the Legislature's original proposal
and believe that SL's wisest course
would be to present this proposal,
an eminently reasonable. one, to
the Regents, with no further delay.
-Gordon Scott for SDA
* * *
Block 'M'.. .
To the Editor:
WITH ALL the articles that have
been written concerning Block
'M,' it is surprising to note that
the main reason for the poor show-
ing of the flash card section has
not been mentioned. I refer to the
presence in this section of numer-
ous individuals who are in no way
connected with Block 'M.'

wasn't, thank God!) it was enough
to make his (and my) blood boil.
-To this problem there is one sim-
ple answer: Have the section roped
off, and allow only students with
the proper tickets plus their I.D.
card. This system would not be in-
fallible, but it would prevent the
infiltration of persons who are too
old to learn how to handle a flash
-James B. DeLand
*~ * *.
Where Was Kress? .. .
To the Editor:
IN THE OCTOBER 24 issue of
The Michigan Daily, I read with
dismay and disgust that sports
item by John Jenks entited "Where
Was Terrific Ted?", in which he
said, "Why was he held back while
inferior personnel played ahead of
him last year?" and also, "The
strange case of Bob Hurley is an-
other puzzler."
With no desire to detract one
single iota from the brilliant per-
formances of these two gentlemen,
I am wondering if the writer was
questioning the ability of the
coaches to select the best person-
nel for the team, or was he ac-
cusing the staff of ulterior motives,
favoritism, or wvhat have you?
In replying to similar charges
some years ago, Fielding' H. Yost,
with tears streaming down his
cheeks, said he would rather be ac-
cused of almost any other crime
than that, for if he was guilty of
that accusation, then he was guil-
ty of robbing every member of his
team of their greatest possible
chance to win- and he would ra-
ther lose his right arm than do
In my opinion we have one of
the best coaching staffs in the
United States, if not, indeed the
best, and I believe that everyone
of them feels exactly as Yost felt.
I would therefore suggest to Mr.
Jenks that in the future, before
plunging into print and maligning
worthy and capable men, he should
first go to the best possible source
of information and get the facts.
If he had only done that in this
case, this article would never have
been published. C. O. Wisler



Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.,...Managing Editor
Cal Samra............Editorial Director
Zander Hollander....Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.........Associate City Editor
Harland Britz..........Associate Editor
Donna Hen dleman. ....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple ......... ... Sports Editor
John Jenks....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.......Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green..............Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.....Finance Manager

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