'U' Band To Demonstrate
Indian Election Themes
The :University Marching Band, winner in the presidential election
under the baton of Prof. William next week.
D. Revelli, will treat its audience * .
to a show of authentic Indian TWELVE DANCERS and four
dances and a prediction on the percussionists from the Heoka Wa-
presidential election at the Michi- cipi Society in the Detroit Area
gan-Illinois football game Satur- Council of the Boy Scouts will
day. stage the Apache Devil Dance and
The Indian theme is borrowed the Taos Fire Hoop Dance during
from the mascot of the football half-time. Preceding them, the
opponent of the day. The Univer- University bandsmen will do some
sity band will honor the Illini be- Indian dancing of their own.
fore the game by forming an In- For the half-time show, the
dian with a tomahawk. Then will band will form two large circles
follow a torch in honor of the Uni- and perform dances to appro-
ted Foundation Torch Drive. priate music. Then after outlin-
The pre-game show will end ing a wigwam, the bandsmen
with the band's prediction of the will kneel while the Heoka Wa-
cipi dancers hold the spotlight.
After outlining an authentic re-
Fam ed M USIC production of a peacepipe, the
band will play "Smoke that Peace-
Gl dpe, Bury that Hatchet."A
roupeace-pipe smoking ceremony will
follow as the band goes into the
For Concerts traditional block "M" and then
plays "The Yellow and Blue."
Two orchestras of world-wide Navy To Hold
reputation will be heard early in
November in Hill Auditorium when C
the Cleveland Symphony Orches- on erenes
tra and Danish National Orchestra
appear in Ann Arbor, under the Lieutenant Clifton D. Grubb,
a\spices of the University Musical Naval Aviation Procurement Offi-
Society. cer from the Naval Air Station in
Grosse Ile, will interview prospec-
The Cleveland Orchestra, con- tive candidates for Naval Cadet
ducted by George Szell, will re- Flight training from 9 a.m. to 5
turn for its annual performance p.m. today in Rm. 3A of the Mi-
Sunday evening, Nov. 9, on the chigan Union
Extra Concert Series. Included on To qualify for the training pro-
the program will be "Overture to gram, a candidate must (1) have
'Benvenuto Cellini," by Berlioz; completed two full years of col-
Schumann's "Symphony No. 2 in lege, (2) be 18 to 27 years old and
C major;" and the Sibelius "Sym- unmarried, (3) pass rigid aptitude
phony No. 2 in D major." and physical examinations, (4)
The Danish National Orchestra, pass a selection board which re-
making its first American tour, views each candidate's qualifica-
will perform on Nov. 13 in Ann Ar- tions and (5)' not have received
bor under the direction of conduc- orders to report for actual Selec-
tor Erik Tuxen. The tour is under tive Service induction.
the royal patronage of H. M. King
Frederik IX. Latin American
For his Ann Arbor concert, Tux- .r
en has arranged the following pro- U th 1
gram: "Overture to 'Euryanthe',"
by Wever; Nielsen's "Symphony The Latin American Association
No. 5;" "Three Symphonic Dances" will hold an organizational meet-
by Grieg; and the Suite from Stra- ing at 8 p.m. today in the East
vinsky's "The Fire-Bird." Lecture Hall of the Rackham Bldg.
Tickets for both these concerts This is the first meeting of the
are on sale at the offices of the Association, designed to encourage
University Musical Society in Bur- Latin American students to meet
to, Tower. and exchange ideas with each
other, and to present the cultures
of their countries to U.S. students.
The meeting is open to all inter-
ested students.
November 6, 8:30 p.m.
-'o a B O Y E R
Now .:, on Sale at Box Office
Oratorical Association
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday.)
Thursday, October 30, 1952
VOL. LXIII, No. 33
Students in Architecture and Design
may not drop courses without record
after 5 p.m., Fri., Oct. 31.
Instructors. A reminder that Thurs.,
Nov. 6, is the day you have been re-
quested to refrain from giving blue
books in the morning, since some stu-
dents will be excused from class to meet
principals and deans attending the 24th
annual Principal-Freshman and Junior
College Conference.
Seniors. College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Education, Music, and Public
Health. Tentative lists of seniors for
February graduation have been posted
on the Registrar's bulletin board in the
first floor corridor, Administration
Building. Any changes therefrom should
be requested of the Recorder at Regis-
trar's window number 1, 1513 Admin-
istration Building.
Electrical, Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering students graduating in
Feb., 1953, who are interested in em-
ployment with the General Electric
Company should attend a group meet-
ing at 5 p.m. on Thurs., Oct. 30, in 229
West Engineering Building. Graduates
in Engineering-Mathematics and En-
gineering-Physics are also invited. Ar-
rangements for interviews may be made
in Electrical or Mechanical and In-
dustrial Engineering Departments for
Nov. 5, 6, or 7.
Physical Education, Women students.
Registration for the next eight weeks
classes will be held in the fencing
room, Barbour Gymnasium, as follows:
Fri., Oct. 31, 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon and
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.; Sat., Nov. 1, 8 a.m. to
12 noon.
Fulbright Applications and all sup-
porting material must be received in
the Graduate School, 1020 Rackham
Building, by 4 p.m., Fri., Oct. 31. This
is the closing date for the 1953-54 com-
petition and it will not be extended.
Fellowships for Study in Latin Ameri-
ca are now available under the Conven-
tion for the Promotion of Inter-Aemri-
can Cultural Relations. Eligiblity re-
quirements are: United States Citizen-
ship; a bachelor's degree or its equiv-
alent at time of acceptance of grant;
knowledge of the language of the coun-
try sufficient to carry on the proposed
study; a good academic or professional
record and good health; a suitable plan
of study or a research topic approved
by the applicant's adviser or 'super-
vising professor if he is enrolled in an
educational institution, or by the Of-
fice of Education if he is not so en-
rolled. The fellowships provide round-
trip transportation, tuition, a month-
ly maintenance allowance, and a small
stipend for books. For applications write
Office of Education, International Edu-
cational Programs Branch, Washington
25, D.C., before Dec. 1.
Personnel Interviews.
On Fri., Oct. 31, there will be a rep-
resentative from the NAVY at the Bu-
reau of Appointments to speak to per-
sons interested in their civilian Man-
agement Training Program. This is in
conjunction with the Junior Manage-
ment Assistant examination, as the
Navy Department is one of the Fed-
eral agencies which employs individ-
uals who pass the test. The representa-
tive will be here to answer any ques-
tions students might have regarding the
Navy's program. For this program in-
terest is particularly in those seniors
and graduates in Business Administra-
tion, Public Administration, Political
Science, History, and Economics. Ap-
pointments may be made by calling the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371.
Personnel Requests.
Civil Service Commission announces ex-
amination for Junior Professional As-
sistant. Such positions as Personnel As-
sistant, Placement Assistant, Position
Classifier, Classification and Wage An-
alyst, and Employee Utilization Tech-
nician at the GS-5 level and also at the
GS-6 level are open to persons passing
the test. This region covers Michigan,
Illinois, and Wisconsin. In addition to
the examination, individuals are re-
quired to have had a full 4-year course
leading to a bachelor's degree includ-
ing or supplemented by 30 semester
hours in one or a combination of the
following fields: Public Administration,
Business Administration, Political Sci
ence, Government, Economics, Inter-
national Relations, Industrial Manage-
ment, Industrial Engineering, Sociol-
ogy, Psychology, Anthropology (Social
or Cultural), Geography (Economic or
Political), or History. Those interested
in positions in the areas previously
mentioned are urged to make applica-
tion. Further details are available.
A Neighboring Community to Ann
Arbor is in need of a young man to
manage their Teen Age Youth Center
which operates several nights per week.
Men interested in teen age work, with
an ability to work with young people
are eligible.
A Local Service Organization in Ann
Arbor is in need of one or several young
men interested in being group leaders
for one or two hours, one or several
afternoons a week at bordering grade
schools that have club activities for
young boys in the 4th, 5th and 6th
The Vitro Corporation of America of
New York City has sent a recent bul-
letin to the Bureau of Appointments in
which there is a list of openings for
men graduating in June in the techni-
cal fields. Detailed information is
available, as well as application blanks.
The Upjohn Company of Kalamazoo,
Michigan, has openings for salesmen
for their Chemical Sales Department.
They prefer training in Plant Pathol-
ogy, Agriculture, or Chemistry, and Feb-
ruary graduates may make application
for the positions.
The Detroit Civil Service Commission
announces opportunities for appoint-
ment as industrial specialist (grades
GS-7 through GS-12). To qualify for
the position one must have had pro-
gressively responsible experience in In-
dustrial Management, Planning, Engi-
neering, or other activities. Study in
engineering may be substituted for
some of the experience required for the
various grades. Detailed information is
available at the Bureau of Appoint-
mentsas well as applications.
The Michigan State Civil Service an-
nounces examination for Child Guid-
ance Psychologist III and Child Guid-
ance Clinic Supervisor IV with the
closing date being Nov. 19. Requirements
for the latter position include a mas-
ter's degree in Social Work or Psy-
chology plus four years experience, and
for the former opening a master's de-
gree in Clinical Psychology and three
years of experience in Clinical Psychol-
ogy or a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.
Details are available concerning the
openings. There is also announcement
of examination of Hydrogeologist II,
closing date Nov. 19. In this position
one serves as a consultant on water
problems of varying sorts. A degree in
geology with courses in hydrogeology
and one year of experience in hydroge-
ology is required.
For further information, applications,
and appointments, contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, Ext. 371.
Academic Notices
Psychology Colloquium will meet 4:15
Fri., Oct. 31. Auditorium D, Angell
Hall Annex. Drs. Beach, Geldard, La-
nier, Lindsley, McNemar, and Wilson
will discuss: "Psychology Today: We
Point with Pride and View with Alarm."
Dr. Donald Marquis will moderate the
discussion. Refreshments at 3:45 in
3415 Mason Hall.
Analytical Inorganic Seminar. Dr.
W. W. Meinke will speak on "Activa-
tion Analysis with Small Neutron
Sources," Thurs., Oct. 30, 7:30 p.m.,
3003 Chemistry Building.
Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar on the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Science, will meet Thurs.
at 4 p.m. in 3409 Mason Hall. Mr. Rob-
ert Davis of the Mathematics Depart-
ment will speak on "The Bush-Mostel-
ler and the Estes Mathematical Models
for Learning Theory."
Applied Mathematics Seminar. Thurs.,
Oct. 30, 4 p.m., 247 West Engineering
Buicting. <Speaker: Prof. N. Coburn.
Topic: Intrinsic Relations Satisfied by
the Velocity and Vorticity Vectors in
Fluid Flow Theory.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, 7:15 p.m.
Thurs., Oct. 30. Program will include
modern carillon compositions by Eng-
lish, Dutch, and Australian composers.
Programs for the entire series are avail-
able in the School of Music Office.
Events Today
Michigan Crib, pre-law society, will
meet today at 7:30 p.m. in 100 Hutchins
Hall, of the Law Quad. Mr. Robert G.
Storey, President of the American Bar
Association, will speak on "Law Schools
and the Legal Profession." All members
and interested people are urged to at-
U. of M. Aviation Club constitutional
committee will meet this afternoon in
Club 600 at 4 p.m.
The Marketing Club will present its
first7formal program of the fall semes-
ter at 7:45 p.m., 141 School of Business
Administration. A four-member speak-
ers' panel of prominent Detroit busi-
nessmen will discuss "What About
Ethics in Buying and Selling." All
students and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.
The Senior Board will meet to work on
the class receiptsin the League at 7:30.
The room will be posted.
U. of M. Aviation Club will meet at
7:30 p.m. in 1500 East Engineering Bldg.
(next door to Ulrch's). All those inter-
ested in learning how to fly at re-
duced rates and getting cross country
time are cordially invited. For any ad-
ditional information call Dick Fox,
3-0521, Ext. 310.
The Weekly Graduate Record Concert
will be held in the East Lounge of
Rackham, at 7:45 p.m.; program:
Tschaikowsky, Ballet Music from Swan
Lake; Handel, Water Music; Beethoven,
Symphony No. 4 in Bb Major; Bloch,
Schelomo, Hebrew Rhapsody; all grads
cordially invited.
Pledges of Alpha Phi Omega will
meet at 7:30 p.m., in Room 3-A of the
Union on Thurs., Oct. 30. All pledges are
requested to attend,
Beacon. General meeting at 8 p.m.
in Room 3-D at the Union. Short busi-
ness meeting followed by two films,
"Canadian Cruise," and "Our Canadian
Heritage." New members are welcome.
The shadow and The Rock, an origi-
nal play by James Murdock, '50, at 8
p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
play is presented by the Department of
Speech and will be given tonight
through Saturday night. Tickets are on
sale at the Mendelssohn box office in
the Michigan League Bldg. from 10
a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Students will be
given a special rate on tickets tonight.
La P'tite Causette will meet today
from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in thenNorth Cafe-
teria of the Michigan Union,
U. of M. Ice Skating Club. Organiza-
tional meeting, 5 p.m., at Barbour Gym.
Both men and women welcomed.
Lane Hall Photography Club will
meet in the Recreation Room. 7:30 p.m.,
to elect a chairman and establish mem-
bership. All students interested in us-
ing the dark room facilities are in-
Wesleyan Guild. Come for tea in the
Lounge from 4 to 5:30. A political dis-
cussion by Al Lang and Howrd Gordy
on "Is It Time for a Change?" will be
U. of M. Sailing Cu will hold its
business meeting in 311 West Engineer-
ing, at 7:30. Plans for the regatta this
week end at Michigan State will be
discussed. After the meeting there will
be a clean up party in our office in the
Student Legislature Building.
hillel Library Committee organiza-
tional meeting will be held at 4 o'clock
at 1429 Hill. All those interested are
invited. Experience is not necessary.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4-6 p.m.
Students for Stevenson. Final pre-
election meeting at 8 p.m., 1078 East
Engineering Bldg. Professors S. J. Elders-
veld, Frank Grace, and S. Fine will give
their observations on the "Presidential
Election in the Final Week."
(Continued on Page 4)
LOST-Beagle, black, tan & white. Call
2-8797. )39L
GLASSES with brown plastic and gold
rims. Reward, 401 Chicago. )38L
CIROFLEX CAMERA in brown leather
case. Reward. Please call Don Mc-
Clelland 2-5541. )37L
ONE BILLFOLD and contents amount-
ing to $53 cash and personal papers
lost somewhere between Main & State
on Liberty. Reward offered. Jim Par-
ren, 311 Glen Ave. Ph. 6449. )36L
GREY TOPCOAT taken from League
checkroom by mistake Saturday af-
ter South Quad dance. Please call
managers office, Mich. League.; Phone
2-3251. )35L
FOR SALE-1 Tuxedo, 1 tails Size 46. 2
shirts2foreach with ties and vests-
Call 27339. ) 67
CANARIES, beautiful singers and fe-
males. Also new and used bird cages.
Mrs. Ruffins, 562 S. 7th. )66
"HOLLYWOOD KNIT" suit, red, size 18.
Sharkskin fall coat size 16. Good con-
dition. Phone 5506. Evenings. )65
$75 TUXEDO, double breasted, one but-
ton. Satin lapels, size 37 short. Ex-
cellent condition.Will sell cheap. 404
Hayden Hse. EQ. Ph. 24591. )64
2 END TABLES, contemporary wrought
iron and walnut designers' models;
reasonable manogany bowls and oil
painting. 9455, Mr. Hoffman. )2
UNIVERSITY of Michigan pottery ash
tray. Regular 1.25 Special, 75c. Bur
Patts. 1209 South University. )39
ARMY-NAVY type oxfords $6.88. Black
and brown. Sizes 6 to 12. A to F
widths. Sams Store, 122 E. Washing-
ton St.' )51
KODAK MEDALIST 1214x314 with 50
m.m. Ektar lens, leather case, Men-
delsohn flash gun, filters, portra and
poloroid lenses, Enlarger, Federal Mo-
del 250,. 21x3% with 87 m.m. F. 4.5
lens. Excellent condition. All for
$160. Call 2-4636. 147
STUDENTS-Up to1' off on diamonds,
watches, rings, electric shaver, silver-
ware, appliances and all other jewelry
items. Any nationally advertised pro-
ducts at these savings. Ph. Ed Neback,
Lit. '53, 3-1713. )59
A SALE OF FURNITURE suitable for
student rooms, also rug runners, kit-
chen cabinet, table, utensils, card-
table, and pillows. Ph. 3-2960. )68
been used, $35. Call Don Campbell,
c/o Michigan Daily. )69
'39 FORD-'46 motor, good transporta-
tion! 2-1087, Evenings and Friday
mornings. )73
OLDS TRUMPET-Excellent condition.
Call 2-0442 1 to 4 p.m. weekdays. )72
USED FURNITURE for students incl.
davenport, bedroom furniture in ex-
cellent condition! 3-2960. )71
MEN'S SUITS, O'coats ......$5.00-$15.00
Women's Suits, Coats ... $1.00-$15.00
Sportcoats, Tuxedos, Formals.
Nearly New Shop, 209 E. Washington.
2% x 31 PACEMAKER speed graphic,
fully equipped, like new. Phone Henry
Arnold 3-4141. )40L
Daily Classi fieds
Bring Quick Results
ROOMS FOR OVERNIGHT GUESTS- WANTED - Experienced salesman for
Reserve rooms now at the Campus part time help. Must be here for
Tourist Homes. 518 E. William (near Xmas. A. A. Cut Rate. 113 So. Main.
State). Phone 3-8454. )2R )3911
FOR RENT - 2 room semi-furnished WANTED-Dishwasher & waiter at fra-
apartment. Apply Star Cleaners, 1513
S. University, or call Ypsi 1716. )22R
2 DOUBLES for men. Close to Rackham,
Music School, Hospitals. Phone 3-0746
or 3-0166. )25R
LARGE FURNISHED single room near
campus. Knotty pine paneling, mod-
ern bath and refrigerator facilities,
large Hollywood bed. Call 2-7108. )26R
BOARDERS WANTED for lunch and /or
dinner. Good meals.:Call13-85M. )5x
SINGLE ROOM & BOARD for research
or professional man. Also double for
two (can part pay with duties in
house). Live with congenial cultured
group on campus. 520 Thompson. )4X
WANTED-Woman grad. student or staff
member to share ap't. close to campus.
Call 2-7183 after 5 p.m. )18P
FACULTY members who are subscribing
to Time or Life at regular rates might
save a few dollars by phoning Student
Periodical, 6007. )17P
STUDENTS WANTED to work at soda
- fountain 3 or 4 nights a week from
6:00 to 10 p.m. Swift's Drug Store, 340
S. State, Phone 2-0534. )31H
ternity. Call Jack Schaupp 2-3177.
SEWING: Alterations on Ladies' dresses,
suits, and coats. Call 2-2678. )16B
TAILORING, alterations, restyling, spe-
cializing in children's apparel. Accur.
ate fittings. Phone 9708. )9B
STUDENT WIVES: Are you looking for
a competent woman to watch your
child while you help hubby through
school? Phone 27810. }17B3
TYPEWRITERSI Portable and Standard
for rent, sale and service.
314 S. State St., Phone 7177. )8B
WASHING - Finished work, and hand
ironing. Ruff dry and wet washing.
Also ironing separately. Free pick-up
and delivery. Phone 2-9020. )5B
Auto - Home - Portable
Phono & T.V.
Fast & Reasonable Service
"Student Service"
1215 So. Uni., Ph. 7492
1% blocks east of East Eng. )15B
MOTHER of two year old wants to care
for a child about same age several
hours daily. Phone 2-6417. )18B
WAITERS-Mon., Tues., and Sat. nights. WANTED - 2 tickets for Obio State
Wolverine Den. 1311 S. Univ. )35H game. Call 3-2883. )1X
ur piPh. 56s1
Paul Gallico's Heartwarming Hit
Starts Friday
NOEL COWARD'S greatest story
Department of Speech presents
a stirring drama by the U. of M. graduate,
Tonightg, Friday, Saturday, 8 P. .
Tickets - 1 .20, 90c, 64c
Student Rate Tonight - 50c
Box Office daily 10 A.M.-8 P.M.
TODAY! 1tghi
fro A
1 P.M.
lO T g
"e'd Over Through Frday
Starting Friday
For3 Ni-ghts
Continuous Performances One Show Only
Complete Shows at at 8:30 P.M.
5:30 -7:40 - 9:45
Cinema SL quild
to offer you a more complete stock of today's
"pop" records than does our DOWNSTAIRS
Fit 40 V Y V !v I IN 9 \\ I V r ii
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