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October 30, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-30

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Ges aculty Backing in Daily Surve

* * .



University students may like Ike, but their professors apparently
have nothing to do with it.
Gov. Adlai Stevenson emerged as the faculty's favorite in The
Daily faculty presidential preference survey completed yesterday.
OUT OF 933 RESPONSES, representing more than two-thirds of
the University teaching staff, Stevenson took 496 votes and left his
opponent Eisenhower 405 tallies.
Sharply contradictory to the national trend, only 21 faculty
members fell in the "undecided" category. Pollsters rate the na-
tional fence-straddlers at approximately 31 per cent.
Progressive party candidate Vincent Hallinan came up with nine
votes; one ROTC staffman picked Gen. MacArthur; and one unique
faculty member gave his vote to Spartenberg, an unidentified per-
* * * *
THE STEVENSON-dominated poll results came as a surprise to
most observers on two counts. First, while the poll does not pretend
to be absolutely scientific, the overwhelming faculty response, com-
pared with past polls, establishes a substantial amount of credence.

With results coming in equally well from all sources, about 85 per
cent of the 1100-odd questionnaires distributed were returned. TheJ
University faculty, depending on varying ranks included in the count,
numbers between 1200 and 1300.,
Secondly, the Stevenson trend represents an abrupt turn-
about from past indications of a strong Republican majority
among faculty members. "This is the first time since I can re-
member that the faculty has gone Democratic," long-time history
professor Preston Slosson commented last night.
In the, not far distant 1948 election, a faculty poll showed an{
overwhelming Dewey preference,
And a Daily pre-convention faculty survey indicated an overall
Republican sentiment, but also revealed that both GOP and Demo-
cratic professors were sympathetic to the national draft-Stevenson
On the student side, Republicans since 1932 have consistently
walked away with preference polls. "Two-to-one for Ike" was the
result of the latest Daily survey taken during this fall's registrationt
* * * *
IN BREAKDOWN figures, for the current poll, the literary col-

lege did more than its share to swing the poll results for Stevenson,
with seventy-one per cent of 491 voters supporting the Illinois gov-
With the exception of the chemistry, pharmacology and
women's and men's physical education departments, Stevenson
carried all the literary college divisions.
Something close to "block voting" was evidenced in the pro-
Democratic departments of sociology, psychology, English and eco-
IN THE NON-LITERARY college schools Ike took the majority
in every school but education, which went Adlai by one vote.
The strongest Eisenhower backing came in the medical school
with 63 tallies going to Ike out of a total of 84.
In the remaining schools and colleges Eisenhower won his votes
as follows: School of Music, 10 out of 16 voting; School of Natural
Resources, seven out of 12; College of Pharmacy, 5 out of 6; School
of Public Health, 18 out of 22; College of Engineering, 53 out of 86;
School of Business Administration, 17 out of 21 Law School, eight
out of 14; College of Architecture and Design, 15 out of 30; School
See DAILY, Page 6


-Daily-Don Campbell

--Daily-Don Campbell


See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State

I3 aty





1/ Bttle Rage
At Korean Hill
By The Associated Press
SEOUL-A furious, see-saw battle raged today for control of
Sniper Ridge of the Korean Central Front, with the Chinese reaching
the bloody crest through tunnels.
AN ESTIMATED 1,000 freshened Reds joined the continuing battle
after rebuilding a tunnel system leading to the hill from the Yoke-Y


s. _" -

Bribe Giver
WASHINGTON -- (A') -- A 21-
year-old Maryland University Jun-
ior surrendered last night to Dis-
trict of Columbia police as a fugi-
tive from a- Maryland warrant
charging attempted bribery of a
Maryland football player.
Police identified him as Louis
Leonard Glickfield of Hyattsville,
Md. He was released under $1,000
bond on a fugitive charge for
hearing Thursday. -
Disclosure of the alleged bribe
attempt touched off a campus sen-
sation earlier in the day.
Three Maryland players, includ-
ing star quarterback Jack Scar-
bath, were revealed as having al-
leged they were offered $1,500 to
hold down the score in last Satur-
day's game against Louisiana State
A warrant charging attempted
bribery was issued in Prince
Georges County, Md., and univer-
sity police unsuccessfully laid a
net for their quary.
Police said Glickfield walked in-
to central headquarters in the dis-
trict shortly before 9 p.m. (CST)
and announced he was surrender-
Mighty Sphinx
Grab Slaves
Once again the Pharoah has
commanded his legions to cross
the great desert and invade the
land of the barbarians to pick
slaves for the Pharaoh's court.
Once again the East has learned
to fear the Pharoah's might.
Into the temple, where gathers
the Court, came neophyte slaves
to the Great Court of Sphinx.
Here they learned of many
Here they learned to dedicate
themselves to Michigan, and to
the Pharaoh.
So came ... Gene Knutson, Jim
Labes, George Lynch, Roy Pella
and Bob Schrayer.
YR o Sponsor ;
Corruption Debate
A debate on corruption in the
federal government will be heldf
at 8 p.m. today in the Union ball-r
room, under the ausnices of the

<shaped terrain to the north of
Sniper Ridge.
Allied forces once had blasted
the caves and tunnels closed dur-
ing their comparatively brief
tenure on the ridge, but were
forced off before they could
complete destruction.
Yesterday's fighting raged
throughout the night at hand gre-
nade range. It was the 17th day
of battle for the strategic ridge.
This battle for Sniper Ridge has
been the longest and fost furious
action since the struggle for Heart-
break Ridge on the Eastern Front
last autumn. The United States
Defense Department reported yes-
terday that battle casualties in
Korea have reached 123,395, the
largest weekly increase, 1,278, in
nearly a year.
MEANWHILE at the U. N. meet-
ing in New York, Vishinsky called
on the Assembly to create a com-
mission on which Russia would
serve, to settle peacefully the Kor-
ean question and supervise the
unification of Korea.
Vishinsky insisted repeatedly
that prisoners of war in Korea
must be repatriated forthwith
upon cessation of hostilities. He'
ridiculed Acheson's stand that
prisoners who did not want to
go home should not be forced to
do so.
Acheson, who sat listening ston-
ily during Vishinsky's entiret
speech, told newsmen that is con-c
tained "nothing we haven't heard1
a thousand times before at Pan-
munjom and here."

Rioting Cons
May Free
All Hostages
CHESTER, Ill-(P)-Rebelling
convicts at Menard State Prison
considered last night freeing their
last seven hostages on the promise
of a public airing of their griev-
ances before Acting Gov. Sher-
wood Dixon.
The 332 convicts in the east cell
house sent a delegation to talk with
Dixon in the presence of newsmen
soon after 38 psychiatric prisoners
had released the other three hos-
tages unharmed on a promise
Dixon would hear their grievances.
* * ,
DIXON TOLD the convict dele-
gation: "As soon as you restore or-
der and release the seven guards
I will sit down with you and hear
every grievance."
After a 45 minute conference
the convicts carried the word of
Dixon back to the others in the
East cell house where the rebel-
lion began Monday.
Some of the prison officials ac-
companied the convict committee
back to the cell house.
Wrangling immediately broke
out between the committee and the
other convicts.
Michael F. Seyfrit, state director
of public safety, then proposed the
convicts release four of the guards
in exchange for food and then re-
lease the other three.
Community Drive
Goes Over Top
For the first time in four years
the Ann Arbor Community Chest
Drive has exceeded its goal.
This year's drive, conducted for
only two weeks, has a total of
$163,118.18 which is 100.38 per cent
of the goal. The campaign officials
state that even now all returns
are not in, and that they expect
returns to continue to come in for
the rest of the week. Although the
drive officially closed Friday, the
donations are still being returned2
to the campaign headquarters. 1
The University contributedE
104.87 per cent of its goal.,

Senior Picture Proofs must be
returned as soon as possible,
Dick Huff, '54, 'Ensian general
sales manager, announced to-
Proofs may be returned from
12:30 to 5:30 p.m. and 7 to 9
p.m. daily and from 9 a.m. to
noon Saturday at the Student
Publications Bldg.
LSA Group
To Discuss
T he aims and problems of
'Freshman Education' will be dis-
cussed at 7:30 p.m. today, in the
League, where the Literary Col-
lege Conference will hold its first
meeting of the semester.
Open to all faculty members and
students of the Literary college,
this series of conferences empha-
sizes free exchange of views in an
informal atmosphere. As special
guests at this meeting, the steer-
ing committee has invited the Uni-
versity Curriculum Committee,
freshman counselors and those in-
structors who teach freshman
The topic was suggested last
semester, when a conference on
'General Education' brought out
the fact that many students feel
that they are being forced to spec-
ialize too early, and that they
do not get a broad enough back-
ground in their first two years.
The major topics of discussion will
be course content, requirements
and the counseling system.
After the discussion, a sub-
committee will be formed of all
those interested in summarizing
the findings of the group and In
doing additional research on the
subject. e
Argentina Pact
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina-(P)
-Argentina and Red Poland last
night signed a new trade agree-
ment extending for three years
the pact negotiated in 1948. No
estimate was given of the total
trade exchange anticipated.

SL Studies
By a unanimous vote last nigh
the Student Legislature set int(
motion a special committee t
study campus organization and
discuss possible plans for re-organ-
ization of student government.
Encompassing an investigation
I of the existing student govern-
ment structure from the stand-
point of student, faculty and ad-
ministration leaders, the group wil
present a comprehensive written
report next March 4.
** *
THE PLAN, presented by SL
president Howard Willens, '53
called for a study committee to
consist of representatives from SL
interested and experienced stu-
dents from the campus at large
and representatives from the Un-
ion, the League, The Daily, the
Intrafraternity Council, Panhel-
lenic Council, Assembly and the
Inter-House Council.
The group will be appointed
by the SL Cabinet subject to the
approval of the Legislature.
In other action last night legis-
lators approved placing of a ref-
erendum in regard to University
driving regulations on the all-cam-
pus election ballot.
Attempting to find out student
opinion on the question as well as
additional statistical information,
the referendum will ask whether
students want the driving ban
maintained, modified or removed.
It will also question whether the
student would keep a car on cam-
pus if the ban were removed and
will attempt to find out how many,
students now have cars here and
how many of these students are
driving with permits.
At the present time the Office
of Student Affairs is studying
existing driving regulations and
has asked SL to poll student opin-
ion on the question.



Ike, Adlai Tackle
Korean Problem

, *
Morse Says
;Top Secret
eDETROIT-(A')-Senator Wayne
Morse said today he would not
have referred publicly to a De-
fense Department 1947 document
on Korea "if I had not been auth-
The Oregon Republican, who re-
cently came out against election
of General Eisenhower commented
with reference to his Minnesota
, ,
AT WASHINGTON, the Defense
Department said yesterday it re-
tains a "top secret" label on the
document which deals with Kor-
ea's strategic importance. The
document has come into the poli-
tical campaign.
Sen. Morse dictated a brief
statement to a reporter in an
automobile while he was racing
to keep an engagement atthe
CIO United Auto Workers head-
quarters here.
The Senator's statement said:
"I would not have referred to the
report of the joint chiefs of staff
of Sept. 26, 1947, if I had not been
authorized to refer to it."
Sen. Morse did not identify
this authorization.
"The trouble with Eisenhower
on this matter is that he's whin-
ing because I took the American
people to the record.
"The top brass have concealed
hfor too long the facts that are
vital to a clear understanding by
the people of the danger of mili-
tary politics in our country."
Morse went from a quick press
conference here to UAW head-
quarters to make a recording of a
speech which will be broadcast to-
night. He left Detroit immediately
afterward to make a speech in
Adlai Group
To HoldPanel
"Presidential Elections in the
Final Week" will be the topic of
a round table discussion sponsor-
ed by the Students for Stevenson
Club at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 1078 of
the East Engineering Bldg.
r f . m V- 1 mlrv.- n

Stevenson .. .
lai Stevenson declared last night
that Moscow is delaying an arm-
istice in Korea because Soviet rul-
ers believe Republican statements
in the election campaign indicate
there is disunity in this country.
The Democratic presidential
nominee, given a howling ovation
by a capacity audience in Phila-
delphia's Convention Hall, renew-
ed attacks on Gen. Dwight D. Eis-
enhower for what he said is his
opponent's claim that he can find
a quick and easy end to the Kor-
ean War.
* * *
DECLARING that the Korean
struggle is "but one part o tie
Soviet drive for world domination
directed from Moscow," the I1i-
nois governor said:
"Moscow is not yet ready for
an armistice. And why that is I
think I know. They have been
following our election campaign
all the way through."
"They have heard the Republi-
can candidate and the highest Re-
publican leaders say first one thing
about the Korean War and then
Gov. Stevenson will speak at
3:45 p.m. today over station
President Truman will give an
address over radio and television
stations WJBK-TV and WJR
at 10:30 P.M.
Senator Wayne Morse will also
speak at 9:30 p.m. over station
WWJ. His subject will be "Would
Gen. Eisenhower's election mean
a third world war?"
another. They have heard, in
other words, sounds of disunity,
and disunity means weakness.
* * *
REPEATING his assertion that
Eisenhower had changed his po-
sition on Korea, Stevenson told
the Convention Hall crowd that
the General is making "one last,
desperate bid for support by say-
ing 'follow me and I will find a
quick solution with honor for the
Korean War."
Earlier in the day, the Illi-
nois governor had lashed out at
Eisenhower for engaging in "a
cynical search for votes" by
"playing on our desperate hopes
for a quick end to the Korean
Stevenson, who had been greet-
ed in Philadelphia with a swirling
paper snowstorm as his caravan
made its way through crowded
streets, got a tremendous three-
minute ovation from the 18,000
persons police estimated crammed
their way into Convention Hall.

Eisenhower ...
NEW YORK-P)-Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower, who contends Kor-
ean troops should man the front
lines as soon as possible, released
last night parts of a letter from
the United Nations Eighth Army
commander declaring the South
Korean Army is in "apple pie"
The Republican presidential
nominee gave out the excerpt at
his campaign headquarters and
later used it on a nation-wide
radio-television program, featur-
ing 25 Republican governors who
are backing him,
The letter was from Lt. Gen.
James A. Van Fleet. It was dated
Oct. 10. It said that if more
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
will speak from Madison Square
Garden at 10 p.m. today over
station WJR.
South Korean divisions could be
brought into service, American Di-
visions could be released.
* * *
EISENHOWER had been hitting
on the Korean issue all day long
in a campaign in counties in and
around New York City.
He told a cheering audience
in Queens borough last night
that American boys again are
fighting for free principlese, self-
respect and freedom of the
"But did they have to do it?"
the general roared. "That is the
question. Did they have to do it?"
EARLIER in the day, in a speech
on a street intersection in the
Bronx, Eisenhower had said that
America must not "forever be
caught in this Korean trap fight-
ing the real enemy's second team.
We must prepare the Koreans to
defend their own lines, as we have
done elsewhere, so that America's
forces can serve their true pur-
Eisenhower said that purpose
is to be the great mobile reserve
of the free world. A trip to
Korea, he said, is essential to
such planning, and "that is why
I shall go."
He has said he will go to Korea,
if elected, to see what he can do
toward a successful conclusion to
the Korean War.
Then late last night the gen-
eral turned loose part of the Van
Fleet letter. It said that: "The
ROK Republic of Korea Army is
in 'apple pie' order."
Van Fleet told of sending U. S.
officers to advise ROK troops and
strengthening division advisers
with "top quality people."

'The Shadow and the Rock' Makes Debut Today

"A challenging, powerful and interesting serious drama" will be
performed at 8 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre when
"The Shadow and the Rock" is presented for the first time before
an audience, according to Prof. Valentine Windt, of the speech de-
partment, the play's director.
The three act drama won the 1950 Hopwood award for its writer,
James Murdock, a world war II veteran who got his M. A. at the Uni-
versity in that year. "The characters, speeches and background of the
play are all drawn from people I actually knew or knew of-although
it is not a true story," the author said yesterday.
"The situation had been turning around in my mind for four or
five years," he continued, "but I wrote the play itself in just six days.
I had written mostly in the narrative form before I wrote "The Shadow
and the Rock," but this material was a 'natural' for the play form,
which is, I think, the strongest form of writing."
PROF. WINDT said that in trying to picture the life of a Maine
fisherman's family and its reaction to a tragic incident, "Murdock
has developed an interesting idea with considerable skill."
m ~ e _-- --- . . . . . - . .- . .

* * * *

Prospective Lawyers
To Hear Storey Today

Robert G. Storey-lawyer, sold-2
ier, educator, and president of the

Law School since 1947, as well as
a regent at the University of Texas.

........v..... .::........... ;:


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