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October 24, 1952 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-24

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_______________________________________ a

s 1

Library Undergoes Rehabilitation

The General Library for the pastI
four months has had trouble keep-
ing its traditional balance of mind3
over matter.j
The square, red-brick structure
has been the object of a paint-up,
clean-up, fix-up program which
is currently being finished, leaving
behind an expanded, colorful, but
still overcrowded library building.
AS GENERAL Library director,
Prof. Warner G. Rice commented,
sitting in his cover-cloth draped
office, the library has had "paint-
ers since June."
Major operation of the paint-
up program was the summer-
long redecoration of the ornate
ceiling in the huge main read-
ing room.
Unpainted since 1928, the now-
white ceiling was conspicuously
dingy before a crew of brush men
set to work. Reaching the 55 foot
ceiling level was the biggest or-
deal. To get to the top, a huge
maze of scaffolding for painters
tosclimb was constructed and was
gradually moved down the length
of the room as work progressed.
Two bigger - than - life size
murals at either end of the study
room, "The Art of Peace" and
"Arts of War" also needed re-
storing-they had been accumu-
lating grime since they were pre-
pared for the World Exhibition
of 1898.
Aware of the psychological ef-
fects of color, library decorators
made lavish use of Swedish reds
and near-chartreuse greens in re-
doing the cataloguing and period-
ical rooms and the main floor
Olson To Address
Education Institute
Educational problems will get a
two-day going over at the 23rd an-
nual Parent Education Institute to
be held Nov. 5 and 6 here.
The conference, which is spon-
sored by the University Extension
Service and th Michigan Congress
of Parents and Teachers, will be
opened at 10:30 a.m. Nov. 5 in
Rackham Lecture Hall by Prof.
Willard C. Olson, dean of the edu-
cation school.
Prof. Olson will speak on "How
Children Grow, Achieve, Feel and
The two-day conference will
also include several panel discus-
sions on such topics .as "High
Schools and International Edu-
cation" and criticism of- schools
and text books.

Parents Can
Ease Fears
Of Children
Cheerful willingness to answer
your children's questions matter-
of-factly can help you to see them
safely through a period of irra-
tional fears, Dean Willard C. Ol-
son of the University School of
Education, believes.
The dean points out that such
touchy subjects as "death," "where
babies come from," and "the dif-
ferences between boys and girls"
rate very high among these which
lie at the roots of children's "phan-
tasy" fears.
"Most children beyond the age
of three develop fears which may
awaken them at night, cause
them to scream or sob at times,
and which often frighten or an-
noy their parents. These fears
often are unexplainable but may
result when a child feels that
he is not loved or wanter," Dean
Olson says.
He indicates that in severe form
such fantasy fears are rooted in
real feelings of insecurity which
threaten the child's peace of mind.
Sometimes it's found that some
disturbing new piece of knowledge
-about himself or about his re-
lationship to his family or to the
world-ishcompletely misunder-
stood by the child.
"The radio, the movie or play-
mates' ghost stories may supply
the basis for the child's immature
conception of reality. And some-
times, this is even helped along
by parents' threats to send the
bogieman for certain kinds of be-
"To a child's inexperienced mind
it is certainly no more outlandish
to think of being eaten by a bogie
than it is to think about a water-
melon seed growing inside Aunt

Block-M section will resume
activities again at tomorrow's
game, announced co-chairman,
Dotty Fink '54.
Ticket-holders in the section
are asked to be in their seats
at 1:30 and not to bring any
Because the loud-speaker sys-
tem will not be available, in-
structions for the stunts will
be given by the cheerleaders1
and Block-M ushers who willa
be stationed at the aisles.a
Student Voter
Totals Difficult
To Estimate
"Impossible to estimate" is the
comment City Clerk Fred Looker
gives when asked to estimate the
number of students voting in the
election this fall.
Many seniors are using absen-
tee ballots from their home towns
to vote, while registration data at
the City Hall does not contain in-
formation as toawhethersvoters
in the campus area are students
or not.
THE GREAT bulk of students
going to the polls in Ann Arbor
are lifetime city residents or grad-
uate students and student fellows
who have set up residence here for
a temporary period.
Other students have trans-
ferred their mailing addresses to
the City and have been able to
convince election officials that
this is now their residence.
The city is divided into seven
wards and fifteen precincts. Of
these the largest number of stu-
dents voting will probably come
from the first, fourth, sixth, and
seventh wards.
Polling places will open at 7
a.m. on election day and close at
8 p.m. The entire city uses voting
machines and a time limitation of
two minutes inside the booth has
been set up to speedhup the large
volume of voters expected.

Seven SL Committees
Swing Into Active Year


The Student Legislature's seven
committees have swung into an-
other busy term's work on a wide
variety of student problems and
Organized as the "backbone" of
the Legislature, the committee sys-
tem does the bulk of initial plan-
ning and study before policies and
projects are presented at the regu-
lar Wednesday night meetings for
final approval by the Legislature.
UNDER THE chairmanship of
Ellie Haar, '54, the Human Rela-
tions committee is going forward
with SL's educational program for
the elimination of discrimination
on campus.
A program is being arranged
to invite faculty members in
various departments to speak
before campus groups on the
different problems and aspects
of discrimination. Each faculty
member will approach the sub-
ject in relation to his own special
field of study.
Student groups will have an op-
portunity shortly to request these
speakers or to have one assigned
to them. .
THE CULTURE and Education
committee is currently studying
the library situation and is making
a survey among students on the
adequacy of library facilities and
service. Jean Belle Jones, '53, is
Culture and Education chairman.
One of the most active groups
is the Campus Action committee
headed by Bob Ely, '54E. At the
present time part of the com-
mittee is reviewing late permis-
sion rules and will submit a re-
port on possible rule changes.
Campus Action also administers
the Better Business Board, a group
which takes care of registering all
salesmen on campus to sell stu-
dents merchandise. It investigates
salesmen' credentials and deals
with student complaints about
pus visit of Japanese student lead-
er John Yashiro, the International
Committee began work on the UN

Day program which is being pre-
sented today. Under the direction
of Audie Murphy, '53, the group
has made arrangements with Gen-
eration, campus literary magazine,
to present writing and art work by
foreign students.
October and November are ac-
tive months for the Elections
Committee which is planning the
Nov. 18-19 all-campus election
which will select 23 SL members.
Headed by Robin Glover, '53, the
committee makes all the neces-
sary arrangements for petition-
ing, booths, ballots and other
election details.
Varsity Committee members are
busy selling tickets for SL's fall
dance "Autumn Nocturne" which
is to be presented next Saturday,
at the Intra-Mural Bldg. Tommy
Dorsey will highlight the first all-
campus dance of the season.
Probably the least known is the
Public Relations committee which
sees to it that the campus is kept
informed of SL's work. Headed by
Lee Fiber, '54, the committee's lat-
est project was the SL Open House
held yesterday.
Mock Meeting
To Honor UN
In honor of United Nations Day
a mock United Nations Security
Council will meet at 7 p.m. today
in the Rackham Bldg.
In order to show the workings of
the UN, the group will discuss the
admission of new members as pro-
posed by both eastern and western
powers. University students from
each country represented on the
Security Council will air the offi-
cial views of their country.-
After the discussion, the English
Language Institute will present a
program of songs and dances pop-
ular in several foreign countries.
The program is being sponsored
by the local UNESCO Council, Stu-
dent Legislature, International
Relations Club, English Language
Institute, International Students
Association and the International

Reports SL
Year's Loss
(Continued from Page 1)
$10,000 and $15,000 for these
Besides wiping out the deficit ,
problem, the extra funds would
have provided a full-time secre-
tary to take over- the burden of
administrative work and would
have made extensive SL fund rais-
ing projects unnece~sary.
At present the University ap-
propriates $1,200 each year to SL.
* * *


smoking lounge which will open
next week.
needed fixing up, however, they
had to be eppanded. The construc-
tion of the new Angell Hall addi-
tions made it possible to convert
former seminar rooms on the li-
brary's fourth floor to new quar-
ters for the center for Japanese
Expanding corridors here and
attics there, construction work-
ers doubled the usable space.
Japanese ambassador 'Eikichi
Araki Saturday formally opened
the resulting new graduate read-
ing room.
Additional study hall space was
opened up in the Social Science
Library in Mason Hall. According
to Prof. Rice, students in the new
hall are unwittingly being used
for experiments whith different
types oft study tables-the stand-
BusAd Council .,..
The School of Business Admin-
istration yesterday made known
the results of elections to posi-
tions on the BusAd Council.
This year's Council will include
Forrest Ferguson '53, Terry Ham
'53, Pat Kreuser '53, Edward Leu-
theuser '53, Don McEwen '53, John
Metzer, Marty Seger '54 and Dick
Thompson '53.

ard rectangular variety, small
square tables and partitioned
But expansion of library facili-
ties cannot continue within the
building's brick walls. At present,
Prof. Rice explained, more than
100,000 volumes are stored incon-
veniently in education and busi-
ness administration school build-
With the library's book over-
flow in mind, University admin-
istrators are asking the legisla-
ture to appropriate more than four
million dollars to finance a North
Campus central service and stack
building and extension of library
facilities on this campus.

A BREAKDOWN of income for
1951-1952 showed the University
grant of $1,200, Homecoming
Dance profits of $1,201.87, election
fees of $248, ballot fees of $87.50,
patrons donations of $128, Better
Business Board fees of $19, Cinema
Guild profits of $657.67 and re-
ceivables of $211.22.
Expenses for the same period
were as follows: general fund,
$87.72; National Student Associa-
tion dues, $220; conference and
convention allotments, $515.14;
election expenses, $417.33; culture
and education advisory program,
$36.72; public relations, $884.31;
maintenance, $834.90; improve-
ments on building and equipment,
$622.99; summer legislature,
$110.79 and losses and miscellan-
eous expenses amounting to
The maintenance account in-
cludes outlays for the secretar-
iat, telephone and service
charges. Public relations funds
encompass election publicity,
newsletters, 'Enslan space and
various literature distributed to
incoming freshmen.
The current budget anticipates
Cinema Guild profits of $740, elec-
tion fees of $250, ballot fees of
$200 and patrons donations of $110
as well as the University appropri-
ation of $1,200 mentioned and the
estimated "Autumn Nocturne'' pro-
fit of $1,750.
Moderately higher expense al-
lowances have been made in most
categories, although they are sub-
ject to periodic change as income
figures become more definite.


New 'U' Hospital Addition
To Relieve Traffic Problem

When the new Out-going Pa-
tient's Clinic is completed toward
the end of the year, not only will
University Hospital have a new
wing, but also traffic congestion
should be relievedin front of the
main building.
Until this time the hospital en-
trance on Observatory St. has been
the scene of frustrated drivers at-
tempting to find parking spaces
where few existed.
* : s

sible for

motorists to pick up dis-
patients without any



* * s

Priestley To Give
Gerard Priestley, vice-chairman
of the Speakers Research Commit-
tee for the UN, will speak on "UN-
ESCO's World War Against Il-
literacy" at 4 p.m. today in Schor-
ling Auditorium of University High
Priestley has just returned from
a tour of Europe, including Yugo-
slavia, France and England. An
authority on international and
human relations, he served for two
years as the moderator on the
radio program, "United Nations
Forum of the Air."
The public talk will be sponsored
by Phi Delta Kappa and Pi Lamb-
da Theta of the School of Educa-
tion and the University's UNESCO


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Dietary Laws.
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NYLON and RAYON, Duraseal
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