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October 23, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-23

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State





Violinist at Hill

SL Deadline
Tomorrow is the deadline for
submitting petitions for the 23
Student Legislature positions
which will be filled in the Nov.
18 and 19 all-campus elections.
Petitions still may be picked
up from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the
SL Bldg., 512 S. State. Any aca-
demically eligible student may
enter the race.
Twenty of the posts will be
for a full year term, while the
other three are half-year po-
Adlai S ays
Ike Starting
'Cruel Hloax'
By the Associated Press
Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson last
night in New York accused Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower of trying
to perpetuate "a cruel hoax" by
holding out hope "for swift re-
lease of those enslaved behind the
Iron Curtain."
Stevenson, the Democratic presi-
tential nominee, said the General
-his GOP opponent for the
White House-made a "reckless
proposal" to free Soviet-dominated
peoples in Eastern Europe.
THIS WAS AN allusion to Eis-
enhower's Aug. 25 statement in
New York that the United States
"can never rest-and we must so
inform all the world, including
the Kremlin-until the enslaved
Gov. Stevenson will give a ra-
dio address from Cleveland at
10 p.m. today over station WJR.

Lecture Plan
To Get More
Study by SL
Set Two Week
Report Deadline
After hearing the first report
of its committee to evaluate exist-
ing policy on the Lecture Commit-
tee, the Student Legislature voted
last night to send the whole mat-
ter back to committee for another
two weeks of study.
Presented by chairman Dave
Brown, '53, the group's proposal
differed only slightly from SL's
motion of last spring. The most
significant change was in the
pledge which sponsoring organi-
zations would be required to sign
before bringing a speaker to cam-
IN THE ORIGINAL motion the
groups would be required to cer-
tify that no speech would be per-
mitted which "urges the destruc-
tion or modification of government

Immediate UN Discussion

On Korea

Gets Approval


-Daly-Don Campbell
ON STAGE-Yehudi Menuhin performs at a well-attended violin
concert, the second in the regular choral union series.
Labor .Leaders. Blast
SJ in CoalDispute
WASHINGTON-QP-Labor members of the Wage Stabilization
Board charged yesterday that the board "spent more time finding
ways to deny than to approve" the $1.90 wage increase negotiated by
John L. Lewis.
Public and industry members of the WSB trimmed that $1.90
by 40 cents, leading to an immediate nation-wide soft coal strike, the
effects of which are already spreading to other industries. The public
and industry members said the full $1.90 would violate government
controls designed to curb inflation.
THE LABOR MEMBERS of the tri-partite board severely criti-
cized their associates and said the majority decision in effect pre-

Political Club s
View Election
Campus politicians will have a
choice of attending three events
today to review issues of the com-
ing election.
For those interested in the
groundworking of the campaign,
the Students for Stevenson Club
is meeting at 8 p.m. today in the
recreation room of the Hillel
Foundation to discuss "The Hu-
morous Side of Canvassing" and
"Operation Ballot Box."
* R *
DEMOCRATS and Republicans
will have a chance to hear both
sides of the question at the Inter-
national Relations Club debate,
"Resolved: that the foreign policy
of the Democratic administration
has been inadequate" at 7:45 p.m.
today in Rm. 2014 Angell Hall.
Speaking for the affirmative
side will be Ned Simon, '55, presi-
dent of the Young Republicans
Club. He will be opposed by Victor
Gladstone, '53, president of the
International Relations Club.
* * *
ON THE lecture platform, Dem-
ocratic congressional candidate
Prof. John Dawson of the Law
School will speak at the Young
Democrats meeting at 8 p.m. today
in the League.
All events are open to everyone
regardless of political affiliation.
Vulcans Tap
rNew Members
Mighty Vulcan, holding court in
his forge, Mt. Aetna, sat embitter-
ed at .man's misuse of his beloved
Then came to him his faithful
follower, saying, "Mighty Vulcan,
hear these candidates for admis-
sion to our Sacred Order." These
being engineers, the only forms of
mankind the god would hear, were
forthwith put to the test and, hav-
ing passed the ordeal and proven
their worthiness, were admitted.
Thus entered the Sacred Order
of nt cn 'Rnh rf: Tim TA,r

cipitated the strike. They said:
"It is not this board's job to create
Issuing their dissenting opin-
ion in the controversial case, the
six labor members said the rec-
ord of past WSB action clear-
ly made approval of the full
amount possible. The main
burden of their argument .was
that miners today do not get
three "fringe" benefits in effect
in many other industries.
Strong criticism of Lewis' re-
fusal to accept the wage board de-
cision came meanwhile from Rep.
Lucas (D-Tex.), member of the
House Labor Committee.
* * *
LUCAS issued a statement de-
claring that Lewis "for years ac-
cepted all the privileges accorded
him under the law and refused to
bear a portion of the responsi-
All but a scattering of Lewis'
375,000 soft coal miners stayed
home for the ninth straight day.
Government production figures in-
dicate a loss of 10 million tons of
soft coal for every week that the
United Mineworkers are idle.
World News
By the Associated Press
SEOUL -- Chinese Communist
troops, their ranks shattered by
an estimated 1,245 killed, yester-
day broke off their onslaughts on
Sniper Ridge which once carried
them to the crest.
There was little fighting else-
where on the 155-mile front.
CLEVELAND-Some children
have been saved from polio par-
alysis by shots of medicine made
from human blood, scientists an-
nounced yesterday.
"It is the first means of pro-
tecting man against paralytic
polio," Dr. William McD. Ham-
mon, University of Pittsburgh
epidemiologist, reported to the
American Public Health Associa-
TEHRAN, Iran-The British
hauled down the Union Jack and
removed the coat of arms from
their embassy's gate yesterday, a
formal signal that Iran had brok-
en diplomatic relations with Brit-

nations of the world have in the
fullness of freedom the right to
choose their own path."
Eisenhower's , statement was
interpreted in some quarters
abroad as a pledge of military
action. He has denied any such
Democrats accused Eisenhower
of proposing a war of liberation.
He said later that what he had in
mind should be accomplished by
peaceful means.
* .
IN OTHER Democratic cam-
paign action yesterday, President
Harry S. Truman in Pennsylvania
charged Eisenhower with waging a
false, hypocritical and circus bally-
hoo campaign that could lead to
"disaster for us and victory for
Truman declared the general is
willing to make politics out of the
Korean casualty lists. And he said:
"I cannot trust a man who has
played this kind of game with the
grave issues of our national se-
NAM Director
To TalkToday
Earl Bunting, managing director
of the National Association of
Manufacturers, will deliver a lec-
ture on the topic "Business is Peo-
ple" at 10 a.m. today in Rm. 130,
Business Administration Bldg.
Since 1945, Bunting has been
actively studying methods of im-
proving industry's distribution
process which was disrupted by
the war. Last year, as president of
NAM, he visited every state in the
union, in order to get first hand
contact with manufacturers and
businessmen, factory supervisory
employees, faculty members and

See Page 6
by violence or other methods
or which violates the fundamen-
tals of our accepted code of mor-
als or which violates recognizedf
rules of hospitality."
The revised version would de-
lete this part and substitute as
a pledge that no speech would be
given which "violates any of the
Regents rules concerning speak-
ers." In effect this applies the
same criteria now used by the
Lecture Committee in prejudging
The original pledge contained a
partial statement of the Regents'
criteria, but did not include the
provision that speakers may not'
be "subversive" and that speeches
must be of "educational value."
The revised pledge encompasses
these provisions.
THE CHIEF difference between
the present Lecture Committee
set-up and the proposal heard last
night is that the current system
employs prejudgment of speakers
by the Lecture group while the new
plan would institute postjudgment
by the Joint Judiciary Council of
speeches which allegedly violated
the Regents' by-law on speakers.
Last night's recommitment
action came partially because of
feeling that the proposed policy
was a change merely in admin-
istration of the Regents' rules
rather than a revision of their
content, and that student opin-
ion favored changes in content
rather than administration of
University laws.
When it is presented at the
Nov. 5 meeting, the report will
include the revised proposal of
last spring's plan, along with a
policy proposal which would'
change the content of the Regents'
rule and information on anti-
communist legislation.
This will enable the Legislature
to decide between several definite
proposals on the subject.
Senior Pictures
Today and tomorrow are the
last days to sign up for Senior pic-
A campus booth will be set up in
the Engineering Arch today. Ap-
pointments may also be made at
the Student Publications Bldg.
'from 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

I11 ToSpeak
In Detroit
Hits Dems for
By the Associated Press
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Re-
publican presidential nominee wills
visit Detroit tomorrow for what is
billed as one of his last three ma-
jor addresses before the election.
He will deliver his address at 9
p.m. in Masonic Temple. It will be
televised and broadcast nationally.
Aides said Eisenhower considers
his Detroit speech-on Korea-as
one of the most important ad-
dresses of his campaign.
IN TROY, N.Y., yesterday Gen.
Eisehower accused the Truman
administration of deliberately
adopting a policy of inflation that
imperiled the nation like "a con-
cealed minefield."
The Republican presidential
nominee charged that the pur-
pose was to win the next elec-
tion by making the people think
they had more money-though
it was worth less.
Eisenhower fired this blast in
an address prepared for delivery
at the Rensselaer Polytechnic In-
stitute field house.
,, , ,
HIS SPEECH in New York fol-
lowed a three-day New England
whistle stop tour in which he
slashed back at President Tru-,
man's charge that a Republican
victory would lead to an economic
He told cheering crowds in
Hartford, Conn., Springfield and
Pittsfield, Mass., yesterday that
prospects for both prosperity
and peace would be better under
a Republican administration.
"The inflation we suffer is not
an accident," Eisenhower declared
at Troy. "It is a policy."
And, he added in one of his stiff-
est attacks yet on the Democratic
"What they have done is to
cheapen our money and history
shows that this is always done
by administrations that care more
for the next election than for the
next generation."
M' Flasheard
A revision in the system to be
used in the flashcard section has
been announced by members of
the Wolverine Club.
Because the public address sys-
tem is not available, directions to
the flashcard section will be given
from the field by the cheerleaders.
Students in the Block "M" section
are asked to watch the cherlead-
ers at Saturday's game and listen
for instructions from the Block
"M" ushers who will be stationed
in the aisles.


Result in Construction

Twenty-five years of hopeful3
planning finally overcame a de-
pression and a world wear to make
possible the ripping up of the side-
walks near the Women's Athletic
However, the gaping pits yawn-
ing up at co-eds scurrying to
morning classes are part of a much
larger construction project. Into
these pits enormous steam-pipes
are being placed which will supply
heat to the new swimming pool
unit of the Women's Physical Edu-
cation Bldg.
CONSTRUCTION of the pool
unit will begin officially Saturday,
after President Harlan Hatcher
Fatality Mars
Ann Arbor's two year old safety
record was broken yesterday when
a car-truck collision took the life
of Ross S. Hague.
The accident, which was the
first since Oct. 2, 1950, took place
during the morning rush hour at
South Main St. and Stadium Blvd.
Hague lived at 915 W. Washington
Numerous awards have been ac-
corded Ann Arbor during their fa-
tality free period. This year, Ann
Arbor tied with Mansfield, O., and
Appleton, Wis., to lead the nation
in traffic safety among cities of
the 25,000-50,000 population group
for the first nine months.

and a group of guests initiate p
ground breaking. t
Dr. Margaret Bell, of the wo-
men's physical education de-
partment, has been trying to
get the project under way since
the 1920's. However, money for
the project has not been avail-
able until this year. The depres-
sion of the '30's, and World War
II halted all chances for previous t
The new pool unit, according tot
Dr. Bell, will be used to teach ther-t
apeutic exercises for the physically
handicapped and for water safety
instruction aside from ordinary3
* * *
DR. BELL explained that for the
past few years, women have been x
using men's swimming facilities
in the Union and the Intramural
Bldg. The new pool will end neces-
sity for this.
When the building is finished,
early next fall, it will be a three-
story structure, housing a six-
lane pool, with seating accomo-
dations for approximately 700
The ground breaking ceremon-
ies will. take place at 10:30 a.m.
Saturday at the site south of the
Women's Athletic Building.
Third Annual
Alumni .Band
Reunion Set
Former members of the Univer-
sity Marching Band will have an
opportunity to revive memories of
their days as bandsmen when they
return to campus this weekend for
the third annual band alumni re-
Those who arrive tomorrow
night will be the guests of the
Marching Band at Varsity Night,
the band-sponsored campus var-
iety show. Saturday, the 75 former
band members will hold a busi-
ness meeting at Harris Hall fol-
lowed by a rehearsal of all the old
graduates who will play with the
band at the Minnesota game that
The alumni section of the
band will sit in special seats on
the edge of the field at Satur-
day's game and will play along
with the marching band.
The activities of the marching
bands will include a half-time
show "The Legend of Paul Bun-
v an" by the 140-piece Minnesota

Years of Pool Plans

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
S* * *

Xf Tunisia
Fo BeAired
Lie Dismisses
American Aide
'he powerful UN Political Com-
nittee last night approved top
>illing for and immediate on
The vote was 51 in favor, five
Soviet bloc opposed and four coun-
ries abstaining.
THE COMMITTEE also voted
n give the number two spot on'
s work list to the Tunisia case
nd the third place to the dispute
ver 'Morocco.
A strong Soviet bloc drive to
put ahead of all other business
an omnibus Polish resolution on
Korea and other subjects was
beaten down overwhelmingly,
44 to 5.
The United States, Britain and
iance put up a solid front for
mmediate debate on Korea, al-
hough it is known among the del-
gations that Britain and Prance
would prefer to withhold any .defi-
ite decisions on Korea until after
he United States presidential
* * *
Ach6son is ready to lay before the
ommittee today a detailed re-
port on the entire armistice nego-
nations at Panmunjom.
He has shaped up a resolton
said to contain a' proposal for
the assembly to endorse the UN
stand-at Panmunjom and to ap-
peal to the Communists to a-
cept an armistice on UN terms.
Ernest A. Gross, United States,
told the committee that this coun
ry is "ready, willing and anxious"
o debate the Korean question and
to place before the assembly and
the world the facts of the matter.
In other U N developments
yesterday, Secretary-General Try-
gve Lie fired one American UN
employe who refused to answer
questions of the McCarran com-
mittee, suspended another and put
10 on special leave pending further
President Harlan Hatcher an-
nounced the appointment of 15
pro tem members of a committee
to operate and administer the new-
ly established Development Coun-
cil of the University yesterday.
The Development Council was
organized earlier this semesterIn
order to direct special fund rais-
ing activities, study financial
needs, and aid in University pub-
lic relations.
EARL H. CRESS, president of
the Ann Arbor Trust Company, is
chairman of the group that will
plan the Development Council's
operations until a permanent
council is organized and appointed
next year.
The group's first meeting will
be held Sunday at the Union, at
which time reports will be de-
livered on the progress to date
in planning each of the five
main units of the develpment

These units include programs
directed toward seeking support
from alumni, foundations, corpo-
rations. individual special gift
'prospects and through bequests,
This is all being done to improve
the University's financial position
and alumni relations.
Other members of the commit-
tee pro tem include Wyeth Allen,
president of the Globe-Union Inc.
of Milwaukee, Wis.; Joseph V. Bra-

Politics Split N.Y. Tribune Convention


Daily Feature Editor
NEW YORK (Special)-That old devil-presidential politics-
finally reared its ugly head at the closing session of the New York
Herald Tribune Forum Tuesday night.
Political speakers for both major parties proceeded from the outset
of the session to knock the props from under the high plane of earlier
sessions, with a bitterly divided audience of 2,200 booing and cheering
throughout the evening.
IGNORING FOREIGN POLICY pundit Walter Lippman's warn-
ing in the opening address to neither do nor say anything in this elec-
tion campaign "which cannot be forgiven when the votes have been
counted," Democratic and Republican partisans crossed viewpoints
harshly on predictions of the election outcome.
It remained for the candidates themselves, Gen. Eisenhower in

ALMOST IMMEDIATELY afterwards the political battle took
over, when Beardsley Ruml, finance chairman of the Democratic Na-
tional Committee, and Lewis W. Douglas, former ambassador to the
Court of St. James, told *why they switched to Stevenson and Eisen-
hower, respectively.
Ruml, the author of the "pay-as-you-go" tax formula, said
that he had changed his mind after Gen. Eisenhower "embraced
the obsolete and irresponsible economic doctrine of Taft & Co.
-progress through catastrophe, prosperity through depression,
security through unemployment."
Douglas retorted with the charge that the Democrats "must be
held accountable" for the political arrangements of Yalta, which
"had the combined effects of pushing the western frontiers of the
Soviet empire deep into the heart of Europe and dividing Germany
in half."
Other speakers at the final Forum session were: Donald W.
EtvoldL Republican candidate for attorney-general of Washington;

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