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October 22, 1952 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-22

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Hill Auditorium


ShowWill Feature Guest Stars
*; * * * *

League Aids
'U' Women.

Union Homecoming Dance
To Welcome Back Alumni

Collins, Little
Present Acts
"Little Jack Little and his or-
chestra and Eddie Collins, the pop-
ular banjo artist, will be brought to
the Hill Auditorium stage at 8:15
p.m. on Friday for the 14th annual
Varsity Night announced Dean
Walter Rea yesterday.
During the student talent show
Little and Collins will appear in
their professional roles as guest
x stars of the University Bands.
* * *
"LITTLE" Jack Little, billed as
"radio's cheerful little earful," is
prdminent among America's song
comrposers, pianists and band lead-
Little's first song, "Jealous,"
was written in the early 20's and
vas followed by such hits as
' Ting-a-Ling," "My Missouri
Home," "Shanty in Old Shanty
Town," "Hold Me" and "Baby
" Parade."
His orchestral style furnishes a
tuneful, impressive background for
the piano acrobatics and baritone
vocals of its versatile maestro.
* * *
LITTLE and his musicians were
headlined in many theatres and
hotels from coast to coast during
1934 to 1940. The University
brought Little's band from the
Palmer House in Chicago for the
} Senior Ball in 1935.
Little's intimate style of blues
crooning made him nationally
popular as the whispering croon-
er. His radio show and record-
ings pointed him as one of the
top orchestra men of the 1930's
and because of his unusual style,
x he is well remembered today.
The other half of the profes-
sional act will feature Eddie Col-
lins and his banjo.
STRUMMING his banjo for sev-
eral seasons with Art Mooney's or-
chestra, Collins has become a pop-
ular club and hotel entertainer,
working mostly in Detroit and Chi-
cago areas.
According to many music crit-
ics the banjo style of Collins ri-
vals that of the famous "Banjo
King," Eddy Peabody.
This year eight student acts will
take to the spotlight before the
Hill crowd.
Alley Cats, currently playing at the
Union's "Little Club," will start
the show with their jazz versions


n Activities

C 1 M1


* * *C
of current popular favorites while
the Jay Mills-Bernie Kahn comedy
duo will attempt to bat a thousand
on the laugh meter with their col-
lege antics.
Taking to thea microphone,
Stella Peralti will sing such
semi-classical selections as "Love
Is Where You Find It" and
Nancy McCormick will do a turn
about with her contrasting nov-
elty version of "Smoke, Smoke,
Smoke That Cigarette."
The wiggling, shuffling charles-
ton dance group will consist of
Joan Hegener, Jan Gast. Jean
Parker, Bob Cutting, Art Rooks
and Berl Lesperance.
* * *
WITH THE AID of bongo
drums, Bob Barrett will present
an unusual dance routine. Also
included in this variety act is a
trombone quintet consisting of
Jerry Bilik, Don Browne, Joe
Moore, Dave Green and Les Kolbe.
String bass player Ben Pat.
terson will also accompany the


> *k *m *
quintet with his hour glass
shaped instrument.
Dave Calahan, Bob McGarth,
Dick Frank and Ara Berberian
will join voices as the "Novel-
aires" with the string bass accom-
paniment by AubreyTobin.
THE NOVELAIRES is the vocal
group that was formed of last
year's Gulantic winners, the Eve-
Concluding the program Janet
Dixner will harness her accor-
dian to play the popular "Mal-
aguena" and "Czardas."
Sparking showcase tunes played
by the University concert Band un-
der the baton of Prof. William D.
Revelli be the core of this year's
Varsity Night performance.
.* *
ALONG WITH stirring football
marches such as "Varsity," the
band, will play selections from
"The King and I" and "The World
Is Waiting For The Sunrise." Ray
Young will also be featured in a
baritone solo.
Emcee duties at the mike will
be split between Freshman coach
Wally Weber, Donn Chown from
WJR, Detroit, and Steve Filipiak
of WHRV in Ann Arbor.
Tickets for the talent show are
now on sale in the League, Union,
local music stores and Harris Hall
or may be purchased from any
band member.
Ticket sales will also be carried
on all day Friday on the diagonal
and at the Hill Box Office. All
tickets are 75 cents.
Proceeds from the show are used
by the three University bands,
Marching, Varsity and Symphony,
to aid in carrying on their activi-

Several Groups Form
Unit Which Carries on
Varied Coed Projects
EDITOR'S NOTE: this is the third
in a series of articles on women's
activities on campus.
"A good beginning goes a long
way," said Alice Mencher when
she launched the 1952 Orientation
As head of the Orientation Com-
mittee, Alice had the tremendous
job of setting up a program that
would help to acquaint men and
women students with their new
Alma Mater.
PART of a freshman woman's
"good beginning" at this Universi-
ty is knowing just what the Wom-
en's League stands for and what
functions it performs for every
By getting an over-all view
of the League as a whole unit,
the new student is better quali-
fled to participate in its activ-
ities, and to benefit from its cul-
tural and civic training.
One of the purposes of this ar-
ticle is to present the League as an
interrelated and co-operative net-
work of organizations.
* * *
COMPRISING the framework of
the League are the Executive
Board, the Administrative Com-
mittees, and the Associated Or-
Probably the busiest woman
on the Executive Board is the
president, Phyllis Kaufman.
Phyllis' job is to direct and co-
ordinate all the activities that
go on in the League, and to act
as an adviser and director for
her cabinet.
Six other members including
a vice-president, secretary, and
treasurer carry ondthe duties of
the Executive Board.
TWELVE separate groups fall
under the head of the Administra-
tive Committees. Many of these
committees that are known to the
students are Junior Girls' Play,
Sophomore Cabaret, Dance Class
Committee, Social Committee, and
League House Judiciary Council.
Most of the widespread activ
ities that go on in the League
are functioning plans of the
twelve administrative commit-
Each one of the groups is fur-
ther divided into numerous office
holding and membership positions.
. * *
FOR EXAMPLE, on the Orien-
tation Committee, are five regular
officers and some two hundred vol-
unteer workers who served as ori-
entation leaders this fall.
The third part of the League's
framework is made up of the
five Associated Organizations.
Familiar to every student are
Assembly Association, Panhellenic
Association, Women's Athletic As-
sociation, Women's Glee Club, and
Women's Page of the Michigan
* * *
is a member of Assembly Associa-
tion. On the agenda of Assembly
activities are the "traditionals,"
A-Hop, Assembly Fortnite, Assem-
bly Ball, and Frosh Weekend.
Panhellenic Association rep-
resents all the affiliated women
on the campus. Projects which
Panhellenic support are Panhel-
lenic Ball, Variety Show, Pan-
hellenic Workshop, and Student-
Faculty Hours.
In describing the framework of
the League, a very vital part has

not been overlooked. It seems only
appropriate that Miss Ethel A.
McCormick, better known as "Miss
Mac," should be saved for the last.
"Miss Mac," Social Director, is
probably one of the best known
women in the League. Regardless
of the activity going on, students
will always find Miss Mac there
directing and supervising.
Besides her regular duties, Miss
Mac also finds time to listen to
problems and offer guidance to
coeds. The picture of the League as
a whole unit would be incomplete
without someone like "Miss Mac."
Hair Cuts $1.50
$20 Permanents $15

-Daily-Larry Wilk
PIANO ARTISTRY-Hal Singer at the piano will be a feature
of South Quadrangle's "The Extra Point," to be presented from
9 p.m. to midnight Saturday in the League. Fifteen minutes of
Singer's piano artistry will be broadcast on a local radio network.
The dance will also feature the music of Don Bari and his twelve-
piece orchestra.
i *~ * *
'The Extra Point' To Offer
Musical Stylings of Singer

Homecoming Union style will be
presented from 9 p.m. to midnight
on Saturday in the Union Ball-
room as the "U" plays host to Min-
nesota in the traditional "Little
Brown Jug" football contest.
Sponsored by the Union Stu-
dent Offices, the dance is slated
to provide entertainment for re-
turning alums as well as the stu-
dent body.
ALUMNUS Bill Gail, '40, and his
band are returning to the campus
site to entertain couples at the
Union Homecoming festivities.
Gail, who attended the Music
School here, directed his band
at many League and Union
dances as well as at a variety of
fraternity and sorority func-
Tickets for this special Union
dance will be $1.50 per couple and
may be purchased at the main
desk in the Union lobby.
* * *
OTHER earmarks of the coming
Homecoming have been appearing
on campus all week along with the
Union preparations.
Student carpenters have been
busy with hammers and saws for
several days in preparation for
the judging of Homecoming dis-
plays while various houses on
campus have been making spe-
cial arrangements for gala
Homecoming parties.
Homecoming seems to be the
forgotten holiday as far as campus
historians are concerned, howev-
* * *
OLD RECORDS indicate that
homecoming began as far back as
1897 when the alumni came back
to campus to play the Varsity foot-
ball team. Beyond those facts, the
why and wherefore of the event
is a mystery.
Alumni Association officials
have expressed the belief that
IFC has something to do with
its beginning. As an old issue of
The Daily concurred, stating
that IFC formally established
the day in 1933.
The IFC office belives that
Homecoming may have grown out
of Founders Day, a day when qld
Square Dance
The Fglk and Square Dance
Dance Club, a co-recreational,
WAA sponsored group, will
meet from 8 to 10 p.m. tonight
in the WAB. Any interested stu-
dents are welcome to attend.

,lcro'44 Campu4c



grad affiliates come back to cam-
pus en masse to honor the found-
ers of their fraternities.
Files of the Michigan Historical
Collection also failed to yield any-
thing further.
One explanation remains. Old
newspapers reveal the fact that
University alumni flocked back to
campus for the Union anniversary
dinners which were held each fall.
This, and the freshman sophomore
football games and rallies, could
have gradually combined and come
to be the Homecoming observance
we know today.

In a special broadcast straight
from the Michigan League, Hal
Singer will be featured on a local
radio network while he entertains
couples at "The Extra Point,"
South Qaudrangle's all-campus
dance scheduled from 9 p.m. to
midnight Saturday in the League.
The entire sceond floor of the
League will be available for couples
to dance to the music of Singer in
the Hussey Room and Don Bari
and his orchestra in the main ball-
SINGER is a familiar name on
campus as he has been in Ann Ar-
bor ince 1947, and has entertained
students at a variety of affairs
ranging from dances and parties
to banquets.
He will play his own arrange-
Paul McDonough
To Provide Music
At East Quad BalII
Adding spice to the Homecoming
festivities, East Quad will sponsor
a "victory" ball from 9 p.m. to mid-
night Saturday at the Quad.
Although the dance is not reg-
istered with the Office of Students
Affairs as an all campus affair, it is
open to all East Quaders and their
invited guests.
To keep the students in a gay
mood, Paul McDonough and his
orchestra will play danceable
Dixieland, Latin American, and
current hit paradae favorites.
McDonough, a law school stu-
dent, composed one of the hit
tunes of last year's Union Opera
and will also lend his talents in
writing to this year's show.
This five piece band has been
featured at many social functions
and was recently in the spotlight
at last week's I-Hop.
Souvenir snatchers will be able
to walk home with miniature
brown jugs that will decorate the
dining rooms in accordance with
the Jug-A-Lug theme.
Tickets priced at $1.25 per
couple may be purchased from
the house social chairman or at
the door the night of the dance.
Refreshments will be served to
the dancers during the evening.

ments of such numbers as "Ten-
derly" and "Wish You Were
Here," for the broadcast.
In 1948 he was arranger for the
"Feeble Four," a barber shop quar-
tet. At the same time he held down
the top tenor position, and once in
a while changed over to bass.
* .
THIS aggregation did a fair
amount of singing around campus
and especially for talent shows.
Singer composed half the mu-
sic for the two Union Operas,
Lace It Up in 1950 and Go West,
Madam in 1951.
Before he came to campus his
music was featured in a hotel in
New York state. The pianist was
formerly associated with a local
network and presented three shows
each week.
SINGER will play as many re-
quests as possible for both danc-
ing and singing in the Hussey room
for the couples who attend the
The quad dance will be pre-
sented the evening of the Home-
coming displays and game as a
result of the postponement of
the annual dance sponsored by
the Student Legislature.
In keeping with the name of the
dance, "The Extra Point," cider
will be served to couples, after a
gala day of Homecoming festivi-
Special lighting effects will be
created to place an emphasis on
the orchestra in the main ball-
room. Clyde Rowley, chairman of
the dance will take charge of this
project. Rowley is lighting direc-
tor of the Student Players.
"The Extra Point" will be an in-
formal dance, and is open to the
entire campjus. Tickets are on sale
for the price of $2 on the Diag-
onal, Angell Hall and in South

Reg. 10.95 robes - now . . $876
Reg. 14.95 robes - now . ..11
Save 2.19 to 2.99 on warm wool plaid
long-fringe blanket robes, ideal for
football games, auto or home. Small size in
blue, red or green. Larg esize in green, blue,
red or gold. The large size carrying case
has adjustable shoulder strap.

be a League council meeting at
4:30 today in the League. All mem-
bers are urged to attend.
SOPH CAB-Dance tryouts for
Soph Cab will be held from 7:30 to
9:30 p.m. tonight. Singing and
dramatics tryouts will be conduct-
ed from 3 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to
9:30 p.m. tonight. All tryouts will
take place in the League.
* * *
One hundred girls are needed to
register at the League Undergrad-
uate Office now for interviews to
be held by a nationally-known sil-
ver company.
The firm will display their com-
plete line of silver Friday, Octo-
ber 31, at the League. The girls
will look at the silver and write
down their preferences and opin-
ions of the. various patterns.
Later each girl will be inter-
viewed by company representa-
tives for five minutes regarding
her preferences.
for the position of manager of the
Town and Country Club, sponsored
by the Women's Athletic Associa-
tion, will be due at 5 p.m. Thurs-
day in Nancy Fitch's box in the
League Undergraduate Office.
Those petitioning may sign up
for interviews at that time. Inter-
viewing will be held Thursday and
Friday. Both men and women are
eligible for this position, as the
Town and Country Club is. one of
the WAA's eight co-recreational
Petitions are available now In
the Leauge Undergraduate Office
and in Rm. 15, Barbour Gym.



4J 1WA

for Ladies

No Appointments Needed
Four Stylists l
The Dascola Barbers
Near Michigan Theater





Descriptively: decidedly elegant
. . . This coat dress flatters from
its wing sleeves to its flowing
BLACK-royal or green
cross dye ottoman . .
c fashion find at 14.95.
DOZENS of other dress-
?I <(estfrom 14.95 to 35.00.
Sizes 9-15, 10-44; also

A notice to those girls who are
helping their husbands obtain
their college training,
have an important responsibility in helping your hus-
band further his career. It is up to you to choose a
position that offers stability, good wages, and a chance
Co advance. -

f ", 1




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