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October 22, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-22

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Ike Attacks
Red Threat
During Tour
Stevenson Talks
On World Trade
By the Associated Press
The Republican and Democratic
presidential candidates continued
their wide open campaigns yester-
day, as Eisenhower blasted Com-
munism in Boston and Stevenson
said, in Chicago, that world peace
cannot be won "by an interna-
jional giveaway program."
Eisenhower, in an address before
one of the greatest outpourings of
his entire campaign, blasted "god-
less Communism" as a terrible
danger that must be repulsed and
emphasized that his ideas on the
Soviets were "not of the Yalta
or Potsdam kind."
A police estimated throng rang-
ing from 50,000 to 100,000 persons
roared a welcome to Eisenhower
as he gave a backhand slap to the
Republican presidential can-
didate Dwight D. Eisenhower
will give a speech over Detroit
station WWJ at 10 p.m. today.
Democratic administration record
in addressing the crowds of pre-
dominantly Irish - Catholic and
anti-Communist Bostonites.
* * *
HE SAID his reasons for oppos-
ing Communism were not theoret-
"They are not based just on
reading books by Marx and Len-
in and Stalin," he said. "They
were reinforced by some first-
hand experiences with Commu-
nism and Communists... ."
GOV. STEVENSON, speaking on
a nation-wide television and radio
program at the inception of a
4,221-mile final campaign swing,
said that the solution of world
trade problems may promise a
greater chance for peace than an
"international giveaway program."
The Illinois governor said that
military force alone will not
bring the world to tranquility.
Instead, he said the free nations
must strike at the "basic roots"
He defined these as "poverty,
ignorance and poltical instability."
"These are not to be found in
any international give-away pro-
gram," he said. "A great part of
the answer lies in trade."
Stevenson said that the U. S.
cannot go on indefinitely ex-
porting dollars abroad.
"If we can counteract the ef-
fects of poverty, counteract the
effects of ignorance, we shall have
made long strides toward elimi-
nating the threats of both war and
of Communist expansion," he de-

Potter Attacks CIO
Control of Dems

-Daly-Larry Wilk
. .. "the Democratic party is only a veneer"
* * ** * * *

Rep. Charles Potter, who is run-
ning for Senator on the GOP tick-
et, last night told county Repub-
licans that the State Democratic
party has been captured and kid-
napped by a few UAW-CIO labor
Speaking before more than 150
people in the American Legion
Hall, the senatorial candidate
said, "This is not a contest between
Discussion Group~
Announces Topic
"The Freshman Year" will be
the topic of the first literary col-
lege conference of the semester
scheduled for October 30.
The discussion group, which is
open toall students and faculty,
will air the problems of the fresh-
man education, its value, the con-
nection it has with later educa-
tion and possiblilities for improve-
The choice of the topic was
Ulade by the literary college con-
ference student steering commit-
tee at a meeting yesterday.
Political Debate
"Resolved that the foreign pol-
icy of the Democratic administra-
tion has been inadequate" is the
topic of a debate to be held by the
International Relations Club at
7:45 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 2014
Angell Hall.

Republicans and Democrats, for
the Democrats are putting country
ahead of party and coming over
to join us."
HE CHARGED that the national
Democratic party is being support-
ed by four main pillars:
1. The Americans for Demo-
cratic Action, who, he main-
tained, take delight in chastis-
ing the House Un-American
Activities Committee (of which
Potter is a member) and the
FBI, and who, he said, support-
ed the eleven convicted Commu-
nist leaders.
2. The CIO Political Action
Committee, which "uses labor
funds for advantage of a few top
3. Big City machines, "such as
that run by Jake Arvey in Chi-
4. The Solid South, which
"they don't pay much attention to
.* * *
IN THE STATE, Potter main-
tained, the Democratic party no
longer exists except "as a veneer
to cover such string-pullers as CIO
leader Walter Reuther."
"Reuther and Gov. Williams
Joined hands in 1947 to capture
the party and throw out the
'Old Guard' Democrats," he said,
and cited the conduct of Wil-
liams and Sen. Blair Moody at
the national convention along
with the "blood on the pave-
ment" conventions in Wayne
County, as evidence.
Rep. Potter quoted former State
Democratic Committee Chairman
George Fitzgerald as saying that
these 1948 conventions allowed
"the Socialists to take over the
Democratic party by using Com-
munist methods."
Earlier in the evening, county
GOP candidates were introduced,
and, following Potter's speech,
State Rep. Lou Christman spoke on
Vulcans Call
Mighty Vulcan, holding court
in his forge, Mt. Aetna, set em-
bittered at man's misuse of his be-
loved fire. Then came to him his
faithful;followers, saying, "Mighty
Vulcan, hear these candidates for
admission to our Sacred Or-
der. . "

NY Forum
Hears Adlai,
Discuss Foreign
Aid Programs
NEW Y6RK (AP) - The two
presidential candidates, Dwight D.
Eisenhower and Adlai E. Steven-
son, last night addressed separate
messages to the Herald Tribune's
Annual Forum.
Stevenson, the Democratic can-
didiate, spoke from Chicago in a
nation-wide television and radio
address prepared for the Forum
*, *
EISENHOWER, the Republican
nominee, appeared before the For-
um to urge "a new economic alli-
ance of free nations" to confound
the Kremlin's prediction of eco-
nomic doom for the free world.
"I think we should take a new
look at this economic world of
ours," said the General in his
prepared speech. "I think that,
in concert with our closest al-
lies, a long-term, consistent pro-
gram should be produced, direct-
ing all of our economic power to-
ward reviving free world econ-
omies and trade as a whole,
instead of restricting our con-
cern to emergency relief and
isolated, piece-meal actions."
Stevenson dwelt on America's
bid for world peace and said it
must never succumb "to the eco-
nomic reactionaries and to the
hate and hysteria mongers."
He proposed that this nation
"use our economic strength
wisely and carefully to help
other nations grow in well-being
and thus to strengthen their free
Eisenhower spoke of Soviet
Russia's efforts to disrupt the free
world's economy.
He said Moscow's aims forbid
us to contemplate keeping Japan
and Western Germany "on , per-
manent subsistence level through
annual hand-outs which serve
only to prolong the agony without
curing the disease"
UN Rebukes
Russian Germ
The United States and the West-
ern majority Tuesday rebuffed
two attempts by Russia to have
Red China and North Korea take
part in UN General Assembly de-
bate on germ warfare charges
against the U.S.
Disregarding repeated cries by
Soviet Delegate Andrei A. Gro-
myko that the U.S. was taking a
"cowardly" attitude, the assem-
bly voted 46 to 5 against a Rus-
sian proposal to dispatch invita-
tions immediately to the Commu-
nist non-members of the UN.
Earlier in the day U.S. Ambas-
sador Ernest A. Gross succeeded
in choking off debate on the pro-
posed invitations in the Steering
Committee, contending that the
60-nation Political Committee was
the place to talk about such a
A resolution offered by the Unit-
ed States for the U.N. to set up a
commission to investigate the

charges of germ warfare touched
off an explosive debate. Gromyko
said he did not oppose the reso-
lution provided the UN invited the
Red Chinese and the North Ko-
reans to take part in it here.

Jim Labes, '54, and Pete
Lardner, '53E, were appointed
by the Student Legislature Cab-
inet yesterday to fill the two va-
cant posts on Men's Judiciary.
The:two will serve on the Ju-
diciary until the spring term
when new selections are made.
Final approval of the appoint-
ments will probably be made by
the entire Student Legislature
The selections were made to
bring the seven man judiciary
to full strength. Members also
serve part of the time on the
Joint Judiciary Council.
Reds Drive
UN Forces
Off IKey .Hill
By the Associated Press
" Two Chinese Red battalions ear-
ly today drove South Koreans off
the highest point on Sniper Ridge
in a battle of baypnets and hand
South Koreans quickly opened
a counterattack seeking to win
back the height, Pinpoint Hill, in
Central Korea.
S* *
THE REDS battled to the top
of Pinpoint during their third at-
tack on Sniper Ridge in 12 hours.
An earlier report that the South
Koreans had beaten off the third
assault proved incorrect.
A front line dispatch said the
Reds forced the South Koreans
to withdraw from Pinpoint to
the south slope of Sniper Ridge
at 6:10 a.m.
Meanwhile in Formosa, Chiang
Kai-shek yesterday endorsed a
manifesto from the Kuomintang-
Nationalist China's ruling political
party-urging the West to "give
us the tools and we will finish the
job" of reconquering Red China.
2h 2 .
THE VETERAN Nationalist
leader in an unprecedented general
news conference made clear the
manifesto represented his govern-
ment's views and called for a com-
mon front of the East and West
against Communism.
In Washington, Secretary of
Defense Lovett said yesterday
the Pentagon has overruled an
order by the Far East Command
extending the period troops must
serve in the line in Korea before
becoming eligible for rotation
back home.
In another home front an-
nouncement, an army ordnance
expert, taking issue with a maga-
zine article charging that obsolete
weapons are being used by troops
in Korea, said such stories can
cause low morale and be "inimical
to the conduct of the war."
Women Voters
To HearTalk
Marie C. Berger, a Washington,
D. C. attorney, will speak at 1:45
p.m. today during the League of
Women Voters United Nations
Luncheon at the Union instead
of Harding F. Bancroft, the pre-
viously scheduled speaker.
Due to an unforeseen conflict
in scheduling Bancroft, deputy
U. S. representative of the United
Nations Collective Measures Com-
mittee, was compelled to cancel
his appearance and talk on "The
United Nations and the Cold War."

Miss Berger is legal counsel for
the government's Point Four pro-
gram and is a former senior at-
torney for the Office of Price Ad-
ministration. The meeting is open
to the public.

Mine Workers Charged
THold Out for $1.90


-Daily-Larry Wilk
SLP CANDIDATE-Dick Lewis, '53, of the Michigan Journalist
(left), talks with Eric Hass, Socialist Labor Party presidential
candidate, while local SLP organizer John Zywicki, looks on.
Hass met with several local newspapermen prior to a radio broad-
cast last night.
SLP Nominee Brings
Campaign to Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor saw its second presidential nominee in four days as
Socialist Labor candidate Eric Hass outlined his party's four-pronged
plan for the reorganization of society in a dinner meeting with repre-
sentatives of the local press last night.
Based on the assumption that the existing capitalistic structure
is leading us to a revolutionary crisis, the SLP program calls for:
1) Collective ownership of property by all the people.
2) Production for the satisfaction of human needs rather than
for sales and profits.
3) Democratic management by workers rather than "despotic
4) Workers' government based on industrial classification rather
"than the political state based on

Uanion Boss
Blasts WSB
Pay Decision
PITTSBURGH - (IP) - The na-
tion's 327,000 striking coal miners
were told yesterday by John L.
Lewis to stick it out until they get
the full $1.90 a day pay boost he
negotiated with the coal industry.
About 85 per cent of Lewis' 375,-
000 United Mine Workers are re-
fusing to work because the Wage
Stabilization Board lopped 40
cents from the pay increase. The
walkout began Monday, the first
working day since the WSB's ac-
tion. Their work stoppage already
has idled 7,500 railroaders.
* * *
IN A HARSHLY worded letter,
Lewis told Harry M. Moses, chief
ndustry negotiator, that:
"We have a contract. We ex-
pect your compliance with its
Miners will work when you hon-
or its provisions. If you do not like
the contemptible action of the
NAM (National Association of
Manufacturers) labor baiters and
the little Harvard professor and
his quavering trio, appeal and ask
for review and reversal. You are
the sole petitioner and plaintiff."
* * *
vard professor was taken to mean
Archibald Cox, WSB chairman and
Harvard law professor.
Only Monday, Moses urged
Lewis to order a work return.
Moses is president of the Bi-
tuminous Coal Operators As-
sociation. He told Lewis it was
not the operators fault they
could not meet their contract
Lewis' reply said:
"Naturally miners resent such
attempted thievery. Miners are
people, Mr. Moses. They .ave
children. Children need milk. The
40 cents would buy milk each day.
You of all men should know that
the mineworkers will fight to pro-
tect the milk supply of their fam-
* * *
LEWIS' sentiments were echoed
in the coal fields.
"We're determined to hold
out for the $1.90," declared
President E. B. Hossle of the
UMW local at Acme, W. Va. He
"That's what was negotiated and
that's what we're going to get,"
At Baltimore, the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad reported it is lop-
ping off the equivalent of 4,700
workmen as a direct result of the
coal strike. Involved are train
crews who handle coal trains and
workers who maintain equipment.
The B. and O. said a general
coal strike usually cuts its coal
traffic from an average of 2,600
cars a day to 600 cars.
President Frank D. Beale of the
Virginian Railway said at Rich-
mond that half the company's 4,000
employes will be laid off by the
end of the week if the strike con-
Daily To Poll
'U' Professors
Columbia faculty members favor
Stevenson; would University pro-
fessors agree or disagree?
The Daily will be taking a presi-
dential preference poll of the fac-
ulty today and tomorrow to find
out. Questionnaires will be dis-
tributed in faculty mail boxes and
cooperation in filling out the

blanks and returning them imme-
diately to department secretaries
will be appreciated.
A pre-convention poll taken in
the summer showed faculty mem-
bers to be predominantly Repub-
lican, but an overwhelming num-
ber picked Stevenson- over other
ontenders for the Democratic
Results of the current pre-elec-
tion poll will be published as soon
as they are tabulated.
Painters Walk Off
At Vets' Hospital

Public Invited
To Visit New
SL Quarters

Student Legislature



open its new quarters for aI

Yehudi* Menuhin To Give
Concert at Hill Tonight
Yehudi Menuhin, world-renown-
ed violinist who will appear at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium, has
played concerts in every country
in the world except China- and
Much of his travel came about
as a result of a tour he made dur-
ing the war playing benefit con-
certs for any groups who needed
his help.
In Australia, during one sum-
mer, he and his sister Hephzibah z.
gaveha joint piano-violin recital
t which raised $50,000 for the relief
of war victims. His contributions
to the war effort continued until{
the end of hostilities.
AT THE request of General Eis- YEHUD IMENUHIN
enhower, he once played in Ant- ."" violin virtuoso
werp, Rotterdam and other cities
while the guns were still roaring concert will include the Sonata
in the suburbs. No. 7 in C minori by Beethoven
Besides his skill as an artist, Sonata No. 3 in G (for violin alone)
Menuhin is noted for the exten- by Bartok; Concerto No. 1 in D
sive musical research he has major by Paganini; Prayer from
done in first editions of musical "Te Deum" by Handel; Slavonic
manuscripts. He has discovered, Dances by Dvorak-Kreisler, "Hab-
played and recorded much un- anera" by Ravel, and "Perpetual
known and unfamiliar music. Motion" by Novacek.
His interest in the "urtext,' or
first edition scores was aroused on Petitioning Open
his eighth birthday, when his par- P__

giant housewarming from 4 to G
p.m. tomorrow.
Everyone on campus is invited to'
inspect the new offices which are
located in the old Journalism Bldg.
at 512 S. State. Sandwiched be-
tween the Administration Bldg.
and the Union, the new student
government headquaters is right
in the center of campus.
The housewarming was planned
to give the whole campus a chance
to meet and talk to their 50 SL
Opera Production
Tryouts To Meet.
There will be a tryout meeting
of the production department of
the Union Opera at 4:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Rm. 3A of the Union,
Dick Roth, '54, announced

The 47-year-old presidential
candidate emphasized that the last
point was the most important part
of the program because, in his be-
lief, "the only safe place for power
to reside is in the rank and file."
* * *
MAINTAINING that "capitalism
is on the moral defensive as slav-
ery was 100 years ago," Hass ex-
plained that the present economic
system "keeps workers on the rag-
ged edge of poverty," and added
that war was the only factor which
was keeping capitalists prosperous.
Founded in 1892 by Daniel De
Leon, an intellectual disciple of
Marx and Engels, the SLP has
participated in every presiden-
tial election since that time. On
the ballot in 22 states this year,
the Party expects to garner more
than the 40,000 votes which were
cast for it in 1948.
However, the primary emphasis
of the group is on education rath-
er than "office seeking" and they
participate in elections mainly to
keep the way open for govern-
mental change by the democratic
process of the ballot.

ProposalMade To End Commerce Barriers

Daily Feature Editor
NEW YORK (Special)-A bat-
tery of Americans, leading figures
in the world of trade and finance,
told the New York Herald Tribune
Forum Monday that the United
States must re-examine its inter-
national trade policies with em-
phasis upon the elimination of all
artificial barriers to trade between
the free nations ofthe world.
The barriers must be knocked
dw.most o- f the s~pakers ai'PPd

exchange of capital and
goods for raw materials.
* u* *


AT THE SAME time speakers
called on foreign nations to create
a favorable climate for American
investment abroad and to drop
their own trade barriers against
American goods.
Opening the second session of
the forum in the Grand Ball-
room of the Waldorf-Astoria
Hotel, Ambassador William H.

cedures." This country must buy
more from Europe and at the same
time Europe must produce much
more, he asserted.
Hailing the "great strides we
have made in the past two years
in strengthening our military de-
fenses," Draper warned that long-
ranged progress depended on Eur-
ope finding a means of "earning
it way in the world, and of assur-
ing a decent standard of living to
its people; without large scale out-

Broadcasting System, pointed
out the handwriting on the eco-
nomic wall for the United States:
"The supply of low-cost raw
materials is not keeping up with
our economy. This materials
problem bears down with special
force on an industrial nationi
like the United States."
Paley, who headed President
Truman's Materials Policy Com-
mission, emphasized that the So-
viets are using this pressing need

action against barriers to world
trade-and lower our own." He
said we should "explore with
producers and consumers alike
what can be done to lessen the
damage done by boom and bust
cycles of world commodity
The ultimate goal, Paley stress-
ed, is a secure source of raw ma-
terials for the burgoning needs of
this country and economic growth
for its suppliers.

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