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October 11, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-11

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Ike Launches Drive To Win
Support of Independents

For several reasons Gen. Dwight D. Eis-
nhower's invasion of this pivotal state
larks a crucial turning point in his cam-
aign for the Presidency.
Perhaps the most important reason was.
Indicated by one of the little group of
men who huddle all day long in this
train's rear car, preparing the candidate's
briefing and revising his speeches.
"We've been through the valley' of the
hadow," he said, "and now comes our time."
This curious figure of speech, so sugges-
ye of inner pain, referred to the General's
mrs through the Mid-West, with all their
istasteful accompaniments. Neither Gen.
isenhower nor the majority of the ad-
isers and politicians in his entourage have
much enjoyed the process of compromise
ith the Republican organizations in "Taft
The General has certainly gone whole
log to compormise and to conciliate. On
foreign policy, he was a Vandenberg Re-
publican In Michigan but almost a Dirk-
sen Republican in Illinois. Before enter-
ng Wisconsin he prepared a Milwaukee
speech including a high tribute to Gen.
Marshall which no doubt intjided to hint
at least a qualified disapproval of Gen.
Marshall's traducer, Sen. Joseph McCar-
thy. But the tribute to Gen. Marshall -was
never spoken at Milwaukee, where Eisen-
hower ,said a great deal more about the
need to suppress the Communist conspir-
ay than about the need to preserve poli-
ical decencies and individual rights.
Both the General himself and the meti
round him are visibly defensive about these
nd other compromises and conciliations. So
m told that the General had to use all his
lf-control not to strike Sen. William Jen-
er, when this cut-rate Sen. McCarthy, who
as also called Gen. Marshall a traitor, al-
iost embraced Eisenhower on the platform
, Indianapolis. After the Indianapolis
.eeting, it is stated, Eisenhower informed
is staff that he could not take many more
Kperiences like Jenner's public pawings.
Eisenhower himself, of course, has said
othing of this sort away from the privacy
his rear car. But when he has discussed
te course of the campaign with larger
oups, he has gone out of the way to ex-
wse his compromises as essential under the
vo-party system. The danger of "European
linter parties" is one of his favorite
emes. The need to conciliate sharply con-
icting Republican viewpoints, and thus to
eserve the two-party system and avoid'
European splinter parties," is much em-
California is a turning point,'or at least

Is expected to be a turning point, pre-
cisely because the task of uniting the sore-
ly divided Republican party is now re-
garded as finished. The Eisenhower staff,
presumably reflecting the General himself,
sigh with relief because they see no more
such hurdles ahead as the encounters with
McCarthy and Jenner. Now is the time,
they feel, to make their great appeal to
the independent vote.
Outwardly, this problem of the indepen-
dent vote is the most puzzling single prob-
lem of the whole Eisenhower campaign. Af-.
ter all, Gen. Eisenhower was only nominated
at Chicago because a majority of Republi-
cans feared that "the independent voters
would not take Sen. Robert A. Taft." But
all through trese last weeks the General's
appeals have been beamed, not at the in-
dependent voters, but at Taft voters and
other Republican ultras.
- Yet this has not been quite so illogical as
it may seem. Probably Gen. Eisenhower
would not have gone so far in his compro-
mising if it had not been for the com-
pleteness of Sen. McCarthy's victory in the
Wisconsin primary. At any rate, the idea
has been to make sure of the pro-Taft and
pro-McCarthy voters before going after the
independents. Going after the independents
means, first of all, the kind of intensive
campaigning the General is now doing here
and will do later in the East.
From now on out, California and New
York are to be regarded as the great prizes
to be garnered.
Going after the independents also means,
presumably, a type of campaigning more ex-
pressive of the views of such Republicans as
Gov. Sherman Adams, Gov. Thomas E. Dew-
ey and Gov. Earl Warren of this state (who
advised the General to repudiate Sen. Mc-
Carthy in toto.)
The General is now to say, in short, the
sort of thing that he was always expected
to say by the leaders of the movement to
nominate him.
The theory is that the Mid-Western
states are safely in the bag, now that the
"splinter party" danger has been averted
in that' region. By the same token, it is
hoped that in the weeks ahead, the East
and West Coast voters will cease to for-
get about the General's Mid-Western
campaigning; and will be happily im-
pressed by what is now to be said. It is
not the first time a candidate has shown
different faces to different parts of the
At any rate, the Eisenhower strategists
are extraordinarily confident that their plan
will produce a glittering victory; and for
this confidence they can cite many solid
(Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Ined,

Ike Drawing
Large Crowds
IFORNIA-Republicans pin their hopes
for victory on General Eisenhower's splen-
did crowds which are being amply maintain-
ed on the Pacific slope.
Scouts who mingle with the audiences
after the train has pulled away report
only admiration and tributes to his per-
sonal sincerity. Nobody complains that
"he didn't say anything," which is the
usual groan of the frustrated news re-
Eisenhower strategists offer this reason-
Their candidate is a national hero who
creates a sense of trust in himself personal-
ly. He is satisfying the desire for a change
and it doesn't make much difference what
he says-or fails to say, which is a lot of
territory too.
The Eisenhower camp is uneasy about
President Truman's hard-hitting attack. It
poses a dilemma for them.
They could run against Mr. Truman but,
(1) they have a healthy respect for him in
a political fight and (2) they do not really
trust their candidate's Australian crawl in
social and economic waters.
They draw some comfort from the fact
that Truman's name will not be on the bal-
lot November 4 and Adlai Stevenson's wi.h
Stevenson is not quite the forgotten man of
this campaign but he is failing, by a wide
margin, to make his name a household word.
Mr. Truman recognizes the peril of his
overshadowing Stevenson. He takes it as a
calculated risk because he is so sure the
Democrats have the best of the issues and
must drive them home to the people. He rea-
sons that it's his logical assignment to do
just that.
Reporters issue one warning to the Eis-
enhower staff's reliance on crowds as
proof of victory. They have noticed that,
while the crowds are indeed large and
affectionate, they tend to thin out rather
rapidly. Even before Eisenhower begins
to speak, people start straggling away,
sometimes in substantial numbers.
They are not as sure as the staffers that
the national hero has been transformed in-
to tne political white hope.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)
Korean Peace
Hopes Dimming
WASHINGTON-(AP)-Korean peace looks
remote. Truce talks at Panmunjom
have not officially ended but have broken
down. Peace efforts shift now to the UN
General Assembly which opens Oct. 14.
There's no reason to expet peace after the
debate there, either.
The Korean war, beginning in June,
1950, is now more than 27 months old.
Truce talks between teams of UN and
Communist negotiators began 15 months
ago. For the last six months the talks have
bogged down over one question: The ex-
change of prisoners.
There have been no real discussions at
Panmunjom since mid-July. The teams met
more or less regularly every week just long
enough to say they had nothing new to say
and to declare another recess. On Wednes-
day even the meetings themselves went into
indefinite recess.
This was at the request of Lt. Gen. Wil-
liam K. Harrison, Jr., chief UN negotiator.
He bluntly told the Communists the next
move was up to them. This way: He told
them to accept the UN proposal for settling
the prisoner problem or make a "'construc-

tive proposal of their own."
The UN claims it holds 170,000 Chinese
and Korean prisoners but says only 83,000
of them are willing to return to Com-
munist control. The UN takes this posi-
tion: It will not force any of its prisoners
to return to China or North Korea if they
don't want to go.
The Communists, who say they have 12,-
000 Allied prisoners, take the opposite posi-
tion: That all prisoners should be returned
on both sides.
Neither side has been willing to budge.
While the talks limped on, the fighting
in Korea continued. This week 15,000 Reds
attacked the UN position in the biggest
Communist offensive since May, 1951. This
has not been regarded so far as the opening
of a major Communist offensive to drive the
UN troops out of Korea.
Why the Communists have opened up
this much now is not clear. It may be the
result of decisions made between the Rus-
sians and Chinese when the latter visited
Moscow for important talks last summer.
When Secretary of State Acheson an-'
nounced several weeks ago there would be
a full-scale debate in the UN Assembly,
after it opens next week, it was a change
from the American government's previous
position. Until then Acheson had opposed
UN debate on Korea on the grounds that
it might interfere with the Panmunjom
truce talks.
That ceased to be a reason against UN
debate when for months it was clear the
Panmunjom talks had become a farce. The
U.S. and Russia will slug it out in the Ulf
as usual. Russaisse ndina er a hiL'h _n-

"That Was When I Was Just A Little Kid"

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are sign' the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length imatory of
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in d taste wilt
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



Slosson Replies.. .
To the Editor:

FSamra put some questions to
me, supplementing my debate with
a Mr. Sallade.
Q. "Has Point Four ... tended
to entrench the power of reaction-
aries to the detriment of more pro-
gressive forces?"
A. On the whole, no. Of course
we have had to deal with govern-
ments in power, and they vary in
quality, but the raising of econom-
< ic standards in any coutry is in the
interest of political democracy
' " as well. Indeed, liberal and radical
criticism of Point Four has chief -
ly been that we ought to have done
much more of it.
Q. "Was it reasonable that the
r United States should align itself
with France in Tunisia and with
- Britain in Iran when America has
-x - consistently championed the prin-
ciple of self-determination for all
A. We have in no way actually
intervened in either case. More-
ON THE over, the question in Iran is not
one of political self-government at
WASH ING5TON all, but purely of how much pay-
ment should be made for certain
IE R -H 0mHO=UTVND oil wells.
Q. "Why hasn't a Middle East
WITH DREW PEARSON Defense Command been set up yet,
when the onlydreal stumbling
_ block is the Sudanese problem?"
-----A. We have consistently tried
ABOARD THE PRESIDENT'S TRAIN-Some people have seemed to set up such a Command. The
quite surprised to learn that I was aboard Mr. Truman's tram.ahe Sudan (though I do not know
One lady in Utah .remarked: "Do you really mean that the secret h th, thp, w d h

ly it seems to have come as a sur-
prise to Farouk!
May I say, in general, that we do
not necessarily "support" a gov-
ernment anywhere in the world
by recognizing it and dealing with
it. We recognize and deal with
dictatorships in Russia, Poland,
Yugoslavia, Spain, Argentina, as
we did with Hitler and Mussolini,
simply because they are in -power.
If Mao remains in power long
enough, no doubt we shall even-
tually recognize him, as we (and
Russia) long recognized Chiang
Kai-shek. I hope we are not
especially fond of any of the re-
gimes which I have listed. Of
course, we have also the right to
refuse recognition, but that (if the
government in question is solidly
established) is considered a hos-
tile move. Sometimes we have mis-
judged the strength or weakness
of a regime (as Lenin in Russia
and Franco in Spain) and have
failed to weaken a government by
a long withholding of recognition,
and had later to reverse our stand.
--Preston Slosson
* * r
Phooey! . .
To the Editors:
?HOOEY on Don Harris, the new
mupic critic!
-Don Malcolm, Peg Nimz
Stu Ross, L. H. Scott,
David Cargo, Larry Pike
"THE LAW, as a matter of fact,
-is all things to all lawyers. It
is all things to all lawyers simply
because the principles on which
it is built are so vague and ab-
stract and irrelevant that it is
possible to find in those principles
both a justification and a prohibi-
tion of every human activity un-
der the sun."
-Fred Rodell
"I HATE, to be defended in a
newspaper. As long as all
that is said is said against me, I
feel a certain sublime assurance
of success, but as soon as honied
words of praise are spoken for
me, I feel as one that lies unpro-
tected before his enemies."






t The Orpheum . .

rer and Kim Hunter.
IF THE ORPHEUM Theater continues its
current trend-and the scheduling of
"Quo Vadis" for next week makes it seem
likely--it will become little more than an-
other downtown second-run movie house.
"Anything Can Happen" would be an en-
tertaining comedy if one could divorce the
elements of farce and slapstick from the in-
numerable "messages" running through the
picture. As it stands the humorous aspects
seem to be present for the purppse of making
this propaganda pill just a little easier to
Jose Ferrer is cast as an immigrant from
a small town in Georgia, one of the south-
ern provinces of the Soviet Union. His Amer-
icanization is the central theme of the pic-
ture, opening all sorts of opportunities for
exposition on the beauties of citizenship and
the big hearts of New Yorkers welcoming
Russian newcomers.

The role is easily handled by Ferrer;
In fact, it seems out of place for him to be
put in the position of wasting his talents
on a picture of this kind. Kim Hunter,
although her dramatic abilities do not ap-
proach Ferrer's, is placed in a similar
situation. As a one hundred percent Ameri-
ican girl (at any moment we might expect
he to claim Mayflower blood) she can
only capitalize on her normalcy, with no
really untypical characteristics other than
a flair for collecting folk music.
All this picture actually lacks to make it
comparable to Philip Hale's "The Man with-
out a Country" is a choir in the background
softly humming "The Battle Hymn of the
Republic." Admitting that some of the comic
incidents are genuinely funny-Kurt Kasz-
nar, Mikhail Rasumny, and a host of fellow
Georgian immigrants do a wonderful job of
making the audience laugh-the sentimental
treatment of the story, and the basic idea
idea behind it, remain rather obnoxious to
the moviegoers who might rightly expect the
Orpheum to present the best of the re-run
and foreign films.
--Tom Arp

service let you on the train? I should think they would fear for the
President's life!"
However, it's very difficult to hate Harry in this, the twilight
of his last term. Whether you agree with him or not, you have to
admire the courage of a man who, at the age of 68, is up-early-
and-out-late making eight to ten speeches a day for a cause he
so fervently believes in.
This, I believe, will rate as a history-making trip, and I am glad
to be aboard regardless of whether Harry loves-me-or-loves-me-not.
People have become so accustomed to seeing Mr. Truman whistle-
stopping around the country that they don't realize just how historic
his trip is. Never before in recent history has any outgoing President
of the United States gone out and hit the hustings so vigorously for
the man who may succeed him.
When Calvin Coolidge was about to step down in favor of Herbert
Hoover, he did not lift a finger to help Hoover's election. Calvin stay-
ed in the White House and sulked. When Franklin Roosevelt ran for
the first time in 1932, Al Smith, his predecessor in Albany, did not
bestir himself. When Teddy Roosevelt was succeeded by Taft in 1908,
he worked for Taft, but at nowhere near the pace set by Harry Tru-
NO, THIS TRIP, averaging eight to ten speeches a day made on be-
half of a man who didn't really want Harry to campaign for him,
is definitely historic.
And if the folks along the way haven't always reaized that
history is being made, everything else seems to have turned out in
full force to pay tribute to Harry Truman's last transcontinental
whistle-stop. Never were the prairies more beautiful, the red
peaks of the Rockies more majestic, the herefords of Nebraska
sleeker, the aspens of Colorado more yellow, Utah alfalfa green-
er and Iowa corn more golden than on this farewell to the scrappy,
sometimes injudicious President of the United States.
Even the weather, which has not always smiled on Ike Eisenhower,
has been kind to Harry. No rain has marred his crowds or dampened
his spirits.
As a matter of fact, I don't think anything could dampen Harry's
spirits. I have watched General Eisenhower look grim and weary
after a few days of speaking. But Truman, aged 68 against the Gen-
eral's 62, not only looks younger than the General, but seems to get
younger the more he speaks.
IT'S A SOMEWHAT changed Harry Truman, however, that's making
this trip. Harry Vaughan, the bemedaled military aide (my pal) is
not along. There isn't a single sign of military brass on the train; no
cronies; no poker parties; only a group of young and earnest speech-
This time Harry isn't playing poker, he's playing for keeps.
He talks privately about some of the mistake's he's made. He
wishes he hadn't made them. He should have fired Howard Mc-
Grath months before, he says, and cleaned out the Justice De-
partment so the corruption issue would not have been hung around
the Democratic Party's neck.
The President's new seriousness has developed as he has watched
the approaching spectre of possible Republican victory in November,
and realizes that with it, most of the things he has fought for would
There was a time when he did not think they would vanish, when
he felt the General would continue the basic Truman policies. But for
days now, as he has read Ike's speeches, Harry has been approaching
a slow boil-a boil which spilled over at Oakland, Calif., and Colorado
That boil was not over Eisenhower alone. It was directed
also at Truman's own mistake at trusting the military. No Presi-
dent in years has put so much faith in the military as Harry Tru-
man; no President has appointed so many Generals to top civilian
positions. Harry liked them, admired them, even gloried in them.
But one by one, they have belied his faith.
Franklin Roosevelt made use of many Generals, but he knew how
to keep them in their place. Truman, on the other hand, ever since
Battery D days when he was an obscure artillery captain in the Mis-
souri national guard, has nursed a secret worship of the brass.
SO HE HAS surrounded himself with them. One of the first was
, Gen. Bedell Smith, whom he made Ambassador to Moscow and
head of Central Intelligence, only to have him make a deadly, dam-
aging statement about Communists in government at the very heart
of the current campaign.
Another was Gen. Al Wedemeyer, whom Truman made Am-
bassador to China. Truman liked him, trusted him. But Wede-
meyer became an active campaigner for Senator Taft.
General MacArthur also had all sorts of enconiums heaped on
his head by the President. He was kept in Tokyo against the advice
of some State Department officials, and because Truman insisted on
it. Then he, too, turned against his Commander-in-Chief.
However. Eisenhower. Truman thought, would be different. He had

wnecner ue zuuanese, wno are
not Egyptians, desire Egyptian
rule); they include also the Suez
canal issue, the American support
to Israel, and several other mat-
ters. Not all of these have been
resolved and, candidly, I do not
think that the Arab states have the
right end of all these controver-
sies; Israel especially.
Q. "Why was it that State De-
partment intelligence was so mis-
erable that the United States had
no inkling whatsoever that Farouk
was going to be overthrown?"
A. I have no way of knowing
whether the State Department ex-
pected the fall of Farouk. Certain-


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent2in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
Saturday, October 11, 1952
VOL. LXIII, No. 17
Late permission: Because of the I-
Hop, all women students have a 1 *30
a.m. late permission on Sat., Oct. 11.
Mechanical and Industrial Engineer-
ing Seniors and Graduate students.
Representatives from industry are
scheduling interviews beginning Mon.,
Oct. 13, and in many cases are inter-
ested in interviewing graduates of all
the 1953 classes during the fall semes-
ter, ratper than returning in the spring
for a second visit. It is, therefore, very
important that you file your Person-
nel Card in the Department Office im-
mediately. Even though the company
may have an application blank, many
of them require further information
such as a Faculty Rating. Please watch
the Bulletin Board at 225 West Engi-
neering Buildingtfor the time and
place of each interview. This also ap-
plies to Juniors, for summer 1953 em-
Japanese Festival, Mon., Oct. 13, aus-
pices of the Museum of Art, College of
Architecture and Design, Center for
-Japanese Studies, and the Ann Arbor
Citizens' Art Show.
Chrysanthemum show, 9 a.m. to 6
p.m., main lobby, Alumni Memorial
Demonstration.of Japanese flower ar-
rangement, Mrs. Tomoko Yainamoto,
of Des Moines, Iowa, 3:30 p.m., main
lobby, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Annual Pharmacy Lectures, College of
Pharmacy. Rackham Amphitheater. Fi-
nal session beginning at 10 a.m., Oct. 11.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for victor Earl
Amend, English; thesis: "The Develop-
ment of John Galsworthy as a Social
Dramatist," Sat., Oct. 11, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 9:00 a.m.
Chairman, Kenneth Rowe.
The Mathematics Orientation Seminar
for beginning graduate students will
meet from now on Mondays at 3 p.m.
3001 Angell Hall. At the next mecti ,
Oct. 13, Mr. Losey will discuss Boolean
Events Today
Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group
meets at Lane Hall,-12:15 p.m. Mr. De-
Witt C. Baldwin will talk about his
travel experiences in Europe this past
Hilel. All students interested in oh-

Lutheran Student Association., Scat-
anger Hunt this evening. Meet at the
Student Center, corner of Hill and For-
est Ave. at 8:30 p.m.
Congregational Disciples Guild. Cider
and doughunts will be on hand at
Guild House after the game.
Hillel Foundation. Registration still
open for groups for personal adjust-
ment conducted by Professor Max Hut
and Dr. M. Gurin. If still interested, call
Hillel Foundation, 3-4129.
Coming Events
Delta Sigma Pi, international frater-
nity in the field of business adminis-
tration and economics, invites those
students to a Rushing Smoker at 927
Forest Ave., Sun., Oct. 12, from 2 to 5
Hillel Day: Sun., 6 to 7:30 Supper
Club, featuring corned-beef sand-
wiches. Dancing and games from 7:30
to 10:30. Everyone welcome.
Newman Club is sponsoring a Com-
munion breakfast, to be held immedi-
ately after the 9:30 Mass, Sun., at St.
Mary's Chapel. The speaker will e Dr.
Meade, well-known surgeon from Lan-
sing. Tickets are 50c.



Chinese Lobbies

EUGENE, Ore.-On July 6, 1952 the late
Sen. Brien McMahon and I introduced
in the Senate of the United States a resolu-
tion which proposed that the committee on
foreign relations should make a "full and
complete study and investigation for the
purpose of determining (1) what attempts,
if any, have been made by any individuals
or groups of individuals representing the
Chinese Nationalist Government, the Chi-
nese Communist Government, or any other
foreign government to influence the foreign
policy of the United States since Dec. 7, 1941,
and. (2) the extent and means, including
methods of financing, of any such attempts."
Repeated rumors, charges and coun-
tercharges that foreign agents represent-
ing foreign lobbies had been exercising im-
proper and undue influence overcAmerican
officials, both in thje executive departments
of government and the Congress, had
reached such widespread circulation in
Washington that Senator McMahon and

from high offices in Washington to justify
turning in a first alarm.
It is the opinion of this writer that a
thorough investigation of foreign-lobby
activities in the United States would dis-
close that there is a very active Chinese
Communist lobby working through Com-
munist underground channels in the Unit-
ed States. In all probability, it would be
found that its propaganda network, with
its phony Asiatic peace proposals and false
accusations as to American foreign poli-
cy in Asia and alleged United Nations
atrocities and conduct of the Korean war,
is well-financed by the Chinese Commu-
nist government. The sources of this prop-
aganda need to be ferreted out and dis-
closed to the American people.
Likewise there appears to be much evi-
dence that agents of the National Chinese
Government within the United States have
been seeking to influence American public
opinion in an endeavor to promote our be-
coming involved in a preventive war in Asia.

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young .....Managing Editor
Cal Samra.........Editorial Director
Zandez Hollander .....Feature Editor
Sid Klaus....,.. Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........ Associate Editor
Donna Hendieman ... Associate Editor
Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor
John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor
DickSewell ... Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler ....... Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green ........... Business Manager
Milt Goetz Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston . Assoc. Business Mgr
Judy Loehn berg .. -Finance Manager
romn rreeger .. Circulation Manager



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