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October 07, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-07

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IT r

Latest Deadline in the State





Reds Stage
Giant Korea.
Attack Repulsed
At Most Points
By The Associated Press
Communist troops attacked
across two-thirds of the Korean
battlefront last night and early
today in the biggest co-ordinated
operation in many months.
They were driven back almost
everywhere, but intense fighting
for three or four minor hills car-
ried on into the daylight hours.
THE CHINESE opened flood-
gates of a reservoir north of the
battleline-for their assault on two
major hills northwest of Chorwon.
Nearly 6,000 Chinese troops
attacked the two peaks in the
wake of the surging waters. But
the river which coursed around
the two hills rose only two feet,
hardly enough to be noticed.
Allied defenders, fighting with
grenades, fists. and even stones,
drove back the attackers.
AT THE SAME time, .the Reds
punched at the U. S. Marine line
at 13 points on the extreme West-
ern Front near Korangpo and Pan-
munjom. The Communists seized
a new hill north of Korangpo,
swelling their captured outpost
prizes of the past few days of in-
tense fighting.
The two major assaults hit
strongpoints on the Allied line
east of Old Baldy. Nearly 2,000
Red troops were thrown into
each action.
Meanwhile at the United Nation
headquarters in New York yester-
day a suggestion for recruiting a
United Nations volunteer reserve
army totalling up to 60,000 men to
fight aggression was sent by a
committee to the U. N. Assembly
for full debate.
It is expected to run into sharp
Russian objections and the United.
States is lukewarm to the project.
The whole idea eventually 'may
disappear, since there is little en-
thusiasm for it in the Assembly.

Ten Thousand
o ear Adlai
Stevenson To Speak in Ypsi Today;
Major Address Slated for Detroit
More than 10,000 persons, including 1,000 University students, are
expected to hear Gov. Adlai Stevenson speak at 2:30 p.m. today in
Pease Auditorium at Ypsilanti.
Sponsored by the Washtenaw County Democrats, the presidential
candidate has not yet announced the topic of his speech.
GOV. STEVENSON'S Ypsilanti appearance will be part of a full
day of speech-making. He will arrive at 2 p.m. at Willow Run air-
port, after delivering an address earlier in Saginaw. Gov. Williams
* * * land other State leaders, including

Adlai Moves
Into Finale
Adlai E. Stevenson drives into the
windup of his presidential cam-
paign today with a bid to voters
in 25 states with more than two-
thirds of the electoral votes at
stake on Nov. 4.
The Democratic presidential
nominee moves into the campaign
finale counting on heavy help from
President Harry S. Truman but
with party coffers reportedly a bit

a representative from the Students
for Stevenson club, will form a
greeting committee at the air-
After a short conference with
the committee, the candidate
will proceed to Pease Auditorium
where he wil deliver an address.
Following this speech, he will
appear briefly at Willow Village
and head into Detroit, making
short speeches at key points
along the way.
The Communism issue will get a
going over in a major address at
10:30 p.m. at the Masonic Temple.
* , *
AUTOMOBILE caravans from
various parts of the country have
been organized in preparation for
the Illinois governor's half-hour
Ypsilanti talk.
Among these will bn st dt

World News
Round up

* *, * j n , , aam wi a*uen
STRETCHING ahead of Steven- caravan sponsored by Students
son are nearly 15,000 miles of for Stevenson. Between 1,000 and
travel, spider-webbing out from 1,200 students registered yester-
his home base here to both coasts day at transportation booths,
and the Deep South. The Illinois and others are expected to drive
der Deep Shou. Theinroind their own cars and arrange for
governor will show up in around their own riders.
100 cities for minor and major ad-
dresses. Eight nation-wide tele- The club has prepared decora-
vision-radio speeches are on tap tions, mostly in the form of "I
including two of the "fireside chat" Love Adlai" signs, which will adorn
variety without studio audiences. the motorcade. Five buses, plus
The tee-off point today is many private cars, will carry those
Michigan, with the governor's
address on "the entire subject of Governor Stevenson's Detroit
communism"-external and in. address will be heard over WJR
ternal--scheduled for Detroit's at 10:30 p.m. today and will be
Masonic Temple and a radio-TV carried also on 'WJBK-TV
audience tonight. Wilson Wyatt, (Channel 2).
Stevenson's campaign manager, His Ypsilanti speech can be
said "the speech in Detroit will heard at 2:30 p.m. today over
be one of the most important local stations WPAG and
in the campaign." WHRV.
Whether Stevenson and Truman
will teamup in a joint appearance who have registered for transpor-
somewhere along the line still is tation. Students may still sign up
uncertain. There will be a near until noon today at booths in the
miss later in the week in Missouri, Union, the League and on the
when President and nominee will Diag. The group will leave from the
visit the state a day apart. Union between 1 and 2 p.m.
BUT IN THE first public pro- OTHER CARAVANS will come
nouncement of the subject from from Saline, Chelsea, Milan and all
the Stevenson camp, Wyatt told townships south of Ann Arbor.
newsmen today he believes Tru- Ypsilanti police and college of-
man's give 'em hell swing along ficials are preparing for the on-
the whistle stops definitely is help- slaught of automobiles by posting
ing the Democratic cause. traffic guides around the city. To
Stevenson's manager sized up facilitate parking, the college will
the Democratic campaign as fur- lift all parking regulations and
ther along toward success at this will open several fields for the oc-
point than had been expected. casion.
The Illinois governor, Wyatt ,aid The candidate's appearance was
is "talking sense to the American announced last Wednesday night
people" as he promised to do from after a meeting of county Demo-
the beginning. crats.
Council Outlines Action
On'U' Annexation Issue

There will be a campus sale
of senior pictures and 'Ensians
today in front of the General
All seniors who have not yet
had their pictures taken for
the 'Ensian still have the oppor-
tunity to do so. Appointments
for pictures may be made at the
Student Publications Bldg., lo-
cated at 420 Maynard St.
Students are asked to re-
member that Oct. 16 is the yast
day appointments will be made.
Series Tied
As- Yankees
Score, 3-2
BROOKLYN-(P)-Vic Raschi
and Allie Reynolds double-teamed
Brooklyn with an 11-strikeout job
yesterday to send this homer hap-
py World Series into a seventh
game with a 3-2 New York Yankee
Two tremendous home runs by
Duke Snider weren't enough to
match the desperate Yanks who
fought back to tie the series for
the third time.
THE SEVENTH and final game
will be played at Ebbets Field o-
day with the possibility that Rey-
nolds and Joe Black of the Dodg-
ers may meet for a third time.
Black was the victor in the first
game but Reynolds triumphed in
the fourth. Both are right handed
Yogi Berra and Mickey Mantle
ripped into 22-year-old Billy
Loes for homers and Raschi
provided the other run with a
single that bounced off Loes'
left knee and rolled into short
right field, scoring Gene Wood-
ling in the' two-run seventh.
But Manager Casey Stengel,
struggling to keep alive his dreams
of a fourth straight world cham-
pionship, had to call in Reynolds
to save the fast-tiring Raschi in
the eighth inning.
Snider's second homer of the day
and fourth of the Series-tying
records held by Lou Gehrig and
Babe Ruth-slashed the Yank lead
to 3-2 in the eighth.
The homers by Snider, Berra
and Mantle brought the Series'
total to 14, high for any kind of a
World Series.
*#* *
RASCHI pitched a brilliant
game, striking out nine men before
he weakened in the eighth and
walking only one. With the help
of The Chief he received the credit
for his fifth Series win.
For a kid pitcher working in
his home town, Loes did a re-
markable job.
Blazing fast in the early inn-
ings, Young Billy started to go
wild in the sixth. He got behind
McDougald but made him pop up
and threw four straight balls to
Rizzuto. With the heat on, how-
ever, he took care of Mantle and
Big Johnny Mize, who went hit-
The home run total of 14-eight
by the Yanke and six by the Dodg-
ers-topped the old high of 12 set
in a seven-game Series by Wash-
ington and Pittsburgh in 1925.
The previous high for six games
was the 11 of 1936 by the Yanks
and Giants.
Political Clubs

To Present
Four campus political clubs are
joining forces to present a debate
on the nation's foreign policy at 8
p.m. today in Angell Hall Auditor-
ium D.
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department will speak for the
Democrats and George Sallade,
member of city council, will uphold
the Republican stand.
The debate, "Resolved that the
foreign policy of the last seven
years has worked to the benefit
of the American people," is joint-
ly sponsored by the Young Repub-
licans, Young Democrats, Students
for Stevenson and Eisenhower for
President clubs.
C A'~W~ £~U ' ' I

-Daly-Ken Toote
BEWILDERED FRESHMEN-A newcomer to campus searching
vainly for the famous University seal formerly located at the
center of the Diag, sees only a Stevenson supporter manning a
political booth.
Acacia Petitions Hatcher
For Return of Diag Seal
Student disapproval over the removal of the famous University
seal from the diagonal took definite form yesterday when Acadia
Fraternity petitioned President Harlan H. Hatcher to have the his-
toric seal replaced.
President Hatcher is in "full agreement with us," according to
Acacia president Dick Merrill, '53, who presented the fraternity's pe-
* *
"THE PRESIDENT told me that a new monument had been con-
sidered when the old seal was removed this summer, but the adminis-
-tration decided to wait until fall

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- Comptroller
General Lindsay C. Warren denied
yesterday a GOP charge that his
office was playing politics by de-
ciding at this time to distribute
four million dollars in back holi-
day pay to government employes.
CHICAGO-Some 1,500 striking
AFL elevator operators went back
to work yesterday followed by
many of the Loop's 400,000 office
workei's who had been made idle
by the five-day walkout.
BERLIN-East German Com-
munists have pulled out all the
stops for a monster Moscow type
demonstration today honoring
visiting Nikolai M. Shvernik,
president of the Soviet Union.
The day marks the third anni-
versary of the Soviet zone gov-
* * *
forces will rehearse the defense
of Alaska in exercise "Warm.
Weather" next month, the D6-
fense Department announced yes-
The Air Force will fly about
5,000 paratroopers from Sewart
Field, Tenn., to Alaska to take
part in the maneuvers, one of the
largest designed to test the de-
fenses of the territory.
LONDON-Field Marshal Lord
Montgomery called yesterday
for a supreme command to shape
and run Allied policies in the
cold war against Communism.
The deputy supreme comman-
der of the Allied powers in Eur-
ope also suggested the non-
Communist nations of the world
should consider now how "to
handle and direct" a possible
global shooting war against the
Russian-led bloc.
LONDON-Some 54,000 Britons
who were held by the Japanese as

Red Press
Charges Hit
By Kennan
BONN, Germany VP)-George F.
Kennan, ousted American ambas-
sador to the Soviet Union, denied
yesterday remarks attributed to
him by the Communist press.
A correspondent of the London
Daily Worker had written that
Kennan said in Moscow at a cele-
bration of victory in Europe on
May 9, 1945 that "they-the Rus-
sians-think the war has ended,
but it has only begun."
made the remarks was recently re-j
printed by the Moscow newspaper
Pravda. It cited the quotation in
attempting to depict Kennan as
"hostile to the Soviet Union."%
The ambassador branded thef
allegation as a "characteristic
example of Communist press
The Soviet government demand-I
ed Kennan's recall last Friday. It
said he was no longer welcome
there because he had made "slan-
derous attacks" on the Soviet
School Dismisses
Three Professors
NEW YORK -W) -- Three col-
lege professors were fired last
night for refusing to tell a Senate'
committee whether they had been
members of the Communist party.
The Board of Higher Education
dismissed the three after a ses-
sion at Hunter College during
which some 75 students stood on
the street outside and shouted slo-
gans on behalf of the professors.

to determine what the students
wanted placed there," Merrill said.
Possibilities discussed by Pres-
ident Hatcher were a raised
platform with a bronze seal, a
circular bench, a fountain or a
senior class memorial.
The University president also
suggested that a contest might be
held to determine the best design
for a monument.
Tradition had been shattered
this summer when the University
Building and Grounds Department
removed the old diagonal and sub-
stituted a new concrete platform,
for the construction work de-
stroyed the large, central brick in-
lay of Maize and Blue brick bear-
ing the University's initials.
DATING back to the 'twenties,
this portion of the Diag had long
been a favorite meeting place for
University students and had fig-
ured in a great many initiation
stunts of campus honoraries.
However, as the years passed,
the inlaid seal sank lower than
the surrounding walk and be-
came a miniature lake with each
rain storm.
An old campus 'tradition held
that freshmen who violated the
canctity of the seal by walking on
it must face through "discipli-
nary" action by upperclassmen.
The Student Legislature is
also investigating the seal's dis-
appearance. A shroud of mystery
seems to surround details of the
old seal's disappearance, di-
mensions and purpose.
Estimated cost of placing a new
marker on the Diag runs from $400
to $500, according to legislator Bob
Ely, '54, who talked with plant de-
partment officials.
SL plans to look into the history
of the seal and find out what can
be done about replacing it. Then it
will report to University officials
and find out the University's plans.
If the University is not inter-
ested in replacing the landmark,
Ely said, the project will be turned
over to the senior class for con-

He ridiculed the contention of
the Democrats that they initi
ated such works in the West.
Democrats have used the Recla-
mation Act and the Federal
On the contrary, he said, the
Power Act to increase and per-
petuate their own power in
Eisenhower's stopover here for
a major campaign speech followed
a day of whistle-stopping across
the state of Washington along the
same route as that taken last week
by President Truman.
The general, hugely enjoying
waves of. laughter, blistered the
President on his cross-state run.
* -
IN SEATTLE, he hit at what he
called the Democrats' top-heavy
federal control in reclamation and
power development, and in ad-
vancing his own idea, said:
"I am convinced out of my ex-
perience with some very big
jobs that the way to do it is by
sharing of effort rather than by
its concentration.
"This means the full use of pri-
vate resources plus a local, state
and federal partnership here in
the state of Washington and the
Pacific Northwest rather than de-
pendence upon a daily directive
from Washington, D.C."
The phrase "whole.hog govern-
ment" studded his speech.
* * *
MEANWHILE, in Cincinnati
Sen. Robert A. Taft last night
called President Truman "a dan-
gerous demagogue" who makes
political speeches disregarding
"His speeches must be taken
apart," Taft told an audience at
a Hamilton County Republican
political dinner. "They are di-
rected to personal units of each
group and they exhibit complete
recklessness of truth."
Taft, principalspeaker at an
"appreciation dinner" given 1,036
precinct workers, the county com-
mittee and the county and state
tickets, said he has been study-
ing the speeches made by the Pres-
ident on his current tour of the
Acheson Calls
Red Tactics
PITTSBURGH ()-Secretary of
State Dean Acheson said yesterday
that Communist tactics of violence
have failed and that the Reds are
searching "for new ways of gain-
ing their ends."
Acheson told 700 delegates at-
tending the CIO International
Electrical Workers' fourth annu-
al convention that President Tru-
man is "the man who has done
most to stiffen the backbone of the
free world against Communism."
Furthermore, he declared that in
our peace table talks in Korea-
"We will not compromise with
the basic principle that no prisoner
shall be forced against his will to
return to the Communists."

HIST Attacks,
Ike's Senate
By The Associated Press
President Truman declared yes-
terday that he does not believe the
AmericanX people will elect as pres-
ident a man who would "surrender
to Taft, McCarthy, Jenner and
Truman directed his attack on
Dwight D. Eisenhower's senatorial
supporters in a trainside talk to a
cheering crowd at Helper, Utah.
HE REFERRED to Republican
Sen. Taft of Ohio, Sen. McCarthy
of Wisconsin, Sen. Jenner of In-
diana and Sen. Kem of his own
state of Missouri.
Truman said Helper got its
name from the helper engines
that pull the trains up the
mountains hereabouts,
"I think the Republican party
needs some helper engines," he
said. "It would take a whole round-
house of helper engines to get the
Republicans elected."
"As for their candidate," the
President added, "I don't think
helper engines will get him out
of the trouble-he is in." He said
the Republicans have a "terrible
Police Chief Joe Myers estimat-
ed the Helper crowd, at 3,000.
Earlier in the major address at
Provo, Utah, Truman charged that
the Republicans have tried and
failed to disguise a 20-year record
of obstruction and isolationism be-
hind "the shining armor of a na-
tional hero"-Gen. Eisenhower.
MEANWHILE in Charleston, W.
Va., Sen. Sparkman, Democratic
nominee for vice president, said
yesterday he thinks Gen. Dwight
Eisenhower has hurt his chances,
on the R1epublican ticket by the
kind of campaign he's running.
He also predicted the GOP
won't "get a single electoral
vote" in the South.
"Since he has gone to the politi-
cal stump," Sparkman said of the
Republican presidential nominee,
"he must expect the sort of things
that come in a political way."
Sparkman's views were express-
ed at a press conference opening
a two-day stumping tour of South-
ern West Virginia.
Lewis Leans
CINCINNATI --( () - John L.
Lewis, fresh from victory in his
periodic wars with the coal indus-
try, appeared close last night to
switching allegiance from the Re-
publican to the Democratic party.
Lewis, 72-year-old president of
the United Mine Workers, with
powerful political support in
Pennsylvania, West Virginia and
Ohio, held his own counsel on the
eve of his United Mine Workers
But Lewis, an avowed Repub-
lican, already has labelled Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Re-
publican nominee, as a leader of
the "especially privileged group
of oppressive exploiters."
Both the AFL and CIO have
come out for Stevenson, and the
guessing has been that Lewis will
go along.
Court Supports
Crime Witnesses

Eisenhower Hits
Back at President
OnPower Issue,'
By The Associated Press
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower called President Truman "an expert in
political demagoguery" at Seattl yesterday.
In a full dress review of the problem of water and power develop-
ment, the general said the Truman administration is devoted to one
idea, "the idea of a whole hog federal government."
IN A SPEECH prepared for delivery in Seattle, the Republican
presidential candidate argued for more local control of the great
reclamation and power projects.


A definite course of action on
the annexation of University ter-
ritory by the City of Ann Arbor
was adopted unanimously last
night by the City Council.
After several months delay; the
annexation, which includes the
North Campus area, University
Golf Course, the Botanical Gar-
dens and the former Inglis prop-
erty, appears headed for formal
approval at either the Oct. 20 or
Nov. 3 council meeting.
* *, *
THE FORM of the Council ac-
tion at their meeting was a motion
that the various city departments
affected by the annexation sub-
mit reports to the City Planning
Commission regarding the effects
of the annexation to their depart-
When these reports are ready
the Planning Commission will
submit recommendations to the
Concnil as toa coure onff aon

concerning annexation which rec-
ommends department reports be-
fore annexation is approved. This
enables the Council to approach
the issue in an intelligent fashion
and will show future generations
the Council's concerned with the
* *1 *
FURTHER University-city re-
lations were aided in a latter coun-
cil move which created a special
administrative group to handle
joint agreements between the two
Composed of members of the
Planning Commission, Police,
Fire and Water Departments
and the City Engineers office,
the group will work with the
Administration in future pro-
Alderman John S. Dobson re-
commended the new group on the
grounds that it would give city of-
ficials a background of experience
in University dealings and would

Reapportionment Plans Proposed

Two proposed constitutional
amendments will appear on the
Michigan ballot this November to
solve the much debated problem of
reapportionment in the state gov-
Proposal number 2 is called the
Representative Government Plan.
It was iniated by the Michigan

reapportionment of the legisla-
Proposal 3 places its stress upon
the House of Representatives
which would apportion the House
on the basis of population and
continue to district the Senate ac-
cording to area irrespective of
* * *

the present 32. In proposal 2 the
state Senate would be increased
to 33 members, and the districts
would be so divided as to have
about equal representation.
As regards the House, 'under
proposal 2 the members would
number 99 instead of the present
100. The House districts would be
based on the senatorial districts

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