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October 05, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-05

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AGENERALLY unfavorable reaction to
the University's decision to accept
the Loving Memorial Fund for scholar-
ships limited to "young Christian women
of American ancestors" seems to call for
a review of the University policy on schol-
We urge that henceforth the University
refuse to accept any moneys which must
be awarded on the basis of race, or re-
ligion. It is impossible to reconcile the dis-
criminatory distribution of scholarship
funds with the democratic ideals the Uni-
versity is dedicated to perpetuate.
In our opposition to University-admin-
istred discriminatory scholarships, we do
not draw any distinction between discrim-
ination in favor of minority groups and
the more conventional bias in favor of
white Protestants. We feel it is irrational
and inconsistent to label one kind of dis-
crimination as desirable and another de-
If any private groups wish themselves
to select an applicant of a specific relig-
ious or racial group, there could be no
sensible objection. Here the University's
only connection with the case would be
to determine whether the recipient of
the fellowship was qualified for admis-
Obviously, nothing can be done about
the scholarships already on the books.
And scholarships awarded on such ba-
sis as georgraphic origin cannot fall with-
in the scope of our condemnation; we are
specifically aiming at University-executed
funds with racial or religious strings.
We recommend that the University
state categorically that in the future it
will refuse to administer any scholarship
with racial or religious prerequisites.
-Crawford Young, Cal Samra,
Zander Hollander, Sid Klaus,
Harland Britz, Donna Hendleman
-The Senior Editors

Sorority Rushing

Daily Associate Editor
TODAY IS A DAY of triumph for 383
new sorority pledges.
Several hundred other young ladies are
probably feeling less elated, having had the
so-called door to social success politely
closed in their faces.
No matter what their feelings, all the
freshmen women, the bulk of the 790 wo-
men who went through various stages of
rushing this fall, have no doubt ended the
most confusing time of their collective stay
on this campus.
Victims of an avaricious grasping on
the part of a Panhellenic Association fear-
ful for its life, they were forced during the
last few weeks, not only to stand the usual
trials of orientation programs, new rooms
and roommates, and, incidentally, an in-
Itroduction to the intellectual resources
and demands of the University, but also
to subject themselves to a gruelling, often
degrading, and frenzied rush through
Michigan's sorority houses.
In short, they were not given a decent
chance, as were women in past years, to
spend time here before making one of the
most important decisions of their college
The results, from the Panhel point of
view, are gratifying.
More women than ever before have
signed themselves over to a life of Greek
sisterhood. For the first time in several
years, every house has managed to at-
tain its "quota," or to come reasonably
close to it.
After some lean years, Panhellenic feels
it has found the cure for its waning popu-
larity. It is a cure which preys on confusion,
ignorance and helplessness. It probably will

leave behind it more unhappy rejectees than
ever before.
Because they never openly admit the real
reason for the change, the quest for a big-
ger Panhel enrollment, the sorority big-
wigs ostentatiously point to the "improve-
ments" the rushing system underwent this
fall. With one exception, the official excuses
offered have no real correlation with the
rushing calendar.
For the first time, they argue, casual
clothes provided a "easier" feeling at the
parties. Admittedly, some of the exterior
sham disappeared with dressy clothes, but
sweaters and skirts could just as easily
be worn in the spring.
The rushing period was shorter than us-
ual. It is always intelligent to quicken a
painful process, but a concentrated system
could work also in February.
Less people are landing in Health Ser-
vice as a result of the grind; the weather
is better and people aren't too tired. It
seems hard to believe that newly-orientated
freshmen have gotten any extra sleep these
latt few weeks. As for the weather, success-
ful Michiganders usually learn to operate
through anything.
One argument, the abolition of the "Con-
tact" rule, has a true bearing on the case.
This rule forbade sorority women and pros-
pective possible rushees to see each other
in their houses or dorms any time before
This is, indeed, a poor rule, but in the
long run, it seems cheaper even to keep it
than pay the cost of unhappy, confused
and railroaded freshmen. As long as there
remains a system grounded on social super-
ficiality there will be evil ensuing from it.
In this case, the lesser evil would be again,
deferred rushing.

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


--Daily-Stu Ross


The Week's News

Local ...

Cancer Cure;
Korean War

WASHINGTON-For several years an Am-
erican doctor has been living in Ecu-
ador experimenting with a fantastic, secret
solution which may prove the answer to can-
The doctor -is Wilburn Ferguson, and
the solution he is working on is that used
by the Jibaro Indians in the jungles of
Ecuador to shrink human heads.
Dr. Ferguson emphasizes that he has not
found a cure for cancer, that he has only
found a "promising treatment." Neverthe-
less his clinical records have shown some
miraculous recoveries. Not only does the so-
lution appear successful on rats and mice,
but a few test patients have had can-
cerous tumors totally destroyed and have
regained their health.
Dr. Ferguson's interest in the herb for-
mula of the Jibaro Indians resulted from
the fact that nothing known to modern
science will shrink cartilaginous tissue.
Thus, an ear can be burned to ashes, but
it does not shrink.
However, the Jibaro Indians have been
able to shrink human heads-the skull, ears,
jaw and various cartilaginous tissue. He al-
so observed that the head-shrinking pro-
cess appeared to destroy ulcerated or diseas-
ed tissue-cells, while leaving healthy cell-
matter intact. .
Dr. Ferguson unquestionably could have
made a fortune with his new cancer for-
mula, instead of which he is dead broke.
He emphasizes that he isn't sure of all the
effects of his remedy and that he wants
to conduct further experiments.
He still thinks that another year is neces-
sary to te sure of the results, but those who
have seen his patients get up and walk after
a few weeks' treatment are convinced that
perhaps the long-awaited cure for cancer
may be here.
THOUGH THE American public is much
more absorbed in politics than in Korea,
some highly important developments, hith-
erto confidential, have been taking place in
the Far East. Now that the Russo-Chinese
conference has terminated in Moscow, they
can be told.
What happened was that before the
Moscow Conference, U.S. Military strate-
gists concluded the Chinese were anxious
to get out of the Korean war and that the
Russians were anxious to keep them in.
We figured that this showdown would be
threshed out in Moscow. More than any-
thing else, the Chinese want to build up
a modern army. Yet they have been los-
ing more equipment than they are mak-
ing; so their goal of a modern army is
BECAUSE OF the known desire of the Chi-
nese to back out of the Korean war,
the Joint Chiefs of Staff decided to increase
the tempo of the air war during the Moscow
The Chinese have struck back at us on
the ground. Their attacks seem to be de-
liberate attempts to kill Americans rather
than gain ground or capture strategic
As of now, the Communists have slightly
over a million men in Korea, more than at
anvotaher time during th+w - , nitP his

THOSE OF YOU who have not visited the as most of them are intended to do, for ex-
University Museum of Art since early ample "Semi-nude man reaching toward
summer will note certain changes in the gal- rat . . ." Some, however, are seriously in-
lery arrangements. The Fine Arts, depart- tended, an dso interpreted by those versed
ment and the museum have switched, so in the tradition. Certain facial expressions,
that the former lecture hall is now a pic- and other characteristics of body and dress
ture gallery, and the adjoining, smaller (even color) are used to differentiate be-
room will be used for studying by fine arts tween man and master, hero and villain,
students. etc.
At present, the museum's West Gallery It is not surprising that many occi-
is being redecorated and rebuilt in prep- dentals thought the participants in the
aration for the coming Japanese Fes- movie "Rashomon" caricaturesque, but
tival, scheduled to open Sunday, October the villain, for example, was actually
12th. The South Gallery still contains, fierce, in the same way as the demon-like
various pieces from the permanent col- figure with the warrior standing over him
lection, held over from the last summer is fierce.
showing. As in poetry, one manner of Japanese
In the North Gallery, the first exhibit of painting is extremely simple, stopping where
the fall season is in progress: "Hokusai the westerner begins, with the merest sug-
School Drawings." Lent by the Seattle Art gestion. The observer (or listener) "com-
Museum, it will continue through October pletes" the experience in, his imagination.
26th, fitting in very nicely with the museum's ",Snow landscape, rainbow and bridge" is a
agenda. good example. Except for the six Hokusai
Six prints by the master, Hokusai, are prints, by the way, the entire exhibit is
anonymous, another oriental characteristic,
placed on the entrance wall; on the right aogwt nams opeelc ftte
are plates 13, 20 and 34 of what is perhaps along with an almost complete lack of titles
his most famous series, "36 Views of Fuji." -those on the walls are the collectors' de-
Of the three on the left, "The Lover in the scriptions, for purpose of identification.
Snow" includes two poems (translated on Of the 31 specimens on display, some
the accompanying placard). This particular are good, and a few are not so good,
print conveniently illustrates how closely all as is to be expected in any show. Gen-
the graphic arts are allied in the far east. erally, the tranquil subjects are better
Drawing, painting and calligraphy are not than the violent or grotesque. And as oc-
considered separate, but as aspects of the casionally happens, one stands out far
same art. above even the better remaining pictures.
From the large informatory placard, you The "Study page of sketches of cats, rats
will learn that the rest of the examples and horses" so extraordinarily good that it
are early 19th century, by artists "group- is surprising that the owners do not claim
ed around" Hokusai. Apparently some, of it to be a Hokusai, as it very likely is, ac-
the students were at the back of the lec- cording to friends who know this particular
ture hall, out of sight and hearing, be- field. The most demanding gallery-goer
cause they show less resemblance to the will be more than satisfied after seeing this
work of the master than to earlier, less study page. If I were in charge of the mu-
subtle influences. But no matter. seum, I'd double the guard.
The grotesques are likely to amuse you, -Siegfried Feller
[ . u Irk URENT PA

THE WHEELS OF campus politics started turning again last week
with the usual amount of charges, counter-charges and general
assertions anticipated during an election year.
However, for once, Democrats, Progressives and Republicans joined
hands in a city wide "get-out-the-vote" movement and chalked up
1,095 new voters after a door to door registration campaign.
Meanwhile Washtenaw County Democrats succeeded in schedul-
ing presidential candidate Adlai E. Stevenson for a Tuesday ap-
pearance in Ypsilanti. Not to be outdone, campus Young Republi-
cans set plans rolling to bring the controversial GOP vice-presidential
candidate, Sen. Richard Nixon here sometime this month, while Stu-
dents for Stevenson issued an invitation to Averell Harriman to
speak on Oct. 13, so it looked like a big month ahead.
* * *
OLD STUFF-The Student Legislature dragged the familiar skeleton,
the Lecture Committee, out of the University closet for another look.
As a follow-up to a motion made last spring, the group approved
plans to take a poll of current student opinion regarding the com-
* * * *
LEAVE IT TO THE LADIES-University Registrar Ira M. Smith
announced that students are getting smarter all the time, as the
campus average climbed to an unprecedented 2.58 last year. Biggest
factor in the upsweep was the undergraduate women students, who
turned in a new record of 2.66 while the undergraduate men remained
at 2.53. The highest average was achieved by the sororities, followed
by independent women and women's residence halls.
e ' * *
BIBLE PRESENTED-The Revised Standard Version of the Holy
Bible was presented in an impressive ceremony at Hill Auditorium
before more than 3,000 people. President Harlan H. Hatcher gave
the main address, during which he commended Leroy Waterman,
professor-emertius of semantics, for his part in the translation.
SCALPERS, SPARTANS SPARKLE-It was a great day last Sat-
urday for the MSC Spartans, but University fans had their moments
of glory too. The Wolverines swept into a 13-point lead in the first
quarter, only to have the Spartans, reportedly "best team in the na-
tion," storm back to a 27-13 victory. Local rooters, however, could find
comfort in a better than average performance by the Wolverines,
who gave evidence that only a shabby aerial defense was standing
between them and the Rose Bowl.
Before the game, the Union front steps became a miniature mar-
ket-place, as ticket scalpers moved in droves to unload scarce football
ducats on fans unlucky enough to be without seats for the big game.
Students and professionals alike were busily hawking the precious
pasteboards and getting as much as $15 apiece for 50-yard-line seats.
-Diane Decker
* * * *
Political Roundup
NEARLY 15,000 PEOPLE were on hand Wednesday when Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower swung his political campaign into Jackson
as part of a one day whirlwind tour of Michigan.
Ann Arbor students and townspeople, 400 strong, journeyed
from Ann Arbor in a 30-car motor caravan to hear Ike speak
out for economy in government and a workable foreign policy.
According to observers, Eisenhower drew larger crowds and re-
ceived a greater ovation then did Gov. Adlai Stevenson when the Dem-
ocratic nominee covered part of the same Michigan area last Labor
The stop in Jackson was part of a ceremony honoring the "Rock"
where the Republican party was founded in 1854. In his other stops
in Michigan, mostly of the whistle variety, Eisenhower was greeted
by crowds of 5,000 to 20,000 people.
** * *
ON FRIDAY, whistle-stopping through Wisconsin, Ike gave his
endorsement to the controversial Sen. Joseph McCarthy in the latter's
campaign for re-election.
The General said that he differs with McCarthy only on
"the methods of routing Communists from Government" but that
he is asking "the people of Wisconsin to elect the entire slate
they themselves have nominated for our party ticket in Wis-i
Paced by the double-barreled attack of President Truman and
,candidate Stevenson, the Democrats continued their campaign strate-
gy of lambasting the Republicans and defending the Administration's'
In Montana, Trumai accused Eisenhower of being "the spokesman
for Old Guard GOP" and forecast an end to public power reconstruc-
tion if the Republicans gained control of the White House and Con-1
Stevenson, meanwhile, carefully maneuvered gossip of his
Illinois pay fund out of the headlines by disclosing his income
before the critical eyes of reporters. Nothing unusual was found.
Apparently, the ruckus over the $18,000 purses of Stevenson and1
Sen. Richard Nixon was dying down, as a placated public began look-..
ing for other issues to occupy its time.
On the rebel front, Democratic Gov. Allen Shivers of Texas
broke with the party on Thursday when he announced he would
vote for Eisenhower in November.
Gov. Shivers thus joins forces with Gov. James Byrnes of South
Carolina and Gov. Robert Kennon of Louisiana in open rebellion
against the candidacy of Stevenson.1
All in all, it looked like a Republican week, though the nation's
political analysts were still scratching their heads.
-Eric Vettert

Estranged Dem .. .
To the Editor:
IT IS distressing to leave a poli-
tical party, especially when one
still favors the presidential candi-
date of that party. Last week, how-
ever, I resigned from the Young
Democrats, both as secretary and
as a member.
I came to that decision because
the Fair Deal faction of the Demo-
cratic party has succumbed to
pressure groups whose political
goals can only be achieved through
expansion of the federal payroll,
invasion of states rights, and vio-
lation of the federal Constitution.
Probably more from desperation
than conviction, the Fair Dealers
nominated a candidate comparable
to Thomas Jefferson in courage,
intelligence, vision, and statesman-
ship. Endorsement of Adla Stev-
enson by the three leading news-
papers in the South, the Atlanta
Constitution, Louisville Courrier-
Journal and St. Louis Post-Dis-
patch, after they had all expressed
a desire to support Eisenhower
earlier in the year, must show dis-
satisfied Democrats everywhere
that there is at least one party
candidate around which they can
all unite. "
Unfortunately, Adlai Stevenson
is the only Democratic candidate
on the Michigan ballot thus far
who I am certain, as Governor
John Battle of Virginia expressed,
"will return our country to the
constitutional government from
which it has strayed during the
last few years."
-Bernie Backhaut
* * *
Timely Second.. .
To the Editor:
WE WISH to second the timely
editorial by Crawford Young
who commented on the behavior
of those students attending Fri-
day's pep rally. Although the ac-
tual need of arousing a youthful
"rah-rah" spirit might be ques-
tioned, when that spirit was used
to inflict irreparable damage to
other people's personal property-
notably cars-we feel that a sur-
prising lack of maturity and con-
sideration was displayed.
-Barbara Watson
Patty Jewett
*A * *
Note to Critics ..
To the Editor:
BEFORE the 'cultural season'
gets into full swing this year,
I would like to avoid the rush and
make a few suggestions about crit-
On the campus of the Univer-
sity of Michigan we are enabled
to enjoy a variety of tremendous
cultural opportunities. Most of u
have never been able to enjoy so
many chances before and probably
will never be able to again. Those
of us who have come from small
towns have found that our com-
munities did not have the re-
sources to support the arts. Those
of us who come from larger com-
munities found that transportation
facilities were too hectic a price
to endure for an artistic afternoon
or evening.
Now-so much for the introdue;
tion. Here comes the peeve. My
objection is that the attitude of
students is not one of more humil-
ity in the "Michigan Daily." I
know that most students are grate-
ful for the cultural opportunities
that Michigan affords. I think
that the "Daily" should be a co-
ordinator of the student opinion
as well as a leader of it. I do not
see how this can be done when
reviewers consistently express
opinions that are very much
against those of the general stu-
dent body. The "Daily" should sup-
plement and increase interest and
not try to take away interest in
cultural programs because of minor
differences of opinion between ther

critic and the artist.
One method of increasing stu-
dent interest in cultural programs
would be just a "little considera-
tion" that some artists could per-
haps be half-normal, half-decent,
and half-sane people, even though
they may happen to be artists.
Since perfection has never been
reached in any field, one cannot
expect art to be completely per-
fect either. The people who have
been working in the arts most of
their lives have had just a little
more experience than students.
Give them some credit, please,
Another method of improving
student criticism would be to do a
little research on programs before
writing the reviews. There are two
very fine magazines that should
help the film reviewers. They are
"Films in Review" and "Theatre
Arts" which give an excellent
backlog of information on current

pictures. Then, too, there's the
standard "New York Times" thea-
tre section. For the music critics
-a gentle suggestion-try looking
at "The New York Times" music
section or even the "Etude."
I sign this letter in the naive
hope that some "Daily" critic will
modify their ways.
-Jessica Tanner, '55
To the Editor:
AM WRITING this letter in
answer to your reguest in Fri-
day's Daily for comments on the
new comic strip on the editorial
page. I do hope you will overlook
the rather shoddy stationery. The
crops failed and paw just can't
scrape up much dough from his
Anyway, like I was saying, your
new strip aroused my interest and
I would like for you to know that
it looks pretty good from where I
stand. At the moment I am stand-
ing on top of the Union Tower,
spotting planes, and for all I know
it may look better somewhere else,
but this is good enough for me.
You said that "Pogo" and "Pea-
nuts" were all bottled up. Do you
mean this literally? Or have the
capitalistic war-mongers of Wall
Street tied up free enterprise
again. This is a shame. I liked
"Pogo" very much and someday
hoped that it would make the
grade and get into the Daily. Those
capitalists can't stop us red-blood-
ed American UofM students from
reading our favorite comics. If I
want "Pogo," I'll get "Pogo," and
nobody's gonna stop me.
-Bob McSweeny
My Man, Adai .. .
To the Editors:
STUDENTS will be able to hear
one of the most brilliant
speakers of our time when Adlai
Stevenson makes a public appear-
ance in Ypsilanti next Tuesday
afternoon. The Students for
Stevenson group and the Young
Democrats met on Thursday night
and arranged for transportation
to be made available for all those
wishing to make the short trip.
Those interested should be at the
Union at 1 p.m. on Tuesday.
In a college community the in-
tellect is supposedly on a very high
level. Biases are cast aside and
minds are opened-in this elec-
tion year we are all enthusiastic.
This great institution should be
well represented at the Ypsilanti
gathering. Voter or not, you have
before you the opportunity to hear
one of the most exciting campaign
orators ever to run for the presi-
dency of the United States.
-Pat Roeofs
Gwen Arner


At The State . .
FEARLESS FAGAN, with Janet Leigh and
Carleton Carpenter.
CONTRARY TO ADVANCE advertising, it
is highly doubtful whether this picture
contains more than a figment of truth.
Carleton Carpenter is cast as a clumsy,
naive circus clown whose only friend is a
400 pound lion. When the army snags the
young man the logical question is: what is
to be done with his buddy? The logical
answer is: sell him to the circus.
Such cruelty-for Fagan is no ordinary
lion-would be too much for the soldier or
his leonine comrade, and the question re-
mains uppermost throughout the picture.
Janet Leigh, as a Hollywood starlet,
and Keenan Wynn, as a tough sergeant, do
their best to implant a little sanity in the
dense but lovable Carpenter. Miss Leigh
succumbs to his innocent charms, leaving
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.

Wynn and possibly a few members of the
audience as the only sane people in the
theater. Tloe climax to all this silliness
comes when Carpenter placidly lets old
Fagan chew on his left leg while ex-
horting the beast to "take it easy."
Surely very few people will be taken in by
the label of "fact" which this film carries.
The picture is not even funny enough to be
real fiction. Slapstick is present in minor
doeses, but a sentimental attitude toward
the big cat clouds up the whole mess until
it doesn't resemble anything but a "B" pic-
ture. Or maybe "C."
-Tom Arp
[ AM ASHAMED to thin khow easily we
capitulate to badges and names, to large
societies and dead institutions."
MIGHT HAVE lived out my life, talking
on street corners to scornful men. I
might have died unmarked, unknown, a
failure. Now we are not a failure . . . Our
words-our lives- our pains-nothing! The
taking of our lives-lives of a good shoe-

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student 'Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young ... Managing Editor
Cal Samra.........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander ......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz.........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple .............Sports Editor
John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell ....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.......Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green ... ...Business Manager
Milt Goetz......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehn berg ...Finance Manager
Tom Treeger . ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters berein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


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